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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51648453 No.51648453 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51648581

It's funny watching these western whores pretend like Youtube just doesn't exist.

>> No.51648588

reading tweets?

>> No.51648627

Exactly and youtube is not dying anytime soon, it's even making money unlike other platforms.

>> No.51648687

Is he going to kick? kek

>> No.51648691

What a stupid whore. Does she not realize that EVERYBODY is at the whims of one company or another being willing to pay them and not fucking them over? She isn't special, that's literally one of the most fundamental aspects of adulthood.

>> No.51648722

They're just trying to leech as usual. They see xqc get a 100 million kick deal and think they're somehow important or big enough to get a piece of that pie (they aren't)

>> No.51648729

youtube dont like reaction video
lewd stuff and copyrights

>> No.51648946

It happened with ninja and mixer, and it'll happen with xqc and kick, leaving a bunch of creators stuck in a floundering service.

>> No.51649010
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i dont understand the appeal of twitch
dont they delete vods?

>> No.51649150

>play game
>game uses DMCA music
>can't make money from VOD
>sometimes you might even need to delete it because of copyright strikes
Yeah, I wonder why.

>> No.51649154

better discoverability than youtube
human support that's not great but still much better than youtube's robots
higher video quality and lower latency than youtube
large amount of third party tools, most popular are chat addons

>> No.51649277

youtube is shit for chat interaction
your chuuba only reads the superchats and that's it

>> No.51649327

Twitch has mandated LGBTP support, really shit UI, no archives, really shit audio alerts, shitty emoticons cluttering the video, somewhat annoying to block ads, etc.

>> No.51649339

>Twitch chat emote spam is """""""chat interaction""""""

>> No.51649431

honestly even xqc's chat might be better than the best youtube chat and they're absolutely braindead

>> No.51649432

Imagine if they had to get real jobs

>> No.51649434

they both have youtube channels but youtube livestreaming has horrible video quality and you're constantly at the mercy of the pajeet algorithms to recommend you and not delete your channel for no reason

>> No.51649480

>higher video quality
So true, you only need to turn that stream to 936p for better bitrate. kek

>> No.51649516

stop using the P you disingenuous cunt

>> No.51649546

Stop molesting children then faggot.

>> No.51649555

youtube is full of reaction "content"

>> No.51649609

One hololive streamer can have more viewers than a whole game category on twitch even with drops enabled + new game buff. The entire platform is trying its hardest to push people away and they seem to be succeeding.

>> No.51649628

>better discoverability than youtube
Yet a majority of the viewersship is watching only the top 10ish streamers.

>> No.51649697

Not molesting children. take it up with /a/ to stop perving on children

>> No.51649716

/vt/ what did you do to zen? What's he upset about?

>> No.51649737

Exactly. The discoverability meme is retarded. It's technically true in theory, but doesn't work in practice. That's why being a 2 view puts you in the top 1% of the platform.

>> No.51649766

Bitrate and resolution are unrelated on twitch, you can have 6000kbps and 720p if you want

>> No.51649825

If the fags want children at drag shows and "pride" parades with dudes with their arses hanging out then they get the P.
Drawn children don't have rights.

>> No.51649836

The main difference between the talent on Youtube and Twitch is their attitude towards their fans.
Youtubers have something like Japanese idol culture, and talent always remember to thank their fans.
Twitch, on the other hand, has a Western celebrity culture, and the talent always thinks only of how to make themselves seem cool.

>> No.51649878

Most of these girls only know to stream because of the twitch chat culture

>> No.51649932

>large amount of third party tools
That's not a positive at all.

>> No.51649951

now imagine working minimum wage without an army of simps throwing money at you whether you fail or succeed. streamers have zero self-awareness. i hope they all fail.

>> No.51649962

But thats the same on twitch, except instead of losing money you get banned

>> No.51649974

Kys YT shill

>> No.51650278

So which live streaming platform pays the most? To sum up – streaming on Trovo, Kick, or YouTube pays more than streaming on Twitch. Nevertheless, Twitch still is the most popular platform offering the most diversified audience.

>> No.51650308

twitch emote spam didn't use to be this bad, even when it was only bttv, it wasn't that bad. Now when there are millions of alternatives, you either have addons installed or you see bunch of gibberish in chat.

>> No.51650310

Don't want children at pride(it should be a protest not a party) and i don't want them at dragshows either.

>> No.51650341

people who grew up playing wow thinks the fact that there's thousands of addons to fix the shitty base UI is a good thing, and then the same mentality translated over to things like twitch.
Asking the devs to actually fix their shit? Preposterous.

>> No.51650506

Any examples?
Because DMCA music only mutes a portion of the VOD and it is not even guaranteed.

>> No.51650571

Congratulations, you're a honorary straight white male according to the alphabet mob and you are not a member of the LGBTP.

>> No.51650660

i think it's dependant on the audience you foster
Melody gets way beter numbers on chaturbate and filians audience would follow her to kick

>> No.51650662

>dont they delete vods?
After like, 2 weeks IIRC. Although they do have an unlimited highlight feature, so you can just highlight your entire VOD start to finish and that'll save it permanently

>> No.51650670
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Keep them away from the catholic church too

>> No.51650768

They know they would never make it there

>> No.51650825

lmao my entire livelihood is tied to the contractor I work for
and i still have no problem telling them to eat shit if they don't treat me fairly or safely lmao, what a shitty excuse
The reality of the situation is Gen Z retards want to complain about "no alternatives", and nobody wants to make them, or when they DO exist nobody wants to move because "well, everything is on here already".

Fuck off, either move or stop complaining.

>> No.51650847

i think a month beferoe get deleted

>> No.51650877

What about people who were starting to make it on Youtube, then migrated to Twitch to become forever barely 2 views?

>> No.51650904

Not us, twitter freaks harassing Zen for doing a test stream on Kick platform. Its pretty much Silvervale all over again with the freaks calling out Zen for not doing her research on Kick and how she owes them an apology and to do better before they can forgive, IF they can forgive her.

>> No.51651047

Not true. The VOD is just muted in that portion which still can suck for VOD viewers. If Youtube implemented this system instead of demonetization, streamers would abandon Twitch in droves.

Also, I thought Vshojo was forced to only stream on Twitch or was it simply a ban on Youtube streams?

>> No.51651109
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>> No.51651131

Thats why you auto export your vods to youtube.
lol lmao

>> No.51651220

Sex with Giri

>> No.51651272

what is this bizarre meme about twitch having a better chat? do you mean the zoomer emotes or something?

>> No.51651307

Public schools too.

>> No.51651316

>for not doing her research on Kick and how she owes them an apology
QRD on what drama Kick has had?

>> No.51651424

>better discoverability than youtube
Click Explore>Gaming or Live
>human support that's not great but still much better than youtube's robots
What's the point? Customer service? Chat?
>higher video quality and lower latency than youtube
You can stream 4K on youtube, but 720p on twitch
>large amount of third party tools, most popular are chat addons
Ex-Twitch streamers offer extensions for YoutubeLive.

>> No.51651518

more like they dont want to ask for any perms at the first place

>> No.51651562

The chat delay is like 0.5 seconds on Twitch. On youtube, it can be near 5 seconds or longer for the vtuber to see your comment. Kills interaction with games.

>> No.51651629

Come back when YT finally has a streaming interface / page for being able to search streams. Also come back when they fix their garbage chat. They still have a long ways to go to become desirable as a streaming platform. Too bad they are too focused on YouTube shorts to put any resources into their streaming side.

>> No.51651638

Xqc streamed on Twitch yesterday so I dont know if he's even exclusive

>> No.51651674

Isn't the perm thing only for Japanese companies?
Other than maybe Squeenix or Atlus noone is going to go after Jenny McTitsBig.

>> No.51651676 [DELETED] 

Youtube is an objectively awful streaming platform that you only prefer because of Holo/Niji brand loyalty. There is literally no benefit to using Youtube, the community of braindead SEAniggers is not better no matter how hard you cope.

>> No.51651708

from what I know, kick is the place where all the gambling streams are and normies love that shit

>> No.51651825

I hate Twitch woke culture that has permeated most of the Western indie vtuber scene there. There are great exceptions there but you have to wade through so much trash.

>> No.51651857

>Also, I thought Vshojo was forced to only stream on Twitch
you shouldn't believe the shit the literal children in /#/ make up

>> No.51651864

what streamer are you watching that can read your comment in 0.5s and react to it?

>> No.51651865

Apparently according to the 'freaks', it cultivates a community full of deplorables and the owner/ceo/whatever of Kick wants trannies to all die off. They pretty much consider streaming on Kick as the equivalent of being a JK Rowling supporter.

>> No.51651956

>Kills interaction with games
>will see the pogchamp and kekw spam 5 seconds after the funny epic fail moment happened

>> No.51652012

It's a stream settings. If the streamer set it that way, they probably aren't interested in realtime chat interaction that much.

>> No.51652189

Most of Kick's controversy comes from two aspects: First, the platform started kind of as a "detention classroom" for Twitch, where a lot of Twitch's most controversial streamers went to stream after they got banned. It has since gotten rid of most of this stigma, but some twitter types still complain about it. Second, Kick allows gambling streams, unlike Twitch, and all of its biggest streamers are in the gambling category. There's a whole can of worms about how ethical this is, considering how most of all streamer's audiences are underaged and being sold a gambling fantasy that is often a complete sham, with streamers playing with house money via shady contracts. Overall though, Kick is only going to get more popular considering how it has a 95-5% revenue split in favor of the streamer, and it recently got a massive contract with XQC, which is only going to bring more people to the platform.

>> No.51652241

tbf, Zen did say she (he?, I don't remember where we're at on that) would also be using YouTube later in the thread.

>> No.51652289

the only "chat interaction" hololive streamers care about are red supas

>> No.51652305
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>better discoverability than youtube
Youtube shows everyone recommendations for similar content on the side of the screen when you watch a video.
Twitch shows you fuckall about other creators while watching a stream, and nobody browses the directory for 1views and 0views execpt groomers.

>> No.51652325

comeback if you can skip ad for free on tiwtch

>> No.51652366

It's also just a shit site.

>> No.51652413

Don't just put your eggs in only one basket.
Learn how to diversify and try other platform.

>> No.51652514

Maybe that 5 seconds are for the moderators to delete inappropriate comments.
If you don't believe me, check out the 2views stream on Youtube.

>> No.51652670

The ones with ADHD can.

>> No.51652723

just stream on youtube
you dont need to support a gmabling site to have another option than twitch
sponsors arent even going to touch kick with a 10ft pole.

>> No.51653074

Fuck that. Use as many platforms as possible.

>> No.51653078 [DELETED] 

So is Twitch

>> No.51653091

>Adin Ross existing
>Streaming real time events
>Unmoderated streamers saying things that won’t attract real long lasting talent
>Gambling streams

>> No.51653299
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>and you're constantly at the mercy of the pajeet algorithms to recommend you
Atleast you can game the Youtube algorithm to get recommended, Idol already showed that off by having Gura in the title of their shorts.
What can you do on Twitch to get noticed? Chase trends, coombait and try to collab grind until you collab with someone popular to try and steal their viewers?

>> No.51653378

Those are cancer too but they're usually regular videos with some filter to get around copyright detection, not really feasible for livestreams

>> No.51653467

Not a single streamer sees and reacts to a comment in 0.5 seconds. 5 seconds is just fine.

>> No.51653580

LGBTP is just as much as a religion.

>> No.51653605

bat at videogames

>> No.51653625

He should leave VTubing for good. Fucking disgrace.

>> No.51653626

Because they can't do react content (other than tiktok iirc) on youtube, it basically kills 50% of their content.

>> No.51653665

>Troon and some literal who want to leave
Well don't let us stop you

>> No.51653673

She reads every dumb thing I say!

>> No.51653752

its not, kick actually doesnt want them to stream exclusively there.

>> No.51653768

5 seconds is too long tho, a lot of twitch streamers that have streamed on youtube complained about the delay, so it is clearly noticeable by them.

>> No.51653806


>> No.51653815

That and TikTok I think but this uwu all inclusive uwu safe space streamer who believes in doing the right things is suddenly interested in Kick?
I $$ can’t $$ tell $$ why $$

>> No.51653879

Don't discount how much better buying ads is. On twitch you here to contact them and deal with an actual marketing team, Youtube lets you do it through a dashboard and someone rubber stamps it.

>> No.51653917

Do you really think Kick wants to waste bandwidth on normal gaming streams?

>> No.51653974
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>It has since gotten rid of most of this stigma
lmao what no it hasn't. Look at the date on this story and this guy is basically the poster boy for Kick right now.

>> No.51654348

Based, how do I invest in kick?
What's his stance on jews?

>> No.51654360

Isn't it crazy how corps can use the media to paint any new competitor as "nazi"/an enemy of the people to keep them from growing?

>> No.51654437
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He is Jewish actually.

>> No.51654560

Thanks for warning me.

>> No.51654594

To begin with, I don't see western steamer culture surviving in 3 years.
Even video game companies are more interested TikTok than twitch.

>> No.51654983

>It has since gotten rid of most of this stigma,
no is not

>> No.51655138

I'm not sure why people think zen's a guy. Maybe she just doesn't want to get doxxed?

>> No.51655139

Where did Kick even get enough money to sign streamers? Do people love watching gambling that much?

>> No.51655253

Nijicucks ans holocucks are this upset vtubers can be popular on sites other then youtube?

>> No.51655354

The actual streams dont need to make money; it's just gotten really hard to advertise gambling, so they're happy to burn some money to do it

>> No.51655364

kick don't pander to lgbt or any snowflaking metric
some unhinged shit can happen on kick
The reason alot of people are "trying" kick is not just for "more options"
They are "trying" kick because of how much they are paying for watch hours and the insanity of a 95/5 subs split

A quick look at https://twitchtracker.com/zentreya/subscribers
Zen has 5.3k active subs but 2580 non-gifted subs. We can't really say this is exactly US$5,00 x 2580 monthly paying subs since regional pricing exist
but whatever the final result is, twitch is taking 50% of the money
Then kicks shows up saying you gonna keep 95% of the subs money? after twitch removed the exclusivity to partner? you bet your ass people gonna "try" kick

>> No.51655375
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Unregulated crypto gambling. Basically exists purely to ruin people's lives and drain their money. Kick also has a strange tendency to place gambling streamers in your "recommended" section at all times. Just went right now without being signed into an account and there's been at least 2 recommended every time I've looked.

>> No.51655427

I think they're trying to hedge their bets. Some people think this might be the death of twitch (a slow bleed of talent) so better to get in early.

They want them to start streaming on twitch for an hour or two then swap over to Kick to directly funnel viewers from there and hope they'll stay. The problem with mixer was that fans didn't want to take the initial step of watching but if the first half of your stream is on twitch, they'll be more likely to follow over to see the rest.

>> No.51655438


YT is generally trash for streaming. It's much better for vods and videos in general but for live streaming it's shit.

>> No.51655477

this is about music not perms to play the game
doesn't matter if the game company allows anything if the song used is DMCA'ble you gonna get fucked by records label

>> No.51655483

Hololive's sakura miko uses Twitch just to do amazon prime watchlong streams once a month.
It is interesting to note, however, that her channel has more subscribers than most full-time Twitch Vtubers.

>> No.51655543

You retards are missing the point. It doesn't matter if the streamer can't react to every single message, the fact that it is so fucking delayed on YouTube takes away a lot from the interaction, so the viewers aren't really incentivized to type in chat. YouTube streams are only for background noise, in Twitch you have immediate and varied options to interact with the stream (chat, emotes, TTS, sound alerts, etc).

YouTube's chat is absolute dogshit and it's holding back the streamers, that's a fact. Twitch on the other hand is a bullshit thieving conniving platform that can't die soon enough, but their chat should be industry standard. Two things can be true at once.

>> No.51655565

You can use channel points to highlight messages or control stuff on stream, games also connect to twitch chat so they can influence stuff on vampire survivors, cult of the lamb, etc.

>> No.51655581

Also YouTube has a members option which is kind of like subbing with prime on twitch I guess? What does subbing with prime even get you? Emotes and that’s it? Are there sub only posts, videos, streams? I got gifted a prime sub once and all I got were emotes which doesn’t really change the experience at all. Being a member on YouTube is way more interesting than being a sub on twitch.

>> No.51655599

Gambling is extremely profitable, especially if you target vulnerable people and don't set limits on how much you can bet etc... You don't even need a lot of people, a handful of whales are enough, so a couple thousand of xqc's 100k viewers

>> No.51655640

Competition is good you know otherwise youtube will keep on being shit forever

>> No.51655651

>There is literally no benefit to using Youtube
I don't need an adblock to watch streams on youtube, since on YT the streamer hold the power to choose for real unlike twitch

>> No.51655913

In short, you're a poorfag.

>> No.51655934

>and it recently got a massive contract with XQC, which is only going to bring more people to the platform
Remember when Ninja went to mixer?

>> No.51655964


>> No.51656008

No ads on that streamer's lives.

>> No.51656013

Imagine not wanting Youtube to improve the chat experience...how retarded can you be

>> No.51656041

Kick is owned by an online gambling company

>> No.51656083 [DELETED] 

SEAnigger cope. 5-10 dollars is to much for you to send a superchat?

>> No.51656115

Good, I'm there to watch the chuuba not listen to her repeat some faggot's name for backseat gaming

>> No.51656126

A Vtuber: "I hate Twitch because the only audience is like country villagers! I want to see a bigger world!"
/here/: "Youtube sucks! Tiktok sucks! KICK sucks! and anyone who criticize Twitch are holosucks!"

>> No.51656151

>Those Japanese agencies on YouTube pander to parasocial incels it's disgusting

>> No.51656163

Are you really so desperate to give YouTube your money that you'd rather they rely solely on SC for good chat interaction?

>> No.51656180

Oh, so it won't actually fade into irrelevance, it will get killed by IRS in about 6 months.

>> No.51656195

How do they make money other than funding from the gambling industry?

>> No.51656261

Have you ever seen live youtube chat? Everybody streams with <2s delay and chat interaction works just fine.

>> No.51656312

>Click Explore>Gaming or Live
Doesn't work. The VTubers I'm subbed to doesn't show up when I tried this method, even though they were live. I just searched now and only found two or three vtubers and it's not showing the VTuber I'm subbed to, even though she's Live now. There's no fucking way only three vtubers are currently streaming on YouTube.
You can find more new VTubers via the search term vtuber on Twitch and there's an entire category for VTubers if you search for it on Kick.

YouTube is trash for discoverability.

>> No.51656347

You are the one that bring the 'highlight' message thing as an example of a 'good chat'. You have the exact same feature in Youtube in the form of a SC. So if you don't want to use it is simply because you are poor.

>> No.51656379

You phrased it in a gay way but you’re not wrong. On average most creators keep 30% viewership video to video with the rest being tourist. You have to grateful to the ones that keep coming back. Twitch on the other hand is usually the same audience so they get entitled

>> No.51656410

You can just say you've never watched a YouTube stream before, retard. Streamers interact just fine with viewers on YouTube and the viewers type a lot in chat.

>> No.51656437

Just click on "live" tag on top.

>> No.51656492

This is the main reason. I randomly browsed the VTuber category and found a chuuba who managed to bait a new sub in order to "calculate" her earnings for the 95/5 split. She was shilling the split so hard.

>> No.51656509

The only chuubas that use Youtube are corpos that are forced to, no one streams on Youtube by choice because it's a dogshit streaming platform.

>> No.51656507

what are the chances she's joining VStream?
offkai was shilling them as some kind of twitch alternative for vtubers

>> No.51656583
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Who the fuck cares

Imagine staning a fucking video platform, holy shit

>> No.51656592

>If Youtube implemented this system instead of demonetization, streamers would abandon Twitch in droves.
But YouTube does have this system. You can mute claimed parts in the editor afterwards, and it works the same.

>> No.51656636

Twitch "interaction" is 99.999% emote spam and if it was nuked tomorrow nothing of value would be lost.
>their chat should be industry standard
They have the worst chat in the industry.

>> No.51656671
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The gambling criticism makes no sense considering the state of video games and their accessibility to children already. Children are already getting scammed in their fortnite and loot box gachas, what's the big deal with a streaming platform that allows gambling? Let's not pretend that the entirety of a person's life is somewhat of a scam anyways. Just teach people to be responsible. ez clap

>> No.51656721

In what world is Slot, Poker and Casino Slot Machine not gambling? The Categories are always there at the top. There were a few big cases where streamers even owned a gambling site and manipulated the odds for other streamers to promote their site. Twitch was always shady. It has a built in voting system where you can use bits (as in real money) to vote again and ofc there is the inbuilt gambling system for virtual points.

>> No.51656737


>> No.51656757

Kick got a bad rep because it is backed by Stake which is an online gambling website, too

>> No.51656809

Hololive fans only watch Hololive
Nijisanji fans only watch Nijisanji
Twitch simps only watch Twitch

>> No.51656810

I love it when companies completely stagnate and don't seek to improve the QOL at all. Keep simping for a billion dollar company anon, it's a real good look.

>> No.51656840

Did you miss how (self-)regulated gacha is?

>> No.51656843

Stake requires age verification to withdraw funds but not to deposit.

>> No.51656857
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Are people actually defending youtube's fucking atrocious streaming? I have Hime set to notify me the moment she streams and somehow the notification comes 20 minutes late if at all, when I know for a fact she's streaming she doesn't even show up under subs even though I can see everyone else streaming, I need to go to her channel and go specifically to her live tab to see she's streaming despite clicking that dumbass bell which should have already told me she was streaming in the first place.
Shit on Twitch for being a retarded faggot ad nightmare but don't pretend that YouTube is the paragon of livestreaming.

>> No.51656878

I do watch streams on YT an even the small corpo 3view chuubas I enjoy have a stupid delay in chat that makes the interaction clumsy. We live in an age where you can send a dick pic to any place with internet connection in miliseconds, so the delay in chat is bullshit. Accepting it and defaulting to supas for your oshi to see your message is pure copium.

Also it's ridiculous that we can't use the emotes of channels we are members of in other streams. A lot of retards here complain about
"muh zoomer emotes lel" on Twitch but they at least spice up the chat, are varied, customizable and even funny. Yes, they have some of those even for you, bitter oji-san. Or you can make your own.

>> No.51656920

>online gambling website

which is the better??

>> No.51657005

I love it when a company successfully brainwashes retarded manchildren to defend their anti-consumer practices.

Good on you for having enougn money to throw at your screen, but she's still NOT gonna fuck you.

>> No.51657029
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>Only 4 Live right now vs. six million on Twitch and Kick
Yeah nah. Shit discoverability. At least this tag shows the one I'm subbed to, Shiki.

>> No.51657042

You never watched YT stream. I've been watching streamer who set delay to 8s and she has one of the best chats around.

Yes, the technology could be better, but your argument is shit. Twitch has the worst audience in the business.

>> No.51657136

>Also, I thought Vshojo was forced to only stream on Twitch or was it simply a ban on Youtube streams?
That's only poor Nazuna.

>> No.51657157

>I do watch streams on YT an even the small corpo 3view chuubas I enjoy have a stupid delay in chat that makes the interaction clumsy
Stop being a poorfag living in some subhuman garbage dump and move somewhere better that has a good internet connection. Literally never had this problem you speak of on YouTube.
>Accepting it and defaulting to supas for your oshi to see your message is pure copium.
And yet the ones I watch regularly interact with their chats outside of supas. No one else is bitching about this but you. The only one huffing copium here is you.
>spice up the chat
>brainless emote spam is "spicing" up the chat
Yeah, anything you say from this point on can be safely dismissed. Only a retarded Twitch kiddie who spams emotes all the time would argue that emote spam is spicing up the chat and funny.

>> No.51657173

yeah but Youtube doesn't allow for Talent FreedomTM in the same way Twitch does.Think of all the boob streams they won't be able to do! They may even have to not make streams that consist solely of playground potty humor.

I shutter at the thought.

>> No.51657177

You switched the argument from the delay in chat to the audience, so your point is automatically invalid.

Also delay of 8 seconds? Holy shit your streamer really doesn't give a fuck about what you have to say huh. Why even watch live at that point?

>> No.51657289

>delayed on YouTube takes away a lot from the interaction, so the viewers aren't really incentivized to type in chat.
No, you did.

>> No.51657314

>twitchkiddies think having to be nice to chat is bad
this is why everyone hates twitch

>> No.51657317

>better discoverability
most people only watch the top streamers on Twitch. They aren't scrolling down to watch some random 2view. Only discoverability you'll get is when a big streamer hosts you

>> No.51657366

>I do watch streams on YT
No you don't.
>the delay in chat
YT chat has no perceivable delay unless the streamer intentionally adds delay.
>Also it's ridiculous that we can't use the emotes of channels we are members of in other streams
No it isn't. That would be fucking retarded.
>they at least spice up the chat, are varied, customizable and even funny.
Twitch emotes are turbocancer and they make Twitch chat virtually unreadable.

>> No.51657449

It also has a built in censoring tool in order to blur stuff out afterwards if you got a strike for showing copyright content/images.

>> No.51657465 [DELETED] 

Chat is for le funny, not to write fucking novels, retard. Every nigger in this board loves to bitch about emote spam, but if one of their chuubas decided to not add any emotes for membership you'd be bitching and complaining about that too.
Stop huffing glue and admit you only hate Twitch chat because it's Twitch's.

>> No.51657487

>>twitchkiddies think having to be nice to chat is bad
no one said that you seamonkey

>> No.51657561

>Chat is for le funny,
Wrong. Chat is for communicating with the streamer. The mindset that chat is for "le funny" is the reason why Twitch chat is a piece of shit drowning in emote spam.

>> No.51657643

What? You mean how they do terrible pay2win gacha shit until there's a mass pushback, they pull some of it back, wait a bit, and do it all over again?

>> No.51657654

this right here. discoverability died on twitch when they went to endless scrolling instead of pages. tbf it's in their interest to have a few big streamers instead of hundreds medium sized.

>> No.51657746

What is retarded is to be confined to the same basic emotes in every stream. There's no reason not to allow you to have your own library of emotes to use wherever you want, but I kinda understand that tribalist, brand-loyal idiots like you would ruin that in seconds for the streamers.So I will concede that point, we can't have nice things without retards shitting on them.

>Actually reading chat instead of using it to meme on the streamer

>> No.51657750

I don't get it

>> No.51657816

>Chat is for le funny, not to write fucking novels, retard.
>but also spamming emotes on twitch is perfectly fine because chat is for le funny despite there being no chat interaction between the streamer and chat when you just spam emotes like a retard
Can you at least try to fucking stay consistent? You're actually genuinely fucking retarded and you just keep proving why no one should be taking anything you say seriously. Several times now you've said the opposite of the things you've been arguing for in this thread. Stop embarrassing yourself, retard.

>> No.51657847

>There's no reason not to allow you to have your own library of emotes to use wherever you want
Can you really not think of any? Really?

>> No.51657866 [DELETED] 

If it's for communicating with streamer then the delay is inexcusable and you just proved me right.

Learn to have fun nigger, your existence actively makes the platform you use worse.

>> No.51657946

The problem with having your own library is that people will spam other vtubers emotes in your chat while you fight your hardest to stay above being a 2viewer. Might as well spam "hey check this other streamer out"

>> No.51657996

Oh, chat is for "le funny" now? I thought it was for interaction between streamer and chat? At least that's what you said earlier, which is why you said the YouTube chat delay is a problem. How is a streamer supposed to interact with the chat when all they do is spam emotes all the time like retards for "le funny"?
Twitch kiddies just keep proving how retarded they are.

>> No.51658034
File: 18 KB, 382x530, 1685566714065240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

click the Vtuber tag on twitch
top 5 results are 3 non-Vtuber males and 2 Vshojo whores
oh shit one of the dudes is even dating a Vshojo whore
wow great totally not cancer

>> No.51658065

>entire livelihood tied to a platform
Who's fucking fault is that, I wonder?

>> No.51658084 [DELETED] 

Two things can be true at once, nigger. The fact that you can't wrap your mind around that fact just shows how smooth brained you are and explains your retardation. My condolences to your mom.

>> No.51658188

>What is retarded is to be confined to the same basic emotes in every stream
No, what's retarded is taking one streamer's emotes into another streamer's chat. There's no fucking reason to do it unless you're a brainrotted emote spammer with a negative I.Q. who just wants to sit there shitting up chat with walls of rainbow Pepes.
>There's no reason not to allow you to have your own library of emotes
Yes there is. It makes each streamer's chat more unique when retards can't bring in 10,000 emotes from outside.
>tribalist, brand-loyal
Kek. Youtube's a piece of shit but their chat is better than Twitch's in every conceivable way.

>> No.51658217

First, it was worse 5 years ago. Some rules were never backtracked. Second, the poster implies that gacha is not regulated, which, as you admit, is, even if just temporarily.

>> No.51658241

>If it's for communicating with streamer then the delay is inexcusable
Delay is irrelevant. And YT chat usually has no delay, anyway. Try again.

>> No.51658280

None of that is true.

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.51658365

Twitch chat are hiveminds, you can tell what emote they're spamming by what the streamer is doing

>> No.51658372

>most people only watch the top streamers on Twitch.
Do people think this isn't true on Youtube? Actually discoverability is just a joke in general, you make it as a vtuber by having prior networking, i.e. being popular online and having the right friends.

>> No.51658387

Retard. Emotes are one of the rewards for memberships and a way to make chat truly unique to the streamer. When everybody spams gifted emotes from the top streamer on platform, it's nothing but a cesspool.

>> No.51658418

If you watch a rival company, you are betraying the one you support.

>> No.51658465

Isn't Zentreya a Manwhore? I mean a man using a female avi? How have they remain irrelevent among a group of whores? I don't get it.

>> No.51658506

nah not implying YT is any better if you want discoverability there are better ways of going about it then relying on the tag

>> No.51658539

>t-two things can be true at once!
Only when your arguments keep getting picked apart, apparently. By that logic, then there is no problem whatever chat delay there is on YouTube since there are plenty of YouTube streamers who interact just fine with their chats (which is a delay that the vast majority don't experience btw).
I accept your concession though. Keep proving how retarded you are, Twitch kiddie.

>> No.51658542

And /lig/gers will prop this dumb bitch up as someone you should watch.

>> No.51658556
File: 300 KB, 411x437, drunkard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think whatever 'regulations' there are on gacha are kind of a joke seeing as the companies behind them skirt the lines as closely as possible regardless. They're always looking for new ways to get kids into the gamba culture.

Pretty shady but not unexpected. We can't rely on government regulations to impede this kind of thing alone. Money will always win out unless the companies are found to be doing something egregious, which encouraging gambling is not.

>> No.51658625

Stream delay on twitch is same as on youtube when set properly. Check advanced stats. When you turn off low latency on twitch it jums to 10s delay which is worse than middle settings on youtube.

>> No.51658711

In some sense it is true. A fan of Hololive probably won't watch Nijisanji. A fan of lets say JRPGs will watch both companies and a fan of Matsuri probably has no problems with watching streamers from other companies.

>> No.51658726
File: 39 KB, 600x600, FXKasdFakAAYtYW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect people these days have a hard time coping when there's something that's out of their control. That shows when content creators, implicitly mostly but also explicitly, talk about the power to control whatever they want to express themselves. Like, it's as if they don't have a way to make peace with themselves when that situation arises.

>> No.51658761

She's a neet who quit her six figure job to go make cooking streams. I don't think Giri is going to understand how adulting works anytime soon.

>> No.51658880

I don't know why anyone would stream on twitch over youtube if they know that twitch is 50/50 while youtube is 70/30.

>> No.51658916

Well, they can stream on kick since it's 95/5

>> No.51658977

The general audience is lazy and fucking stupid.
If you stream to 1000 people regularly on Twitch, but then switch to Youtube and only 200 people followed you over, the split doesn't mean anything.

>> No.51659145

tribal fags and other things. The new twitch rules that they backtracked on are the norm on youtube but it's the bread and butter for small twitch streamers. I haven't seen a single youtube stream with burned in ads like on twitch.

>> No.51659207

It's the culture. Youtube was far behind with adding the same gimmicks twitch has and the streaming UI is a lot cleaner.

>> No.51659370

That's just number brainrot. Most of those who didn't follow were never supporters. They made no money to the streamer and probably never even interacted. All income is made from 10% of viewers at best and they follow the streamer.

Twitch has massive problem with open&forget viewers and they know it. And advertisers know it too.

>> No.51659376
File: 350 KB, 1555x574, twitch is shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you open twitch right now and check the vtuber tag you will find this. It only gets worse the more you scroll down
Better dicoverability my ass

>> No.51659465

Twitch doesn’t want to go after their top earners who abuse tags so they don’t enforce mistagging.

>> No.51659478

>Move to Youtube
>Make 1/10th what you make on twitch
>Algorithm automatically shadow bans you for being a vtuber and keeps you at sub 200 viewers
>random copyright strike removes all your income
>Watch hopeless how Holoshit Nijishit monopolizes the platform
Kill yourself fucking retard.

>> No.51659539

It's funny watching this board continue to be so incredibly out of touch and delusional about yt being a good broadcasting platform

>> No.51659554
File: 34 KB, 532x157, filsub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more subs than most of hololive
>would rather stream on twitch than youtube

>> No.51659597

You already can't make money from VODs on Twitch and other streaming platforms, so what's the downside to having only some of your VODs monetized? You can just turn monitization off on all your VODs and be at the same income level as Twitch. People like you really overblow how bad demonization is.

>> No.51659610

>make up random bullshit and pretend it's fact
>get enraged about it

>> No.51659617

She has literally no content if she tried streaming on youtube since being a react streamer would net her a instant ban on youtube

>> No.51659660

That's 8 chuubas vs. the 4 in my screenie; and the only argument anti-twitchtards can come up with is "people don't scroll down lol". I couldn't even scroll down on Youtube! It ended there! So does a no-name chuuba want a site where streamers abuse tags and "most people don't scroll down lol" vs. a site where YOU DON'T GET LISTED AT ALL BECAUSE YOUTUBE IS A FAGGOT?

>> No.51659669

>Two things can be true at once
You're too retarded to even realize you're killing your own argument by saying this, but alright then; YouTube chat delay doesn't matter because YouTube streamers can interact just fine with their chats anyway (as is proven by countless YouTube streams).
Two things can be true at once, right? Your own words. Or do you want to add hypocrite to your list of titles along with retard, twitch kiddie and goalpost mover? Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.51659678

>YouTube le bad because I cant post my pepes

>> No.51659686

>so they don’t enforce mistagging
Wow, what a great site.

>> No.51659776

So you can't be a react steamer on youtube but uploading react stream vods to youtube that were streamed on twitch is ok? I don't get it

>> No.51659781
File: 936 KB, 1181x816, p11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typically gets below 2k CCV in Twitch

>> No.51659788

It’s funny, I have a Twitch streamer I watch that just posts his vods straight up onto YouTube and says it makes him half his income. Lots of people do, sure a few will get demonetized but it’s actually valid strategy unlike Twitch vods lmao

>> No.51659852

Japs hate Twitch desu

>> No.51659916

>no content
>when most of her popular shorts on youtube have nothing to do with reactions

>> No.51659930
File: 472 KB, 1592x786, chuubas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep lying

>> No.51659988

Forgot to mention, I am only subbed to the first 4

>> No.51660078

Good for you, but my screenie was real. So why the difference? Also, scroll down lol.

>> No.51660125

You are talking about shorts retard. A stream isn’t 1 min long Lmao

>> No.51660139
File: 1.41 MB, 1649x580, 1680622026456562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also choose to show recommendations to you instead of high-low views on twitch

>> No.51660207

I can scroll down all I want

>> No.51660226

They are too stupid to use the “Live” tag. I’ve literally had this same conversations with a twitch tard before months ago

>> No.51660257

That's strange considering I see lots of Japanese streamers on Twitch.

>> No.51660271
File: 264 KB, 458x400, 1666160304935657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube is good for a lot of things, but streaming isn't one of them, especially with it's terrible bitrate.

>> No.51660276
File: 2.72 MB, 2093x1251, recommended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51660320

it shows that her content isn’t just reacting you melt
she usually has one reaction stream per week

>> No.51660362

What? YouTube has better infrastructure than Twitch by a long shot. This is the one pro every streamer mentions if they compared the platforms. How did you come to believe otherwise?

>> No.51660363

Yeah, now it's showing a good mix of 'low' viewer chuubas that can help for discoverability

>> No.51660397

Their top guys reclined desu. Holo top girls beat them now(would have gotten your ass laughed at 3 yrs ago) and there are a couple Jap YouTubers that get XQC numbers when they go live

>> No.51660404

Why are you replying to a image of ironmouse

>> No.51660478

Tbf even Kick have better discovery for Vtubers than youtube

>> No.51660515

Asmongold on his main channel laughs at hololives numbers

>> No.51660533

that's her contents don't even want to know what kind of subhumans watch her

>> No.51660637
File: 1.08 MB, 2376x660, fitting vtubers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah I just tried searching using filters, happy to be able to do it but you still have to scroll down more on Youtube than Twitch since Twitch fits more streams in one window. THE IRONY!
Nice goalpost-moving, faggot.

>> No.51660656

don't you have some only up to watch?

>> No.51660796

>live channels
desu that is the main reason twitch has terrible discoverability
it only recomends people that are live but never the vods of past streams.

>> No.51660821

>only up
better than reacts and shorts

>> No.51660844

This. I'm pretty sure at least 50% of your "viewers" on Twitch at any time are just using your stream as white noise and don't even donate or use the chat.

>> No.51660857

Bruh, it's a livestream platform

>> No.51660866


>> No.51660908

Good joke

>> No.51660916

being able to be dsicovered while not streaming is what makes youtube better in that aspect over twitch.

>> No.51660983

if they promoted past streams more discoverability wouldnt be that much of an issue.

>> No.51660989

baffling take

>> No.51661057

Ok Anon what is her other content besides reacting

>> No.51661181

I find it very odd that people simp for actual streaming platforms when they both suck for different reasons. Twitch has been really doing stupid shit lately though.

>> No.51661201

Go look up the takes of actual streamers when they talk about growing between the two platforms. Everyone says you should look to doing things on YouTube, even if your preferred streaming platform is Twitch. Why? Because you're effectively dead if you're not live on Twitch. You don't exist. There is no content of you on the platform if you're not live.

>> No.51661289

not really, part of why the culture of twitch is the way it is is becasue you are not going to be discoered if you arent streaming like 12 hrs a day there.
this is why react content also became so common, since the need for long stream hourse for people to even see you exist make the need for subpar content to fill the gaps. Most creators wont be discovered on twitch but rather outside of it by youtube clips, shorts on other paltfroms,etc.
But twitch alone is terrible at recomending you when you are lvie and doesnt even recomend you when you arent. The pople above are issing the point about the average user.
NOBODY uses the search bar to find new content. Channels arediscovered trough the side bar which youtube is better at.

>> No.51661321

Twitch is just full of B-tier content creators who can't compete with YouTube. They cry "muh discoverablility" when talking about YouTube when in reality they just need to make better shit and discoverability wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.51661335

>i was a 1view in youtube with shitty model i hate holo and nijis ruining us small indies grrrr!!

>> No.51661384

slapstick comedy
game shows
chat interaction
speed running
and actually being competent in video games

>> No.51661452

Youtube doesnt allow muted tab inflated viewership and embedding. Twitch whores will never move there.

>> No.51661457

yeah i love having to wade through a sea of clip channels to find anything

>> No.51661524

Vtuber agencies and mythic/vshojo could get in talks with Kick to try to strike some deals. If theyre good enough at negotiating they could come up with something good

>> No.51661564


>> No.51661613

the point is there is a sea of content and chanels to look at and that are ceomneded even if not live.
That is already better than twitch.

>> No.51661709

Realistically she was probably unqualified but chosen because there are like 10 women in tech, she was probably drowning in her own insecurities and inability to do the work or learn on the job.

>> No.51661744

>it will get killed by IRS in about 6 months
There's no way Kick is US based.
>based in San Fran
Never mind, yeah they're fucked.

>> No.51661765

Crazy how Kick went from being known as the "gambling, Tate wannabe, and racial slur" streaming website to the hot new thing once all these streamers started seeing dollar signs.

>> No.51661867

even if they werent, they are using AWS
Amazon would drop them if the govermenet step in.

>> No.51661967

>touch grass

>> No.51661969

vods will be deleted after 2 months no reason to promote them. twitch is not youtube, It's a watch and forget world.

>> No.51662117

that's their issue
they had enough time to fix all these issues and avoiding their streamer community to build that kind of culture that just likes react content.

>> No.51662194

They won't touch it with a ten miles long pole. Kick will require them to shill their gambling which their other sponsors will not like.

>> No.51662279

yeah, not real sponsor would do advertisment on twitch.
then again is all gambling money they are burning.

>> No.51662417

Oh please! we all know it's because they can't just sit on their lard ass and watch try not to laugh and sunnyV2 for 6 hours straight

>> No.51662506

man twitch kids still live in the past.
youtube give you tools to censor and mute parts of any stream afterward that get claimed.

>> No.51662510

Twitch ha no monetization scheme that would benefit from vods. Youtube uses vods and videos to gather and analyze watchers' interests and connect them with Google's other data to sell. Amazon earns more if they sell the storage space as AWS.

There was never chance twitch would have fixed vods.

>> No.51662644

and say goodbye to the chat of that stream.

>> No.51662664

that is their issue. their fucking need to become profitable is something youtube alreayd went trough before becomeing profitabel 5 years ago.
Any site that wants sponsorship and ad money will have to go trough wath youtube did with the adpocalypse, copa,music lables,etc.
Twitch is just to afraid to do anything since they break at the minimum backslash.

>> No.51662678

Nice deflection. We all know that the reason why twitch doesn't care about vods is because they would be swimming in lawsuits if anyone were to check the ocean of copyrighted material people steal in their streams

>> No.51662947

You stupid bigot chud. It's 2SLGBTQIAP+, get with the times.

>> No.51663061

Yes but it heavily cracked down on it and you can report it. If you left twitch to do reaction content on YouTube you'd soon find yourself having to fight copyright strikes for stealing other people's content as a whole and just eating breakfast in front of it. Twitchchuubas might have to learn how to be actually entertaining for once in their life

>> No.51663142
File: 293 KB, 1551x891, YT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51663409

On sneedtube you can pump your channel by shitting out tiktoks or becoming part of a circle of like 20 small streamers and getting raided, like having Pippa randomly raid you for no reason.

Twatch only seems to have that when small youtube corpos stream on twitch and bring their friendly little culture with them.

>> No.51663489

This is not the search function that I was doing. This is the Live section and I'm seeing next to no chuubas here. Wtf, dude.

>> No.51663517

>anything gaming

>> No.51663548

Twitch is the backyard of streaming. Baththub streams, throwing animals around, just name it all is AOK if you have a pair of tits and bring in money. Who wants to promote their stuff their? on the other hand youtube takes any ad without doublechecking. I can't count how often i had a 30min+ ad but they will demonetize anyone not following their agenda.

>> No.51663670

so hololive has no content?

>> No.51663775


>> No.51663820

yeah and twitch is losing money becasue they can gets that ad money and the creators refuse to put ads on streams.
At some point twitch needs to understand that they need to fuck the creators to some degree if they want the site to make money and the creators need to bend the knee to a degree to keep the site they like so much from imploding.
at this point twitch is not lasting 5 years.
Youtube already did this dance.

>> No.51663846

You suppose to be terminally online, if you have a life, twitch is not for you.

>> No.51663910

VRchat isnt a video game

>> No.51663927
File: 799 KB, 795x621, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtubers? any kind of filter at all?

>> No.51663956


>> No.51663977

All of those streaming websites suck ass.
Youtube changes rules seemingly daily and has the gall to make some retroactive, regardless of how long you've been doing content, they have wiped entire genres from the website by just not allowing it to trend at all.
Twitch doesn't apply the rules fairly and all their methods to make money are just to heavy handed(the recent advertiser shit).

>> No.51664050

i never sub or watch vtuber only on /vt/

>> No.51664151

beautiful cope
just chefs kiss

>> No.51664294



>> No.51664533


>> No.51665271

Youtube is owned by google and was a video platform long before Twitch existed. They only got into streaming after Twitch and don't need intrusive ads in the streams. I watch my 2 preroll ads on youtube and that's it for the next 6 hours but on Twitch? They force people into 3-10 minutes of ads ever 1 hour and i'm not even talking about streamers like cdew who push the ad button every 15 minutes while action is going on. The end result is i stopped watching twitch and moved over to youtube.

>> No.51665440

YouTube and twitch suck, I applaud anyone switching platforms. Why the fuck wouldn't you do the same

>> No.51665616

i only watch redtube and chaturbate for live streaming

>> No.51665673

based Projekt Melody enjoyer

>> No.51665949
File: 26 KB, 357x304, 56713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine subbing to this whore only to switch a streaming platform just to farm more subs to it
>KEK! your all just a milking Cows at this point!

>> No.51665983

That's only if you cut the part out in the editor and change the length of the VOD. If you just mute it, the chat is unaffected.
t. actual YouTuber

>> No.51666302


>> No.51666458

>But thats the same on twitch
no??? i see streamers literally play copyrighted music all the time. if its too loud it just gets muted but some play it extra safe by making VODs sub only after

>> No.51667007

