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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51610635 No.51610635 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, rate the concert.

>> No.51610742

idk, haven't watched it

>> No.51611509

I'm very confused since I always heard Lisa was the singer of Tsunderia and she sounded so much fucking worse than Ami it's not funny.

>> No.51611565

It was alright. If your oshi wasn't there then it isn't vital to watch it.

>> No.51611650
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My oshi nailed it and I'm very proud of her. The others were okay I guess. A lot of them seemed really nervous. And of course the Offkai interns fucking everything up didn't help.

>> No.51611959
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Isla shilled a bit too much but she was literally made for the stage. Certified IDOL right there if she can get her nerves under control.

>> No.51612304
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It's not over yet, anon.

>> No.51612363

No hololive / 10

>> No.51612467


>> No.51612476

Lisa got hoses by terrible balancing during her performance. I know ur trolling though because Lisa has never been better than Ami, at least to anyone with any objective singing judgement

>> No.51612608

Isla > Nina > Riro > Jelly > Lisa > Eirene
I dipped at the rat but her first song would put her under Jelly.

>> No.51612795

The reason vtubers are even relevant

>> No.51612873
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A/V man HATE

>> No.51613072

She isn't an idol. None of them are, and never will be.

>> No.51613915

I want to be fair and not give it a score that reflects the technical scuff so I will I will say about a 2/10 because some parts were okay. The rest was simply brand damaging for anyone involved with the event.

>> No.51613983

That's pretty generous.

>> No.51614025

Not even a high bar but true.

>> No.51614037

>do karaoke streams
>call it a concert

>> No.51614076 [DELETED] 

didn’t this girl suck off some guy at twitch con?

>> No.51614133

you got an archive anon?

>> No.51614169

Not a concert, more like a series of karaokes, but I liked it.
Solid 6 or 7 out of 10. Rating based mostly on terrible organization and management. Points docked for 2 hour delay, stream dropping randomly, scuffed audio with the engineer fucking with levels WHILE SINGING WAS LIVE. The singers themselves were mostly great.

>> No.51614348 [DELETED] 

She's probably done a lot more than that. Mind you, she's Dutch. It's not a big deal there, men and women are more or less the same.

>> No.51614384

>why would you perform LIVE when you can do PRERECORDED SHIT and all it a concert!?
Your brain is rotted.

>> No.51614433 [DELETED] 

No anon and it's really easy to prove.

>> No.51614510

Please forgive Holo bronies they are retarded and used to abuse.

>> No.51614521 [DELETED] 

Yeah, me

>> No.51614584 [DELETED] 

i wrote this post

>> No.51614597

Whoever was messing withe audio needs to be banned for live from any audio job.
The NIGGER literally borderline muted jelly and turned turned Lisa into incomprensible mush, while keeping up and down the volumes in general for everyone.
This staff ruined the whole thing, Magni did a good job as host though

>> No.51614622
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>> No.51614641

The audio issues were probably the least offensive part of the event.

>> No.51614645

Jelly killed it. Lisa did really well considering she busted her mouth up like a week ago. Don't really care about the rest, but the audio quality was all over the place. OffKai needs to pay for techs that actually know what they're doing if they do this again next year.

>> No.51614647

scuffed but fun

>> No.51614650
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>Jew trying to cast deflection magic
I accept your concession. Nobody paid for this, so I guess it's no biggy. I wonder how long you'll put up with this Make-a-Wish routine instead of expecting any professionalism at all.

>> No.51614696

>Nobody paid for this

>> No.51614775

Kizuna AI?

>> No.51614880

where can I watch this?

>> No.51614883

Hi offkai intern, please never mix a live ever again

>> No.51614941

It's been a long time since major concerts were all live.

>> No.51614989

Is it really a concert if they're not performing on a stage?

>> No.51614991

Stop defending this and trying to scapegoat the audio problems as the only thing absolutely disastrous about this event.

It had the same vibe as anime cons that grew as a sort of emotional support group for losers desperate for social contact. And like anime cons having nothing remotely to do with the anime or manga industry, and even less to do with Japanese anime or manga otaku culture. This had the same vibe, if the audio was perfect it wouldn't have suddenly not been what it was. It wouldn't have elevated it beyond awkward karaoke by pngs and cheap live2D models, completely disorganized and unstructured. This emotional support group and endless cope and thinking this is so cool if we LARP as VTubers just has to stop. The western scene was a mistake.

>> No.51615062

Did anyone happen to archive the stream? mainly the last part with indie singers.
I made a horrible mistake for not making my script look for a new stream if it died for any reason. I got up roughly hour ago only to be greeted by a fuck you timeout error.
I just wanted to see my oshi sing

>> No.51615093

kek have you seen actual indie idol concerts? They take place in shady holes and have 5 greasy dudes cheering on a singular girl doing poor karaoke

>> No.51615108

>I just wanted to see my oshi sing
No you don't. You think you do, but you don't.

>> No.51615119

Lol who? You mean the loser leech that sells NFTs? Hololive or nothing baby

>> No.51615152

I've literally been to them. This is to that what anime cons doing maid cafes and idol concerts is to actual maid cafes and indie idol concerts. It's weird and it sucks.

>> No.51615163

I realize we have to modify the rules a bit for vtubers, but yes concerts are still generally performed live. If you mean vtuber concerts, I don't think there's ever been one that was done 100% live. The logistics for doing a singing + dancing + putting something on the screen for the audience to see in real time enough that there's no delays and no uncanny stuff putting people out of the immersion is a lot more challenging. People have tried it to mixed results.

However, for vtubers we have to allow that the limitations of being in person and in front of the audience are not plausible by definition. In person maybe, but they perform by a virtual avatar no matter what. Thus, not requiring them to be, like, full 3D and dancing while singing or playing instruments or whatever is forgiveable, but they should 100% perform live to the audience as there's nothing stopping them from doing that.

I find it far more odd people are overly accepting of prerecorded videos and / or with stand-in dancers utilizing the model to move about. I want to see the person perform, to showcase their skills. I don't want to see a paid dancer move about lip-syncing (usually badly) to a song done in a recording booth with editors and mixers turning it into a perfect piece of medium to be stored on a sound file for downloading on your Spotify. There's still an art and pride to this, and it should always be one person, one microphone, one audience, and you convince them that you are worth listening to. If I want to hear their prerecorded shit, I'll go listen to a prerecorded file somewhere. You're on stage, perform!

>> No.51615198

im saying the original complaint sounds like someone who has no clue about idol culture

>> No.51615316

It also didn't help that the concert opened with some fatty dressed in unappealing casual plus sized clothes turned her back to the crowd and flapped her arms around frantically as she pretended she was a conductor. Even if you're fat and an indie chuuba, have some self-respect and think about presentation more seriously.

>> No.51615337

I'm drunk
I kinda want to fight

>> No.51615345

>scuffed audio with the engineer fucking with levels WHILE SINGING WAS LIVE
Seriously! I have no idea where they found this chucklefuck, maybe it was his literal first time doing anything like it and he just felt like moving switches like a retard, but you NEVER touch the desk while someone is singing. Everybody that's ever worked in sound knows that.

>> No.51615348

what the fuck? kek

>> No.51615383

But that's JUST like Dear Stage every night anon, don't you believe me?

>> No.51615437

i doubt the talents knew the hosts would suck so hard

>> No.51615514

I'd heem you in 30 seconds.

>> No.51615574
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Pretty good, the sound guy changing the volume sometimes and performances getting delayed were the biggest problems. All of the singers performed pretty well except for Lisa, but someone said that was because she fucked up her mouth and lost some teeth. Jelly's insistence on using her loli voice nerfed her. Her deeper voice sounded nice. Eirene wasn't too memorable, but she also wasn't bad. Isla being the only one to use 3D was cool and I also liked her performance of "Bad Apple". Riro's ability to switch between her death metal voice and loli voice when singing "Barbie Girl" was pulled off well and amusing. Nina was probably the second best singer, she did a great cover of "Transistor - Paper Boats" . Ironmouse did the best. She had a harder time with the Japanese songs, but her talent really shined through when she sang "No Me Queda Más" and "Part of Your World" from "The Little Mermaid".

>> No.51615622
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>except for Lisa, but someone said that was because she fucked up her mouth and lost some teeth

>> No.51615647

The only time when live is better is when AI has been developed that interprets the inputs and generates smooth intermediate steps that results in no glitches. For now, much of the singing and dance routines are best when they're prerecorded with some breaks for interaction but that's not natural interaction, some comments are selected for reaction, and not all of the movement is the result of tracking. Prerecorded is not only acceptable but preferable in almost every respect. It's completely confused to think otherwise, like someone thinking Miku hologram concerts would be better if performed live. It's a completely confused point of view.

>> No.51615724

At least some of them are small indies, but that's the kind of scuff endemic to the western scene.

>> No.51615745

Is that why the songs started getting unbearably loud and bassy near the end of each song? Holy shit, that was so annoying. Also, I don't know how it sounded on stream, but Jelly and Riro sounded extremely high pitched even for them.

>> No.51615764

There's at least a cost to the con tickets.

>> No.51615776

An utterly irrelevant comparison for obvious reasons. My main issue is with people calling the singing performances 'karaoke'. Well, yeah, of course. There is no difference between Michael Jackson circa 1985 singing "Beat It" on stage to any of the girls singing tonight, except that Michael was visible on stage and also danced while none of these girls can be visible on stage for obvious reasons. This is what concerts are: live performances and what they always have been. Who the fuck seriously wants prerecorded singing and why? Performing, entertaining, is about showcasing skills not about digital editing taking out every flaw to facilitate a lie. You either can sing or you can't.

>> No.51615828

According to /lig/ she had to have dental surgery done 2 days ago after busting her chin and chipping a tooth.

>> No.51615838

Jelly was also repeatedly alternating between an "uwu" cringe cute voice and a deeper one probably more indicative of her real voice, so in her case it was probably on purpose.

>> No.51615911

Found the newfag.

Do you also get mad when you go to a magic show and the magician isn't really pulling things out of extra-dimensional portals? Don't reveal the trick, but it's still a trick. Anything else would be really awkward and have schizophrenia vibes, just like this has terminal autism vibes.

>> No.51616004

You do realize singing is a real thing unlike magic, right?

>> No.51616046

If I wanted live and in the flesh and shit shows then why? Literally why anything? Why anything at all? It's the weekend, just go to a disco or a bar.

>> No.51616056

The switching was definitely on purpose. The crowd enjoyed it too, got lots of cheers every time she did it. I was just pointing out that her voice seemed high pitched even compared to her normal streams. Same with Riro. It almost sounded artificial.

>> No.51616085

I accept your concession, just as the cards and coins in magic shows are real. Good talk.

>> No.51616120

But if you record yourself singing then it's no longer real anymore. It's fake singing once it has been recorded.

>> No.51616224

Guess what, the live magic show is about the magician's ability to successfully perform the trick in front of a live audience without fumbling it just like how a live singing show is about the singer's ability to perform the song.

>> No.51616626

This is the second irrelevant topic you've used as a comparison. Magic shows are literally about illusion and tricking the audience. You go there to be amazed at the "magic" knowing it isn't real. Are you saying music and singing isn't real and you go there just to be amazed at whatever sound designer managed to cobble together with computer wizardry to create a fake performance? The fuck is wrong with you.

A real allegory would be the difference between a TV show or movie vs. going to see a play. You know TV shows and movies do several "takes" to get a scene right, and use careful editing and post production to add music and sound and other shit. But if I am going to watch a play, I don't want to walk in there and then be given a screen showing a performance of the play but it was actually shot like a movie and nobody is actually performing live, you're just watching another movie.

>> No.51616748

You guys are actually stupid. Just go out to a real bar.

>> No.51616764

I accept your concession.

>> No.51616882

The topic you're talking about is irrelevant. There are better ways to get an egirl to sing and dance for you. Have you tried chaturbate?

>> No.51616893

Why? According to anon over there I can just drink apple juice and call it beer.

>> No.51616904

What is there to concede? You don't comprehend what virtual means.

>> No.51616923

Live performances at concerts are the standard, that is the point of the conversation retard. I liked the concert tonight but this other guy wants prerecorded garbage as a stand in for live concerts. He's retarded and so are you.

>> No.51616954 [DELETED] 

She's Dutch, I don't know that she actually went to the con in person?

>> No.51616989 [DELETED] 

She went to twitchcon last year.

>> No.51617011

Oh god, don't, there's legit retard children here that think the concerts are all live.
Don't ruin it for them.

>> No.51617072

It's more like you're a GTA roleplayer and you go to a bar and they give you some standard drink, lets call it apple juice, and they tell you it's beer assuming that you will roleplay along. But then you decide to go on an autismal raging tangent that it's not the same and that you demand the item says beer. People would be justified calling you stupid and telling you to go get a real drink if the difference is so important.

>> No.51617108

Well you can tell which ones are recorded or not - Nina sings exactly like this all the time just like Mouse does

>> No.51617228

Well it's not a real concert. There were no instruments of musical equipment on stage. Your issue is that you can't understand the difference between illusion, allusion, and real.

>> No.51617444

They raided into some DJ stream for the OffKai after party. I hope the DJ is playing a real live set and not a prerecorded set so they can wave their arms around silly. The sweaty smell in there is going to unfortunately be very real.

>> No.51617502

* kills you *

>> No.51617680

You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.51617769

Nah, just is the way it is. You're a literal baby that has to find out Santa isn't real.

>> No.51618055


>> No.51618084

They actually are streaming a DJ now.

>> No.51620284

shitty regular karaoke, how much did retards pay for this?

>> No.51620349

was cool

>> No.51621746

This man speaks the truth.
You think the audio guy doesn't know how it works? He was instructed to change the audio levels. They were trying to mimic autotune but they can't afford it and the girls couldn't be bothered.

>> No.51622143

About a week before the concert she got her face smashed into the floor by one of her retard friends and one of her teeth broke down to the nerves, it totally fucked up her ability to sing properly and she only got the chance to get a quick fix on it before OffKai started

>> No.51622475

That's what happens when you let normies be the fleshbags in charge of the anime character. The whole time everyone saying they're pure like anime characters but in reality they get smashed up over time due to crack, stds, and alcohol.

>> No.51622953

i think some solo live-really are live. I only watch sora one thougth

>> No.51623345

I know Sora and Nene can pull real lives off, don't know who else.

>> No.51624135

>not requiring them to be, like, full 3D and dancing while singing or playing instruments or whatever is forgiveable
What you've described is basically your regular karaoke/utawako sessions.
Imo for it to be a concert, it has to be a 3D backed with proper performance.

>> No.51624292
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It's hardly fair to compare anyone to Ami unless they're also an S+ tier singer.

>> No.51624504

live concerts feels more special but vtubers are not professional dancers

>> No.51624708

Lisa jobbed on top of not being on Ami's level lmao

>> No.51624933

where's the vod

>> No.51626577


>> No.51626808
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Someone also uploaded Ironmouse's segment on YouTube.

>> No.51627084

Her smooth adlibbing is always fun. I am reminded of this moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj3n4MN9838

>> No.51627136

your holowhores aren't idols either

>> No.51627956

Beautiful performance.

>> No.51628134

Isla Killed it, without her this would feel like a completely amateur DIY show.

>> No.51628182

She is the truest Idol you'll ever come across, faggot.

>> No.51628505

What's with holofags and being jealous of talented singers outside of Hololive? Are they too prideful to admit that they wished she'd graduate and join Hololive instead?

>> No.51628601

not at all what happened, she literally got jumped and batista bombed by some retard in her dorm

>> No.51629946

Would be cool if augmented reality wasnt such a meme and could pull my phone to use it as AG goggles during concerts and panels or even merch like those cards Nintendo used to sell for the 3DS

>> No.51629966

Watching offkai concert VOD atm makes me sad that we will never get a nyanners ironmouse duet singing seriously at their full power

>> No.51630378

I'll excuse the organizational "hiccups" considering it's handled by amateurs, but hiring a competent sound guy should be the absolute bare minimum.
For the actual performances, Isla and Nina killed it (not a surprise), while the other girls were both too nervous or hampered by the technical scuff.

>> No.51631325

Lisa's audio quality was worse because we heard it out of the actual speakers the crowd heard rather than from her pov. She planned the crowd interaction stuff already and is far too parasocial to give up a chance to interact with her fans like that. Now only if offkai could figure out how to show 2 fucking povs at once without their camera exploding

>> No.51632208

1 phase connect member got timed out for shitting on the audio guy

>> No.51632655

There’s no way you’re this retarded

>> No.51632828

It being shit is on brand.

>> No.51633956

The volume thing was bizarre and the MCs could have been more brief, but overall I really enjoyed the first 6. They should have used the camera showing the stage and some of the audience that they used for Lisa's performance for each of them - it felt much more like a concert that way and providing the variable color penlights was a really nice touch that went totally unseen for some of them.
as a micro minor point whatever guy was in charge of raising the audience hands/lights png on the stream had really good timing, great job

>> No.51634914
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 【Guerilla】unarchived singy stuff【Tsunderia】-5j2HdWcNm9A.mp4_snapshot_00.41.53_[2023.01.10_18.32.24].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lisa should have been earlier so it wouldn't have been obvious that she got mogged by Ironmouse

>> No.51635019

So were they all live performances or pre-recorded or what?

>> No.51635049

I left when I saw it was just a glorified karaoke

>> No.51635223

some people suspect Isla's was pre-recorded, the rest was definitely live

>> No.51635855

they were all great except strawberry girl and ironmouse.

>> No.51636000

Shut the fuck up Silvervale, you can't sing for shit

>> No.51636013

good post

>> No.51637745


>> No.51638303

drunk and partyinf at a concert = bad behaviour

>> No.51639053

I'm still having some trouble drawing the causal line from that to "Batista bombs random girls".
I'd assume it was some playfighting with a friend that went horribly wrong were it not for the "GOT JUMPED" part.

>> No.51639073

Isla's was 100% prerecorded for the songs (the talking segments were not). The obvious blackouts after the songs and the very abrupt difference in audio quality were dead giveaways on their own, but it was clear her Bad Apple was edited in a couple of places because that song is just a bitch to sing for even the best singers.

>> No.51639131

I thought Eirene was good. Clearly talented and has a nice vocal sound, but either needs to pick better songs for her range or just needs a bit of training / practice. The gifts are there, tho.

>> No.51639526

>I'd assume it was some playfighting with a friend that went horribly wrong were it not for the "GOT JUMPED" part.
It was basically both. Her friend was drunk and rowdy, Lisa wanted nothing to do with it, her friend ended up taking her by surprise and it ended with Lisa getting dropped and having her face smashed in.

>> No.51639763


>> No.51639898

she talked about this person being a rando she barely knew in her dorm that was drunk and decided it would be hilarious to pick her up by surprise and being drunk,
ended up smashing the poor girl's head on the concrete thinking it was hilarious

>> No.51640067

Ah so the Batista Bomb was accidental due to her struggling/him losing his grip. Fair enough. I had a very odd image in my head.

>> No.51640446

Kek also I'm hope she recover soon

>> No.51640555

They obviously meant the annoying orange, the og vtuber

>> No.51645488


>> No.51648136

all of them are karaoke singers at most, not a single idol material, its depressing.

>> No.51649367

In comparison to what, hololive? Kek

>> No.51649452

Uruka's concert is on!
