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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51589677 No.51589677 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with this fucking getting over it rip-off kusoge? Why does every vtuber and their mothers want to play this so badly?
6/10 in positive reviews on steam, you can't get mechanically better at it like in Jump King or GOI, no difficulty curve, no interesting twists, assets flipped from an asset store, no real personality to it, buggy as hell, you probably will only fall the few times the game fucks you over with a fake standing platform that you couldn't know isn't real (in JK or GOI your falls are only your fault for sucking at the game) the little there is of a plot sucks and is pretentious as hell, the voicelines are poorly acted, even the bgm is generic.
Not even "funny" bad, just plainly dull. LIterally a pretentious glorified roblox jumping map.
I'm even more interested on where Pekora got this from since she's culprit of this. I found out that she probably discovered it from a 10k ccv japanese streamer call "YY channel" who played it a week earlier than her and this guy probably got it from the biggest french streamer, kameto, 4 days before.
Of course it was the fucking french.

>> No.51589956

Holo will play anything with perms..

>> No.51589974

Too many words. Chasing Pekora's tail. That's all. Second post best post. /thread

>> No.51590251

fauna there can be other games besides getting over it, you don't have to shit up the catalog

>> No.51591133

Pekora gets big numbers = others play it simple she is the godmother of vtube stremers /thread

>> No.51591453

I wish screenshots like this existed but for Tekken. No idea why Harada hates vtubers.

>> No.51591523

anon, most of those aren't holos
