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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51575272 No.51575272 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to discuss AkioAIR and its talents (and other small corpos)

>/aa/ Resources
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Akio_AIR
Schedule: https://akioair.neocities.org/
Stream archive: https://mega.nz/folder/OJtw1TYQ#zmzVWc7IzLEylhX5TL1_-w
Mirror stream archive: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/te36uCfd8ieGfg
MEW announcement archive: https://rentry.org/MewAnnounmentBar

>Athena Nightingale
Owl nurse/combat medic. Talented singer and multi-instrumentalist. Outstanding zatsudans.
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCzHjYL0ZSVs4tP-JutQLFrA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/athenanightingale (embed) (embed)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nightowlthena
A soft talking, sleepy brat who can play piano and compose. Capable of endurance with the right motivation (cute characters). Ex-baby. Current jisan.
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCbi3MM5-QP4MY1YkWfv4UJA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nonoah_4k10
>Kion Dojima
Cool cute dragon princess. Voice too powerful for her mic. The baby.
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCycPDRVWCQakmKRKh6Z3Dqw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KionDojima
>MEW Horizon
Sentient planet. Cute, competent, and overworked. Streams a lot of horror and audience participation (Tuesday Mewsday).
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC1V0A85U1AGi-zQCC8oE55A
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/mew_horizon (embed) (embed)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mew_horizon
>RoaFen (Graduated)
Storytelling pixie mom who wove lore into her karaoke and game streams. Often broke into song and rhyme.
Archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC4zOnqo9ZasN1vIHscCvzMg

>What is /corpo/?
/corpo/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss corpo™s and mascots currently not discussed in other threads.
>Why /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss these vtubers.
>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>AkioAIR Friends
Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
Prism: >>>/vt//ppg/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
Kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
Vreverie: >>>/vt//vre/
Same: >>>/vt//same/
>Other useful threads
Japanese: >>>/vt/indie
Korean: >>>/vt/vnug

Previous: >>51529363

>> No.51575363



>> No.51575401


>> No.51575564

She's napping

>> No.51575692

The only person that asked my wife for a last collab was the girl she sexually assaulted...

>> No.51575789

>100+ ccv
Will they make it?

>> No.51576064

It's because only a handful of ladies have gotten my wife's golden finger.
Woozie, you could have been fingerbanged into an even bigger M than you are now!

>> No.51576127

>want me to chop up my tail and feed it to you?
Lottie is a new addition to /meat/...

>> No.51576322

how good is that for a new corpo's 2.0s

>> No.51576382

About average considering this is a literal brand new corpo

>> No.51576511


>> No.51576614

We're approaching 150 bros...

>> No.51576728

God, she's so cute...

>> No.51577407

She really is. I love her.

>> No.51578871

Bump before sleep

Good night corpo bros and pxl bros.

>> No.51578937

Good night anon, have sweet dreams

>> No.51579039

Corpo love
Pixel love

>> No.51579173

not always a big 2.0 guy but excited to see them when they start streaming. Watching Chiaki rn and like her.

>> No.51580102

I haven't gravitated to a corpo this much since the Phase and Idol original debuts. They will go far.

>> No.51580190

Sugar Jasmine drawing stream 1.5 hours

woozie weekly woozie wrangle 3.5 hours

raian karoke 14.5 hours

not a complete list for sure, but didnt go through everyone. Want to start doing more big schedule posts but not today. will prob include pixellink and vreverie when I do even if theyre trying their own threads for now

>> No.51580266

oh yoki holocure too

>> No.51580391

da baby in 3.5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23voy14Vl60

>> No.51580763

Their hires are really fucking solid from what I have seen

>> No.51580795

Da baby? lesgooo

>> No.51580850

unity baby!

>> No.51581097
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sexy baby!

>> No.51581214

Why does every streamer who plays this start out by using a keyboard/mouse? Controller is the way to go.

>> No.51582099

I have a feeling Yoki "reads" the item descriptions but doesn't actually comprehend it and just pretends to have understood what it said

>> No.51582294

>miuna is 3 years old
Older than da baby

>> No.51582476

ever since they added mouse aiming i stopped using controller

>> No.51582731

Is it a setting you have to turn on? Why does every streamer aim with their movement keys?

>> No.51582780

yeah its a setting, thought it was on by default

>> No.51582822

I don't think that's exclusive to item descriptions for her

>> No.51583808


>> No.51585782
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>> No.51586736


>> No.51587602

Alisa Meer is live https://kick.com/alisameer-bbobbo

>> No.51588107
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Lies of P stream

>> No.51588878

Animal Lounge does not even know what Maros is... How the fuck did this corpo get made?

>> No.51588892

Age is just a number anon, don't let society dictate how you live your life!

>> No.51589538

Fuck/Marry/Kill Woozie, Mimi, Beryl
You can change Kill to Adopt if you're a coward

>> No.51589594

Oh no, not the big baby brawl...

>> No.51589615

Mew Layers of Fear (2023)

Gwyn Escape Simulator

>> No.51589638

Fuck Woozie
Marry Mimi
Kill Beryl

>> No.51589730

Fried chicken sister here in 3 hours https://www.youtube.com/@KambaKihaya/streams

>> No.51589758

Fuck Beryl
Marry Mimi
Adopt and neglect Wooz

>> No.51589762

pixel got culled again...

>> No.51590110

wooz is live

>> No.51590344

Fuck Woozie
Marry Woozie
Kill Woozie

>> No.51590456

Fuck Woozie
Marry Mimi
Kill Beryl

Sorry Beryl, I love you but Mimi would make a better wife.

>> No.51590518

Can I have Beryl go yandere and kill me instead?

>> No.51590673
File: 24 KB, 112x112, shaHZPv_Jp6P_9EPp5mUmAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica playing Escape Simulator

>> No.51590688

Beryl's yandere... Be careful what you wish for...

>> No.51590821

Marry Beryl, tell the others to fuck off or I’ll kill them both for bothering me and my wife. (Sorry woozie)

>> No.51591052

Da Baby mimi is streaming! (Zelda) https://youtu.be/23voy14Vl60

>> No.51591277
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Watame Iro ranks her streams

>> No.51591342

Oh god, the kick wasn't an experiment, was it? Fucking management... please don't sabotage Iro-chan like this...

>> No.51591539

Looks like it is working for now. Alisa has more on her chat than her usual 1views on Twitch

>> No.51591771

Yeah I think especially now Kick is looking pretty promising.

>> No.51591847
File: 120 KB, 359x557, image_2023-06-17_212557375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed that Beryl has decided on doing all of Twilight in one day. Guess I'll clear some time.

>> No.51591900

>that was so ratchet
She's too zoomer for me...

>> No.51591965

Kick IS promising, but the community just isn't there yet. People are watching her despite being on Kick, not due to it. She needs to network and make friends in the same platform.

>> No.51592013

That's going to end up ending at 6am for me... Anything for Beryl,,,

>> No.51592115

Truly the girlfriend experience...

>> No.51592341

mating press

>> No.51593044

At least it's only one day instead of two.
Fuck Woozie (non consensual)
Marry Beryl because I love her
Kill Beryl because I hate her

>> No.51593140

Fuck Mimi
Marry Mimi
Kill Woozie

>> No.51593674

wooz is too cute

>> No.51593736
File: 193 KB, 768x480, woozie inspirational quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51593861

Woozie's a vtuber...

>> No.51594067

she's vtubing

>> No.51594230
File: 757 KB, 574x896, bossu chibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bossu in 7 minutes!

>> No.51594708


>> No.51595536

NotMenace is getting filtered by a shitty horror game again. Like pottery

>> No.51595848

Woozie needs to learn her vocal warmups and exercises before stream. That's the only way she'll avoid hurting herself.

If she was in Beryl's DMs, she could get some tips...

>> No.51596051

Why didn't you guys say this zoomer could sing?

>> No.51596157

i thought it was common knowledge at this point but I'll mention it next time for those unaware

>> No.51596257

She needs more confidence in herself. She has an amazing voice, she just needs to let go.

>> No.51596809

Is switching platforms each stream a good idea for Iro and Alisa? They are getting more people on Twitch compared to YouTube but is it wise to add Kick, too?

>> No.51596848
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beryl Kihaya frame is up

>> No.51596912

They really need to pick one and stick to it

>> No.51597049


>> No.51597355

>she just needs to let go.
This the singing equivalent of "just b urself bruv"

>> No.51597400

If they do stay with YouTube, they stay being 1views

>> No.51597730

It's the truth though. She's holding herself back because she's shy or doesn't think her voice is good. Honestly, the only issue would be peaking the mic, but some testing of the mic settings should provide a solution.

Beryl had the same problem, the moment she stopped worrying about her neighbors, her singing went from great to incredible.

>> No.51597962

god damn woozie

>> No.51599175

Mimi announcement tomorrow… what could it be?

>> No.51599238

Whatever it is, I'll still love da baby.

>> No.51599255

da baby is pregnant

>> No.51599270

She's having my child soon.

>> No.51599765

I see everyone has gotten Mimi pregnant ig

>> No.51599820
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>> No.51599983


>> No.51600107

>I can be your french girl too

>> No.51600261


>> No.51600330

Paizuri with Warrot!

>> No.51600626

Damn, they really hate each other.

>> No.51600939

It's woozover

>> No.51600967

>Raki already made a second cover

>> No.51601428

beryl in wooz chat...they're singing trogdor...

>> No.51601726

She blew away any expectations I had pre-debut. Incredible talent.

>> No.51602526


>> No.51602586


>> No.51602704

It's up

>> No.51603227

Why's Beryl's Japanese so erotic?

>> No.51603287

It's almost like she is playing some kind of seductive character...

>> No.51603414

She finds eating fried chicken, erotic...

>> No.51603436

Has Beryl just murdered her mic? It seems like this static is coming from her.

>> No.51603540

Maybe it's just chicken frying

>> No.51603653


>> No.51603878

Man I need to get back to my jp studies, being able to understand bits and pieces along with a few sentences feels more uncanny than when I didn't understand anything.

>> No.51604014
File: 151 KB, 354x314, 1661441289705350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same but i get so burnt out and then i look back on all the time i've been burnt out and think about all the progress i could have made in that time then i get depressed

>> No.51604294

God, karaage onee-san is so fucking good, how does she do it?!

>> No.51604635
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>> No.51604771

Woozie was extra cute today

>> No.51605196

They're regurgitating their meals... not erotic...

>> No.51605294

You mean even more erotic.

>> No.51606034
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Woozie gfe!

>> No.51606129

>trying to sleep
>3 am
>woozie keeps giggling next to you
>she shows you her phone

>> No.51606136
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great stream
love my gf sm bros

>> No.51606285

What we watch now?

>> No.51606512

anime or play games

>> No.51606874

I really shouldn't have based my mental well-being on a fucking streamer. And I sure as fuck shouldn't have done it for a second time after I already learned my lesson the hard way.

>> No.51606986

you heard her, woozlings. don't let her down

>> No.51607102

She'll be back anon, don't worry (I'm assuming you're talking about Beryl?). I'm thinking of it as a hiatus before a rebrand, so knowing I'll see her again soon, even if she'll look a bit different when I do, makes it a bit easier to cope with.

>> No.51607782

Why does Raki keep retweeting her cover

>> No.51607842

She isn't?

>> No.51607935

She retweeted it one time, what's your issue?

>> No.51608033

then my twitter is bugged because i saw it 5 times

>> No.51608073

Does Woozie have any lewd art?

>> No.51608086

Were you refreshing your for you page or something?

>> No.51608123

Whilte dead hour i can recommend
Guitar practise stream from indie


>> No.51608264

I made sure i was on the following page, but it kept popping up inbweeten other tweets

>> No.51608272

there's a few posts in #nsfwoozie but not a whole lot. that guy who comms a bunch of art for her also implied today in stream he had comissioned some more so we might see some lewds in the next week or two.

>> No.51608298

That happens when there's a bunch of new tweets at once, it just keeps repeating the same few retweets

>> No.51608308


>> No.51608328

I mean, you can literally click on her page and see exactly how many times she tweeted it.

>> No.51608359

Thanks anon!

>> No.51608383

>I missed the random Juno stream
i really need to start checking more twitters again

>> No.51608588

You shouldn't need that stuff to wooz, baka

>> No.51608693

How else am I supposed to wooz extra hard tonight??

>> No.51608963

Go watch one of her Shenmue vods from when she would play darts. Trust me, anon. Some of the noises she'd make are perfect woozing material.

>> No.51609054

yeah maybe i'll make a compilation

>> No.51609085

Yeah, but it's not even that. It's just the moment I get upset about her slightly, my entire mind palace crumbles down and I proceed to seethe about dumbest shit and made up arguments, or start revisiting other bad memories. It's hard to stop it once it goes full swing.
But yeah, there is also some worry about what her future will be and how long it will take for her return. For that I'm trying to trust her to make the best choice for her.

>> No.51609331

NTA but please post it if you do.

>> No.51609355

Miran karaoke early today

>> No.51609643

Also NTA but please post it if you do

>> No.51612617

will do
only 2 streams though i thought there was at least one more

>> No.51613179
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I was a few months off on Beryl but my message was correct.

>> No.51614074
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I changed my opinion on Kick. If AnimalLounge can't really be discovered easily on Twitch they might as well stream on a platform with no ADs (for now).
Let me manager larp for a moment and say that they can do more than just stream on one platform, from start to end. They can stream on Twitch for a bit to farm raids, then move to Kick
(Vtubing is a game category there, kinda baffling)

>> No.51614099

Wee:D off collab

>> No.51614338

>(Vtubing is a game category there, kinda baffling)
Vtube Studio is a game on steam, don't you know?

>> No.51614491
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it's hard to know what da chuuba is doing
Yes I watched Sasha Grey for a bit out of curiosity

>> No.51614498

Let it be known. Abi Kadabura is a weirdo.

>> No.51614505
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kissing the nebi

>> No.51614583

I did too. She's boring and kinda abrasive.

>> No.51615387
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>> No.51616229
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I really really really want to suck on Lottie's toes.

>> No.51617172

unity love

>> No.51618753
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2023-06-17 at 13-10-46 beryl ch. るるぅ・べりる.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is dead

>> No.51619033

I didn't notice the shark teeth until considering a kiss with this smuggler.

>> No.51620743

Wow sandals vtuber

>> No.51620770


>> No.51623100

I love Athy

>> No.51623703
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Watame Iro Clip
This clipper channel once had clips of other VTubers, but now it's Animal Lounge's Official KR clips? I am so confused. This agency confuses me to no end.

>> No.51624214

I'm gonna miss Fried Chicken Sister...

>> No.51624317

I love Iro's smug face. I want to correct her so bad.

>> No.51624442

Lottie, my GF, I patiently wait for your return...

>> No.51624898
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Cinnia new cover


>> No.51625212

Oh shit, I forgot, it's the cover she announced during the Nier karaoke. Damn, this German alchemist did a pretty amazing job!

>> No.51625362
File: 367 KB, 1912x2160, JointPics_20230618_211228_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nadeshiko and her new corpo

>> No.51626174

Oh I remember her from your threads. Why does she have such a dedicated fanbase /here/?

>> No.51627126
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Nebi is cute. Cute probable hag!

>> No.51627238

All these corpo debuts made me realize how terribly MyHolo fumbled the Tridoxa debuts. They had potential but it was wasted.

>> No.51627404

speaking of myholo, the anniversary collab stream is about to start.


>> No.51627468

will wooz be there?

>> No.51627506
File: 65 KB, 705x1004, karaageoneesan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Karaage Onee-san went out with a bang...

>> No.51627509

yeah, looks like all 5 of them. woozie mentioned it on stream last night as well.

>> No.51627551

She's awake and quote tweeted the stream.

>> No.51627562

Wow really? Guess the wage cage let her out for this one time.

>> No.51627616

it's sunday

>> No.51627639

Shit you're right.

>> No.51627684

The third person kayfabe sold me on this hag. Looks like she's getting another harem.

>> No.51627875

it's the whore!

>> No.51627885

LIVE (finally)

>> No.51627924

is this prerecorded

>> No.51628080

he looks like a sex offender

>> No.51628096

he better not touch my woozie

>> No.51628101

So, this is the fucker responsible for the disaster of Gen 1.

>> No.51628198

wooz should have hosted

>> No.51628235

wooz is too much of a fucking introvert.

>> No.51628291
File: 87 KB, 204x231, 1672904602400642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this little retard

>> No.51628355


>> No.51628362


>> No.51628462
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>> No.51628610


>> No.51628650


>> No.51628759

woozies favourite anime...

>> No.51628763

My normie harem...

>> No.51628877
File: 436 KB, 1920x1080, thepowerofmyholo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... this is the power...

>> No.51629104

liola is kind of a bitch, huh

>> No.51629115

Better than woozie reading this thread.
Focus on the collab, you fucking retard!

>> No.51629212

I already knew this after she ignored my dragon wife

>> No.51629263

I feel so odd, I have a founder badge on her Twitch but I dropped her all the way back when she started focusing on ASMR shit. (Also she never fixed her audio to become more intelligible since.)

>> No.51629306


>> No.51629403

kinda based

>> No.51629437
File: 429 KB, 1920x1080, thepowerofmyholofinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Woozie is a pretty big weeb

>> No.51629448

meds, now

>> No.51629489

shut your bitch mouth

>> No.51629535

you need to go back

>> No.51629791

She's kissing ME, get the fuck back posers, she's mine

>> No.51630683

I want to help her boost her confidence. It seems to me like she probably didn't even apply to any other company and chose PixelLink because they would realistically have among the lowest standards

>> No.51630717

turn woozie up you fucking tramp!

>> No.51630786
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>> No.51630808

buying crocs for woozie!

>> No.51630874

I guess this birb can explain to her better


>> No.51631008
File: 5 KB, 405x45, slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51631054

woomy live

>> No.51631114

shitty ass rigged vote

>> No.51631177

I WILL cum inside woozie

>> No.51631318

and i WILL use your nut as lube

>> No.51631820

xiu handcam
baji jackbox

>> No.51632328

I love my retard browife...

>> No.51632375

It's cute when Woozie has to do some semblance of behaving

>> No.51632436

the cute retard did her best

>> No.51632444

I'm very proud of her. She can blend in nicely.

>> No.51632638
File: 24 KB, 644x99, 1686379517845094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can't leave after this

>> No.51634410

Kion. 3 days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK7EYmh37K4

>> No.51634659

None of you posted Beryl's wrassle shitposting s.m.h https://nitter.net/BerylLeRouEN/status/1670108701657829376#m

>> No.51636058

Why does it only show 40 seconds?

>> No.51637570
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been a fun weekend with my girlfriend
so proud of this cutie

>> No.51637780

Haruna APEX

>> No.51637794

Is Blair back yet?

>> No.51637846
File: 23 KB, 318x197, Screenshot 2023-06-18 140913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51638066


>> No.51638174

The big hat position has been filled by the hairloops raccoon it's over

>> No.51638281

/corpo/ anons who haven't had the chance be sure to check out the Pixel girls. All of them are truly great.

>> No.51638671

yeah theyre really good, not sure if people are actually gonna ty to make the gen a thing but post the streams for today
Chiaki Recettear in 4.5 hours

miuna valorant 5.5 hours

>> No.51641132
File: 1.34 MB, 1366x768, afsdghkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the nebi
hold the nebi
kiss the nebi
surrender all earthly possessions to the nebi

>> No.51641492
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, aylaescape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayla Yew plays Escape Simulator

>> No.51642524

YOUR girlfriend? She's MY wife anon

>> No.51643733
File: 3.08 MB, 4096x1787, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51644083


>> No.51644271


>> No.51644626

Don't be fooled. There's nothing "sex" about closed source software!

>> No.51645009


>> No.51645068

That's actually a fair point.

>> No.51645275
File: 54 KB, 589x651, lottiebreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51645742

Blair will come back, I beleb

>> No.51646665
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>> No.51647567

After five months, Xin is finally monetized.

>> No.51653048


>> No.51653364

most vutber
seiso uncle

>> No.51654553

yeah, me

>> No.51654940

Da baby mimi announcement

>> No.51655255

Da baby is prgnan!

>> No.51655602
File: 320 KB, 589x467, fsdgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiaki live with Recettear

>> No.51655956

Waiting room is wrong, 1 more hour

>> No.51656205
File: 22 KB, 335x219, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51656244

babu brain

>> No.51656561

Capitalism ho!

>> No.51657169

Da baby is being very smug! CORRECTION!!!

>> No.51657804
File: 1.17 MB, 1366x768, wegregregr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy father's day!

>> No.51657864


>> No.51658431

Starting now!

>> No.51658460


>> No.51658593
File: 255 KB, 500x500, Bread and glove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was gonna post this in Chiaki's meme tag but I guess she doesnt have one

>> No.51658659

kek, you should tweet this to her

>> No.51658736

Mimi is announcing her pregnancy

>> No.51658842

I guess I could post it on her live tag, guess I will then.

>> No.51659000

What actually went wrong?

>> No.51659719

I’m going to buy Mimi so many fuckin swim suit skebs

>> No.51659853

Mimi cover on Saturday o fug. Don’t like Belle but I’ll take the chickens sultry voice any day

>> No.51659885
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, mimi_fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimi announcements are:
Mod applications + pooling funds for skeb, like for throne + babymimi10 10% discount + street fighter 6 perms + 1st Cover

Good for da baby! GO BABY GOOOOO!

>> No.51660015


>> No.51660074

I WILL drink da baby's piss!

>> No.51660239

>mimi belle cover
oh shit nice

>> No.51660769

The last announcement is that she's going on break before the 30th
Mimi is going to be homeless for a while, while she moves across the country to her new place...

>> No.51660842

Beryl gone, Mimi on hiatus… I’m gonna kms

>> No.51660918

abi pandering to scatfags

>> No.51660934

Not yet anon, Mimi will be doing twitter spaces and saving them Hopefully...

>> No.51660967

I think I'll join the Lottie schizos in PixelLink.

>> No.51661012

But I’ll miss her face sadge

>> No.51661059

Abs live

>> No.51661074

I need the meems tho

>> No.51661076

Louie...your funds...

>> No.51661096

She's dangerous menhera

>> No.51661301

>In January 2017, the source code of Opera 12.15, one of the last few versions still based on the Presto layout engine, was leaked.[53]

>> No.51661438
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>> No.51661498

24 hour Mimi twitter space, listening to her wooz

>> No.51661637

Watame Iro is going live with an ASMR stream.

>> No.51662184

Iro, no... I hope she recovers fast and well.

>> No.51662189


>> No.51662224

vtuber = cringe
vtubers are not real

>> No.51662260

Iro-chan... don't make me feel bad for thinking about punching you...

>> No.51662423

Mimi can gulp something alright

>> No.51662870


>> No.51662901


>> No.51663225


>> No.51663578

Mimi should do more zatsu streams, this shit is fire

>> No.51663945

I would like a meemo word of the day

>> No.51664023

Indeed, I enjoy her just talking.

>> No.51664165


>> No.51664350

She’s funny, thank god

>> No.51664357

She's a very good gaming streamer.

>> No.51664418
File: 1.24 MB, 1277x717, Mimi...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51664439

I wanna buy IroCoin

>> No.51664457

Why Jon...

>> No.51664543

this is now the Mimi qrd

>> No.51664675

oh boy manmade lasagna beyond my comprehension

>> No.51664807

This made her so much sex-ier

>> No.51664923

Irobro, tell Iro-chan to make friends with Mimi, she's the safest and healthiest unitychad.

>> No.51665017

Mimi a good girl

>> No.51665065

Sadly, Animal Lounge's management is too slow on collabs. Iro haven't even Collab with her genmate Alisa.

>> No.51665126

Is that really due to management or because they're not talking to each other?

>> No.51665149

>try to sell to Louie
>he says its too high
>drop it by like 3 gold
>he buys it
Looooouieee! your finances!

>> No.51665197

poorfriends gonna poor

>> No.51665267

Both said it was management.

>> No.51665323

Damn, do they stop them from interacting on Twitter and YouTube/Twitch chat as well?

>> No.51665469

They appear in each other's chat. They also speak well of each other. They look forward to collabing for Valorant but... Management.

>> No.51665551

Then it's not too late to be in Mimi's chat and twitter! Likewise for other chuubas. Iro-chan just needs to take that first step because she's got no clout right now.

>> No.51665701

Animal Lounge is retarded desu. They must have a lot of money and good intentions but they could really use some more common sense.
From what Ive gathered:
-Alissa and Iro dont have enough viewers/their viewers overlap too much for them to collab (??? dont ask me, thats what Iro said or something like that)
-They both cannot collab with vtubers that are not from the company until they are "stabilized" (arbirtrary line, god knows when that is). Iro was already doubtful she could even raid people on twitch.
-They make them both stream on not one, not two but 3 platforms (youtube, twitch and kick) and somedays do 50% of the stream on twitch and 50% on kick for example.

>> No.51665774

Maybe we should just push Mimi to talk to iro then…

>> No.51665814

(me) Forgot to add, Id like her to collab with other chuubas since she also wants to. Some good options are Mimi like you said, PAM from PlayAsia who is super chill and safe, etc.
Would def like her to stream with Mimi

>> No.51665856

>They must have a lot of money
If that was true, they'd invest in promoting them.

>> No.51665869

How the fuck are they supposed to get anywhere if they can't interact with other vtubers and have zero shilling? Starting to think I should be ryonaposting about management instead of Iro...

>> No.51665964

Exactly, I bet Mimi would be more than willing to collaborate, she’s the corpo unity girl after all

>> No.51666041

Mimi would certainly show up in their chat... if she even know about them and they streamed on YouTube.

>> No.51666066

I doubt it *isnt* true because if you look at them, they have a toooon of shit.
Iro alone has:
-A great model, very well rigged
-A chibi model, also rigged.
-Loading screen
-Transition screen
-Ending screen
-Lore video with good art
-Original music for the loading screen (I think)
Multiply that 3 times cause they have 3 of those, (Alissa and the girl that graduated)
Hell if I know desu, thats why Im saying they must be rarted, even if they have good intentions. Im pretty sure the anons here have done more for shilling the AL vtubers than the company itself.

>> No.51666381

That's the money they're not spending on advertising

>> No.51666688

Depending on the cost of the model, that's still like $7-15k USD with all the talents combined.

I imagine PixelLink's debut animation was easily $10k with even more on the models. I know it's not a tit for tat and an estimation, but if they're not promoting their talents and are slow to use alternative methods of doing so, then they probably don't have a lot of funds available to them.

>> No.51667115
File: 88 KB, 171x263, Screenshot_20230619_122802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if I press those buttons? Will she reboot?

>> No.51667224

itsa a hoodie, totally not secretly the power button to secret pleasure enhancers if you input the right code

also Chiaki just slayed a giant rrat

>> No.51667415

Beryl Karaoke in 27 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcFYTgwACZA
Also someone should bake

>> No.51667465

oh damn ill get it, what should i use for the OP

>> No.51667504

Mimi Garfield hands down

>> No.51667510

it's weird that genmates can't collaborate or talk together.

>> No.51667566


>> No.51667630

new bread

>> No.51667725
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, AlisaIdol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the cover is quality. Alisa announced another is coming and Iro will have one too

>> No.51667922

Iro inclining

>> No.51668100

I think its more than that, but I dont know the real prices for these things. Anyways yeah they should spend some on promoting her, or at least try not to hinder her growth.
Yeah, definitely. Super excited for Iro´s covers, I hope they come soon

>> No.51669050

Woozie is CUTE
