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5149793 No.5149793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone notice how "MYSTERY COLLABS" are being used by holoEN for collabs with anitubers/vshojo etc?

Is it just me or does it feel like they're not revealing clearly unlikable collabs early so their paypigs (members & supacha customers) complain about it?

Ame/Ina/Gura almost always try to be upfront about their guests while mori and kiara have been using this very frequently?


>> No.5149921

Mori already confirmed she's waiting until it's too late for backlash to reveal those collabs, might be a EN-wide decision now

>> No.5150034

Because they don't have the balls to face the obvious backslash and tell angry people to fuck off if that's what they want to keep doing these projects

>> No.5150082


>> No.5150333

>Is it just me or does it feel like they're not revealing clearly unlikable collabs early so their paypigs (members & supacha customers) complain about it?
This is the exact reason. Now, why they would even go through with these collabs despite knowing full well their fans won't react favourably to it is the real mystery to me.

>> No.5150346

don't care

>> No.5150378

Because you have become a liability for your own oshis. Collabs are part of the vtuber business and the girls feel like they need to hide collabs now because their own fans are so immature that they would harass the vtubers and collab partners over this shit.

>> No.5150397

feels scummy, I've already lost interest in holoEN due to enma cracking down hard on "language" but this seems to push the scumminess a bit further than before.

>> No.5150402

Sakurai is teaching them

>> No.5150513

Why would she care. Only 5% hated Gigguk collab while everyone else was fine with it.

>> No.5150562

It's to skyrocket eggcel anxiety

>> No.5150624

>I've already lost interest in holoEN
Then why should they give a shit what antis want?

>> No.5150632

It’s more to minimize harassment on her collab partner.
Look at the week long harassment campaign with Veibae, that should tell you why.

>> No.5150677

yeah, purityfags blew their rage too early on gigguk, now they'll never take backlash seriously because retards decided to cry over every outside collab

>> No.5150682

>Senior managment denies a lot of personal project
>Also allows controversial collabs where the Holos have to keep the collab partner secret till the last minute

>> No.5150726

They know part of thier viewers won't like it and they don't even care enough to listen. It's a big fuck you. So if you don't like it, drop them, they are clearly dropping you.

>> No.5150749


>> No.5150755

>feel like they need to hide collabs
They never had to hide collabs with their senpais. Ina didn't have to hide her collab with Pikamee. Maybe if revealing the name of the person they're collabing with causes a shitshow, they should take that as a sign not to collab with someone their fanbase dislikes.

>> No.5150785

they know a lot of hololive fans don't like vshoujo so they're containing most of the backlash for when the stream is said and done and nothing can be done about it.

>> No.5150910

am I the only one who's been watching more nijiEN than holoEN?
other than Ame I've been watching elira and pomu quite a bit. they have interesting personalities & especially chemistry but also the underhanded tactics aren't there.

holoEN seems way more corporate than nijiEN at the moment (to me atleast) and I dont know when that switch happened personally, kek

>> No.5151175

Exactly when NijiEN was announced lol

>> No.5151223

Thank God it's not charlie

>> No.5151364

It is blatantly misleading. Mori and Kiara want to "branch out", but don't want to confront their paypigs that will perform a mass exodus before the stream can even go live. The Gigguk collab ended up being good on its own, and I'm glad Mori improved her collab energy, but it was blatantly a warning sign in another way.

If you see "Mystery Collab" from Mori/Kiara, expect it to be somebody that they assume will be seen negatively by their core members.
Honestly? I would unsubscribe and cancel memberships, if you've got them. It's one thing if they want to use "Mystery Collab" for collabs that aren't confirmed, but it's obvious they're being dodgy because they don't want to deal with the fallout.

>> No.5151405

unironically they're gaining more respect from me every passing day

>> No.5151438

about the time they started preventing any inter-branch collab with a JP that was actually popular with the EN fanbase. We're only getting most of these shitty collabs now because they were prevented from making connections within the company

>> No.5151446

wigger tactics

>> No.5151502 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5151550

>It is blatantly misleading
misleading is exactly the right word, I couldnt find that word when I made the OP

>> No.5151616

Thanks to (You), every outside collab will be a Mystery Collab.
Just because (You) and the schizos couldn't keep in your pants for the meme man, now you have to deal with this. Congratulations.

>> No.5151698

Imagine having such a rabid fanbase you have to hide collab partners until the last minute lmaoooo

>> No.5151763

you mean a Mori and Kiara decision?
they're the only ones actively wanting to collab with shitty people and mediocre anitubers

>> No.5151828

that was with coco

>> No.5151915

They decided to do this because we had too much power. We cancelled their earlier collab with Veibe or whatever her name was. Now they're handicapping ups by giving us less time to react, but we'll get around it.

>> No.5151926 [DELETED] 

At least we stopped Veibae.

>> No.5151931


>> No.5151978

Pretty sure most people that say they like NijiEN prefer the "indie experience" they have without actually being indie i.e. being in a chat/group of slower and fewer chat, so the streamer has more chances to notice your message.

I'm not saying it's bad, but it's very misleading to say that "I like NijiEN because they are more entertaining" when you really mean "I like NijiEN because they can actually read my message without me having to pay $100 for a superchat"

>> No.5152040

The HoloEN fanbase are no better than the chinks at this point. It's like Coco having to keep her own collabs unannounced until the day before they happen.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if Kiara sets her chat to member's only too.

>> No.5152082

Whether or not your oshi cares, cover itself does not because cover is a corporation that wants more viewers, more exposure and more money. We didn't stop anything, veibae stopped herself by being retarded and getting the boot when cover found out what she'd been saying.

>> No.5152144

>"I like NijiEN because they can actually read my message without me having to pay $100 for a superchat"
the fuck? I dont care if they read my message or not. it has nothing to do with getting attention

>> No.5152178

>Handicapping ups
Should have picked Fedex

>> No.5152213

>The HoloEN fanbase are no better than the chinks at this point. It's like Coco
imagine equating not wanting tranny LGBTP shit in hololive is equal to zhangs spamming and doxxing coco on her chat and twitter for a year.

>> No.5152294

You aren't actually the fanbase if something minor like this causes you guys to harass them on twitter. They have realized that and that's why you guys get ignored. Voicing disappointment in a civil way was never 4chan's strength.

>> No.5152295 [DELETED] 

Because they're Americans. We've been saying this for so long back in /jp/ that they're chinkier than chink and more Jewish than the Jews they claim to hate when it comes to it.

>> No.5152301

Those who believe only in the Trinity don't have this problem. I don't recognize Kiara or Mori as part of EN. They are just a nuisance that will fade with more yabs and the true golden age can begin.

>> No.5152363

>spamming and doxxing coco on her chat and twitter
That literally happens to Kiara all the time. She had to shut down prechat in one of her recent streams because people were spamming doxx pics of her.

>> No.5152436

You're the ones harassing VTubers you don't watch over collabs you don't like

>> No.5152590


It means a serious lack of thot patrolling that these bitches think they can get away with whatever they want.

>> No.5152634

There's no tranny lgbtp shit in Nyanner's streams though.

>> No.5152835

>tranny LGBTP
Kiara's fanbase is 90% this, though. Just click on any "KFP" profile on twitter and they'll have pronouns and pride flags all over their bio

>> No.5152990

yeah this weirded me out. I thought it was just a meme, but while in the prechat for the TTRPG session, it was a bunch of people either with rainbows and pronouns in their name, or people spamming the rainbow emote

>> No.5152992

yes, but do we want more of that toxic shit in hololive?

>> No.5153014
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>Announcing their collabs at short notice to prevent retards crying about it
>Feels scummy

>> No.5153172

>to prevent retards crying about it
>hold that thought while I rant why takamori isnt moving like noel-flare relationship
kek, go throw some red supachas, kfpbeat. let the adults speak here

>> No.5153209


Purityfags are the worst holdover from idol culture.

>> No.5153218

I don't have beef with hiding collab partners that haven't confirmed or themselves have sketchy shit, like what happened with Coco/Ame.
I also don't have beef with people like Gigguk and Nyanners collabing with Hololive. It's the cancerous leeches that can't carry themselves like Connor, and the two-faced snakes like Veibae that need to stay out.
What I care about, and what I have always cared about, is the mutual trust between the chuuba and the audience. This course of events makes it very clear that the chuuba does not trust the audience, and that the audience should not trust the chuuba. Deception is not how you keep a fanbase. Telling the truth may lose you some paypigs, but you might gain some others.
If Mori came out and said "I'm collabing with Gigguk and he's gonna teach me some Shadowverse", I would've said "cool, I may not tune in but power to you", and carried on with my day. Instead what happened is that she heavily implied she was inviting a pro Shadowverse player to help her learn the ropes, and then announced the collab partner an hour before the stream when people had already set aside time to watch it, lighting a massive bonfire of people calling her entire loyalty to Hololive into question and screaming for her graduation. Most of those were shitposters, but I'd wager at least 20% of them were genuine sentiment. Multiple long-term T3 deadbeats were saying shit like "if Mori can't bring this energy to other collabs she should graduate" and "why would Mori hide the collab partner until the last minute if it wasn't to avoid backlash".

If there's no mutual trust, pack it up. If your "Mutual trust" is built on the fact that your fanbase doesn't like your collab partners, you need a new fanbase that WILL trust you and that you can trust to NOT sperg out over nothing.

>> No.5153243


>> No.5153257

>join idol company
>complain about idol culture
If only there was a way to avert this situation.

>> No.5153270
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I literally don't even know what your strawman is supposed to be

>> No.5153309

I could find trannies or ponies or deviantart communities for every vtuber. The only test is if that person has, in character (roommates don't count), made statements on politics or idpol shit

>> No.5153316

It's a tech company, ask their CEO.

>> No.5153376

does that mean as a male eceleb, I can get my fans to spam yagoo to let me fuck my favorite hololive girl on stream?

>> No.5153394

This just reminds me of when you'd watch old wrestling shows and it'd say big stars were "in action" that night because they didn't want to tell the audience it was a jobber squash match.

>> No.5153535

>does that mean as a male eceleb, I can get my fans to spam yagoo to let me fuck my favorite hololive girl on stream?
If she wants to fuck you, and you want to fuck her, and the terms of service for the streaming platform allow it, then... sure? I'm really not sure what your question is here.

They're people.

>> No.5153624

>tech company that gets mogged by a horny stoner with an iPhone

>> No.5153631

Why wasn't connor allowed to fuck ollie if that's the case

>> No.5153667

It’s Nyanners and Kim Jong Un

>> No.5153734

They're cowards too afraid to stand by their own decisions, genuine scum

>> No.5153750

>They're people.
They are fictional characters owned by cover corporation

>> No.5153799
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>It's the cancerous leeches that can't carry themselves like Connor,
This is news to me. YouTube recommended him eating every single flavor of Kit-Kat with an ex-JAV star and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Please explain.
FWIW I think the very fact that they had to hide these collabs means they know they shouldn't have fuckin done em. I don't watch Dad or turkey, can't stand Mori's low energy, can't stand Kiara period.

>> No.5153810

/pw/ here. This is more like when someone big in the indies fills a gap on TV so they can scout them for later on/ build a business relationship with each other's company.


>> No.5153869

Fuck that racist Pink hate filled bitch, she deserves a face full of hateful dicks.

>> No.5153875
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>The only test is if that person has, in character (roommates don't count), made statements on politics or idpol shit
Actors don't have to make yabs "in character" as their fucking Marvel superhero or whatever to get cancelled. If talent has an active, well-known roommate account, and said roommate fuckin sucks, well then they suck too.

>> No.5153897

I agree, they should just accept that some collabs they want to do will upset long time fans and have them jump ship, but if whoever they were going to collab with was enough to upset people, that collab partner will bring their own fanbase into it and hopefully they will replace those that left. I was actually a former "deadbeat" that just cancelled membership and deleted all her songs because I genuinely hate those faggots from trash taste, her first offense with the podcast I was able to look past, thinking it was a one time thing that happened during holoEN's early days of trending popularity, but it happened again and I just stopped supporting Mori, it's not like my support was that significant because more people would support her regardless if one or two leave for good.

>> No.5153955

who cares, ecelebs are 3x more popular than any other holo

>> No.5153970

Because I don't think you can travel internationally without it being a pain in the ass right now.

To achieve such a goal, Connor would need to:
>Get a negative COVID-19 test
>Isolate for 2 weeks in a hotel
>Get a second negative COVID-19 test
>Fly to indonesia
>Isolate for 2 weeks
>Get a third COVID-19 test
>Fuck Ollie
>Get a 4th covid-19 test
>Fly to Japan
>Get a 5th COVID-19 test
>Isolate for 2 weeks

Seems like a lot of effort for zombie pussy

>> No.5154025

>YouTube recommended him eating every single flavor of Kit-Kat with an ex-JAV star and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Would you ahve enjoyed it as much if he didn't have the ex-JAV star with him? Legitimate question.
Every solo act I've seen of Connor he comes off as about as interesting as tomato on toast.

>> No.5154074

This is the thing that annoys me more than anything else. If Mori came out and said she was collabing with Vshojo, took the backlash head on and kept going, I wouldn't have a problem with her. I still wouldn't watch her, because it's a Vshojo collab, but it would at least be respectable. Instead she lets her fans keep watching, keep subscribing and keep giving her money before blindsiding them with a collab that she de facto admits (by virtue of hiding the collab partner's name) a significant amount of her fanbase won't want.

>> No.5154153

Honestly? Probably. He's done a bunch of similar videos, both alone and with a collab partner (abroad in Japan for drinks/Chicken) and they've all been fairly enjoyable.

>> No.5154267

Wow I can't believe Ame would be intentionally misleading like this. Unmembered, unsubscribed, blocked on social media, and burned my merch/shrine.

>> No.5154345
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>Would you ahve enjoyed it as much if he didn't have the ex-JAV star with him? Legitimate question.
I wouldn't have. I only clicked because I recognized her, and her English was surprisingly good.
>Every solo act I've seen of Connor he comes off as about as interesting as tomato on toast.
Oh. I thought there were some majors yabs or something. I'm not subbed, I think he's pretty boring too, but the algorithm is usually right when it sticks him in my face. Guess elGoog still found out about my JAV habits even though I use Bing for booba...

>> No.5154472

That's on you queers for sperging out over the Veibae shit.
I'm already seeing people breaking containment against the pink cat.

>> No.5154494

>roommates don't count
how convenient, trannykfp

>> No.5154579

>Mutual trust
Based and trustpilled. If only Mori knew had a senpai who said fuck off to purityfags and enjoys massive trust with the fanbase that her departure would signal the end of hololive who could have been her example. Too bad your boi doesn’t care about her senpai

>> No.5154610

>Kiara: I'm gonna collab with Veibae, very excited!
>Twitter, this place and Reddit all bring up that 2 year old video, harass the shit out of her and demand the bend the knee
>She just abandons the idea of the collab and keeps doing her own thing
>Now the EN girls are keeping those collabs a secret

Gura did the same and most people suspect its with her mama.
You guys deserve this shit, its monkey paw in action

>> No.5154669

Fuck off, Tumblrfag.

>> No.5154675

Gura gave hints with the two gray cats with two whiskers, you dumb fag.

>> No.5154740

Pretty shallow take, honestly. My total expenditure for NijiEN has been a $5 superchat for Pomu (though I do plan on grabbing her membership as soon as it's available), and I rarely use the chat on any stream since I usually have them as background noise for work and games.

>> No.5154750

Maybe if they know that their viewers won't approve of a collab, they shouldn't do it.

>> No.5154763

She doesn't have even the most basic level of respect for the people that support her. People pretend like the fact that she finally decided to put the most basic level of effort into her streams proves that she suddenly cares about Hololive when this makes it very obvious that she only cares about avoiding criticism. When she drops her stream quality in a month after she thinks she's tricked her fanbase again don't be surprised.

>> No.5154764
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It's like mystery meat, with similar negative connotations.

>> No.5154773

They read all the angry threads on here about Cover needing to do more to protect their talents and not stifle them.
So they decided to protect their talents and not stifle them.

>> No.5154823 [DELETED] 

what even is the bottom right flag? i know the others are gay/lesbian/trans flags

>> No.5154866

The problem is they know it's not viewers, it's dramafags like (You). That's why all they care about is making it harder for (You) to shit up the industry.

>> No.5154901

Left to right, top to bottom: Mental Illness, Mental Illness, Mental Illness, and Mental Illness.

>> No.5154927

dont forget pedo-sexuals, all of them

>> No.5154940

First, the clip was from summer of last year, not 2 years ago.
Second, while Veibae was harassed, it was Cover that stopped Veibae from collabing and explicitly NOT Nyanners, meaning Cover found the clip problematic as well.
Third, Kiara decided to do the collab with Nyanners only anyway, which we knew because she announced it, which is why it being a "Mystery" makes no fucking sense because she said over a month ago "I'm collabing with vShojo in mid-June" and wowie-wowie-zowie, would you look at the time, it's mid-June!

This isn't monkey's paw shit. This is people wondering what's going on and why Kiara and Mori are pretending like the fanbase is ENTIRELY a pack of schizo retards when that's probably only like 15% of us.

>> No.5154996

I've already bought an Ina membership. Feels good to not even notice these collabs

>> No.5155018

> interesting as tomato on toast.
Hey, wow, excuse you, sun dried tomatoes and mozzarella are incredible on toast.

>> No.5155031

I will never not thank Ina and takos for getting her to 1M before kiara and causing kiara to have a mental breakdown about it.

>> No.5155197

NijiEN is just too chill for me rn. I like Elira's chit chats but so far none of them wow me.
I also lately tried to get into indies but I feel I am starting to see why I mostly follow HoloEN than others english speaking ones.
For once, they do not go overboard with the anime avatar larping when is not generic bishounen or bishoujo.

>> No.5155260

>causing kiara to have a mental breakdown about it.

In your schizo timeline?

>> No.5155369

Oh the irony ...

>> No.5155430

Who was it

>> No.5155540

>In your schizo timeline?
the one where she cries about being the last to 1M and calls kfp pity subs? yeah that timeline.
which one are you in, kfp?

>> No.5155591

>This course of events makes it very clear that the chuuba does not trust the audience, and that the audience should not trust the chuuba.

Understandable when this board still claims itself as "The audience"

>> No.5155727

It feels good to be a trinityfag

>> No.5155734

Define "Significant"

>> No.5155819

Honestly, between the Coco/Haachama stuff and this, I'm completely done with Hololive. I really liked most of these girls, but I can't do it anymore.

>> No.5155861

See you next week

>> No.5155874

It's okay anon
They don't own your time and attention, it's you who decide how to spend it

>> No.5155897

Kiara's collab waiting room has chat disabled and >10% dislikes. I'd call that significant.

>> No.5155946

It is the audience, smegma huffer. You can't be negative anywhere else without getting banned so everyone comes here to shitpost. What, did you think idolfags were mentally stable and that the schizos were just outliers from the wicken 4chainz? Did you think the mods have gone for years not wanting to make an e-celeb containment board because they just fucking love having to wade through all the unrelated to the board garbage they're looking at, at any given moment? This is the audience and it's fucking nuts, and while I don't want to spook you, the normies headed our way are actually way fucking worse when it comes to this. You haven't even begun to see how bad it's going to get.

>> No.5155947

Take the Indiepill, graduate from plebdom

>> No.5156017

>mental breakdown
>calmly comments on it for roughly 2 minutes during a 12 hour stream and then never brings it up again
ogey eggman

>> No.5156029

>At least we stopped Veibae.

That dumb bitch is the reason why they're "Mystery collabs" now. They don't want people outside of cover pretending they're going to collab and then backing out at the last second like she did. Other than it fucking up HL's scheduling if they cancel last minute, it could be seen as an scummy but easy way to for indies to get attention without ever actually collabing.

>> No.5156071

Exactly, point of Hololive is to build a business, when you demonstrate you'll fling loop any time your oshi tries to expand beyond where they are now no amount of lost unhinged akasupas can compensate for the income when you just get on with it and do stuff

>> No.5156091

There's no cancelling last minute because the collab wasn't even scheduled yet, the animecon was not the collab

>> No.5156108

lol, I suggest you give her some more money while she complains about us. go ahead

>> No.5156122

The only memberships I have left after cancelling my Hololive memberships are Rose/Kitanya, Beatani, and Kana.

>> No.5156185

>no amount of lost unhinged akasupas
I disagree. Like in many industries, a small number of whales contribute a vastly disproportionate amount of money. One gachikoi who donates an akasupa every stream is worth more than 100 viewers who don't donate. Hololive makes most of its money from gachikoi, even if the majority of the fanbase are normies. That's an important distinction to understand; while Cover wants both high viewership and dedicated whales, good business sense would advise against sacrificing the latter to advance the former.

>> No.5156235


I loved when connor tried to leech off Ame and her answer was just "Oh you're the guy from the podcast, thanks for being nice to Calli"

>> No.5156246

More probable explanation is that if its a "Mystery Guest" that means people can't dig up dirt that Cover would act upon. Veibae collab wouldn't have fallen through without Cover interfering by seeing her shittalk the company.

>> No.5156303

You failed to notice that like 3 chinese schizos harassed their coworker for 9 months and led her to quit HL

It's not about the numbers it's about keeping the sperg levels in check anon

>> No.5156315

2 things
1. Chat was also disable on other streams base on occasion (See: E3 watch along stream), will have to wait till around 30 mins for chat to be available
2. 19 hours till the collab happen, so most viewer haven't turned in yet

I'd say wait and see, but it's not what this board is about

>> No.5156456
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Kiara's chat being disabled for this prechat specifically was on purpose.

>> No.5156475

>More probable explanation is that if its a "Mystery Guest" that means people can't dig up dirt that Cover would act upon

I'm sure management is well aware ahead of time and pre-screens them. They aren't telling their employers that it's a secret, kek. I don't think her prior shit flinging was the ultimate cause of it falling through.

>> No.5156576
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>they're the only ones actively wanting to collab with shitty people

Uhh.... Ame had a collab with Coco

>> No.5156824

Prechat = Pre-stream chat
Pls do your stream rep anon

>> No.5156833

Is there drama like this with JP fans? Also do JP fans ever see us freaking out about collabs and wonder why?

>> No.5156864

>You only like NijiEN because the girl might read your simp message
Holy fucking cope retard, they're just more entertaining.

>> No.5156879

>I don't care when chuubas hide collab partners but only when it's people I like

>> No.5156900

yes, and she disabled that because viewers were hating on nyanners

>> No.5156941

JP fans definitely have drama, it's just different kinds of drama. Most of the JP drama is about the purity of the idols or the ship that fans have for the idols. I don't remember her name, but there was a female chuuba who collabed with Kuzuha and Kanae, and she got flooded with dislikes from fujos who thought she was breaking up their ship.

>> No.5156983

>Prechat = Pre-stream chat
nice goal post shift kfp

>> No.5157046

>cancerous leeches that can't carry themselves like Connor
you mean the guy with 2m+ subs ?

>> No.5157054

Yes, but holo rarely gets any these days because they stopped most collabs with outsiders, aside from shit like playing with apex players like towa and matsuri do

>> No.5157120


>> No.5157122

There's a big difference between someone doing a surprise collab to build hype or waiting to see if the schedules line up and explicitly saying you're not going to reveal your collabs until the last minute so your audience can't tell you it's a bad idea

>> No.5157437

>which is why it being a "Mystery" makes no fucking sense because she said over a month ago
You would have had to watched her to have gotten the message though and thus be "part of her audience."
Whereas anyone can see the schedule even if you don't actively watch her streams to be able to kick up a fuss about it, ie. antis.

>> No.5157486

Can't even say you killed the pussy last night if it's already dead

>> No.5157490

Mori specifically stated that she was going to avoid saying who her non-Holo collab partners were until no more than 24 hours in advance, deliberately to avoid backlash. Check her first stream after her break if you want proof.

>> No.5157521

and deadbeats allow this?
fuckin hell

>> No.5157570

Absolutely based taste

>> No.5157579

I straight up don't watch Kiara. Not because I hate her or anything but because she streams at inconvenient hours for me and rarely streams outside of those hours. 90% of what I know of Kiara's day-to-day goings-on is from clips, Twitter, and stuff that I find here and look up to verify.
Basically, if I knew that Nyanners and Kiara were collabing in mid-June, somebody that cares enough to actually be her anti (or her fan) DEFINITELY knows. By all metrics, I should be the most out of the loop in this equation.

>> No.5157631

Wtf Mori

How the hell am I supposed to dig up shit about your collab partner in 24 hours?

>> No.5157754

She said "vshojo" to keep the deniability that it could have been mouse or silver, which even 99% of nyanners fans agree are ok on their own. If the rrats about Kiara frequenting this site for years are true, there's no way she didn't know about what kind of person the pink cat is and kept it a mystery on purpose to force the collab anyway

>> No.5157777 [DELETED] 

She's telling you morons to grow up. Learn to take a hint

>> No.5157829

Genderfluid flag

>> No.5157946

Finally an anon with some taste

>> No.5157955

Except if you do a cursory glance at the vShojos' Twitters (maybe 10 minutes of your life if you need to also look up who's in vShojo), Nyanners confirmed she was the one doing the collab with Kiara.
The "mystery" shit makes no sense to anybody with a brain and an internet connection.

>> No.5158299 [DELETED] 

Its cause you faggots are insufferable spergs. You reap what you sow.

>> No.5158598

please get your reddit reviewing morons to stop leeching off my oshi. thanks

>> No.5158780

One step closer to the final yab at a time.

>> No.5158928

>hmm a bunch of my fans will be legit mad if I associate with these vapid vulgar people who openly don't like hololive and think I'm a fake puppet
>better pull a fast one on them, fuck what the fans think
Basically it reflects several things - entitlement/conceit, contempt for their own fans etc. Imagine openly inviting more antis in by doing exactly what the rrats of months ago fucking said they'd eventually do.

"but annoyed fans are a minority!" is not an argument. This particular field of work literally, literally works up an army of simps who do not exercise logic anymore for defense and excuse anything Kiara did, whether she collabed with a piece of shit fake as Cheez-Whiz person or murdered their parents they'll go through mental gymnastics to rationalize it. To say nothing of the fucking Holo leddit conditioning people "think happy thoughts only happy thoughts EVERYTHING else not happy are fucking antis, don't question it just consume stream and be happy for more streams." The other thing is it's a filtering effect, people who literally are fed up with Kiara just won't fucking watch her anymore, so, they just aren't there to plop a dislike - they just stopped caring about her either way and it's more effort to visit a stream than ignore her. It's asking what an army of yes-men simps thinks. In some cases like with Coco it's a prolonged organized raid thing but that's not what's happening here at all, this is an actual reaction to something.

>> No.5158948

Unbelievable how EOPs are even spergier than chinks and Nips
Although most HoloEN fans are mentally ill 3rd worlders so it makes sense

>> No.5159383
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>> No.5159879

damn, it's almost like people don't want this shitty collab.

>> No.5160635
File: 335 KB, 463x453, 1622241335633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread looks fun

>> No.5161991

People in this thread keep saying that the goal of keeping it a mystery is to avoid causing backlash, as if it can't happen post stream like the Coco/Mori collab, or do they expect people who are against this to watch the stream and change their mind afterwards if it is surprisingly good?

>> No.5162108

All of this cope.
In reality its casuals and tourists who will shit themselves on twitter, not their paypigs and fanbase. They do this to prevent these autists from harassing their collab partners.

>> No.5162242

Dude, are you fucking thick?
It's pride month. Everywhere is pride flags and rainbows.

>> No.5162305

doesn't happen in any other holo's prechat

>> No.5162309

I AM thick.

>> No.5162317

It indicates the talent knows it might not go well and they're selfish and want to try to prevent the guest from getting Veibae'd.

The Vei thing blowing up righteously from her own doing coming back to bite her in the ass was a slight bit of sweet justice to us, but to Kiara was basically unarguable feedback that no she doesn't fucking know everything, or make all the right calls, and Cover will still come put the kibosh on something if an idea is just truly that fucking bad (which it was). That must deeply disturbs a pathologically insecure shit like her, so she just doubled down instead of consider it a learning experience going for an even worse guest. The fact she shut off her prechat is basically just tripling down now.

Kiara, don't you get it? That reaction and attitude is precisely what people don't like, the tryhard "gonna take my ball and go home" insistence on bad ideas, being a sore loser etc. Being a good kouhai caring a lot about Holo was literally like her one admirable good point nobody would knock her for, and yet to bring in someone from a shitty knockoff wannabe group whose existence is a mockery, like blackface to people who like JP vtubers? Just why. You didn't have to do that. I really don't have much to like about her anymore and I always, for more than 6 months, have been one of those unity die-hards.

>> No.5162412

If they know they're picking a shitty guest people aren't gonna like then don't blame people for reacting negatively.

They should question what they're doing forcing shit in on people who do not want those guests/connections, made crystal-clear they never want and Cover itself completely blocked entirely up until very recently. That's being an asshat to your own fans putting them through stupid drama shit with very questionable motives and forcing them to put up with lesser and lesser content. Until they just won't.

>> No.5162453

Really surprised that:
A. /pol/ didn't die when Guliani fandangoed at a parking lot off of 95.
B. The toxic GQP and neo-nazi shit is mucking up my Yotsuba-B's.
There's nothing wrong with alternate sexualities, get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.5162514

It's not really that though. According to Youtube there's only 554 out of 3679 people that disliked the collab prestream room. That's still about 15% so far, it's not anywhere near 1/4 or a 1/3rd of people for it to be major.
Maybe things can change in the future, but look at the VOD with Gigguk and Mori and it's like what, 3% of people that disliked it? They'll just treat it as a vocal minority at this point.

>> No.5162612

Consider probably like 90% of people who hate Kiara don't pay attention to anything she's doing at all anymor,e and I'd say it should be more noted as a fan backlash period.

Is she prepared to truly annoy 15% of her fans? If the likes scale to the whole population that's over 150,000 people, literally an entire city of angry people at her, for this. Way more than she has ever ever had. That has to mean something.

>> No.5162750

NijiEN's chat isn't exactly slow, you'll still need luck if you want your chat to be read. I just like the dynamic of NijiEN a bit more atm, plus they don't seem to be held back by their managers as much as Hololive atm.

>> No.5162874

I don't know though, I feel like that 150,000 annoyed people comparison really works if you treat it as all of her 1 million subscribers watch every single VOD and stream. For all we know there's people that are excited to see it play out or indifferent and don't bother leaving a like/dislike, maybe they'll watch it or not. We don't know.

>> No.5162996

>not their paypigs and fanbase
>all those tier 3 deadbeats saying bye after anituber collab
yeah sure

>> No.5164043

They're not going to let their schedules decided by a tiny minority of a few hundred insecure faggots from a mongolian basket weaving forum.
People here are massively deluding themselves over how many people actually dislike this.

>> No.5166428

it's to curb the 4chan autism

>> No.5166532

>4chan doesn't matter lol who cares
>4chan is why they alter their whole way of doing guests because they're afraid of us, shut off prechat etc

So which is it, damage control Cover interns? You literally do not have the option to just admit that this is pointless charade of spite spite from Kiara so I won't ask you to contemplate that, but, I would like the low-down on if they actually take us seriously or not.

>> No.5166695

Find it funny that you what? ENfags hate vshojo somehow? They kinda owe it to those twitchfags to convince holoEN to even exist lol, also if holoID can do a vshojo collab without this mystery shit i'm gonna laugh my ass off bcuz if ID can it just shows you 1st world mentality right there

>> No.5172843

