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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5146119 No.5146119 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5146180

Its called passion nigga.

>> No.5146483

The tears make it more likely Nintendo will send her one for free.

>> No.5146486

>...uh...uh...i'm just so happy that this company wants to sell plastic to boomers
she just came up with an excuse after she realized she was crying and talked over the actual zelda game with no reaction

>> No.5146590

This is why korone is better than pekora. Pekora's reaction was fake as hell.

>> No.5146597

it's called being a CONSOOMER

>> No.5146614

She literally explained the reason in the clip nigger

>> No.5146710

Don't worry anon, schizos don't feel empathy or any kind of happiness, but if you take your meds you'll get better

>> No.5146743

>realizing we will all die one day

>> No.5146771

calm down and take your meds

>> No.5147007

Korone really is too sweet for this world.

>> No.5147070

What was the rabbit's reaction ?

>> No.5147283

Korone and Saku are both my favorite vtubers, I was watching both and Korone's reactions are gold, she literally overreacts to everything, next to her everyone looks soulless

>> No.5147387

>she literally overreacts to everything
yooooooo gaajiansu abu za garakkushi. im groot. im grooot

>> No.5147527

the memory of a time when she was young and happy and had hopes and dreams beyond being a childless christmas cake that pretends to be a dog on the internet for money.
i'm not saying that to be cruel. i like korone. it's just the truth. you would cry too.

>> No.5147576

>childless christmas cake
get your rrats straight

>> No.5147728

It's called feeling nostalgia for something you enjoy you fucking psycho

>> No.5148021

Korone cried over a fucking sonic game. Her tears are faker than Watame's.

>> No.5148156

>Schizos on this board have never felt strongly nostalgic for something
Why the fuck do I come here?

>> No.5148194

my man loves purchasing goods and services

>> No.5148280

Yes I do you fucking commie. I am going to buy that game and watch and enjoy every second playing it.

>> No.5148353

I'm going to buy it and you're going to buy it from me at a markup. Then you're going to leave it on your desk after turning it on once.

>> No.5148429

He 3rd son was a big Zelda fan. After the hell that was the divorce case, she can't even hear the word 'Zelda' without tearing up.

>> No.5148444

Not then but why do they have to? Some people just don't, what's wrong with that?

>> No.5148454


Get a life niggward

>> No.5148536

this nigga gonna cry in 20 years when he sees the trailer for the remake of Thor 2

>> No.5148549

She cries over everything

>> No.5148647

How does Nintendo fags cry nostalgia when Nintendo keeps porting/remaking old games? I don't get it. Even new games in existing Nintendo IPs still play mostly the same.

>> No.5148720

lmao he's going to see the announcement for a plastic hammer with a screen on the side that plays thor 1 and 2

>> No.5148986

You guys gave the schizo a fucking autism attack damn. Lol.

>> No.5149164

That's fine, but talking about something you don't understand is a room-temperature IQ move. If you don't understand why someone would be moved to tears remembering their childhood then fine, but don't conjure retarded rrats out of thin air over it.

>> No.5149223

I thought was wasn't v

>> No.5149588

>If you don't understand why someone would be moved to tears remembering their childhood then fine, but don't conjure retarded rrats out of thin air over it.
korone sees the gameboy/links awakening bundle at the store but dad buys her a 500 yen used game and watch instead.
and then he beats her

>> No.5150478
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I straight up bawled because I dropped a cup that said hope on it. What's it like to be a autist with no feelings anon?

>> No.5150704

>I straight up bawled because I dropped a cup that said hope on it
yeah you sound neurotypical alright

>> No.5150961

She remembered she's not getting enough supas and free publicity

>> No.5151141

Believe it or not anon I am pretty neurotypical. not amazingly so obviously, I was raised on 4chan, but rather, I would say the average person cries more and over way stupider shit than me.

>> No.5151468

Teenage girl? Otherwise, no lol

>> No.5152767
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You fucking retards, she isn't crying because of the fucking game, she's crying because she just got hit with the reality that 30 FUCKING YEARS HAVE PASSED. She was reminded that her age is catching up on her and that her life is fleeting. She literally had a rush of everything and everyone that she's lost so far and a despair of what she will lose in the future. PLEASE fucking try to think about her beyond a stupid fucking meme of the month answer,

>> No.5152907

Nice projection faggot.

>> No.5153010
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Here, your meds schizo

>> No.5153565

Eiji Aonuma raped her in 1990.

>> No.5155129

Is that victory?

>> No.5155205

can confirm, I am her rape child

>> No.5155285

Winning son?

>> No.5155641

>20 years from now everything is souless Disney remakes
>Remember when things felt new, exciting and made with love
I would cry too

>> No.5158487


>> No.5162509

it's true

>> No.5162636 [DELETED] 

I dont think so. I think those where cathartic tears. the kind you get when you watch something like this.
by the way you faggots who are doggo subscribers should get her to watch this.

>> No.5164262 [DELETED] 

I'm glad Korone got to experience the joy of revisiting her childhood. Not even being ironic. She's a genuine gamer and I respect her as such. Maybe she'll even play it on stream.

>> No.5165559

>Korone can still enjoy things
I'm jealous.

>> No.5165845

imagine believing this
you're too cynical toward people that are fragile and emotional that are acting completely in line with that

>> No.5167126

>>20 years from now everything is souless Disney remakes
why would they cry if it'll be exactly the same as now?

>> No.5167355

The wrong part is probably shitting on something someone else enjoys, but people do that every day without really thinking about it.

>> No.5167449

Give me proof

>> No.5167727

Why do people pretend to care about zelda 1.

>> No.5168123

Do you think people pretend to care about the original Mario and Metroid as well? These are classic games that were the foundation for their series. Nobody cares about their sequels for a reason, Mario being a weird case since there is both the USA sequel and a harder sequel of the original gameplay. But the original is more iconic than either of them.

>> No.5168286

Korone is roughly old enough to have grown up with the first game anon.

>> No.5168376

She would have to be around 40 for that to be true. Yes, she's older than most people think but that's really pushing it.

>> No.5168431

So am I but nes games are trash, SNES is where video games began

>> No.5169025


>> No.5169499


>> No.5170604 [SPOILER] 
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That's why I can't play older/retro games anymore. About the oldest I go now-a-days is ps3 with ps1/2 sprinkled in. My life has gone by in the flashing of a CRT and there's nothing I can do to get it back. Best just to move on lest I end up sobbing over memories.

>> No.5170648

take your fucking meds

>> No.5170682

nah they're actually pretty good you're just a faggot

>> No.5170690

god I want to fuck homu and make her manipulate time so that I nut in her for 100 years straight

>> No.5170699
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>> No.5170854

This thread shows the insane amount of schizos that reside in /vt/ most of the thread don't have any kind of empathy and the only thing that they can feel is despair, take your meds anon, and if you feel like that and you aren't on meds, please go to a psychiatrist and get meds prescriptions

>> No.5170886

certified hag moment

>> No.5170957

based. tourists seething

>> No.5171084

this board needs a rrat extermination

>> No.5171216

It's called "range ban SEA"

>> No.5171250

im in favor of it

>> No.5171410

Probably growing up in the 80s and being a Xoomer and having great experiences with games like the original Zelda that turned into a lifelong passion for gaming.
