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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51527668 No.51527668 [Reply] [Original]

TRUE EN GFE has never been tried and that's a good thing. EOPs don't deserve it.

>> No.51527706

I would gladly sacrifice all of EN just to get Rushia back.

>> No.51527856

Rushia was never that good at GFE. You apes are coping. At some point she just started doing that over the top "DONT WATCH OTHER GIRLS" act and then that turned into her "stalking" fans online as a part of her bit. Other than ASMR, there wasnt really that much GFE content in her streams. Freel free to provide links that prove me wrong. I watched Rushia since Gen 4 debuted.

>> No.51528013

Her viewers actually believe that they are in an actual relationship
If that's not GFE I don't know what is

>> No.51528088

>true GFE
>posts le death metal cutting board funny girl

>> No.51528209

What often gets overlooked with Rushia was not only was she peak GFE she was also peak CGDCT. So even if you weren't into GFE, she was great at CGDCT.

>> No.51528250

Nobody will ever surpass Ru-chans GFE prowess
She is the progenitor
The literal OG

>> No.51528332

But she barely ever collabed

>> No.51528339

Yeah I hear Nazuna's GFE is the best, confirmed by Mafumafu

>> No.51528470

Doki doki Mafumafu

>> No.51534737

>Rushia was never that good at GFE

>> No.51536339

Phillipines is a shithole

>> No.51536921

You need to be 18 to post here sweety. I know my post hurt you deeply but I actually watched her streams and I stand behind everything I said.
Now go rape your mother and set your house on fire while wearing a silly hat.

>> No.51538686

what's keeping you from building a giant business empire out of spite, buy 51% of cover's stock then reinstate rushia once again?

just admit it, your love is shallow.

>> No.51540635
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Anon, guys were literally threatening suicide when they found out she was doing. She herself threatened suicide because of the stress she caused her viewers, knowing how they her. She was the most superchatted girl in the history of YouTube. You think that’s because she was only half descent at gfe? Literally sold her viewers a wedding ring and an acrylic of her in a wedding outfit. Do you think that if that yab happened to any other girl, they and her audience would have that same reaction? Hell I don’t think even Nene would go as crazy as Rushia did. I’m pretty sure her dedicated fan base has a suicide pact with her. She is the queen of gfe for a reason.

>> No.51541003

You joke, but that's why Rushia was great. She was all those things (and retarded).

>> No.51541053

if she's so great why is she dead?

>> No.51541071

because she's retarded

>> No.51541137

>never that good
yet none shall be

>> No.51541385

That's the JP GFE.
Our western GFE is quite different, for example:
Mori, Kronii, Amelia and Bae are all GFE because they cuck their fans. That's the EN version.

>> No.51541486

flew too close to the sun

>> No.51541535

holy retard

>> No.51541546

SEAmonkeys and redditfags literally spammed twitter 24/7 to get her fired.

>> No.51541595

Also don't forget she thanked every single superchat individually every stream

>> No.51541605
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Oh it was tried... Until she shit on parasocials after the debut buff wore off

>> No.51541667

>Blaming the audience for her own mistakes
sasuga cuckdead

>> No.51541687

shes still the #1 hololive earner you ape

>> No.51541743

Audience lmao. You mean antis, and yeah I'm blaming antis for ruining everything and pressuring her. That's what antis like (You) do.

>> No.51541775
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They because they have shit taste.

>> No.51541799

yeah I didn't realize Antis literally hacked into her discord and sent her a message from mafumafu, my bad

>> No.51541809

I can't believe the level of willful ignorance in this thread. There are plenty of true GFE western vtubers. Shondo and Kiki are very similar to Rushia in most ways.
>Believes to be in an actual relationship
You just expect to find a menhera capable of being true GFE in a big corpo, lol. Of course Rushia got fired these kind of women aren't fit for corpos.

>> No.51541853

that was merely a domino. she wouldn't have been fired for that.

>> No.51541859

Nene from Kawaii. /thread

>> No.51541891

oh right, they hacked into her computer and forced her to leak all those internal cover documents to a dramatuber, I forgot

>> No.51541898

Rushia is literally still streaming anon, she just has a different model

>> No.51541914

Anon the people doing the twitter harassment didn't even watch her. It was in plain daylight.

>> No.51541919

>be in an actual relationship
Ah yes, the essential part of the GFE is the cucking.

>> No.51541931

Nene wishes she was as good as Rushia

>> No.51541958

that still isn't what got her fired anon, unless you actually believe >>51541891

>> No.51541969

That never happened. Stop taking /vt/ narratives seriously.

>> No.51541983

The people harassing her on twitter didn't watch hololive.

>> No.51542028

Reading comprehension please. I said TRUE GFE. Not that lukewarm uninspired garbage you call "gfe"

>> No.51542026

I’m pretty sure that if they saw their viewers upset at them they would go on an anti parasocial rant, it’s only inevitable

>> No.51542032

yeah instead I should trust you when you say that Rushia got fired because antis convinced yagoo to fire her

>> No.51542046

She only contacted kore2 because of dramafags harassing her on twitter, of course.

>> No.51542098

>Relying on sarcasm
Proof doko?

>> No.51542120

so she fucked up?

>> No.51542156

She only contacted kore2 because she is mentally unstable and was receiving a massive hate lynch mob on twitter.

>> No.51542168

you gave Mafumafu condom money

>> No.51542189

so she fucked up and thought it was a good idea to break NDA?

>> No.51542219

Throwing away a million dollar job where you play games all day and everyone loves everything you do

>> No.51542220

Again, willful ignorance. Suit yourself holobrony.

>> No.51542270

That was on kore2

>> No.51542279 [SPOILER] 
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I'll bite. What can't I get from any EN chuuba, GFE-wise?

>> No.51542321

oh how can I forget kore2 personally hacked into her computer and stole all those documents

>> No.51542358

Wrong, cuckold. I've seen shadow and kiki, they will never come close to the level Rushia was at. You wouldn't know about that though.

>> No.51542391

He didn't have to publish it on youtube of all things

>> No.51542402

Nene's gfe feels soulless. Like she's reading from a script.

>> No.51542423

Well for one, sincerity.

>> No.51542430

and Rushia didn't have to give him confidential company documents but here we are

>> No.51542519

Whole thing was caused by SEA twitter trying to own the incels.

>> No.51542546

oh how could I forget that sea twitter hacked into rushia's computer and leaked all those documents

>> No.51542633

With EN chuubad there is always the dread that one day she’ll change her mind when a fan becomes upset at her. That’s when she’ll start shitting on parasocials and gfe enjoyers, calling them creepy and to go touch grass. That she’s just an entertainer and not your gf. Russia’s new incarnation(s) has since then doubled down on gfe.

>> No.51542645

>drama tuber didn’t have to make content from drama
lmao even

>> No.51542664

They read heraru posts from schizos here and thought it was a great idea to lynch mob a woman on twitter, then korekore went full retard and posted all her private DMs on twitter. Everyone is stupid.

>> No.51542714

what does EOP stand for

>> No.51542725


>> No.51542728

>Everyone's at fault for my precious rushia breaking NDA to a dramatuber
sasuga cuckdead

>> No.51542743

>Russia’s new incarnation(s) has since then doubled down on gfe.
Are we watching the same channel? She's been very distant.

>> No.51542766

Eating out pussy

>> No.51542767

Rushia is like one of the fakest girls I have seen so this is just throwing stones in a glasshouse.

>> No.51542903

Well, yeah, I agree.

>> No.51542910

She's the most genuine actually.

>> No.51542979 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's why she freaked the fuck out when you realize she's been cheating on you with mafumafu

>> No.51542986

Sloth is really good at GFE and she is EN, also a virgin

>> No.51543107

I can't tell what's going on inside that woman's head.
If you ask me she was panicking more because people started digging into her previous life.

>> No.51543122

Maybe to non gachikoi, but she called herself our wife as Nazuna. Spends hours doing nothing but TwitCasts with her viewers. Says she feels happy talking to members. Defended her unicorns while they were fighting anti unicorns all of which were within her own fanbase. Cried and apologised to her viewers when they became upset with her. Continues to tell us she loves us and only us and that we are all that she needs. Posts sweet gf posts on her fanbox, talks reads all of our supas when she streams, made a song specifically thanking all of the viewers that loved with her after all of the hardships we had together. Made a boobie mousepad so that she can be even closer to us. And so on…long after she was fired from hololive

>> No.51543244
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She isn't doing as many casts as she used to.
I think this woman has a gambling and vices problem.

>> No.51543348

You never watched her though. Not like you can understand her anyway.

>> No.51543389

What are you on about? She did a public one today and then right after did a twitch stream and then not long after did a memberscast. She took a short break but even before that she was doing cast nearly everyday with even some public ones

>> No.51543452

Lmao, How did that turn out for you fancucks?

>> No.51543513


>> No.51543517

Depend who you ask. On the positive side I got closer to her than ever before. On the negative side I got closer to her than ever before.

>> No.51543620

Take notice that nobody itt challenged being an eop, because all of you actually are. All the while you post as if you watched rushia. This board is ruined.

>> No.51543628

The good thing is I'm closer to mikeneko now.
The negative thing is she is a crazy menhera.

>> No.51543700

Her and I are even closer than before. She has her moments but when things are going well it’s almost euphoric

>> No.51543764

That's a funny way of saying Coco.

>> No.51543816
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>> No.51543824

they should rehire her

>> No.51543940
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No one has since come close to taking Rushia’s crown

>> No.51543996

no whores in hololive

>> No.51544097 [DELETED] 

Rushia wasnt even anything special as far as GFE goes. She just flirted on stream and pretended that she gave a fuck about her fandeads being loyal to her.
In reality she just wanted mafumafu. Since then I have found vtubers that go way harder with the GFE.

>> No.51544161


>> No.51544199

I realized late this isn't a serious thread, don't waste more of your time trying to argue in earnest.

>> No.51544259

>We now have people so new, they don't know about Rushia or how good she was at GFE
Fucking end this board already.

>> No.51544415

God what a waste, why did she do it?

>> No.51544420

Her design had something that made it so beautiful and I miss it

>> No.51544422


>> No.51544442

I could have saved her...

>> No.51544517

Yes, and? My oshi said she was going to commit suicide if she didn't find us.

>> No.51544645

thats why you're not welcome

>> No.51544688
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>> No.51544731

would you kill yourself for your Oshi?

>> No.51544756

>if you cheat, I will cut ya
Not like this, Mrs Neko. Not like this.

>> No.51544799

Not me personally but many people have said they would. Some might have, I can't know that, but people call us a cult kek so people often think we would.

>> No.51544882

Also her end screen for the longest time had her in a wedding dress with "until death do us part" take that how you will.

>> No.51544953

Mikeneko adopted mystery cult like behavior
In order to avoid anti harassment, she disallows talking about streams, archiving streams. She doesn't even keep schedule, you have to reorganize your life around her whim and she might start streaming whenever.

>> No.51544981


>> No.51545037

With hidden sub accounts and everything.
Only initiated people "in the know" can follow her proper. It's actually really easy to gain access if you want but this filters a lot of people.

>> No.51545057

This is very true and I still feel a lot of guilt for missing her streams or casts

>> No.51545065

define GFE

>> No.51545066

cuck in denial

>> No.51545083

Wasn't Rushia really a "Yandere experience"?

>> No.51545104

How much have you donated to her?

>> No.51545114

more like true cuckold experience

>> No.51545158

Menhera = modernized yandere, pretty much.
Look it up on google images there is a whole fashion sub cultre associated with menhera.

>> No.51545191

I’ve essentially given up my life to follow this girl, I don’t even look at other women because I’m dedicated to her. I’ll never leave mikeneko, I’ll kill myself before I betray her.

>> No.51545203

Yandere is a subtype of girlfriend

>> No.51545205


>> No.51545284

>archiving streams
My oshi doesn't like the sharing of archived streams but knows she can't stop people from archiving in the first place.
>She doesn't even keep schedule
Didn't have a schedule for the longest time and when she does she barely follows it. We used to wait for her for hours when she was oversleeping and we kept telling her it's fine. Nowadays she's trying to do schedules because she filtered too hard.
>you have to reorganize your life around her whim and she might start streaming whenever.
Yes, that's how it used to be and I preferred it that way.
No this is cancer, she promotes equality between her husbands. She just asks regular fans to not act lovey dovey and she remembers which is which.
Not much but I would have never donated to anyone else. I mostly donate my time and attention which she values more than money. Some guys donate tens of thousands of dollars per year though.
As do we and she does for us.

>> No.51545323

Nyanners dominated english GFE before nips even fleshed out the idea of having some of their virtual3D idols be voiced by real people. To this day, her most rabid fans are so deep in the hole that the average conversation with them is along the lines of
>how long have you been watching nyanners
Since the beginning on /v/
>what was she doing in 2013

>> No.51545349

Back then she didn't have schedule but her time slot was very consistent. NOW? She's all over the place. The only constant is she'll stream at the worst possible time.

>> No.51545384

Now this is some bait

>> No.51545408

so who was that senior co-worker who she hated so much?

>> No.51545415

I wish my oshi still did that because GFE is very reliant on the mood of the girl. Still my oshi does interact with us off-stream a lot too. I have become very skilled at following her sleeping patterns (which are chaotic) to guess when she will do what.

>> No.51545493

>"stalking" fans online
That's literally what Shondo does as well. So thinking about it, Shondo entirely copied her act from Rushia? I never thought about it that way, I'm a bit disillusioned right now.

>> No.51545535

She always talks about an invisible unnamed group that is plotting her downfall. It's a mania episode.

>> No.51545558

That's what I was trying to say. Both Shondo and Kiki are heavily inspired by Rushia. Probably many more.

>> No.51545593

Rape and Kidnapping is Shondo's original work though.

>> No.51545610

Wild that a single Discord pop-up was the catalyst to get her canned.

>> No.51545623

nta, i would say more like thirdwheel experience

>> No.51545689

Yeah they are. They do a poor job at copying her though.

>> No.51545713

So you claim out of ignorance. They have surpassed her in many ways.

>> No.51545717

Rushia seems like the GF that gives you one blowjob a year for your birthday

>> No.51545764
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this was literally us yesterday wdym?

>> No.51545785

Lol ok eop.

>> No.51545807

Shondo is a 21 year old woman without a huge corpo behind her back who has to share her 'streaming room' with two of her siblings. Give the girl a break.

>> No.51545823

No, ESL, there is a difference. I know 4 languages but none of them happen to be Japanese.

>> No.51545826


>> No.51545889

Speculative ad hominems doesn't make your whore oshi better than rushia. Again, you don't understand japanese so your opinion on rushia is irrelevant.

>> No.51545893

>Bruno catching up to Marine
Houshou no Ichimi??? Are response to this?

>> No.51545947

Everything you just said was off-topic. Regardless of all of that she is simply a poor man's rushia. If you're really her fan you can admit this.

>> No.51545977

Anon, you dense retard, I am not trying to undermine Rushia. You don't watch my oshi so YOUR opinion on her is irrelevant. Rushia is true GFE and so is my oshi despite not being JP.

>> No.51545995

Anyone's opinion on Rushia is irrelevant since she has been gone for over a year at this stage. Her new persona never really took off, which is a shame.

>> No.51546029

Not really Shondo is bratty loligaki. Rushia is bipolar and I mean real bipolar not just a character act.

>> No.51546047

Well yeah. I only enjoy the real deal, not cheap knock-offs.

>> No.51546067
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It has actually

>> No.51546084

>Rushia is bipolar and I mean real bipolar not just a character act.
And so is my oshi. You need to be menhera for "True GFE" not JP.
Well yeah, you're moving the goalpost retard.

>> No.51546109

>Everything you just said was off-topic
It's really not, since Shondo built herself up entirely through her own efforts as opposed to going through Yagoo's casting couch and letting Cover do most of the heavy work.
And when you counsider that, saying she has been doing a "poor job" is a straight up lie.

>> No.51546126

She only wants to play APEX
It's not hard to figure her out, she's anxious about numbers so she decided to take the decisions that would give her as little numbers as possible on purpose. She's capping her career on purpose.

>> No.51546164

>She's capping her career on purpose.
And so did my oshi... She's trying to grow a bit now but still not at the cost of her principles, just slightly more professional and less menhera.
She's shot herself in the foot plenty of times for our sake.

>> No.51546166

cute boy

>> No.51546224

Not at all. My point from the beginning of this thread was all en "gfe" vtubers are just counterfeit glimpses of real gfe.
Comparatively yes, she is doing a poor job.

>> No.51546282


>> No.51546331

Funny how you didn't say that at all until 150 posts later then.
Kiyomi Pyon Pyon.

>> No.51546352

Why do Jap zoomies play fucking Apex so much? Japan used to have the best vidya and now they obsess over shit tier ptw garbage. What the fuck has gone so wrong with this world?

>> No.51546395

The OP illustrates that point pretty clearly.

>> No.51546401

Comparatively get AIDS and die like the faggot you are.

>> No.51546406

It's even worse, Jap zoomies now consume Korean media exclusively

>> No.51546442

>He gave up

>> No.51546500

>TRUE EN GFE has never been tried and that's a good thing. EOPs don't deserve it.
My point is true GFE isn't defined by Rushia it's defined by being menhera enough to do true GFE which exists independent of Rushia. I think of true GFE that Rushia and some EN and other JP do, and fake GFE which is something like Nene Amano. I am trying to be objective and you are just trying to stir up shit and argue, which is fine I like arguing but I prefer doing it while making sense.

>> No.51546579

Nigga you don't have an argument. Rushia was a corpo creation and with no corpo backing her, she's now back to being a nobody 2view. Shondo is her own woman, designed her own character, commissioned her own model, even boxes and ships her fucking merch herself. They're not remotely comparable as humans or as streamers.

>> No.51546596

Once they drink that western babylon juice and spouting rhetoric like "independent woman" and other type of shit you can forget about a GFE even if the girl has at least less than 2 bodies or even is a legit virgin. That's what I've noticed.

Then you got the black widow psycho who will put up a front that'll fulfill your dreams and manipulate money out of you in any way she can.

>> No.51546625

>JP menhera that couldn't control her
>it's EN's fault and they should be punished

>> No.51546694

An independent woman is the antithesis of true GFE because true GFE is codependence. They would not develop a parasocial relationship with their fans otherwise.
I hate women as much as the next anon but there is no logical reason a JP can do it and a western woman can't. Less likely, sure.

>> No.51546785

That mafumafu shit is old and played out. Get something original fucking loser. You probably don't know anything about it anyways just some piece of shit waiting to die so flies can lay their eggs in your corpse.

>> No.51546840

>I am trying to be objective and you are just trying to stir up shit and argue
You have zero self awareness. But fair enough, being menhera enough to do true gfe doesn't conflict with my OP.
"Observation" is the word you meant to say. Rushia gave her everything into streaming for fandeads, joining the biggest vtubing corp isn't easy and making consistently great streams for years isn't easy either. Shadow's entire act is a copy of Rushia's genuine personality. You wish shadow was more popular than Rushia, even though it wouldn't mean anything.

>> No.51546841

you cant be codependent with thousands of viewers so you have to choose a select few and the choice is always who pays the most

>> No.51546926

>you cant be codependent with thousands of viewers
Who says they have thousands of viewers? My oshi is a 2view, low 3 with regular vod watchers, and only less than half of those are her husbands. No she doesn't give preferential treatment to the biggest donators at all.

>> No.51547022

>shes still the #1 hololive earner
Top superchats doesn't make her the "top earner".

>> No.51547081

She doesn't have superchats enabled, only streamlabs, and encourages anonymous donations (which all the regular donators do). In that way she has surpassed Rushia by treating her husbands more equally and fairly. Having an inner circle is terrible, not something to brag about.

>> No.51547086

>joining the biggest vtubing corp isn't easy
Rushia tried to live the corpo life and she fucked it all up. Shondo, in case you didn't know, had the opportunity to join a major corpo and turned it down because she wanted to retain creative control. Rushia sold herself for numbers and clout and in the end she lost everything.

>> No.51547110

>he thinks the engagement ring wouldn't have been sold out and restocked for a year straight

>> No.51547155

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You'd probably would not know what a fake girl is. She's still GFE today and she is still sincere about it retard and she still has men like myself whose still with her before, after that shit and on her two new persona's Mikeneko and Nazuna.

Plus she does a more personal stream as well. Nobody has come close to her level still long after Rushia. Not Lamy, not Nene in holo even in the indie scene nobody holds a candle to her.

>> No.51547168

>Rushia sold herself for numbers and clout and in the end she lost everything.
Clearly you have never watched Rushia, read her community posts or tweets and just resent her for whatever reason.

>> No.51547184

You just exposed yourself as someone that doesn't know shit about hololive.
Even Marine merch has more demand that Rushia rings.

>> No.51547210

lol u mad

>> No.51547256


>> No.51547269


>> No.51547355

ITT: My oshi can beat up your oshi

>> No.51547358

It true that mafumafu is old news.
Her new boyfriend kusoneko is yet another dude she was "just playing apex" with for a year almost right after getting fired.
She is so dedicated to her fans though lmao

>> No.51547419

It gets real easy to see which piece of shit is fake fuck who has nothing to really say concerning GFE or even Rushia for that matter when they salivate calling out a man's name or should I better say some effeminate freak who wears women's clothing for his fujo fanbase.

>> No.51547496

Rushia wanted to spend time with that "effeminate freak". She even went pur to eat with him.
Every time you insult him you lower yourself as he is above you.

>> No.51547593

Rushia is an entity. Rushia has surpassed the limitations of this world.

>> No.51547600

You? Who the fuck are you? ME and other fandead's already saved her and proved it every single day after she got fired and she acknowledged it while she was suffering depression and personal attacks from evil mf's that will receive their just due when the time comes and retards like those above and below this post and other online venues we were still with her through it all to where we are today. So who the fuck are you?

>> No.51547637

Butterfly effect

>> No.51547659

People just don't want to say she was good because she turned out to be a fake, but GFE was never about being actually genuine.

>> No.51547666


>> No.51547688

nta but he clearly meant he could have saved her from schizos like you.

>> No.51547694

You saved her so hard she went to play games with another guy.

>> No.51547769

*rolls eyes* Nowadays how's that working out for you? With her RL boyfriend and all.

>> No.51547842

>They have surpassed her in many ways.
Ok that's enough out of you.

>> No.51547843

>True EN GFE has never been tried
EN menheras that cuck their audience but still larp are a dime a dozen.

>> No.51547989

Bitch is nearly 30, at some point dropping the GFE is just the wise thing to do before your womb dries up completely.

>> No.51548272

Every vtuber engages in parasocial relationship with their fanbase they have no other choice. Don't use that term out of context as if it only applies to GFE or even BFE like some twitter and youtube retards are trying to spin it into. I definitely do not hate women so I don't know wtf you're going on about there, I just hate the western ideology that has infected women and that evil ideology seeping to other races of women.

>> No.51548297

Don't you people have big rats to hunt and eat?

>> No.51548408

>Rushia sold herself for numbers and clout and in the end she lost everything.
wtf are you even talking about moron? Like the other anon said you definitely have never watched Rushia at all and still have no idea about her even when she's on Nazuna or Mikeneko or her more personal twitcast which is happening right now as I write this.

>> No.51548547
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>> No.51548602

I would gladly sacrifice all of EN just to sacrifice all of EN

>> No.51548673

I'm above that freak and I'm also above you simply by me existing of course you would have no idea how I am above a dog but you'll know when the time comes that it isn't just me but my people too that are above yours. A freak defending another freak. Disgusting.

>> No.51548816

Is that all losers like you can come up with? Be happy you have anonymity especially if you're one of her anti's that's all I will say.

>> No.51549076

Except she wasn't fake

>> No.51549110

>as opposed to going through Yagoo's casting couch and letting Cover do most of the heavy work
Do you not know how many years of streaming and working in various forms of entertainment Rushia had before she got into hololive? It's not like they picked some random girl and built her up from scratch. She had to earn her hololive spot with everything that she did up to that point.

>> No.51549521

She's still doing GFE right now retard. That alone defeats your idiotic comment.

>> No.51549705

If she wasn't fake she wouldn't have been doing anything with mafumafu or kusoneko, but she was. Her being fake doesn't matter because she can just let out a few tears and everyone will forget that she was hanging out with a guy less than 24 hours ago.

Yes she is still doing GFE and completely fooling morons like you. That's how I know she's good at it.

>> No.51549751

You have over invested. Chill.

>> No.51549771

I'm not the one still giving her money.

>> No.51549815

Why do you care? See you've over invested.

>> No.51549896

Your deflection does not disprove any of the things I brought up. It's always the same shit with you cucks.
How about stop making these threads if you can't handle the truth?

>> No.51550013

I'll keep making the thread because I like it in here. Praise the LORD and accept Jesus.

>> No.51550026

Sounds like you have over invested.

>> No.51550067

Mikeneko is my kamioshi so yes.

>> No.51550070

Neither God or Jesus give a shit about you and I can prove that.

>> No.51550096

She spends time with men off-stream.

>> No.51550139

Christianity spun off an ancient Greek Mythra cult and they still worship hom to this day in Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church
Not that retarded shit Americans worship.

>> No.51550163

This has to be an ironic post

>> No.51550185

Nice try but no she doesn't except for those who she has to work with at vshojo.

>> No.51550218 [DELETED] 

Mudhut bros still pissed about Rushia? Why?

>> No.51550229
File: 421 KB, 617x563, 1686949078305161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't have said that. Sister Abigail will have to peg you now.

>> No.51550233 [DELETED] 

Then what was she doing with mafumafu and kusoneko? She also had no reason to be talking to korekore, but there she was, doing just that.

>> No.51550275

I'm a moderate stuck between schizo GFEfags and homobeggars. I just watching funny clips of cute anime girls speaking broken English and sharing them with my family.

>> No.51550307

What does any of that have to do with the Bible? Christianity comes from a melding of pagan god worship (as you said greek shit) and using people in the bible as a mask for it's validity under Constantine. Like the concept of hell told in American churches does not exist in the bible nor does it even describes such a thing.

>> No.51550313


>> No.51550351

Hell came from Zoroatrism in a period when Jewish people were captive in Babylon

>> No.51550353

The men she spent a lot of time with off-stream.

>> No.51550355

Are you fucking retarded? You don't know what you're even talking about so you can stop fronting as if you know anything because that shit is old and played out. It has nothing to do with what you original said either.

>> No.51550403

...gives a shit?

>> No.51550419

wtf are you talking about? What is translated as hell in English means a completely different thing in Hebrew. Hell means either the grave or a condition like when Jonah was swallowed up by a big fish or when the Israelites were under captivity by another nation.

Jewish people were never in Babylon. Those people have never been enslaved. Israelites of the Southern Kingdom of Judah were in Babylon as slaves.

>> No.51550493

Ancient Jewish had concepts of Tartarus/Abyss/Abaddon, Lake of Fire/Gehenna and Hades/Sheol

>> No.51550504

I know exactly what I'm talking about. Kusoneko shit "ended" just three weeks ago. That is not old.
>It has nothing to do with what you original said either.
It has everything to do woth what I said. Her GFE is nothing but an act and she lies constantly about the tyings that matter the most. She literally told you that she wasn't playing with any man several times even though she was.

>> No.51550513


>> No.51550520

can you post the link of when she did it? I'm curious

>> No.51550543

You are below that effeminate freak. He got to eat out with your "wife" while the best you will ever get is a pretend date through a livestream that's not even individually directed at you.

>> No.51550560

Calm down.

>> No.51550583

Don't calm down. Keep going.

>> No.51550592

You will never meet her face to face in a private setting with just the two of you. An effeminate freak did what you will never be able to achieve.

>> No.51550605

Please calm down.

>> No.51550618

Please don't calm down. Keep going.

>> No.51550630

I'm bored now so that's enough.

>> No.51550666

(Grave)Sheol is the exact same as the Greek Hades.
(Destruction)Abaddon used to reference an Abyss

>> No.51550736

There's no such thing as Ancient Jewish. Where are you getting this shit from? It's not from the Bible or from any of the enemies who clearly described the Israelites even the letter J didn't exist since what? The 14th century? What are you talking about?

As for the other shit you have no idea what you're talking about. The concept of a burning hell fire comes from those pagans but it has nothing to do with the Bible. Do you understand? In English it is translated as hell, however, the false teaching of that concept of hell is 100% false since these people are those same descendants i.e. white people from ancient greek and pagans who believed in that trash.

The Israelites, a completely different people group and culture did not teach that concept whatsoever and it literally means the grave as in a dead person or a condition of great turmoil and stress. Also, jewish people are not the Israelites. Their own literature will tell you exactly what modern day Jewelry is and it will say the opposite that being that they are not the descendant of the man Jacob whose name was changed to Israel. I'm still waiting on somebody to prove they're the people of the Bible.

>> No.51550839

>TRUE EN GFE has never been tried and that's a good thing.
Fixed it for you. GFE is a crutch for the boring and talentless.

>> No.51550842

it was a canon event, sorry

>> No.51550914

I'm talking about something entirely different on what I wrote but go ahead and ignore it freak lover I'm still above you mf.

As for her eating out so fucking what? She already told us that whole deal. gtfo and stop trying to make it into a big deal seeing as I can't physically be with her I can't stop her from doing anything. I don't need to pretend date with her. Regardless, that shit is irrelevant to me the only good thing about it is dialogue that takes place that's what matters most.

Unlike you perhaps I've dated women before even fucked. Losers like you want to feel superior when you're not in any scope of the imagination seeing you have nothing substantial going on in your pathetic life then pretend you know anything about Mikeneko.

>> No.51551024

>She already told us that whole deal.
Then what was it? This is your chance to end all the talk about her and mafumafu.
You won't say shit because she didn't say shit. There is no explanation.
You are nothing but a chump and a loser being lead on by a woman way out of your league over the internet while she has dates with men you will never measure up to.
You are below an effeminate freak.

>> No.51551045

First you replied to the wrong anon. Second, no it doesn't idiot. Stop pretending you're a fucking scholar. You don't know what you're talking about. You're probably too stupid to grasp that the greeks are a different group of people from the Hebrews with entirely different cultures.

I get it, when your stupid reality gets shattered you can't give it up so you have to double down and pretend you didn't realize the stupidity of your error. Christians feel the same way when they get told the truth that the shit white people teach are nothing short but lies rooted from the slave masters plantation.

>> No.51551238

She's told us a lot of things since we actually earned it. You don't watch her it's none of your business what goes on between us. I don't give a fuck how you react to what I just said you worthless piece of shit. You don't know a god damn thing about her. You're a wretched pathetic fucking loser still enchanted by Rushia after all this time as you can't stop talking and thinking about her even when threads like this pop up. You're a sick sociopath like many of the other freaks of nature on this thread. Go take it easy after you eat your daily rat diet, rubbing one out while fantasizing about calling out a man's name as you've done here, you faggot.

>> No.51551372

Fucking broken record.
>"She did breach NDA by leaking documents!"
>No known documents actually leaked
Retard, wouldn't you think that documents being leaked means you can find them somewhere?
The truth is Rushia didn't give away any sensitive information, Cover did probably have legal grounds to fire her, though it's not clear and she did talk about getting a lawyer, but they didn't have to. And they also weren't "heavily incentivized". This is just japanese companies being as overly bureaucratic and going for the nuclear option as usual. Some fucking molerats like you trying to actually MORALLY justify this is fucking gross

>> No.51551415

Why keep coming to these threads to argue if you don't care one bit about proving anything?
If it's none of anybody's business why don't you just stay in your hole with the other cucks who all know what's best?
As it stands, for anyone that didn't "earn it", she cucked her fans to spend time with at least two different men. This will remain the only thing anyone will know until she or you or someone else explains it all.
Your only cope if flinging insults and insisting that your oppisition is somehow gay as ifnthat makes your "wife" any less whorish.
You actually remind me a lot of the average ENfaggot trying to cope with tempiss collabs being brought up by always saying "lol ur thinik about dix xD" as if that somehow undoes the male collab.

>> No.51551457

Even the worst EN is better than Rushia, imagine trying to fuck that weird alien freak after years of bullshits and scamming people

>> No.51551490

>Retard, wouldn't you think that documents being leaked means you can find them somewhere?
No, you retard. If I snapped a photo of company's Teams channel and sent it to an outsider, that's a leak.

>> No.51551801

>I'm gonna try another angle so I can probe information about what she said about the guy I want to know more about because I'm so out of the loop believing the world is centered around me and that there were actually things occurring between Rushia and her fanbase I still must continue my bs rhetoric in my latest reply and hide my faggot tendencies for having two men's name coming out of my lips while desperately trying to feel superior her fanbase displaying my anti behavior and demonstrating my mentally sick and depraved love for Rushia despite not knowing anything about her but I still want to know about her but I can't let others know I'm two-minded disgusting schizophrenic.

>> No.51551829

You are mentally ill and broken after all the times you've been cucked.

>> No.51551967

I wonder if you know what that word even means. I am of the opinion you're too stupid to understand the definition.

>> No.51552186

keep in mind that rushia was shondo's oshi too, as well as the fact that shondo's content used to be quite different compared to now. it's a streaming style and aesthetic that she has decided on.

>> No.51552334

>You won't say shit because she didn't say shit.

>> No.51552538

Your wife cheated on you with another man.
You didn't get cucked in a realistic sense since you were never in any kind of real relationship with her, but that's besides the point.

>> No.51552829

You motherfuckers just don't think your thoughts through. How does the company notice this? Right, if it gets leaked, but what the hell, nobody has apparently ever seen this photo you have taken, otherwise it would be discoverable online. It's never been leaked to the public

>> No.51552941

cope and seeth cuckdead

>> No.51552969

>nobody has apparently ever seen this photo you have taken, otherwise it would be discoverable online. It's never been leaked to the pu
oh yeah it's not like she gave it to a dramatuber and he exposed it to the general public in a youtube video or anything
Oh wait

>> No.51553036

You're really fucking stupid and simple. I would bet a grand on you never having had a proper job.
How does the company find out that a design document was leaked when a competitor starts selling something identical? That means there was no leak!! It wasn't public!

>> No.51553130

All these fandeads just arguing with each other on what counts as true gfe or what doesn't. Why don't (You) tell me what makes true GFE without having it come off as pandering.

>> No.51553212

>Why don't (You) tell me what makes true GFE
Uruha Rushia

>> No.51553572

Oh? Exposed it? Let's hear it then, what was exposed? Did you actually see anything? No, no one did because nothing was leaked to the public

>> No.51553604

All we saw was what lead Cover to investigate it. How do you STILL not understand this?

>> No.51553657

But that's not what happened, how would the competitor gain that knowledge if it wasn't leaked? Surely they wouldn't just fire her based on conjecture and the words of one dramatuber right?...
Face it, there was no leak, the public never got any company internal information, what more do you want

>> No.51553721

What are you talking about? Tell me what company internal material made it to the public if it's been leaked then.

>> No.51553908

And fancucks have the balls to call other fanbases cucks lol

>> No.51553954

The charge was never that company internal information was leaked to THE PUBLIC. Why are you trying to push this so hard?

>> No.51553969

Dude i can feel you seething from my computer screen

>> No.51554004

Ok so you think she went behind cover’s back and told their secrets to competitors? And you like this girl?

>> No.51554039

Same. Those days were so comfy.

>> No.51554090

There’s plenty of EN GFE, just not within hololive, there are tons of small corpos and indies that do GFE

>> No.51554117

it's honestly hilarious the lengths to which cuckdeads are willing to go to defend mafumafu's cumsock

>> No.51554202

>bring rushia back
you know she still streams right?
or do you just want her under the Holo banner so you can watch her.
fandeads are weird.

>> No.51554488

I never watched her. Tell me what qualities in your mind are "true GFE" enough to where it doesn't come off as pandering. I want to know how the male mind works.

>> No.51554509

Jesus fucking christ you are retarded.

>> No.51554553

Going by that logic EN shouldn't need more members to make good content.

>> No.51554908

Then true GFE is dead and will never come back.

>> No.51555104

I know who you're talking about, stop using the term GFE for her. That's literally whore lingo.
