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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 175 KB, 503x571, Lumi is problematic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51447315 No.51447315 [Reply] [Original]

Can we finally have a thread about Lumi's behavior and how its negatively affecting other female vtubers? Lumi is setting a bad example for other aspiring female vtubers to follow and that's wrong.

>> No.51447401

No we can't

>> No.51447444

Lumi shill thread

>> No.51447513

Why do other women seethe at Lumi? I’m genuinely curious at this phenomenon. Like, Lumi does nothing wrong and yet they get mad at her.

>> No.51447517

Nice try phaseshill. Way too obvious.

>> No.51447545

buy ads you fucking retard

>> No.51447573

Women brain please understand

>> No.51447782

Probably has something to do with the doxfag she's the pet of.

>> No.51447951

i'm not interested in your twitter controversy of the day. go back.

>> No.51448016

At this point this can just be considered spam

>> No.51448021

Other way around, isn't it?

>> No.51448043
File: 232 KB, 800x1131, kaneko_lumi_phase_connect_drawn_by_ramachiru__d17184598fbd7e7403f09d07e4dbf9fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do other women seethe at Lumi?
Lumi makes women seethe, because she's very confident and shamelessly in tune with her femininity. It's something she's proud of and embraces.

>> No.51448089

Nope. They were in a master/pet relationship. He was the master, she was the pet.

>> No.51448190

>IdolEN2 debuts
>Phaseshills shit up the catalog
Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.51448249

Pretty sure Sei was Lumi's pet doxxer or is the relationship you mean separate from that? Sorry it's been a while.

>> No.51448283

Everyone that Yellow Whore tried to destroy has surpassed her at this point, while she languishes with her /pol/tard audience, playing games she doesn't enjoy. She is a disingenuous grifter and she's already peaked. There's nowhere to go but down for Kaneko Lumi.

>> No.51448489

They can't stand her Stacy energy

>> No.51448593

By what metric have they surpassed her?

>> No.51448748

Exactly this. At least they're realizing that /vt/ isn't PC's domain.

>> No.51448850

On one hand, twitter retards deserve the rope. On the other, Lumi being safe edgy is pickme behavior and is cringe as fuck. Both parties should kill themselves desu.

>> No.51448867

No he’s just trying to imply that Sei was some groomer mastermind as opposed to just being a schizo doxxfag.

>> No.51448897

just how much of the crap on this catalog is phase's fault? hmm. phase is bad for the vtuber community.

>> No.51448954

People trying to make Phase the boogeyman of this board because yellow woman makes them seethe is unironically one of the funniest things I’ve seen

>> No.51449033

She stopped existing when she switched models

>> No.51449147

exactly. who you were before your current model is not important. and that's why cookieswirl is the #1 vtuber.

>> No.51449333

They had themselves tagged as pet and master with their Discord roles. He supposedly pulled the doxshit without her knowledge, but refused to truly get rid of him when it was exposed.

>> No.51449428

>Lumi was the mastermind behind everything in her last corpo and brought it down
>Now that she's in phase, phase somehow is taking over this place too
Just how powerful is Lumi? Who is backing her and giving her so much power?

>> No.51449572

oh god, thanks a lot, i was trying to find that pic for months, nice artist, face looking good, with he was her current mama and not that hack sameface

>> No.51449593

>taking over
Let's be honest, they only have relevancy here when Hololive isn't doing anything. No matter the flavour of the month, everyone stops to see if Hololive will do something.

>> No.51449650
File: 248 KB, 650x1809, Lumi crimes list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't keep fucking getting away with it!

>> No.51449813

I would ask for proof but something tells me I won't get any!

>> No.51449866
File: 122 KB, 1500x500, kaneko lumi lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51449925

hylo seething again

>> No.51449947

can you put a bullet in your brain

>> No.51449967

Seen it a hundred times. Do you have anything new? Anything that really exposes Lumi for the trashy, lying whore that she is?

>> No.51450076

All of this just makes me liker her more.

>> No.51450096

>not that hack sameface
It was sameface by design, she wanted to look like Veibae.

>> No.51450171

Lumi filtering out the retards in her audience aggressively is one of her best qualities

>> No.51450385

even the pet schizo doxxer thing? You want to third wheel that?

>> No.51450408

I'm not here to fuck internet women. I'm here to be entertained by them.

>> No.51450452
File: 145 KB, 513x1223, kaneko lumi xalamon smug n word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51450474

Shit that's funny.

>> No.51450665

anything else?

>> No.51450715

>Can we talk about
You wear your politics on your sleeve, your shirt, its tattooed all over your face. Go back to vice.

>> No.51450790

It isn't even a political ideology at this point.
It's a cult. A whole ass religion.

>> No.51450876

Her entire personality is grifting, lying to make herself sound "cool" and stirring pots for no good reason(see: N*ena Makurano new account leaking in an unrelated twitch chat, the April Fools Cyberlive puppeting shit, and more)

Disgusting bitch. peak Grifting Femoid Experience.

>> No.51451241

She is pretty problematic to my dick but i can live with it

>> No.51451245

I just really want to motorboat her hangers anon it's not hard


>> No.51451874

did you make this thread yourself Lumi. don't use the word problematic you are trying too hard

>> No.51452135

Who's kyle?

>> No.51452180

Whenever I see this I get reminded by how Marine is pretty popular with woman.

>> No.51452316

I dunno, they were probably doing South Park ERP or something.

>> No.51452329

Lumi hates blacks? Incredibly based

>> No.51452417

>accusing your opponent of that which you are doing
Get a load of Saul Alinsky over here

>> No.51452514

Seen Kyle

>> No.51452743

How is this twitter freak supposed to properly lecture Lumi followers about how terrible she is when it blocks them (including myself, apparently)?

>> No.51453354

It isn't about lecture and teaching. It's about seeing people get punished and serving their warped sense of justice. You can do that without communicating directly with the person.

>> No.51453885

Someone last thread asked if this was the only image of her and someone else responded how no one draws her unless it's a Skeb and that's so fucking true lmao

>> No.51454127

>trad wife
>tard wife
Based. They're literally the same thing. when wannabe alpha morons talk about trad wives they literally want a low iq fuck maid who's too stupid to complain.

>> No.51454225

she has like 30 actual viewers and a few hundred paid bots from China courtesy of Sakana.

Most of the people who enjoyed her enough to want to draw or commission for her got sick of her shit long ago, and realized what a wretch she is.

>> No.51454265

Not a women but I really dislike her so much cos her content feels fake. She relies on a cute model and a pick me personality. Strip away what she's pretending to be and you have a boring girl just pandering to men.

>> No.51454279

>You ah misspelled something there
>I'm just ???
>neat fucken algorithm
>cw/ ableist language
Why do they type like this?

>> No.51454362

More so they've moved on with talents. Instead of trying to be stuck to the same thing

>> No.51454404

Phase aint the problem, we can't blame fishman. We can still hold a grudge against yellow woman tho

>> No.51454493

Nah, it's because Pippa and her dickriders make the board seethe. No one really cares about or watches Lumi except a handful of people. She's botted to hell and back

>> No.51454829

Marine's confidence and femininity drives women pretty wild too. They aspire.
Over in the West though, women are reduced to "non-men" by the law of the land (the law of those with money to control).

>> No.51455502

Exposing Neena was one of the actually good things that Lumi's done, though.
You're right, I never bothered saving those screenshots from the archive, since I figured it was common knowledge by that point.
Anyways, who's the third party that's trying to reignite this conflict? Or are the Lumigumis and Goobers still this assblasted towards eachother?

>> No.51455660

Only thing this image tells me is that OP and the one that posted this tweet both need a bullet.

>> No.51455773
File: 41 KB, 460x596, 1661091535383033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just the way women are, anon. Think back to childhood, have you ever sat in the next room over while your mom talked to a friend? Women will spend hours gossiping and shit-talking all the other women they know. Then that friend they were doing it with will walk out the door, and she will call one of the people she was just gossiping about to talk shit about the one that just walked out the door. Females are vipers. It's mostly harmless though. "Women's liberation" & the invention of social media have made them slightly less tolerable, but humanity has survived this for at least a few thousand years we can keep going. Just ignore twitter-addicted whores.

>> No.51457071

I can't believe she's racist.

>> No.51457109
File: 439 KB, 712x1043, Noel TAKE YOUR MEDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aug 17, 2022
he's still not over it.

>> No.51457266

Boo fucking hoo
The twittersisters need bubble wrap just to browse the internet

>> No.51457940

Never seen discord screenshots of Lumi with a “Pet” role and Sei with a “Master” role and I’ve been around since her Cyberlive debut. So please, since it’s apparently common knowledge I’d love for you to share even an iota of proof.

>> No.51457948

Are you that ESL that you can't read? It even shows right there in that screenshot of leaks that she was trying to get rid of him. I don't know why she didn't just drop his ass but since i'm not retarded I can assume he had something on her and considering he was a complete schizo doxfag that probably means it was her dox or something similar.
This leak actually made me better understand what the fuck that whole mess was with "her pet doxfag" as a relatively new viewer and was kinda glad that other schizo first leaked it.

>> No.51458271

Only when we get a /vtg/ honestly

>> No.51458582

Lumi is high IQ af but knows that women need a man to rule over them and make the difficult decisions

>> No.51458634

>Not a woman
>attacks Lumi for appealing to her male fans
I can smell the femcel seething from here

>> No.51458656

He's half lying, the roles were Brat and Brat Tamer. No screenshots taken that I know of, but it's something that's common knowledge among /clg/ oldfags because it was there in plain sight.

>> No.51458811

If you go to DisneyWorld and don't come back racist it's a miracle.

>> No.51458931

lol retard

>> No.51459461

Lumi on da log and she crankin mah hog

>> No.51459568

As one of the oldfags I would like to clarify further: Lumi had the “brat/kusogaki” tag for weeks. Eventually Sei, being the hilarious person we all know him as changed his name to “brat tamer”. There was no master/pet play, whoever started spreading this rrat either has cuck fantasies, is a delusional schizo, is simply an anti, or a mix of the three.

>> No.51459634

Changed his tag* not his name, sorry

>> No.51462187

So is that where that stupid rrat came from?

>> No.51462332

>Why do other women seethe at Lumi?
Because they're retards

>> No.51462536

Yes. It’s just another rrat that got more and more deluded as time went on, like a game of telephone.

>> No.51462792

>'hopefully he just falls off once he realizes his plan has failed'
So the Sei doxxed Lumi and she was just playing nice rrat was true. Thanks, schizoanon.

>> No.51462969

I don’t know if he still is but Sei was running one of the /asp/ discord servers

>> No.51463201

That was Jignx, not Sei. Oldfags recognize all the voices. Sei is not Xalamon is not Jignx. They are separate people.

>> No.51463336

she is just another western wannabe feminazi worshiped by beta faggots, not a big deal, at least its fun to watch her sink into her own shit.

>> No.51463502

The internet has taught a lot people that everyone should bend to their will, and if you don't follow their code of ethics, you should be canceled.

>> No.51463592

I’m talking about a different server I think. The Sei/Phasmagoria/Visage one. Unless they’re one and the same?

>> No.51463654

Sei was Melancholic. Phasmagoria/Visage was Jignx. This has also been timelooped a hundred times.

>> No.51463768

Disregard my ramblings then, I wasn’t around way back then. Just posting what I read

>> No.51467795
File: 230 KB, 800x664, 1681759131793696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi did nothing wrong.

>> No.51468058

Slugma is a turbo SJW cunt. The fact that she ended up in phase with Pippa, Tenma and Lumi is hilarious.
I guess you have to swallow your pride sometimes...and cum.

>> No.51471249

She did everything wrong.

>> No.51474089

Dizzy herself said she loves Lumi

>> No.51475133

I assumed that was bait, but maybe he's just retarded.

>> No.51475920

is she a lemon stealing whore?

>> No.51476401

I don't actually understand how women judge the worth of other women. Do I even want to understand?

>> No.51476505

There's a breed of women that hate men, because they are envious of men. They absolutely hate it when there are women who act in a way to please men, because they like men. It undermines their mating strategy of buck breaking men into subservience.

>> No.51477669

>not a woman
>pick me
Something isn't adding up...

>> No.51478155

That's just modern day Feminism brainwashing at work. Women will always prefer dominant guys because it originates to humanity's DNA of preferring strong warriors for survivability. Whenever a crazy bozo barges in your house will your "strong" woman face that retard and get him to fuck off? Nope, you two with your sibmissive faggot husband will be hiding in the closet together.

>> No.51479305

>Slugma is a turbo SJW cunt.

>> No.51481674

maybe later

>> No.51481837

No. Fuck your nigger retarded faggot. This is not Wendy's, this is 4chan. Now GTFO of my fucking board.

>> No.51482172


>> No.51483403

She's American

>> No.51483700

No one cares about your small corpo whore, small corpos were a mistake

>> No.51483775

>there are people out their to whom the idea of saying the word retard is so outside of their scope of acceptable reality that their brains can't even properly interpret it
Look what disastrous consequences tumblr has wrought on humanity.

>> No.51483927

When are you going to stop pretending to be a woman? Isn't it about time?

>> No.51484035

>Strip away what she's pretending to be and you have a boring girl
Thats literally the whole vtuber industry anon, boring, average looking highschool dropouts in their mid 20s - early 30s pretending to be anime girls, so thats expected

>> No.51484082

I will pick that every time over the girls that bitch about exclude the "fake" girl behind her back in discord groups.

>> No.51484915

Lumi really is queen.

>> No.51484975

Stop defending women, what do you get out of time looping this again

>> No.51485178

>Jignx is running an /asp/cord
That explains why he's such an annoying dramafag.

>> No.51485241
File: 14 KB, 381x122, Ice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got bullied out of his own grooming server with an ice cream screenshot about him. He is a laughing stock in that server and pretends to have insider info that is wrong.

>> No.51485259
File: 10 KB, 344x109, imhermod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For context Grimmi is an indie that Lumi wants to poach but cant because Phase Connect is small time.

>> No.51485265

>Can we talk about Lumi
fuck back off to reddit

>> No.51485364

I liked her old model more, it was the perfect balance between hot as fuck and cute as a button. Veibae clone comments aside, the new one looks tryhard. Is this a controversial opinion to have?

>> No.51485494

No, everyone including gumis agrees her current model is worse.

>> No.51486548

I think its good

>> No.51486814

Take a screenshot, crop the date, repost ad infinitum. Works every time!

>> No.51487724

Why is Lumi like this?

>> No.51488933

>Black people annoy me
Racist piece of shit. No wonder no one in CyberLive liked her.

>> No.51489010

fuck lumi

>> No.51489042

>when wannabe alpha morons talk about trad wives they literally want a low iq fuck maid who's too stupid to complain.
What's the downside?

>> No.51489116

it's more of an American thing than an internet thing
t. confused euro

>> No.51489134

how can we verify this as true? epistemically, discord can be obviously faked, who leaked this and where’s the source?

>> No.51489197

>black people

>> No.51489771

Her fanbase think she's some kind of Mensa IQ enlightened genius that's just like me frfr when her main appeal is dogwhistling the 4chan audience. Pippa's schtick is similar, but she also has the appeal of being a genuine deranged schizo. Lumi just comes across to me as a poser gigastacy
>inb4 seething femanon
I'm just another phasecuck that watches different members

>> No.51489811


>> No.51489962

Tell me you haven't watched a single Lumi stream, without telling you haven't watched a single Lumi stream

>Her fanbase think she's some kind of Mensa IQ enlightened genius

That works

>> No.51490414

>Tell me you haven't watched a single Lumi stream, without telling you haven't watched a single Lumi stream
I've watched a couple. She didn't interest me, so I moved on
>That works
You say that as if her fans weren't parroting the same belief when she started inclining at the beginning of her RTS arc

>> No.51490682

You're just as ESL as the other anon. In the screenshot she said she had fun and stuff with him. So it was probably a "they're my friend and nice to me" denial moment or something.

>> No.51490812

Except the coomers that have slowly but surely coming in bit by bit.

>> No.51490821

Damn I hate being catered too, it'd be a lot better if she appealed to the sensibilities of twitter and reddit instead

>> No.51491683

I never said it was a bad thing, I just think she's overrated by her fanbase /here/. It's also funny how her defence force will jump down your throat when you say anything that could possibly be interpreted as criticism against her or her fans

>> No.51492649

Seethe and cope femcel

>> No.51493655

>Can we talk about Lumi and her problematic behavior?

>> No.51495117

>fuck lumi

>> No.51495212

>Racist piece of shit. No wonder no one in CyberLive liked her.
When did Lumi change her name to Kyle?

>> No.51495220
File: 180 KB, 363x363, 1684869428506108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51495515

>not a woman
>uses pick me
Really makes you think

>> No.51495518

That picture gave me so much whiplash as to how i should be taking it seriously or not jfc

>> No.51495902

