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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51450548 No.51450548 [Reply] [Original]

Kson Souchou
She is now dedicated to collaborating with this black company called wactor.
Wactor is accused of doxxing two of their talents, using their merchandise purchase information to dox fans, evading taxes in Japan and many other bad things to the rest of her talents

summary of wactor's situation

users being doxxed using wactor's merchandise payment information
the affected user

the girl who will appear in collaboration with Kson has participated without any kind of pressure and with total freedom helping wactor in the harassment and threats to the extalents. Himea D´Almaria

>> No.51451252

It's not a collab you fucking retard

>> No.51451508

i like how you spent time compiling the wactor shit, when in the reality they are both just an official RGG event restreamers, its not even a collab.

>> No.51451524 [DELETED] 

>whore meets puta
I don't care, sage

>> No.51451551
File: 3.91 MB, 640x570, d8040101-49f2-4ce7-8ecb-149661251d68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solo watchalongd on separate channels on different platforms

>> No.51451603

>restreaming the a stream on separate channels = collab
the absolute state of Kson antis hahaha

>> No.51451755

Based retard sister.

I'm more surprised Sega would associate themselves with a company as black as WACTOR, let alone choose them for one of their official watch-alongs

>> No.51451821

not a kson anti, he seems to look people to hate the only girl from wactor, just a retarded shitter

>> No.51451933

A Hololive thread died for this.

>> No.51451985

kson is literally in the video game anon

>> No.51452061

i wouldn't be surprised if the person who owns wactor lied about themselves. I wonder why a bunch of jpfags started posting here recently

>> No.51452326

I love my wife Himea!!!

>> No.51452395

Shut up Mai

>> No.51452633

Stop trying to hurt Mr. Akira, he is a good person who likes cats

>> No.51452825

Watch Anya Okumura pretty please.

>> No.51453034

Kson and Meica collab when?

>> No.51453204

>Wactor shilling thread
Go back to your containment thread spics

>> No.51453223

im tired of wactor retards

>> No.51453299

nobody cares about your spic bitch

>> No.51453608

Why is there is some weird internal tribalism with wactor viewers?
I only know meica because she raided my oshi on twitch and she seemed alright

>> No.51453703

Meica is a male collaber whore unicorn anti. A perfect match for Kson.

>> No.51453719

she's just another lecher, idc

>> No.51454197


>> No.51454221

wactor doxxes and shits on their former talents, so wactor fans shit on former talents, and former talent fans shit on wactor for doxxin their oishi

>> No.51454280

the Paraguayan girl who pretended to be Japanese

>> No.51454284

kson is my oshi and I don't remember who the fuck is meica, stop shilling that whore

>> No.51454387

Stream in 4 hours btw

>> No.51454450

I love her so much bros...

>> No.51455056

Which holo is going to be the first to put a hundred hours into rgg gaiden grinding the hostess mini game?
My heart says kanataso but my brain says watame or towa

>> No.51455281
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Nice thread

>> No.51455439

>Using kson to shit on a random spic
Who the fuck made this thread?

>> No.51455534

wactor viewers
they hate wactor

>> No.51455715


>> No.51455781

The Wactor girl, Himea D'almaria, has been confirmed to be /here/ and doxx her ex coworkers in the past, she probably did this thread to shill herself too

>> No.51455901

>she probably did this thread to shill herself too
at least do you know how to read english?
nice try shitter kun, I hope this is the last time you use kson for your bullshit

>> No.51456071

>KSon and WACTOR
She's just poaching girls for VShojo lol.

>> No.51456077

They were the Chuchumecos and Meicagones.

> Remember : monolingües

>> No.51456085

Since when do you care about black companies Zhang? oh only because Kson is involved.

>> No.51456291

They're not collabing, they're just both "official" restreamers of the RGG event

>> No.51456395

look out with that meica bitch, this kind of fandom is hers
go shill your bitch elsewhere

>> No.51456476

these meicagones do not know how to read

>> No.51456721

Seems like you are the one who don't even know english, never mentioned Kson either

>> No.51456855

You confused Meica with Himea, she and her fandoms are well known shitters

>> No.51456861

This is bullshit btw, for any tourist passing by. This anon is a well known retarded schizo from /wactor/

>> No.51456895

It's an event not a collab you retard. You buffoon. You absolute nog. Kill yourself

>> No.51456934

>This is bullshit btw, for any tourist passing by
Don't make me show the screenshots fag

>> No.51457067

Do it, you have nothing. Himea didn't doxx anyone.

>> No.51457093

I do know how to read the thread description, unlike you

>> No.51457159

Of course you will not because you don't know english lol

>> No.51457235

>does nothing
now we know kson should never be near that meica who

>> No.51457289 [DELETED] 

I hate spics...

>> No.51458669

>the girl who will appear in collaboration with Kson has participated without any kind of pressure and with total freedom helping wactor in the harassment and threats to the extalents.
She was forced to make that statement by the management. Don't lie.

>> No.51458748

She is not obligued to risk her her job just to defend some whores.

>> No.51460745

And the other talents yes? Oh yes, of course

>> No.51467031


>> No.51473953

> the resident /wactor/ schizo is spreading bullshit
Sorry bros. I thought we could contain this retard to our general.

>> No.51475362

i don't care chink, go suck a pee pee ching chong

>> No.51477016

Don't worry anon, no one cares about Wactor and its chuubas anyways

>> No.51481178


>> No.51481627
File: 151 KB, 35x35, jesas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you collab with your mom's gooch, you slant eyed inbred

>> No.51481938

As a former Misopita, I don’t want to see my lilsis being bullied during her rebellious phase. She’s a 4view 1700 ccv, how much is Kson’s ccv these days? That’s the only thing I’ll say in behalf of my dumb sister.

>> No.51483830

LMAO that bitch is so pathetic, she's even trying to leech Kson and every big streamer she can with her raids

>> No.51484212

/Wactor/ anon here
We have a schizo obssesed with one girl called Meica because he blames her for killing his black company, he is the OP of this thread and the anon shitting on Meica as an attempt of obvious falseflagging
Some of his posts

>> No.51485616

I thought she was hafu? Her name was retardedly long mix of spanish and nip

>> No.51485667

Wactor is still around?
