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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 14 KB, 307x306, mumei same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51425045 No.51425045 [Reply] [Original]

The only thing you know from idol culture is that girls are not allowed to have boyfriends. When girls do actual idol stuff, like maintaining a pure image or equal arm-length relationships with all fans, you frown and call that a yab. You don't want idols. You want control over random women on the internet. That's kinda lame.

>> No.51425456

Yeah, we’re the audience and they get our money. That comes with a right to protest disagreeable content. If we just accepted everything they did, we’d be worse than simps.

>> No.51425477


>> No.51425493


>> No.51425551

I want to watch cute girls doing cute things. Men are not cute girls. Therefore men need to stay the absolute fuck away from my cute girls doing cute things entertainment. Now go neck yourself, fag.

>> No.51425630

It's a give and take relationship. They take money from men and in exchange those men want basic human decency, but women just can't provide that long-term apparently. Many of them fancy themselves entertainers, but they're technically more like emotional prostitutes if anything.

>> No.51425650

You have it the wrong way around, they produce whatever content they like and you decide if you want to pay or not.
Any money you choose to give them islike throwing it into a furnace. You are not part of the process and you do not have the right to make any demand of any kind

>> No.51425676

>they get our money. That comes with a right to protest disagreeable content
Alternatively... your paying for disagreeable content, and you have no right to complain about spending money in things you don't like.
The West seems to have a poor understanding of "idols"
I would not idolise someone who produces disagreeable content let alone give them money.
If you don't like a comedian, you wouldn't demand they come back with better material, you'd find a better comedian.
Theyre not sex workers who you pay to preform acts for you.

>> No.51425827

Goddamn Anon, you're such a pathetic apologist that I feel secondhand embarrassment for you

>> No.51425853

This man is a fucking legend

>> No.51425926

You are not their employers, only their customers. Their employers' interests come first.

>> No.51425977

Go get a prostitute if you think that an idol is there for your emotional or sexual gratification.
But your probably to *pathetic* & embarrassed to do so, so you think you can manipulate them into doing stuff or you.

>> No.51426019

I'm sorry you are an entitled baby who cant understand your relationship with produced media.
You can pay for it, you can dislike it, you can complain that you dont like it but you dont have the right to do anything.
The thing you consume does not need to change to accommodate you just because you paid for it

>> No.51426061

They don't want Idols they want hard-core GFE and they don't understand that the only overlap between those two things is "no males" and virtually nothing else

>> No.51426095

No, the customer's interests come first. Because customers are the ones who pay both the chuuba and the chuuba's employer. Without the customer there is no Mumei and there is no Cover Corp. So if Mumei starts producing objectionable content then her customers have every right to tell her to stop and she'd better fucking listen.

>> No.51426107

You are the consumer, not the producer. Vote with your money and leave instead of complaining and harassing about it like a temperamental kpop fangirl.

>> No.51426145

Customers are not managers, they can just inform you that you are not their current target audience. You can't get them fired, only management can, so they do not have to listen to (You).

>> No.51426209

You don't have to accept what she does, you are completely correct that you dont need her. But she doesn't need you either, she can just pull a Radiohead and get a new audience.

>> No.51426246

An idol literally does exist for my emotional gratification. Technically their purpose is to make money but they do that via making people feel positive emotions. An idol that doesn't emotionally gratify people is literally useless.

>you dont have the right to do anything
Yes I do
>The thing you consume does not need to change to accommodate you just because you paid for it
Yes it does

Kek. Really touched a nerve huh?

>> No.51426305

If you act like a menhera sister I'm going to call you one. That's like going into a burger shop that used to be a taco place and throwing a fit that there aren't any tacos there anymore instead of just finding another taco place.

>> No.51426386
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>An idol exist for my emotional gratification.
So you enjoy fake love from a random female actor while you could get real women?

>> No.51426514

>equal arm-length relationships with all fans
Does this pertain specifically to Fauna, or are you trying to say that “all fans” includes the homos and their audience? I really cannot tell because it’s so commonplace now for
>all fans
to be about them, specifically.

>> No.51426518

>the only love I can get is from anime girls online who don't know me reeeèeeee

Idol - a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered.
"a soccer idol" (google)

You love them, they dont love you, this is why its known as a parasocial relationship.
David beck was loved for his skills with a ball, not his ability to play with your balls, stupid coomer

>> No.51426615

unsubscribe then. why bitch about it.

>> No.51426634
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Real definition

>> No.51426745

In customer service, the customer is everyone’s boss. Without the customer, the business can’t exist.
That’s easier said than done. You use Radiohead as a successful example, but how many others have tried and failed?

>> No.51426758
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I just try to support what I like. They don't owe me anything, but I am not obliged to stick around.

>> No.51426842

>When girls do actual idol stuff, like maintaining a pure image or equal arm-length relationships with all fans, you frown and call that a yab

>> No.51426902

>The customer is everyone's boss
I'd love to see you try that anon, go get security called on you when you start screeching about how slutty the females employees are and how much you hate the male employees.

>> No.51426962

t. never worked a customer service job in his life

>> No.51426993

Just the fact there’s a consensus troll astroturfing how emotional prostitutes can do whatever they want should clue you in about the sort of people involved with VTubing

>> No.51427023
File: 445 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20230615-130707_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A false God
Keep digging coomer, that sort of idol is an icon.

An icon represents something else and draws you attention from it to the reality it represents. An idol is something and draws your attention to its reality. An icon is rarely even an accurate representation but slightly blurred in a way. An idol is often more elaborate.

>> No.51427036

>Thinks a donation is payment for service.
Kek. Delusional idiot.

>> No.51427087

Well Hololive isn't a customer service job is it?

>> No.51427132

Well vtubers are not idols, so I don't really care if they have a boyfriend

>> No.51427175

Go to a concert and start yelling at the performer in the middle of a song

>> No.51427202

So what you’re saying is, they shouldn’t get any money because they produce nothing of value? Good catch anon, subscribed.

>> No.51427225

not that anon but literally yes. real women are nothing like idols online who are paid and managed by a company to only show their good side and not be an absolute whore

>> No.51427332

That's exactly what i'm talking about though. You are blindly accepting fakeness.

>> No.51427346


>> No.51427368


>> No.51427380

Nooo anon, these poor little pearls should get paid the same wages as doctors for amateur entertainment and leading weebs along! They are above criticism of any sort! You just don’t get it, you Boomer!

>> No.51427461

I dint care I only watch funny vtubers like henya, fauna and ina.

>> No.51427498

No, by saying “I don’t like this” we’re standing up for ourselves. They live way above what they deserve being Cover VTubers, they don’t get to bitch at the sops that were treated so poorly by life that an obvious fantasy became their source of comfort.

>> No.51427556

You need get bitches anon if your prefered method of female interaction are fake internet women.

>> No.51427618

You need get English lessons, you sound retarded

>> No.51427660

No, it's like telling a taco place to stop selling awful tasting burgers nobody asked for and sell more tacos.

The term emotional gratification covers a lot of ground. If you take that to mean "fake love" then that's your own projection speaking, my dude.

>> No.51427697

That's the plan. The only thing you're paying for is merch. The content given to you is free. Only suckers donate and expect qstreams as "payment."

>> No.51427744

Every entertainer job is ultimately a customer service job.

>> No.51427808

Good thing you’re in the forum trolling department and not business, otherwise Cover wouldn’t be making anywhere near the money it does. Either way, I can assure you the biggest white knights are the ones religiously paying for anything these whores are charging.

>> No.51427812

>Customers are not managers
You're right. Customers are a lot more important than managers. In fact, managers survive off the money that's shelled out by customers.
>You can't get them fired
Yes I can.
>they do not have to listen to (You).
Yes they do.

>> No.51427893

>T.F2P vs P2W chad
You do you, imma spam chat with the glowstick emote and check out the membership content.

>> No.51427974

get a life virgin losers

>> No.51428129

>t. virgin

>> No.51428165

There wasnt anything wrong. You ran out of counters lmao

>> No.51428269

>girls must not be close to men
>girls must close to (You) (man)
Pick one. Otherwise you're simping for a phony facade.

>> No.51428304

I don't care about terminology. GFE this, idol that. Unicorn this, cgdct that. Whatever.

All I know is that from the getgo I am not interested in vtubers that currently have bfs or that often stream with males out of their own volition.
I will simply neither watch nor support them.

>> No.51428352

Going "I am not your friend" isnt arm-length thats kicking somebody away

>> No.51428367


>> No.51428373
File: 254 KB, 1890x1335, 1686692511375135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use my wife to shitpost

>> No.51428398

>low IQ brainlet doesn't understand that if a woman belongs to no one then she belongs to every one
Many such cases.

>> No.51428667


>> No.51428791

>if a woman belongs to no one then she belongs to every one
Wooooo, talk about objectifying women, they belong to there parents.

>> No.51428907
File: 7 KB, 256x197, ned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing you know from idol culture is that girls are not allowed to have boyfriends.

They are not allowed to SAY they have boyfriends.

>> No.51428989

No, you just sounded retarded and you refuted nothing.

>> No.51429019


>> No.51429156

If she talks to le boy she is le cucking me reeeeeeeee

>> No.51429201

>You need get bitches anon if your prefered method of female interaction are fake internet women.
He spotted the flaw in your logic and stated a way to rectify that.

>> No.51429270

>le posters with low IQ

>> No.51429290

What does Mumei think of parasocial fans, anon? Come on, you know she hates them. She still gets their money but she doesn’t like them.

>> No.51429365


>> No.51429434

>people who got fucked by life can’t get “bitches” so they find VTubers as surrogates
>if they had bitches which they can’t have they wouldn’t need that
> the solution is getting the bitches they can’t get
It’s special needs hour at the office I see

>> No.51429517

Name one time fan outrage over interacting with males got a corpo chuuba fired.
>inb4 he says Rushia

>> No.51429783
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>wasting your money on free content
>thinking you have a moral ground due to this
Get a load of this retard

>> No.51429900
File: 39 KB, 409x509, 1686835851105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51430407

(User was banned for replying to himself X amount of times)

>> No.51430571

Why did you use mumei for OP

>> No.51430678

People who have gone swimming will not need to have a shower when they get home since they've had one when they've got out the pool, but they dont go swimming for the shower at the end....
Um, some people buy a boiler for a single part (because they're not sold separately) but others buy a boiler and that part just happens to be part of the package?
Its like the difference between manslaughter and murder.
You always have those people who kill the vibe, and the idols will have to remind people of the reality of the situation... or the could be a icon and play along with it at which place they are acting like a whore ect.

>> No.51430815

>he thinks Idol Culture is the only reason to avoid male collabs
My own oshi has said that she avoids doing them because they hurt her gachikoi. That's it. No other excuses are actually needed since the answer is so straightforward
If I think she's going to go back on that, I'll post my strong disapproval on Twitter, which she might end up seeing. I think she already sees me as a bit of a schizo, but she's made it pretty clear that even so, she has no intention of throwing me out or looking down on my views.

>> No.51430994

Is funny that when Ame starts her homo sucking the anti unicorn threads increase

>> No.51431293

You never went swimming

>> No.51431358

>false premise
>invalid conclusion
good job retard

>> No.51431536

Have you watched her at all in the past year? She’s more emotionally attached to her fans than the other way around.
On the contrary, the Rushia situation was the guy’s female fans being outraged over him interacting with a woman. NDA violations aside, of course.

>> No.51431836

Once again, since shills are taking the reduction to ridiculous approach. It doesn’t matter what specific sort of monetization these bitches apply. Often times they choose as many as they can anyway, and whether the audience buys merch, sends superchats, subscribes to their channel or gets a membership… they are consumers and they have the right to state what they like and dislike, whether verbally or by withdrawing their support.

>> No.51432134

Except nobody cares what you have to say about anything here. Youre a minute name in a chatroom. Shitting your pants because one collab happened or whatever retards here flail about for 2+ years would make any psychologist suggest you seek a mental asylum

>> No.51432422

I'm ok with my oshi having a boyfriend

>> No.51432457

no reason haha :)

>> No.51432559
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I never had a shower ether wangy wangy, but atleast i can swim, mean while those who when to special ed never learnt, I would love to see your rendition of a brick if you ever did go swimming.

>> No.51432705

She should like a normal female

>> No.51432872

Well, I guess they should listen to the audience and then they wouldn’t be haunted for years of disregarding the wants of their audience.

>> No.51432952


>> No.51433127

I didn't even care about the male collabs at the beginning but over time I joined the unicorns beca I hate faggots like you, the homobeggars along with the homos because they are cunts.
If you also hate the homos then you did a great job shitting everywhere if you love them you only damaged them with your shitty wars

>> No.51433168

Now this is actual cuckoldry

>> No.51436296

>Being unironically parasocial
Sucks to be you.

>> No.51436397

>bitching about anime women online and getting angry over donations makes you based
no wonder men today are all gigantic faggots, go touch grass you pathetic incel

>> No.51436618

why are ENsharts so fucking dumb

>> No.51436746

here? on a fucking mongolian basket weaving forum?
Lmao, you're a delusion fucking idiot

>> No.51436901

Maybe he just doesn't love his oshi you know? Not everyone with an oshi is parasocial.

>> No.51437049
File: 1.70 MB, 3500x5250, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_cromwellb__c1739e99acc78376c0d0c297fabfb4bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to think of my male viewers as all being shotas because adult men are disgusting and they think that just because they throw some money your way that they think that they own you.
Was she right?

>> No.51437080

Never said this

>> No.51437176


>> No.51437193 [DELETED] 

if your oshi had a boyfriend then she is a WHORE WHORE WHORE!! im tired of people pretending like they're not whores if they've had boyfriends before. if they've had boyfriends before then they should join vshojo and nijisanji, hololive is for pure virgin lesbian women, not whores with boyfriends past or present!!!

>> No.51437286

^ this but unironically

>> No.51437292

I don't give a shit about idols, I never said I want idols, I don't care what you think an idol is or isn't, stop putting words in my mouth

>> No.51437326

>equal arm-length relationships with all fans
I don't think anyone ever called this a yab. You are mistaking "equally loving all her fans" with "idols should not call her fans her friends".
By all definitions, an Idol should dedicate her life to her fans just like her fans dedicates their lives to their idol.

>> No.51437327
File: 39 KB, 557x413, 1684567395718697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you're obviously a butthurt sapling, referring to the Fauna "yab", idols don't say whether or not their audience are their friends, especially after interacting with them for hours almost every day. Everyone is very clearly aware of the "relationship", that the idol and the audience have, spelling it out like that is tactless and destroys the image of purity that you were referring to.

You would have a point if it wasn't something that they just decided all of a sudden, rather than making it clear at the very start so people don't get the wrong impression and watch someone who does deliver what they expect instead. But of course they won't tell you in the beginning cause people won't watch them.

>> No.51437769

>Not everyone with an oshi is parasocial.
Lol, then they have no right to call her his oshi, she just a rock on the side of the road that he watch once a while. He wouldn't care if she graduated tomorrow and watch another channel.

>> No.51438486

This is really sad.

>> No.51439334

stop caring so much over virtual women you chud

>> No.51440848

>making it clear at the very start
They struggle to release a schedule a week in advance, I doubt they knew what kind of a idol they were going to be/become let alone what they're fans would be like.

>> No.51442839
File: 406 KB, 676x673, 1669694416110624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard for you people to just stop watching them? Like hell if I watch a shitty anime I'd just drop it. Stop throwing money at them, it's that simple. If I were you, I'd just look for a different vtuber instead of inflicting pain on yourselves.

The only other reason is that you were never their fans from the start, and just want to bait pots for (You)s. I can't think of any reason why threads/posts like this keeps getting timelooped.

>> No.51443065

>In customer service, the customer is everyone’s boss

>> No.51443373

>The only other reason is that you were never their fans from the start, and just want to bait pots for (You)s. I can't think of any reason why threads/posts like this keeps getting timelooped.
1. The giant Ms
2. They're trolls who use witchcraft to obtain the trevors axiom formula
3. They're antis
4. They need GWS pills

>> No.51443764

bro think he me
i just found a random pic in the vtuber folder and used it

>> No.51444192

(you)'s are addictive to some people. I'm convinced 90% of the threads on the catalogue are the same 50 or so people who've mastered the art of baiting dramafags and spirtitual women (faggots). Just the same hysterical clickbait posts being churned out again and again forever.

>> No.51444955

You're just a minority that's loud on /vt/. Every hobby has shitters that cry about nobody catering to their niche.

>> No.51445282

This whole thread is just full of women and redditors.

>> No.51445367

>shitters that cry about nobody catering to their niche
You just described homobeggers

>> No.51446618

Yes, that’s how it works. The owner’s bottom line and the employee’s paycheck both ultimately come from the customer. If you’re getting shitty service, you register a complaint. If service doesn’t improve, you go somewhere with better service. This is literally entry-level information.

>> No.51447139

anon please, just because customers pay to a company for their products or services doesn't mean they'll get to dictate what the company does, the whole "the customer is always right" speech has always been american bs

>> No.51447299

>they produce whatever content they like and you decide if you want to pay or not.
Oh really? So why are there thousands of 0/1/2views producing content they like yet going nowhere professionally while gfe/bfe panderers get (tens of) thousands of viewers and (hundreds of) thousands of $ as payment?
Viewers are customers, with no customers you have no business and you go bankrupt. How do you think Hololive got as big as they did? They pandered to the right (as in, arguably the most profitable) customer base and grew exponentially. How do you think Niji males grew so big so quickly, then faltered and shrank like a sweater in the washer? They pandered to fujos, then (some) stopped and lost them. Streamers in general can produce whatever they like, but if it doesn't feed them or pay the bills so they can continue streaming, it's pointless.
Alternatively, you're paying for agreeable content from a creator, with whom there was a spoken or unspoken understanding that they would continue producing that content, with occasional proposals by the community. Then, that creator decides to do an about-face and produce disagreeable content, much to the dismay of the fanbase. Some will leave instantly, others will stay, begging and/or hoping the creator goes back to what they were producing initially, because they've become emotionally attached. If you are suggesting that emotional attachment to other people is unnatural or parasocial, you are a sociopath and should not represent the average viewer, therefore your opinion is null.

tl;dr fpbp

>> No.51447701

Glad to see you don’t know how business works.

>> No.51447929

>because they've become emotionally attached. If you are suggesting that emotional attachment to other people is unnatural or parasocial, you are a sociopath
You need to keep your distance, the idols are also stating this, but you choose to cross the line and get closer... because you feel like it.
No self control or realisation that your stepping into the line of fire, and thusly justifying your postion on the train tracks.

>> No.51449421

bot thread

>> No.51449766

>while gfe/bfe panderers get (tens of) thousands of viewers and (hundreds of) thousands of $ as payment?
having a stable income is good, however if their mental state isn't strong enough this type of thing will bite them back in the future. Remember the Rushia yab? She got careless because a literal guy DM'ed her while her overlay was left open, fans didn't like that and they felt betrayed, went menhera, kept spilling the beans. Terminated.

Like I really don't give a fuck if a chuuba does GFE. It's their content they can do what they want. They just need to be mentally ready for it when it happens.

>> No.51450138

Fortunately, anon, I have some semblance of self control, so I didn't get myself emotionally attached to any of the EN girls. They were cool, for a while, and then they stopped being enjoyable for me so I dropped them. I wasn't particularly sad, just disappointed. I do, however, have a JP oshi, who so far seems to maintain the status quo and offers what I want to watch. My main gripe with the EN branch currently is fostering and pushing (through their fans) content and culture I don't like towards the JP branch, and it's why I continue to call out behaviour I don't like, not necessarily because I watch the EN girls, but because of the effects their change of content may have on Holo members I actually care about.
I agree that having a strong and steady mental state is a property successful streamers should have or develop, but pushing despite it means the streamer themselves recognises the risk and keeps on pushing to earn money and, in Rushia's situation, attention and perhaps even affection from their fans. This is one reason why some people say streaming is/can be hard, and I agree with that.

>> No.51450227

Real women are awful, Hololive showed me it was possible for women to be pleasant so long as they have anime avatars and act accordingly, so they get my money so long as they keep it up

>> No.51452240

>My main gripe with the EN branch currently is fostering and pushing (through their fans) content and culture I don't like towards the JP branch, and it's why I continue to call out behaviour I don't like, not necessarily because I watch the EN girls, but because of the effects their change of content may have on Holo members I actually care about.
Your a literal anti... trying to ward of foreign influence via undermining idol culture in a foreign landscape, when you should be setting an example and leading the way... that would be if you had any brand loyalty... now your just sabotaging foreign branches, venting your frustration & fears you have with your idol upon other foreign idols, so as not to upset your idol presumable since your not venting in JP, but trying to influence EN... or something like that
Huh, now I know where they come from and why.

>> No.51453459

>Your a literal anti
>your just sabotaging foreign branches
By... talking about them in an anonymous imageboard? I don't tweet at them, chat or comment on their streams/videos, I'm just avoiding them. The only thing I can do by not "sabotaging" them is to comment on their actions and discuss with other anons what effect they might have on their branch and the rest of the company. That said, I don't even make threads like this one, I only participate in ones that are already made and havea proper discussion going. Otherwise I just hang out in my oshi's general.
Also it's *you're, fucking hell how many times will you make this mistake
>since your not venting in JP, but trying to influence EN
Why would I try to influence /jp/ or 5chan? HoloJP is generally doing fine, the ones that could potentially damage the brand is EN (and ID), therefore it would make sense to focus the complains to, you know, the branch that is causing them. The most I can do, as I said above, is to try and make other anons supporting EN's current direction understand why I disagree with how EN is being managed, and how this may effect Cover as a whole.
As I said, I don't hate EN, I'm disappointed in the direction they're heading to. This includes both male collabs and talents (Gura) not streaming regularly. They have/had a lot of potential for growth and for establishing HoloJP's version of "idol culture" in the west, and yet they squandered it (they referring to both EN talents and management).
>when you should be setting an example and leading the way
This is what anons making these threads, and anons like me replying to anons like you, are trying to do. You're painting this as sabotage, however, and therefore are unable to understand what example we are setting.

>> No.51453534

You don't know anything about me.

>> No.51453942

>They have/had a lot of potential for growth and for establishing HoloJP's version of "idol culture" in the wes
I understand, im sorry for calling you an anti,
Buy there is a huge cultural difference.
When the wrong man uses the right means, the right means work in the wrong way.

>> No.51454063

>Also it's *you're, fucking hell how many times will you make this mistake
The degenerate west baby yeaaaah jk. My spelling is atrocious because my fingers/keypad dont sync with my train of thought.

>> No.51454219

And people will unironically call you an incel for this. This is true of literally any profession that has ever existed anywhere in the world, but do it to vtubers and it means you have a violent hatred of women.

>> No.51454570

You are very naive if you believe that

>> No.51454869

This is the truth. There's a social contract at play here, and people who deny it are simply too deep in to recognize it.

>> No.51454916


>> No.51455317

Vtubers are not idols

>> No.51455870

>Yes I can.
Customer's seems pretty displeased with Mori, Kronii, and Ame's behavior and Tempus' existence and yet none have been fired.

>> No.51456092
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Accurate. They're idols, they're meant to be looked up to as icons attracting humanity's adulation, not friends. But then again the customer is always right, if anons don't want to watch a woman they can't control they won't watch and the idol won't have those views. It is what it is.

>> No.51456138

>Yes I can
prove it bitch, don't be all bark now

>> No.51456186

