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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 162 KB, 967x623, subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51341369 No.51341369 [Reply] [Original]

they're barely hitting 300 subs hahahahahahahaaaaaaHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.51341476

>who vs who (collective)
Keep going, this protozoa fight is fun to watch.

>> No.51341508

>He doesn't know

>> No.51341526

I have genuinely 0 fucking clue who they are, but thanks to your free shilling I'm gonna check them out to see if they're any good.

>> No.51341576

this is literally a shill thread. you retards fall for it everytime

>> No.51341646

I for one enjoy being shilled to.

>> No.51341651

>noooo don't talk about vtubers in the vtuber board that's SHILLING and that's NOT ALLOWED
free bump

>> No.51341696

Shill or not they'll still be dead in a month with those numbers.

>> No.51341697

if it'll take down the jew idc

>> No.51341705

can't be working that well; look at their sub counts

>> No.51341977


>> No.51343847

perfect potential poaches

>> No.51343922

Man, Phase Connect is truly irrelevant, makes me wonder why some people shill for them this hard

>> No.51345470

Pixel Link is Phase Connect?

>> No.51345610

Look, if they're good, I'll try giving them a look. But they're not out yet and we have 0 idea how they are or 0 idea how this company is or aims itself to be. It could become an instant shitshow like Eien or it could turn our more solid than any other small corpo (not even that hard to do in theory) - probably it will be in between.

>> No.51346586

>He doesn't know

>> No.51346676

What don't we know WHAT

>> No.51346751

>idolfags are now bullying literally who 0views because they have better models

>> No.51346767

see >>51341508 and >>51346586

>> No.51346779

Imagine actually bumping this retardation.

>> No.51346801

where is this company based off?
being competitors to that company is giving me red flags..

>> No.51346814

anon...they are all jews..

>> No.51346825


>> No.51346826


>> No.51347154
File: 37 KB, 528x310, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holochads (me) watching small corpo faggots (you) fight

>> No.51347271

which one is hag gfe?

>> No.51347330

I'm guessing it's the rrat that both PixelLink and idolEN are both shell companies of the same hedge fund.

They're not supposed to be competing, they're supposed to complement each other.

>> No.51347489

Thanks to this thread I will now go out of my way to block all of their channels, thanks OP!

>> No.51347930
File: 407 KB, 1920x1080, 1686554263326912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the jewshills got offended when PixelLink's trailer turned out better animated than idolEN's, even though both were animated by the same people.

But I agree. PixelLink has better models. Still, they could have done better with marketing. Those sub counts are worrying.

>> No.51348063

I agree the trailer is ten times better than idol, but do people seriously think the models are better? the blue girl looks like a tranny, the raccoon doesnt look like raccoon, and "nebi nebu" is really bad

>> No.51348103

yes but not because their models are good
idol en2 has the worst designs I've seen from a corpo so far

>> No.51348167

What do small corpo fans even get out of going at each other throats? I'll bet the talents themselves want nothing to do with this proxy war.

>> No.51348341

Personally, yes. I like Nebi a lot. Lottie looks more like axolotl than Momo resembles an octopus. Raki probably has the best design in PixelLink. Chiaki looks like a leader. Miuna is okay, not bad but not outstanding either.

The only designs I liked in idolEN was Roca the rocker girl and that dragon girl. The clown girl has the worst design, and with the raccoon both have the worst colors. Momo is just plain.

Still gonna watch them all, tho. Personality is still the best selling point of a VTuber. I don't care about this small corpo war /vt/ is manufacturing.

>> No.51348407

idolEN and PixelLink are even tweeting at each other. I have a feeling that some are probably friends offline.

>> No.51348534

I like the look of these girls more. I’ll still watch both debuts

>> No.51348557
File: 144 KB, 918x505, Updated Sub Count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated Sub Count.

>> No.51348625

Does anyone seriously have time to pay attention to new vtubers what were they thinking

>> No.51348766

Time will tell, anon. Survival of the fittest. So far, idol Corp is doing its best to find a new market with that hugeass watch-along list. I wish all these girls are strong enough to handle the challenges.

>> No.51348956

>leader has the least subs

>> No.51349733

>axolotl Pippa
>orange pippa

>> No.51349808

Overdesigned. Too much detail.

>> No.51349956

I really like Raki's design, so I'll give her a go at least.
None of the rest across either corp particularly grab me, but Idol's clown has to be one of the worst designs I have seen.

>> No.51350458

I've been keeping an eye on this one and to be fair they have been getting their subs halved nonstop for whatever reason probably one of the worst sub cutting I've seen so far so I'm not sure if just looking at their subs is accurate to how they will actually perform once they launch

>> No.51351243

"friends" with benefits
pixellinks ceo is confirmed to be having sex with idols ceo for clout
just the nature of the industry baka theres always a catch

>> No.51351781

I'll take a shill thread of over the usual autism here, sometimes you find interesting content you would've completely missed otherwise.

>> No.51351920

>new market
theyre trying to rake audience from the existing pool of vtuber fans, that's no new market

>> No.51352161

Idol gave too much talent freedom. There's no reason for something as off putting as that clown to make it to print. Poko the coon isn't much better as she looks like a big headed alien. Only Roca looks good. The others are either ugly or bland. No one in Pixellink looks bad. People complaining about Neb's jacket, don't worry I'm sure it comes off.

>> No.51352393

I'm with you for the most part though I wish people would shill more obscure JP indies

>> No.51352422

the jacket STAYS on
she has a helmet though

>> No.51352936

Ah well. More reason to hope for success.

>> No.51353073

if you want me to watch them, just say so OP

>> No.51353572

Just don't go down the path of eien, please.

>> No.51353582

She has the sexiest design too, what the hell

>> No.51354024

Its interesting to see people so divided on the clowns design. You either really dislike it or really love it.
Personally, I'm on the second group.

>> No.51354092


>> No.51354330

She makes my pp big.

>> No.51354483

can you explain what you actually like about her design

>> No.51354537

It’s a little worrying on what the clown will be like as a person when they are given so much freedom in choosing their own design and yet she thinks it’s ok to birth that abomination. I prey to the lord she isn’t a icp fago drinking weirdo

>> No.51354614

Sure. I like the clown theme. I like the fact shes a loli. I like the tummy window. I like the fluffy, messy hair. I like the big sleeves. I like the tights. I like the ruffled collar. I like the markings under her eyes. I love love the sharp teeth, big plus for me.

>> No.51354668

Anon do you even think they know this "war" exists?

>> No.51354802

Oh yeah, Im also a very big fan of the mama she chose for her model. A master of the art of brat crafting.

>> No.51354939
File: 2.36 MB, 1260x1066, 1671524256504734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the Polka effect but twice as big

>> No.51354979

Literally the only bad part of the clown design is the chest area which looks weird and unfinished.

>> No.51355115

Rat is the artist went rogue and gave her huge tits, which then had to be quickly removed.

>> No.51355210

Does that make sense? Isn't the artist a cunny connoisseur?

>> No.51355247

yup, he made current purin

>> No.51355627

Look forward to a future cunny collab then.

>> No.51355737

Who would've thought that a decent trailer doesn't mean anything without advertisement

>> No.51355759

this, they should spam threads and pay other vtubers to shill them

>> No.51356108

>thots still try to get in to vtubing when it's a dying industry

>> No.51356169

People with this kind of opinion are fucking retarded.
>the clown looks like a clown, it's bad
>I've never seen a young loli design before so the raccoon is bad
>uh I don't know what to complain about the others so they're bad too

>> No.51356368

Jews are known and are documented to attack anyone and everyone in every space they invade

>> No.51356374

You mean the panko recolor?

>> No.51356407

What does this have to do with jews?

>> No.51356430

since when is Panko a raccoon?

>> No.51356458

Do you not know what thread you are in?

>> No.51356671

idol is a jewish company

>> No.51356786

Subsidiary rrat

>> No.51357205

Isn't this the money laundering front for Idolcorp

>> No.51357263

1. Panko is not a raccoon.
2. Panko looks completely different from her. To insist otherwise means you're either retarded or blind.
3. There's also a raccoon in the corp this thread is about, who even shares elements with a second Phase talent, and yet none of you have shitposted about her at all.

>> No.51357354

>and yet none of you have shitposted about her at all.
Probably because they look nothing alike while the new idol en2 girl is a direct copy of Panko

>> No.51357424

See point 2.

>> No.51357470

Explain how they look completely different and maybe someone will take your shitpost seriously

>> No.51357815

could you point out some similarities other than they both have ears/tail?

>> No.51357870

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

>> No.51358056
File: 529 KB, 1191x860, hurrdurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ears are completely different
>hair color, obviously
>hair style
>hair shape
>hair length
>eyebrows shape
>eyes shape
>eyes color
>facial proportions
>head shape
>neck length
>clothes, obviously (not a single element is shared)
>shoulder width
>torso width
>chest size
>navel exposure
>hips width
>tail fluffiness
>thigh strap
>kneesocks not matching

>they're both animal girls
>they're both lolis
And that's it. They aren't even the same apparent age either, Panko looks 11 or 12 while Poko looks 7 or 8.
Mind telling me some more similarities then?

>> No.51358130

Polka exists, so that clown girl has no excuse for looking bad. The entire gen has loli designs and they don't have oversized heads like the raccoon does.
If you don't ignore the threads, most anons like the rocker girl the most. Can't say the same about the rest. They look bland. The only reason idolshills like the new girls is because /jidf/ has become an /uoh/ hive mind.

>> No.51358191

you sound very bitter to people enjoying things

>> No.51358218

also /jidf/ is literally just the girls and the managers astroturfing

>> No.51358251

but enough about phase

>> No.51358292

I hope so, the clown can read me calling her ugly everyday from here on out.

>> No.51358301

polka is a jester, not a clown

>> No.51358304

gura killers

>> No.51358317

There's an excuse, the girl designed it herself. EN1 was that way as well but they were all artists, it doesn't seem to be the case for EN2

>> No.51358381

I have no reason to be bitter. I'm going to watch them all to see who's good and who's not. I'm just saying the obvious.

>> No.51358383
File: 378 KB, 1080x1920, 4 years old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka looks even more like a colorful clowny mess than the new girl. You only like her better because she's older and not part of a corp you've been conditioned to hate.
And note that I said "young" loli, not loli. Don't tell me you don't even know anything about anime?

>> No.51358548

Sure, and that racoon girl isn't blue Panko, amiright?

>> No.51358655

That is strange, because people said the entire gen can draw. I guess being able to draw doesn't mean you are also good at graphic design

>> No.51359202

Right, they're completely different unless you suffer from dementia.

>> No.51359593
File: 2.70 MB, 2500x2500, 435e10c864eccbc5ab817973461477b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka is neither, she's very specifically a ringmaster.

>> No.51359823


>> No.51359940

Polka has an objectively good design and model though that the majority of people can attest to.

>> No.51360093

Lets settle this debate

Winner gets my sperm

>> No.51360171

All the more proof that the dislike ofthe new girl is caused by either NEW THING BAD or just plain old rampant homosexuality.

>> No.51360194

you already got btfo nigga >>51358056

>> No.51360614

Placing them next to each just proves the point of most anons here. She really is just blue Panko. But I guess it's okay because moar cuny haha.

>> No.51360741

It's fine anon nobody will bully you if you can't read. Not that you'd understand if you're being bullied anyway.

>> No.51360751

If you are struggling reading the post, ask your handler for help

>> No.51360996

>weird hood design that makes her head look like a blob
>trash white girl voice
For me, she's the weakest in this corpo right now, don't know how she became a leader.

>> No.51361432

Why read a list of excuses the when I can look at the character sheet myself and make an obvious decision? I'll watch her myself to see if she has any redeeming personality that can salvage her design. You kids pretend to cry at your /uoh/ corner.

>> No.51361662

Don't worry anon the world is very inclusive towards cripples these days, your blindness isn't that big an issue

>> No.51361914

Is Aviel top or bottom?

>> No.51362026


>> No.51362216

Hey, the clown might have a terrible design, but if she is entertaining enough, people will ignore it.

>> No.51362275

That reminds me how is that loli vtuber corpo doing

>> No.51362314


>> No.51362443

add non anon

>> No.51362600

oh the polka ripoff? nah

>> No.51362757

they're both bottoms but they manage

>> No.51362954

pixellink is literally a subsidiary from idol corp

>> No.51363268

If so, why haven't they been spamming ads like idol does? They'll be debuting in a day and I don't see any marketing push at all.

>> No.51363642

Because they are not a subsidiary. Just because the CEOs follow each other on twitter doesnt mean its secretly the same company
This rrat is retarded

>> No.51363826
File: 37 KB, 527x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51364260

Panko invented raccoon girls

>> No.51364538

Who are these discount Kawaii Production looking niggas?

>> No.51364677

Is this guy shit talking Pippa?

>> No.51364732

pixel link

>> No.51364817

he has a point pipigger

>> No.51364852

I would like to entertain the idea of a cabal of men trying to take over VTubing, but unfortunately the guy can't show anything other the CEO following another CEO on Twitter. C'mon, show some schizo fanfics!

>> No.51365145

Somebody post the idol en new designs, i still have to see them

>> No.51365387
File: 687 KB, 3840x2160, IMG_20230609_212119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51365421

Are you a actual clinically diagnosed schizophrenic? No matter how much you repeat in your head that they look different that will never ever make it real

>> No.51365524

Goddamn this is terrible especially that thing on the left
Its straight up deviantart shit

>> No.51365850

the pink thing looks like she belongs in a completely different universe

>> No.51365920

pankofags are desperate

>> No.51366030

Grim. Only dragon looks good.

>> No.51366050

/vt/'s reactions have been certainly mixed. Here they are animated.

>> No.51366055

>here's why these characters are different
Whatever makes you feel better I guess

>> No.51366395

Use your eyes instead of your brain. The voices in your delusional schizophrenic brain arent real

>> No.51366585

Said the blind retard.

>> No.51366615

Calm down, sonny. Keep in mind that I can see that you are the same poster. Anons don't like your Panko reject? No one cares. Just watch her and move on.

>> No.51367212

I love her so much.

>> No.51367505

Is this the minutely idol astroturfing thread?

>> No.51371738

Use your words and actually compare where they are the same then. Either you prove your words or you might as well day the blue racoons is just Snyzzy 2

>> No.51372881
File: 130 KB, 828x850, 1686152981549624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids nowadays have it so easy...

>> No.51380823

Did they blow all their budget on the animation? WIll they use the watchalong strat like Idol?

>> No.51380996

Why would they? They arent running a whore company

>> No.51384658

Has "X killer" ever been said seriously?

>> No.51385404

I'm kinda sad for all the people who won't make it.

>> No.51385484

what happened?

>> No.51388004

I don't see your point. Suisei was more successful as an indie than the OP girls will ever be.

>> No.51389966

>axolotl pippa
>orange pippa
>two futuristic pippas

>> No.51394072


>> No.51394117


>> No.51394313

>people compare indie new groups to holo and niji
>forget ame streaming to 5 people on twitch
>Kiara being basically completely unknown with YouTube vids of maybe a hundred views
Sometimes you don't start with a mansion, you have to build it. Wish these girls all the best.

>> No.51396808
File: 135 KB, 1920x1017, 20230614_191902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna save her anyway

>> No.51397117

>axolotl pippa
>orange pippa
>two futuristic pippas
>witch pippa

>> No.51397367

>It’s a little worrying on what the clown will be like as a person

>> No.51397520

so Waabyuu is here, not in idolEN2

>> No.51398277

It's nice to be needed sometimes

>> No.51398949

they already had voice reveals

>> No.51399324

shes so fucking cute bros

>> No.51400946

Nice falseflag thread Xalamon

>> No.51401646

im honestly convinced at least 10% of all posts on here is just xalamon

>> No.51405314

Have faith

>> No.51405520

>theyre trying to rake audience from the existing pool of vtuber fan
absolutely true. they've been leeching from hololive from day one by placing ads directly on hololive member's streams.

>> No.51405752

Vtubing Is dying. The magic is gone, no one wants to get lectured by 30yr women with woke politics acting like 16yr anime girls

>> No.51405984

Most of Gura's pent up shrimps are now Boo Bros. I guess it works?

>> No.51406076


>> No.51406394

I just want holo and niji to burn.

>> No.51406560

Good luck with that, 1view

>> No.51406801

Wait wasn't it that PixelLink was owned by the same person?

>> No.51410054

Keep your Zionist whores, production kawaii is all I need

>> No.51411437

16?! look at all the loli models. 30yr old women who want to act like lolis.

>> No.51415494

>Californian company
good luck

>> No.51418320


>> No.51418481

>shill thread
Then can you retards make nicer shill threads? Like really, why the fuck you gotta be mean even to small vtubers that haven't even debuted yet?

>> No.51419813

They much rather make the nth "male chuubas bad" thread and seethe about their existence.

>> No.51421867

Ill be rooting for you

>> No.51421955
File: 13 KB, 304x278, O JEW 2K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like your dopamine receptors are gone
