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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 822 KB, 1920x4315, sui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51334229 No.51334229 [Reply] [Original]

>says the exact same thing
>somehow only Ina draws flak

>> No.51334337

If Ina had a fraction of the communication skills and respect for her audience that suisei has no one would complain.

>> No.51334384

>i wont lewd myself
>dont lewd me REEEEE

>> No.51334402

>Get lectured
>Get lectured, JP

>> No.51334477

we hate EN here

>> No.51334531

I see you’ve never seen literally every time Suisei gets mentioned in “parasocialism” threads and the like.

>> No.51334558

>dont lewd me REEEEE
But she didn't say that either. You can make lewds, just use the lewd tag. Is it threadreaders or ESLs that just can't understand this?

>> No.51334567

>Doesn't even say "don't lewd me" and simply says keep it in her nsfw tag
Very entertaining showing of this board's collective IQ being lowered by ESLs.

>> No.51334615

Ina never mentioned hating lewd art.
She very clearly just hates reddit meme spamming tourists and dramafags.
Not sure how you got it confused.

>> No.51334764

JP fans are just better than EN fans.

>> No.51334807
File: 330 KB, 376x418, suismug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Suisei saying she won't do a swimsuit stream, not freaking out at a single grayname saying something. In fact Suisei gets spammed for real by fucking Chinks and Antis due to her being a friend of Coco. You know how she handles it? Here's a fucking hint, she doesn't lecture her chat for 20 minutes for something they didn't do.

Here's Suisei handing out temporary mod powers to a few Hoshiyomi's and going on with her stream, even making a joke about it.

Here's Suisei laughing at a spam comment instead of making a big deal about it.

Here's Suisei reflecting on a meme of hers that got popular and spammed to death and not freaking out about it.

Eat shit and don't compare your lazy gook who's too busy drawing for the Chinks to collab with or even draw Coco to Suisei ever again you fucking niggerfaggot.

>> No.51335029

Oh youre the drawing coco schizo
Fancy youre a suzy cuck

>> No.51335087

See, this (>>51334807)is an EN fan salty that Ina called him out on his behavior. Instead of admitting fault and moving past it, he’s gonna insult Ina for the next 6 months for daring to insinuate he’s done something wrong. There’s a reason people like this don’t have girlfriends.

>> No.51335129


>> No.51335169

First, Ina didn't do anything. Her supposedly ranting or whatever is a complete rrat. Second, nobody here can actually watch JP streams. That's why they link translated clips. Is the Ina thing even clipped by a clipfag? Imagine how much they can't actually pick up from what the JPs say.

>> No.51335175

Based. Suichan is a professional who can articulate what she wants to say to chat in a calm and concise manner while Ina is a retarded NEET with zero social skills who goes on a blubbering 20 minute rant because of one gray fag. Not even comparable.

>> No.51335200

Damn, didn't realize even hoshiyomis can be this retarded

>> No.51335210

Ok esl.
You can go back to r/hololive. They didn't shut it down for their silly boycott.

>> No.51335261

Based. holoen is cancer and should be treated as such

>> No.51335281

Ina got stuck with a coomerbait outfit that feeds into the lewd memes while Suisei was merely saying that she wouldn't be part of holosummer. Much harder to avoid a lecture when Ina was trying to explain a complicated situation.

>> No.51335309

>implying that the entirety of /r/Hololive hasn’t already relocated here

>> No.51335364

Where do you think homobeggars came from?

>> No.51335390

And most of EN's fans for that matter.

>> No.51335415

Worse: shitposters.
They'll parrot the same imaginary talking points as long as it gets them (You)s.

>> No.51335425

You should check the date of the board's creation and why it was created.

>> No.51335713
File: 2.76 MB, 1280x720, 1651220847481.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then WTF does this mean?

>> No.51335896

Didn't read, but at least Ina doesn't do collab streams with the homos
>inb it's okay when jp does it

>> No.51335904


>> No.51335942

I didn't use to hate EN but they gradually shat the bed so hard that now the only EN I like is IRyS.

>> No.51336079

She's giving hints to Towa, that's different.

>> No.51336138
File: 775 KB, 660x756, Roboco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesas you retards are unironically getting upset about some Ina you make up in your head. Yes, you faggots can keep drawing lewds, she just said to keep it in the lewd tag then.

>> No.51336308

Learning Japanese just to be able to shitpost more effectively is a bit much for a lot of people when you can just shit on EN and will likely get more attention for doing so. Hence by virtue of being in the English language you get a lot more retards that are able to follow what is being said and pretend like they care about it. It's funny how back in the day the western fanbase on this website used to make fun of the worst elements of the JP fanbase for stuff they would anti the talents over back when HoloJP was first getting popular but nowadays they are far worse in how little it takes to trigger them. It's basically "be a complete doormat and just accept everything, never address any issues or things that make you uncomfortable at all in your community or else we will throw a tantrum".

>> No.51336327

the hell is holosummer

>> No.51336415

Please the EN girls have it easier than JP ever did.
>It's basically "be a complete doormat and just accept everything, never address any issues or things that make you uncomfortable at all in your community
You just described EN fans, not EN Holos. Watch how much money Gura makes when she comes back for her birthday stream. Look at how much money Ame and Kronii still get after shitting all over their fans. Look at fucking Mori.

>> No.51336618

The fact that you consider the things Ame and Kronii have said to be some terrible act of "shitting all over their fans" only goes to prove my point.

>> No.51336858 [DELETED] 

>exposes ina for being a lazy hateful Korean whore
Damn Hoshiyomis are based

>> No.51337825

>Appears in Holosummer anyway

>> No.51337999

Ame treats her fans like garbage (quite literally)
>Throws garbage on them on a VR stream and shoves chat in the bin.

>> No.51338056

Actually it's more what Kronii didn't say. She did that member stream then came back and changed her mind while hiding behind Cover. No more discussion.

>> No.51338117

Well i can call them retarded without any shadow of a doubt now.

>> No.51338408
File: 719 KB, 3239x4096, 1671151375991181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This image is from a clip that doesn't exist, this "lecture" never ever happened. Not only can you clearly see that on the top it says "Current topic: Inonaka Music talk", here's proof that even EOPs and N99s could understand:

>First pannel of OP's pic, exact timestamp: (51:09)
If you go back 5 seconds you can clearly hear her mentioning Inonaka Music, and she continues to do so. Nothing ever mentioned about fanart, nor hating anything.

>Second pannel of OP's pic, exact timestamp: (51:11)
Exactly the same as before, and now Azki is brought up. Nothing about "entertainment".

>Third pannel of OP's pic, exact timestamp: (51:14)
Ditto. Nothing about "support", "belief", nor taking any sort of stance.

>Fourth pannel of OP's pic, exact timestamp: (51:20)
Ditto. It's especially obvious how there's 0 mention of HoloSummer. Not to mention, this stream is from late december.

You can compare chat on screen with chat on OP's image too quite easily to tell it's the same points. In short, this image was completely fabricated to make Suisei look like a sperg, by claiming she lectured her chat about her lewds stance, which never happened. If memory doesn't fail me, this image popped up for the first time when Suisei made a TWEET about saying she won't participate in HoloSummer and that you could download the app to see her in a swimsuit, but that's just about it. Half of you are just retarded for not double checking, but it happens to everyone; half of you are actively using it to further your retarded console wars, and you need to kill yourselves.

tl;dr OP is a massive fucking faggot that needs to eat a bullet. Keep my oshi out of your retarded catalog dramaniggering bullshit.

>> No.51338496

Nope, i am ESL and i understood her just fine. This are the same dramaniggers that makes "Ina is boring" threads since her debut. The only reason i can come up with at their hatred towards one of the least offensive HoloEN member is they are jealous bitches that failed their holo auditions.

>> No.51338577

Now without the tears, takocuck.
>watching shillsei or the gooks

>> No.51338669

in case anyone gives a shit, what she's actually talking about in op's "image" was clipped here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW1rtK9invk

>> No.51338683

hoshiyomis unfathomably based, i kneel

>> No.51338740

welp, that's that. thank goodness i scrolled first.
kill yourself.

>> No.51338763

>over 30+ dumb niggers blindly accept a fabricated image as fact

>> No.51338878

Honestlt, if I pulled out of my ass that, let's say, Mumei killed a man, with a clip that's out of context at best, and just just straight up doesnt say it at worst, /vt/ would just run with it, not look for any actual evidence that she said it, and keep shitting up the catalog with it for a week. Alright then.

>> No.51338886

If this doesn't result in OP getting publicly humilliated by a mod, then this board is officially a fucking joke.

>> No.51338910

In my defense I got confused because she did say that she wouldn't do swimsuit streams. Clip related. And she has said things like this before, in fact I'm still not convinced the image is fake.


>> No.51339253
File: 71 KB, 1080x675, 1641684235679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to completely fabricate a whole new conversation to spin what she actually said into something usable by dramafags because what she really said was nowhere near as egregious
holy shit, that's on another level of pathetic kek

>> No.51339328

My refutation was that catalogfags routinely portray Suisei as “a prude who hates her fans”, making OP’s assertion that she gets treated differently false on that premise. Whether she actually said anything of the sort merely proves that the average catalog poster is retarded.

>> No.51339462
File: 684 KB, 1123x650, moomurderer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51339636

mumei what the FUCK

>> No.51339680

To be fair to you, I didn't quote exhaustively, I just skimmed through. If you knew you were dealing with retarded catalogfags, then it's all good.

>> No.51340280


>> No.51340322

I believe this.

>> No.51340525
File: 829 KB, 500x530, Buffson_kneels[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4uosaj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel, receiptsCHAD

>> No.51340644

OP, you need to join Ennaschizo in the 5th circle of hell.

>> No.51340650

Based detective hoshiyomi

>> No.51340704


>> No.51340758

based af anon, thank you for clearing that shit up

>> No.51340775

remember folks, always double-check what you're shitposting and/or deflecting with!

>> No.51340845

OP absolutely fucking destroyed. Kys nigger OP. Where the fuck are the jannies when you need them. Ban this faggot.

>> No.51340925

Suisei chads are the pillars of our community. Thank you reps bro

>> No.51340963

sui-chan is so cute i love her so much bros

>> No.51342093

actually much worse than what Ina actually said

>> No.51342142

good thing she didn't even say it then >>51338408

>> No.51342351

Fucking Takodachis trying to use Suisei to deflect by making shit up.

>> No.51343024
File: 274 KB, 1270x1426, moom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51343298


>> No.51343393

Incredible work.

>> No.51343464

It's over, this is the final yab...

>> No.51343987

It really doesn't matter, the only people who get offended by what the talents say are the terminally online retards that dwell here. Nobody cares outside here, it's quite funny, it's like they yell at the clouds.
Also keep in mind half the idiots who say they are mad are actually doing it to shitpost, they don't even care. It's best to not take them seriously.

>> No.51346105
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>> No.51346700
File: 379 KB, 390x510, 1658676821163620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51347097


>> No.51347273

Because Ina is a gook

>> No.51347343

EOP nigger OP BTFO

>> No.51347381

It always was, officially or otherwise

>> No.51347529

The thought that it disgusts Suisei is actually part of the appeal of Suisei lewds.

>> No.51347619
File: 2.63 MB, 662x778, 1674863701390075.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51350149 [SPOILER] 
File: 759 KB, 958x1642, 1643204229251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51350313
File: 21 KB, 475x263, 1513647610415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work. Never let them use your Oshi like that.

>> No.51350314

Holy based

>> No.51350542
File: 157 KB, 302x288, 69c187b06e77dad813eec9491a1363a90db1499b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51350613


>> No.51351488

I don't know why I clicked this thread but I'm glad I did.

>> No.51351567

You just said the clip doesn't exist. Why would you clip a random segment of a stream?

>> No.51352094

The clip the screenshot suggests it was taken from doesn't exist and she did not talk about those things in the moment of the screenshots.

>> No.51352192
File: 591 KB, 600x906, 1684492147319467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My knees are folding by themselves

>> No.51353634

That's mainly because EN has more delusional fucks specially after the whole Ina's back drew in too many coomers who are acting like if they were there for her since the beginning.

>> No.51354326

Who cares about Ina? She may be a competent artist, but...

Being a good artist doesn't help her have good streams.

>didn't draw Coco because of China loyalties, despite vowing to draw every Hololive member
>made a very half-hearted goodbye tweet that didn't refer to her by name and only said that she inspired many people (implying she didn't inspire her)
>insulted her fans and basically called them losers for watching vtubers
>had a literal personal pet mod (Many who believe was Omega) in her chatroom early on who was very obviously male and constantly made passive aggressive ESL comments during streams
>is responsible for getting the lazy-ass Sana into Hololive via nepotism, who disgraced Hololive by rarely showing up and being incompetent, and not only that but throwing in the towel early.
>did a "baking" stream without camera because she knows her retarded takoshits don't even watch her stream and just use her as background noise
>Never reads superchat but still enables them because she's a greedy cunt (Ame turns them off when she doesn't want to read them)
>lets hired dancers skinwalk her model because she doesn't care about idol stuff
>blatantly lied to her fans about why she went on break for months
>tried to keep her Japan visit a secret because it conflicted the "le illness hort" lie, only admitted it way later when others leaked it
>ghosted her fans during this entire time despite promising she would stay in contact
>un-fucking-ironically tried to use the "PC broke" excuse to justify the ghosting AS IF PHONES DON'T EXIST for three(?) months
