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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51298675 No.51298675 [Reply] [Original]

She’s working on “projects” for more than 1 and half year. What is this behavior called?

>> No.51298817

Hard working.

>> No.51298895

I agree. Not sure if OP knows what that is though.

>> No.51298959

Views her fans like bank atms

>> No.51299003
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>> No.51299018


>> No.51299034

She's busy with a project (child)

>> No.51299040


>> No.51299063


>> No.51299116

You know when a girl says:
>"I'm not interested in dating, sorry"
>"We're just friends, nothing is going on"
>"He's like a brother/Cousin to me."
Same deal here, she's just saying bullshit to tell you all to fuck off.

>> No.51299125

She is over 6 months on break

>> No.51299211

Every Gura stream is a return stream. She's busy raising her family and 7 kids.

>> No.51299242

18 months fragrant.

>> No.51299277

BULLSHIT. we as fans have first dibs. We fucking have given her money and supported her dreams if it werent for us she would be nothing. NOTHING!

>> No.51299375


>> No.51299443

If she doesn't specify then it's none of your business. She doesn't owe you any explanation. If you don't like it you're free to not watch her.

>> No.51299520


>> No.51299556


>> No.51299593


>> No.51299692

Laziness, greed and dishonesty. Basically modern western capitalism.

>> No.51299805

>lying lazy whore
that's what she is

>> No.51299956


>> No.51300068
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>be gura
>be depressed loser who doesn't have ambitions because most women aren't cut out for "boss bitching" as they call it now
>land a job with some anime shit idk she can't name a single anime but she likes the clips she sees on youtube
>PEDOPHILES give you millions of dollars
>you are having fun
>but then you realize it would be even more fun to take your millions of dollars and... not work anymore
>now Gura is happier than she's ever been, the trade off is that you are le depressed pedo
Equivalent exchange.

>> No.51300118
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If she doesn't want to stream all the time, she shouldn't have to. Imagine forcing someone to spend time with you, that's just weird.

Especially when her mere existence within the company generates so much success.

>> No.51300228
File: 2.21 MB, 1081x1849, fau women[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqj3280.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or hardly working! Hahahaha!

>> No.51300290

One of the problems is that people like you advocate for corporations instead of pushing what's best for the consumer. You're not her friend, colleague, co-worker, manager. You should be demanding a better service, not making excuses for her.

>> No.51300349

I've never seen a fanbase demand NOT to be given anything.

>> No.51300463

Is she working on projects or is her health bad? I forget which excuse she's rolling with now.

>> No.51300687

>Gura's losing her members as we speak
>Gura has never engaged in superchat stuff
>was rich before joining Hololive
>Cover-mandated merch

>let me post a pic of a talentless JP whore who milks brainless losers with GFE bullshit

you don't even understand what are you talking about friend

>> No.51301999

No, if you treat them as a company your choices are exactly the same. If you show up at a hostess bar and the girl you wanted isn't available, your choice is to pick a different girl or go home, it's the same shit.

There is no business in the world where you can show up with a spreadsheet of average hours worked by service employees and demand that they either fire Jenny or force her to work more hours. It is literally, LITERALLY not your business and you'd be rightfully treated as a lunatic for even bringing it up.

>> No.51302053

What scale of project would you actually forgive her for? At this point, I'd settle for nothing less than a 52 episode anime fully voiced.

>> No.51302863

I mean, Polka voiced the primary antagonist for 12 episodes of a toku and it only took 2-3 months maybe? And that's with Polden, music releases, multiple live appearances, and still occasional streams. So I don't even know if
>a 52 episode anime fully voiced.
would even account for all that time

>> No.51302890

Mega album with covers and originals, then I could at least cope she sperged her sped ass through music production.

>> No.51302941

If Jenny is clearly popular among the customers and people keep asking about her then the company would logically want her to work more. And imagine if all the other girls working there saw how lazy she is but somehow still gets paid? Gura deserves to be fired simple as that.

>> No.51303721


>> No.51304104

>And imagine if all the other girls working there saw how lazy she is but somehow still gets paid?
This is how I know you don't have any real world job experience. People get paid more for doing less everywhere, all of the time, constantly, for a variety of reasons. Bitching about how unfair it is will at best only you get you demoted or fired, it's pointless even getting worked up about it. No manager in the world wants their employees to waste their time fretting about what their co-workers are up to.

As for wanting "Jenny" to work more, yeah maybe. At the end of the day if she's bringing in enough money that they have no reason to fire her, nothing will change unless Jenny herself decides to put more hours in. They can't make her work, and the threat of firing is hollow if they don't want to let her go.

There's no fairness in how corporations are run. There is only money, nepotism, and office politics.

>> No.51306478

back to your redditor hugbox you go

>> No.51306603

baffling post

>> No.51306718

>She doesn't owe you any explanation.
Yeah, but are not curious on the reason for the new normal? Why several talents in holoEN have been having radio silent "health" breaks. After Sana's graduation this seems less of an issue with Gura and more of an issue with management.

>> No.51307360

"Garlic Bread"

>> No.51307378

Wow, she must have a lot of cool things lined up! Any chumbuds able to clue us in on what she has in store for us?

>> No.51307700


>> No.51307751
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Last solo stream

>> No.51307856

Anon she's just bored of her current toys. She wants Yagoo to give her more but he just won't listen

>> No.51309620

in the footballing world, we call it "Project Mbappe" / "Project Messi" / "Project Haaland"

>> No.51309719

Time for you to take your meds.

>> No.51309885

>If you don't like it you're free to not watch her.
I'm already not since she NEVER FUCKING STREAMS.

>> No.51310266

>over a month ago

>> No.51310472

I think Gura is just sick of it and wants out but same time the money and the company are keeping her in.
Company doesn't care too much. The return on Gura is already massive and they can still milk her for a while since she ain't makin any yabs.
She can slowly drift out and it'll be fine in their eyes

>> No.51311525

That's just weird. The girls are people, not just products. If getting a better 'product' out of them means they have to suffer and contort themselves in ways that makes them unhappy, I don't want it.

>> No.51311791

What makes Gura happy is doing nothing while raking in thousands of dollars. In the end something has got to break, either she makes content or you'll eventually get bored and cancel your membership.

All the Chumbuds who were laughing at grays are the biggest cucks of all right now because they're paying for literally nothing

>> No.51312028

It's called "management won't help with shit because they're too busy sucking homo dick so I need to do everything by myself"

>> No.51312096

Vtuber vaporware!

>> No.51312180

I work in auto. I fix cars for a living. Apparently my trade is just shit?

>> No.51312305
File: 2.69 MB, 340x414, she never streams why don't you watch her stream fauna[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fe9dgso.mp3] - Copy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51312351

>People get paid more for doing less everywhere, all of the time, constantly, for a variety of reasons
And other people get resentful and angry about it all the time too. Not sure what your point is. You think people don't care if one employee does 10% of the work but gets paid 2-5x as much for the same role? I assure you that is absolutely not the case. Especially when you're talking about women.

>> No.51312353

My personal theory is that there's somebody in management she despises. This is exactly the type of behavior I've had to deal with and mediate working many years in HR.

>> No.51312357

They're absolutely products first. Gura is a fictional character owned and trademarked by Cover Corp. She's a commodity to be sold, merchandized and exploited. If her voice actress is unable to live up to her responsibilities then she should be disciplined up to and including termination.

>> No.51312442

You know what else happened a year and a half ago?
That's right. Nyanners got a boyfriend.
I'll let you put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.51312469
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This dude is wrong in so many different ways, but I'm not going to waste my time arguing with him.
