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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 901 KB, 460x498, 1684542385899991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51287607 No.51287607 [Reply] [Original]

She's really not that bad.

>> No.51287751

absolutely, just ignore people hating on her and enjoy.

its a little annoying that she uses hololive to boost her rm, and some of her yabs were pretty bad, but she is overall a good holomem.

theres MUCH worse out there

>> No.51287881

Don’t you get tired of this whole act?
You’ve been at it for over a week now.

>> No.51287896

>its a little annoying that she uses hololive to boost her rm
She hardly even. It's mainly her dox-happy antis that think they're owning her by giving her free publicity.

>> No.51288094

Oh, mori.

>> No.51288099

Why do you do this? Just tell me what do you gain from spamming these threads?
Do you want deadbeats out of this board?

>> No.51288365
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>> No.51288379
File: 2.49 MB, 1170x2532, 1686603788211592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want reddit and discord groomers to leave. This is a Mori board.

>> No.51288466
File: 8 KB, 438x149, 5689157485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you? why didn't you leave yet?

>> No.51288567

I am just trying to understand why he keeps spamming these threads and why mods aren't doing anything.

>> No.51288574

The biggest retards on the board are always the ones that don't capitalize.

>> No.51288779

>why he kept spamming these threads
because he likes mori
>why mods aren't doing anything
you should know the reason by now

>> No.51288909

I doubt these are made by deadbeat. They mostly stay on /morig/ and /hlgg/. It could be anti trying to get mori threads banned here.

>> No.51288966

When she's good she's very good, but sometimes she lets her brainworms take over, and then you get the cuckbeat comic event.

>> No.51289008

Who are these anons unironically praising her then? Deadbeats have always been cancer when not beaten into submission.

>> No.51289027


>> No.51289086

Point out the sarcastic post.

>> No.51289110

some people just like to beat a dead horse

>> No.51289112


>> No.51289155

The whole deadbeat being a cancer has always been a boogeyman tier. Most of shit that gets pinned for them aren't even done by them.

>> No.51289172

>every single thing that we find annoying that can be attributed to a deadbeat is ironic and not genuine

>> No.51289208

>that can be attributed to a deadbeat
But that's the thing you can't.

>> No.51289214

they always cope like that, it's all horse opera

>> No.51289235

Mori has to get off the carousel and sober up

>> No.51289274

>Everyone is a deadbeat because I say so

>> No.51289288

she's strong as a horse, I'm sure she'l get back on the saddle

>> No.51289433
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doesnt suprise me that shes hungry she actively eats a village a day

>> No.51289500
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Everyone in this thread is a deadbeat including myself. I love Mori.

>> No.51289544

But why settle for 'not that bad' when you can have good instead

>> No.51289552

>Mori spam is not by deadbeats because
>because I said so, okay?

>> No.51289626
File: 3.68 MB, 2000x3000, 4757840%20-%20Calliope_Mori%20Hololive%20YouTube%20Z.Taiga%20vtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like her but my dick has a crush on her model

>> No.51289660

Why on earth would """deadbeats""" spam Mori threads? Are we going to believe anyone who posts a picture of her a deadbeat?

>> No.51289699

Do you have proof that these are made by deadbeats?

>> No.51289763
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>> No.51289779

If you want to get people annoyed at something, just spam it.
You must be a retard to not be able to reach that conclusion on your own.

>> No.51289841

You (deadbeats) find yourselves in these quite frequently, it seems.

>> No.51289844

She's alright, just don't pass her the aux

>> No.51289859

>Mori numbers in the shitter and still dropping
>Eien and Idol had succesfull astroturfing campaigns
>Mori threads that aren't the general get instantly deleted
>Suddenly these astroturfing threads fellating her stay up

>> No.51289927

>Spam Mori threads and bait people to shit on her
>No-n-no-no it's astrosurfing it's all deadbeats I swear

>> No.51289969

We both know Mori threads usef to instantly get deleted on sight.

>> No.51290003 [DELETED] 

>daily Mori astroturf thread
Kill yourself, not in Minecraft

>> No.51290057

Only to laugh at you, retard.
Now dance for us, monkey.

>> No.51290110

That's not even true though. I have seen plenty of anti threads that stay up and die normally.

>> No.51290137

What a load of bullshit. Actual anti-Mori threads get nuked in minutes.

>> No.51290209

You good, cuckbeat?

>> No.51290227

>Actual anti-Mori threads get nuked in minutes.
Thanks for telling me why you're spamming "good" Mori threads instead.

>> No.51290293


>> No.51290297

>She's really not that bad.
then why do you need to bake at least half a dozen threads everyday saying that?

>> No.51290333

>can't criticize Mori in any capacity whatsoever because the threads will get nuked
>deadbeats get to roam free and spam the board because they like the smell of their own shit
>any criticism hereon is either an astroturf or a false flag
Mentally ill.

>> No.51290350

KEK sorting archive by deleted OP posts with Mori in it literally returns thousands of results. That's ignoring posts that don't mention her but have her in the OP pic.
>Astroturfing and praising Mori is ACTUALLY antiing her!
Jesus Christ you fucks have tje saddest persecution and victim complex if you're serious.

>> No.51290352

Because these are made by antis to flush deadbeats out.

>> No.51290470

So you made this thread to criticize Mori in the replies? Gotcha thanks for being honest.

>> No.51290471

>can't criticize Mori in any capacity whatsoever because the threads will get nuked
I have seen plenty of anti threads of her go unoticed.
>deadbeats get to roam free and spam the board because they like the smell of their own shit
Literally where do you get the idea it is deadbeats doing these threads?

>> No.51290505 [DELETED] 

ok cuckbeat

>> No.51290516 [DELETED] 

I've said nothing about Mori. The annoying filth of the board that are deadbeats though, they need to be shot.

>> No.51290527

You're the one seeing skeletons everywhere

>> No.51290602

>Literally where do you get the idea it is deadbeats doing these threads?
Because every thread is filled with praise of Mori, and any criticism of the spam in any of these threads is met with the retard defense force.

>> No.51290696

>falseflagger makes threads like this one (and the other one, and the last one, and the one before that...) praising her because it baits schizos into shitting on her all thread (because they WILL show up)
>actual people show up who like her or otherwise have actual nuanced opinions and clown on OP
It's just a bonus OP always sticks around and drops the act really fast and acts like a retard. He's done it almost every time. It's falseflagging 101, he just sucks really hard at it. Also expect lots of page 10 bumps

>> No.51290728

>because it baits schizos into shitting on her all thread
Link the post in this thread. Do it now.

>> No.51290746

>any criticism of the spam in any of these threads is met with the retard defense force
No it has not.

>> No.51290872

As a Mori anti, it was nice seeing her slowing fade into obscurity. It's the worst possible death for her but the best for an anti. However, the past week there's been a lot of these bait Mori threads. I do enjoy the occasional anti Mori thread but this is a bit much. I don't want to see her trash face on the catalog.

I feel someone was trying to build hype for her shit Idol cover which sparked all these threads.

>> No.51290916

He is the one that make these threads, then complaining that deadbeats spam the catalog.

>> No.51290979

But what is his goal? Try to ban Mori threads as a whole?

>> No.51291125

And make deadbeats leave this board en mass, apparently. Hilarious, isn't it?

>> No.51291177

Mori a shit.

>> No.51292522

>everyone I hate is deadbeats

>> No.51292737 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 1623x78, 1689177916476823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antis are mentally ill cucks that unironically do free advertising and think that means they are "owning" her. Too bad people clown on them every thread because the anti spam campaign is just THAT retarded.

>> No.51292800
File: 76 KB, 1600x1200, spiderman-meme-16401651614x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a deadbeat!
>no you're a deadbeat!

>> No.51292887
File: 230 KB, 487x520, 1685760069479514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we going to believe anyone who posts a picture of her a deadbeat?
Wait... they're not????

>> No.51293107

Mori's antis are Reddit and Discord groomers. They go around forcing any meme that they think will shine her in a bad light, sometimes just accidentally giving her free advertisement. See >>51288379. That's why after the AI voices with the horses dropped, even though there were multiple Holos like Kronii and Ame in them, only Mori's got forced into a "meme." Hmmmmm, forced memes? I wonder who could've been behind that.

>> No.51295449

looks like the rest of the discord defense force din't get the memo then, huh?
so would you kindly stop your advertisement campaign

>> No.51295843

she really started to invest money again in the campaign for views here? gee wigger go and work on some shorts or something

>> No.51296478

Nobody is going to believe these threads are made by deadbeats.

>> No.51296515

You don't have to play dumb. Everyone already knows it's some retard schizo who thinks it's owning deadbeats by spamming these threads. They'll just keep getting deleted or derailed at this point so I don't know why it still tries

>> No.51299416

She really isn't.

>> No.51299476

True, Kiara is actually much worse but not enough people watch her to know.

>> No.51299567


>> No.51299649

Yeah, Kiara is much worse.

>> No.51299704


>> No.51299788

Kiara is actually what a lot of people cause Calli of being.

>> No.51299858


>> No.51299888

See the literal homobeggar? >>51283726 nobody can save him, not even Mori. Mori's no saviour, she's a troublemaker and I will never forgive this good-for-nothing fat bitch for what she does to my hobby.

>> No.51299910

She is not the problem, the problem are her talentless co-workers.. Or so she said..

>> No.51299994

A huge bitch out to destroy Hololive and would rather collab with outsiders than with Homos.

>> No.51300076

Why are you repeating narratives from 3 years ago? Did you just come out of a coma?

>> No.51300132

Mori antis can't stop thinking about dicks.... sad....

>> No.51300209

Mori's never collabed with Axel so bringing him up here is weird.

>> No.51300265 [DELETED] 

What point are you trying to make homo dick lover?

>> No.51301125


And now it tries to shit on Kiara so that he can say "B-but deadbeats hate Kiara!".
Truly, there is no limit to its retardation.

>> No.51301353

>Are we going to believe anyone who posts a picture of her a deadbeat
As a Mori anti, i actually dont have any pictures of her to post because i dont even like looking at fanart that includes Mori

>> No.51301422

So you're saying even deadbeats know that no sane person would ever try to claim Mori was an overall great vtuber.
So anytime someone says that, its definitely a false flagging anti
Thus proving the anti's points ?

>> No.51301517

That's you. Some people have no problem with that.

>> No.51301659

Retard, if you think that your oshi is great you discuss about it in her general or in the general of the company, you don't spam threads with her face everywhere in the catalog for days on end.

>> No.51303873
File: 317 KB, 2009x1412, FyQ_ZqeaYAAxlwv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you even in this thread then?

>> No.51305493

Mori antis.... we just can't stop losing....

>> No.51308139

It’s not.

>> No.51309665

You're right. She's not that bad.

>> No.51309919
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>> No.51310237

>>can't criticize Mori in any capacity whatsoever because the threads will get nuked
heres a a thread criticising mori by yours truly, retard-chama: >>51177059

>> No.51313548

She's worse.
Bugger off deadbeat

>> No.51313918
File: 313 KB, 2048x2048, Gigachad_(279677800).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51315504

I love Mori.

>> No.51317752

where do i get the horse audios? i want all of them.

>> No.51320217

I enjoy a good deal of the porn I see her in

>> No.51320970

it's not good

>> No.51321101
File: 2.38 MB, 498x357, heerolaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course this thread is not good, it's made by an anti Larping to be a deadbeat, because it's been reduced to that.

>> No.51322142

lol this Deadbeat cope is hilarious.

>> No.51322823


>> No.51324440

>the antis are just pretending to like her!!!!
Or maybe it's just deadbeats trying to pull what KFP did 2 years ago.

>> No.51326977

Calli has redeemed herself.

>> No.51326981

good to see you come around schizo

>> No.51327757

No she hasn't. She never will unless she commits seppuku.

>> No.51328729

No u

>> No.51332567

hehe, o mori

>> No.51335135

>She's really not that bad.

>> No.51335734

>art of mori
>text praising mori
>"t-this thread is made by antis! i swear it's not made by deadbeats!"

>> No.51336080

This is literally t.deadbeat, the oldest falseflag meme on /vt/, you're not Clever at all.

>> No.51336228

>Implying a leantourist would know about it

>> No.51336297

so what you're saying is deadbeats made the thread?

>> No.51336442

No. Please have the decency to stop when people see through your moves.

>> No.51336540

sure, deadbeat-who-made-threads

>> No.51336680

Why would deadbeats need a reassurance over what they already know?

You are not fooling anyone until you answer the question.

>> No.51336792

>you like your oshi
>you want other people to like your oshi
>you create threads about what you like about your oshi

>> No.51336902

>Global has that
>morig has that
You aren't sly. I bet you can't even name Mori's last original that had an MV.

>> No.51337439

>Naruto is good now threads on /a/ are made by Naruto fans.
Holy stupidity

>> No.51337672

She is somehow the least cunty girl in Myth. Except Gura if she still streamed.

>> No.51337756

>t. Intern keeping the leashes tight

It's funny because it's too obvious at this point

>> No.51337832


But this isn't Cover's little insiders marketing?

Fuck You

>> No.51337969

no shit, i'm not a deadbeat. The whole reason i'm here is that (You) kept falling for your own people's bait threads.

>> No.51338633

God her model is second to none, no matter if I like her or not

What I hate about calli is that she is the worst at pretending to give a fuck out of any vtuber I've ever watched. Calli when she's actually into something is great, disingenuous calli is unwatchable

>> No.51342557

pretty much

>> No.51344679


>> No.51344927

>Also expect lots of page 10 bumps
kek he literally just did that.

>> No.51344950

it's a rent free cuck

>> No.51346497

The anti OP took his meds

>> No.51348079

No, that was me, I'm not OP
I'm bumping this because the fact that people are wearing this much tinfoil about the recent increase in Mori threads just amuses the hell out of me.

>> No.51349399

I love Mori. I'm no anti.

>> No.51350096
File: 80 KB, 828x867, EmwzDS6UwAAE5vI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover intern here. Sorry, but you know too much. *bang*
