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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51282630 No.51282630 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51282655

Sasuga, rabbit woman. I kneel...

>> No.51282815

Sanctuary > Simple & Clean > Face My Fears
This is non-negotiable

>> No.51282867

Gura still won't be able to sing Didney songs

>> No.51282886

I still like Face My Fears though.

>> No.51282896

What does that have to do with Pekora, though?

>> No.51282936

Ill be there for every segment, and if I cant, I will watch the vod.
I never thought they would get KH perms, fucking sasuga rabbit.

>> No.51283013

Man I'd be impressed and excited if KH wasn't a shit series

>> No.51283033


>> No.51283094

Froot already did it. Stale content.

>> No.51283095

Finally, I was wondering when someone would actually play the games

>> No.51283135

It was good back when we were all kids and the PS2 was the latest console from Sony. We were all young so we were too dumb to realize how shit the story was and the game was on the latest technology at the time. All these years later...the magic is gone, just like our childhoods and our innocence.

>> No.51283140

Perms anon. Noone anticipated Cover to ever actually get perms to play the series on stream.
Its an impressive feat.

>> No.51283177


though she's gonna be playing the jp version so it's gonna be "Hikari" instead of "Simple and clean"

>> No.51283179

Hikari (Orchestral) > Simple & Clean (Ray of Hope Mix) = Hikari (Ray of Hope Mix) > Hikari > Don't Think Twice > Chikai > Sanctuary > Simple & Clean > Hikari (Planit B Mix) > Simple & Clean (PlanItB Mix) > Face My Fears > Passion

>> No.51283186
File: 38 KB, 739x415, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 must be coming out soon
they must need the hype

>> No.51283295

Holy autism, I don't even remember half of these remixes. But at least I can agree with your placement of Passion, it is fucking awful. Sanctuary is the better version.

>> No.51283301

Nijikeks status?

>> No.51283304

I missed it when it was new so I have zero nostalgia in the first place
I only checked it out when I was older and knew what good storytelling and gameplay was and boy howdy this aint it

>> No.51283327


>> No.51283370

Somehow, I thought she was going to play the PS3 version. I completely forgot that it was already ported to several systems (and cloud streaming for Switch) years ago.

>> No.51283418

Is she gonna play only the first game or the entire series?

It's going to be a wild ride if she did

>> No.51283467

The first game was fine on its own.
It all started going downhill with the next game, which happened to be a fucking Game Boy Advance game.
>t. KHfag who recognizes the garbage fire that is the series but still loves the shit out of it because he grew up with it

>> No.51283478

I mean the gameplay is cool, it's by far the best in the series. The issue with looking or playing that game far removed from it's release is that it's clear the writers didn't know wtf they were doing, were heavily relying on the Disney aspect for sales, and the game looks really dated. KH2 would definitely benefit from a modern remake. But we all know Square is fucking retarded so that'll never happen.

>> No.51283530

It was only good because you were kids.
When Kingdom Hearts first popped on PS2, I was initially hyped, but I was already far into adolescence, and the only thing I found was utter disappointment. The only elements that had any interest for me were the Final Fantasy parts, but they turned out to be a badly-written fanfic.

>> No.51283547

I mean she stopped Xenoblade after 1 so I'm not getting my hopes up, though I'm sure her fanbase will be more in agreement that 2 is better in this case than XB

>> No.51283570

The CoM was fine. It expanded on the lore with Organization XIII which is a big plus. Plus we got to play as Riku. And yeah, the card system was a big departure from KH1 but I felt on it's own it was pretty good (the system in the final mix version was shit though. The card system should have been 2D only). The series started to go to the shitter when they just started chugging out prequels and in-between games out their asses instead of giving us KH3.

>> No.51283575

Not sure, but I hope she does the entire series.
She might finish 3 by the time 4 comes out. Kek.

>> No.51283576


>> No.51283590

>post YFW hololive world in 4

>> No.51283589
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>turned out to be a badly-written fanfic.
because thats what a teenagers thinks
>why certainly the writing of this videogame is subpar i do say

>> No.51283614

Chain of Memories was shit on GBA.
It only got decent with its HD remake.

>> No.51283644
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I just think it's an injustice when a far more nuanced, interesting, well-put-together Square Enix game got left by the wayside

>> No.51283657

holokeks excited about kids game lol

>> No.51283666

>By the time 4 comes out
All of us who grew up with the series might have kids entering high school or college by the time 4 comes out. Is Hololive gonna exist at that point?

>> No.51283667

Nijicope starting already?

>> No.51283674

I got it backwards, GBA version is still a definitve way to play CoM

>> No.51283694

Kingdom hearts is overwhelmingly overrated

>> No.51283727

You say that, but it got an HD rerelease and a sequel. More than some other series can say.

>> No.51283737

Hey at least those characters got reused in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance for the Nintendo 3DS...Fuck that's a sad sentence.

>> No.51283763

Don't even talk to me about final remix, it cocked up the entire battle system, which completely removed the thematic connection it had to the story and characters
...NEO was cool tho

>> No.51283778

Xenoblade was kinda shit though, the combat is too complex and there is too grinding involved. We all know the rabbit is not jrpg expert

>> No.51283786
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Back when i found out that disney buy lucasfilm, i can't wait to see sora using lightsaber keyblade to fight darth vader.
Now after kh3. I couldn't careless.
And by God, if they decide to chuse nu starwars trilogy, i'll be livid.

>> No.51283787

>Shit controls
>Shit graphics Yes I know its the fucking GBA, its still shit.
>Fucking LAG.
Nah man, fuck that. Either play the HD remake if you have to, or don't play it at all.

>> No.51283806

Alright cool. I was about to say that no one in their right mind would think the Playstation remake of CoM is the definitive way to play the game. Yeah CoM on the GBA is a bastardized version of KH but the PlayStation version is just insulting.

>> No.51283828

>sora using lightsaber
>lightsaber but it doesnt cut
what's the point?

>> No.51283837

Get out, this is the kh autist thread now.

>> No.51283857

Thanks peko

>> No.51283864

But yeah, I assume if she decides to play the entire series on stream, its going to take literal years. So I guess we'll see, right?

>> No.51283873

I mean, the enemies in the Lego Star Wars games just explode into Lego pieces and those games are rated E. KH is a fucking kids game so what's the difference?

>> No.51283886

>I mean
Hello R*ddit

>> No.51283900
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Because it look cool.

>> No.51283910

Come the fuck on, out of everything else that could be reddit you pick that?

>> No.51283929

its about time.. official cover disney song soon

>> No.51283937

yes and there's no difference on hitting enemies in lego star wars vs lego lord of the rings

>> No.51283974


It's a shame they fucked up Switch port but I can't blame them, the dev did everything they could to make the touch screen combat functional without touch screen but it just doesn't work. The gameplay is so shitty that it can ruin the entire experience. Even with all that new content and god-tier remix OSTs, it's still not enough to save the game

>> No.51283981

Disney doesn't kneel. JP can always play games lol. Tell us when EN corp chubbas play it.

>> No.51283987

>kh autist thread
So.... what's the possibility that they will put marvel on kh4?

>> No.51283994

Nah bro you don't want to see Sora and Rey have a nuanced discussion about struggling with the darkness?

>> No.51283997

JP needs perms all the same

>> No.51284001

The phrase suddenly appearing all over the board when the Ina 'drama' started is enough for me to point out the tourists

>> No.51284046

They didnt put Star Wars in 3.
My opinion is not likely at all.
UNLESS they go for a theme like Timeless River and make a comic book world and use Marvel there. Then I could see it happen.

>> No.51284059

>They still private minecraft Disneyland stream


>> No.51284081


>> No.51284130
File: 14 KB, 281x328, 1603031434301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not have kairi and namine talk with rey on how they usually just sit by and let males saved them?
And think about the possibility of awkwafina replacing utada hikaru on ost!
God i hate new western movies.

>> No.51284176

The Switch combat is playable, but the problem is more that it completely takes away from the purpose of the original combat system
The DS version has a combat system intrinsically connected to the themes of the game; it's about struggling through the awkwardness of dividing your attention between you and your partner, figuring out how each partner works and how to manage using them while still working your own stuff, and eventually becoming so skilled at it that you sync up and perform some incredible stuff with puck passes and shit
Meanwhile, the switch version's combat system tells you that your partners are the same as any other tool in your arsenal
It's fucking maddening how it sends the completely opposite message that the story itself sends

>> No.51284182

Did disney own marvel comic book license?

>> No.51284190

>And think about the possibility of awkwafina replacing utada hikaru on ost!
Oh go fuck yourself for even thinking this.

>> No.51284218

Hey but in all seriousness, you gotta admit Xehanort teaming up with Palpatine would be fire.

>> No.51284247

Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking when making this song?

>> No.51284260

Xehanort is dead my guy.

>> No.51284265

And they get them, hence, it'll actually be news when EN gets perms.

>> No.51284302

Anon this is someone working a corporation Disney doesn't own making money off their IP. Why do you think Perm arcs are a thing to begin with?

>> No.51284330

Anon? You been in a coma for over a decade?
Disney has owned Marvel since 2009.

>> No.51284333

He's been dead for many times now.

>> No.51284339

I know he's dead, but can you really pass up the chance for someone to say
"Somehow...Xehanort has returned"
It'd be perfect.

>> No.51284370

>"Somehow...Xehanort has returned"

>> No.51284373

Is it really my fault that i don't follow american comics?
Anyway, i think comic book sora and co would look neat.

>> No.51284384

I might watch. 1 and 2 are good. Bbs is mid. 3 is a piece of shit. That game made me sour on the whole series. The huge build led to everything being stuffed and poorly designed into the last chapter. Most of the worlds felt like filler.

>> No.51284410

>3 is a piece of shit. That game made me sour on the whole series.
You must have skipped Dream Drop Distance

>> No.51284430

>its SUPPOSED to be bad
this is why no one likes you twewy faggots

>> No.51284457

I enjoyed DDDs busted ass combat with Flowmotion.
It broke the game and yet it was so fucking fun to use. Its why Flowmotion in 3 sucked so much ass.

>> No.51284483

>goofy: "omehow...Xehanort has returned, hyuck"

>> No.51284541
File: 168 KB, 500x500, 1670551029807055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, retard, it's supposed to be difficult and strange to handle at first, but the controls and the system itself work fucking fine, and you learn how to use them better as you progress in the game.
It's called a "learning curve", dumbfuck.

>> No.51284558

Didn't she mention that she played KH game before?

>> No.51284587

i knew this because Astel talked about how he was going to be able to play this days ago

>> No.51284601

>she played KH game before?
If so, is there problem with that?

>> No.51284637

Sanctuary sucks ass.

Passion is way better.

>> No.51284669

No that was EN

>> No.51284680

Don't forget about
- 358/2 (mid but actually it made me care about the characters, something no other game could do)
- Re:Coded (mid. Slightly more polished than 358/2 gameplay wise but the story, and thereby the game itself, was so unnecessary. A money grab from Square)
- 2.8 (piece of shit. It's basically the beta for KH3. Blatant money grab from Square)
- Chi or whatever the fuck the browser games were called. (Never played it. Apparently it expands more on the lore which apparently should have made KH3 more interesting. But the game looks like shit and it's an MMO so why would you even bother?)

>> No.51284696

Who cares if she did?
If she did, she wants to reexperience the game with her fans. Whats wrong with that?

>> No.51284712

I still enjoy things that I enjoyed when I was a kid, KH included.
Didn't like 3 though.

>> No.51284715

Blind playthrough produce the best kind of reactions

>> No.51284734

I played DDD and it's actually pretty fun. Never understood why the game got so much shit when there are worse games in the series (2.8, Re:Coded). Yeah the 13 Xehanorts thing was retarded but at that point who the fuck things KH's plot makes sense?

>> No.51284768


>> No.51284820

>Chi or whatever the fuck the browser games were called. (Never played it. Apparently it expands more on the lore which apparently should have made KH3 more interesting. But the game looks like shit and it's an MMO so why would you even bother?)
Worst part is they shut it down but still added stuff from it anyway

>> No.51284821
File: 2.55 MB, 636x480, KH experience in nutshell.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to sum it up.

>> No.51284845

>Didn't like 3 though
I still can't believe that they managed make the toy story section to be worse than other toy story games.

>> No.51284849

>who the fuck things KH's plot makes sense?
Anyone with more than two working braincells. The story isn't hard to follow, do you need DQ levels of simple for a plot to not become too complex for you?

>> No.51284866

The game is more than 2 decades old, no one except autistic Disney fans will remember everything

>> No.51284931

This actually encapsulates the entire series post KH2 surprisingly well. I've never seen this meme. Thanks anon.

>> No.51284969

I'm going to play the game again after i see this news.

>> No.51284990

Oh boy, I cant wait for Pekora and other vtubers to pretend that they never played this game before when it has been out for fucking 20 years or something.

>> No.51285099

Are you one of those people who forgets who the culprit is in PW games?

>> No.51285133

You say that but you're forgetting a lot of these girls never even played video games before joining HL. Not saying Pekora is one of these but most non gamers turned gamers probably never played the game, or those who are legitimate zoomers like Bae

>> No.51285147

I was like 14 when I played it.
KH wasn't that great a game to remember much.

>> No.51285174

Who cares about her?

>> No.51285209

Holy shit this is amazing.
And accurate.

>> No.51285223

Does this mean her next stream is 4 fucking days from now? I don't know if I can do this bros... I need my dose of pekocaine... who the fuck do I watch in the meantime? (jp recs only)

>> No.51285228

The plot is absolutely garbage but I like the combat system as well as a few hidden bosses here and there. It's just a FF-like franchise from AliExpress.

>> No.51285232

Whaaat? The Toy Story world was the only one I actually enjoyed...

>> No.51285377

Because other worlds are utter shits on that game.
Try to compare toy story world with other world from kh2 or kh1.
You can see how badly they fucked up kh3 potential.

>> No.51285387

She played with her brother Diablo or Michael(yeah, me) when she was a kusogaki elementary schooler.

>> No.51285392

her next stream is very likely tomorrow and thursday is steins gate watchalong, most of the time she wont put frame up until close to the stream starting because she doesnt like having to move it if something comes up but her stream times pattern is pretty regular

>> No.51285414

spbp but Final Fantasy music beats Kingdom Hearts

>> No.51285432

Well yeah, I wasnt comparing against KH1/2 worlds. I just enjoyed Toy Box...
I think I may have just really liked the music there more than anything though

>> No.51285466
File: 136 KB, 1873x1080, Clueless Nousagi✩Pioneer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AZKi and Akirose.

>> No.51285482

is there any way to convince her to play only "the good ones" (1FR, Re:Ch, 2FR)?
cause it's very likely she'll play only 1 or all of them.

>> No.51285558

Nousagis better be ready to archive all of her KH streams in case Mickey Mouse has a sudden change of heart and strike down her streams.

>> No.51285600 [DELETED] 

I completely forgot about steins gate watchalong being weekly. That stream was so fucking kino. Gotta get some dokupe
Sorry brother maybe next time, peko hasn't failed me yet (seriously she streams almost every day wtf peko)

>> No.51285677

inb4 every stream is
"OH! [Disney character]!!"
"[long-winded tangent on one of her 10000 trips to disneyland]"
"[sing disney song]"

>> No.51285742

Sanctuary (Orchestral)???

>> No.51285762

she's on break today though so you can watch someone else for the day

>> No.51285862

And she used to stream twice if not thrice a day back in 2020. Nowadays she's the best performer on the Vtubing scene but she barely streams anymore compared to three years ago.

>> No.51285941

dearly beloveds also non-negotiable
KH2 > KH3 > KH1 > BBS > 3D > XBC > MoM > 358 >>>>>> RC > CoM >>> UX

>> No.51286060
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ENTER (in 2019 mind you)

>> No.51286171

I fucking love DDDs Dearly Beloved.

>> No.51286249

I will kneel to Pekora if she actually manages to get through KH1. I tried to get into the series a few months back but got filtered by KH1 as everything about it felt so childish even by videogame standards. To me, KH feels like the kind of series that you needed to have experienced and grew up with as a child to fully appreciate.

>> No.51286285

Knowing Pekora, KH fits perfectly for her unless she grew out of her kids friendly persona

>> No.51286317

It says Square Enix above the logo, it's not gonna be the Ps2 version

>> No.51286351

in case you missed it

>> No.51286395

If she plays Proud and fights the secret boss I'll kneel.

>> No.51286507

I mean isn't KH a Square Enix property anyway?

>> No.51286550

The kino would be through the fucking roof.

>> No.51286573

>as everything about it felt so childish

You should have seen what happens in the recent game, the mastermind literally planned for everything that led hundreds of children to fight to the death in an ancient war.

>> No.51286781
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Nah. That man had tens of thousands of kids die in that war. Keyblade Graveyard is fucking grim.

>> No.51286814
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x1536, 1685743544035212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who was probably a little older than you when it came out let me give you some context, this is the first time we got anything remotely like a JRPG for western audiences. It was probably the first major acknowledgement that our generation likes anime by any company and was really quite unexpected at the time. KH seems played out now, but at the time Disney and Anime actually acknowledging each other's existence reflected a great future which never came to pass. The west clung to normieism through network TV doubling if not tripling down on reality programming and now we have the nog-normie-weaponized-complex. Imagine it: The non-birth of the nogculture and instead a merged weeb/post-Christian had emerged and we looked like goddamn South Korea right now. It was our dream of Australium, everyone was gonna have 200iq and a mustache. That's why KH is significant.

>> No.51286836

>You also need to play a fucking mobile game to get the full story
>Every game in the series is important on some level
I fucking hate this series so fucking much.

>> No.51286933

KH is peak cringekino. I hope this helps more zoomers find out about this dumbass game series so there can be more shitposting about it.

>> No.51286976

>KH is peak cringekino
This anon gets it.

>> No.51288283

She'll play on easy for sure

>> No.51288620

Probably true if I try to be objective, though I do have particular emotional attachment to KH1, and Simple & Clean is one of a handful of songs that really get my tears going.

>> No.51288752
File: 32 KB, 472x559, korone sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix is genuinely one of the best ARPGs I've ever played in my life. It's really fucking absurd how much fun the gameplay is in that game. I never got around to playing KH3, but there's no way it's as good as KH2FM.

>> No.51289264

KH3 combat is far superior than 2 but has the worst story pacing in the series so far

>> No.51290956

as they should

>> No.51291449

Cover is stupid, they have the biggest group of successful FEMALE streamers and they don’t even use it. All these companies pandering to female viewers and making Female MCs and you got a whole company of them but your too busy promoting your failed males….

>> No.51291578

She's playing a 4 and a half years old overrated game, ooooh.

>> No.51291864
File: 30 KB, 406x406, 1598450379463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 and a half years old overrated game

>> No.51292450

I still don't get why this game series randomly has fucking Donald and Goofy in it.

>> No.51292485

Sanctuary is the inferior version, passion is better

>> No.51292568

It has more disney characters but ultimately only the OCs matter.

>> No.51292977

The initial pitch was mikey, donald and goofy travel to final fantasy worlds.

>> No.51292988

Okay Anon was right you were in a coma, the movies have been mainstream as fuck for nearly 2 decades now and some of the Holos even reacted to some.

>> No.51293067

>He lied as easily as he breathed

>> No.51293098

He’s a fucking retard, prease andastand

>> No.51293129

Hahah yeah anon only 4 and a half year old game...

>> No.51293259

>>51293129 (Me)

>> No.51293413

Haha i always surprised too when i found out it's 2023 instead of 2013 haha.

>> No.51293626

Chumbuds can't fucking help themselves.
She won't be able to do anything, she doesn't stream.

>> No.51293660


>> No.51293810

Nigga what the fuck are you talking about? We had been getting JRPGs since 8bit era. Anime had already invaded normie TV networks such as Cartoon Network in the 90s. No one thinks about any of the things you listed; they just like FF/Disney and the music.

>> No.51294147

Lightsaber don't cut in game

>> No.51294306

Kingdom Hearts is garbage. On the otherhand it's impressive that now there's Disney stuff now.

>> No.51294389

at least you know ina won't lie if she even bothers

>> No.51294548

Holy newfaggot https://www.youtube.com/live/cVDh8U9MGiw

>> No.51294561

Typical /v/ermin mentality

>> No.51294590

i loved 3 but this is a lie, the best thing about it is being able to move while casting magic
holy fuck that saved my dick so many times while spamming fire

>> No.51296818


>> No.51297090

Will this get Gura out of retirment?

>> No.51297216

Well that's not true. They were making JRPGs for the NES back in the day. Kingdom Hearts happened BECAUSE JRPG's had gotten so popular off the back of FFVII

>> No.51298423

doing nothing will always be more worthwhile than your threadshitting, seethe and cope

>> No.51301534

Unless she wants to play MoM, no

>> No.51305469

Shit game

>> No.51307757

Larping as chumbud, get lost faggot.

>> No.51308569

Music is great too, I argue better than KH

>> No.51309837

Kingdom Hearts IS zoomercore, it came out when zoomers were kids. The zoomer age spectrum is too broad.

>> No.51312340

KH is not a very good game, go back to play it, the level design is basic as fuck.

>> No.51312406

Bruh what? KH1, CoM and 2 were early to mid 2000s, zoomers weren't even born yet

>> No.51313068

They got perms because they're responsible with Nintendo perms.

>> No.51313105

Sorry why is this a big deal?

>> No.51314551

Will there ever be an intro for a Square enix game on the level of Kino of KH2?

Like I'm baffled how well it was done. The direction, the animation, everything about it is so insanely well done and executed it's kind of frustrating as fuck.

I wonder if Peko-san likes KH2.

>> No.51315068


>> No.51315341

Well she had no uses playing Yokai Watch and 2 consecutive DQJM and those are literal children's games.

>> No.51315557

Quiet zoomie
