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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 188 KB, 1149x1047, 1622741418259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5124153 No.5124153 [Reply] [Original]

Flower video soon

>> No.5124204

pain peko

>> No.5124217

We love our stupid daughter
2 minutes till vid starts, get in here

>> No.5124278

I'll watch it after class. Hopefully it doesn't end up being removed like last time kek

>> No.5124297

She's gonna go batshit insane if she has to do this shit the fourth time

>> No.5124302

cute clumsy Nade

>> No.5124384

>6 watching now

She's reclining bros...

>> No.5124408

She released this 30 minutes late and only gave us like 5 minutes warning before video started, she'll be fine

>> No.5124416

I want to deflower Nade!

>> No.5124490 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 1032x561, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5124650

Wait, were cacti covered in the previous video?

>> No.5124761

It's because of the release time and people waiting for her debut, at least that's what I'd assume

>> No.5124867


>> No.5124885


>> No.5124900
File: 116 KB, 495x440, nade_first.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a tablet 8 years ago but never actually drew anything with it until now

>> No.5124931


>> No.5124938

I want to give cute flowers to Nade/10

>> No.5124942

Perfect audio quality to hear about cacti / 10

>> No.5124952


>> No.5125050


>> No.5125089

8 cacti / 10

>> No.5125178

I was expecting the video to be about flower arrangements and such.
But then it switched to which roses to give, giving a catcus is like sending a dick pic and sakura viewing is coming to terms with how all things pass

>> No.5125303

Reminds me of that anon who posted his dick in this thread for Nade.

>> No.5125540

It was a very nice video, and I think Nade stuck true to her word about keeping to her own level of quality. Poor girl had to do this video 3 times lmao.
Remember to send to go to her twitter and send her waifus for whatever plan she has cooked up.

>> No.5125599

Gifting Nade a Cactus/10

>> No.5125802

Hello, anons! How was the video? Sorry for the many pains in the making of it orz

>> No.5125849

it was great! more emotional in different ways than I was expecting.
The sound quality was very good as well

>> No.5125960

Quality was good, unfortunate that you had trouble with recording it lol

>> No.5126075

don't worry, a hardworking girl is very cute
flower talk is very interesting, makes for good conversation themes

>> No.5126209

Cute! Your videos are great to have on in the background as I work

>> No.5126240

I want to deflower Nade's butt!

>> No.5126775

I am glad! Yes, it did get somewhat emotional, as this topic became more significant somehow...
Thank you! Recording was cursed lol
I am happy! Talking about flowers is a bit old fashion, but I like talking about it anyway!
Glad I can support you while you are working hard o7

>> No.5127399

I fell asleep in my chair and missed the premiere. Audio was great this time, what's changed?
He's being lewd.

>> No.5127402

how true is the cactus thing? Have you seen someone do that before, is it in japanese media?
In a mobage I'm playing, one of the characters likes giving cacti as gifts and now it seems to have a new meaning

>> No.5127429

Cute lol.
How this place hasn't scared you off yet is beyond me... It's like a girl walked into a den of snakes and decided to be a snake charmer instead of the normal decision of running away.

>> No.5127819

quick google search showed it's true, Nade does know about flowers but I wouldn't think too hard about most gifts like that, cactus are just plants that are easy to maintain

>> No.5127846 [DELETED] 

if we could send handmade goods and the like imagine how many bibi plushies she would have been given

>> No.5127898

"here's an easy to maintain plant cause we'll be too busy fucking" maybe

>> No.5128683

That was a cool topic, Nadechama. My knowledge of Japan comes from anime and manga and I've never seen flower language come up before there.
I'm don't know how you're coming up with stream ideas, but keep it up.

>> No.5128916

ded thread

>> No.5129614

Too busy watching my team losing at the EUROs

>> No.5129633

Somewhat expected, second time this video is airing, it's about flowers (to the average male flowers=gay), and Nadechama isn't here.
Ironically, cactuses are a pretty common gift here, I've seen several in prison, which is surprising.

>> No.5129830

It was a really nice video and the whole backstory behind it that all of us got to experience with the sudden news makes it, in my opinion, a bit more special of one.
I relistened to it again at the gym as I missed the first few minutes. Comfy workout.

>> No.5130468

Drawanon... What crimes did you commit?

>> No.5130878

>Listening to Nade while working out.
That's actually a great idea I just ran out of podcasts to listen to

>> No.5131721
File: 490 KB, 1406x1644, Penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't watch the video yet teehee~
Grooming Nadeshiko into being my japanese teacher.

>> No.5131799


>> No.5131907

You are a blessing to this thread drawanon

>> No.5132185 [DELETED] 

I don't get it

>> No.5132216

Would Nade teach us how to propose to her in Japanese?

>> No.5132584

>"Young people don't know about this"
>"Young people have an unhealthy obsession with this"
>"The passage of time is painful"
>White hair
> https://voca.ro/15FELjmM1eea

>> No.5132652

Goddamn. I just watched the video. Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions...

>> No.5132720

The laugh always gets me

>> No.5134231

Just be quick on the draw if someone asks you what your listening to. I had a big grin on my face the entire time because of Nade.

>> No.5136739 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck her!

>> No.5136810

I want to marry her!

>> No.5136984
File: 328 KB, 1536x2048, Yellow tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5138095

I want to cum inside her asshole!

>> No.5138288

I know flower meanings are generally universal but the vid still makes me want to go back to Japan and take in the nature again. Maybe do some more calligraphy.
Better luck next time.

>> No.5138574

I want to smell her farts

>> No.5138637

Fellas I think you can work together.

I'm glad this thread is having some life, but not like this...

>> No.5138815

won't join the hornyposting but gotta keep it alive untill the video tomorrow, wonder what she means about the waifus
I don't know who to even send yet

>> No.5139053

Still a mile better than other threads I follow, but ye if you're gonna hornypost you need to put some SOUL in it.
I want to marry Nade, have hot and steamy raw newlywed sex, and breed little Nadeshikos into the world!
On a side note, I look forward to seeing how the waifu vids play out.

>> No.5139198

The hornyposting is fine and all, but I wish it wasn't just "I want to eat Nadeshiko's ass", be creative niggers.
I wish I knew about the whole waifu thing, probably should've asked her when I told her to go the fuck to sleep. Maybe waifu ranking? Waifu wars? I don't know, but I hope she doesn't shit on my waifu Shinobu.
This whole thing will be rather interesting, SPECIALLY because she can't stream just yet.

>> No.5139868

Your waifu is not only an escapist fantasy, but an in-story metaphor for the very concept of escapist fantasies.

>> No.5139904 [DELETED] 

Suck my dick

>> No.5139975 [DELETED] 

Wow, not very faithful, are you?

>> No.5140025
File: 1.60 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick

I forgot the gosling teehee~

>> No.5141030

I want to kiss Nadeshiko on the mouth during our romantic date, be a perfect gentleman and not take it any further, and have her back home by 10pm!

>> No.5141389


>> No.5147906

I hope Nade has a good day at school today and it kinda does look like she fixed her shit sleep

>> No.5150831

Fellas I'm in need for some ideas.
I don't promise anything, I have to feel it to be able to draw it without it sucking dick.
Not like my drawings don't suck dick.

>> No.5152421

Nade watching the cherry blossoms with a badger

>> No.5153162

A badger holding a rose out to Nade(you can choose the colour) between its paws.

>> No.5153427

You can't say suck dick that many times and expect me to not request that be the picture.

>> No.5154988
File: 908 KB, 2349x2186, Badger wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badger wip (Badger wip)
Badger wip

>> No.5155043


>> No.5156187

WOW that is cute

>> No.5156883

This is exactly what I pictured and more. Thank you Drawanon, it's adorable!

>> No.5157078

you just know

>> No.5157413

Is Nade into bestiality?

>> No.5158208
File: 737 KB, 2349x2186, Badger love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I'll keep working on this piece.

>> No.5158304

nice work anon

>> No.5158426
File: 168 KB, 542x414, approb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks very good anon, I really like the look of the lines

>> No.5158665

Thanks, I've been beating myself over my finished linework for a LONG time, last night I talked with a cute and funny artist and he gave me some tips. Pretty good chap.
For some reason I really like aliasing on the linework, but I can't find a way to bring it together with the colouring.

>> No.5161712

I get what you mean. I feel like those colors compliment it well, especially that soft pink in her dress. Hope that guy can help you more because your drawings keep upping in quality and are always a pleasure to look at.

>> No.5164534

luv me nadeshiko
'ate america
simple as

>> No.5166089

I think something is wrong with me, I can't stop replaying that scenario video she did

>> No.5166439

I wish it had better audio

>> No.5169230

New vid in six hours, nice.
I'll watch it on my lunch break like usual.

>> No.5169378

Listening to a idolfag girl talk about her wifes let's GOOOOO

>> No.5172550

Guess I need to recap on her older vids

>> No.5175121


>> No.5176436


>> No.5176455

Premiere in 4 minutes, get in there

>> No.5176739

She's already bringing the heat

>> No.5176742

Nade's mouth sounds do it for me every time

>> No.5176905
File: 113 KB, 600x583, This_is_nice_board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice waifu

>> No.5177275

quick draw some armpits for nade

>> No.5177306

ZUN-style Nade when?

>> No.5177384

Oh god, she sounds so cute when she's embarrassed

>> No.5177442

Canonically my waifu would win, but I know she doesn't match traditional waifu standards

>> No.5177523

Rate the video!

>> No.5177550

nice tummies and armpits/10

>> No.5177555


>> No.5177562
File: 29 KB, 474x266, Invaders of the Rokujouma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Invaders of the Rokujouma technically count as a single waifu.

>> No.5177608

>Nade describes herself as her own perfect waifu

>> No.5177662
File: 1.57 MB, 4000x7700, 1621785297591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't blame her for making designs that match her taste

>> No.5177669


>> No.5177858

Of course, I have very cultured and good tastes! Are yours different? ^u^

>> No.5177962

I agree with tummies, but I think flat chests are more important than armpits

>> No.5177974

Cute and tummy/10
That aside, audio quality is once again good. I think I heard a dog at one point though, unavoidable for some people, I have pets myself. I'd say that you're on the way to being ready for a good stream, as long as you can eliminate random factors real-time, like say a parent coming in or something like that. That's the good thing about videos, having that buffer for preventing potential yabs. Get that and of course the models and stuff worked out and I'll be supporting you to my best effort. Now, about the submissions, did you gather any from the last thread, or are you exclusively taking them from curiouscat?

>> No.5177980

amazing taste, all art of Nade should expose her slightly sweaty armpits from recording videos while in the closet

>> No.5177998

What do you like about armpits in particular? Is it the smell? The heat and texture?

>> No.5178188

Nade continues to show her powerlevels/10
I have to wonder now if I should sent the waifu I had planned or think of another one else it would be too easy, but maybe I could talk about other points that aren't her armpit and tummy

>> No.5178266

Flat chests are cute too! I like the type where it is just a little curved, so that you can imagine about it, but cutting boards are also good!!
Ah, yes! I have explained to my parents a bit about what I plan to do, so that they will not interrupt when I stream! As for my dog, he is just like that sometimes lol
Did anons submit in the last thread? I will look at it now!
I approve, but also, I am concerned?!
I like the shape of them! They can either be inward, or the joint makes them look a bit outward, and that kind of shape is very nice to touch and look at ^O^
Send both! ^w^

>> No.5178327

Cultured indeed. I don't dislike those areas, but I'm not sure I'd say I focus on them exclusively. I mean, with a girl I'd appreciate all of her, those points included.
I think for many it can't be explained. The pose that has dudes lifting up their arms is theorized to be attractive because it's exposing the armpits. Could be a pheromone thing.

>> No.5178474
File: 606 KB, 860x688, ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FHpbDw9W.png&f=1&nofb=1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did anons submit in the last thread? I will look at it now!
Yeah, there a few submissions. I think most anons didn't want to register on a site to submit.

whats your opinion about flat girls being balanced with good butts?

>> No.5178597
File: 26 KB, 475x238, 74f187e71edf7fb52cc4e40b0417a437~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have an armpit fetish, but I find absolutely arousing when there a hint a (flat) side boob when a girl lifts her arms

>> No.5178760

I see, I see! I think male armpits are a bit more dirty than female, but maybe it is a matter of the smell of the sweat and body chemicals?
I understand! I think butts are nice too, but not really the shape, but the soft feeling of them are great!! Like a pillow ^w^
That is very specific, but I will agree!

>> No.5178836

nade has a lot of experience feeling up butts, armpits and tummies it seems

>> No.5178868

time to do a write-up of 2 waifus then

>small chests
>soft tummy

Nade continues to remind us of how based she is, petite girls are really the best

>> No.5178876

Oh that's good, and cute. I was thinking you were secretly trying to be a vtuber with all this closet business. As for the previous thread it's choked up a bit with shitposting and lewdposting but yes there are a couple in there.
That's all of them I think. Also good to know you aren't exclusively looking at flatties. Curves are good.

>> No.5178886

For me it's the smell of cute girl armpits.

Armpits are also a body part that usually stays closed and hidden, and when they are exposed it's because you're lifting your arms up (in surrender or submission). So it's about the pheromones but also evokes a feeling of dominance.

t. armpit friend

>> No.5179008

Aw yeah, those on back poses with their arms up above their head while looking up at (You) submissively? Top tier.

>> No.5179338

Imagination only TvT
Yes!! I have the best taste!
It is not good to keep things secret, they just told me to buy them cake for celebration if I get famous lol And thank you for links! Curves are also nice sometimes!
The smell must be very good!! So it makes you feel like you are in control of the person, woooow!!
I know that pose, it gives a very good feeling ^O^

>> No.5179354
File: 294 KB, 1000x1414, 1623856127868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sums it up pretty well, armpits + sideboob combo is undefeated

>> No.5179449

Since Nade said she really likes girls with white hair, what caused the decision to change from white to pink?

>> No.5180031

Being in control's the name of the game, I think it's why petite girls are nice, it just makes it a lot easier. I don't mind a tougher woman to overcome, but that's getting too into my own sorts of fetishes which aren't appropriate for Nade threads.
That's the good stuff anon.

>> No.5180032

Good Reimu art ^O^
Sometimes the "overall harmony" of the art is important! I want to show you all very much about the rough picture I received, but...!!!

>> No.5180258

>harmony of the art
Nade stop, you're being too cultured. Also stop teasing us with the art, you can't blame anons here for being unorganized and naming literally every different part of the body!

>> No.5180332

You anons must get your lewd thoughts in order and focus them in a single direction!!!

>> No.5180402

can't wait for the full reveal and also exited for the rough sketches and scrapped concepts, those always have interesting small details
lower face/mouth/collarbone area!
or while it was a thing this video, armpit

>> No.5180416


>> No.5180445

We can do it, focus those thoughts on the armpit! Show us the armpit! The left one!

>> No.5180471


>> No.5180652

For the sake of seeing one part I will also say collarbones

>> No.5180687

>The smell must be very good!!

Confession time, this is what I sometimes think when I look at Nade.

>> No.5180947

probably smells like flowers

>> No.5181023

The collarbones are not that visible, is that area still okay or do you want to rechoose?
Hmm... the soap I use sometimes is flower scented

>> No.5181041

And rarely, badger saliva.

>> No.5181131

I'm okay with collarbone anyway

>> No.5181177

collarbone ok

>> No.5181310

Yes collarbones are okay

It's not about the soap Nade, it's about your natural smell without any scented products on!

>> No.5181323

we must commit to collarbones or we'll get nothing

>> No.5181651

We've come this far Nade, you must give us the barely visible collarbone. I'd have preferred somewhere else too but this is the best we've done so let's stick to it.

>> No.5181782
File: 27 KB, 591x159, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5181821

bery nice post

>> No.5181825

Gives me loli Yuyuko vibes

Cute and funny/10

>> No.5181886
File: 189 KB, 760x592, 1622383461646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5181950

needs more artifacts

>> No.5181981

Even now she teases us with the quality. Thanks Nadeshiko. Doesn't it look like gradient hair, pink to white?

>> No.5182026


>> No.5182075

very kissable

>> No.5182189

Did she just put on another layer?

>> No.5182316

Berigood!! ^u^
Maybe I am loli Yuyuko?! Wow!!
Choker is culture!
Cropping such a small part makes it hard lol
Does it? Maybe!
T u T
Thank you!!
It is cold!

>> No.5182584

>Choker is culture!
Yes! What made you go with it in the end?

>> No.5183267

>loli Yuyuko
Oi oi, that's unfair. Also, isn't it summer? You should be sweating to the point that even the mujina will be exhausted trying to clean you.

>> No.5183283

Already looks extremely cute

>> No.5183326

I just thought it went well with the socks! ^O^
Huhehe! The modern invention of the airconditioning and cold watarmelon is a miracle, isn't it?
Thank you!! I am excited for it to be done^u^

>> No.5183333
File: 42 KB, 564x564, 1617761145027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NadeShorts: Nadeshiko and the new and improved "Nade Love Beam!"

>> No.5183666

Quads of truth have spoken, we will all be hit by Nade's love beam on debut.

>> No.5183673

Just woke up.
I guess I already know what you guys want me to draw.

>> No.5183765

NadeSpeaks: Nadeshiko and Sweaty Armpits!

>> No.5183953

I hope it's extremely pettan

>> No.5183991

>choker goes with the socks
Aah that's too good. I'm really looking forward to it. Wish I had aircon here, I'm fine in winter with fire but there's nothing helping me in summer. Also, you should get some sleep soon.

>> No.5184471

Impure minds will get pichuuuuun!
A whole 1 hour video on this!!
Very pettan and cute!
Summer without any cooling aid is hard... I am going to sleep soon! ^O^

>> No.5184560

You can't mention an hour video about armpits and then threaten us for having natural and healthy minds! I wouldn't mind a vocaroo of such a scolding.

>> No.5184932

Seconding this, can you scold us for being too focused on armpits?

>> No.5185076
File: 1.46 MB, 1996x2262, to (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.5185079

>Impure minds will get pichuuuuun!
What are Nadeshiko's spell cards?

>> No.5185453

>Very pettan and cute!
That's what I like to hear! In you own art, the character have some pretty nice hips, will this be preserved?

>> No.5185491

I guess so 100/10 if there's an acceptance or invitation at the end anyway

>> No.5185554

Nade punishing us for looking at her armpits in a lewd way by having us lick them clean!

>> No.5188830

Is she Virgin

>> No.5188967

She's underage

>> No.5190020

Anon those things aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.5190722

Technically speaking, roommate discussion is banned. She says she doesn't have time/interest for that kind of thing, but it is up to you how believable that is. Honestly though, do you live in Japan? If not then your odds are infinitely stacked against whatever it is that you are thinking about anyway.

>> No.5190941

Ah, bad badgers then.

>> No.5192192

Make this the OP pic for the next thread

>> No.5201992


>> No.5202217

No anon, it doesn't mean shit.

>> No.5205997

Are any of you not going to be cringe and actually use your usernames? because I definitely won't

>> No.5207155

already sent one in and I'm definitely cringe

>> No.5209468

>Are any of you not going to be cringe


>> No.5210753
File: 135 KB, 503x551, cactus_uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gift for nadeshiko

>> No.5215428


>> No.5218903

kek, this one's good ToT

>> No.5222438

Maybe its the name but Nade-san reminds me of Nadeko from monogatari.

>> No.5225300

Renai Circulation cover when

>> No.5231019

I thought it was an edit, but it's actually a drawing. Nice one.

>> No.5231517

saved for later use, thanks anon

>> No.5235176

how did y'all send your waifu? did you write a small thing about her and why you like them or just a name?

>> No.5236208

I wrote her name, why I liked her, and how much I want to fuck her

>> No.5238846
File: 206 KB, 2560x1439, Invaders of the Rokujouma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The invaders come as a set of nine - you can't have one without the others. They're not just your waifu, but also your best friend and your family. There's no harem nonsense here - they care for each other as family too, and the whole group cheers whenever one of them gets closer to you.

Will cook with you, play videogames or build plamo with you, and engage in teasing contests with you. Both clumsy and elegant. Both a smart big sister and a giddy little sister. Wants to be protected, but is also super-strong and will teach you enough combat skills that you can fight bad guys side-by-side. Also super rich, has a spaceship which is also a giant robot, and is a Newtype who can unlock your psychic powers.They're unknowingly aspects of a goddess who's such a giga-waifu that she can't manifest into the physical world without dividing her traits between multiple vessels. She watched the universe die and be reborn, trillions of times, until finally there was a reality where her beloved came to live with all of her aspects at once.

>> No.5239446 [SPOILER] 
File: 898 KB, 1013x1461, 1623955705039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or if that picture isn't valid...

>> No.5244455

Next vid in 15 hours... nice.

>> No.5249038

Hopefully we can hold out until then, I already let another indie thread die by forgetting to bump it.

>> No.5252272


>> No.5252410

There's nothing wrong with letting the thread die. We can just make a new one when the video airs, we won't be losing anything

>> No.5257499

How could you...

>> No.5262721

might as well keep this one alive untill the video, these threads have been getting less traction and there isn't much discussion if Nade herself isn't here

>> No.5265502

Is she cute and funny

>> No.5268631

Hopefully soon, god willing

>> No.5268982

I'm imagining this animated and wiggling side to side.

>> No.5270702

I hope I wasn't the only one who went full Takeshi with his submission...

>> No.5271712

Sometimes I wish I had something to go Takeshi over.

>> No.5271727

Nah, you are not the only one.
Doesn't make that acceptable tho

>> No.5271759

>5 minutes
>no scheduled videos on youtube
Somebody is going to be late~

>> No.5271781


>> No.5271797


>> No.5271800

Oh shit, I had the time wrong. I'm retarded.

>> No.5271847

1 min till video, get in here lads

>> No.5271848

You have Nade now

>> No.5271855


>> No.5271959
File: 114 KB, 520x374, Long.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VERY long video

>> No.5272009

I didn't submit my waifu for some reason I can't explain

>> No.5272025

I don't have a waifu. Not anymore.

>> No.5272057

What did she do to you anon?

>> No.5272074

can someone post an image of whose she's talking in the thread

>> No.5272083

>I cannot draw
For some reason I don't believe you...

>> No.5272148

Oh nothing, we just grew apart.

>> No.5272150
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>> No.5272167
File: 3.90 MB, 1500x3143, tohsaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5272174
File: 138 KB, 960x800, Npc_zoom_3040181000_81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really liked this one

>> No.5272178

she's going to start doing reps soon

>her age makes it better

>> No.5272188

I feel you, after I finished Monogatari I kinda forgot about Ougi and Shinobu.

>> No.5272216

Thank you anon.
Her UOOOOOOHHHing over this was hilarious

>> No.5272222
File: 344 KB, 1238x1762, megumin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5272269

Should have been S tier, your quads confirm it

>> No.5272329
File: 160 KB, 1000x1555, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rating: A
Rating: A
Rating: S
Rating: A
Rating: A-

>> No.5272356
File: 119 KB, 750x1000, polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rating: A+, S if she was flatter

>> No.5272383

Dangerous women are really attractive desu

>> No.5272384
File: 235 KB, 396x383, 1624019291800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take it.

>> No.5272388

>she plays soku
Jesus Christ I kneel

>> No.5272398
File: 41 KB, 225x350, nakamura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rating: B

>> No.5272433

i want to type "rrat" on the chat everytime she says "ogey"

>> No.5272446

people already broke containment so just do it

>> No.5272478
File: 1.80 MB, 3065x4092, shinobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5272486
File: 753 KB, 1920x1080, Halo-3-Crows-Nest-03-Miranda-Keyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miranda keys (from Halo)

>> No.5272517


>> No.5272523

Rating: B

>> No.5272622


>> No.5272650
File: 893 KB, 1024x1800, lum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't catch #9.
Rating: ???

>> No.5272664

Rustling Nade sounds

>> No.5272693
File: 72 KB, 1490x258, BASED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5272695

Thanks for being a good anon, cunt.

>> No.5272707

Nade's tastes are too good.
There's a couple of games I'd love to see her play, but I don't know if her laptop will be able to handle them

>> No.5272726

Nade was very lenient but still has good taste, the pholia UOOHs where fun

>> No.5272729


>> No.5272740

Based and cunnypilled/10

>> No.5272742

Cutest Nade yet

>> No.5272758

good waifus/10

>> No.5272794


>> No.5272796

she didn't put Shinobu in S tier

>> No.5272804

I want to play hisoutensoku with her somehow, but I'm not sure if the online for that game involves potential yabs with IP shenanigans
Pretty damn good but there's nothing wrong with boobs, still that in itself is cute/10

>> No.5272822

there's some loli witch game that I see people talk about every now and then that would be perfect for her tastes

>> No.5272915

Would have been a 10 if she'd put my waifu in S tier, but I'm fine with A+

>> No.5272918

I think she'd like the design of Nobeta but not sure how toaster her setup is, might not be able to play it.

>> No.5272946

yeah. I wonder what she'll be able to play with streaming and live2d going at the same time

>> No.5273002

Actual advice: As mentioned in the live chat, a simple thing that would make these types of videos even better would be having a small area on the screen where you can edit in an image of the waifu being discussed. Helps with following along. Of course, during a livestream we'd be able to see the screen anyway. (Although might wanna be careful of risque photos being posted and shown live.)
Might be a good task for Nade to get a bit more comfortable with some video editing too!

>> No.5273027

If anything she's said before she's not too much of a gamer I think, so I'd imagine a lot of streams would just be chatting or other things she comes up with.

>> No.5273062

That would be nice. I'm kinda tired of most Vtubers just doing the same things or playing the same games.

>> No.5273151

I'm really looking forward to the Japanese folklore story time streams. It's something Nade seems interested in, and I bet she'll be a good narrator.
Could also double up as an ASMR type thing depending on the story and how she tells it.

>> No.5274139

Soku streams...

>> No.5274393

Origami ASMR when
I've been saying shit like that as a joke, nut I'd actually like to see (hear) some theme specific ASMR just for the heck of it. Although some of the things I've talked about would require a camera (what's the point of origami ASMR if you can't see the process too?)
Something I'd like to see, not specifically from Nadeshiko, is Wikipedia rabbit holes. The toober or CC would pick a random Wikipedia article, and then start reading linked articles in it. I saw a video that mentioned that clicking on the first linked article on any Wikipedia page will always end up, after several iterations, directing you to "Philosophy"

>> No.5274457

she's been creative with her ideas so far, when she begins streaming it will go along better because she'll have chat to bounce off of during zatsudans, though a few games that she can find and likes would still be nice

>> No.5274837


>> No.5274867

Based Pholiafren

>> No.5274932

I'll bring my pholia to more raids because Nade gave her a good review

>> No.5275277

Wait, is that fucking Kansai from Molester Man? How'd I miss that?

>> No.5275340

>She's not coming back
We got pumped and dumped

>> No.5276130
File: 3.03 MB, 1600x1552, IMAGINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5276251

Hopefully nade becomes aware of "Imagine"

>> No.5276351

Hello, anons! I read through the thread again, and I apologise for not putting pictures of the character on screen! Do you still want a vocaroo of me scolding about armpits? lol
What is that? The anon mentioned copipaste in his submission of Megumin too lol

>> No.5276401

>Do you still want a vocaroo of me scolding about armpits?

>> No.5276466

Nadechama I sent you that image weeks ago...

>> No.5276467
File: 37 KB, 1235x188, WUb3DVq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5276472

>Do you still want a vocaroo of me scolding about armpits? lol
yeah that'd be great

>> No.5276511

>"Nonononono. Her age makes it even better, Anonymous. You don't understand."

>> No.5276567

>Do you still want a vocaroo of me scolding about armpits?

>> No.5276605

hearing a cute girl talk about armpits is somehow one of the best things I've heard recently, more the better

>> No.5276631

Nade confirmed for honeypot. Do NOT play hisoutensoku with her.

>> No.5276637

I did understand but wasn't sure about how cultured she was. I should have ner underestimated her

>> No.5276643
File: 251 KB, 400x400, 1619750912453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you still want a vocaroo of me scolding about armpits?
How about you add some sniffing too?

>> No.5276653

I'd kneel

>> No.5276728

But anon, she's scolding you for liking armpits, where does the sniffing come in?

>> No.5276787

The video was excellent, super enjoyable. Add in pictures like other anons said and it'll be perfect.
>Nade shows up in the thread 5 minutes before I have to go to the gym
Nade, could you say in a vocaroo "Everybody wanna to be a bodybuilder, but nobody want to lift no heavy ass weight! Yeah, buddy! Lightweight baby!"
Like this. Ronnie Coleman. Considered one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time. I Need to get pumped for leg day.

>> No.5276824

Only the police asks questions, are you the police?

>> No.5276830

>Reimu gets docked points for being a pessimist, an alcoholic, and a barrier to one of Nade's ships
I feel like Reimu doesn't have much interest in romance, but she might fee obligated to marry and produce an heir at some point. If she did marry, then she'd try to be a very traditional wife, but would slip up constantly.

Marisa is much more of a romantic at heart, but she's terrified of commitment. Friend material yes, wife material no. Also if you asked her to cook for you you'd probably die.

>> No.5277302

I wonder who Nade pairs in touhou now, I used to read a lot of Reimu x Yukari, Reimu x Sanae and Reimu x Marisa doujins back then

>> No.5277318

>"American? Automatic F tier."
>"She looks like a real person, so that's already a huge debuff in my eyes."

>> No.5277438

>"It's a boomer choice but it's a cultured boomer choice. Good job."

>> No.5277601

I mean isn't a classic Marisa x Alice? She mentioned in the chat that she plays Alice in soku too.

>> No.5277659
File: 58 KB, 720x540, BAJAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5280017

Ah, so when a mujina sees Nade's armpits he turns into a honeyhornybadger

>> No.5280261


>> No.5280305


>> No.5283069

Her smelling your armpits

>> No.5284001

Why would she do that?
I do shave them clean though. And wear tank tops.

>> No.5284213

I'm feeling like drawing on paper, any ideas?

>> No.5284254

draw her bending over trying to lick her tant

>> No.5284281

That's exactly why.
We never got a full nade UOH (just the edited version of one of your drawings) so maybe that

>> No.5284316


>> No.5284331

Nade armpit

>> No.5284377

nade having a relaxing bath

>> No.5284675

Reimu being Nade's terrible wife

>> No.5285564

Nade presenting her armpits tastetfully

>> No.5285941

Maybe something like

>> No.5286733

Did my vod reps, great taste/10.
>her age makes it better. Anon, you won't understand
my fucking sides

>> No.5286911

Nade is honestly pretty damn funny.
I still crack up at her productive vs reproductive joke.

>> No.5287516
File: 1.92 MB, 1670x2426, Armpit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5287609

(Beatani and Nadeshiko are about the same height at around 1,55 or 1,50, don't remember the latter's exact height. It took me a while because I was doing some dog related stuff)
Dads please don't harass me.

>> No.5287777
File: 1.57 MB, 633x356, 1624047709286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for armpit and Nade transparent skirt too

>> No.5288169
File: 876 KB, 500x281, Empress Petrarcha an Eldant III.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final Outbreak Company novel just got translated into English and America is the final boss. Maybe I should have submitted someone from there.

>> No.5288269

Good job, anon. I can hear Nade UOOOOHHHHing already.
Nice quads.

>> No.5288340

Wait, really? Lmao, I need to catch up.

>> No.5288441

If you've seen the anime, it's not a direct adaptation - it shuffles around and alters a lot of stuff to create a better self-contained story arc - so you're better off reading the novels from the beginning.

>> No.5288540

I put it on hold at 11th or so volume - but thanks for the advice.

>> No.5288706

Petrarcha's introduction scene was pretty much
>Matoba: "Shinichi, this is the Empress of Eldant. Please be sure not to say anything that would cause a diplomatic incident."
>Shinichi: *looks at Petrarcha* "UOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"

>> No.5288907

I thought Bea doesn't like collabs. It's nice either way, though I can't help but feel that they look a little... mannish

>> No.5289142

I don't care if either of them like collabs or not, anons suggested shit, I felt like drawing them. Doesn't mean anything.
They may look mannish to you because i drew Nadeshiko's posterior deltoid somewhat thicker than it should be, and I didn't want to ruin the drawing trying to give her small titty shadows. Also, smaller head to torso ratio.

>> No.5292186

Actual quote from the last book
"Our land, America, is the most powerful country on Earth. If we are to lead the nations of the world into the great, bright, shining future that lies ahead, then we must be the strongest and most powerful at all times and in all ways. Our ways are higher ways, beyond the comprehension of some blathering barbarians. These people CLAIM to be civilized, but they're trapped by stubborn prejudices; they wander around like sleepwalkers, only getting in our way. And what is necessary to show idiots like them the true way? Strength. Power. The rod of love, brought to bear for their betterment. When a righteous nation wields a righteous power, the result can only be justice. Thus, our country must continually position itself at the cutting edge of power, through whatever means necessary."

>> No.5292276

Yeah that sounds like my country, or at least a slightly exaggerated take on it anyway

>> No.5293590

I'm just being cheeky anon, thanks for drawing it.

>> No.5294066


>> No.5294150
File: 1.42 MB, 498x280, abayo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5294224


>> No.5294449

You're a genius.
