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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51155669 No.51155669 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>50993511

Schedule - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna/status/1665812288123854849
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

>> No.51155726

I miss Ted...

>> No.51157274

I miss Fauna...

>> No.51157992 [DELETED] 

did you get permission to make this thread?

>> No.51158768
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Saplings need permission to bake /uuu/ bread?

>> No.51158785 [DELETED] 

unironically yes

>> No.51158895

Normal etiquette is to wait for the frame to go up before making a thread.

>> No.51158920
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>he doesnt know about the secret sapling thread

>> No.51158993

Late thread.

>> No.51159306

They also need permission to cum

>> No.51159378
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How silly.

>> No.51159923

Hey Faunabros. I watch Fauna frequently but not enough to call myself a Sapling. She's definitely my most watched EN member though.

Man, watching Mumei's Hologra debut just made more bummed out about Fauna's. Something about Fauna's was just...off? It wasn't really a good showcase of who Fauna is imo. First off, they gave her WAY too many lines so she was talking way too fast. It made her seem hyper and frenetic when on streams she's the exact opposite: she talks slowly, giving off a calm and soothing vibe. Second, I think the premise of the episode was kinda lame. Having three characters playing the straight man to Fauna was overkill. Switch Chloe with La+ or just add a bit more chaos to their likes instead of Fauna's and I think it'd be better. Lastly, I feel the writers don't understand her as they made her come off as someone who's quirky when she's moreso a goofball. This is in contrast to Mumei's Hologra where I think the writers nailed who Mumei is.

I will say though, the ending credit scene is FUCKING GODLY. The wide shot of Fauna in the middle of a field with a clear sky as a backdrop was FUCKING AMAZING. Best thing I've ever seen come out of Hologra.

>> No.51159932

Any saplings got timestamps for Fauna moments in Bae's GOI stream? Stream is too long to go through in one sitting

>> No.51160318

i agree with the "3 straight man characters was too much" but other than that i loved it. It might not have been a perfect representation of her but hologra never is, and I prefer the silly dorky vibes she had in this to them going for the ara ara mommy approach. Meanwhile I didn't love mumei's because I think the whole printer thing was pretty weak but she at least was cute

and yes the ending scenes for both of them have been fantastic

>> No.51160441

No, we just pretend to to be good orderly boys.

>> No.51160692

>I think the whole printer thing was pretty weak
I agree with you on that but the moments that sprung from the printer plot describe Mumei well imo. That's my point. The thing that makes Mumei stand out is how she can be cute in one moment and unhinged in the next. Her episode shows that: the silliness of the premise, the brutal murder of the printer and her murder face, her mistaking "scuffed" for "scum", shifting back to silliness with the mass printing, going back to "desolate wasteland" bleakness, and ending with her doing something cute. For Fauna's episode all we got was...Fauna really likes cats. I mean, the only time the episode really encapsulated Fauna's vibes was the end scene. Idk man I really enjoy watching Fauna and I was hoping that her Hologra debut was so much more than what we got.

>> No.51160871

I loved seeing ecstatic and silly Fauna. Her voice worked great for it and we got to see her in a new brand of cuteness, which is always a victory. To each their own and all that.

>> No.51162273 [DELETED] 

Just watch Lemonleaf while Fauna is offline. She's got most of Fauna's mannerisms, a similar cadence and clear pronunciation. I don't think she swears either.

>> No.51163221

Hi Saplingbros, tourist here. When does Fauna catch up on Superchat readings and does she read the messages? If she does I know she won't read extremely cringe ones for obvious reasons. I just want to ask her what veggies and vegetarian dishes does she recommend to a meat eater whose trying to go vegetarian (or at the very least severely reduce his red meat consumption). I'm trying to eat way less red meat for health reasons but I don't know any vegetarian's in my life and the Internet gives me all sorts of stuff to try. I'd like to hear from someone who lives the life. The superchat would be a compensation for her advice.

>> No.51164554

Yes she does, usually in the same stream. Also you can find clips with her talking about foods she eats too, though those are now mostly bout JP restaurants since her trip there.

>> No.51165376

Here she talks about beans

>> No.51168999

You can send it in prechat during an SC reading stream too. They happen once every few weeks.

>> No.51172951
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>> No.51175724 [DELETED] 


>> No.51177706

Sleeby Fauner

>> No.51178962

has anyone else noticed quiet whispering in Fauna streams usually when she's got bgm playing, I think there's subliminal messaging but I can't quite make out what it is

>> No.51179099

That's the conditioning. Do not ask further questions.

>> No.51179410
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>> No.51180014

Cringe. My veggie flesh exists solely for Fauna.

>> No.51180296
File: 35 KB, 454x270, 1686506293627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait why is there an /uuu/

>> No.51181214

Why can't there be?

>> No.51181319
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There usually isn't one, goes against etiquette
Btw Fauna and Bae said they're gonna play the new Amnesia game together
So yeah..

>> No.51183015

she's streaming in 3 hours though

>> No.51183130

It's up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOUq38wqVgw

>> No.51183179
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Hi /uuu/!

>> No.51183195

anons said she hates bioshock, how come she keeps going back to it. is she a masochist?

>> No.51183238

She's too stubborn to drop it.

>> No.51183387


>> No.51183885

Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Squeeber

>> No.51183978
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>> No.51184230

Have there been good tangents in the SC readings of late?

>> No.51184319
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>> No.51184329


>> No.51184406

what does squeeb mean

>> No.51185422

watch her early minecraft speedruns

>> No.51187327


>> No.51191451

Fauna on the telly!

>> No.51196232
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>> No.51196626 [DELETED] 

>the wrong /uuu/ was taken down
sad day.

>> No.51196726

that or the OP got banned

>> No.51196738


>> No.51196755 [DELETED] 

>Deleting the proper /uuu/ in favor of the illegitimate one no one was using
Amazing job, retard

>> No.51196765

This one was first though.
That or the other OP got banned.

>> No.51196783

well fuck

>> No.51196798 [DELETED] 

slap up another man, i want to talk about kirin and i cant bake for shit. also fuck it, mass report this fucking schizo i'll eat the 3 days, jannies fucked up massively. trolling outside /b/

>> No.51196814 [DELETED] 

No one was using this one expect shitposters bumping it. But it's just another case of moderation on this board being retarded.

>> No.51196889 [DELETED] 

The Fauna schizo was a jannie all this time, dont have another explanation for this incompetence shit

>> No.51196932

what happened lol

>> No.51196968

so... can we finally stop this whole schizo "illegal" /uuu/ shit already?
just use the one that's up holy shit

>> No.51196975

which video is this shot from?

>> No.51196999 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.51197008


>> No.51197009


>> No.51197061 [DELETED] 

t. jannie who 404'd the true /uuu/

>> No.51197089

No, he's right. There's no reason not to have an /uuu/ thread all the time.
Like holy shit Fauna was on Bae's stream yesterday for almost THREE HOURS.

>> No.51197103 [DELETED] 

t. shitposter

>> No.51197107

pls understand, i work very long hours
thank you

>> No.51197108

stop being so pathetic

>> No.51197218
File: 2.83 MB, 396x528, you can't have that on the internet[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwbxvve.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51197245

fucking massacre here holy

>> No.51197318

It's either the baker samefagging, or we have absolute retards in this thread. Just because the regular baker makes the thread, doesn't mean that it's immune to schizos and spergs. You guys are making him a thread celebrity, no one person has authority on this thread

>> No.51197332

luv fauna
watch fauna
talk about fauna
ate thread polices
simple as

>> No.51197339 [DELETED] 

>Janny immediately flags real posters here
>Nowhere to be seen in other threads
What the fuck

>> No.51197346 [DELETED] 

>Temporarily blocked for off topic
Suckstart a shotgun, nigger

>> No.51197387

You know, BS2 is better than I remember.

>> No.51197406

I'm not, my autism has only ever extended to wanting to make a good OP. Phoneposting and samefagging is far too much effort for me

>> No.51197415

Guys... Fauna is really gaming right now...

>> No.51197476

>Open Fauna stream
>close vt

>> No.51197542

Fauna doesn't seem to be getting giga filtered anymore so thats good.

>> No.51197547


>> No.51197613
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>some retard from global made this thread as joke >>51155682

>> No.51197634 [DELETED] 

Don't even respond anymore. Any other saplings, just report every cunt for trolling after this post and we'll wait for the real /uuu/. It'll be the same faggot schizoposting. Don't give xer attention.

>> No.51197690

It doesn't matter

>> No.51197767

Yeah, she finally got the gist of it. Found the right upgrades for her playstyle

Ok then, why did you feel the need to make a new /uuu/. This thread was made by a retard at odd hours, sure. But, what makes it "illegal" or a thread worth not using? There's no schizo posts, just as much and similar discussion to our regular threads. What prompts you anons to be so autistic about threads?

>> No.51197783

It's probably the same guy that bumps it at 10 all night in regular threads, I'm more weirded out that things are getting insta deleted for this one

>> No.51198003

This thread was dying when the other was created, no idea why it got revived all of a sudden
It has been discussed since /gaia/ that its better to create /uuu/ just when Fauna streams to reduce the number of trolls and schizos and has worked like that since then without any problems, no idea why it's one now all of a sudden

>> No.51198121
File: 481 KB, 788x710, 1686528614096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since jannies are here, probably you should delete >>51184134 too.
Thanks xoxo

>> No.51198165

Well I don't hang out on the catalog, so I didn't know it existed. I do check for an /uuu/ before I post, but my highlight filter is /uuu/ - Ceres Fauna General

>> No.51198173

I've noticed here that a lot of threads immediately get bumped by a new post once it's on page 10. It's strange because on most other boards, threads are pretty much doomed by the time they hit page 9.

>> No.51198200

They don't delete bait or anti threads

>> No.51198348

People here idolize the baker, I think as long as the OP isn't fucked up and threads are linked proper then there should be no issue using an "illegal" thread.

>> No.51198376

I think the message is simple, from now on if there's a thread up just use that one.
That's fine by me.

>> No.51198394 [DELETED] 

Only Niji, phase and Homo baits get cleabed up. Holo bait stays indefinitely

>> No.51198549


>> No.51198823

Good, now I can say the fuckers on /#/ aren't us again.

>> No.51198907 [DELETED] 

>Deleting anyone that disagree with you
Atleast be consistent and delete every thing talking about thread politics you coward.

>> No.51198910

That's exactly my point. There's one schizo that calls random posters "faunaschizo" and "threadschizo" a lot, that blew this thread autism out of proportion. I just want a place to discuss Fauna, who cares about the baker? As long as there's no schizos in the /uuu/ thread

>> No.51198942

I don't remember any Garcie on game.

>> No.51199225

I do like how your good choices lead to good benefits, always a nice feeling when games reward you like that

>> No.51199418

Yeah but this is like Infamous where you gotta do all good or all bad and the bad choices are always comically bad

>> No.51199532

>It has been discussed since /gaia/ that its better to create /uuu/ just when Fauna streams
It's fucking not

>> No.51199565

It's worth watching a youtube video of the bad version after this, the changes to the Little Sister vision for example

>> No.51199692

I need so much fanart of Fauna in a tight fitting big sister suit.

>> No.51199789

>tight fitting big sister suit

>> No.51199953

okay if he's being controlled then he didn't willingly betray us. SINCLAIR LOVE!

>> No.51200017

Correct. He never betrays you. The twist is that you think he will.

>> No.51200166

nice, I've been liking his character throughout this playthrough

>> No.51200480

Go look up r34 big sister

>> No.51200553

sinclair love....

>> No.51201323

Man fauna is so sweet. I just wanna do all the stuff i keep saying ill do. Her attitude isnt whorish or stupid. Why arent all vtubers like this? She can play games too

>> No.51201650

I just saw the ad for Fauna's upcoming panel. Why is it the cringiest ESL tweet ever even though it was made by a Canadian??? That single tweet had like 20 L's. It doesn't seem like they even know who she is. At the very least they don't know that she hates being called "mommy" but they made it even worse by calling her "mother".

>> No.51201663

so a school girl uniform kek i was just so confused what you mean by big sister suit. faufau does ooze that onee san energy

>> No.51202384

fuck off

>> No.51202514

she doesn't want to play bioshock infinite

its so over

>> No.51202638

She never did, she stated that at the start of 1

>> No.51202658

Got hopes for Starfield but with how AAA companies are releasing their games, I'm not gonna have much expectations for it.

>> No.51202740

Infinite sucks anyway.

>> No.51202756

Windwaker would be pretty comfy

>> No.51202850

why are retards suggesting emulation in chat

>> No.51202887

I think it's because bioshock infinite is a lot more gritty and mature than the first two. It has a lot of sensitive topics and racism so I understand if she'd be skeptical to play it

>> No.51202965

I guess they don't understand she's not allowed to do that.

>> No.51203010

Actually it's just AIDS

>> No.51203043

>gritty and mature than the first two
Its the most braindead and childish one.

>> No.51203107

do you think Fauna will play system shock?

>> No.51203206

In like six months.

>> No.51203215

Yeah but I can definitely see her getting filtered

>> No.51203352

She had so much trouble with Bioshock one and two. Imagine system. Fauna is cute but not a bright girl.

>> No.51203461

name 3 times she struggled with bioshock 1, with detail. you get 2 minutes :) :)

>> No.51203661

I think fauna should play dishonored. Or NIKKE

>> No.51203707

Im sure she could probably beat it but I doubt she will enjoy it much

>> No.51203777

based fauna

>> No.51203855

She'd like dishonored but she should be told beforehand to not autism it for perfect and instead rush it.

>> No.51203869 [DELETED] 

Keep coping, cuckbrat :)

>> No.51205057

she hated bioshock. good thing it's over

>> No.51205195

She did not.

>> No.51205294

she really did

>> No.51205310
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>> No.51205508 [DELETED] 

t. faunaschizo
GJ outing yourself, we stopped arguing about hearts months ago kek.

>> No.51206052

fauna's fetid vegan flatulence

>> No.51206473

who the fuck is this

>> No.51206485

i'm anti illegal /uuu/ but if she enters a VC like yesterday with Bae make one so some of us don't miss the stream. now good bye saps until real /uuu/ hours

>> No.51206623

i feel the same way. i didn't know she was on bae's stream because I didn't plan on watching bae.

>> No.51206779

Isn't that what /cope/ was for? Anyway you could have kept an eye on global or /rrat/ without watching the stream

>> No.51207053

You don't need to listen to no-thread schizos if you want a thread

>> No.51207509

i wouldn't have made a thread because I wasn't watching bae
>Isn't that what /cope/ was for?
i don't know what that thread is. also I don't use global. it wouldn't be a big deal to make a thread if people would let the thread die, but there's always someone who wants to bump it at page 10

>> No.51207880 [DELETED] 

Thread was made 4 hours after fauna left baes chat. Stop fucking responding to faunaschizo in earnest I stg sapling. This was a bait thread, we need to report more furiously, the end. Cya Monday.

>> No.51208166

Didn't turn to shit until the "legal" thread was deleted

>> No.51210064

Sometimes I miss Skyrim...

>> No.51210171 [DELETED] 

Nobody will ever watch your oshi bratcuck. Mogged by twice the viewers by irys today, I enjoyed it

>> No.51210505

Your fault for not being a FauBae Chad.

>> No.51211010

Hey, I can share Fauna images without having to deal with /#/fags now? Neat.

>> No.51211498

Of course

>> No.51211784

what happened to /#/?

>> No.51211893

At what time does Fauna enter Bae’s VC in the VOD from yesterday?

>> No.51212139

There's timestamps, but Bae's timestamper usually ends up at the very bottom of comments.

>> No.51213583
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>> No.51215093


>> No.51215133

You work for Fauna now!

>> No.51215327

boycott /uuu/

>> No.51215447
File: 1.69 MB, 2602x4096, 1645201349926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love Fauna but I don't think I'd want to have sex with her.

>> No.51216144

love and protect /uuu/

>> No.51216823

I wish sapling looked cooler, how do you cosplay as one?

>> No.51218202

It's one of the easiest cosplays you can do though

>> No.51218218

two twigs on your head
hope that helps

>> No.51218606

what the fuck happened here?

>> No.51218970

what do you mean?

>> No.51219945


>> No.51220226

Thread autism yet again defiled these sacred grounds meant for speaking only words of love for Fauna...
We'll get there one day.

>> No.51220254 [DELETED] 

>This /uuu/ is made in the middle of the night as a shitpost, goes largely unused
>A proper /uuu/ is made at the regular time
>Everyone uses that one, quickly has more posts and IPs than this one
>As this /uuu/ hits page 10 retard jannies delete the other /uuu/
>Any sentiment about that decision that can't be interpreted as parking janny cock in your throat is deleted
>We are here
Jannies have deleted other "illegal" /uuu/s in the recent past so deleting the real one in place of this one caused the sperging

>> No.51220326

well looks like this isn't an "illegal" /uuu/ anymore
thanks meidos

>> No.51220403


>> No.51220474
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Oh well, if we are a proper general now, then might as well act like we are a proper general.
Share fan art, hope & dreams, favorite moments, etc.
Ignore & report shitposters.

>> No.51220494


>> No.51220605

Fauna in Japan soon?

>> No.51220674

Why does global think we like black men on white girl porn?

>> No.51220678

Probably, it seems there will be a big collab. But I think they will arrive in waves.

>> No.51220698

i think one or two people spam bbc porn with fauna pics?

>> No.51220725


>> No.51220738

isn't it how they do the live part of the Concert?

>> No.51220749

why are you spamming clips? everybody here already watches the streams themselves

>> No.51220772

Hence why I don't go to global. People there are retarded and say stupid shit for (You)s.

>> No.51220782

How is one post spam? Giving clips views is good because then the algorithm links them to her channel better.

>> No.51220800

He is bumping the thread duh
just like >>51213583 and >>51215093

>> No.51220823


>> No.51220825

seems like he's doing some algorithm engineering instead

>> No.51220868

Bumping the thread at page 9/10 is normal for a general though, except /ggg/ but that place is hardly a general nowadays.

>> No.51220904
File: 539 KB, 817x684, 1655092071957560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clip channels are just leechers who make clips out of context with overdramatic titles for the only purpose of clickbait.

>> No.51220935

i'll do whatever it takes if it means boosting fauna

>> No.51220946

They're also how a ton of people find the girls originally. No clips means a dead channel.

>> No.51220969

maybe you guys should go back to /#/

>> No.51220970
File: 270 KB, 480x480, 1664296084544887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then give those views to Fauna and not some scum people.

>> No.51221006

/uuu/ usually lets the threads die overnight so that the next stream has a fresh bread

>> No.51221013

this, consider it a privilege
t. has seen multiple generals die because the board gets too fast (especially this year)

>> No.51221017


>> No.51221049

i think that's not how we'll do things from now on

>> No.51221110
File: 153 KB, 480x374, 1660801639626093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk about yourself buddy
I'm going to bed, see ya /uuu/

>> No.51221245

you're fuckin autistic

>> No.51221755

I miss the days where threads would die off after stream so we don't get shit like this, now we get people wanting to bump... ew

>> No.51221765

>he said as he bumped the thread

>> No.51222585
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>> No.51223917

I can see them...

>> No.51224211


>> No.51225566
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>> No.51227719
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Fast catalog around these hours.

>> No.51228788
File: 296 KB, 455x589, 20220811_120748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't die, /uuu/

>> No.51229719
File: 1.07 MB, 3085x2059, DSC_0048_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buyfagged
