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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.33 MB, 1567x1295, the jews are it again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51082556 No.51082556 [Reply] [Original]

New Jews debuts
New aggressive ads campaign comming through

>> No.51082636
File: 6 KB, 225x63, 1686369035385524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marketing budget went up by 50% too

>> No.51082639

Actually smart company. I remember getting ads in the middle of other Vtubers too with their talents like saying hey im a Vtuber too come over here

>> No.51082701

oh no no phasebros what do we do?

>> No.51082746

They're paying outside chuubas to do watchalongs? That's so fucking weird but hey, everyone wins I guess

>> No.51082763

>paying for Milky

>> No.51082855

>Paying all this money to still be shit
What's the endgame here?

>> No.51082945

they have done it for every debut and this time they got people like Fillian that would not do this shit for less than 10k minimun
They pay a fucking lot

>> No.51083073

Well, investing in Marketing is important and it seems like they know where to invest.
Way better than outdoors and cars like Cover does in Japan

>> No.51083123
File: 2.29 MB, 2000x2000, Miori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, they gave money to my wife (She deserves it) and she gets to watch my new wives debut. There's no losing team here

>> No.51083137

Oh nice, I love Ebi and I love Idol

>> No.51083398

>ripping off Panko design
fucking shameless faggots, as expected by Jews

>> No.51083475

>Ebi and Miori
Interesting. Who's here? Someone is definitely /here/ because these are 'obscure but good' type of picks /vt/ would make

>> No.51083569
File: 3.81 MB, 284x244, NeuroSamaGIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying a bunch of 4view indies for exposure makes sense. I wonder if any of their talents are actually interesting enough to retain viewers long-term though.

>> No.51083651

All of them are bigger than any Idol talent right now, whats Aviel plan

>> No.51083683

I’m pretty sure everyone on that list, including Vedal and all of idolEN’s roster/staff are /here/, but perhaps I’m wrong about one or two involved, specifically Filian.

>> No.51083703

Just remember not to be seen in the stream chats so she doesn't put demerits on you on the spreadsheet.

>> No.51083824

Rin and Yuko beat Miori and Ebi

>> No.51083869

>ccv is the only metric that matter

>> No.51084222

i kneel to my jews masters

>> No.51084650

You want cover to pay a bunch of 4 views to shill new gens? That's actually fucking retarded banners are the best way to get normies and ads are unnecessary for a hologen

>> No.51085053

is this rip off with us in the room anon?

>> No.51085147

Did Phase create raccoons?

>> No.51085295

Panko isn't even a raccoon.
However, Idol did name their raccoon, raccoon.

>> No.51085372
File: 139 KB, 410x482, 1671303163422006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah idol's name schemes are retarded, it reflects directly on their talents intelligence, I like it

>> No.51085561 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 2076x1412, jews are fucking niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok because she is a racoon ahaha
>no ignore the design similarity and the thief lore backgrounds
Kys you fucking juden, you are unironically afraid of Phase to the point you want to take their proprierties and make them your own, in perfect Jew style i would say, 3000 years and you never learn why every single ethnic group wants your genocide

>> No.51085635

anon, are you off your meds again? can you point to one similarity? no need many, just one

>> No.51085738

The current state of phase cucks

>> No.51085956

Go ahead and speak to the similarities. I can’t see them.

>> No.51086669
File: 38 KB, 400x400, PKSTf5qY_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you complain the more are gonna get paid to shill

>> No.51086739

jesus that's pathetic

>> No.51086882

No, it's business.

>> No.51086955

Idol new debuts watchalong is the Raid Shadow Legends sponsored ad of vtubing

>> No.51087180

Where do they get the money tho? Idol only has one gen, are they actually raking in that much cash to pay a bunch of 4views to watch the debut?

>> No.51087224

Idol is either a money laundering project or they're being supported by the Israeli government, we've been telling that from the start. They have infinite money

>> No.51087229

Scamming the Israeli government.
say this in any thread to instantly summon the CEO to defend the company

>> No.51087278

No it's pathetic, you accept money in exchange of shilling direct competitors, this company is out to take viewers off these people
Who accept the deal is either
>desperate and ngmi
>a legit fucking retard
>a fucking greedy whore
Surefire way to make sure to never watch any of these shillers

>> No.51087318

I am fine with that, if they pay for the advertisements in an honest manner. My issue is when these sneaky parasites advertise on this board with threads that are paid for.

>> No.51087345
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>> No.51087348

God damn I hate this disgusting money-grubbing astro-turfing soulless corporation.

>> No.51087394

Fucking lies, they are keeping spending more and more money
Not profitable or limited budget my fucking ass

>> No.51087444

dyrbi when a rabbi tells you his business is losing money?

>> No.51087465

Welcome to the industry

>> No.51087488

these are shills of other corpos trying to damage control btw

>> No.51087515

See? Works literally every time.

>> No.51087526

you can easily get investment in israel
just be from the right tribe

>> No.51087558

>nooo you cant defend the corpo

>> No.51087640

Idol corp has US investors too

>> No.51087694

I never said anything about investors.
But thanks for the info Averil or whatever the fuck your name is.

>> No.51087716

lmao it really does work every time

>> No.51087850

Isnt the one on the top right the whore who just had a mental episode on twitter?

>> No.51087876


>> No.51087967

>implying they're not swimming in money straight from them sweet sweet ESG and Blackrock pipelines

>> No.51088084

Lies, they're definitely a money-laundering front. The question is what for.

>> No.51088339

Long term
They are aiming to become a major player in the vtubing scene
Give them 3 more years and they are gonna be a direct competitor of Cover in the EN market, then they will start expanding in japan too

>> No.51088497

another Jewish lie

>> No.51088537
File: 2.46 MB, 2048x1276, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit phase ripped off snuffy

>> No.51088572

No corpo can reach holo level now it is physically impossible

>> No.51088656

The EN and ID branch already have lots of competition, HoloJP is just it's own thing almost completly walled out from the rest of the brand

>> No.51088680

>paying for the NTR queen Milky to shill them
well, at least they know their audience

>> No.51088681


>> No.51088719

i'm one of the chosen people that control the world do you have any problem with that chuds?

>> No.51088727

>a direct competitor of Cover in the EN market, then they will start expanding in Japan too
They have different goals though, Hololive is trying to be a multi-media franchise and IdolEN has the same goal as every other En Corpo, and that's to be an anime Machinima, a Multi-Channel Network (MCN) with anime avatars.

>> No.51088783

Like it or not, Jewcorp is certainly more creative than chink company.]
I can respect that part.

>> No.51088791

Snuffy ripped off of Genshin

>> No.51088800

>Sponsoring Miori and Tobs
Wtf I love Jews now

>> No.51088855

not surprising, all of them are attention whores.

>> No.51088858

you got it wrong, they accepted jew money to shill their EN2

>> No.51088938

Mori and tobs got paid to shill the jewbas gen2, not tue other way round

>> No.51088957

I'd drop my oshi if she did something like this

>> No.51089033
File: 343 KB, 1786x1788, 1659056860648676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now fishman will have to do the same. Who is he getting?

>> No.51089079

Fishman doesn't have the money to pay anyone in that picture for a sponsored debut watchalong

>> No.51089114

The 2 kiwifarms vtubers

>> No.51089183

fish can't even afford to get pippa to do it

>> No.51089233

Kirsche and the TVA ragdoll?

>> No.51089255

More coffee.

>> No.51089276

He will shill the coffee more than his gen3

>> No.51089350

What? I'm talking about the goblin and the dog

>> No.51089387

>no newspaper can ever achieve the reach and production of harper weekly. They were already one of the largest papers before the printing press, and that made them unassailable
The organizations that want to make sure they have a foothold in vtubing arent looking at a scale of years and decades.

>> No.51089389

Good chuubas got paid to watch a debut I'm interested in, no one loses except idol CEO's wallet which is a huge win in my book

>> No.51089746

your tax dollars duh

>> No.51089870

good chuubas aren't willing to sell out themself to shill a corpo debut

>> No.51089974

Telling your audience to go watch other streamers is peak cuckoldry

>> No.51090113

If you are in the audience of any of these whores remember to tell them how the Idol EN2 debuts was so good that they made you drop her for them :)

>> No.51090963

That's retarded it looks like just a shoutout and watchalong. For all these chuubas to do it it must be good money. If your oshi can whore out for gamersupps for apparently zero dollars this seems a lot more respectable.

>> No.51091037

>whoring yourself out is respectable if it gives you good money
jew mentality

>> No.51091068

Everyone is a whore and it's just a matter of price in our society

>> No.51091091

nice projection

>> No.51091097

>whoring yourself out for money is bad
why are you watching vtubers? you do actually watch vtubers, right?

>> No.51091161

His oshi must be a precious unaffiliated 1view who won't take bits, subs or donations

>> No.51091164

I know this isn't going to make sense to jidf but some people stream because they like streaming, not because of the money

>> No.51091206


>> No.51091287

>Miori watchalong
pretty based to be honest

>> No.51092333

As an american, it is my duty to support any Israeli government project. Hello to our brothers providing us a foothold in arabia!

>> No.51092746

kek, this seemed like a stretch, but one of her ads literally poses her as an Italian, with a Funiculi, Funicula parody as the music. maybe Anon was right.

>> No.51092908

>racoon thief lore backgrounds
You child this has been a trope for a very long time

>> No.51093013

Ebi is cute mite watch

>> No.51093634
File: 614 KB, 1022x497, 1670558829880494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ok when other corpos do it

>> No.51095100

Tsunderia and Prism

>> No.51095395

Remember when Riro Ron debuted and people called her the Gura killer cause she would bring so many fans with her?

>> No.51095540

Paying vtuber to promote cover, every vtuber know what hololive is, like that anon said, it better to have a promotion aiming at outside vtuber market.

>> No.51095622
File: 200 KB, 2200x1080, 1657973580945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spergs aside, i genuinely don't get why Milky got asked to watch them.

>> No.51096458

>that would not do this shit for less than 10k minimun

>> No.51096535

Fillian has almost 2M subs on youtube and thats not even her main channel
You think someone you can literally only compare with Gura in the entire world would shill Idol chuuba for a bargain? Fuck no lol

>> No.51096544

NTA but they beat Ebi on other metrics, too. And it wouldn't even be close if she didn't get addicted to Arknights and change her timeslot to pander to the Bilibili crowd.
Don't get me wrong, Ebi's great but I miss the days when her content was primarily Minecraft zatsu.

>> No.51096608

Names like Cloverfield weren't exactly creative but they weren't completely on the nose either. At least "Unagi" was in a different language. Now they're completely in-your-face. Only company more blatant about it is Kemono Friends.

>> No.51096653

Their budget must be insane to also the main sponsor of offkai

>> No.51096700

>take viewers off these people
Feel free to show evidence that literally any chuuba ever declined as a result of doing this kind of watchalong.

>> No.51096752

>no company ever went years before breaking even
You must be at least 18 years old to post here.

>> No.51096795

Well according to Aviel they are just starting now breaking even, meaning IdolEN1 and Riro were massive success

>> No.51096834

Just another reminder that /#/ doesn't understand a goddamn shit about NOMBERS

>> No.51096844

>the company paid them money to produce content in their usual medium (streaming)
>this is somehow not "sponsorship"

>> No.51096907

phasekeks already seething lmao

>> No.51096933

nice projection, cuck

>> No.51097004
File: 223 KB, 485x319, nothingburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the most pathetic attempts at forced drama I've ever seen on this board and that's saying a lot

>> No.51097026
File: 2 KB, 120x120, pill_1f48a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone you can literally only compare with Gura in the entire world

>> No.51097108

In terms of fanbase following? yes
Fillian is the more close Gura competitor. it's just that this board is too retarded to understand shit

>> No.51097112

It's not drama, it's just a multi-way slapfight among anons. The fact that nobody has anything juicier to talk about should be taken as a huge positive sign.

>> No.51097375

>IdolEN has the same goal as every other En Corpo, and that's to be an anime Machinima, a Multi-Channel Network (MCN) with anime avatars.
I know they're jews but this is extremely black company-like

>> No.51097421

are you saying Cover is a black company?

>> No.51097472

>Hololive is trying to be a multi-media franchise and IdolEN has the same goal as every other En Corpo, and that's to be an anime Machinima, a Multi-Channel Network (MCN) with anime avatars.
There is literally no difference between the two

>> No.51097516

You specifically compared them to machinina, leave cover out of this, Ezekiel.

>> No.51097537

>gen is entirely lolis who will stream on youtube
>promote them by targeting the audiences of mommy/thicc tubers and twitch streamers
Bravo Aviel

>> No.51097803
File: 220 KB, 128x128, 1680220123615325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant decide between filian or tobs...

>> No.51097889

So they paid streamers to show off their streamers?
>girlfriend is there
Im sold

>> No.51097983

I wouldn't be surprised if Mio of all people there ends up cancelling it because she can't get to stream again

>> No.51098109


>> No.51098242

So why not use a lolituber for this instead of hags

>> No.51098269

Shondo told them to fuck off again probably

>> No.51099021

Name 4 that arent 2 views

>> No.51099318

It can't bring them numbers, but it would be based if they paid the lolitubers anyway, even just smaller amounts. Some of them would do it for free if they just got the shoutout.

>> No.51099615


>> No.51099697

it has always been

>> No.51099718

Watching vtuber debuts with my girlfriend sounds like a good time, fuck it I'm in
But it's also hilarious because just a few days ago she was crying about her fans cheating on her with other vtubers and now she wants you to watch other vtubers with her

>> No.51099991

You lost already she's still successful incel get over it

>> No.51100032

imagine joining a corp and they don't make you an animated trailer and don't pay for a fuck ton of advertising on your debut. Idol goes all out on this stuff but honestly other corps need to step it up.

>> No.51100149

>Getting paid to promote your competition
It better be a lot of money because holy shit I wouldn't promote peoples who could steal my audience

>> No.51100365

Is Filian owned by a Chosen?

>> No.51100654

Genuine question, you know you can avoid ads completely by getting an AdBlock right? If you're on this website you probably know this already but I don't understand how /here/ people are getting ads

>> No.51100710

NijiEN also got those and where did that get them

>> No.51100780

i wonder how long until the drama explodes, if you keep playing sides one day someone are going to call you out for snitching, intercorpo collabs (and now sponsors) will have to stop at some point, i feel especially bad for crunchy, i dont think she knows the way corpos works.

>> No.51100886

Some people just actually don't care.

>> No.51100989

SPBP. It's simple good marketing, take your product straight to the people you already know will like it. Far better than the service Google provide; they'll target the right audience but no one likes their videos being interrupted--assuming they're not using ad blocks anyways.

>> No.51101049
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>> No.51101423

I know this isn't going to make sense to a catalogfag but idol has more than 1 girl who loves streaming independently of the money they make (Fuyo, Riro) while at the same time having money hungry sluts like Yuko so yeah, there's something for everyone

>> No.51101589

They were massive successes, they only had one generation of ESL Hebrew chuubas and went from 40 CCV to 3view with the occasional 4view streams, from complete Irrelevancy to being one of the most discussed small corpos in the market sounds like a big win for them

>> No.51101638

>peoples who could steal my audience
This kind of jealous, schizo thinking is exactly what I would expect from a pagpag eating ESL.

>> No.51101947

Mizkif is half-jewish

>> No.51102127

compared to idol? yes
but that's unfair because all companies are black companies compared to idol

>> No.51102174

lmao the twitterfags are seething because they still see her as an evil racist

>> No.51102446


>> No.51102498

this is actually pathetic, I hate their kind so much

>> No.51102522

Who the fuck are these two

>> No.51102657

hi intern

>> No.51102704


>> No.51102734

First good marketing campaign I've seen for any product in like 10 years.
Plus cunny rock girl.

>> No.51102832

go back to your containment thread /lig/ger

>> No.51102904

Dont you dare talk about vrchat whore 83 and cleverbot like that

>> No.51102977
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>> No.51102989

>big numbers for marketing is le bad because I say so
God you fuckers are retarded

>> No.51103021
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>> No.51103052
File: 327 KB, 2000x2000, FyQzNT-WcAA_HYV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it's based

>> No.51103082

Why this MariMari_EN?

>> No.51103113

>making everything about money and numbers
this is why everyone hates you

>> No.51103121

The only unbased Isildurposter

>> No.51103122

She straight admitted few hours ago that they are paying her good and need the money, nothing wrong with it

>> No.51103151

>paying outside vtubers to watch their vtubers
That seems really strange.

>> No.51103170

We are making fun of them for being shit streamers
Nobody said they arent a good choice for this sad ad campaign

>> No.51103180

they have infinite money, other vtubers can't reject it

>> No.51103181
File: 3.14 MB, 1500x2000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The money isnt spent on designs because look at this shit

>> No.51103226

probably went @everyone on their rolodex

>> No.51103229


>> No.51103235

filian mogs the shit out of your holowhores

>> No.51103255

Unlike Machinima they have better contracts and Idol owns the avatar

>> No.51103259

Some people don't care. Some people watch on phones and adblocks on phones are a pain. Not to mention that while rare, some ads somehow managed to got through uBlock Origin which most people use too

>> No.51103284

>There is literally no difference between the two

>> No.51103293

Phase is fucked

>> No.51103313

The girls themselves designed them lmao which is why it's shit. If you saw the rigging it's actually reasonably high quality.

>> No.51103400

Wasn't a problem with the last gen, they clearly hired some yesmen staff in the interim

>> No.51103414
File: 584 KB, 1761x3400, 1686348308852581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying this isnt pure unadulterated sex

>> No.51103476
File: 107 KB, 714x451, window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And don't forget the pussy window.

>> No.51103595

Effort? Nooooooo everybody should be lazy like HoloEN!

>> No.51103616

Have you looked at the actual numbers lately? The EN scene as a whole has reclined, but HoloEN is still on average 4x as popular as anyone else.

>> No.51103623

JIDF is here

>> No.51103660

So you're saying they all wanted to be lolis? Why are women like this?

>> No.51103678
File: 327 KB, 2000x2000, 20230610_104059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51103693

That's one ugly bitch.

>> No.51103745
File: 473 KB, 1555x2048, 20230609_100331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back off clown fucked, that abomination cannot even compete against this sex demon

>> No.51103748

This isn't clussy, this is circus freakussy, she looks more like a dwarf than a loli

>> No.51103775

Phase is still bigger.
I fully expect the two corps to merge at some point, mind.

>> No.51103790

Talent deciding the look doesnt explain the shitty end product
Its not your fault if you tell an artist to draw an apple and it looks like shit

>> No.51103818
File: 31 KB, 1165x308, fili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good to me
this will be the year of the white zoomer fox

>> No.51103839

>Phase is still bigger.
Not it isn't and if Fishman coffee obsession doesn't show some restrain it will be his downfall

>> No.51103844

At what? being an unfiltered autist? Flashing an upskirt 8 times a stream for horny zoomers? get your tasteless ass out of here

>> No.51103893

Don't forget the flips.

>> No.51103899

man i can't wait to watch some more superchats, minecraft or getting over it!

>> No.51103915

don't forget male and fleshtuber collabs

>> No.51103954

ToT cunny rockers in the house tonight ToT

>> No.51103982

Urge to aggressively PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP

>> No.51104001

I get it, it can be overwhelming getting more than 2 streams a month.

>> No.51104035

after they debut with all of these watchalongs phase got no chance.. phase had like 2k views on their debuts

>> No.51104171

has your chuuba ever done a workout/dance stream?
she isn't a fat lazy whore right?

>> No.51104259

>entire gimmick is being a vrchat slut that jumps around a lot to show her panties
>does a stream where she jumps around a lot
wow creatividad I kneel

>> No.51104276

Lmao, something tells me they made this deal a while ago, associating your company with the the girl who did sex RP with some fuckboy on twitch doesn’t seem like a wise play

>> No.51104281

>most physically active streamer is never hort
Really makes you think.

>> No.51104303


>> No.51104307

Some me the others that are as physically active as she is on stream.

>> No.51104397
File: 226 KB, 366x558, 1640784345640258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AdsTuber KEK

>> No.51104423
File: 287 KB, 662x720, 1677681614444085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is who they have so far:
>Filian: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667313004260519936
>Neuro-sama: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667346144286982145
>Ushio Ebi: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667356905218375683
>Milky: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667364983972175879
>Tobs: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667366420022165505
>Miori Celesta: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667371676114333697
>Saa: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667401905880936448
>Yoclesh: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667403190193594368
>MariMari_EN: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667514075390025728
>Daph: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667526298900496386
>Zuma: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667530383699726337
>Kirsche: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667535771975184384
>Riro Ron: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667540631042785281
>Misu: https://twitter.com/idol_corp/status/1667545710298791936
>And (You)

>> No.51104447

Based and Tobpilled

>> No.51104552


>> No.51104565


>> No.51104594

i thought he died from that chinese MRE

>> No.51104614


>> No.51104618

Who joined idol this time? Please not another /k/ autistic girl

>> No.51104643

Unironically a phase invaders reject, she is so into Pippa asshole that she can almost comming out from her mouth

>> No.51104790

The top Phase Connect orbiter who did a 180 on wanting to be in a corpo the second Yuri got fired.
Speaking of, I wonder if Aviel has the balls to invite Nanobites to do this.

>> No.51104791

>blackrock is shelling out millions to bring more lolis to vtubing
Maybe I judged Larry to harshly.

>> No.51105653

Yeah phase lost.

>> No.51105740

Ad block on phones is easy, just stop buying your overpriced junk from Tim Crook.

>> No.51105956
File: 587 KB, 632x1068, 1685546267416381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips summon an expert due to sorcery. It means it's losing money on paper but isn't actually losing in general, he's to keep some arbitrary promise in return for the money that he assumes will occur handily and is well on it's way. It may not be, but he thinks he's "on track to win" and that's the safest position you can ever really be in: active control. People like this give up on passive control as a thing for women/weak people or an explanation of why other people are "losers", he's perfectly willing to wear a pager to his own wedding and call that a real life. In his mind your unwillingness to do this, to admit everyone-serves-someone is why you're poor and why goys are goys etc.

I do wonder what the promise is though, people who think this is a march to breakeven status don't get it, the market is crowded and the entire format of the event seems to be to crowd the market. I wonder if they're going for a simple dilution strategy? Make it impossible to debut to any real interest and initiate a chilling effect? Something like that I bet.

>> No.51106004


>> No.51106028

I assume Android needs a custom ROM or something?

>> No.51106277

They designed them themselves which gives it 100% more SOVL then whatever corporate pie chart designs you love.

>> No.51106343
File: 39 KB, 557x413, 1683345893929907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on now anon, if your going to make a bait at least say vei

>> No.51106464

I can fix you femanon

>> No.51106542


>> No.51106610

Sorry anon I'll have to anti as a American to keep that oil and oil money coming in

>> No.51106643


>> No.51106666

on android you can just download a third party youtube alternative
with no ads and off-screen playback

>> No.51106763

>he thinks numbers are about numbers

>> No.51106774

What's it called? Because I've been looking.

>> No.51106917
File: 282 KB, 515x515, 1686405106095167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51106955

Ocean bros

>> No.51107009

ReVanced, at the moment is slightly cumbersome to set up, but nothing really hard, just follow the instructions.

>> No.51107013

It's over, the merge is here

>> No.51107206

There some but >>51107009 is one of them
but as anything thirdparty, is your own risk if shit happens

>> No.51107349

ok, this is just weird, there are a lot of them now, there is no way they are paying all of those vtubers, someone is getting something out of this other than the vtubers, there is no way to keep everybody quiet about it, someone is going to vomit everything at some point.

>> No.51107371 [DELETED] 


>> No.51107597

Doesn’t work on twitch or youtube mobile

>> No.51107759

For that to happen she'd have to stream regularly first.

>> No.51108687

God that would be so fucking funny

>> No.51108775

snuffy was a brown racoon, when did she turn blue?

>> No.51108796
File: 117 KB, 900x900, FyRG8GtWwAEbDpI.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going mainstream

>> No.51108861

once a kiwitranny, always a kiwitranny

>> No.51109222

Nano unironically streams longer hours than Yuri, just streams one less day in the week, and pumps out art commissions on her off stream days.

>> No.51109318
File: 626 KB, 1600x900, snuffy-thumbnail-with-twitch-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even in a fantasy draft does Snuffy get picked up
My racoon girl is straight up not having a good time

>> No.51109475

Why do people keep calling the talents jews? That's like saying Gura is Japanese just because Yagoo is. Yuko didn't even know what a jew was untill someone told her on stream.

>> No.51109616

I still hope Moona gets to have another family collab and this time the jew sister from Idol gen0 is invited
Both the same autism energy

>> No.51110372

why is a phase fan feeling threatened by the jewish agency? they're more likely to steal gura's audience than of phase

or is this some falseflagging im missing

>> No.51111093

>or is this some falseflagging im missing
yeah I can only wonder

>> No.51113645

holy kek

>> No.51114939
File: 87 KB, 934x490, 1669314003170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crotch area torn from where she barely escaped correction
sorry about that ojibros... i won't fail again next time

>> No.51116707

Somebody explain why I'm supposed to be upset about this? Paying v-tubers to watch debuts of your new v-tubers with their audience of v-tuber fans seems like a pretty reasonable marketing strategy to me.

>> No.51118455

Make more bait threads!
Post more hololive anti tweets on bannedvtmemes!
Shitpost more!
Make a chatgpt powered spambot!
Dox all girls on kiwifarms!

>> No.51120684
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>> No.51120838

kek knew it would be mari and she is and that is ok

>> No.51121234

They are gonna get to the point where whether you like it or not you are going to be watching the debuts lol.

The girls better be on their A game to pull in viewers. I'm excited for Clown and Tako at least.

>> No.51121259
File: 398 KB, 724x724, 1682040732297060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go live crabgirl.

>> No.51121575

i was gonna say, filians to retarded to be self-aware

>> No.51121965

would be his first good sponsored stream

>> No.51122501

You can also just download Kiwi Browser which lets you use any chrome extension or adblocker you want like uBlock Origin.

>> No.51123054

I'm not gonna criticize them too hard for marketing, its clearly having an impact. It's nice to see a small corpo not just leaving everything up to the talents when it comes to growing the audience, plenty of small corpos fail this way.

>> No.51123117

Really triggered the zoomer oompfies with this one.

>> No.51125908

I love this one.

>> No.51127796

Networking 101

>> No.51129748

I hate Jerma and Forsen fans so much it's unreal. I can never escape you faggots. You work your streamer daddies into every fucking conversation. I finally went and watched a few Jerma streams just to see what the hype was about. It's just an unfunny old man mumbling and making jokes to appeal to extremely only homosexual zoomers. Fuck you and yes I am mad.

>> No.51130979
File: 50 KB, 750x1000, 1678698157941716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UPSKIRTS? Does she wear panties instead of spats?

>> No.51138160

Is this real? It looks super fucking fake. Who would get Tobs for something like this?

>> No.51138892

tobs is jewish( she smokes a lot of weed so i think she is jewish)

>> No.51139878

he used to be funny before he got groomed by faggots and trannies

>> No.51139936

There are indies on Twitch with more viewers than most of Holo EN

>> No.51140269

she streams on Twitch, the same site with a stream category called Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches and is second to AfreecaTV in thot flesh streamers

>> No.51140462

The livers had to pay for those.
