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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51099569 No.51099569 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday we had Panko's reaction to Poko's reveal:

Today we have a direct jab at Panko:

>> No.51099604

just shut the fuck up, no one cares about your shilling

>> No.51099686

you're outright retarded and i can't even say which side are you on.

>> No.51099738

None, it's a shill post faking some drama.
Classic jewish subversion tactic.

>> No.51099852

this doesn't add up in this case.

>> No.51099967

Sorry i'm getting confused with all the small corpo shiters i thought they were both jews.

>> No.51099982

I don't care about your whores, but whoever posts her feet first wins in this case.

>> No.51100746

jews are fucking cringe, panko's reaction is understandable

>> No.51100841

Panko's tweet was for the toe pic, she doesn't care about this Walmart version of herself

>> No.51100906

Personally I think they should have sex on stream to settle their differences

>> No.51100950

I dont get the "jab"

>> No.51101006

Panko is Italian
So far "raccoon" has been copying everything about her

>> No.51101229

Is this an attempt at shilling your chuubas while the board is focused on another corpo?

>> No.51101316

Panko isn't Italian. She doesn't even speak the language

>> No.51101356

She spoke Italian on stream to her mother during the donothon

>> No.51101406

buy an ad

>> No.51101499

Is there really a need for two threads about quite possibly the biggest nothingburgers I’ve ever seen?

>> No.51101569
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>Panko isn't Italian

>> No.51101798

>no new IP
if you are this desperate then we know its the opposite

>> No.51101810

Nothingburger, she was literally reacting to the fact she has to show her feet cuz of the donothon but keep trying to push this retarded narrative, love Tenma and Fuyo equally fuck off with your tribalism

>> No.51101840
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>two panko baits at the same time

>> No.51101884

>she was literally reacting to the fact she has to show her feet cuz of the donothon
>tweet made shortly after the Idol trailer was released
>inb4 links the reply tweet she made a whole 8 hours after the original one

>> No.51101921

>posts about it in /pcg/ 20 times
>posts about it in /jidf/ 20 times
nobody fucking cares you faggot pippigger

>> No.51101930
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if you think it's bad, look at Poko's sleeves. They're the exact same as Shiina's.

>> No.51101960

I think it’s much more believable than the alternative. Panko is gonna be a guest on Bratcast at some point after all

>> No.51102197

God i love Panko, i'm glad she gets more attention, even if just from some schizos. Some of you mentally ill people will unironically start watching her and thats a win.

>> No.51103213

phase invaded sleeves HOLY SHIT

>> No.51105047

>this retard STILL doesn't know that raccoons and red pandas are different animals and insists that every animal girl is the same
I bet you also think Pekora ripped Pippa off lmao

>> No.51105759

if you think what idol is doing is ok you must be trolling or a retard

>> No.51105996

they should kiss to decide who wins

>> No.51106052

phase fans and phase connect in general continue to be the abyss of this board

>> No.51106369
File: 129 KB, 850x1255, 1673968543853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking care who copied who. they're both getting impregnated by me and me only. None of you pieces of fucks get a slice of this cunny cream cake. I will literally be involved in a threesome with those two. I will cum in their ovaries and shove a pregnancy tester up my anus. no one can stop me. not even john travolta. have sex.

>> No.51106483

the OP is not a phase fan and much less a panko fan
>and shove a pregnancy tester up my anus

>> No.51106536

I feel genuinely bad for the type of schizos Phase has orbiting in their community

>> No.51106541

Is your ass pregnant or not?

>> No.51106659
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yeah how dare nature copy itself
how fucking stupid does someone need to be to keep pushing the same bullshit after being called a retard every time he does it

>> No.51106664
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>> No.51106868

>shove a pregnancy tester up my anus
I'm sorry what

>> No.51107524

I'm starting to think the panko fags are the real problem I don't see anyone shilling Pippa or any other members this hard these days.

>> No.51107639

True, she probably lives under the Po line, basically African.

>> No.51107665

Women are so retarded it's insane

>> No.51107691

She’s pale as a ghost anon and she hates brown people

>> No.51107830

Doesn't matter, below the Po river lays the land of savages.

>> No.51107869

she lives in northern Italy

>> No.51107950

I don't think so, she is probably from somewhere in Tuscany.

>> No.51107997

yes goy, it's the panko fans who keep making negative threads about her

>> No.51108108

She doxxed her location once because she didn't know all ships are tracked in real time.

>> No.51108295
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I don't think you know how shilling works but again not a surprise most of pankofags are obnoxious newfags after all.

>> No.51108335

She was on vacation in Genoa at the time..

>> No.51108512

that jwwhore is called almost the same as Panko too, you blind fuck

>> No.51108570
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at least Panko streams you faggot

>> No.51108669

if Panko were from Genoa I'd actually believe the scam allegation

>> No.51108745

>The phrase "Pom Poko" in the title refers to the sound of tanuki drumming their bellies, from a 1919 poem by Ujō Noguchi which became a popular children's song when it was set to music in 1925.
I know it's hard for a retarded ESL, but please at least try to get cultured.
"But she's not a tanuki!", you might say. Panko is not a raccoon either. And so the cycle continues until we get a tanuki vtuber on another small corp who gets called a red panda.

>> No.51108757

what the fuck is wrong with the left model head

>> No.51108862

weak cope

>> No.51108919
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>> No.51109489

I had a violent laugh at this, as if it wasn't enough that shes eerily similar to panko she decided to rip her fucking nationality

>> No.51109687

Phasecucks deserve this shit for being so fucking toxic.

>> No.51109814

Thankfully she isn't, that would legit make me drop her.

>> No.51109907

Walmart Panko everyone

>> No.51109933
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>> No.51110015

Both of their models are so incredibly boring. The blue one especially so.

>> No.51110046

>Idol tries to upset Phase by copying everything they do since they fucking released their first HE gen
Yeah, Phase"keks" are so fucking toxic
Kill yourself faggot

>> No.51110133

The right one is made by Tamu, Shion's artist, and has exposed tummy, so it's automatically good.

>> No.51110257

are you fucking blind? the right one is unique and cute

>> No.51110298

not anymore

>> No.51110397
File: 194 KB, 1440x1775, 1597883736630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never watch your grifter whores
I will never watch your jewish whores

>> No.51110949

yeah I can't believe Pekora ripped her off, how dare she have animal ears and a tail too

>> No.51113317

This is the type of more-sophisticated-than-usual advertising you get when the Israeli govt is involved.

>> No.51113525

A few plushies and colors don't make something unique. Your taste is both biased and shit.

>> No.51115079

cute if true and funny

>> No.51118049

They will be friends.

>> No.51118555

phaseniggers think they've copyrighted the concept of raccoon girls, worst fanbase hands down
