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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51082658 No.51082658 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for Zatsudan Project and VerseN, VEE, and NHOTBOT sister branches

▼ Gen 6 debut I guess...
▼ Gen 2 outfit design idea submissions!
▼ Play Prism Portal Panic!
▼ Remember to send hate maros to Shogun!


▼Generation 1
>Hoshifuri Iku
Cover Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGO2aMRaoUXRNG3UHjGqNWjkkh5H4bsof
>Tokimori Aoi
Cover Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkOUovhGWn6Wl9T-gkK5KUCbzFksNKMEn
>Ibuki Meno

▼Generation 2
>Kamishiro Rita
Cover Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU7eedkf3p9v4KjgCh2m15K4rIkHPGUXH
>Araka Luto:
Cover Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmYfPj4Kx0ObM4Kyw8XxNhS4x0iJEVn55

▼Generation 3
>Miyoshino Shiki
Cover Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXNBKgAzUw_Nqh0zmYIX8Ljev-J1s8Q0A
>Suzune Nia
Cover Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxIRZu-3pp7yJqmabwJzQuL6WX9oXt69V
>Pengin Pina
Cover Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoAwX_45EvGOZr_ufX6MrPAqlFOkFCN1i
>Rikudou Yura
Cover playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8y2RCb-EbrjhEnKdEIr-vV8wq-1AzBaP

▼Generation 4
>Kamizuki Naki
Cover playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM2ELh69Cr029uGi5St7E9eN1vXTeUtke
>Nagare Sara
Cover playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDuoS90DVY-19zPYUpZjJBMnlhXLVjyJa
>Ushio Sumi (Graduated)
>Anon Non (Call her Nonn in discussion for archive search)
Cover playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvcn1bfkm8qyga0_rB11_rQBRU1YZCOsX

▼Generation 5
>Ami Amami
>Kou Tsubame
>Lana Shikami

▼Sonyverse Sister Branches
VERSEn -https://twitter.com/verse_n_project
VEE -https://twitter.com/_vee_official_
NHOTBOT -https://twitter.com/VCP_jp_

▼Prism Friends
Phase Connect>>>/vt//pcg/
AkioAir + corpo>>>/vt//aa/

▼'Unofficial' twitter art retweets
▼Skeb guide

Previous Thread >>51059110

>> No.51082744
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>Previous thread

>> No.51082766
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I love Luto

>> No.51083352
File: 1.91 MB, 1419x1860, ShikiDistressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiki is acting weird and scooting her butt on the carpet. She needs your help:
1. Stand or kneel behind Shiki while she is kneeling on all fours. With Shiki’s tail up, insert the lubricated and gloved index finger of your right hand into Shiki’s anus.
2. Placing your thumb on the outside of Shiki’s anus, bring your thumb and index finger together and run them up and down the left side of Shiki’s anus.
3. Once you have located the anal gland squeeze your thumb and index finger together in a squeezing motion and attempt to “milk” the fluid from the gland. The hole that the fluid will come from is just inside the anus- so be sure not to block the opening with your index finger. Using your other hand, hold a paper towel in front of the area as the gland can often express with force and squirt backwards.
3. Once you have emptied the left gland, perform the same procedure on the right gland. Some people are more comfortable using the same hand to express both glands, while others find it easier to switch hands.
4. Once both anal glands have been emptied, use the warm soapy washcloth to wash the area.
5. Enjoy a happier, healthier Shiki!

>> No.51083481


sheep time

>> No.51083584

New thread and there's still no gen 6 on the list. WHY?

>> No.51083688

Every time you point it out it gets delayed another thread Shiki

>> No.51083732
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poll results

>> No.51083931

rigged poal

>> No.51084090

kys never stood for kill yourself

>> No.51084244

There is no gen 6.

>> No.51084464
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>> No.51084545

i love this sheep

>> No.51084571
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It meant "kiss your sister", it was an old /vn/ meme in reference to OniKiss

>> No.51084757

So Shiki baked last thread, did Yura, Nia, Meno, or Naki bake this one in retaliation to spite the males?

>> No.51084774


>> No.51084908


>> No.51085076

>Spiting males

>> No.51085983
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wrong again anon *chu*

>> No.51086088

Thanks Jun, I love you but I love the parrot more, I'll be squawking for his attention

>> No.51086169
File: 1.67 MB, 1393x1080, Ami loves you[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft61euy.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ami

>> No.51086215

Yura Half-Life Alyx

>> No.51086311
File: 20 KB, 123x128, RitaBaka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51086789


>> No.51086811

Yura cute_

>> No.51086834

Mucho texto indeed.

>> No.51086840

Now will she whore out for the new ones?

>> No.51087062
File: 201 KB, 106x128, IkuHop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to need art of Jun giving Yuki a blowjob then second panel has Jun with a frosty mustache

>> No.51088877

>regardless of gender identity

>> No.51088937

Iku, we already know you're perfectly capable of cumming with your own thoughts.

>> No.51089151

Eating nuggies...knowing that Aoi's mouth tastes like nuggies so it's like we're kissing even when we're far away and then rubbing nuggies against myself, thinking of Aoi kissing my body...

>> No.51089839

stream God Willing

>> No.51089915

What happened to her channel? I only see four uploads.

>> No.51089998

Everything is there for me, Your's must be bugged.

>> No.51090019

Maybe there's some regional jank going on?

>> No.51090047
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>> No.51090138


>> No.51090194

Im sorry ppg anons, if Kawaii ever did this id drop them so fast. I duno what corpo kick started this shit, but its gotta end

>> No.51090591


>> No.51090720

Rate the debuts

>> No.51090999
File: 331 KB, 520x654, Sleepy Luto 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight ppg!

>> No.51091100

>gender identity
I want off this ride

>> No.51091147

her vod has more views than subscribers...nice, this will be with meno someday when she releases her og song sometime

>> No.51091181
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>gender identity.

>> No.51091194

Didn't watch them / 10

>> No.51091296

>implying anything bad happened
>being a unicorn schizo from /pkg/
go back, apologize to shiki, and then kys

>> No.51091413

It's June.

>> No.51091435

>male presenting
>gender identity
and I thought male vtubers were problem... prism is literally trooning out in real time

>> No.51091531

This happened because you didn't bother putting in Crunchyroll-hime, Sony's other vtuber

>> No.51092094

I don't think even Naki GFE can save us anymore

>> No.51092213

Jun - palpable nerves/10. I think he'll be solid after he's had some time to work through that.
Yuki - not my kind of content/10. We'll see how much he ends up pushing that angle. I imagine I'll occasionally catch some game streams and see where he goes with it.

>> No.51092408

I blame OP

>> No.51092634

Annoying meme lord with an annoying voice and bland game taste. I actually didn't hate the debut and I might watch a few streams of his but I doubt I'll stick around.
Closed the tab after a few minutes. I can't watch unironic fujobait then pretend to have an opinion on it. I hope he finds the audience he's looking for.

>> No.51092713

I like Jun, his voice reminds me of Gilbert Gottfried.
Yuki is alright, but making him the tallest in prism is trying to compensate for a small dick

>> No.51093227

So, did she talk about them?

>> No.51093253

she fucked them

>> No.51093428

Nope. Was very cute playing half life.

>> No.51094121

Curious how the biggest male collaber in the company didn't even acknowledge them beyond a retweet

>> No.51094309

Non and Shiki has collabed with more males than she had. Watch her yourself and don't believe everything the thread feeds you.

>> No.51094593

That's an impostor account, the real one is @2426 and has verified official artist channel mark.

>> No.51095086

>prism gets males
>kawaii gets a new gen
it's all so tiresome

>> No.51095450

Idol got a new gen too, no males

>> No.51095993

hey, do you guys sell popcorn to tourists?

>> No.51096020

Feel free to laugh at us all you want

>> No.51096207

We don't have butter or salt so you get this dry as fuck bucket

>> No.51096351

I want to kms myself

>> No.51097687

>biggest male collaber in the company
No shiki talked about them plenty actually

>> No.51097734

Kawaii got a new one already?

>> No.51098018

Just opening auditions i think

>> No.51099149

Shiki... why...?

>> No.51099219

It's over

>> No.51099460

Yura in VR is very cute. that yelp when she first saw a stalker....my heart....

>> No.51099768

It's kouver

>> No.51099832

>Used to let a stream run in the background to support at night when i can't watch
>Now there is a chance i will be redirected to one of the homocollaber, and to one of the homo themselve
Fucking hell man...

>> No.51100037
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, 1686402222616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing im looking forward to today

>> No.51100698

Kou is cute!

>> No.51100755

I don't believe you, post proof

>> No.51101042
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>> No.51101362

Kou eating our bananas and polishing our drills...

>> No.51101411

Didn't watch so idk

>> No.51101701

meno is here

>> No.51102018

Kou is suffering from banana overdose

>> No.51102032

watch meno, she doesnt know how to raid

>> No.51102171

I was talking about the new male generation you retard, but you probably enjoy being cucked so i guess you wouldn't consider it a bad thing

>> No.51102264


>> No.51102311

What the hell is this shit, its the vtuber corpo version of " diversity is our strength". Sad days ahead

>> No.51102345

>he actually thinks there's literally anything a streamer controlling an animu puppet could do, that would constitute cuckoldry
This is your brain on /pkg/.

>> No.51102383

>wake up early to catch Kou stream
>it's already been going for an hour
>she rescheduled to accommodate males
Great, I was looking for a reason to anti them.

>> No.51102863

You're being very female-presenting right now.

>> No.51102964

your jun guy is very cute, he's like a golden retriever

>> No.51103084

Didn't take long huh?

>> No.51103135

Are any Prism agents showing at Offkai Expo?

>> No.51103142

Jun cute

>> No.51103186

those niggas are a little too gay for me but i wish them well

>> No.51103190

Shiki please marry me

>> No.51103192

Shiki is showing her southern milk bags in an alley behind the venue if that counts

>> No.51103440

I mean they’re new they always do this they did it for gen 5 it’s like you guys get off on crying

>> No.51103488

Didn’t you guys want them to be gay?

>> No.51103527

i am not whoever you are thinking i am or thinking whatever you think i think.

>> No.51103644

they have to be both at the same time
>gay: not interacting with the prism girls
>not gay: actual brotubers and not some feminine faggot loser

>> No.51103955

i know you guys hate men and all, but, gosh, Jun is so cute i've been blushing the entire stream

>> No.51104029

Rita I love you I'm sorry I called you a whore I think we can still make this work

>> No.51104061
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>> No.51104144

Kou is surrounded by bananas
38 bananas

>> No.51104152

So Ami is basically the only reason Gen 5 didn't end up as a mixed gen with 5 members ?

>> No.51104199

Anon is a whore

>> No.51104355

>Shiki interacting with Menace
Very cute.

>> No.51104471

god he's such a himbo, i love him

>> No.51105110

Already happened.

>> No.51106308

>meno watched kou in bathtub

>> No.51106539

>Jun's debut stream vod has been edited, there's a cut at 25 minutes
>no chat replay because of it, but even the on-screen chat box is empty for most of the stream
I wasn't there live and haven't seen anyone talk about it in the previous thread, what happened?

>> No.51106587

Ask shiki, she's the only one who watched it

>> No.51106640

Jun called Yura a whore and slapped Shoguns ass

>> No.51106660

Can you provide a timestamp before the cut?

>> No.51106954

im not a chrischan faggot like most of this board and watched the dudes debuts.
the jun guy is an apex zoomer and the other guy is some bfe shit.
that's pretty horrible hires, but at least unlike luxiem, they're not going to be popular at all.

(on the other hand, that means if they lose 90% of their viewer base like luxiem did, they'd still have 0 viewers)

>> No.51107355
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Wrassling is starting again, go root for Meno!

>> No.51107486

>up against /eien/
My heart aaaaaaah

>> No.51107572

chatbox was just broked unrelated to the vod being edited, it was like that live. watched live and can't really think of anything that happened that would have any reason to be edited out, either.

>> No.51107622

Nevermind, now I'm suddenly getting the chat replay. I guess it's just youtube being shit and they they didn't edit it.
I was talking about https://youtu.be/3UNdzIrxS98?t=1492, I assume this was just his internet cutting out for a moment then

>> No.51107740 [DELETED] 

`Kiki can do backflips like that (-5)

>> No.51108047

I don't remember anything standing out there, I think it was just him being very in-character. So no clue, maybe it was just a hiccup.

>> No.51108296

Ami HATES me specifically

>> No.51109039

oh I remember this. the guy kept up the act like he climbed up there and was breathing really hard to catch his breathe. but he kept the bit going for way too long, like almost 2 minutes, he was practically moaning.

>> No.51109731

Ami and Rita idol collab restored my hope for PRISM

>> No.51110373


>> No.51111723


were up on the wrestling thingy against eien pcg and swarm

>> No.51111779

wait im retarded, one more before it

>> No.51113951

Meno fighting on lotb now

>> No.51114185


>> No.51114544

Is that Sakana? why is she fighting her own child?

>> No.51114807


>> No.51114865

kino as fuck

>> No.51114879

Didn't work, she just got corrected
it was a fun match, reminded me of the old VGCW

>> No.51114907

Meno goes through! she'll be fighting next friday again

>> No.51115081

looking forward to it!

>> No.51115827


>> No.51117203

I love Ami. Ami Mizuno that is. :^)

>> No.51119885

>Page 10 Project

>> No.51119971

Looks like we are more dead than normal. No streams too.

>> No.51120253

Lol, lmao even

>> No.51120320

This brat needs correction!

>> No.51121352

Lana duo ASMR allegedly at some point

>> No.51121403

Lana ASMR collab


>> No.51121448


>> No.51121552

this is hot

>> No.51122149

>no kisses
its so fucking over. Fuck you susan

>> No.51122241

No naki kisses...

>> No.51122308

I love my wife Lana!

>> No.51122795

I think i'm going to fall in love with Spec

>> No.51123675

anon whore

>> No.51124277

I love you ppg even despite your various unmedicated mental illnesses

>> No.51124308

since you guys never post your girls
Frog is live

>> No.51124336

I'm posting in uoh now

>> No.51125012

Ami talking about 18+ VNs in a sponsored wholesome stream

>> No.51125054

She's down to voice in a VN, even if it's eroge

>> No.51125629

Some of the girls get posted most of the time when they stream but I don't think the anons here in the past few weeks are in the mood for anything,

>> No.51126809
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>> No.51128107

Is Sara's attention hoarder still here?

>> No.51128162

why else would i not post a link to her stream? nerd

>> No.51128235

Is archiechad dead? or has he abandoned us? was he just in it for clipping moments for attention?

>> No.51128285

He said on the discord that he's going through a rough moment in his life.

>> No.51128591
File: 1.45 MB, 1458x688, 1669690134725510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fell asleep 20 minutes in. did i miss any sex?

>> No.51128632

yeah but it was with me, sorry

>> No.51129622

so he’s poor like us then…archie should become a vtuber then

>> No.51130296

cutest sheep in the world

>> No.51130550

Nia pleases old men for money

>> No.51130590

Ami debut stream highlight video

>> No.51130656

yeah, me

>> No.51131225

That's what all chuubas do, Nia. You're entertainers

>> No.51131369

Kino stream

>> No.51131913

did Lana do any members only asmr streams yet?

>> No.51132201

blades? alcohol? vodka? you want it? its yours my friend. if you have the rubees

>> No.51132271

the gogonippon girls used to talk about how much they liked rance in their streams
but to be fair they were managed by the site that released it to the west...

>> No.51132270 [SPOILER] 
File: 214 KB, 867x345, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51132428

Im gonna hear her humming in my sleep, i love this

>> No.51132451

how good is it?

>> No.51133277

>appears in your room
>makes you get on your knees and worship her blazing rod
>she sun bursts loudly

>> No.51133452


>> No.51133760

Sara, Rita, Lana, and Ami group collab next week!

>> No.51133843

>Idols vs Oceania

>> No.51133971
File: 1.04 MB, 1285x726, 1667292207740822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this

>> No.51134133

just a little bit of happiness for us anons that suffered so much recently

>> No.51134229
File: 1.04 MB, 1183x900, Screenshot 2023-05-30 231741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51134660

the cutest tuber

>> No.51135244

I need to impregnate Rita

>> No.51135257


>> No.51135367

Uno confirmed alive in sheep's chat

>> No.51136003

Only 2 more hours...

>> No.51137349

red guy valorant

>> No.51137403

Nia is my girlfriend

>> No.51137485

Shiki doesn't even remember his name...

>> No.51137671

Did Yuki get raided? He's already at 40 ccv first stream while Jun is at the 10's

>> No.51138219

What Is Nanamona doing?

>> No.51138259

Jun got 100ccv his first zatsudan stream in the morning

>> No.51140837
File: 886 KB, 1265x1355, 1685850487784761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her best.

>> No.51140936
File: 257 KB, 683x672, holykekprismsisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idol gen2 girls have more waiting for a debut 4 days away than our boys have live viewers

>> No.51141066

Sony needs to buy ads instead of being cheapskates

>> No.51141161

has Sony actually done anything other than just being a name?

>> No.51141230

Caused thread schizoing

>> No.51141229

I'm waiting for chips return too

>> No.51141445

Sony gave us Males. Sorry I meant male representing vtubers.

>> No.51141453
File: 829 KB, 1000x563, 1657858951080257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually do buy ads, just not for us

>> No.51141540

Jun has some pretty good energy, it's just unfortunate he has the male debuff.

>> No.51141616

i think kou mentioned that gen 5 had ads go out

>> No.51141644

Jun is actually entertaining, shame he has a penis

>> No.51141739

it's time

>> No.51141745

Naki GFE!

>> No.51141922

She mentioned that they wished ads went out but afaik there weren't any

>> No.51141968

Finally some true PRISM content

>> No.51142424

>giving everyone an individual chu
She is too powerful.

>> No.51142557

She's the savior this company needs

>> No.51142617

Carrying prism on her back

>> No.51142749

Naki is actually entertaining, shame she has no penis

>> No.51142761

Why is her mic worst than meno's?

>> No.51142908

She was going to use the ASMR mic, but there's people drilling in the next house over

>> No.51142947

>Overlapping with the boys first streams
>trying to steal the catnip cartel by giving chus

Naki is even more of a snake than Sara!

>> No.51143042

lmao even
>nia got beaten at her own game
maybe try better next corp nia whore

>> No.51143094

I can't do GFE at all, I just cringe.

>> No.51143163

The males could literally crash the entire company with schizos by just saying something in Naki's chat right now

>> No.51143489

Consensual kissing with Naki for the purpose of expressing our love for each other while her Hairloops watch!

>> No.51143908

I like the idea that buying ads that people skip anyway is considered “doing something”

>> No.51143988

is it wrong to like /wool/ more than here atm?
it seems like people invade this thread now

>> No.51143995

No there were just not YouTube ads.

>> No.51144071

wool doesnt have a gender war

>> No.51144576

>ASMR mic is on
I'm not gonna make it...

>> No.51144691

Idol actually does ad campaigns during their donothons, and theres a surprising number of people who show up because they saw an ad. Getting a youtube ad and seeing a vtuber pop up is a little different than a lot of the other shit that gets advertised.

>> No.51144891

You replied to the wrong person but anyway I’m not understanding how “doing something” just means buying a ad for someone and calling it a day.

>> No.51144991

homewrecker Naki...

>> No.51145015

I'm sorry I'm retarded

>> No.51145052

>Mugging Yura's content
She keeps getting better

>> No.51145270

Naki is getting too powerful

>> No.51145561

Cute sheep has been the convenience store background music for 3 hours.

>> No.51145718

Oji Naki...

>> No.51145902

goodnight ppg, dont forget to get a chu from naki

>> No.51145993

Yandere Naki is too powerful

>> No.51146975

Jun's raiding Naki, i'm sorry unicorns...

>> No.51147009

>Male raid

>> No.51147016


>> No.51147109

go sheep go

>> No.51147242

So whose more upset, me for the raid or the sisters who were raided into naki kisses?

>> No.51147260

fuck you Jun I will now anti and to think I gave you a chance

>> No.51147298


>> No.51147342

the sisters for sure

>> No.51147587


>> No.51147766

One sister is absolutely loving this, just want all the sisters out of the chat and Jun especially

>> No.51147805

The sisters can't have this one. The only repentance I'll accept is him killing Nia and himself on stream

>> No.51148470

Sorry but extreme Xs on this one

>> No.51148535 [DELETED] 

Gotta agree with this. I stoll see a few sisters in chat

>> No.51148701

Gotta agree with this. I still see a few sisters in chat

>> No.51148755

The way I see it theres one group that will watch males and females, and another that thinks that their oshi will get pregnant if she hears a male voice.

>> No.51148932

I don't really care about the raid but I hate knowing that the faggot is /here/ and he's trying to ruin Naki's stuff like nijien faggots do all the time.

>> No.51149064

Can confirm, I got my oshi pregnant when I sent my singing voice on twitter

>> No.51149149

sorry, i thought it was obviously a joke when myself or others pretend to be yet-to-debut or recently-debuted vtubers in their respective threads. needless to say i am not red guy

>> No.51149214

Yeah I can kinda agree with this, he clearly sees the stream title... like this isn't an intimate stream for her community or anything. I would care a lot less if it was dredge tomorrow or something.

>> No.51149229

even if you are not there is zero chance they are not here

>> No.51149241

>raiding ASMR from Valo
>Nonn's birthday was 40 minutes out anyway
Sisters and/or gays explain

>> No.51149330

either he knows and wanted to crash it
or he didn't give a shit about whatever he was raiding like a clueless motherfucker

>> No.51149385

>he's trying to ruin Naki's stuff like nijien faggots do all the time.
You make it sound like its his intention to ruin Naki's content or something

>> No.51149456

He knows she didn't show up for debut yesterday, man holds a grudge.

>> No.51149485

viewers are viewers dude it's not some evil plot

>> No.51149519

>She didn't show up for debut
Ok i forgive her

>> No.51149614

no fuck that guy he can go die

>> No.51149655

Yet no one is talking about Aoi doing a donothon a few days before Nonn’s birthday donothon, milking away any potential donation

>> No.51149730

I got us a beeg Naki and you fags would rather talk about the homos

>> No.51149740

And this is the reason why I hate en male vtubers. You will never see the VEE dudes doing shit like this to fuck with the girls content

>> No.51149795

Peen doesn't watch Non

>> No.51149821


>> No.51149846
File: 640 KB, 717x580, ni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51150008

Oh I'm paying more attention to Naki than here, I'm just questioning if he even noticed nor cared about what the stream was.

>> No.51150016

What is more likely, that he just raided into the first person he saw, or that him raiding is all a secret plot to ruin Naki's ASMR?

>> No.51150026

I'm loving this new future of Prism Project

>> No.51150080

One of them ghosted the company and the other one is male(female)

>> No.51150124

Jesus there is less crying baby's in a nursery than in here.

>> No.51150226

he had to do a manual raid he of course saw and still decided to do it

>> No.51150280

>he's just a subhuman that can't do the bare minimum every streamer does
Cool stuff sis

>> No.51150284

There's still two dudes there. I think the only time they interact with the girls on a stream is when they have to record the tv thing.

>> No.51150417

You almost wouldn't believe adults are in this thread because all of the whining.

>> No.51150430

Nonn started

>> No.51150444

Jun, stop calling Naki cause you're mad at us

>> No.51150485

Sorry, Jesus is on vacation, but I’ll sing a nursery rhyme for them

>> No.51150564

i forgot about Uriyone, its just him and oshiro male(female)

>> No.51150566

Jun can't even raid yet, his channel doesn't have enough subs. Did he manual 'raid'?

>> No.51150589

>Iku retweeting the boys as hard as possible to get rid of her shitty unicorn fanbase and concernfags
You go sista

>> No.51150616

man that's so fucking sad

>> No.51150698

>I hope the girls hate the new males as much as I do

>> No.51150748

I don't think Ito is a girl. He also panders to korean girls and they are probably 100 times more insane than a male vtuber hater from here.

>> No.51150781

that voice is 100% female

>> No.51150862

With that happening after what she said in the space Naki probably hates him more than I do now

>> No.51150915

I don't hate the guys per se. I just think one is a faggot and the other is fujo bait. As long as they don't creep on the girls in chat or Twitter, idgaf. I might watch the fujobait but the fag, especially after this, isn't getting any of my viewership.

>> No.51150941

That's what I'm thinking.
Mew is the male(female) anon

>> No.51150973

Mew is Female(Female)

>> No.51151057

Forgot about the princess part. You are right.

>> No.51151195
File: 141 KB, 986x986, FS-OK67UUAE6RI6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime she kisses i feel ghood and then the mouse this asmr is conditioning me to get erect to mouse clicks.

>> No.51151228

I need her hairloops to give me a kiss

>> No.51151302

how would this even work?

>> No.51151344

why is non going to kiss poop. i really hope she does not

>> No.51151372

Remember that one time you were having sex with your girlfriend and your bro busts through the door with his band of Niji fans and then she starts having sex with all of them too? Now that was a funny prank, we're gonna be laughing about that one for years haha

>> No.51151385

she already did

>> No.51151426

go back to when she first zoomed in, its why she zoomed in

>> No.51151436

She's honestly groomed me and conditioned my to crave her and her kisses at this point

>> No.51151447

Let her express herself, im gonna get those same shit stained lips to give me chu's, and the thought excites me

>> No.51151496

Shiki, please don't just leak /here/ content to Naki in middle of her stream.

>> No.51151514

the fuckign slurps

>> No.51151593
File: 57 KB, 586x604, FP0_qb2XIAsnscz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiki join naki in vc and help her with the kisses

>> No.51151679

Sorry shiki but this is naki's chu session
Go make your own.

>> No.51151751

Is Non going to even survive her birthday stream?

>> No.51151758

>Naki finally start getting more viewers
>faggot instantly tries to sabotage her
I feel bad for her.

>> No.51151793

Naki's vibrator turned on mid stream...

>> No.51151795

He might not be the the fujotrap asmr dude, but still quite handsome
I'd lick his nipples, if he had any

>> No.51151824

I like how i can hear it on the mic before naki can

>> No.51151847

go to >>>/vt//cbdct/ if you want to horny post about males

>> No.51151911

She's still going somehow...

>> No.51151926

>tons of vibration sounds
>start doing more and more sussy sounds in between the kisses
she said she was edgy earlier this stream, but I think she meant edging
>mute stream
RIP Naki, she went beyond the edge

>> No.51151947

Technically this is also the place for hornyposts. I dont wqtch the guys either but its fair if i can horny post about wanting to get pegged by nons carrot

>> No.51152075

god Naki is so cute

>> No.51152130

baked already because I'm going to sleep and no idea if the original baker is still here

>> No.51152132

When did Naki get this way

>> No.51152271

When they changed the VA

>> No.51152755
File: 143 KB, 512x512, nakiCry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naki why

>> No.51153047


>> No.51153054
File: 158 KB, 512x512, nakiLove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this si real GFE, damn naki. you're doing good

>> No.51153615
File: 409 KB, 898x350, 1665794217509743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i gotta do to get a chu?

>> No.51153647


>> No.51153958

She took her pills, now it's time to take yours too and be all lovely lovely dovey with us like she's doing

>> No.51155458

It's fine, probably better than the first half. Still not enough triggers.
