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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.51039439
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I love my cute and dorky bro Skye!

>> No.51039510
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>> No.51039751


>> No.51040402
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In case the infinity here collapses I found a new infinity

>> No.51040792

∞ here collapsed when Riifu had to leave
Say what you want about the riitards and riiflings, they had the most unity memberships and a lot of them left after the Riifu drama.

>> No.51040884

the fuck is that?

>> No.51041555

Honest answers only, how long until EIEN release an announcement stating that they stop their activity and allow the girls to keep going as indies?
Personal bet is 4 months

>> No.51041619

Fucking love this cunny corpo, I just hope that none of them turn out to be as evil as kiki

>> No.51041696

I dont believe a chuuba can do worse than Kiki without doing it on purpose just to prove a point

>> No.51041805

my bet is 9 months. Contracts until then and no reason to stop operating when most of the costs are already paid for. Not sure how worth it is for the girls since the donations don't seem to be enough to sustain them.
Guess Skye was right in renegotiating the contract so she can work on the side.

>> No.51041838

new idol gen debut going to kill eien? likely. blue kiki, dragon skye, octopus kilia.

>> No.51041850

Reminder that "Lord of the Board" is later and Kilia will be a featured fighter in the 20 Man Rumble >>51039711

>> No.51041864

My personal favorite is the cunny clown

>> No.51041959

Makes sense. They'll probably bet on the birthday donothons to bring in money.

>> No.51042016

Even Gen2 won't save EIEN. Any woman dumb enough to audition after everything that happened will not make it as a chuuba.

>> No.51042138

Idk there must be a big amount of indies who are desperate to join a corpo, of course the quality would be low but I'm sure that there will be enough applicants for an audition

>> No.51042176

Joining EIEN now would be a heavy stain if you plan to go further than that, though.

>> No.51042215

Anal with kiki.

>> No.51042255

>using a hole that a flip fills all the nights

>> No.51042267

Heard one of them might be Riifu

>> No.51042287

How did Eien burn down so quickly ? Was it that they focused so much on GFE?

>> No.51042288

Group anal with kiki.

>> No.51042320

Yeah I heard the same thing from my sleep paralysis demon

>> No.51042331


>> No.51042345

shut up broxigar

>> No.51042390

After the whole riifu thing I still watch kilia and skye from time to time but no longer donate. I don't see this corp sticking around for a long time but if they prove me wrong and do I'll probably donate after a year or something.
I don't think any possible applicants will want to join and really help the company grow after seeing what has happened. They'll join for a quick cash grab, stream the minimum required hours, then dip when they can. They will probably stick around for a donothon and dip after they get their money.

>> No.51042462

No. It was that they couldnt support a talent that needed it, and failed to show the flexibility needed for such a small corpo. They also failed by hiring someone like Kiki, without doing a background check, or at least without teaching her basic opsec if Eri is evil.
Overall, they just tried to act like a big corpo when they're literal whos. They targeted the wrong audience. Everything they do lacks sense, even when it comes to chosing the artists/editors they work with.
I still like Skye though, they did a good job at scouting her.
Kilia is cool too, but she's either a bad liar or incredibly retarded too.

>> No.51042682

>she's either a bad liar or incredibly retarded too.
What is that supposed to mean?

>> No.51042729

Yeah I can see that. The whole Riifu incident did kind of fuck them. She was their most talented and was growing quite steadily. Kiki doesn't bring anything to the table despite her poor opsec. I feel their growth was hampered but unclear direction and audience. I wonder why Kilia and Skye's growth slowed down. They've each only gained roughly 1k followers since the Kiki ordeal.
Also what do you mean by the bad liar? I think she might retraded she's a Brit after all

>> No.51042775

Riifu being the most popular does not mean she was the most talented.
She said herself she was not early as talented as the other girls, which is true. But her quitting definitely did hurt the company’s chances for future success.

>> No.51042808

>Kilia: oct 21st
>Skye: jan 13th
Not really something that is close enough to be counted on.
I have looked at the membership numbers and things aren't looking that bad actually. If we take Skye for example, we know for certain she has at least 250 members. If we do a retardedly low estimate, we can say that only 100 are T2 (and nothing above) + 150 T1. If we also consider yt taking 30%, EIEN taking 30% before the yt cut, meaning the girls only get 40% of the total cost, we can estimate that Skye earns BARE MINIMUM 420$ a month from memberships alone. Not an insane number by any stretch, but something that you can live off of.

>> No.51042940

well 420 for flips should be good enough kek

>> No.51043037

I just mean, and I've seen many people agree with that, that she sounds fake as fuck when she talks about herself or about her fanbase. What I mean is either she lies a lot and it shows, either she doesnt lie at all but that means she's really dumb as fuck.

>> No.51043081

So there are still riitards left in these threads. I agree Eri should of done background checks then she would of never hired Riifu.

>> No.51043123

If that helps you cope, Rav, sure

>> No.51043132

The thread is and always has been over 50% Riitards…why are you acting like it’s some grand revelation?

>> No.51043140

>I wonder why Kilia and Skye's growth slowed down
You can't blame everything on the mishaps of the other talents. Their growth slowed down because they are not interesting. Nothing about them is grabbing anyone's attention anymore. Even I'm getting bored of kilia when she was the one I was into the most.

>> No.51043179


>> No.51043180

looked at a few articles
>average flip FAMILY spends around 400$ a month
yep, it checks out, Skye and Kiki aren't going anywhere any time soon.

>> No.51043185

Talent isn't an indication for success. Popularity here is, McDonalds isn't the most nutritionist but people have it anyway. Riifu was similar she was unique enough to attract an audience and easy to watch thus meaning her popularity kept growing. I think she would have been the first to reach 15k. Unlike Kilia who has a great singing voice or Skye who understands games. Riifu was just easier to watch.

>> No.51043205

p-chan will fuck your oshi

>> No.51043211

Or maybe you're just schizos? Sounding "fake as fuck" doesn't mean anything. Kilia's never been caught in a lie despite all that. Meanwhile Kiki didn't get called fake and we know what happened.

>> No.51043232

Most have switched to vrev or just fucked off. I usually only see depressed riiflings around here anymore talking about how Riifu is surely going to come back for them for the third time.

>> No.51043260

maybe some indies with a savior complex will come around and try to make it better
highly doubt that though

>> No.51043297

It does mean something anon, it's not my fault if your social awareness is so abysmally weak that you can't understand such a simple concept.
And I agree, Kiki is a good liar.

>> No.51043312
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I don't get that she lies. She sounds like your average British girl trying to keep in check.

Kilia's case is she went on holiday and stopped making engaging content. Compare her ranking and Zatsudan stream to her vidya streams and you see so much more. While her Vidya choice is Zatsudan friendly she isn't as clippabe

>> No.51043364

To be fair, these kind of streams ALWAYS make more views.

>> No.51043439

This is what I said before.
Skye and kiki have a golden ticket, they don't want to leave even if things are actually bad for them. Because the alternative is a lot worse, here they can have fun and play videogames and chat to people that really like them for a living. Which is 100x better than slaving away at a shitty desk job or harvesting melons or something.
Kilia can use this in her CV to make her singing career vtuber content better as she climbs the ladder and Riifu did not give a rats cock in hell about money. She just wanted to have a good time, build up the company and her genmates with milestones like 3d debuts and build her own wholesome community.
She was not willing to be shackled or mistreated whether you would agree with that view or not.

>> No.51043515

>the donations don't seem to be enough to sustain them.
at least Kilia quitted one of her "hustles" thanks to dono money

>> No.51043546

wait what? Also I can imagine her hustle being some shitty tesco 9:00-17:00

>> No.51043558

Kiki is a very good liar, she just has TERRIBLE opsec and somehow didn't realize that schizos from kiwifarms would look into her private old accounts and post things around for fun.

>> No.51043618

It was a while back, she said that she didn't have to wake up early any more because she quitted

>> No.51043665

at least kilia has 2-3 regular highest tier members

>> No.51043701

This just gave me an interesting idea. All 3 girls have the highest numbers during their zatsu streams/stream segments. Can't speak for Kilia, but Kiki was always the strongest (content wise) when she was talking with chat. People will tell you that they love when she nerds out about games, but it can be heard that she has no idea what she is talking about, it just gets repetative after 15 minutes of talking. Even if she is talking about pixelart, her "profession", it is surface level at best. Skye is just... a chatterbox. She almost never talks about games, maybe explains mechanics a bit, and talks about random shit the rest of the time. Thinking about it, even Skye that is not GFE in any sense is a chuuba for lonely men that want to talk to somebody. What is the problem with that? They are not clipable, almost at all. They don't attract casual viewers. You must be pretty invested in a chuuba to enjoy just talking to them. The rest isn't helping them. Yabs, vacations, sickness, all fucked them over with collabs and nipped their growth at the start.

>> No.51043879

Makes sense. Clips is how you bring in new viewers cos they're the taster. It's also why I think Riifu was so popular cos there was that one clip of "Council houses" that circulated the net.
This anon clips stuff
But you could probs map his clips onto their rise and falls. If you look at IdolEn's success Rin clips herself (she has others do it for fun too) but they've managed in such a way they blow up. Shorts don't translate cos their curated content while clips are a sneak peak and you want to see it in full context

>> No.51043984

that's true
I think only Kilia has one or two clippers so far? But most of the things I've seen from them is weak coomerbait

>> No.51044217

Can confirm I only post now when depressed missing Riifu, and feel the need to call people attcking her retards. Everything else I just ignore and don't care. I watch kilia a little, but nearly as much as I used to.

>> No.51044433

Forgive me for this, but i watch nagzz vtuber clip watchalongs on yt
It is a pretty good look at what the average chuuba watcher wants to see. Out of everyone in EIEN, only Kilia has been featured with 2 clips. Unfortunately both are her classic loud=funny screaming about some random shit. To numberfag a bit, those videos get about 50k views on average, just on yt and I personally have not seen even a slight increase in Kilias numbers either time.
Also I know Skye has a few "clippers" but I personally have never seen a clip of her on yt, they only share it on discord and maybe twitter. Not really helping since the best way to get eyes on a chuuba is to try to catch the algorithm on yt.

>> No.51044693

I can agree. As hated as some clippers are like Cooksie they do push a lot of people towards the vtuber. Even Nagzz as you said or even koefficient get a lot of eyes on their stuff even though Koe usually focuses more on Hololive which doesn't really need any publicity. The other way I suppose is do it the jew way like Idol and just spam ads but that probably costs a lot of money that EIEN doesn't have.

>> No.51044763

Can also confirm. I can't stop baking anymore and missing Riifu. I still don't shit up the threads though, but will defend Riifu if something ridiculous gets posted.

>> No.51044770

Yes I'm sure you have amazing social awareness as well random vt/fag

>> No.51044862

You project yourself onto everyone else on this board to cope, don't you?

>> No.51045016

Hair, my beloved, why did you leave me?..

>> No.51045081

It's okay Rav. Hair doesn't matter just like everything else right?

>> No.51045107
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Why not getting a really good artist with decent following to make fan art for the girls if you want to bring in new fans. Skye's JP audience came from her mama's following you know?

>> No.51045171

Don't worry! Eri fixed it already!

>> No.51045394

Could be useful, but again, people need to get invested. Skye has a wide array of characters that can be put in any setting, but commissioning good artists takes time to open their comms and quite a bit of money with no real guarantee that it will result in any kind of following.
Casting a wider net with skeb artists might be a better idea, just so there is some art of the girls to share.

>> No.51045664

kilias simping hard trying to befriend the new idol girls, probably wishing she applied to idol instead kek

>> No.51045737

I would be too, Aviel is a handsome and smart Jewish lad. Much more fitting for a CEO position than Eri.

>> No.51045893

>man with experience and proper education (also a jew)
>flip whore literal who under 10k subs in 3 years
hmm, what a hard choice

>> No.51045975

I don't think idol would want kilia. She is not good enough for them if we go by her streams.

>> No.51045993

Aviel is that you... Are you selfposting here?

>> No.51046047

No, I’m simply EIEN’s shadow CEO. A distant relative of Aviel.

>> No.51046346

Ah okay, very good!

>> No.51046487

Shadow CEO-sama’s, please hire a better gen 2 for eien asap please

>> No.51046550

Hey don’t say that about the NSA rat

>> No.51046651

I mean she’s an indie who did everything herself, what do you expect. Also, technically she was only active for like 2 years and also had a lot of breaks in between while also switching over to Twitch.

>> No.51046677

Lotb is happening btw, Kilia is still in

>> No.51046733


>> No.51046763

How does he feel about Kiki masturbating to a bunch of horny viewers for money?

>> No.51046917

make eien2 or eien:remastered so we can forget about this disaster

>> No.51047079

My hands are figuratively and literally tied by Eri most of the time now. I’m nothing but a moneybag for EIEN at this point, my decision making is being severely limited.
I will confirm that Gen 2 is coming sooner than you might think. A list of potential hires has already been made and is growing every week. As to whether they will save the company…I really don’t know.

>> No.51047123

Another reason why letting go of Riifu a mistake. Several of her fans had commissions rolling up until and even slightly after she left, and those commissions have pretty much all stopped.
They're really lucky that Skye can draw Lunaris is still obsessed with Kiki.

>> No.51047127

Auditions haven’t even opened. You’re funny.

>> No.51047192

How many times do we have to say that they didn’t let go of Riifu? They never wanted that and they know it hurts the company a lot. It was Riifu that quit, please let that sink in.

>> No.51047240


>> No.51047258

You should learn to read.

>> No.51047318

Riiflings still coping that Riifu quit on her own and wasn't let go.

>> No.51047346

Yeah you said “a list of potential hires”, why would there be a list if the auditions haven’t opened yet?

>> No.51047433

CEO Eri here. ama

>> No.51047460

When is it my turn to mating press you?

>> No.51047472

You responded to the wrong anon by the way

>> No.51047485

When can I mating press you?

>> No.51047497

Even grudge baker anon left us... i miss our dead hour threads

>> No.51047523

Talent scouting of interested individuals and people who Eri would potentially want to hire is what they meant I'm assuming. If Eri already knew people that she wanted to employ they may get reached out to preemptively, before general auditions are opened.

>> No.51047542

Post your flip pussy with timestamp and apology and we might forgive you.
Maybe. Potentially.

>> No.51047564

Are you going to open up new mod positions or are you just going to stick who you have left?

>> No.51047569
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Don't worry, I usually bake when I don't see a thread up for a couple of hours. Dead hour threads never stop

>> No.51047580

Who do you think baked this one? I just couldn't be on 24/7 but as long as that last song in the OP is there, there's a good chance that it's me.

>> No.51047759

But she herself said she quit…

>> No.51047782
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>> No.51047812

Oh that makes sense. Are there any indie vtubers that you all would want to see in gen 2? Besides Mel…

>> No.51048004

Plenty of mods left so we don’t gotta worry about that bud.

>> No.51048072

Retard letting her go could just be a figure of speech meaning they didn't try harder to keep her around.

>> No.51048191

How is the pink one called

>> No.51048213

didn’t mel already rebrand as ichigo

also it makes sense for Eri to scout indies this gen instead of opening auditions, less things can backfire. though i would like to see a unique rando like Riifu was

>> No.51048218

Lying Whore

>> No.51048231

Kiki GFE

>> No.51048263

Will you rehire exmod now that you have lack of mods?

>> No.51048292

Hire an actual whore from a brothel, choose the least ugly, I think she will gladly agree to work. EIEN already has the right audience, and paypigs could also date her irl for cash without any problems. A really good plan

>> No.51048349

kilia baits clips all the time
someone said they found her from the vaporeon copy pasta
big c(l)ock

>> No.51048362 [DELETED] 
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Kiki BF

>> No.51048403

Do you really think a completely new company didn’t try hard to keep one of their 1st gen talents? Eri was always bragging about the 4 of them saying she was proud and that each were perfect for gen 1. I really think they tried their hardest to keep her but you can’t stop someone who just doesn’t work out anymore and wants to be fired.

>> No.51048580

There’s still like 10 mods after the others were removed so there’s not a lack at all.

>> No.51049295

Yes I belive she didn't try.

>> No.51049464

The vaporeon copypasta wasn't even her idea it was a punishment from the first eien collab

>> No.51050230

>but if I read it here somebody has to clip it

>> No.51050580

Reading Riifu’s comment here hurts like a brick… I guess she couldn’t make them proud after all.

>> No.51050669


>> No.51050668

She still has a chance

>> No.51050824


>> No.51050849


>> No.51051000

Damn, what the hell happened behind the scenes? Obviously Riifu is menhera but what was the point of no return? I doubt we’ll ever know…

>> No.51051530

You people over use menhera. What do you expect to happen when you have people stalking, and harassing you all the time, and in so many different places? Then you've got a corpo you join doing shady shit to you on top of all of it. Sooner or later you break down. There literally is only so much some people can deal with specially women.

>> No.51051591

Kilia is live

>> No.51051613

Shady shit like what?

>> No.51051686

hope there’s some decent questions on maro

>> No.51051740

Wow that's a whole lot of accusations, I'm sure you have some real proof to back it up and you aren't just talking out of your ass.

>> No.51051779

Tell me your definition of menhera, and tell me how it doesn't apply to Riifu.

>> No.51051845

Don't worry I asked her about her farts

>> No.51051855

Do you know what the goldwater rule is? You're a fucking smooth brain.

>> No.51051917


>> No.51051922

I love Riifu, and she has my full support!

>> No.51051944

Riifu herself said she was schizo. Try again.

>> No.51051946

The vaperon copy pasta shouldn't even be considered anymore, we've had almost all of holo live reference it and Niji too.

>> No.51051962

>Kilia fixed the peaking after all the complaining here

>> No.51052040

Sorry, I didn't realize you're a professional retard and can't give your opinion because of it.

>> No.51052052

Riifu is a self admitted schizo and menhera

>> No.51052074


>> No.51052106

>repeating meme internet stuff spergs say
Try again. You don't know what a real schizophrenic is.

>> No.51052139

I genuinely hate numberfags but what the fuck happened to Kilia’s CCV? Seemingly overnight it has dropped substantially for yesterday’s stream and today’s stream.

>> No.51052162

Might want to relay that to Riifu then and tell her that she isn't schizo and doesn't know what it means. I'm only relaying what she has said on stream, something you seem to not have done.

>> No.51052178

You think people only complain here? Or that the staff doesn’t watch the streams and give feedback?

>> No.51052214

>You think people only complain here?
They certainly don't in the hugbox of a discord

>> No.51052307

I understand why it was like that with the Undertale stream but it’s only been 15 minutes since she started this one so I’m hoping it goes around 100 before the one hour mark.

>> No.51052329

>I genuinely hate numberfags

>> No.51052335

>kilia says that she’s seiso


>> No.51052340

Maros brother. Maros.

>> No.51052393

I know what she has said. People gaslighting her for so long, and repeating it constantly as a way to dismiss things is the problem. Nobody really knows how she is offline. It's all armchair psychology.

>> No.51052476

>she's menhera!
>she's not!
It doesn't matter. She's a beautiful and lovely person.

>> No.51052495

I’m just curious as to what caused it, as far as I can tell there’s no real reason. All her previous undertale streams were successful and zatsudan/maro reading streams are usually get great viewership

>> No.51052564

this is some high levels of copium. You are doing the exact same thing by saying people are gaslighting her when you don't even know that.

>> No.51052800

>Killa wants to collab with Enna, Finana, Kronii

>> No.51052819

How coom are kiki's member streams? I want flip pussy and might get one if they are good

>> No.51052845

How new?

>> No.51052864

>you don't know if she's officially diagnosed.
>she is menhera!
>she is menhera!
>she is menhera!
Please just kill yourself. You lack some fundamental ability to comprehend this concept.

>> No.51052866

Last one got posted here, check the archives don't give her money

>> No.51052985

Kilia confirmed collabs with Rana and Erika. And now it seems like she hinted a collab with Ami. I guess she’s been working on these behind the scenes.

>> No.51052987

there really is no escape. it's all so tiresome

>> No.51053013

Riitards are really touchy today. The one constantly coming up with dumbass ideas like "No she really isn't schizo it's everyone else that is poisoning her!!" is telling me I lack fundamental abilities to comprehend things. I'll take her word over some random dumb fuck on 4chan.

>> No.51053123


>> No.51053225

Ami who?

>> No.51053238
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are you guys sending horny maros to kilia. i won't but im self inserting as you if you do

>> No.51053274

Ami from Prism Pro I would assume

>> No.51053648

> kilia mentions someone asked her how something smells

>> No.51053678

I don't think she did try and keep her.

>> No.51053679

I'm loving her so much. Why did she have to do what she did? If not for that I think I would have fallen for her

>> No.51053718 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.51053723

Based and true.

>> No.51053767

The fact all of them were in her debut was a real large red flag waving in the air for me.

>> No.51053895

I was in love with her unironically... Shit really hurt, don't let yourself get hurt. Best to just leave it alone.

>> No.51053917

Kiki is an ntrtuber without equal. Drop. Her.

>> No.51053922

All of them were in her debut???

>> No.51053986

As in, Vtubers that she really looked up to and liked a lot. Not that they were physically there, some vtubers were there and some of phase lurked and watched and followed her on twitter too but I dont think they said anything

>> No.51054155

Nice. Though is it even worth watching for coom purposes? I'm over her already so unless she is like schliking for real on stream, it's not worth it for me.

>> No.51054262

She confirmed in members channel that she didn't.

>> No.51054559


>> No.51054961
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Skye trimmed seven minutes and forty six seconds of the Monster Rancher VOD. The window that was cut out was during her BRB moment, where she struggled with her phone charger and some other piece of unspecified hardware. This was at the 3:28:21 mark.
It was quite cute.

I preshume she removed a little but too much, as part of explaining an aspect of the game mechanics was also excluded.

>> No.51055125
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we know, you are only 2 days late
still thanks for caring enough to share it

>> No.51055149
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Bro saw us falling in love because she was too cute on the karaoke stream and decided to cut any moments where she thinks it might trigger the gay in us again while we are recovering. Such a thoughtful soul...

>> No.51055155

I love it when Kilia tells me to go to bed because I have an unhealthy sleep schedule

>> No.51055224
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Please tell me it isn't so... I just want another hit of it, please. I'm not addicted, I can quit any time I want!

>> No.51055362

There's Zow's obligatory dog noises maro so he can go back and masturbate to it later

>> No.51055385

>not menhera
>2 minutes later

>> No.51055416
File: 56 KB, 341x108, 1685720693113634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sooner you make a full recovery, the sooner can she give you another hit of its! It's ups and downs, like a Rollercoaster!

>> No.51055602
File: 2.12 MB, 1483x827, 1633762537630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't escape her

>> No.51055673
File: 1.30 MB, 1018x791, 1683135018525070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed, Skye!

>> No.51055681

Kilia's up in Lord of the Board now

>> No.51055766
File: 318 KB, 476x476, 1682149854097796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe our bro is so cruel. Seeing us barely crawl away just to pull us back in

>> No.51055812

Link a brotha

>> No.51055926


>> No.51056201


>> No.51056371

Kiki legacy will be the chairs meme sales

>> No.51056601

lacks a certain spice, it’s definitely missing a hint of Filipino ballsack

>> No.51056617
File: 170 KB, 239x267, 1684691901862767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse! It's a Saturday tommorow, I can stay up late!

She just playin a little. I can bet you anything that the week you publicly announce that you are over the gay is the week we get another cute karaoke stream,

>> No.51056682

Kiliaposter is a chuuba?

>> No.51056680

I really want to know how she messed up so bad phase connect terminated her.

>> No.51056768
File: 1.22 MB, 750x1058, 1683578324284239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, teasing is a part of being a bro.
Still it doesn't feel right to lie about my affliction, even if i want that hit so bad... I guess I will just wait for it to pass.

>> No.51056818

They tried to talk it over and compromise multiple times, so whatever it was wasn’t instant termination worthy. It would be interesting to know the real reason though (not the schizo rrats that everybody keeps peddling)

>> No.51056828

so that's why he's mia...

>> No.51057105
File: 168 KB, 486x258, 1685830412760828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh but of course, a real bro doesn't lie to his homies to gain something, it has to come from the heart. And in turn, the karaoke will come from the heart as well!

>> No.51057914

I think Kilia has a setting where maros only get sent if you're logged in through Twitter, weird

>> No.51057944 [DELETED] 

If you'll allow me to be a numberfag for a minute. My current rrat is that the mods weren't just fired for the leaks. The sharp number drop at the same time brought to me the idea in a dream that they might have been botting the channels. Now we see real numbers as they've been excommunicated. This is just a schitzo rrat that has no basis in reality. I actually hope they manage to succeed.

>> No.51058052

Are you me? The same schizo rrat about botted viewership and subscriptions came to me in a dream last night.

>> No.51058675

Did she just call her dad a mf?

>> No.51058718 [SPOILER] 
File: 747 KB, 1400x700, 1655640955525711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51058781

I mean, she's technically right...

>> No.51058835

Every dad is a mf, unless that dad is a kichain, in which case... yikes.

>> No.51058877

Marshmallow just freezes for me :(

>> No.51058935


>> No.51059224

he's probably just busy anon...

>> No.51059388

I think the site is buggy as shit today, I sent a maro when she refreshed and somehow only half the maro made it in? And another maro I sent lost all punctuation for some reason

>> No.51059448
File: 748 KB, 1045x975, 1615252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kilia is good...

>> No.51059529

>say she likes Finana
>doesnt raid Finana as she was just starting too

>> No.51059609

Raiding other small corpos/indies make more sense, it's a way to build connections.

>> No.51059628

I like Kilia, but her taste in vtubers worries me.

>> No.51059659


>> No.51059713

I dont like it either but as long as she doesnt collab with males herself its fine to me.

>> No.51059778

Does kiki have no fanart? Why is she using her hand holding the plushie kichain for her schedule

>> No.51059785

Well she did raid Kiara that day and even got a response from her too. I feel like Nijis arent above collabing with smaller vtubers.

>> No.51059897

These damn idolen ads on youtube are annoying... Eri, be sure to make them for our gen 2 as well

>> No.51060086

She has a shitton of fanart, she probably just doesn't want to use Lunaris' art every time.

>> No.51060146

>Not having an adblock
>in 2023
Wtf is wrong with you...

>> No.51060224

I don't bother with ad blocks on my phone, i only have them on pc

>> No.51060242

But they're annoying you?

>> No.51060315

Oh for fucks sake, stop nitpicking. Holy shit

>> No.51060596

>These damn ads are annoying me
Why don't you use adlbock
>I don't bother
>Stop nitpicking holyshit

>> No.51060748

I literally never see ads, what's wrong with you people?
I will spoonfeed you something good. Install YouTube ReVanced if you are on phone. It will block all the ads. If you are on PC then why the fuck would you not have a ad blocker already

>> No.51063069

They put up ads for gen 1 so of course they’ll do it for gen 2

>> No.51064249

How was the Kilia stream? Been working so I couldn’t tune in for most of it.

>> No.51064414

maros themselves weren't that interesting but she spent a lot of time just chatting and telling personal stories, it was pretty fun overall

>> No.51064522

Any real standout moments, or just general Kilia cuteness? what was your favorite part?

>> No.51064755

mostly general Kilia cuteness, but I really liked that one childhood story she told about how she ruined her white dress by dumping an entire dish of curry on it.

>> No.51064819

Kilia's karaoke is in 20 days kek...i guess this is the price for actually preparing for it

>> No.51064854

riitard please watch streams...

>> No.51064856
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I miss...

>> No.51064882
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>> No.51064902
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>> No.51064995

We endure! Frozen in a stasis! Until one day we all breathe freedom! An independence not had before! We endure!

>> No.51065089
File: 543 KB, 1052x1044, 345678899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheri from vreverie mentioned Kilia, she was talking about the time Kilia shot the lake in resident evil and how she reacted

>> No.51065161
File: 444 KB, 900x900, YouBro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51065359

Funny you should mention that because I want to shoot my seed inside Kilia and Cheri.

>> No.51065473
File: 574 KB, 743x526, 1657683368880221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, she's taken by me

>> No.51065558


>> No.51065599

Imagine if EIEN had Cheri instead of Kiki…I’d feel so much better about the company’s future after Riifu quit.

>> No.51065608

It's a placeholder she's doing it on Monday or Tuesday

>> No.51065791
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>> No.51065839

>Kiki doesn't use the art of kichains for her schedule
What a BITCH

>> No.51065877

>Possessive GF RP

>> No.51065925

It was a donothon goal

>> No.51066040

why are you replying

>> No.51066613


>> No.51066780
File: 344 KB, 828x461, hdjdiskdididd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Lars still thinks about Bianca some days...

>> No.51067060
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>> No.51067099


>> No.51067129

I spotted gabe in Kilia's chat yesterday

>> No.51067209
File: 439 KB, 800x583, 1637252826282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate gabe after what he said about Riifu

>> No.51067478

What did he say

>> No.51067593
File: 321 KB, 538x538, 27363527363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he betrayed her

>> No.51067618
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>> No.51067701
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>> No.51067817
File: 3.85 MB, 2480x3508, Sample_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51068138


>> No.51069063

Love seeing the mods who got purged spamming the “Eri my beloved” sticker in the Eri Shrine channel…kek

>> No.51069260
File: 397 KB, 1170x1701, 847392939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it’s common knowledge that she got purged but I didn’t know if anyone posted Sakurako’s updated status. Officially inactive, no longer part of the paid staff.

>> No.51070217
File: 294 KB, 1058x1124, 17291633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skye is really cute

>> No.51070931

This is just weird. Is the unmodding temporary?

>> No.51071063

It better not

>> No.51071081

Could be sucking up or could be them mocking her. Who knows.

>> No.51071358

I’m betting it’s the latter honestly.
Maybe the unmodding was done for no particular reason and they just decided to cut back on how many mods they had…But I think that’s unlikely, given the timing and which mods in specific were purged.

>> No.51071548

I do enjoy posting those Eri my beloved gifs after all

>> No.51071553

Betting 10 anonymous dollars that the unmodding is temporary

>> No.51071687
File: 25 KB, 455x444, 1686361002515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51071778

If that was the case then they would have been better off ignoring the server

>> No.51072021

I, too, enjoy posting Eri my beloved gifs

>> No.51072110

she's groomable now?

>> No.51072280

Too slow we are already playing Apex together

>> No.51072299

Surprised they're still allowed there desu, though I guess they technically didn't break any of the server's rules.

>> No.51072658

i got warning because kichains are degenerates

>> No.51072689

Yeah, nah, it's fine. Don't worry. <3

>> No.51072783


>> No.51072825

rude awakening...

>> No.51073032
File: 98 KB, 720x679, 1686362160924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you watch?

>> No.51073041
File: 670 KB, 400x300, Eri_my_beloved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eri love!

>> No.51073108

Will I get banned in the discord if I ask why they were unmodded?

>> No.51073138

Shoot your shot, bud.

>> No.51073203

Banned? No but your message might get deleted

>> No.51073255

No, definitely a ban

>> No.51073294

The clique can't ban him anymore

>> No.51073373

Wouldn't be them, would it?

>> No.51073626

When did this unmodding thing happen?

>> No.51073648


>> No.51073659


>> No.51073832

Ewwwww no way in hell

>> No.51073906
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 1638103700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think EIEN sucks!

>> No.51073922
File: 632 KB, 400x300, eri_love.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love eien

>> No.51074059

Almost 9 months now...

>> No.51074144

I honestly think the unmodding was only temporary or for some other reason. If they were unmodded as punishment, you’d think Eri/Staff would at least take away their media perms if they won’t just kick them from the server.

>> No.51074198

??? A lot of people have media perms not only mods

>> No.51074220
File: 1.22 MB, 218x152, mouse ears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51074340

This is the weakest bait I have seen on this thread

>> No.51074349

We will endure together. My morale is at an all time high after recent reassurances.

>> No.51074355

Obviously. I’m asking why would they let the newly unmodded keep them if they previously had access to things/channels/messages and took screenshots of things they could post and leak in the discord. That’s why I think the mod purge may not be punishment related.

>> No.51074498
File: 479 KB, 608x635, 1684799011185051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't asked this in a while, but how are you doing, Riiflings? I hope you've been taking care of yourself the last couple of weeks.

>> No.51074684

I don't know much of what to expect in the future, but what little I do know sounds reassuring. I am holding on, confident that I, we, can do this and enjoy our light at the end of the tunnel. A happily ever after.

>> No.51074691


>> No.51074808
File: 643 KB, 400x300, 01Eri_my_beloved2.0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.51074905
File: 2.30 MB, 828x828, SkyeBunnyBlush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you too

>> No.51074933

don’t entertain them bro

>> No.51074969
File: 187 KB, 332x346, Screenshot 2023-05-14 040128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice to hear! Just make sure that in looking to the future you don't neglect the present, I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted that for you!

>> No.51074992

You're my entertainment, sweetie <3

>> No.51075145

Reading this made my dick twinge

>> No.51075181

Yeah, I found it. What did they think was going to happen, are they actually mentally retarded?

>> No.51075226

well they did apply to be discord moderators in the first place

>> No.51075334

I don't know what the board was expecting, frankly. This changes very little.

>> No.51075354


>> No.51075400

y'all the ones coping, lmao

>> No.51075430

if I reply “cope” randomly to every post do I win?

>> No.51075436


>> No.51075502

That's the secret, you're about to be taken out. I'm sorry to inform you of this only after the fact.

>> No.51075552


>> No.51075579

Should I change the dogwhistle to throw you off?

>> No.51075584


>> No.51075663

won’t really change anything cope

>> No.51075719


>> No.51075802

Did you guys know “Beautiful Girls” by Sean Kingston samples “Stand by Me” by Ben E. King?

>> No.51075992

We need a dog girl in Gen 2 so I can just say dogwhistle like with Kiki and locks

>> No.51076126

I didn't know that that's pretty cool

>> No.51076541
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x692, 1678493637838357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me watch the movie...
Of course he does....
I get by, she asked us not to be sad about it...

>> No.51076660

Did you guys know that on the Money Store album by Death Grips, they sampled Venus and Serena Williams playing a tennis match? You can hear the grunts at about the 58 second mark in System Blower.

>> No.51077533

Predictions on gen 2? I’m thinking 2 cuny animals and skye’s killer. Don’t think they’ll have more than 3 for this gen.

>> No.51078073

Honest guess? 5:
Riifu replacement
Cat (loli)
Bao but GFE
Some cunny that isn't an animal

>> No.51078133

I'll be willing to forgive Eri if she does get that dark elf. And also does lewd ASMR.

>> No.51078342

dark elf would be hot, ngl

>> No.51078829

One whos entire outfit just consists of rope.
Another that's transparent, a ghost.
One that's not even a girl, just a monster.
And a robot girl with a mouth like the xenomorph.

>> No.51078988
File: 114 KB, 202x357, Screenshot 2023-05-17 002058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna get better over time, don't worry, anon. Time heals wounds, and the sooner you heal and start enjoying life again, the more you will have to tell her if you meet again in the future! Ganbare!

Dark elves always are, and bonus sexo is she's a bit of a tomboy on top of that

>> No.51079437

Found this while looking through riggers and boy I just discovered the studio that’s making one of EIEN’s gen 2 models. It’s under NDA but still funny I found it https://trello.com/b/ASaJ51Yp/whicetm-waitlist

>> No.51079577

You really think they have the money for 5? That could maybe save EIEN if so

>> No.51079634


>> No.51079666

Skye can rig you know

>> No.51079691

Their models are actually cute and the rigging is nice.
