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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50986569 No.50986569 [Reply] [Original]

24 Hours until LOTB is real edition

This thread is for the discussion of vtuber wrasslin' feds, official vtuber streams of wrestling content, and the various fan projects they inspire.

HoloFightZ, the original fan project to bring Hololive to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/holofightz
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgJUUcCCg5dzRkyG8-fNBw
>Archive Magnet Links - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13yW33SdapXW5GEuKu4uFFjM3bH-cr0dUSr0jLjhZQfE/edit#gid=0
>Music Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPVRBbmPJfj21iujCdCYLRW6LkzymhskT
>Website - https://holofightz.surai.xyz/
>Latest Stream - Stream 49
>Upcoming Stream - Tweet from OP any moment now

HFZ Dark, the DEFINITELY CANON story of the Holo fans, the Holostars, graduated Hololive talents, and the stories that bind them together.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/hfzdark
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/user/CaptainKaze/videos
>Latest Stream - 2nd Anniversary
>Upcoming Stream - HFZ DARK Season 4 will continue with Episode 16 on June 2nd

Clash of Chuubas, the tale of Anon as he navigates the world of indies and small corpo chuubas.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/clashofchuubas
>Latest Stream - CoC S2 Episode 8.5 OVA
>Upcoming Stream - TBA

World Daipan Classic, the long-awaited fan project bringing Nijisanji to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/worlddaipanclassic
>Latest Stream - Stream 6
>Upcoming Stream - He got his account restricted for being underage UOOHHH, so not for a while yet

>Lord of the Board
June 9th, 10th, 16th, and 17th - will be on the /vt/ league cytube

Official vtuber streams of wrestling-based vtuber content
>Latest HoloFighter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fIFY2BWepY [Embed] [Embed]
>Latest MAG SMACKDOWN RAW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkHmr0Vk0xY [Embed] [Embed]
>Latest MythNight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNq4d4vpe0I [Embed] [Embed]
>Latest WrestleSanji - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfMtXKTijyM [Embed] [Embed]
>Latest Chuuba Battle Tournament - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1812531300

Older Content, kept here for posterity and the odd chance that it might get updated or expanded
>HoloFC - https://www.twitch.tv/holofighting
>HFZ META - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSodFBC5MFatrObgl3Qh91Q/videos
>/vt/ Fight Night - No Archive Links.

Other Thread Projects
>HFZ/Dark/META/WDC/HoloFC stats - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m9JlKuHCtKrVO3_JKQy3FteyLUqKo3DABREb1Okh8tg/edit?usp=sharing
>Team /hfz/ Divegrass Archive - https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//hfz/

previous >>50583827

>> No.50986606

time for some wrestle kino

>> No.50986697

L-lord... of the b-board... is n-not... real...

>> No.50986749

24 hours until your thread KWABs day 1

>> No.50986817

do you guys have a schedule for this yet?

>> No.50986905
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>24 Hours until LOTB is real

>> No.50987012

Imagine not qualifying

>> No.50987034

Starts tomorrow at 12 EST, first up is the 8 man battle royals, 10 threads will be eliminated tomorrow

>> No.50987113

i'm gonna be stuck in the cage, where's it airing and will there be VoDs?

>> No.50987219

You mean 2 royal rumbles AND THEN 8 man battle royals

>> No.50987290

Its airing on the vtl cytube, same place we've had divegrass. As for VODs i imagine there will be a unlisted youtube link avaliable after but don't quote me on that

>> No.50987467

no i mean like an ACTUAL schedule. Like "these are the matches that will be played at about these times and with THESE specific threads" I signed up my thread but I'm not gonna be around all day to notify the thread when we're up, especially if I go to tell them we're up in a rumble then we're immediately out by when I post it.

>> No.50988787

The ai does what the ai wants, trying to have everything on a set time just not only foolhardy but impossible

>> No.50989173

Don't you still have to select which chuubas are going to appear in a battle royal and royal rumble? Just fucking tell people which threads are gonna be in which you don't have to tell people the rumble order just who is in which. You can still give time estimates those are better than nothing. Hell i dont even know what the actual match order is cause I got 2 different responses. If you want people to actually give a shit about this maybe make a graphic or be able to explain basic things about the event like scheduling and format.

>> No.50989411

>Don't you still have to select which chuubas are going to appear in a battle royal and royal rumble?
Literally all of them, retardchama.

>> No.50989900
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Day 1 is all seeding and qualifiers, so we can't say in advance what thread will be on when due to how we will be seeding the Ro50 in real time. Starting on Day 2, that will stop being a problem.
>What if /mythread/ is eliminated on Day 1 and I wasn't able to watch due to the lack of scheduling?
I encourage you to watch the VoD, then.

It will be airing on the /vt/ League cytube: cytu be/r/vtleague
VoD will be on BBB's youtube channel after the day is over.

Later today we will be announcing which threads are in which of the two starting rumbles, however beyond that we cannot make any estimates on Day 1 for what threads are participating in what matches. The results of the Rumbles determine what Battle Royal each participant is placed in, which is why we can't provide that info in advance.

>> No.50990077

>these are the matches that will be played at about these times and with THESE specific threads
>Day 1 is seeding and their results will populate the later matches
>Unlike soccer where matches can only end on time or late, wrestling AI can make a match go 1 hour past the average or 5 minutes in
>Wrestling cards don't have set schedules for each match

>> No.50990197
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>> No.50990284

alright that makes more sense. I never was explained the "seeding" aspect of day 1 ie the format. This is much more helpful for me when giving a qrd to the thread. How exactly do the rumbles determine which royal a thread plays in though? Are some threads eliminated during the rumbles itself or are the rumbles all for sorting purposes?

>> No.50990533

wrestlingfags why is your sport so fucked it cannot be scheduled? I'm sure time limits are a thing in any fighting game

>> No.50990602

>he doesn't know

>> No.50990655

The rumbles are just for sorting purposes. There's an internal scoring system that we're using to "grade" each participant across both rumbles. After the rumbles are done, everyone will be ranked and sorted into the 8-man matches, except for the Top 2 performers, who will sit out until Ro40. The other 48 will run through the 8-man matches, adding those scores to their rumble performance to determine who gets eliminated.

>> No.50990796

alright that sounds kinda complicated and unintuitive from a viewer perspective. Also very easily riggable but at least that's an explanation I can tell the thread. Is there any plan to go over the scoring system on stream so viewers can more easily understand what's going on/what's good for a wrestler to do?

>> No.50990873

>>VoD will be on BBB's youtube channel after the day is over.

>> No.50990919

>easily riggable
>he lacks critical information

>> No.50990989

>Is there any plan to go over the scoring system on stream so viewers can more easily understand what's going on/what's good for a wrestler to do?
>very easily riggable
No comment.

>> No.50991264
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>Also very easily riggable
rigging is the name of the game baby

>> No.50991281

>Also very easily riggable
That's wrestling baby.

>> No.50991796
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Notification bell clicked

>> No.50992005
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i believe in the power of milk

>> No.50993266

Rigging isn't real. Put up a guy with minimal stats against a guy with max stats and it's still not set in stone.

>> No.50994483
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Have you invested in HFZ stocks?


>> No.50995245

I invested in KWAB stocks

>> No.50997028
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>> No.50997645

>be me
>wake up
>new thread
>The LotBler will be real soon
>OP will marry me soon, too
>CoC(k)chama isn’t currently fighting off anteaters, so he has time to stream
>Dorkchama has ascended beyond the wage cage, found Shooto laying in some tall grass and brought him back
>WDCOP has ascended beyond THAT and will become a nightly fixture for streams
>all Blue Jobbers have been defeated by the fury of GODkimo, aka GODKINO
>Takobro actually answers the phone after 50 years of isolation
>Twappi is king now, somehow
>wake up, it was all a dream
Oh well, at least there really is a new thread...

>> No.50999873

>lord of the board is tomorrow
>i have to go to a funeral
its over.

>> No.51000344
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ahh… the emotes

>> No.51001746

whats the over/under that /hfz/ rigs it so /hfz/ goes through tomorrow?

>> No.51001953

/hfz/ is gonna KWAB quicker than Santino Marella but will still go through

>> No.51002000

cuteking my beloved...

>> No.51003064

>10 threads will be eliminated tomorrow
Predict the 10 kwabbers

>> No.51003621

/hfz/ /hfz/ /hfz/ /hfz/ /hfz/ /hfz/ /hfz/ /hfz/ /hfz/ /hfz/ and /hfz/

>> No.51003909


>> No.51004018

Okay but why these threads in particular

>> No.51004474

But that’s eleven /hfz/s...

>> No.51004527

Reason: designated jobbers

>> No.51004546

/hfz/ will KWAB that hard

>> No.51004857 [SPOILER] 
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Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, anon.

>> No.51005062

I'm probably blind but where can I see the schedule for tomorrow's matchs?

>> No.51005583 [SPOILER] 
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Important message to anyone who included /swarm/ in their KWAB lists

>> No.51005825

Maybe you're just colorblind but i don't know how colorblind works.

>> No.51005829


>> No.51008275

Died with Pikamee
Already dead
Male vTuber fans? Disgusting
This a tournament themed around vTubers, not vTweeters
You also need a model to count for that statement, A.I losers
>/koopa/ & /Pyon/
Here pandering tubers? Die
Constantly kwab'ing

>> No.51009777
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The Following Threads are scheduled to appear in the 30-man Royal Rumble Match.
Appearing in a randomized order:
>Haachama World
>Himemori Luna

Entrants for the 20-man rumble will be listed shortly.

>> No.51010679

/hfz/ will pull a Mukirose, I beleeb it

>> No.51011012
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The Following Threads are scheduled to appear in the 20-man Royal Rumble Match.
Appearing in a randomized order:
>Anya-Petra Global
>星街すいせい (listed in-game as /starry-eyed/ due to language constraints)

I'll go over it when the stream starts, but if you want to know now, the scoring system is pretty much:
>Get points via scoring eliminations
>Get points based on how long you survive
>Get points for winning
So if you're watching and don't understand what's happening, cheer every time /yourthread/ boots somebody out or avoids getting booted out.

If you've got any other questions, I'll try to answer as best as I can.

>> No.51011517
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everything is prepared, but to ensure there's no overlap and so i can watch lotb and still get some shuteye just a singular DARK stream on sunday this week.
lets all enjoy LotB, and may the best thread win.

>> No.51011836

>>If you've got any other questions, I'll try to answer as best as I can.
What is your favorite match type?

>> No.51012128

Triple Threat Tornado Tag.

>> No.51012678

Are you prepared for when the director decides to visit?

>> No.51013145

sent a few things for /pyon/ over the past few days, wondering if organizers got them

>> No.51013235
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I have already been fighting her.
>Power went out TWICE during test streams.
>Numerous crashes due to 2k fuckery and mod fuckery
>Youtube fucking up test streams with its shitty latency nonsense.

She does not show mercy, nor do I expect any.

>> No.51013307

Yes, and they're in game and work. It's a fun time. Sorry about not replying faster.

>> No.51013478

sweet thanks! if you guys do this again next year i'd be happy to help anyway i can

>> No.51015369

As we approach 13 hours before the stream starts, you can submit promos here: https://forms.gle/q17ik3AtfdyRJZ147
Any you submit tonight might not make it in, but if I have time in the morning I will review them and try to get them in on Day 1.

I've received promos from /choc/, /pyon/, and Haachama World so far.

>> No.51017903

>no one guessed /morig/
Its like you guys want to be wrong

>> No.51020137

I dunno, Deadbeat is currently a champion, and Mori's been on a winning streak on her alt.

>> No.51020635

Dark isn't canon and /morig/ has been on a 4 season winless streak in divegrass

>> No.51020772

>Dark isn't canon
>Divegrass is

>> No.51021016

He’s doing his jabroni reps, prease andastand

>> No.51021861


>> No.51024324

Not today

>> No.51025046


>> No.51025207


>> No.51025840


>> No.51025882

There is no schedule. LotB was always a work. Wake up! *SHE* is watching, laughing, casting another spe—

>> No.51025939

There is zero evidence that LotB is real

>> No.51027301


>> No.51027940
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Post yfw /hag/ wins it all

>> No.51028407
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I'd be ok with that

>> No.51028974

Lord of the board 'exists'

>> No.51029001

If not a single post in this thread ends in 92 that means /yourthread/ will KWAB

>> No.51029587

I will save /hfz/

>> No.51029870

>/mythread/ has probably spent dozens of hours in collective labor for the event
>probably won't even make it past the Battle Royales
guess who

>> No.51030020


>> No.51030120


>> No.51030623

/pyon/ or /nade/?

>> No.51030651

There's always LotB 2 and rigging

>> No.51031738

Will there be an epic battle between the king and the lord?

>> No.51031881

Towa will only collab with a male board.

>> No.51032472
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Where's my thread for lord of the board?

>> No.51032490

In 4 hours.

>> No.51032693

Only 4 hours until it’s discovered that LotB is actually just another ruse cruise masterminded by Vince.

>> No.51032861

Can't wait for Kevin Nashler (forma de masked) to be revealed as /hfz/'s rep.

>> No.51032954
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4 hours until the reveal of /hfz/'s ultimate creation

>> No.51033846

Speaking for /nade/ there wasn't much time spent at all, maybe a little but certainly not dozens. We won't kwab though, not in her nature.

>> No.51034178

Less time = more dimes.

>> No.51034210


>> No.51034411


>> No.51034790

Absolutely based

>> No.51035119

I enjoyed watching kiki's divegrass streams, this should be good

>> No.51036239

Wait. Is she doing a simulcast?

>> No.51036587

yeah, shes watching it live with her fans

>> No.51037608

That’s quite based.

>> No.51037741

She did the same with divegrass

>> No.51038935
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1 bong 45 bings

>> No.51039494


>> No.51039504
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I'm so hyped. And also worried for /mythread/. But also hyped.

>> No.51039505

Thread is going up soon.

>> No.51039543
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Oh nyo, it's nyover bwos.... LOTB is a fail

>> No.51039749

Go hype things up.

>> No.51040305

>LotB thread doesn’t have 900 posts with 900 posters yet

>> No.51040378


>> No.51040448


>> No.51042375

how can I request the lotbdark video in the cytube

>> No.51042531

Dunno if we'll have time to show the whole thing, but sure, I'll throw it in there.

>> No.51042658
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>> No.51042705

Based and cute

>> No.51043735


>> No.51044003


>> No.51044060


>> No.51045218


>> No.51045632

bros we kwabbed...

>> No.51045656

I thought this would be like divegrass where people are commentating. This is sleeper

>> No.51045703

guess people are still sleeping

>> No.51045790

kiki is commentating

>> No.51045799

Was hyping because I thought it'll be like that. No different than your normal streams

>> No.51045864

LotBOP said that BBB will commentate between matches, and play song during the matches instead. But yeah no commentating during the match is kind of sleeper.
Yeah I nominate KIKI to be co-comentator

>> No.51045956

She would only do it if there was no man there

>> No.51046134

>commentate between matches
BUT WHY? There's absolutely no reason to JUST commentate during in between matches. It's not like we don't know what the fuck is happening in between matches. We know the matches are being rigged at that time.
Might as well commentate during the fight instead.

>> No.51046205

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.51046266

I missed it because cytube was being gay, did Shondo only last like a minute?

>> No.51046341

Beryl is entering!

>> No.51046348

are they even in this?

>> No.51046354

Yeah. Since this was a big event, I thought there would be commentators while the match is happening. Divegrass itself without commentators is just plain boring, the commentators keeps the people entertained.

I'm not saying hfz in itself is boring. It's just that this is just your normal hfz streams but with more players and board presence, which doesn't really feel special.

>> No.51046377

I saw her for a little bit

>> No.51046400

Commentary is cringe shit.

>> No.51046467

Honestly I'm only using it as a background noise because of free bgms. Everyone will chat the usual reactions so I don't need to participate

>> No.51046484

For atleast royal rumble comparing it to dive grass is difficult because for the most part in dive grass there is a singular focus on whats happening around the ball. How do you comment on whats happening in a royal rumble where there was 3-4 different fights happening at once ?

>> No.51046579 [SPOILER] 
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Damnn finally It's good to be back!! and also still in time for LotB. From now on, I will not let the thread KWAB before bump-limit anymore!!

>> No.51046632

It really isn't. It can bring more fun and chat more entertained.
That is actually more the reason for commentators, they don't need to focus on one. They can go crazy for who're they focusing. At least the wwe streams with chuubas commentating were all very fun, and those are with them holding back on what are okay to say. Imagine if it's people from here instead and can commentate without holding back.

>> No.51046671

No matter how much you whine there will still be no commentary.

>> No.51046785

Fair enough. I just wanted to voice my opinion since it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. At the least I don't think and will feel like I will be missing anything knowing it's just your normal hfz stream.

>> No.51046801

Didn't ask.

>> No.51046852

It is what it is. I'm just here for the betting

>> No.51046914

It's on cytube bro its special

>> No.51046967

Newfags are NOT welcome.

>> No.51047010

/#/ KWAB

>> No.51047073

but then they'd literally just be talking over each other and it'd be impossible to hear who was speaking, like think this though please

>> No.51047131


>> No.51047187

theres actually a bit of an issue of needing to find someone with the following: "knows the threads on the board" and "knows enougfh about wrestling to commentate with some level of competency."
lot of people have one or the other, but not both

>> No.51047226

Kiki said she'd learn

>> No.51047241

so get a combination of people with either on the booth? it's not rocket science

>> No.51047310

nta but I wouldn't mind if it's just BBB talking whole stream

>> No.51047366

I would.

>> No.51047399


>> No.51048830

haaton lookin real jacked baby

>> No.51050423

not thinkin of kwabbin, were ya?

>> No.51052816

let's not kwab both here and in the ring

>> No.51052851

I'm BBB and I would mind a lot if I was talking for 6 hours straight.

>> No.51054107
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>> No.51056826

LotB has been great so far

>> No.51057963

shut up no one asked you

>> No.51058273


>> No.51058537


>> No.51058607

owari da

>> No.51058723
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Kino event /hfz/
Keep up the good work

>> No.51059135
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My rep performs alot better than I would expect with my phonesubmitted low ass effort at 4am, great job LotB OP!

>> No.51060233

9/10 not enough Stack though.

>> No.51060785

>Pre-Show: Reject Bowl 5-Man Elimination - /OAG/ vs /jp/ vs /meat/ vs /become/ [W] vs /pw/
>30-Man Royal Rumble - /savior/ [W]
>20-Man Royal Rumble - /nina/ [W]
>People's Champion Best 2 out of 3 Falls - /lig/ [W] vs /pcg/
>8-Man Battle Royale #1 - /VOMS++/ [W] vs /koopa/ vs Haachama World vs Himemori Luna vs /nenmen/ vs /doog/ vs /tsunX/ vs /hlgg/
>No Holds Barred - /unou/ [W] vs /wawa/
>8-Man Battle Royale #2 - /wg/ vs /HiRyS/ vs /pcg/ [W] vs Anya-Petra Global vs /lig/ vs /ltg/ vs /uoh/ vs /aa+corpo/
>Color War Triple Threat - /choc/ vs /pink/ [W] vs AkiChocoMel
>8-Man Battle Royale #3 - /grave/ vs /swarm/ vs /ppg+/ vs /unou/ [W] vs /rrat/ vs /nade/ vs /vrt/ vs /nasfaqg/
>8-Man Battle Royale #4 - /pink/ [W] vs /choc/ vs /dsw/ vs AkiChocoMel vs 星街すいせい vs /vtwbg/ vs /jidf/ vs /wAIfu/
>Knight of Penguin Tables - Anya-Petra Global [W] vs /nijiEN/
>8-Man Battle Royale #5 - /nina/ vs /savior/ vs /eien/ vs /morig/ [W] vs /fvr/ vs /wvt/ vs /asp/ vs /nijiEN/
>8-Man Battle Royale #6 - /warkop/ vs /wawa/ vs /pyon/ vs /hfz/ vs /hag/ vs /pkg/ vs /ybc/ [W] vs /#/
>Rage in a Cage - /hfz/ [W] vs /vtwbg/

>> No.51061326

Rate your thread

>> No.51061576

/pink/: P1nk G0ds/10

>> No.51061917

Think my thread barely survived/10

>> No.51062056

Who died?

>> No.51062065

It's sad but epic event nonetheless

>> No.51062169

(you) did

>> No.51063153


>> No.51063231

The kwab list...

>> No.51063332
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holy shit that awesome to watch, thanks for putting this on

>> No.51063540

Suisei thread is not joining, blame this retarded faggot for submitting a thread without the thread's consent
No one wanted this.

>> No.51063677


>> No.51063765

Is the bottom anon the blue bastard?

>> No.51063812
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, tfr knife.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just died in TFR.

>> No.51063864

I didnt know thst NijEN had a schizo from Anya-Petra. Is that a thing? Did we really win? I thought it was a funny thing because Petra cute?

>> No.51063865
File: 10 KB, 256x256, SunglassesManhattan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't do so well in the rumble but dominantly proved he was the people's champ/10

>> No.51063985

The music lined up so nicely with that match, at times it felt like an edited montage in it's own right.

>> No.51064049

>I actually request a special match with /moriG/ to kinda, settled the score one might say.
Now this is wrestling. Will this be included in the sched?

>> No.51064297

>Suisei thread is not joining
Not only is this not up for you to decide, but Suisei has both already participated AND already got booted out of the tourney anyway, so you're too late in any case.

>> No.51065061

Did pretty good/10

>> No.51065091

Torrent for the vod is up in the hfz torrent list

>> No.51065292

>Not only is this not up for you to decide
And it is for a random lurker to decide? ogey
Either read the thread or the replies to the messages I posted. Or don't, who cares.
>Suisei has both already participated AND already got booted out of the tourney anyway, so you're too late in any case.
Yeah because it's just Suisei, not the Suisei general. Glad you understood.

>> No.51065607


>> No.51065722

>And it is for a random lurker to decide? ogey
Yes, unironically. It was said at the very beginning that you can rep whoever you want without asking for their permission, as long as you're not being a faggot about it. If the thread decides that they don't like the independent rep, they were always welcome to make a rep themselves and the thread's wishes would be prioritized over the solo guy, but your thread didn't do shit. Your fault.
>Yeah because it's just Suisei, not the Suisei general.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.51065869

>Yeah because it's just Suisei, not the Suisei general.

>> No.51066494

Oof. I just realized humanity's unity is the last time I'll see those reps.

>> No.51066720

All of this is just in good fun, don't be so anal about basket weavers.

>> No.51066976

>>8-Man Battle Royale #1 - /VOMS++/ [W] vs /koopa/ vs Haachama World vs Himemori Luna vs /nenmen/ vs /doog/ vs /tsunX/ vs /hlgg/
?? but the luknight was the last one standing and took out 3 people in this though? How did /VOMS/ secure the win according to you ?

>> No.51067040

Brain fart. I was writing this at 1:30 am, please understand

>> No.51067094
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x1451, 92302828_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still doing the match list for tomorrow, but let me chime in here and say that Lord of the Board was ALWAYS permitted to have rogue anons do a rep. We advertised it as such and shilled the event for 2 months before opening entries, which were open for almost a month themselves. Then there was a month of prep work done. You had PLENTY of time to learn of and object to the event, and you didn't, so I don't care that your feel-feels were hurt. Get out of your hole and look at the rest of the board sometime. This is a board unity event, and somebody within your fandom thought you deserved to be represented, because like it or not, you are part of the board, and people want to have unity with you. And they gave you one of the best godamn representatives in this event, with a lot of autism and creativity going into making that rep show off Suisei and her fans. So as far as I'm concerned, the creative rogue is better than the faggot whining because HE wasn't asked PERSONALLY.

Not only will I allow it to happen again, but I will personally assist him directly next time. And if you don't like it, get off the board. This is 4chan. Anonymity goes both ways. You are nobody here, and the only recognition you will ever get is what impression your actions have on people. And right now I recognize you as a faggot crying in another thread, which is not welcome. Go away.

>> No.51067279
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 1686335241395672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the strongest Fanbase

>> No.51067296
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>> No.51067326


>> No.51067499

fuck man JP fanbases are kind of schizo

>> No.51067544

Holy FUCKING based

>> No.51068585
File: 45 KB, 171x172, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll drink to this.

>> No.51068764
File: 31 KB, 414x315, 1651462113566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.51068904
File: 377 KB, 1200x633, 85889153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoshiyomi tourist here, i suspected this was gonna be a topic either here or over /morig/ since some asshole decided to sperg about it on our thread. just to clarify, (almost) nobody gives a shit if the general is participating without being consulted, most people over there were mostly pissed off at that anon who literally said "see, the suisei general was practically begging deadbeats to tag with them!" because that was a blatant lie. beyond that it's just karen-tier retardedness of "im taking my kids and never coming back!!!" which doesn't really reflect any general sentiment lol. i as absolute representative of my general this is a joke give you permission to shit on him too.

that's all, carry on and have fun.

>> No.51069016

Cheerio, then.

>> No.51069097

proof >>48146895

>> No.51069657
File: 715 KB, 849x1200, 1684968846469870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, random shit-stirrers aren't in any fanbase, especially those in /morig/. The EN fanbase in the thread called him out shortly after >>48147141 >>48147364
As the absolute representative of my general, I'm that anything loosely involving Mori has to cause schizo outbursts, if we could help it we'd rather that was all contained to /morig/.

>> No.51069726
File: 44 KB, 720x932, 1650332990555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51069927

>I'm sorry* that anything

>> No.51070224

why does morig have to contain the schizo outbursts ? I think they have enough problems

>> No.51070486

Good to know.

>> No.51070649
File: 91 KB, 1024x683, 1665418995895526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz we can take it. Let the other generals have comfy threads.
t. chuunibeat
plus we have schizos regardless, there's a completely mindbroken one who lurks 16 hours a day every day refreshing all of Mori's account for any crumb to sperg out over.

>> No.51070808

>Cuz we can take it. Let the other generals have comfy threads.
Bitch no we can't. I've seen how much the thread bites bait needlessly

>> No.51071105

Maybe rather than "can handle it" it would be more accurate to say we "are used to it" kek.
Though those fuckers samefag replies to their posts a lot as well.

>> No.51071555

I guess both is true

>> No.51073143

God's work, but to play the devil's advocate a bit:
>We advertised it as such and shilled the event for 2 months before opening entries, which were open for almost a month themselves. Then there was a month of prep work done. You had PLENTY of time to learn of and object to the event
All of this is taken for granted for the people involved and interested but it's a bit presumptuous expecting people to look into and be aware of how this thing works just to avoid being involved in something in ways they might not like. For example I would've had absolutely no idea how any of this works if not for our thread's nice caretaker. Would I be mad if someone went rogue and submitted some crock of shit (which the Suisei obviously wasn't), perhaps not mad but could see it being in bad taste.

That said, none of this is srs bsns enough to warrant the one or two Suiseiseethers acting like this, fuck whoever takes board politics to heart like this.

>> No.51077328

Don't KWAB just yet.

>> No.51077363


>> No.51077817

Have the points been worked out yet?

>> No.51079225
File: 99 KB, 557x1072, LotB Day 1 Placements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the rankings for today's matches for all 50 participants. If you're in the red, you're out. Better luck next time.

Here's the "schedule" for tomorrow. Hopefully people have learned after today that 2k22 will do whatever the fuck it wants with timing, but I'll still offer tenative times. No "high-quality" graphic, but I'll try to have one done by tomorrow's stream.

>12:00p - Cage Escape (No Pin/Sub) - /pink/, /morig/, /rrat/, /savior/
>12:20p - Finisher Elimination - /who/, /pyon/, /wawa/, /lig/
>12:40p - Pin Only Elimination - /vtai/, /ybc/, Haachama World, /asp/
>1:00p - Musical Maven Melee - Dreams/Magic vs Moomin' & Zoomin' Hope in a 2v3 Tag Match
>1:30p - Table Elimination - /pcg/, /swarm/, /eien/, /hlgg/
>1:50p - Extreme Rules Elimination - /VOMS++/, /nina/, /nenmen/, /ppg+/
>2:10p - KO Elimination - /wg/, /warkop/, AkiChocoMel, /nade/
>2:30p - Terminal Threat - Skynet Fight Club vs Humanity's Unity in a 3v3 Elimination Tag Match
>3:15p - Pin/Sub Elimination - Himemori Luna, /koopa/, /dsw/, /hfz/
>4:25p - Blood Elimination - /unou/, /fvr/, /wvt/, /vtwbg/
>4:45p - Submission Only Elimination - /grave/, /choc/, /wAIfu/, /doog/
>5:15p - Weavers of Fate - /tsunX/ vs /vrt/ in a Ladder Match for Custody of Amiya Aranha

For Ro40, there is no longer a points structure. The first two thread reps eliminated in each tournament match are out. The last two are competing for bracket slot for Ro20. There will be 1 more Ro40 match on Day 3, which will have /HiRyS/, Anya-Petra Global, /nasfaqg/, and /pkg/.

I'll now address a few things I've noticed around the board.
>No commentary
Day 1 used limited commentary between matches due to me having to take detailed match notes during matches to ensure the points weren't rigged. I would not have been able to focus on commentary and take the proper notes, so I opted to let a playlist do the talking. I think it largely worked well considering how long the stream ended up being. If the lack of commentary reduced your desire to continue participation in the event, I apologize.
>Will there be commentary for other days?
Days 3 and 4 will be fully commentated. Day 2 will have more actual commentary, but I cannot promise it will be good. Exhibitions will have music as all matches had today.
>Did the system get rigged?
Almost, but we avoided it. There was a mathematical error that I discovered in one of my sheet tallies that fucked up point distributions for the rumble. The actual data was correct, just the cells that calculated the value of Eliminations, so the points have been corrected. No changes to the eliminated threads, but they are in a slightly different order now, and a few other placements shuffled slightly.
>Why did gambling stop after the first Ro50 match?
Because NASFAQ is fucking broken and honk won't answer my calls. If I can, I'll put up bets for tomorrow's matches.
>Did you REALLY fucking rig it for Pink Women?
You won't believe me no matter what I say, so I will let you run wild with that rrat.

Hope everyone enjoyed the event today! We'll be back tomorrow, same time, same place.

>> No.51079364

Oh, before I forget, here's the points system that we used:
>For each Elimination, +2 Points
>For winning, you get points equal to half of the total match participants (+15 for 30-man, +10 for 20-man, +4 for 8-man)
>In Rumbles, you get +1 point for each person that entered after you, while you are still not eliminated.
>In Royales, you get +7 points, -1 point per person left in the ring when you are eliminated.

>> No.51079904

Ok so if the thread one their Royal they'd get the full 7 points then right?

>> No.51080040

Right. If you're the last man standing you get 7+4 points minimum, even if they somehow eliminated themselves. Unfortunately, we did not have anybody suicide today.

>> No.51080568

Ok thanks something is wrong in the total though since Savior won his rumble not /grave/ and then the Luknighto should have 12 points for survival since he arrived 25th in the rumble and lasted until after War anon ,barely, who was 30th in the first rumble so thats 5 and luknighto won his match so thats 7 for 12. sorry for being pedantic but I don't know how the rigging is going to play out so I've got to make sure my thread is in the most accurate spot it can be since this moves them up a place Thanks for doing all this its been great. Most fun I've had watching wrestling in a long while

>> No.51081404

Thank you for your hard work, See you in day 2

>> No.51081914
File: 42 KB, 1438x183, Updated LotB Day 2 Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated with the proper placements and the issue behind these miscalculations has been properly identified.

>> No.51082017

Who are dreams/magic?

>> No.51082059

Nina and Koopa.

>> No.51082149

Ah, the 8 hour stream

>> No.51082180

I'm scheduling my lunch break during that tables match.

>> No.51082196

How does it work if a wrestler is on the card twice? Like say Dreams/magic loses, are Nina and Koopa eliminated and don't take part in the later matches?

>> No.51082291

what is the finisher elimination game mode, where they get eliminated if they get hit by any finisher?

>> No.51082343

No, Exhibitions don't count.

Yes, that is exactly how it works.

>> No.51082382

how many per group will be going through?

>> No.51082521

God was it 2020k thats they're busted in or 2022k ?

>> No.51082526

>blood elim scheduled
Ah, the kino

>> No.51082557

He said here >>51079225 two per group will go on to the Ro20

>> No.51082826

In 2k22, your tables match is either 5 minutes or 5 hours

>> No.51082873


>> No.51084015

Who’s going to gigaKWAB on day 2, brehs?

>> No.51084075

/hfz/ of course

>> No.51084793

Two of the participants in the Submission Only Elimination match, since they will KWAB into being eliminated. The third loser will just be a normal KWAB, since they still advance to the next round.

>> No.51085030

Consent is irrelevant for LotB.

>> No.51085054

>beryl kwabbed into graduating
You hate to see it

>> No.51085164

wtf I'm blaming CoCOP for this

>> No.51086432

Who the fuck summoned watamage? She blessed lotb with meme magic.

>> No.51087134
File: 314 KB, 972x581, 1677145021116806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally impossible for us to KWAB tomorrow

>> No.51087226

I found it funny that when you were playing music during LOTB you managed to play both of /vg/'s divegrass anthems back to back (Into Free and The Hot Wind Blowing)

>> No.51087241

Do not tempt the power of the Watamage.

>> No.51090763

>page 10
>anon actively tries to KWAB
And then I drop my hold and just let him get back up.

>> No.51092385
File: 51 KB, 476x453, smartlen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add one to the list of chuubas I made then graduated before debuting. At least I almost have enough for DarkCoC

>> No.51093156

>he's actually responsible
How can he keep getting away with this?

>> No.51094604

Kwabbing 6 hours before day 2? What are you, /ltg/?

>> No.51095017
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>> No.51095179
File: 130 KB, 463x453, pekohyper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-It wasn't really my thread that lost!

>> No.51095276
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LotB Day 1 was awesome, looking forward to the next matches.

>> No.51096378
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>> No.51097174

Is there a VOD? I wanna know how my entry got such a high placement.

>> No.51097360 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 1508x1296, feesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun!!

>> No.51097511

Thanks, bud.

>> No.51098314

Had the most eliminations. Proud of my totally well thought out entry.

>> No.51098845
File: 761 KB, 4096x2808, FrKDEHFaMAINgZN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will only ever be one /ltg/ for me and thats the large tits general

>> No.51099430

Kings shouldn't have sexy backs like that

>> No.51100558
File: 1.65 MB, 4096x2304, FyLdySDaAAAymlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't die, thread

>> No.51101676

2 Bongs, 17 bings.

>> No.51102564

Uh, based?

>> No.51103054

Your thread WILL kwab today

>> No.51103162

/hfz/bros...he’s lying, r-right..?

>> No.51103184

>thought up a really good Call out for War
>not in any matches with them
Well I Guess I'll just hold on to it till next time .

>> No.51103542

All of today's matches now have bets up in advance in NASFAQ. The site is still laggy and semi-broken, but you should be able to gamble still.

>> No.51103738

owari da..

>> No.51103868

Kiki will be streaming day 2 as well

>> No.51103878
File: 3.41 MB, 1488x2088, subarubeach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourist here, what's the story behind Subaru being /hfz/'s rep?

>> No.51103951


>> No.51104048

Subaru is the HFZ posterchild because she's been a prominent wrestler since the beginning and OP uses her as her profile pic on Twitch and Twitter.
Ever since the King of the Ring tournament she's also the King's sister.

>> No.51104274

There was also a time when >we used to guess who OP’s oshi was. I still think The Jaw (Shuba) was a good guess. Over time, she remained integral to /hfz/‘s SOVL.

>> No.51104402

Might have something to do with her using a wrestling move in one of the HoloGra's and then having it adopted by a prominent Japanese wrestler (of whom I don't remember the name)

>> No.51104994

>we used to guess who OP’s oshi was.
do we know now ?

>> No.51105015

Let's get hype.

>> No.51105785

I get that there was a long time between soliciting interest to the actual event itself. I also understand the purpose of the event is to showcase board unity. However, creating a sense of unity should also include respecting the concerns and preferences of the threads. I don't get why you place the responsibility on us trying to have a quiet peaceful time in our thread to go out there and catalogfag any little thing that happens outside our lane. Your general does not have any greater importance on /vt/ as a whole. The problem here is that the thread was NEVER asked. It wasn't like we were asked, they were told to fuck off and did it anyway we just got surprised that someone thought he was a good enough representative of the entire thread and included it in something we never wanted to have anything to do with.

>> No.51106456

It’s clearly Battler but really, there’s like a 98% chance that it’s Mori

>> No.51106517

>he's still sizzling

>> No.51107296

PEOPLE KEEP TELLING ME THIS AND I JUST DON'T BELIEVE IT. Motherfucker did this shit for a year and a half before I ever heard a fucking mori song.

>> No.51107579

It’s hard to tell. He did choose Mori to do the MyRise story (The Lock) for 2k23, and her CAW has always had solid work done by OP to be accurate. Then again, he’s admitted to being autistic about his CAWs, so both could be red herrings. One common guess is that it’s actually Luna, but he still won’t give up the truth.

>> No.51107614


>> No.51107725

Don’t blow my wife’s (female) cover.

>> No.51107738

I always thought it was coco but maybe that was just a promo maker who said that

>> No.51107776

It's Luna, OP has stated that his Oshi didn't appear on stream 0. Also his only ever likes on Twitter that isn't HoloFightZ related is a fanart of Luna.

>> No.51108015

yup, it's Luna

>> No.51108391
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>> No.51109121
File: 84 KB, 300x300, OgeyFightz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post yesterday, but I've got the Results to Day one Recorded here:


Also updates for Day 2 and three should be a little slower but available eventually

>> No.51109774
File: 148 KB, 1209x1178, 1674635762692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arigato sheetsanon

>> No.51109801

Arigato, Sheets

>> No.51111377

thx baby

>> No.51113714

I'll tell you a secret:
every single OP has lied about who their oshi is

>> No.51114035

Unironically true:

OP's Oshi isn't Luna, it's Mori
DarkOP's Oshi isn't Ina, it's Mori
CoCOP's Oshi isn't Selen, it's Mori
and WDCOP Oshi's isn't Kizuu, it's you guess it Mori

>> No.51114103

Deadbeats run this board after all

>> No.51114808

If Mori were My oshi i would like about it too

>> No.51116605
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>> No.51118178
File: 1.95 MB, 1024x1536, 1676336473006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51119129


>> No.51120269

/hfz/ survives the second day

>> No.51122611


>> No.51122653
File: 1.52 MB, 896x1344, 1666055842293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made it to Day 3.

>> No.51123679
File: 267 KB, 693x362, local amputee loli ruins everything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A familiar pain...

>> No.51123931

why did she do it?

>> No.51124644

shows over reply twice so we can kwab this shitty thread

>> No.51124708
File: 1.93 MB, 2424x2832, 1663638364761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51125158
File: 45 KB, 396x491, 1646431439158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever doubted shuba you need to apologize

>> No.51126122


>> No.51126203

Who knew swords go so well with a bikini

>> No.51126380

I always believed in Shuba. Too bad tons of other threads I was cheering for died.

>> No.51126960
File: 96 KB, 600x547, ci9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streams are over. Good night.

>> No.51127070
File: 905 KB, 2894x4093, cometobed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night.

>> No.51127171
File: 206 KB, 500x500, 1674402403974018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night bwos

>> No.51127517

OtsuKWAB, ya fawkin jabronis
