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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.06 MB, 1186x789, leechconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50971813 No.50971813 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being such an irrelevant 2view that you'll leech to holos on your birthday stream

>> No.50971831

cute hands

>> No.50971845

blue fingernails ew

>> No.50971866


>> No.50971896

It's called nail polish you can pick any colour and it comes off with something called nail polish remover

>> No.50971920

so just stright up copy the most successful member for money

This practice is no different than only fans

>> No.50971922

Stop hating on my wife nigger, you're so ass mad.

>> No.50971931

all i got from this was that 2views can still earn $15k from donothons

>> No.50971950 [DELETED] 

>you're so ass mad
learn english, african chimp

>> No.50971964

Nijiniggers like you will never understand the concept of sharing happiness. The only thing you know is to spread your misery to everyone else.

>> No.50971982

They put out some ads so she was a 3view

>> No.50971983

>leech to holos
ESL detected, opinion discarded

>> No.50971994

Don't know who this is but you sound jealous anon

>> No.50972106

I still dont understand, who are these oil daddies?

>> No.50972143
File: 171 KB, 900x1200, 1685800452527126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with you? OP is a faggot, no need for tribalism.

>> No.50972185
File: 1.39 MB, 1123x1296, 1683378456779697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no need for tribalism
I agree anon
I dont agree anon

>> No.50972242

seethe harder numbernigger

>> No.50972256

Only whores do donothons

>> No.50972287

yeah, pure girls milk their fans for nothing

>> No.50972301

I fucking hate these faggots
>still a phasecuck or nijinigger
I hate those even more than numbernigger

>> No.50972349
File: 51 KB, 529x1025, 1686206664615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing numbernigger
seek rope

>> No.50972357

Pure girls dont beg for money on their birthdays

>> No.50972384

Whose grandma hands are those?

>> No.50972386


>> No.50972401

>Imagine being such an irrelevant 2view
Imagine being so bad at math that you think that numbers larger than 300 have only 2 digits.

>> No.50972407

A tragedy abridged
You guys were so close to an understanding at the start

>> No.50972409
File: 168 KB, 500x500, slap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no squeeb

>> No.50972414
File: 1.65 MB, 640x360, panko_seks_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F372qkk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counter argument

>> No.50972452

cant hear shit
>"hah newfag"
Regardless, I will not hear your chuubas retarded voice

>> No.50972498

Imagine being a holobrony getting triggered by the slightest thing lmao

>> No.50972534

learn to read punjabi

>> No.50972546

Majority of this board is mindbroken by phase connect into unconditional seethe.

>> No.50972578

>>"hah newfag"
Why would you admit to being a newfag? on the newfag board? Shouldnt you be lurking for a bout 20 years?

>> No.50972718

Didn't one of the production kawaii girls made 60k and a ticket to Japan for her donothon? Man it's so easy being a woman

>> No.50972781

> 3view having or bought holo merchs
> considered as leeching
Absolute retardation of antis these day baka.

>> No.50972840

hardcore vtuber fans, not some clipwatching normalfags

>> No.50972892

>toes as the highest goal
>doesnt specify whose
>could be for a brief microsecond
Phase is about to swindle their audience again.

>> No.50972918

The bulk of that money all came from two dudes. She was a step away from being thier pocket streamer.

>> No.50972925

>vtuber is a Hololive fan
shock & awe

>> No.50972962

Anyone who pays that much to see someone's toes deserves to be swindled.

>> No.50973022

>give your money to a strager girl online with a anime avatar
>achievement unlocked: not a normie

>> No.50973066

its only natural for humans to despise the most undesirable characteristics
Its called natural selection

>> No.50973153


>> No.50973187

But enough about the average /vt/ poster

>> No.50973310

This is how I know you don't like vtubers at all. You see a girl excited unboxing cards about the vtubers she enjoys, and what's your first thought? "eww leech time to make an anti thread on /vt/".
Then again, I doubt the concept of enjoying things exists in your mind, huh. What a sad existence.

>> No.50973396

Honestly nail polish should die, tired of seeing some girls (cute or not) all dressed up nice but with totally out of place , attention seeking, horribly matching nail colours.

>> No.50973426

PC hatewatchers are pretty funny

>> No.50973431

>t. Bannedvtmemenig

>> No.50973447

Donothons without a specific aim are unethical. What does she need 23k for? If there's something she needs/wants and can give a good reason for, asking for the money for it whilst providing entertainment as some loose tit for tat is not at all unethical.

>> No.50973530

>Hate watch
They got those from their general.

>> No.50973543

Here's a hint, the reason is in the post you just quoted.

>> No.50973547

Buy an ad

>> No.50973615

You buy it then.

>> No.50973884

yeah that's a man. This is the new FtM being shilled on this site? Christ, embarrassing.

>> No.50973938

Isn't Panko Italian? Why is she whiter than 90% of North Americans?

>> No.50974077
File: 923 KB, 2902x4096, 1683964972562282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel like Panko is starting to be skilled more here? Do I need to take my meds?

>> No.50974175

Do these cunts do anything but donothons which they use to buy ads for more donothons?

>> No.50974191

infinite money glitch

>> No.50975550

Hi Panko

>> No.50976213

What did idol do now

>> No.50976407

Idol gen 2 trailer shitshow. After 3 delays, still no trailer in sight.

>> No.50977213

I fucking hate this board, before this board i didn't used to get hard looking at womens hands. Fuck you.

>> No.50980188

>Leeching on a birthday stream

>> No.50980231

23k successfully collected
awaiting for feet

>> No.50981591


>> No.50981776

It burns.

>> No.50981988

She's the cunt who runs bannedvtmemes, right?

>> No.50982002

She saw the intalians are brown meme and literally got mad LMAO

>> No.50982111

Keep in mind they're not actually oil barons, there was one guy bragging he sold his dad's car for money to donate. Many of the top donators are actually like that coomer who donated 200k to a camwhore and then killed his family when they tried to get him to stop. Coomerism is a disease.


>> No.50982130

>i dislike women being woman-ly
imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.50982202

True. I'm dark and American.

>> No.50983500

you are unironically correct

>> No.50983852

they are brown, i have been there several times before covid, she is most likely one of those overprotected kids that never had a social life out of her house or is just plain racist/ignorant, the genetic roman heritage is still very strong there (and no, romans and greeks were not blue-eyed white as hollywood propaganda likes to portray), the only white ones are mixed and are not really that common, especially at the south.

>> No.50986208

>just plain racist
she likes meloni

>> No.50986227

She's moving out in a few months.

>> No.50989125

Women don't dress up for men, they dress up to impress other women. What man has ever looked at a woman's nails, seen that they didn't have any nail polish and lost his boner? It's never happened, men don't give a shit. I don't give a shit if a woman is wearing a garbage bag, if she's cute I'll smash.

>> No.50989381

