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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50971124 No.50971124 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he actively trying to sabotage his own company? Nobody wants Phase to be a group of seiso Holo clones except him.

>> No.50971373

normies want more hololive
so hololive-lite is desirable from a business point of view

>> No.50971406


>> No.50971423
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Shhhh, let them think they can even try to break into the normal vtuber sphere, this way they will lose their only niche

They are going to fail miserably like tsuderia and other "who?" companies

>> No.50971459 [DELETED] 
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The free market competition works for a reason you know

>> No.50971510

For there to be chaos, there must be order.

>> No.50971560

>normies want more hololive
Normies don't watch chuubas, normies definitely don't pay for chuubas. Somebody better tell fish boy before it's too late.

>> No.50972104

What did he do now?

>> No.50972261

he invited SJW's niji copies to the company
They will never be Hololive
but they can try to be nijisanji and fail at the process

>> No.50973307


>> No.50973318

TNA flashbakcs.

>> No.50973433

worrying about Idol overtaking him

>> No.50973441

I keep seeing this bullshit
Corpo does something special as a hook
Then they cut it over time to try and go mainstream and in doing so they lose their only niche and then lose it all.
It's the same for fucking EVERYTHING. It happens in videogames and culture. It all gets watered down until it's nothing to get an audience that never wanted it and sponsors that don't give a fuck. And then it dies. Great. Fucking amazing.

>> No.50973446

On the other end of the extreme is EIEN. Pick your poison.

>> No.50973512

>normies want more hololive
Then why they keep homobegging?

>> No.50973845

hololive production is hololive production.
this may sound shocking to you, but the normies aren't unicorns, the last two generations of streamers interacted cross-gender regularly, with the likes of pokimane or emirichu constantly being seen with guys.

>> No.50974468

Typical Jew/Chinese behavior. Fishman is a chink so this is not a surprise. Idol will experience the same fate eventually.

>> No.50974631

Everything has to die sooner or later anon, it's the circle of life.

>> No.50974674

Every talent in Phase Connect is a virgin and they've never had boyfriends. The only exception is Pippa the lying whore.
There's nothing wrong with capitalizing on purity. There's a market for it.

>> No.50974694

how can you be so naive, anon?

>> No.50974852

>he lacks critical information

>> No.50974898

What happened now?

>> No.50974978

Media businessmen since the 2000s are fucking retards who forgot about differentiation being the key to success

>> No.50974998

>I keep seeing this bullshit
If you were good at recognizing bullshit you wouldn't fall for stale bait like that, retard-chama.

>> No.50975005

Idol Gen 2 trailer got delayed again

>> No.50975036

>he invited SJW's niji copies to the company

>> No.50975090

L'chaim, any day now I'm sure... *twirls yarmulke menacingly*

>> No.50975462

Henri forgot to take his meds again

>> No.50975563

Thank Xalamon, I blame him

>> No.50975571

kys Henri
idk which post ITT is Henri, but just on general principle

>> No.50975635

Whatever you say Henri

>> No.50975717

I think he's talking about the new invaders, they're pretty generic except for Jelly, but she's a sjw.

>> No.50975900

Literally all she said is that she loves women, if that makes her an sjw than 90% of Phase is sjw. Including Pippa

>> No.50976137

>HapPy PrIDe MonTH!
Yeah totally not a sjw.

>> No.50976262

Lumi made a pride post too is she an sjw?

>> No.50976321

I'm having a hard time imagining Yagoo sending Gura a fake "graduation notice".

>> No.50976402

so are you finally understanding why people call them grifters?

>> No.50976443

newsflash anon, all chuubas are grifters

>> No.50976496

>Nobody wants Phase to be a group of seiso Holo clones except him.
What have you got against idols?
Did you want them to be a group of westerners continously grasping the the lowest hanging fruit?

>> No.50976502

Phase succeeds in spite of him, but he's Chinese so he'll never realize his own faults.

>> No.50976600

Phase is sad girl company. I watch because laughing at mentally ill people is fun. I’d kill myself if they turned into soulless idols like hololive.

>> No.50976694

>soulless idols like hololive.
If you like laughing at the mentally handicapped, then you must have a blast looking in a mirror

>> No.50976923


>> No.50977070

I do, life isn’t fun unless you’re a paranoid schizophrenic who’s borderline retarded

>> No.50977394

He wants investors, why would this surprise anyone?

>> No.50977495

Shes, also shes a whore, also people dont say sjw anymore, its wokefag now.

>> No.50977533

>trusting that WHORE Lumi

>> No.50977555
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>girls don't live up to the headcanon of mentally ill antis and schizos
>See? They are grifters.

>> No.50977613


>> No.50977674

Im sorry your WHORE lumi is WHORING around being a WHORINH WHORE

>> No.50978504

oh god, you people are already showing up.

>> No.50978505

>He wants investors
I have yet to see a big business circle and culture being about vtubers

You can argue about how other companies did it and ect
But these investors dont understand shit about live streaming entertainment let alone about vtubers, they only see a big numbers getting bigger
and play gamble with their money

>> No.50978973

Is that right? Then why are the talents starting to censor themselves and clean up their act?

>> No.50979223

Businesses want to make more money, naturally this means expanding your customer base. The question is how to get new customers in without scaring off too many of your existing customers.

>> No.50979455

is the pippa thing supposed to be a great revelation of something, newfag?

>> No.50979466

>naturally this means expanding your customer base
But could they compete with the flagship company?

>> No.50979495

Ironic because Pippa's alt-lite schtick has much more normie appeal than the "safe and sanitized" direction fishman wants, which actually appeals to an oversaturated niche otaku crowd who's moved on to other more desirable things.

>> No.50979623

Businessmen and investors naturally want to increase their profits, which is very unlikely to happen if they remain in their niche, plus the possibility of said niche dwindling to nothing makes that path very unattractive to them.

>> No.50979677

The talents have been censoring themselves since the middle of last year because of policy changes that Sakana made to the company. After that, most of the talents have started losing CCV very slowly over time.

Look at how much selling the coffee has become a meme with the talents. He's pushing out things that in the beginning, everyone told him they didn't want. It took almost 6 months before he even decided to look into selling mugs for the coffee, which was something fans were asking for since he's pushing the coffee so much.

A lot of mods are also so strict on chat that they will delete so much of chat that it becomes damn near impossible to even type anything into it. The worst one is Uruka's mods, they delete so many chats that when you go back to watch a VOD, it looks like almost no one was there chatting.

>> No.50979681

Livestream your suicide, Henri.

>> No.50979745

>It took almost 6 months before he even decided to look into selling mugs for the coffee, which was something fans were asking for since he's pushing the coffee so much.
he fell for the fucking meme
this company has half a year life span
mark my post

>> No.50979845

What’s this thing with trying to make Phase appear like a woke company? They are a probably the farthest thing from that out of any vtuber company on the market, and that has greatly contributed to their success by filling an previously empty niche.

>> No.50979887

Seethe harder

>> No.50979904

t. Frank Reynolds

>> No.50979964
File: 112 KB, 300x300, 1665177860089115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people don't know what the fuck a straight man is
He has to be the tsukkomi for pipa
Appreciate your heels

>> No.50979989

>lumi is a WHORE (logical conclusion)
>lumifags: umm shes not a whore because umm she is like cute and stuff she is pure you are rude ummmm

>> No.50980008

It wasn't Pippa who needed tard wrangling, but the fishman

>> No.50980045
File: 31 KB, 680x383, 1658190097594955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how much you shit up /vt/ with your schizo dogshit, you will never be a manager.

>> No.50980101

Okay Henry

>> No.50980168

Managing v-tubers sounds like hell.

>> No.50980190

go watch vshojo if you want talent freedom. women are funnier when they are told not to act like pandering whores

>> No.50980215

>Ironic because Pippa's alt-lite schtick has much more normie appeal than the "safe and sanitized" direction fishman wants, which actually appeals to an oversaturated niche otaku crowd who's moved on to other more desirable things.

yep, its pretty funny
if pippa was allowed to go all out and went straight into being a comedy political and social commentator for nerds she would grow her viewer numbers 3x overnight

biggest twitch streamers are opinionated fags like xqc, kaicenat or hasan and ass mald gold, even a gigantic streamer like ironmouse dosnt make top 100 on twitch, meanwhile entire youtube top 100 is dominated by 2 companies, holo and niji with some random people trailing them at random spots
seiso is great for multi billion $ corpos, but indies have to get creative

also pippa is one of those opinionated fags, every second stream of hers she goes off rails into rants, she clearly has what it takes
but it wasnt made to be, instead she filters her existing audience who like her for who she is, not the idol fishman wants her to be

>> No.50980301

And your obscure indie oshi is not safe if all of you jump ship to vtubers like them cause the sudden influx of new fans will cause them to try and go mainstream to the point the same normalfag casuals that ruined other vtubers will come over and demand new changes to suit them.

>> No.50980372

Pippa said like a million times that all she wants to do is to shitpost and have fun. She doesn't want to talk about politics

>> No.50980599
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>why aren't they making sure everyone that joins their corp are the same type of person so they all have to compete for the same small audience
I used to think the claim that the majority of this board came from SEA was a meme, but the roomtemp IQ is really shining bright anytime I look at the catalog.

>> No.50980893

You dont have to do politics, you got basic comedy stream, colabs with gaming/law channels, news, other corpo info etc
Imagine how much would pippa rip into nijisanji over the 2%?
The idea of building bridges is laughable, fuck those bugmen billionaires and their cancerous facebook tier corporations, people who think niji or holo are some great companies have brain rot.
And politics dosnt mean you are doing commentary on war in Ukraine, there is a lot of insane/funny shit happening globally every day, from Biden falling over like a retard to Korea govermnt conspiracies or even basic UFO info releases.

>> No.50981073

Sorry, but the yellow woman is too powerful
She will always get away with it

>> No.50981246

Are you retarded?

>> No.50981373

So do you even know what grifter means? Also I don’t watch streams that is for faggots.

>> No.50981433

On 1 hand we have SJw faggots, on the other your avarage country side blue collar worker, on the center some retarded yellow head
Wha could go wrong?

>> No.50981455

Lumi is the sole defenition of a wigger stacy

>> No.50981547

SEA is not a joke. Every morning I wake up and see a flood of new crap posts, and the rest of the day new posts are much less frequent.

>> No.50981561

The only people who call Lumi a stacy are seething femanons

>> No.50981778

Why the fuck would investors ever want to invest though?
Currently they don‘t because phase is too edgy, but if the fish actually manages to clean up its image he‘d be left with generic vtuber corp #49217 except with some remaining image issues which will still make it less attractive to investors than corps without any.
Phase generating any money at all is basically a miracle and risking that for a small chance of maybe making more is retarded.

>> No.50983617

>samefagging this hard

>> No.50983959

Everyday I wish for pipniggers to just kill themselves so we can stop getting shitty threads like these.

>> No.50984062

I don't think you understand what "normie" is

>> No.50984222

If you wanna bump the thread just say so there's enough room temp iq grifters in here already

>> No.50984261
File: 1 KB, 147x59, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish for pipniggers to just kill themselves
Pippa needs to lead by example

>> No.50986019

V-Tubers have been going mainstream.

>> No.50989182

Literal fish brain what did you expect?
