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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 8 KB, 634x534, Shigeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50919815 No.50919815 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen a good /shon/ since break so lets re-do the general a bit shall we?

A thread for everyone's favourite chatters wife and or daughter-imouto if thats more your speed. Lets discuss everything Shondo related

If you aren't aware, Fallen Shadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! please treat her well.

Shadow will be streaming Ender lilies today at:
>6pm BST
>1pm ET
>10am PT
>2am JST

Theres also a Tenma collab this week which will be fun

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAnNefAhrysfkOQ1BYDS4aA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/shadowchama

I hope to god this is the right one

please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Previous thread:
Template taken from:
>>20022045 (my last bake)

>> No.50920074

this OP is awful, fuck off

>> No.50920077
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Much better template, thank you anon

>> No.50920146
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I want to sniff her clothes.

>> No.50920149
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Stinky wife, happy life

>> No.50920201
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The shigeon reminds me of this thing on escher engravings

>> No.50920227

>> 50920074
the duality of (You)
I am intending to tweak things as and when, feel free to suggest

>> No.50920298

So what >>50907732 says never happened? Or Ren is such a creep that he is trying to gain Shondo's favor again?

>> No.50920342

He unfollowed all of her accounts either shortly before or after she nuked her vent account. By the time he refollowed her, she seemed to have calmed down. Use your head.

>> No.50920359

wife can't handle abandonment please understand

>> No.50920379

Just keep it like it was before. No one who would need the info is going to read that wall of text. Just add a link to the schedule to the old OP.

>> No.50920619

I'm going to be traveling for almost a month for work, and wont have any time to catch streams or really reply on twitter. I want to let her know that I didnt abandon her, but dont want to DM her. Is sending her a donation and letting her know appropriate or should I just hope she sees my message in chat

>> No.50920656

>wall of text
reading comprehension reps anon..

>> No.50920689

A donation is perfectly fine. You could also try highlighting your message:

>> No.50920697

i'd say a donation seems fine, if you have access to DM's then I'm sure she wouldn't mind being told you're going away for a while

>> No.50920737 [DELETED] 
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I need to protect her smile

>> No.50920952

perspective warping shigeon

>> No.50921314

also if thread died before stream that shows exactly what type of character old OP attracts

>> No.50921365


>> No.50921462
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Shondo should lobotomize me.

>> No.50921534

Last thread I baked was >>50518279
I'd honestly prefer a more compact OP. Such as having a small comment related to the stream of the day, linking to the schedule on her twitter so it'll be updated weekly instead of almost daily, and maybe add collab partners only on the day the collab happening.
Good part of us that are /here/ are probably still sleeping, including the shitposters.

>> No.50921663

I want to be kidnapped by shondo! I want to be tied up in her basement as she tortures me for weeks on end! I want my last moments on Earth to be her softly whispering in my ears that everything will be okay as she slowly suffocates me to death!

>> No.50921675


>> No.50921777
File: 27 KB, 726x258, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final update for the daily drama episode: Shondopilled Individual cucked to Rimaeri <_<
I was wrong for defending him, he's a spineless little faggot

>> No.50921835

At least it should prevent people from trying to drag Shondo into it.

>> No.50921911

I do like the compact op's for efficiency but its always kinda felt low effort, and threads obviously always reflected that (though last two were decent)
perhaps a longer op could be a weekly thing after shadow weekend? link to schedule and a description of it. could be a nice way to refresh and reset after no wife and then subsequent /shon/s can be compact during the week.

>> No.50921924

>after she nuked her vent account
schizo punching bag anon never got a chance to be reunited with her again

>> No.50922166

He was so close to figuring it out too. I hope he will track down her next reincarnation, whatever that might be.

>> No.50922407

He asked /here/, but he never got good clues or hints. Poor soul.

>> No.50922511

Lets see how things goes for the next few days, if a longer OP stops retards I'll be fine with it.
>though last two were decent
If you ignore the whole AI shit and shondopilled raiding the thread, sure

>> No.50922754
File: 6 KB, 188x36, 1686143858888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheaters cheating without wanting to be cheated on

>> No.50922890

>no proper shondo art since may 13th
Just drop him already shondo, he clearly has moved on to grooming nep. Let Pettan take over the role of primary fan artist

>> No.50922966

I am still awake. Help!

>> No.50923012

Yeah he needs to shit or get off the pot. No point in getting all salty for everyone to see when Shondo praises Pettan, not when you haven't drawn anything for her in weeks.

>> No.50923584

I'm sure that Shondo would rather have him draw her only occasionally over doing it never again, so I wouldn't want to drive him away completely, though further retardation from him could change my mind. I haven't seen him be salty about Pettan, though if he has then that's stupid.

>> No.50923693

I'm not particularly bigoted about drugs, but isn't it a bad idea for a person with schizo-spectrum disorder to smoke weed? Couldn't that have contributed to her worsening menhera episodes lately?

>> No.50923833

Could be, but it's unlikely + the improved sleep could have overall benefited her mental state. Also, she didn't smoke, she ate an edible, not that it's very relevant.

>> No.50923853

>Couldn't that have contributed to her worsening menhera episodes lately?

>> No.50923973

Even if it is, that won't change anything. She's not even supposed to ingest caffeine and yet does every single day, she's terrible at taking care of her health

>> No.50924117

its a bad idea to take copious amounts over a long period of time. my brother developed paranoid schizophrenia from smoking an ounce a day for 8 years and it was only the last year that it developed.
doing one weed every so often very likely has more benefits for her than it does drawbacks.
>can actually sleep
>likely quiets her mind
>likely feels a lot happier due to dopamine
it also depends on how she responds to it, personally if i'm not with people then I get omega depressed but it varies wildly from person to person and looking at her response to it I think it is definitely a net positive

>> No.50924241

The only study that has anything to do with her is that weed might cause people susceptible to schizophrenia to have it triggered, but that's only for those that have yet to show signs of schizophrenia developing it, not what it does to a person that already has schizoaffective disorder.

>> No.50924242

I don't think he's interacting with her on twitter out of weird obligation

>> No.50924293

you say that, but d* also does that while flirting with 2 other girls at the same time, and that's only those that I know about.

>> No.50924370

Pretty sure there are risks when combining weed with psychiatric drugs. I'm not a doctor though, so who knows. As long as she doesn't make edibles her go to breakfast snack, it's probably fine.

>> No.50924492

By the way she doesn't smoke it, and has only had 1 cookie so far by her brother. It's not a common occurrence and it has been months since her last one.

>> No.50924784

shes broken and doesnt want to get fixed
dont pick mentally ill next time if this bothers you

>> No.50926662
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>> No.50926727

It could but it didn’t seem to have that effect on Shondo. She only had 1/5 of a cookie one time months ago now as far as we know, it’s not like she’s stoned 24/7. I’d advocate for her getting high a few times a year if it means she feels content and gets a full sleep.

>> No.50926749

He obviously wants to leave but doesn't want her to go schizo

>> No.50926978

I've slowly been lowering my stalking reps and have been much happier. I think for a while I'll go back to being a more casual viewer even though I can't stop thinking about her every moment of my life

>> No.50927126 [DELETED] 

Today's the day, Im not watching stream and will be chatting in one of her friends stream all day. If she doesn't notice I'm gone and comment on it I don't know what I'll do

>> No.50927251

Bad timing. When she has a mental breakdown now she just spams Twitter interactions with people who actually care. But go ahead and be filtered that because she's trying to be better

>> No.50927510


>> No.50927544

Actually kys

>> No.50927560

just dm her anon. this is exactly the type of information she wants in her dms.

>> No.50927847
File: 937 KB, 951x753, 1680178696990852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for letting everyone know, I've messaged her and told her that there's a malicious regular trying to hurt her for attention and is deliberately flirting with her friends to try and upset her. I'm sure she'll appreciate this knowledge! You're not someone who should be in her community if the moment she has some sort of struggle you want to hurt her for your own gain

>> No.50927894

Good job, fuck that faggot.

>> No.50927914

Kys. I won't be able to catch most of today's stream live, while you'll be available and decide to be a petty bitch

>> No.50928043

You're just going to upset her, don't let her know

>> No.50928047
File: 405 KB, 638x696, 1683344396949779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I've been waiting for a husband vacancy spot for a while

>> No.50928051
File: 27 KB, 451x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a funny notification on twitter today. One of the fags that was trying to doxx Shondo during her cancellation arc got suspended. It was a nice thing to wake up to.

>> No.50928079

Someone actually tried to doxx her? I never saw that but damn, good job.

>> No.50928093
File: 9 KB, 1122x78, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not escaping, you dipshit.

>> No.50928142

Got another one, but I think it wasn't for the same person. It was a retard who even brought the harassment to Shadowchama

>> No.50928156
File: 1.63 MB, 1690x1594, 1673554279653187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late to delete I sent her a screenshot of your message
Also dumbass she lurked 4chan for years before she was a VTuber, I would be more surprised if she couldn't read deleted posts

>> No.50928283

fuck that shogger but dont bring this to shondo. she does not want to know what happens here idiots

>> No.50928426

She keeps saying how she gets anxious about getting dms even if they aren't trauma dumping. I'm only from the recent batch of people she followed so she probably wouldn't appreciate a dm so early

>> No.50928427

If I want to become of one the inner-inner circle to support her and be there how much do I have to do? How much art and how much talking?

>> No.50928537

I thought he was just pretending for (You)s. Don't tell me people think cheating for attention actually works? Literal female behavior

>> No.50928665

It was a joke, I wouldn't hurt her by cheating right in front of her like that

>> No.50929227

You know what, you should actually tell her anyway, that way she can stop having meltdowns over people leaving

>> No.50929270

dont worry about it. she does not want useless shit but she is geniunely interested in if you wont be able to catch streams for a while. a donation is fine too though so do whatever but do know that this is a legit case to dm since its for a longer period of time

>> No.50929545

I sure hope you didn't considering how many times she's been told she doesn't want to know what goes on here

>> No.50930168

Shoggers never change do they. Rereading the thread from a year ago people were still trying to figure out how become an important person to her before she got a bigger audience and now look at her. Triple the audience size and she still makes an effort to try to interact with as many people as she can.

>> No.50931294
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 1664035915412369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi chatters

>> No.50931341

henlo : )

>> No.50931510

Am I crazy or does Shondo look low FPS?

>> No.50931583

>males in chat
that's a disgusting thought

>> No.50931745

Let me tell you a secret there are males in this thread

>> No.50931811

T-thats not true right sisters?

>> No.50931818

worse yet, there are women here

>> No.50931857

well at least theres no coomers

>> No.50931939

She just called out the thread, basicly confirming that she doesn't like the way yall talk about her with the coomer talk. They to keep it out of the comunity next time alright?

>> No.50931997

i cum

>> No.50932017

shondo rape

>> No.50932052

I do seriously feel like she does not only read my posts here, but that she can also identify me through those and it's affecting the way I talk here.

>> No.50932054

Smoking weed when youre schizo is miserable. Shit made me hallucinate like crazy and I couldn't tell what was real for hours, but everyones experience is different.

>> No.50932188

I feel like im cheating when i touch myself to anything other than shadow. I assume thats what she wants, just because she somehow thinks that you can turn off the horny... damn brat...

>> No.50932196

i want to touch her tummy and give it kisses so badly

>> No.50932216

I want to kiss her forehead bros

>> No.50932222

Like a wise anon once said "write like your oshi reads all your posts and knows you wrote them"

>> No.50932225

Sorry lurk

>> No.50932262

cringe shondo

>> No.50932279

where's that retard that things she liked the attention from being canceled again

>> No.50932296

Filtered already, thank god. I hope she does this more often

>> No.50932556

Shes in a violent mood today I love it. Told off a lot of regular chatters already

>> No.50932761

If you’re talking about her going off about not wanting to be known as based & redpilled anymore I have noticed almost all of the “based” vtubers got scared of being referred to as based around the same time as that internal government document leak that said based meant right wing violent extremist they are scared of catching a ban.

>> No.50932832
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>> No.50932887

An app like that is very easy to make actually

>> No.50933013

I hope she doesnt forget about this idea. It shouldnt be too hard if she works with a mobile dev team

>> No.50933060

She's heavily pushing anything even remotely lewd away because of Ren's complaints about "coomers" yet he doesn't even show up anymore lmao

>> No.50933066

Non fucked OP

>> No.50933113

Fuck off retard, we're not even on bump limit.

>> No.50933209
File: 721 KB, 1172x857, image_2023-06-07_200558364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also automatically move closer to screen whenever she does?

>> No.50933290

she's not been still having headaches this whole time and using her mom's painkillers the whole time has she

>> No.50933335

if it actually used her model it would get leaked instantly

>> No.50933444

I think (hope) that she would have said at some point if that was the case.

>> No.50933459

>spends night rubbing, touching and fucking up her eyes
>has headache
surely not connected. fucked up eyesight made my life hell until i got proper glasses. stupid fucking bitch go get your glasses

>> No.50933501

it's really hard to help someone that doesn't want to be better

>> No.50933540

sorry fellas, but this is my fault
shes pregnant

>> No.50933556

Wow that was sudden

>> No.50933566

Do your fucking art reps right now to make her feel better. No prompt this time just draw something for her

>> No.50933573

I want to eat her puke

>> No.50933575

T. Me
Man I hate seeing her like that

>> No.50933586

Well, first stream of the year that was started and cancelled. Hope she gets some rest for now.

>> No.50933588

That's how puking works normally yeah

>> No.50933607

>mfw I'm not there for Shondo to use a puke receptacle.

>> No.50933652

Wouldnt have happened if she let us pat her tummy, just saying

>> No.50933653

Damn she finished fast it was probably already making its way to her throat

>> No.50933655
File: 13 KB, 330x360, 1686161824792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anxiety got the better of her

>> No.50933674

>threw up twice in the last week
I think the new meds dosage is fucking with her

>> No.50933687

Man I wanted to hear her puke

>> No.50933704

I miss her bros... I hope she feels better soon

>> No.50933712

Love you shadow hope you get better fast <3

>> No.50933728

She's gonna beat herself over this later, won't she?

>> No.50933729

please doc. my wife, she's sick.

>> No.50933778

Her doctor is retarded, I doubt he'll be of help

>> No.50933790

i'm getting triggered hearing her say shit like "i don't have time for sleeping or bathing". what's wrong with her? is this just to keep her mind occupied because she's scared of her own thoughts? it's really frustrating to hear and it'll fuck her up so hard down the line it's not even funny. my god. i know you guys love her mother but she could do a lot more for shondo. i feel like she needs an irl tard-wrangler that looks after her.

>> No.50933808

I feel like she will, do send her some support

>> No.50933889

>i feel like she needs an irl tard-wrangler that looks after her
She has her entire family and they can't even make her, you underestimate how broken she is

>> No.50933953

Shondo its really okay to sleep. Please sleep. Please do it for us if not for yourself.

>> No.50933968

You have no idea how stubborn she is. She was still trying to stream when she had pneumonia last year and her family had to force her to go to the fucking hospital.

>> No.50934007

I need to hug her.

>> No.50934017

>I was just seconds away from doing something related to her when both of my hands suddenly became so numb that I couldn't type
>Couple minutes later she leaves
Shondo, my intentions were good but I understand and I will not do it. Just please trust me.

>> No.50934025

do you mean like, started before the game? She's definitely canceled streams prematurely this year

>> No.50934046

Has she deleted the VOD? Why?

>> No.50934062

It's just physical sickness right? nothing to really concernfag really hard over right?

>> No.50934094

Why though? Doesnt she understand that we dont want that from her? Is she just trying to punish herself through overwork?

>> No.50934102

Like I always say, her "fetishes" are all about stripping her of agency and giving her a purpose (e.g. punching bag). It's not rocket science what she needs.

>> No.50934109

Just the usual weakness + weak body she also puked a few days ago

>> No.50934128

physical sickness isn't worth concern?
she might've caught something but she's also tweaking her meds and lives very unhealthily
wouldn't be surprised if she's not slept more than a few hours total in the past 5 days

>> No.50934153

You sure? I don't remember streams where she just straight up finished before going into the game this year at least.
Was already expecting that. Start archiving if you don't want to miss anything.
It's how she is. No matter how many times you tell her, she'll just get mad for backseating her life/health

>> No.50934171

Given her interactions on twitter the last week or so its most likely shes getting 3-4 hours of sleep max a night

>> No.50934174

Ops *sickness*

>> No.50934257

her physical health is probably worse than her mental health if we're being real here. her body is so fucked up it defies the laws of nature. and then she makes it a thousand times worse on herself by not sleeping. i'm fucking seething and wish i could slap some sense into her.

>> No.50934263

>don't worry I'm not mad at you guys or anything.
She truly is a loving, caring oshi. Water under the bride.

>> No.50934276

I missed most of that zatsu, im sorry. Sounds like there was some important stuff thats now gone.

>> No.50934288

Please tell me there's an archive. I just arrived.

>> No.50934297

>I don't remember streams where she just straight up finished before going into the game this year at least.
that's what I'm saying, I meant she's ended mid-game before this year, can't remember otherwise

>> No.50934348

Oh, I've misread your post then. But yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the first this year she ends at the zatsu abruptly.

>> No.50934407

I think the one (supposed to be) South Park stream where she ended early just before starting the game was this year.

>> No.50934449

Not a lot of important stuff. I know you're baiting to get us to tell you what she talked about but I dont mind
The most important things she mentioned were that she has talked with the merch companies and they have started production. 330 full orders, maybe 30 stand along orders.
She talked about wanting to make a shondo app on your phone that you can interact with that has hundreds of voice lines for different occasions, and reacts to what you say to it and what you are doing
She said one of the critters has been sick and shes been feeling off since then
She ended stream early because she had to throw up

Thats really all that comes to mind, others can add if they want

>> No.50934453 [DELETED] 
File: 3.33 MB, 2591x3624, 1673197394069351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if she's 6 months pregnant? Her Florida bf probably came to visit for Christmas.

>> No.50934520

Imagine if Rugrats gets delayed one more week lmao

>> No.50934527

The one she had a terrible coughing fit? That was December 2nd last year

>> No.50934541

Not that it isn't but I'd be more worried if the sickness was brought on by a menhera episode, but as far as we know this doesn't seem to be the case

>> No.50934547

It's cursed...

>> No.50934571

She's running away from the truth.

>> No.50934590

Imagine if she does something stupid like trying to get work done

>> No.50934643

that's the average for her, when she's really having it bad she gets like, an hour a night

>> No.50934654

Seems like you are right and I just remembered wrong. In that case this should be the first stream like that this year.

>> No.50934674

No, I went to visit her for Christmas.

>> No.50934677

if she does she fucking deserves correction. just lay down and watch a movie or five please

>> No.50934684

stress and no sleep weakens your immune system so it's not really out of the question. all in all though:
>3 huge menhera meltdowns in one week
>refuses to clean herself
>refuses to sleep
>has vomited multiple times the past week
>vomited today too
>sickness in the house

>> No.50934694

My wife is retarded and doesnt get that physical health, mental health, and sleeping/eating/personal care are all connected.

She really does need us to beat her unconscious until she learns when bedtime is

>> No.50934755

sometimes she gets it, or if you believe what she said today she always gets it but refuses to act accordingly
what can you really do
shit feels like march-may of last year all over again, hope we're not having a repeat of the vod deletion era

>> No.50934866
File: 825 KB, 1301x1798, 1658931448450174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She unironically needs to be leashed, regularly spanked and kept that way until she proves that she's a big girl now. No, I won't call her woman.

>> No.50934867

>hope we're not having a repeat of the vod deletion era
If that happens again, we got like 3 or 4 people archiving shit. So it won't be all lost.

>> No.50934869

Right when she was about to go quiet I was going to ask her if she thought she would have the time to learn piano, glad I didn't probably would have worsen her anxiety

>> No.50934911

She is very smart, she knows what she needs to do, what she needs to stop doing and what she needs to change, but try as she might she is unable to do it.
Such is the hikki life.

>> No.50934970

this isn't a normal hikky life. she probably needs institutionalization if we're being real as she can't take care of herself and neither can her family.

>> No.50934989

As with all zoomers, half her problems would be fixed if someone took her phone away at night

>> No.50935027

you have too much faith in mental health institutions, they've done jack shit for my sister who's probably a quarter as insane as shondo

>> No.50935103

Therapy would be a start.

>> No.50935115

High INT low WIS. No impulse control, if she didn't have EDs she'd probably weigh 500 pounds.

>> No.50935122

She's been in therapy half her life retardchama

>> No.50935132

she and her mother both went through therapy together, therapy isn't some cure all

>> No.50935134

Where do you newfags come from

>> No.50935154

Ram it into her head that if she doesnt take care of herself her husbands see it as a betrayal, maybe that will get her attention

>> No.50935170

fair enough. it just sucks feeling so helpless and being forced to watch her deteriorate from afar. sorry to hear about your sister, anon.
i got my 2 year badge today, faggot. fucking kill yourself.

>> No.50935186

>her husbands see it as a betrayal
We don't, plenty of us are ok with rotting together.

>> No.50935193

wish i could send her hotel chocolates right now

>> No.50935194

You must not be paying attention to streams then

>> No.50935209

Ok Conso why do you act like a newfag if you're not one?

>> No.50935231


>> No.50935248

I don't like that she doesn't take better care of herself, but I'd be a massive liar if I said that I couldn't relate.

>> No.50935263

>High INT low WIS. No impulse control
Just like me frfr

>> No.50935296

Birthday merch will probably ship after xmas next year to avoid issues with last year.
She's unsure if she can ship the fumos this year because she wants a selling window of more than 1 month.

>> No.50935327

????????? explain how i'm a newfag for being concerned for her health lol. literal fucking dramafaggots going out of your way looking for an argument. i know she has been institutionalized before. that doesn't change anything about what i said, you fucking mongoloid cunts.

>> No.50935362

I want to wrap her up and force her to sleep

>> No.50935573

We're all worried for her, but there's nothing we can do about it. No matter how many times we tell her, she won't listen. You should know that by now, since you're a 2 year sub.

>> No.50935587

I mean yeah if you just scaled how fat she was as a kid up to her current stature

>> No.50935612

cant wait to watch the girl i love die of an aneurysm on stream lets gooooooo

>> No.50935653

>just stop trying
>give up

>> No.50935660

You have zero reading compression, no wonder why you know jackshit despite claiming to have a 2 year badge.

>> No.50935709


>> No.50935864

Stream ended early today. I hope Shondo gets better soon.

Anyway, anyone want to play DRG? Season 4 drops next week and I need to finish Season 3's event.

>> No.50935916


>> No.50935922


>> No.50935975

She spent 2 fucking days being silly and warming up to ungrateful dumbasses while venting about smaller stuff here and there. All chat had to fucking do was shut up and listen. She clearly had stuff she wanted to talk about, not your single brain celled advice "uuuu go outside hurrhurr". SHE JUST WANTED TO TALK.

Hilarious is the fact that she vouched for the touchless retards that have zero social skills. Amazing work today, hats off to the vocal minority of her regulars. Please die of heart disease so you can leave my wife alone, thank you very much.

>> No.50936048

Me on the left and right

>> No.50936085

She clearly wasn't feeling well, as she said earlier. I'm sure it didn't help but she was already feeling like shit.

>> No.50936109
File: 1.57 MB, 2279x3882, 1670942243361437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that she should kill me and that everything would be better that way.

>> No.50936184

yep, won't stop me from venting when i'm worried though. i'll keep doing it too, so you'll just need to learn how to live with it.
you're not even saying anything, you're just shitting up the thread for no reason. imagine pretending to be superior when you're ruining thread after thread with your retarded metaposts while the rest of us just wants to talk about our fucking oshi. do the world a favor and unalive yourself.

>> No.50936198

The extremely mentally ill girl who does nothing to help herself can never just be sick, it had to be CHAT that did this to her. retard

>> No.50936241

no, hes right, i had a japanese cold but still decided to mating press her. She probably got sick and pregnant at the same time

>> No.50936250 [DELETED] 

Lmao you think that was it? She just wanted an out so she could spend some more time with her baby daddy Florida Man. She's not your wife, simp.

>> No.50936277

what the fuck are you talking about retard this is no ones fault

>> No.50936334

"Oh you guys don't get her. I can help her" NO YOU CAN'T YOU GOOFY GOOBER!!!

Whatever the fuck twitch chat says has little to no impact on her actual life. The sheer delusions I see on the internet, dear God.

>> No.50936336

Ok Nina

>> No.50936351

Deleted by accident, sorry.

>> No.50936363

Its a shitposter or a an actual completely clueless retard

>> No.50936467

Delusional mfs in chat think they can help someone on the other side of an LED monitor.

>> No.50936468

I just want her to feel relief for once in her life. Please God help her.

>> No.50936507

Where's the anon that was doing the ritual thing?

>> No.50936529

Shondo does it to me every day RETARD

>> No.50936674

>twitch streamer entertains viewer

Damn, no shit retard

>> No.50936737

>Streamer spends time with viewers because she loves them

Damn, no shit retard

>> No.50936749


>> No.50936978

newfags can't deal with a menhera and it shows

>> No.50937122

you arent dealing with anything, youre enabling bad behavior

>> No.50937217

just don't backseat her in a way chat did you fucking retard

>> No.50937234

wtf did you make me google

>> No.50937264

Can someone upload the VOD please?

>> No.50937283

Kill yourself.

>> No.50937309

gtfo newfag

>> No.50937352

How new?

>> No.50937353


>> No.50937391

Don't be an ass.

>> No.50937401

I think after a a year and a half the constant stress of being her husband is getting to me. I feel awful about this but maybe not watching her would be better than not being able to sleep at night. We are worried sick everyday for her.

>> No.50937416

Join him. Make a date, nigger faggot.

>> No.50937423

digital depiction of your penis to the moderators

>> No.50937454

nothing to concernfag over calm down

>> No.50937458


>> No.50937485

it's not for everyone

>> No.50937545

Some nice warm soup and a hot shower then sleeping after work wonders for a cold
These are all things she would never do

>> No.50937552
File: 270 KB, 543x600, 1666237498465751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50937572

Its literally a toxic relationship, thats why everyone leaves. It becomes clear that its not progressing anywhere and the stress overwhelms any positive feelings

>> No.50937579 [DELETED] 

hey haha do anyone want to play League of Legends with me tonight? I'm level 33, started playing in 2021, more in 2022, and haven't played at all in 2023. I placed in iron for comp. None of my friends will play with me, they call me a fag.

>> No.50937628

>nothing to concernfag over calm down
Not sure if you meant to reply to me or not. I was just describing what happened in the stream since the vod was deleted

>> No.50937629


>> No.50937651

dont stick around and just take a break. if you aren't realizing that it's affecting you, you might just feedback loop onto her. you'd be making the right call, anon!

>> No.50937656

you don't watch her

>> No.50937687

i was telling anon to see your post, sorry for confusion

>> No.50937690

im retarded and cant read sorry

>> No.50937803

If you still want to watch her, just chat less and stop interacting with every post she makes on twitter. Sit back and just enjoy her streaming rather than trying to get her attention at every opportunity

>> No.50937845
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>> No.50937895

I think that at this point it's just too late for me and I'll just ride this train until either I kill myself or she dies and I follow close behind. I don't think that me leaving would help me survive any longer than that.

>> No.50937970

Please wait to kill yourself until shes dead. At most you'll have to wait 10 years. You'd do that at least for your wife, right?

>> No.50938017

remember she may perceive

>> No.50938105

perceive THIS *unzips penis*

>> No.50938184

*grabs u by the throat* mback the FUCK OFF???

>> No.50938186 [DELETED] 

that "..." literally had to be her I cant convince myself otherwise

>> No.50938187

No promises but I'll try, and if I fail I'll try to minimize the impact on her by lying about why she won't see me around anymore, with claims to still watch vods and such.

>> No.50938284

anyone else think the companion app would drive many a shogga to an early grave

>> No.50938343

Worth it

>> No.50938355

honstely same, im completly obsessed over shadow im like the biggest yandere that ever yandered, its fucking terrible

>> No.50938363

Thank you for the words, it makes me feel less guilty.
I don't ever try to get her attention. I'm comfortable loving her from afar, I'm sure she knows my name because I'm in the streams often but that would be about it. It's just the "feel good> happy wife> something happens> worrying for her safety" loop getting to me.
Thank you everyone, I've been thinking about this for days so hopefully I'm making the right decision.

>> No.50938383

It scares me think that the simulacrum could destroy my mind and I fall in love with it instead of the real shondo. But I still want it so badly

>> No.50938432

Maybe, I'd still want it though.

>> No.50938447

I want to upload shondo's brain online and keep her as a digital shondo free of the needs of flesh

>> No.50938521

Not unless its using AI, which she wouldnt want. Prerecorded stuff gets old pretty fast

>> No.50938541

is there a public 3d model? or do I have to try export the koikatu model

>> No.50938565

I wanted to ask her this in her maros but wasnt awake when she did them on r*. Shes wary of AI so I dont think its something that she would be likely to do if it was eventually a possibility

>> No.50938692

>tamagotchi Shadow
>If you drop it she shows up with bruises

>> No.50938804

Sure thing Cave Johnson

>> No.50938884

I wonder if this would make her better or worse in terms of mental state. on one hand she'd be free from the chemical imbalances of humans but on the other she'd be imprisoned in an electric cage for eternity.
would her being 'fixed' make her different? would the removal of schizo-affective and the realisation she'll never get to live like this in the real world cause an immediate depression? many questions.

>> No.50938896

Putting wifey into a giant robot body... her freaking out because she's scared of robots...

>> No.50938987

When I eventually move in with her, what am I going to do with my gunpla collection

>> No.50939076

beat her with them

>> No.50939464 [DELETED] 

Fail stream, I was not entertained give me back my dono money you 12.5% kike bitch.

>> No.50939556

i think there's a middleground where we're still parasocial but don't get suicidal when Shon gets a cold

>> No.50939590
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>>50938187 (Me)
Sorry for ranting, but I asked this question the last round of marshmallows on that account: "if a viewer [...] was to pass away, would you prefer to know or not?", intentionally wording it in an ambiguous way. She realized what my intention there might have been, in addition to stuff like accidents and terminal illnesses, but she didn't give a concrete answer for my side of the question, just saying that she really really doesn't want me to do it. I'll try to use it as a motivation to try a little longer, but it will also be my motivation to not reveal the truth if I end up failing.

>> No.50939721

But I still want to watch it. Please.

>> No.50939734

Since she doesnt sleep eat or excercise properly, is on a million medications that compromise her health, is dangerously small, has long covid and lung damage, has irregular heart beat, and more, every japanese cold could mean her untimely death

>> No.50939868

I don't know if others who weathered the olden days are the same as me but after months on end of her being consistently like this last year I learned to let go and accept she's too stubborn to help

>> No.50939874

The overwhelming desire to rub Shondos shoulders and back while trying to calm her

>> No.50939890

>she didn't give a concrete answer for my side of the question
Man, our Shondo can be such a savage.

>> No.50939908 [DELETED] 

"Heckin newfag doesn't know our quirky lingo"
Shut up you fucking redditors

>> No.50939935

kill yourself newfag

>> No.50939978

She has touch aversion. Sorry, anon there is nothing you can do in this situation. Just make sure she has a paycheck so her family doesn't end up homeless.

>> No.50940004

Just think about all the cool streams you'll miss if you arent around. I swear she keeps talking about her future plans to prevent husbands from killing themselves

>> No.50940009

Hold her down and use her like a pillow until she's forced to either sleep or pass out from exhaustion

>> No.50940015

I'm sure Shadow would be very happy seeing how you idiots are acting right now

>> No.50940038

Finally, a sensible anon in this thread.

>> No.50940040

Classic retort
To be expected from a human being of your intelligence

>> No.50940051

It wasn't really "savage", just uncertainty, saying "i'm really not sure what my answer is because i genuinely hope none of you ever ever ever do that". I would have liked a more concrete yes or no, but I don't blame her for not giving one.

>> No.50940072

Why? Most of the post here are shitposters and antis

>> No.50940086
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>> No.50940088

i dream about this every day

>> No.50940096

Kinda seems to me that being stubborn to the point of not caring about how your actions negatively affect your husbands sanity is evidence that the relationship isnt real and she doesnt love the same way you love her

>> No.50940107

I'm being sarcastic

>> No.50940116

Thats just how she talks, she doesnt want to see you disappear from killing yourself

>> No.50940145

#1 reason why actually dating Shondo would not be fun at all.

>> No.50940165

It's really hard to differentiate reddit from 4chan with all these fuckin clowns coming over.

>> No.50940174
File: 563 KB, 800x1440, 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will, shadow-chan is a nice person.

>> No.50940180

newfag or anti, my new favorite game in these threads

>> No.50940201

hehe good meme do you care if I steal it kind sir?

>> No.50940209

Wew, can't wait for that one. That's a first from behind. Very nice.

>> No.50940226

Never draw her with pants, thank you for all your work so far

>> No.50940241

Looks nice, keep up the great work

>> No.50940256

I'm sure she doesn't when she's thinking rationally but if you read up about schizoaffective disorder I doubt she would care much either.
In fact, that's likely one of the reasons she manages to put up with us.

>> No.50940260


>> No.50940267

I kneel

>> No.50940272
File: 117 KB, 496x277, EGyZ1CWWsAAg-Bq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50940299


>> No.50940301

Looks very nice! I've always liked the aesthetic of gas masks.

>> No.50940374

Don't know about you but personally I'm an antifag

>> No.50940377

Any aversion is easily overcome through repeated exposure therapy.
Just force touch her until she realizes its not so bad

>> No.50940434

first time encountering a woman?

>> No.50940453

I mean she'll tell you it's not real either if you really pressure her but it is a loving relationship which is hard to define. There's also inherent imbalances with thousands of people sharing one object of affection who can't know them half as much as the other way

>> No.50940462

>Any aversion is easily overcome through repeated exposure therapy.
t. 1970s psychotherapist

>> No.50940479


>> No.50940523

t. 2020s transfeminist

>> No.50940528

Yeah, it won't make me do it or tell her, but the fact she could at least understand it gives me some comfort.

>> No.50940576

>handcuffing Shondo to the bed and blowing raspberries on her little tummy against her will

>> No.50940615

I want to slap it

>> No.50940616

>slowly doing them lower and lower

>> No.50940653

am i secretly baby bunny in soul? i felt pretty sick yday too and had to throw up, and todays not any better, im so glad i didnt miss much today while dying

>> No.50940680

You don't get it, she would actually hate it as much as being touched by a random stranger. Touch adversion isn't a meme.

>> No.50940743
File: 2.02 MB, 1894x2894, 1657536490920940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll continue forcing it onto her until she's forced to adapt to it

>> No.50940759

old school psychology was way better than the modern variety, so i'm not sure what you're trying to say with this. nowadays someone comes in and instead of trying to fix them they just say "no no, you're perfectly normal, you were just born into the wrong body. it happens. now go chop off your dick and live out your delusi- i mean your ACTUAL biological reality".

>> No.50940800

she'll get over it after it goes on long enough

>> No.50940825

kinda telling you only see the world through whatever current culture war issue you're enraged about

>> No.50940897

Exposure therapy is not outdated and it is extremely undisputedly effective

>> No.50940922
File: 239 KB, 915x579, 1673338574969638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does your schizo shit have anything to do with Shondo?

>> No.50940952

think he's worried they're gonna chop off shondo's pp

>> No.50940983

Since Shondo has made it abundantly clear on multiple occasions that she doesn't like coomers, I've made a concerted effort to stop jerking off. I'm on day 10 of not spilling my seed. I don't know if I'll ever get to hold her hand, but Shondo's ridicule is helping me break the bonds of pornography addiction.
>She said she hates folks who want a based and red pilled chuuba to parrot their ideas back at them.
Ironically this is how I found out about her. A right-wing anime enjoying account I follow on twitter posted a few funny clips of her and mentioned the stream that was the good ending of the Austrian painter- so I took a gander at her. Ended up falling in love and subbing. Life is weird.

>> No.50941025

I know y'all being schizos, but being with someone touch adverse IRL is pretty shit and doesn't go away that easy (if at all)

>> No.50941048

arguing with the people who claim the therapies that could help her are garbage? how is that not relevant? this is something i've noticed more and more in these threads as well as in twitter and discord with that weird fucking guy trying to trigger her ED. people are subtly trying to downplay and minimize the few viable options she has. it's some fucking CIA-tier psyops the antis have got going on.

>> No.50941062
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As she said, she'd be "fine" with you just forcing her to do what she wants and take away her decision making, it's an easy work around

>> No.50941079

can you be more of a stereotype

>> No.50941094
File: 1.89 MB, 410x520, Shondo Meds [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhgcwoe.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50941098

Shondo already said that pegging is haram and if you're into that you caught teh gay, so it doesn't matter if she has one or not

>> No.50941119

>she doesn't like coomers
do you really believe it? she wouldn't tease and post lewd art if she didn't want to make my dick hard

>> No.50941124
File: 273 KB, 526x543, 1686016238875771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread after thread with posts about raping her
>one anon says he wants to hug her

>> No.50941149

>feeling Shondo's abs flex and tighten as your lips and tongue make contact

>> No.50941194

Just don't push your views on her and your fine anon

>> No.50941200

it's just plausible deniability. she knows what she's doing with the stretch redeem for example.

>> No.50941212

anon's just saying it probably wouldn't even help if you could, then anything past that is just a pointless sperg-off

>> No.50941230

she has a 6 pack

>> No.50941231

i'm touch averse in a certain way and any kind of exposure therapy would be my room 101, like having a rat cage strapped to my face
it'd probably work but I'd rather die

>> No.50941234

Just want to say her rant about people complaining about twitch was very retarded. Some people rely on those sponsorships to to eat, she was really showing how privileged she is.

>> No.50941274

Cause it wouldn't! Back rubs will not feed her family, anon! That's no joke!

>> No.50941281

Not having giant fuck off logos doesn't stop you from taking sponsors

>> No.50941300


>> No.50941310

most people complaining weren't going to be affected though, and nobody's leaving for shit, they said they would over the pay cut and twitch literally told them "go ahead, you can now stream on youtube even if you're a partner" and guess what, they all fucking stayed anyway because that's what you can get away with when the competition sucks

>> No.50941323

In addition to just exposure she has to make a conscious effort to not exhibit the bad response. Its also meant to be very gradual and consistent (and shes not consistent with anything). ERP can work if she puts in the effort and stops being reinforced by idiots online that her situaton is hopeless, which is the easy out shes looking for to avoid the work. Mental health care is so shit these days in no small part due to people finding online communities to support their maladaptive behaviors with other maladjusted people

>> No.50941369

>most people complaining weren't going to be affected though
have you thought this logic through or are you just parroting her as always? because it's really fucking dumb.

>> No.50941402

But that's true

>> No.50941424

how many streamers are you watching who have giant banner ads

>> No.50941456


>> No.50941464

>that's what you can get away with when the competition sucks
Tech companies treating their de facto workers like heaps of trash denying them any rights, lefty activist types who prefer culture wars to class war and actually side with the capitalists - God I fucking hate the 21st century.

>> No.50941468

why shouldn't people speak up just because something isn't affecting them personally? you're okay with everyone in the world except for your country being genocided then since it isn't affecting you?

>> No.50941469

Has FallenShadow ever done typing ASMR? She types fast as fuck and that'd be nice to listen to.

>> No.50941481
File: 136 KB, 1032x1080, 1655350465301618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The love of my life

>> No.50941508
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>> No.50941547

Are we Fallen or Shondophrenics, I noticed the term changed over time?

>> No.50941558


>> No.50941560

That girl? She's going to kill herself tonight after her last shot at confiding in her regulars during a lower viewership day blew up in her face.

>> No.50941584

Shondo doesn't look at the viewcount, newfag

>> No.50941588

i have bad memory but i refuse to believe she actually talked about pegging on stream. I'm not saying she hates lewd art of her but she really doesn't like talking about sexual stuff no stream

>> No.50941604

make sure to never reveal your age to shondo or she'll ban your asses

>> No.50941634

The survey has a lot of typing. Most of it doesn't have her natural voice though

>> No.50941646

Well i've seen all I need to see.
I'm very surprised with quality of thread and how most of the happening was handled
I do think I'll keep this as a weekly thing unless consensus says otherwise, thanks for a semi-decent thread lads I'll make some tweaks and come back better.
I'll let retardchama >>50933066 take over if he wants to bake
getting immediately BTFO'd kek

>> No.50941658

nobody has channel sponsors like that who actually need it to live, and I also don't care either way
anyone but shondo can get a real job

>> No.50941681

Stop making threads when she isn't live, it never ends well

>> No.50941690

based edgy teenagers/manchildren

>> No.50941692

Because the rule makes sense, other streaming sites already have the same rule, it doesn't effect me, I've never seen any vtuber have ads like this, it's a viewer friendly rule since it gets rid of extra invasive ads, it's easily worked around if you realy need to sin e it still allows ads to be incorporated into streams as long as it's not simple banners or videos.

Now explain to me why this rule is bad.

>> No.50941712

She didn't know what it was, and had to Google it. She said if you're into it she thinks your gay

>> No.50941711

What blew up? No one said anything bad

>> No.50941716

she didn't enjoy learning what it was

>> No.50941747

>a lower viewership day
It's true, Shondo is now back to being 3view again

>> No.50941856

She's pretty fucking narrowminded when it comes to sex in general.

>> No.50941868

She just started the stream dumbass this isn't uncommon for her

>> No.50941881

No fucking shit? How new

>> No.50941918

She's pretty cute and I really like her ASMR. I got like strangely obsessed with her in a short amount of time. It's really great to hear how much progress she's made in streaming and how she's able to help her family. Some of the things she's "into" are kind of scary for me, but she said that it doesn't really matter. She's got a great sense of humor and is very entertaining. Hearing about her overcoming such fucked up trauma makes me want to cheer for her even more. Her streams make me happy. Normally there's a compulsive thought of "oh no I hope this chuuba doesn't get too big, she's like my great little secret" but it'd be really cool to see her blow up. And she's already pretty big!

>> No.50941921


>> No.50941934

she strikes me as kinda levelheaded about it for the most part

>> No.50941947

Normal for her, she hits her peak about 3 hours into the stream, dummy

>> No.50941955

the middle school dropout that had one e-bf and doesn't go outside? ya don't say

>> No.50941976

She doesn't actually care. She thinks it's funny, even. It's Ren who cares. He's very possessive of his harem.

>> No.50942060

Cope, her numbers have been sinking the last two months, her career is in a downward trajectory.
If the views get any lower she will have to show feet on stream though

>> No.50942115

Is this bait? It wasn't "e-".

>> No.50942139

I hope all swarmfags stop watching her, i want my wife to only get watched by true red-blooded husbands

>> No.50942164

I'm really glad to know that Shondo will never show feet on stream because she's not a WHORE.

>> No.50942163

>all shitposting and newfags came during or after stream

>> No.50942167

Her monthly averages were low because she kept doing 10+ hour long watchalongs dumbass, she's on an upward trajectory. The averages of her independent streams are the highest they've ever been
Meeting up once or twice over the course of several years does not make an e relationship any less e

>> No.50942183

Good, I hope she stays a comfy managable 3view that doesnt overwhelm her. I'll make sure she has what she needs

>> No.50942196

it doesn't stop being e- if you meet up twice

>> No.50942228
File: 2.07 MB, 1280x720, 1677617780468306.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sure was one of the threads ever

>> No.50942230

we'll see. she did spray herself in the foot with an assault rifle with the recent menhera stuff. her more casual viewers in other places are dropping her en masse upon realizing her schizo wasn't a bit.

>> No.50942240

I get this is bait but it objectively isn't true. She hit 1,400 without raids a couple of weeks ago on a regular stream. Check the averages for independent streams, she's way up.

>> No.50942257

oh thank god she only passed out and hit her head, now I won't worry for her

>> No.50942308
File: 72 KB, 498x462, pepe-thumbs-up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes gonna be okay

>> No.50942344

she shows hand on stream but that's primarily a female fetish

>> No.50942354

I am indeed a swarmfag and I understand the feeling, but let's be real the most toxic fags in here are Shondo's OG fans, we newfriends do a little funposting at most but nothing harmful, you are the ones fucking up her life on a daily basis.

>> No.50942383


>> No.50942393

is this bait? or do you not watch streams?

>> No.50942405

was I in the minority who didn't really like this model in the first place, it looked terrible when she used it on stream the couple times she did
hopefully shonzo does a better job, it's definitely not easy trying to replicate rucaco's style in 2d let alone 3d

>> No.50942439

I thought it was fine, the issue seemed to be lighting. Not that it matters much now that she's never using it.

>> No.50942444

How the fuck would you know. newfag? Go back to your shitty chatbot.

>> No.50942446 [DELETED] 

Blowing him, making out with him, and having wild back scratching monkey sex sure does.
Reminder that the last time she was happy was with him

>> No.50942484

The last time she was happy was with her grandfather and her whole family at the zoo
Do reps now

>> No.50942503

>that's primarily a female fetish
What the fuck are you on about? Just shut up, walk away from your laptop or other electronic device, and reflect on how retarded you are for a minute.

>> No.50942520
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>>50942439 (me)
Forgot to note, I hope her new 3d is as good as Alice's, hers is great

>> No.50942529

What exactly do you have against her to come here and do this? Just leave her alone

>> No.50942532

ok fleece

>> No.50942534

duh, it's bait
I just want to know where we get these antis that know just enough to vaguely piece together real things she's said with completely incorrect context

>> No.50942548

But it's true. The first thing most women notice about men when they walk into a room is their hands since they're less likely to make eye contact than men are.

>> No.50942549

I'm not a handfag, but she has incredibly cute aesthetic little hands desu
big if true

>> No.50942556 [DELETED] 

Who else was there, anon? The timeframe sure lines up real nice.

>> No.50942595

Stop falling for the oldest baits possible, you fucking idiots

>> No.50942593

It looked better in proper lighting but reminder she commissioned this in mid 2021. It probably wasn't incredibly expensive.
What kind of pathetic and manipulative bait is this? The last time she was happy was when the forest elder was alive, this is just a nasty post to make.
Do timeline reps immediately. Zoo was mid 2021.

>> No.50942650

People are not falling for the bait, it's turds samefagging.

>> No.50942652

Stalking the most parasocial thread in the catalog is a really fun time

>> No.50942680
File: 2.34 MB, 2039x1378, 1677310212316091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50942688

I want her to sneeze in my face during sex and give me her cold

>> No.50942704

>How the fuck would you know. newfag?
Because literally every day you niggers cause some drama for your oshi. It's nearly as bad as Gura's community and that bitch doesn't even stream.

>> No.50942706

With certainty it will be as good, if not better. Shonzo's models are very good.

>> No.50942713
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>> No.50942723

the lighting helps yeah but it's still kind of off for me in general
honestly the blep model is amazing I'm not remotely mad about that being the main one for a good while, the style is pretty solid

>> No.50942741
File: 1.20 MB, 1219x1166, 1668566226355913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50942759

>Because literally every day you niggers cause some drama for your oshi.
And that didn't happen before you retards showed up.

>> No.50942783

If you weren't so new you'd realize these bantz are par for the course here. You faggots would break down sobbing if your oshi was /HLGG/

>> No.50942785
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>> No.50942795

Actually really excited for the Shonzo model

>> No.50942802

/pyon/ is down the hall desu

>> No.50942810

Shoving my tongue into Shondos nostril

>> No.50942819
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>> No.50942844
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>> No.50942855

Archives exist and I did my reps, so I know you're full of shit.

>> No.50942886

Fucking hell, that's top notch quality.

>> No.50942915

Shit these are some of the best 3D vtuber models I've seen. If he really does make hers I think it'll be fantastic

>> No.50942916

Wrong thread, we deal with ShonDo here not ShonZO.

>> No.50943058

This Pippa clone is not more parasocial than wifey, nobody in the EN space gets close to her level.

>> No.50943180

uuu I love my viewers uuu *delays stream for the 16,155th time*

>> No.50943267
File: 183 KB, 814x790, 1674337668295890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I shall listen to *VLeDjxxgoI on repeat. What could go wrong? Hopefully everything.

>> No.50943364

iirc he hasn't opened up for new work yet but she's likely going to get a slot when he does

>> No.50943386

is shondo and nina not as close anymore? they rarely share stories about hanging out etc anymore.

>> No.50943414

>getting in shape for Shondo
>picking up other hobbies so Shondo isn’t my sole focus in life
>pretend Shondo is in my passenger seat when I’m driving
>listening to Shondo ASMR when I’m at the driving range
>getting good at golf to impress Shondo
>doing my writing reps for Shondo
>desensitizing myself to gyro art for Shondo
>spending more time with my family for Shondo
>praying again
Things are going well. Thank you UK anime girl

>> No.50943420

She was literally eating chocolate Nina sent just a few streams ago

>> No.50943519

mmm gyros

>> No.50943583

i had to desensitize myself to gyro art too lest i get too hungry

>> No.50943774

>picking up other hobbies so Shondo isn’t my sole focus in life
No anon, not like this. This is not what she would have wanted.

>> No.50943818

Based as fuck. Almost me except no golf or track days

>> No.50943887

she wants you to improve yourself and for her to be a positive impact on your life
if your obsession is such that you neglect yourself it would be against her wishes
it's advisable either way though, that girl's gonna keel over within a few years

>> No.50943911

>uuu sorry guys my mental health is realllly bad today.. stream canceled see you in a week!!
>spends 10 hours watching GoT with "forest tree"

>> No.50943939

they have a collab planned sometime in the next weeks and nina is often in chat

>> No.50943947

shoo, retard

>> No.50943964

You mean one hour a night with her grandmother?

>> No.50944014

>this is your brain on simpium

>> No.50944021

How is the bait today so confused
Like it seems our baiters cannot keep their lore straight. So many new IPs too, invasion?

>> No.50944070

I think you clicked on the wrong thread, Gura anti, this doesn't even make sense

>> No.50944074

why on earth do you think correcting the bait is going to make it stop

>> No.50944104

it's funny, how can they know so much but yet so little

>> No.50944211

Just saying. it's a little suspicious when a "permanently online hikkineet" can only stream 3 days a weak (counting the weekly dropped stream)

>> No.50944222

i don't think she wants us to improve ourselves desu. that's not the vibe i get considering she's actively rewarding the ones who are destroying their lives to show utmost dedication to her. she revels in the fact that she's ruining people's sleep schedules for example. this sounded like a very negative anti post and i didn't mean for it to come across like that, i just don't think she wants us to improve necessarily. i think she wants her to be the sole factor of happiness in our lives. she is a yanderetuber after all.

>> No.50944240

You can't cuck bait like that with Shondo, she's way too open, way too direct, and works way too many hours for it to be effective.

>> No.50944285

Did another thread's antis get lost here or something?

>> No.50944286

so why hasn't she addressed the darkkal stuff on stream? or the ren stuff? she clearly isn't as open as you think.

>> No.50944311
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It's his first day, please be nice he's trying his best(?)

>> No.50944352

Wtf is there to address? This thread is the only place to "discuss" it and it's just schizo rrats about how uuu she cares more about certain regulars uuuu
Wtf do you want her to say?

>> No.50944380

she had public schizo meltdowns about them, what are you talking about it only being a thing here?

>> No.50944385
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>> No.50944392

Can't address stuff from the (now deleted) vent account.

>> No.50944407


>> No.50944412
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>> No.50944417

Why would she address something from a 200 follower vent account during stream

>> No.50944420

These guys are coping hard, please understand. Their entire worldview hinges on them finding the one pure virgin hikki weeb pickme egirl in the world. They can't even see past their noses the copium smoke is so thick.

>> No.50944440
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>> No.50944444

she literally apologized on shadowchama lol

>> No.50944480
File: 142 KB, 867x921, 1659392285893544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Shondo finally has seething femanons. My wife has really made it.

>> No.50944499

She got sick like this right after being disgusted at us before too. Could it be disillusionment at her regulars? Cant see anyone the same? Is her whole world crashing down because of fetish friends?

>> No.50944564

She probably had an intrusive thought about my smelly oji-san penis and instantly threw up. Sorry guys.

>> No.50944576

something is definitely going on with her. the vibes have been off in every stream since the meltdown

>> No.50944581

She mentioned anxiety too, I hope it's not because we let her know a regular was planning on watching someone else today

>> No.50944606

she's invested in things like people improving at art, asks us to be productive when she's not around
I think she does certain things and rewards some behavior yes which probably aren't healthy for people. it's probably a little selfishness because she likes to be fawned over, but the rest is I think just absolving herself of the consequences because she's put it on you to recognize if you're not being healthy about this. Not like we should be absolved of the duty to check in on ourselves either though.

>> No.50944628

I think that's just you

>> No.50944653

no? everyone noticed it during the movie date. people even mentioned it in chat lol

>> No.50944658

Why in God's name would you do that? Were you trying to fuck up her mood?

>> No.50944676

I think she finaly realized a lot of people take the husband wife stuff very seriously and she wasn't prepared for that

>> No.50944702

Are you braindead

>> No.50944734

I'm glad that she said she was going to try to utilize her other accounts and was trying to get over the fear of having so many followers. But she absolutely is making or has made another (hopefully private) twitter account. It's healthy to have a place where she can let her hair down so to speak. There's not a chance she'd post about her other interests and schizo-ramblings on her big accounts.

I hope the alt never gets leaked here, it ended terribly the last time- which is kind of a bummer bc I liked seeing the other side of her.

>> No.50944792

Stop replying to retards

>> No.50944799

lol i was literally just thinking about this. i'm convinced she has a new alt, but i'm not gonna bother this time. i need to start distancing myself a bit from her because she's literally making my menhera worse than it has been in a decade somehow.

>> No.50944860

If anything Shondo takes it more seriously than a lot of the people here. She's like a unicorn but for her viewers and even has meltdowns over them interacting with other vtubers like we would for males.

>> No.50944910

demonstrably not true. it's only when very specific people watch others, which means she cares about THEM, not everyone. she doesn't give a fuck when i watch somebody else lol.

>> No.50944936
File: 138 KB, 1106x1080, 1681692094295647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore any post ending in lol

>> No.50944979

For her top paypigs and artist groomers. Not you.

>> No.50944983

anon... your post...

>> No.50944987
File: 597 KB, 496x595, 1683561380754158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that's almost all of my posts...

>> No.50945031
File: 122 KB, 1300x1144, 1681154216880172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but... you...

>> No.50945131

Become an artist or a gachi or stop bitching, nigga. She has 90k followers she can't care equally about all of them

>> No.50945264

>Just drop 50K on a girl you'll never touch and it won't be a lie anymore

>> No.50945368

can you dumb shoggers stop replying to the faggot and just continue to cry about the lack of shondo

>> No.50945467

dickload of anti’s today. Shondo I’m sorry for the rape fetish friend posting a few threads back. I hope we can restore that trust and eventually rebuild our relationship again.

>> No.50945475

if she can't care for everyone she should stop insisting she can. it's that simple. that would alleviate a lot of this pressure instantly. she just keeps insisting though.

>> No.50945553
File: 1.10 MB, 800x1440, 1663937993315429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo was built to be raped my (me)

>> No.50945650

Yes stop being poor
It's pathetic

>> No.50945675
File: 27 KB, 546x497, Fwsl9o4WcAAsbK-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ is a dead board. this thread has been on page 10 forever.

>> No.50945725

We can't die soon enough

>> No.50945798

That money should be for your future family, you dumb faggot. Imagine knowing whenever your family wants to go on vacation or it's time to get your kid a new car, you can't afford it because you spent it on an ASMR whore 10 years ago in exchange for kissy noises.

>> No.50945835
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1657173072501035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My future family is with my wife Shondo

>> No.50945914

funniest thing is that a lot of these vtubers will call themselves trad too, while destroying your chance at ever having a family. it's all just a capitalist grift, no matter how BASTE your oshi is.

>> No.50945942

Vtubing in general isn't as popular as it was a couple of years back. Viewership figures have been stagnant across the board.

>> No.50946017

How new? Shondo isn't "trad" she's literally an alphabet person.

>> No.50946118

>calls others new
>doesn't watch streams

>> No.50946221
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>> No.50946250
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>> No.50946312

Worth it

>> No.50946449

I will forcefully save and fix her. Everything is planned and accounted for. Nobody can intervene.

>> No.50946505

its too late i already fixed her shes fine now, i even replaced her with an ai so nobody will notice
