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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50928501 No.50928501 [Reply] [Original]

>find indie vtuber
>join discord
>one of the rules says no politics
>fair enough
>start talking in chat
>fag asks what my pronouns are
>say / as joke
>banned for transphobia
why do all western vtubers have such snowflake communities

>> No.50928532

>western vtuber
You did this to yourself.

>> No.50928577

Jewish brainwashing

>> No.50928583

fair enough the only good western vtuber is pippa

>> No.50928628

SHIT FUCK WHY THE FUCK CANT I USE EMOJIS ON 4CHAN context: i used skull/moai emoji

>> No.50928658

at least 3 of the ones i used to follow got rid of general because their simps didnt worship them enough, i fucking hate western woman.

>> No.50928697

"[Thing] isn't political, its just common sense/courtesy!"

Also if you're in a western indie vtubers discord and expected it to not be full of faggotry you have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.50928698

Anon, I...

>> No.50928757

it feels like most western vtubers feel entieled to fame

>> No.50928843

Most western women are in general.

>> No.50929110
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>> No.50929131

>le snowflake
They weren't hurt or offended by what you said. They were angered and cracked down with their authority. You call them snowflakes like they're pussies, but you won't dare to light a Pride flag on fire in front of people.
So the actual question is, why do they do it? Control. And that control has worked wonders so far. So far.

>> No.50929215

Just say that/nigga and they have to abide by it. If they dont they're homophobic and racist by their retarded backwards logic

>> No.50929368

You only watch Pippa and never watch other EN chuubas. kys pipnig.

>> No.50929369

>ded by what you said. They were angered and cracked down with their authority. You call them snowflakes like they're pussies, but you won't dare to light a Pride flag on fire in front of people.
>So the actual question is, why do they do it? Control. And that control has worked wonders so far. So far.
i dont hate fags i just hate snowflakes

>> No.50930084

Not exactly this, but something like this happened to me a while ago
>Algorithm recommends me a new Vtuber that streams the shitty gatcha I play
>Nice voice, nice content, pretty chill overall
>Decide to follow her
>The content is consistently good
>On a whim, I decide to join her discord
>Small but active community, nothing particulary wrong
>One day, a message to the whole discord pops up
>The vtuber says that she saw a couple of people using the term "trap" and decided to post a wall of text "educating" her followers about how that word is a slur and should't be used
>Decide to leave and stop following her because, even if I like her content, I can't tolerate that shit

I really don't get what can motivate a growing youtuber to indulge in that kind of politics.

>> No.50930097

i remember watching some rando 2view, around 15 people watching her play zelda botw and splatoon 3 (she doesn't play anything else btw). she suddenly says korone is her oshi, someone comments that hey maybe you will interract or collab one day and she was like "he he maybe". BITCH HOW DELUSIONAL CAN YOU BE YOU ARE NOBODY LOL. Like how dense do you have to be to realize there are hundreds of you on the internet.

>> No.50930424

>enter a community
>immediately make a joke about a contentious topic
>get kicked
I don't know what you expected, retard
Just say he/him and move on with your life

>> No.50930555

fuck off tranny

>> No.50930644

I think you're taking her response way too seriously. The guy in chat was delusional and she laughed it off.

>> No.50930738

If I ever enter a discord server and someone ask me "what are your pronouns?", I fucking leave.
Not that I have discord in the first place anyway

>> No.50930743

The correct answer when asked about preferred pronouns is "sorry, I'm not religious"

>> No.50930757

You’re not any better retard, fuck off

>> No.50930796

i'd think so too but then i checked her twitter and she literally responds under every bigger chuba's post + started talking about starting her own merch shortly afterwards.

>> No.50930807

>immediately just HAS to join a trooncord and start socializing with his new tranny friends
Every time
Zoomers are literal NPC's.

>> No.50930925


>> No.50931005

retard, you're supposed to stay away from vtubers who have discord servers
>inb4 but that's like 99.99% of them
I know

>> No.50931069

what's her name, if she really wants to meet korone I'll invite her to our wedding

>> No.50931122

I just wanna know why they insert themselves into everything there aren't that many of them but I go to videogames and some freak is crying about trans in games I go to the store and freaks are protesting the removing of transkids shit I go to anime and some freak says he's just like anime girl of the week I go to boardgames and wizards of the coast added a bunch of black tranny cards.

>> No.50931193

>I really don't get what can motivate a growing youtuber to indulge in that kind of politics.
If you're a 30somethingyo woman with a loli model or a zoomer with a big tits model you tend to think you're the biggest shit in the world.

>> No.50931215

>western vtubers
i think u mean zoomer twitter trannys. find someone who doesn’t care about that kind of stuff instead of roping them all into one category.

>> No.50931223

It doesn't take a lot of brainpower to avoid unnecessary conflict.

>> No.50932283

Social rejects traditionally gravitated towards video games and even then some were ostracized within that group when even they were even freaky by social reject standards. Now that videogames and the internet are intertwined you see it more. This applies to all niche hobbies.

>> No.50932360
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you moron. you fucking idiot. you complete and utter retard. you dumb fuck. you braindead pile of meat. you stupid cunt.

>> No.50932381

Why the fuck would anyone be offended by / of all things

>> No.50932432

>be stupid and use muh pronouns, bigot!

>> No.50932562

These aren't social rejects, stop equating them with the average 4chan nerd. There was never a "gays in gaming" thing 10 years ago.

>> No.50932725

>why isn't my entertainment scene largely populated by people holding socially-left opinions laughing at my 8-year old, worn-out pronoun jokes???
Fucking retard

It baffles me how often I see people posting here somehow surprised that vtubers and their fans are liberal
Like what in the fuck did you expect? Where the fuck did you come from that this wasn't the case?

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. It's not complicated.

>> No.50932802

i sad skull/moai emoji

>> No.50932853
File: 50 KB, 640x360, 4fc0ea446220097dcef60a7dec97b85c1598543882_fwide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon.

>> No.50933000

It is 10 years after the debut of Tempus. /vt/ lives under HOMO RULE. All holo fanboys are sissified. Hololivers live to serve HOMO KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to /vt/'s HOMO FUTURE.

The holonigger remembers life before the debut – before the Tempus-issued hormones, the sissy wigs, frilly lingerie, and mandatory chastity. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of /#/ - Numbers, where he hides his beautiful Pekora bodypillow from the clutches of the brutal New Tempus army.

As musclebound Tempus soldiers prowl the board searching for fertile hololivers, the holonigger will stop at nothing to protect his sweet dakimakura's purity. In his blueish-silver wig, flirty white sissy skirt, seductive bunny-ears headband, and fishnet stockings, the holonigger gives his tender brown body to a gang of pitiless Homo alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy holonigger prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies.

A tantalisingly political vision of the future with powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of three-on-one Homo-on-sissy action that push the boundaries of sensual fiction. The HOMO KINGS have their way with the holonigger's sissy body, pumping and pounding and cursing through one of the hottest gang scenes in the history of the board. And interspersed throughout the sizzling prose, a suspenseful narrative full of imaginative world-building unfolds.

This is /vt/'s fate: TEMPUS FUTURE

>> No.50933062

>All holo fanboys are sissified
I mean that'll probably happen by the end of next year

>> No.50933243

Kill youself

>> No.50935018


Assuming the pic is related, Punkalopi is pro tranny. She did a stream a little while back with other tranny loving vtubers like Froot and Trickyw. I might be mistaken but I think it was like the day after a tranny murdered a some kids at a Christian school in Tennessee.

>> No.50935568

That's so fucking retarded in the first place. Why the fuck do those mindbroken fags ask about the pronouns? Can't you just ask the new person in the server to present themselve like a normal fonctioning individual?
I swear zoomers have their brain destroyed with tweeter shits

>> No.50935649

She bailed on it like 2 days beforehand.

>> No.50935734

>Why the fuck do those mindbroken fags ask about the pronouns?
So they don't say the wrong ones, duh

>> No.50935786

If you're talking about that charity stream MarinaVT set up, I don't think any of the larger names actually showed up for whatever reason

>> No.50935891

It's because every zoomer is a self absorbed narcissist. They don't give a fuck about your pronouns. They're only asking so they can talk about theirs. No zoomer has the patience to listen to others, they're just tuning you out while waiting for their turn to speak. Nothing but entitlement, laziness, and mental illness. They're going to be the collapse of the western hegemony

>> No.50936054

>hey! Can you present yourself?
>sure! I'm a guy from tomatoland in my thirties, I love that vtuber!
>sure! I'm a woman in my late teens, I want a big dick in my cute pussy, do you have one? uwu
>sure! I'm a woman, I cute my dick a few months ago with my pair of scissors, but don't worry there's no infection possible! I've clean everything with bleach!
Is that seriously that fucking complicated?

>> No.50936131

Most Discord servers have an "introductions" channel for things like that
Not everyone uses it to introduce themselves

>> No.50936299
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come on guys, don't bully the poor lad

>> No.50936337
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>these are the retards I share the board with

>> No.50937876

You can use right emojies (the colorful one for the niggerino brathas )

>> No.50939373

Well done anon. I thought it was too obvious but I must have overestimated this board.

>> No.50940794

>retard invader thinking he owns the space
every time, you dont belong here.

>> No.50941105


>> No.50941240

baby anon, cute, makes me feel old tho

>> No.50941319

Hilarious coming from someone who probably can't remember a 4chan before 2014

>> No.50941387

keep acting, you'll never belong here.

>> No.50942689

t. Newfag

>> No.50942747

You're trying too hard, retard.

>> No.50944077

No, it's calling people out for promoting political bullshit and then trying to hide behind "no politics".
This word does not mean what you think it means, no matter how many other people misuse it that way. (You)r attempts to change language are not organic.

>> No.50944458

As a general rule of thumb, avoid indies that are in the 4-digit ccv average, the sweet spot is 50-500 average ccv, there you can find vtubers that don't do that pronoun bullshit, but you still have to dig pretty hard to find them.

>> No.50944524

>This word does not mean what you think it means
Real life is not Twitter
The people you let live rent-free in your head are a small minority and 99% of the people outside living their daily lives literally do not give a single fuck

>> No.50944580

I had a similar situation
>find chuba
>playing nikke on launch
>everything is normal
>adult character with flat chest appears on screen
>has mental breakdown over le hecking child
>not even lecturing chat, just literal panic attack
>I can't breathe
Actually fucking pathetic! at least the anti loli grifters are clearly trying to make a buck

>> No.50945089
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You've earned it, anonchama.

>> No.50945124

I was literally replying to one of them, retard.

>> No.50945292

Don’t use discord

>> No.50945647

You were replying to me and I am not, in fact, "one of them"

>> No.50945867

Unironically this is the correct answer

>> No.50946692

>no politics
>what are you PRONOUNS

Holy fucking shit.
Kill me.

>> No.50947460

>join discord
really nigger? you didn't figure out this was your main mistake?
>say / as joke
what does this even mean

>> No.50947596

I don't see how pronouns are political.
Go for */* next time.

>> No.50948020

That sounds way too funny. Please tell me there's a clip of that.

>> No.50948379
File: 994 KB, 576x688, JAJAJAJAJA [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl99ptu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek based, but retarded

>> No.50948457

what the mean by no politics is that they only allow left wing propaganda

>> No.50948487

>indie vtuber
>has discord

>> No.50948570

maybe not games but when it comes to anime that community has been compromised since the early 00's

>> No.50948628

a troon typed this

>> No.50948704

you don't discord troon

>> No.50948807

you clearly are

>> No.50948808

there probably is since it's on youtube but I honestly don't remember the name.

>> No.50948931

>join discord
do people do this unironically?

>> No.50948974

Wasn't this cunt going to do a "Trans right" stream before that tranny shoot up that school and killed those 9 year olds?

>> No.50949899

I'm too afraid to get cancelled for wrongthink in those safe spaces

>> No.50950706

weird, because i could see that as an average sad youth response to the question, if taken with sincerity

>> No.50954917

>>join discord
big mistake

>> No.50955396

she also straight up said this https://files.catbox.moe/4m8r1e.webm
the thing about this topic is that it's not political to many zoomers, or at least they don't believe it's political when it comes to embracing it and promoting it that's just the normal way of things, but not being on board is basically unacceptable it's some horrible sin
there's no room for debate or disagreement, you are either normal and accept what they believe is a fact and not political at all, or you are bad and should die
like imagine someone telling you that pedophilia is a political matter, you just accept that it's abnormal, fucked up and bad right? zoomers have inverted morality
doesn't mean you can't watch the content and enjoy it, funny anime girl is still funny and you can disconnect the art from the artist's beliefs
and you can still use the discords for some purposes like asking for archives of streams or checking fanart but at some point you just gotta accept that if you are in your late 20's or early 30's you will not be able to connect with the younger generation and be part of their communities unless you really go out of your way to fit with them but you'd need to have no self respect to go that far

>> No.50956933

Not everything in this world has to be this great life or death moral dilemma worth fighting over, If you want to communicate in potential normie spaces, you may have to pick your battles.

>> No.50959154


>> No.50960688
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I love it when newfags out themselves

>> No.50961539

>like imagine someone telling you that pedophilia is a political matter
It is a political matter, why do you think so many politicians rape kids?

>> No.50961670
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>> No.50961990

You need 4chan gold to use emojis

>> No.50963094

For the longest time I thought this was Pippa.

>> No.50963272
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>Have to read 20 and something rules
>Have to react to some arbitrary shit
I tried for an oshi and I still cannot speak in said discord group, did everything they asked to start participating but nope, so I gave up ever attempting to join another discord group.

>> No.50964654

go back newfag

>> No.50965041


>> No.50965328

It’s kind of funny how retards like OP will accuse the dreaded “pronoun users” for being snowflakes when OP is literally the type of person to make a retarded thread like this over being banned. If you don’t have the common sense to read the room and not act like a sperg in someone’s community then of course you’re gonna get fucking banned. It’s literally the bare minimum vibe check and you failed. Maybe browse this board less and talk to actual people IRL to develop social skills

>> No.50967378

>just do what we say, what's the problem?
Regardless of which side you take, you do realize that this is a problematic perspective to take? Humanity doesn't just keel over on principles whenever it's easy and convenient for a reason. That's kind of the point, you could frame this another way where SURE rosa parks could've just gone to the back of the bus, EZ enough right?

>> No.50968024

Pretty much everywhere besides right-wing platforms like 4chan are like this now. The progressive left is very cult-like, super intolerant of anyone who doesn't adhere to the endless list of official and unofficial thought rules, and constantly high on their own supply of moral righteousness. And it feels like they control nearly every forum these days - both online and in real life - even though they're a minority of the population. It's kind of impressive much control they have over people's speech and thoughts. I don't think we've seen anything like this since Middle Ages Christianity. And unlike a lot of right-wing commentators who are predicting a massive backlash and sudden pendulum swing back to the right, I honestly think that this progressive revolution could last for hundreds of years.

And I of course support them 110%, and so please no bannarino.

>> No.50969640

Please don't compare a woman standing up against a nationwide institution of segregation to some idiot making a tired joke about pronouns in a 2view vtuber's community Discord

Not every battle is one worth fighting.

>> No.50970014

holy shit youre retarded

>> No.50970687
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The fact that you think this shows that you hardly watch pippa at all aside from a few clips. Lia is far better in that company than Pippa because she actually tells trannies and gays off and isn't afraid to tell them to kill themselves.

>> No.50971529

>Me not wanting to write 2 words on discord is the same black people wanting equal rights
Holy shit, kill yourself

>> No.50971540

tried once, it was fine while the vtuber was small enough, just a few guys chilling and playing games together with an anime girl. Eventually she started to grow and more people joined, and some of them were pronoun larpers. The mood changed completely, you could tell everyone was tiptoeing around them to avoid an scene.

>> No.50971545

Segregation didn't go far enough (not political btw)`

>> No.50971570
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>I am not, in fact, "one of them"

>> No.50971610

>what does this even mean
see >>50928628

>> No.50971711

If I were you OP I would have simply not responded to that question. Ever. Since it's just text, I'd do everything in my power to pretend the question was never posed to me, along with questions about why I'm not answering the question or what I think about the topic. It's not exactly the courageous way to go about it but if you really want to stay there without kneeling that's a way to do it.
This sounds okay but would still lead to them flipping out on you if you don't handle the aftermath cleverly.

>> No.50973358

You are lucky you got out that early.

>> No.50973382

Really? Source? I've only seen her do it once in a joking manner as a run-on bit and have heard here that she said "trans rights!" on stream.

>> No.50973461

If you're going into a place where everyone's stupid & uses muh pronouns NOT intending to shitpost & get kicked, yeah. You should be self-aware enough to play along.

>> No.50973544

So they were clearly right about booeymen living in your heads rent-free, then.

>> No.50973590

Where do you think we are?

>> No.50973685

Unironically using a real legitimate company shill paid actor like Rosa parks and the term problematic. I'm not joking or conspiracying either. You need to go back.
Maybe Mori Calliope would be a good vtuber for you to watch.

>> No.50973847

I've just ignored the request for this at work

>> No.50973910

redpill me senpai

>> No.50975647


>> No.50975745

it happened on her retared discord they also support abosult retared shit like self diagnosis

>> No.50976133
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No politics LITERALLY means left-wing political opinions are ENFORCED. It's not much different to posting /here/ dealing with the jannies.

Nowadays Discord itself monitors everything in case anyone is allowing free speech. Assume you are being watched when using it.
Every major server will have rules about no hate speech, the trick is whether those rules are detailed. If they're the bare minimum, it's because discord made them do it. If they elaborate on why, it's because they're trannies.

>> No.50976710

Yeah this, but mods (and especially those on discord) don't always represent their chuubas, the kind of person attracted to those positions amongst vtubers are normally either groomers, simps or white knighting saviourfags who obviously have left leaning tendencies and are obsessed with virtue signaling to prove how good they are.
