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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 239 KB, 1280x720, 1677285197940548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50879250 No.50879250 [Reply] [Original]

>Blogs about Barbies, makeup, fashion, nails, and shoes every stream
>Goes into great detail about her period and ovulation cycle unprompted
Who is Bae's target audience with all of this? What is the rrat's endgame?

>> No.50879272

Finally, the sistuber

>> No.50879286
File: 213 KB, 850x1623, __hakos_baelz_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tanosii_chan__sample-9118239538b808e98b16a3b62d1e959c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is Bae's target audience with all of this
All me
give me the cute sexy rat blood

>> No.50879330

She's flexing her period on preggofags

>> No.50879369
File: 268 KB, 1583x921, 1686049489329001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes into great detail about her period

>> No.50879374

You know some unlicensed Baecologist is going to start tracking her periods and send her health advice in a super chat if he think something is wrong.
It's a shitpost sure but you know deep down I'm right.

>> No.50879416

She pees from where that blood comes from man, that's gross

>> No.50879458

We can go further

>> No.50879518
File: 32 KB, 338x282, HD-wallpaper-anime-virtual-youtuber-hakos-baelz-hakos-baelz-ch-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's gross
The most homosexual thing I've read in my life

>> No.50879556

Other women?

>> No.50879576

>pregnancy test
What the fuck is this thumbnail? Why did they give her a fucking coom face? Whay the fuck does this clipper think a period is?
Also, she made an akatsuki joke of "blood moon rising", why the fuck did they clip it like this?
It'd be like clipping every time one of the holos says "idol meeting" with "HOLO SAYS SHE HAS TO TAKE A MASSIVE STINKY SHIT" with a thumbnail of them shitting on the toilet and stink lines.

>> No.50879618


>> No.50879647


>> No.50879699

Did this need another thread?
Fucking hang yourself clipnigger i hope your dogshit channel gets executed by the pajeets

>> No.50879730

>still has her period
Matingpress posters have failed yet again, are you guys even trying?

>> No.50879745

I genuinely believe that this clip was made by some ESL child who has no fucking idea what a period even is but heard it's tangentially related to reproduction

>> No.50879825

Probably managed to mix up ovulation with period.

>> No.50879871

This guy does this constantly, people shit on him in the comments and nobody reportd him for it
Hes also likely a third worlder who only knows period = pregnancy from the internet

>> No.50879906

Wait he's done this to Bae before?

>> No.50879998

Kiara too

>> No.50880498
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>> No.50880570

This is the worst clickbait on an Hololive clip I have ever seen.

>> No.50880608
File: 520 KB, 586x647, 1658974009262814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes into great detail about her period
>"Yeah, I couldn't stream yesterday because of the monthly debuff. Back pain, stomach pain, everything pain."
>"""""great detail"""""
You'd have a point if she was talking about how chunky it is or something, but literally all she did was acknowledge it, and even then she was tiptoeing around it, avoiding the word 'period'.

>> No.50880766
File: 94 KB, 245x253, 1666415261648363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-are they usually chunky?

>> No.50880844

blood coagulates

>> No.50880857
File: 115 KB, 1200x676, FgtfhnlXwAAWZnS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's never had period salsa

>> No.50880887
File: 1.83 MB, 498x498, lick-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know
only sometimes, its like a ripped off meat piece

>> No.50880924

What do you think a period is

>> No.50881031

Blood is thicker than water as they say
Also blood becomes a solid when exposed to oxygen it cant evaporate

>> No.50881093

Anon, the whole point of the period is to expel the unused womb lining. It's literally flesh sloughing off the walls of an organ. Yes, there's chunks. Usually small, but still there. A period isn't straight liquid blood.

>> No.50881159

>third world ESL will get 300K+ views for blatant misleading clickbait
>entire clip is bae saying my back hurts
>no one will report this dogshit that actively is anti behavior

>> No.50881241

wtf women are gross

>> No.50881251

>no one will report this
Be the change you want to see anon

>> No.50881259

Happy pride month

>> No.50881289

Just wait till you hear how disgusting the miracle of child birth is anon

>> No.50881413
File: 241 KB, 776x600, Blausen_0349_Endometriosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Endometriosis is a disease of the female reproductive system in which cells similar to those in the endometrium, the layer of tissue that normally covers the inside of the uterus, grow outside the uterus.[6][7] Lesions can be found on ovaries, fallopian tubes, tissue around the uterus and ovaries (peritoneum), intestines, bladder, and diaphragm; it may also occur in other parts of the body. Some symptoms include pelvic pain, heavy periods, pain with bowel movements, painful urination, and infertility.[1] Nearly half of those affected have chronic pelvic pain, while in 70% pain occurs during menstruation.[1] Pain during sexual intercourse is also common.

There are multiple causes of pain. Endometriosis lesions react to hormonal stimulation and may "bleed" at the time of menstruation. The blood accumulates locally if it is not cleared shortly by the immune, circulatory, and lymphatic system. This may further lead to swelling, which triggers inflammation with the activation of cytokines, which results in pain. Another source of pain is the organ dislocation that arises from adhesion binding internal organs to each other. The ovaries, the uterus, the oviducts, the peritoneum, and the bladder can be bound together. Pain triggered in this way can last throughout the menstrual cycle, not just during menstrual periods.

Rarely, endometriosis can cause endometrium-like tissue to be found in other parts of the body. Thoracic endometriosis occurs when endometrium-like tissue implants in the lungs or pleura. Manifestations of this include coughing up blood, a collapsed lung, or bleeding into the pleural space.[10][32] Endometriosis may also involve the nearby colon which in rare situations may progress to partial obstruction requiring emergency surgery.[33]

>TFW you cough up your own period blood

>> No.50881665

Why don't men have an equivalent to this with their reproductive organs?

>> No.50881803
File: 61 KB, 755x197, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man apparently have this

>> No.50881823

Because men are superior.

>> No.50881837

God damn and they have this shit monthly for multiple days for the majority of their lives? Damn it'd suck to be a woman.

>> No.50881857

Every once in a while I'll get a sensation like the tip of my pp is burning for a few hours, is that normal?

>> No.50881862

their reproductive cells are way smaller and not lined into their body like ovaries but mixed into a liquid called semen. so men expell extra sperm by cooming a lot. only downside is it makes them very horny and prone to blue balls

>> No.50881875

We have to deal with getting boners at inopportune times, the risk of testicular torsion, and just balls being more prone to trauma in general.

Nature's balance is a bit out of wack but there are genuinely some things women are better off not having to deal with or worry about.

>> No.50881948

Men will cum in their sleep as a means to dispose of unused seed. You'd know that if you weren't a chronic masturbator.

>> No.50882070

Wait is this actually true? Would I actually be cumming in my sleep if I stopped jerking off?

>> No.50882123

Fun fact, this quirk of biology is also the origin of the succubus myth.

>> No.50882124

>not lined into their body
Fun fact
the sperm cells cant survive in a hot environment, for that reason its outside the body
Doctors sometimes tell boys not to wear thick pants in the summer because they are going to fry their sperms, and balls

>> No.50882181

I want to emphasize not for long time at least

>> No.50882223

Are there actually any long-term health effects to doing this unless you're currently trying to plap some woman into pregnancy though? Won't you just produce new healthy sperm?

>> No.50882296

Yes its literally what a "wet dream" is
You cumming because youre too pent up and overstocked on semen

>> No.50882313

Literal meat chunks

>> No.50882406
File: 106 KB, 1354x757, cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50882428
File: 1 KB, 116x77, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There inst any long lasting effects usually

But if you over do it and constantly go to places like onsens it could damge the production line

>> No.50882444

It's true.
Had a sexual dream once after 2 weeks of not fapping and i woke up with semen everywhere.
I stopped sleeping naked after that

>> No.50882469

Leave it to /vt/ to turn a low effort bait thread into a sex ed class.

>> No.50882476

jesus anon

>> No.50882486
File: 135 KB, 1000x1000, 4801823902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a biology/sex ed thread

>> No.50882497

How much are we talking here

>> No.50882576

yes, though maybe not for a few days, mind

>> No.50882611

are you new to the whole penis thing

>> No.50882631

>mens' prostate is sexually sensitive, which is why anal feels good
What is the evolutionary reason for this? Homo sex does not help in reproducing.

>> No.50882644

Had to clean my sheets and my wall next to the bed, so quite a lot.
It's impressive to see how much it accumulates if you don't expel it at least twice a week.

>> No.50882663

It’s like birthing a jellyfish :D

>> No.50882664

Its a gay propaganda
dont listen to this

>> No.50882717

No idea, but less reproducing is is a good thing though.

>> No.50882768

Apparently quite a few anons need it.

>> No.50882797

You never had a really big shit feel good in your butt or a prostate exam? It's not propaganda anon.
There's a reason your penis gets hard when you poop.

>> No.50882811

Anon, your female anatomy reps…

>> No.50882822

>And the wall
what the fuck

>> No.50882833

Merchant take.

>> No.50882941

>What is the evolutionary reason for this?
It's not a purpose designed for it, it's simply an organ that is sensitive so rubbing it feels good. The Evolutionary reason for it feeling good is because flexing the "muscle" so to speak is designed to feel good, so as a consequence rubbing against it also feels good and will activate it. Humans aren't the only species with this prostate rubbing intensity btw, I used to breed cattle and one of the ways to extract the bull cumsies was to use a large motorized dildo. This would stimulate the organ and produce on average more cumsies per orgasm thus able to impregnate more cows for roughly the same amount of work.

>> No.50882942

My single sized bed is next to a wall.

>> No.50882959

population control ? idk

>> No.50882989
File: 24 KB, 220x296, Editorial_cartoon_depicting_Charles_Darwin_as_an_ape_(1871).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but less reproducing is is a good thing though
Thats literally untrue and contradicts both Darwins and Alfred Russel theory of natural selection and thus evolution

Animals and ever other living being reproduce's in more numbers than it can afford to feed all of them, that is to ensure survival

In the early 20s people had around 6 children because most of them died before reaching the age of 3
But now its completely the opposite

>> No.50882993

the force of 1000 suns?

>> No.50883026


>> No.50883069

Prostate is basically a bunch of nerves.
Since they are sensitive, they have to be quite deep into the body, but also close to the area they actually affect.
It just so happens that in the same area there are already the intestines, and that it's quite close to the walls, but that isn't that much of a problem because that area isn't reached so easily. That is, unless you use something long and hard...

>> No.50883082
File: 28 KB, 370x320, 569408148@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the probably-unique experience of never having jacked off, and I'll just say you that cumming in your sleep is not fun, especially when you're on a trip and have to share beds with your homie. and even less fun when you neglect to pack spare underwear.

>> No.50883112

It can't be that deep though otherwise rimming wouldnt be a thing

>> No.50883117
File: 40 KB, 356x261, 1662177053558176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a woman or are you just lying to my face right now, what the fuck?

>> No.50883145
File: 43 KB, 425x416, 71kP5CfjVTL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have the probably-unique experience of never having jacked off
you should try atleast 1 time

>> No.50883151
File: 37 KB, 720x732, 1682230037589700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50883163
File: 1.24 MB, 1170x1569, 3C3A0131-DF27-4E37-851C-B41ABECB3B55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now the blood and cum general

>> No.50883176

He's MatPat

>> No.50883180

She's for me, a woman.
Does it feel good to shit then?

>> No.50883181

>never having jacked off
How can a man have this kind of restraint? Ultra giga christian upbringing? You just have sex whenever you want so fapping is not necessary?

>> No.50883217

No hands ?

>> No.50883220

>Are you a woman
woman jack off too anon
at least half of them too, they just lie about it

>> No.50883223

I refuse to believe even a militant Christian boy wouldn't at least experiment once or twice in his lifetime

>> No.50883278

Rimming doesn't stimulate the prostate directly unless it's a freakishly long tongue, it's just that the stimulation causes the intestine walls to brush against it.

>> No.50883282

Actually a good question, does taking a shit feel better for men because of the prostate?

>> No.50883315
File: 396 KB, 738x1000, 1683847424488303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even my oshi?

>> No.50883322

Thanks to this thread now I can track my oshi's period
Thanks /vt/!

>> No.50883332


>> No.50883340

In my experience, you know how you feel horny and when you jack off it suddenly goes away?
I enjoy the feeling of hornines more than the ejaculation
So i just dont touch myself and let the feeling go trough my body
after sometime it just stops

>> No.50883351
File: 13 KB, 300x300, R-5359317-1396774640-9749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50883363

Wow, that's interesting !
Thanks anatomy anon !

>> No.50883379

>Does it feel good to shit then?
Depends on the the shit.
If it's more liquid, paste like or chunky it does not feel good at all.
If it's a big solid shit that's difficult to come out then yes, it does feel good.
But it's not the feel good you start masturbating, your brain is more focused in getting the shit out. No man faps while taking a shit i can assure you.

>> No.50883383

Huh, sometimes after I ejaulate, I'll have a feeling like I have to take a piss, and it takes like 10-20 minutes to go away, usually helped by drinking tons and flushing the feeling out.

>> No.50883390

Yes it does.
They have to be the right size though, too little and you don't feel a thing, too big and the pain distracts you from whatever horny feeling you have.

>> No.50883397

Its just a bundle of nerves
Rubbing nerves = pleasure
Why do you think the micropenis aka the womans clit is the most sensitive part of their body? It serves 0 purpose, its a dick that never sprouted, but give a little nudge and you'll make a womans body spazz

>> No.50883399

and bae is a pretty obvious one

>> No.50883443


>> No.50883446

While we're on the topic, is a post-piss orgasm a common thing? I often experience a sensation like that that gives me a shiver up my body after a good piss but I've never actually looked into it to see if I'm fucking weird or not

>> No.50883450

Someone out there masturbates as they shit I'm sure

>> No.50883473

>Why do you think the micropenis aka the womans clit is the most sensitive part of their body?
Because it incentivizes sex therefore reproduction ?

>> No.50883478

I remember blunkers effectively being a meme at my high school.

>> No.50883481

yeah, find the poop dildo greentext

>> No.50883535
File: 843 KB, 268x268, tumblr_ojbd1zglWn1qim9hqo1_400[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the thread is literally devolving into shit

>> No.50883608

We were never in the verge of greatness. We are talking about periods, genitals and the digestive system.

>> No.50883626

It actually doesnt, it sits atop the vagina folds, the penis goes in near the asshole, which is why in porn youll see the chick to take it upon herself to rub it while getting fucked
Its like biologies bonus to women down there

>> No.50883660

>into shit
It was a shit
OP posted this shit for a second time
we atleas made something out of it

>> No.50883666

Not him but I didn't jack off till I was 21, so I'm willing to believe him.

>> No.50883670

It's educational!

>> No.50883693

To you, OP, and all you dumbasses in this thread.

Saying "I'm on my period" is not going into detail about it. Dumb fucks.

>> No.50883696

How much do they actually feel from penetration? I always just assumed the clitoris was where all the pleasure was focused given that they don't have a prostate

>> No.50883698

Do women even feel good in the vagina walls? Seems to be mostly the clit.

>> No.50883720

this but unironically

>> No.50883774

>into shit
Ohio Kiara-chan

>> No.50883814

>He's never held it in longer to get a 'good' shit before

>> No.50883842

To all you virgins on this board, just so you know, women do not sync their periods. They told me personally, plus it's science.

>> No.50883852

> No man faps while taking a shit i can assure you.
Dont knock a blumpkin until you've tried it

>> No.50883890

That's getting head while taking a shit.

>> No.50883912

I wasn't being ironic.

>> No.50883945


>> No.50884001

Taking a dump on the toilet, for an hour. Pounds of poo.

>> No.50884016

that sound like a medical condition

>> No.50884075

>prostate massaging
This thread is making me laugh like a child, holy fuck

>> No.50884077

You should always piss after sex, both men and women. It helps flush out any germs that got shoved in there during sex.

>> No.50884163

rimming stimulates the butthole itself, not the prostate. You know when you wipe your ass and it feels a bit good? It's just that, but with a wet tounge instead of toilet paper.

But no, the prostate is not very deep in the butt. You can reach it with your finger.

>> No.50884165

As a man you should know pissing immediately after cumming is impossible.

>> No.50884166

No not a post-orgasm piss, a post-piss orgasm

>> No.50884217

only one of those things are funny enough to possibly produce laughter. you might be actually mentally delayed

>> No.50884222

This entire thread proves most of 4chan is underage.

>> No.50884246

Is this really the board to be having sex ed.

>> No.50884247

The pee also comes out sterile, quite amazing to see.
It's like the body knows you are peeing after ejaculating so he automatically makes it clean so you don't pass germs to the girl accidently if you can't hold it.

>> No.50884260

did i fucking say "immediately"

>> No.50884277

Not underage, just men that have never interacted with women and thus have zero knowledge of the stuff.

>> No.50884302

Drumpf took a poo poo pee pee on the oval office and sloppy joe had to go get ice creams

>> No.50884307

Dont care, had a giggle. It was nice. I think it was probably the obsurdity of discussing all these topics with a veneer of seriousness that made me lose my shit though

>> No.50884315

Op literally complained about a girl talking about her health issues

THIS is the perfect time to have this conversation

>> No.50884321

Huh, I usually get this if I haven't coomed in awhile, not after cooming.

>> No.50884342

please attend a remedial biology course

>> No.50884345
File: 112 KB, 650x850, 1485336676350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you believe there's female fucking women on this board?

>> No.50884354

You lost your shit ? What happened to it ?

>> No.50884364

>period and ovulation cycle
Isn't what anons are researching daily for their oshi's?

>> No.50884372

There's women here asking about our prostates and penises too anon.

>> No.50884379
File: 461 KB, 3541x2416, 1685989076209482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50884387

you aren't helping your case

>> No.50884401

Is it penises or peni

>> No.50884429

Anon if you think I give a fuck about "my case" or your opinion regarding it then I dont know what to tell you.

>> No.50884441

Both are correct

>> No.50884449

why so serious?

>> No.50884475

Yes, and Bae just came out and blatantly told her brats when she'd be at her most fertile like it was nothing

>> No.50884477


>> No.50884642

This rrat is clearly distressed, anon

>> No.50884671
File: 48 KB, 909x230, rrat sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50884682

In 12 to 14 days, anon. You probably wont impregnate the day after a period.

>> No.50884994

I'm dehydrated and anemic so thats just win-win for me.

>> No.50885059


>> No.50885082

So, how long is the womb receptive for impregnation? Asking for a wife.

>> No.50885111

Not like any of them are going to fuck her, kek

>> No.50885224
File: 3.42 MB, 2591x3624, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ovulation lasts around 20-40 hours

>> No.50885250
File: 3.91 MB, 400x317, 3201693257125.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Goes into great detail about her period and ovulation cycle unprompted

>> No.50885286

Fucking drink water dumbass

>> No.50885329

if it's such a short timeframe the apps do sound useful then for someone trying to become pegnate

>> No.50885396

I am going to groom a female holofan

>> No.50885410

Me, I'm the target audience

>> No.50885497

Fuck you. Rat piss or death.

>> No.50885798

There is not a single woman on this board

>> No.50885948

bold of you to assume women can't be degens too

>> No.50886101

there are chuubas browsing /here/ anon

>> No.50886386

It's population control. Ever notice that there's a lot more gays per capita in cities, and not nearly as many in rural areas? Something about a mother being pregnant in a densely populated area activates some sort of hormonal response that makes the kid develop homo genes more frequently. That way, there's less people reproducing and the population can stabilize, at least in theory.

>> No.50886409

literally unproven and untrue

>> No.50886601

I knew a guy who was homeschooled by incredibly religious parents and also had at least a touch of the 'tism. Dude was fascinating. He claimed that, instead of being Christian, he was part of a Jewish sect that believed in that Christ was the messiah, because just being Christian wasn't hardcore enough I guess. Anyway, point being, this guy literally put his balls on ice whenever he was tempted to masturbate. If this fucking lunatic needed to go to such extreme measures, I refuse to believe that any man with a functioning sex drive would just.. not jerk off.

>> No.50886656
File: 71 KB, 238x212, 1666412007432809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy literally put his balls on ice whenever he was tempted to masturbate
What the FUCK is wrong with Americans

>> No.50886691

>ESL clickbait garbage
As always

>> No.50886720

I know what you're talking about, the "pee shivers." It's pretty normal. One theory on it is that your body had a bunch of warm liquid in it, and now it doesn't, so the internal drop in temperature causes you to shiver a little.

>> No.50886756

of course they all have boyfriends
ore da

>> No.50886832

>literally unproven and untrue
do your reps newfag

>> No.50887290

There are surprising amount of actual licensed doctors roaming this board

>> No.50887463

>>Blogs about Barbies, makeup, fashion, nails, and shoes every stream
>>Goes into great detail about her period and ovulation cycle

Isn't that what feminine women are like?

>> No.50887536

Are you trying to tell me that Bae is a woman? A feminine girly girly who wants to be treated like a princess?
