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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50735660 No.50735660 [Reply] [Original]

Thymeline Edition

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to chill and talk in-depth about behind the scenes of Indonesian VTubers in general. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber market, whether it be rumors, numbers, demographics, auditions, debuts, graduations, etc.

>Indonesian Vtuber Schedules

>SEA Vtuber Database

Previous thread: >>50608811

>> No.50735751

Rae cover soon

>> No.50735800

Have any ID vtubers ever talked about eating betel?

>> No.50736431
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>> No.50736642
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I guess here's the other side of the spectrum
One may say that Cupang would be in favor of that new rule because for her, indogs just too stubborn

>> No.50737209

betel nut?

>> No.50738045

Clippers are ok
It's Reuploaders that are the big no

And for shorts that have similar script/lines with whatever vine/tiktok that has gone viral, vtubers RE-ENACT them, they still work their ass for it, recording audio & Live2D, pretty much like "Draw This In Your Style" kind of deal

>> No.50739028

Kyura gorilla

>> No.50740220

>>50691738 (It was me)

So, any more ideas how to help clippers to get monetize their contents, beside from dead adsense?

Make aggrement with vtuber agencies?

In exchange agencies will give the clippers free merchandise?

Merchandise affiliator?

Agencies will make their own channel/platform/group exclusively for the clippers role work as 3rd party (contributor)?

>> No.50740330
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>> No.50740600

Meissa Stardew Valley

>> No.50741640


>> No.50742016


>> No.50742508
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>> No.50742899

Moza HSR
Lots of spaces
>Rynn https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1mrGmkQLnVLxy?s=20
>Rora https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1BRKjZQorzRKw?s=20

>> No.50743301

Leone schedule things

>> No.50744360

Non Dira PvZ

>> No.50744788

Found out that some kikebooker are trying to "cancel" a certain former hololive members by spreading rrats within the Chinese AK community because she said happy pride month. How much Indopride cum juice are they guzzling that they think this would work? She isn't even an Indonesian citizen, and she was not the only LGBT supporter in hololive. Why target her specifically?

>> No.50744901
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You mean this guy?

>> No.50745150


Stop using kikebook anon. Not good for your mental health.

Too many social rejection shitbait & drama seeker weebs.

>> No.50745334

She's somewhat shipped beyond reason there with Xia's mama who's also active mama for AK

>> No.50745958

Dina nongkrong
Laras sings
Marie has developed a lot as AI IDchuuba huh?
Groomed dragonfruit maincraft

>> No.50746267

Accoustic Devi time

>> No.50746398

damn whats wrong with arknight community i still remember that time when they report azur lane to the ccp for being too lewd.

>> No.50746459

>using character from MiHomo game as template
do they realize Mihoyo is the pillar for lghdtv in cina

>> No.50746602

Ano draws things

>> No.50747785

Yea and YT only cares about those reuploaders, they're clueless about clipping culture YT users have cultivated

>> No.50748801

Do what groomcorp's been doing and pay them clipfags up

>> No.50748865


>> No.50749184

Dea gartic
Kuma emel
Kimi builds coffee machine(?)
Aneki donothon
Fuyo sings
Kana balorant

>> No.50749242

Miyu amogus

>> No.50749381

Irias TOTK

>> No.50750027

Kara going liv
Roger Sumatra Family Gathering
Divya VS Memes
Mika checks perfums
Eliza collects soundboards

>> No.50750243

iam having second hand embarassement from that kikebook post

>> No.50750514

same, he's the type of kid that will act tough for "browsing 4chan daily".

>> No.50751289


>> No.50752231

don't lump yourself with that kind of garbage, i don't admit that thing is the same species as me

>> No.50753746

bruh what?

>> No.50753792

Naya sings

>> No.50754679

most gacha games community do be like that. its not any different with your average weebs or vtuber fans. alot of weebs and gamers related community always bring this kind of behaviour. i wonder why

>> No.50756191

Kawi mediashare
ASMR Devi sings

>> No.50756450

invalid link

>> No.50756818

Seems like Nyai Hera got picked by the market as V4rious spearhead, her CCV are getting on par with the likes of Zen or Alia

>> No.50756931

Well, most people on this thread don't brag about posting or lurking on 4chan, right anon?


>> No.50756948

occasionally posting about her so she won't be forgotten


okaeri, Kanna

>> No.50759105

>last stream was 1 year ago
return from hiatus?

>> No.50759334

yes, kinda,

she never announce her hiatus tho, just went afk because of her unfortunate irl stuff

>> No.50759409

i miss this jancok doggo

>> No.50759959


>> No.50761574


>> No.50763725 [DELETED] 

holy fuck, rarbg is dead!

>> No.50765501


>> No.50767377


>> No.50770182


>> No.50770311

Is it just me or Hera's voice is kinda not suitable with her models, milf but with brat voice and mannerism

>> No.50772714


Indonesian Canadian Android birthday

>> No.50776086

quickie morning sex with deisex

>> No.50780951


>> No.50781733

True, but I don't really know what factor that cause this, since I don't think there's a viral clip of her yet
Hmmm, might be biased since I watched her more compared to her genmates, but IMO her voice is much more compatible with her model than, I'd say Ririsu

>> No.50783119


>> No.50783754


>> No.50787739


>> No.50790011
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Zoey's ASMR

>> No.50790606

Eiko sudden stream

>> No.50793103

They're the kind of person who has no choice other than having these indoor hobbies. They don't actually enjoy playing games, reading, or watching anime, but they have no choice. They want to be riajuu with a lot of friends and girlfriend, but they can't because of various reasons, and thus they feel failed in life. They cope with that feeling of failure by being an asshole on the internet because they can feel powerful by doing obnoxious things without any consequences.

Most of weebs or other indoor community enthusiasts aren't like that, most are genuinely enjoying their hobbies, but there will always be people like that among them.

Source: my pshycology major friend.

>> No.50795015


they want to be recognized by the people around them/circle/communities/friend list.

That's why they love roasting something, attention/drama seeker, posting shitbait, overhating, canceling, etc.

They will always be like that, as long as doing something like "roasting" or overhating something is considered "cool" in their community.

At the end, it depend to the social media environment or communities.

That's why I hate kikebook because the trend now is that people will be exciting & praise them if there's someone who make a drama.

Specifically mostly ID gamers & weebs from kikebook are like that.

>> No.50795017


>> No.50795192
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Kejeblos made it to round 2.

>> No.50795999

I noticed this recently, maybe ID valopros and IDchuubas should team up to incline together like how JP does it, there's this VCT at Taman Anggrek recently and a fuckton of IDchuubas were attending it irl, also there's ZAVUS who were even playing against SEA valo fempros earlier this month, it's pretty insane how them intertwined here and maybe that's what more should realize going forward

>> No.50796968

>Taka grads
>Zen grads
Tough months ahead for IDmalechuuba scene, unless they're scouted for starsID

>> No.50797408

No way
No fucking way

>> No.50797442

iam gonna miss zen shouting ALIA BLOX! :(

>> No.50797598

oh wow, never watched him but I thought maha5 is one of the most stable corpo outside of holo in indo

>> No.50797611

Oh shit, are we in defcon-2?

>> No.50797732

Isn't this the corpo that pulled Kizuna AI/Gamebu to one of their graduated ID chuuba? If so, do you think they'll do the same to Zen's model?

>> No.50797771

>Livium new auditions
Quick, tell them /here/ what do you want from gen2?

>> No.50797904

Not working for Zen, I guess. That's because NanaRika is inactive for several months before hiring a new VA. So, they can kind of get away with it. Also, they're literally "who?" even for MAHA5 fandom and local VTuber fans in general.

>> No.50797954

more biitter child

>> No.50797974
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>> No.50798011

zen is litterally male ollie who likes to collab with anyone
its hard to re-cast him with another va with that big presence

>> No.50798042


>> No.50798301

Kkiko debut terooos

>> No.50798469

- bring the one designed Hyona as one of the mama
- look for an anti-mainstream gamer talent *cough*needs more local retrochuuba*cough*
- don't let the talents do mediashare streams

>> No.50798523

Oh shit, what the fuck zen?

>> No.50798608

he's been networking left and right and everywhere and seems to be enjoying his time
is his numbers bad or smt?

>> No.50798658

Holostars ID

>> No.50798663

>you thought i'm gonna graduate? you're wrong (old meme kekw)

>> No.50798730
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Typical clickbait title or just pure trolling idk

>> No.50798788

/warkop/ let's nobar this, this is insane news ngl

>> No.50798895

The hell??
He's the last person among the "older" IDvtubers I expect to graduate so soon. I thought Lumi and then Nia will graduate first.

A big loss for Maha5 and ID scene in general. The spearhead of the ID Unity. Among the frontrunners of ID male chuuba.
Godspeed you monkey! Thanks for your contribution to the scene and community!

>> No.50798917

can you even do that
interacting with people you've heavily interacted before as your pl
and he collab with holoid quite a number of times ain't he

>> No.50798988

There are some cases like that in the JP side so I think as long as the talents know their boundaries it's okay (but Ollie and Kobo tho, idk if they can manage to not cross the line)

>> No.50799086

I would cry of happiness if suddenly there's gonna be Holostars ID but they're hand picked without audition and they consist of Taka and Zen.
Holostars ID are going to be lit if they're its first gen.

>> No.50799122


>> No.50799142


>> No.50799297

indo male chuuba unexpectedly respected huh.....

>> No.50799361

nah is just for maha5 male ex-id males is weird
except bon bon

>> No.50799393

I always respects them, and I've never joined any topics about shitting on male ID chuuba. Surely you don't think people here are hivemind right? That there are 33 differing opinions out of 33 IP here.

>> No.50799455

I mean who else can reinvent IDmalechuubas but starsID? With Zen gone and no males in gen4, ofc the higher we expect starsID to be real

>> No.50799479
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So... he didn't actually want to graduate? Is it irl things or management stuffs? Well, I guess we'll find out later from the stream

>> No.50799549

oooh now i get it
it's not mau as in going to
it's mau as in want to

so what's the yab
any rrat?

>> No.50799554


>> No.50799618


>> No.50799629

But I'm already married to Risu?

>> No.50799657

timestamp :50

>> No.50799667

Understandable, there's the risk of something like this:

>> No.50799694

Allen-MiU chitchat

>> No.50799801

fuck u zen, u're gonna get ntr'd by big black oga

>> No.50799820
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Why she looks like Pippa?

>> No.50799830


>> No.50799840

It's nothingburger really. Even Kson jokingly yell "Forgetti beam!" while laughing

>> No.50799846

Risu already with bobon

>> No.50799884

lol she's the breadwinner anon, no way she wants to hook up with small fry

>> No.50799906

I thought she's with Oga?

>> No.50799955

>subtly remove himself from talks of the future
cha cha real smooth

>> No.50799976


bobon, oga, zen
seems like risu loves big muscular guy
but then i saw her replying to ragus tweet frequently.........


>> No.50800042

but anon
it's prolly only nothingburger because it's vshojo
cover might not be that tolerant

>> No.50800094

the one with the biggest nuts

>> No.50800812

and tuna played with her old friends often

>> No.50800867

both of them have a decent singing voice, no?

>> No.50800871

Implying faggot can satisfy her Indonesian libido

>> No.50800902

Eh not really. They just laugh as always and then after the stream end they can simply edit out that part.

>> No.50801490

Polygamy but financially responsible!
I mean do you guys remember Unang? Got big, got a lot of money, decided to have 2 wives and now he's bankrupt and his wives left him.

>> No.50801859

are you guys for real now talking about starsID?
i don't even think they are willing to do that. financially and demographically, it'd just not work.

>> No.50802067

i'll fund them
> send lima ribu rupiah sociabuzz
> "ara-ara dong"

>> No.50802075

TOTK with Irias

>> No.50802127

we already have StarID at home

>> No.50802483

it was at the peak of arknight check the archive on /vg/ or /vmg/
in short
>Azur Lane prostitute itself so Yostar can fund other game
>that said game is Arknight
>arknight cn fanbase dont want to be associated together with this prostitute, so they report the game to the CCP
>because of this there is massive censorship like some characters in AL literally get removed
they also the one behind VA get removed from the game because that said VA visiting the grave of japanse soldier

>> No.50802625

All these talk of StarsID are now pretty convincing for me, that i began to list the potential candidates, and how sure am i that they will get in:
- Shiru (50%, has talks with ((supposedly)) AKA around the grad of his recent PL, Janu. AKA funneling the scouting result towards Cover sounds like a weak conjecture tho, i admit)
- Walherich (65%, nepo hire through monhun collab. may rise if Andi decides to stop being in M5 as well)
- Zen (45%, other than StarsID he's a possible candidate for AKA, alongside Shiru. If AKA would take Shannon in, then the chances for "Zen" to go into StarsID may get even lower)

Anyone wanna add guesses on who might get into StarsID? Maybe someone who has info about Gingitsune Gehenna or Harris Caine? i don't really follow them but as far as i can see, they're pretty potential candidates if StarsID decides to hire by scouting

>> No.50802755

Holobook review by anya clipper

>> No.50802771

eno bening & pasha lovarian

>> No.50802815

Dude, we claim that we're not parasocial like those bule
Is this just cope? Why scared with StarsID?

>> No.50802929

lol those hypocrites.

>> No.50803110

just focus on Holo ID first.

>> No.50803159

it's not that i'm parasocial, it's because i really do think they couldn't do better than starsEN or holoID in money making.
although i always am a holopro unityfag, i just don't think making a new stars branch is a great idea.

>> No.50803190

zen actually got terminated by maha5

>> No.50803220

Yeah, i agree. Just focus on Holo ID first.

>> No.50803231

summarize it ok

>> No.50803254

Oh dear... So Eddy want to turn MAHA5 into a hololite styled agency now?

>> No.50803262

fr now?

>> No.50803314

He got lay off by 2nd June

>> No.50803316

so far stream :
Maha5 stopped zen as a project and it's not Zen decision to say no
he will still create content tho

also sudden termination from maha5 since zen only know this on 2th this month

>> No.50803401

terminated right on 2 june last week

so his numbers really aint good or smt? maybe the collab actually cost effort to negotiate between the managers and he still aint pulling numbers from that?

>> No.50803409

this is soooo weeeeeeiird
i smell some personal drama with edy

>> No.50803427 [DELETED] 

so is contract is end but not getting extended i guess?

>> No.50803454

if it that case, why even zen surprised with that to?

>> No.50803457

the way he said it is more like employment ended due to department banished

>> No.50803486

sorry delete my post to ESL
btw dari segi ccv vod view bukanya zen masih bagus ya kenapa nggak ditambah kontraknya

>> No.50803556

damn... this is sad

>> No.50803568

Still not profitable enough maybe
or like this guy said >>50803409 ,
some personal drama with edy

>> No.50803642

dari kata2nya kyknya kontraknya bukan tipe kontraktor yg harus perpanjang tiap periode tapi lebih ke karyawan tetap
terus diterminate soalnya project zen gunawan gk pengen dilanjut, jd kena putus kerja smua
mungkin di balik layar gk cuma zen yg kena, tp cem editornya juga kena mutasi ke liver laen

now why zen specifically? who knows

>> No.50803649

Did they gravitate to females only? Lots of corpos especially ID do this kind of thing right now.

>> No.50803677

did andi got terminated too?

>> No.50803691

is it because of the rumors that zen actually also manage for holoID?

>> No.50803766


>> No.50803801

no i mean like, being a manager or staff or something for holoID, although it's kinda bullshit

>> No.50803816

I dont understand how thats gonna be disadvantageous to maha5
if noone make noise yet, then its free nepotism for them and they can just throw zen under the bus in case public catch wind of it
and i dont think it makes a buzz in public yet

>> No.50803840

damn, he lowkey brag about his connection and contribution
i really smell some personal drama from his tone
either way, thank you zen, goodluck for your future endeavour

>> No.50803902

I dont think even he knows the real reason honestly

>> No.50803937

the fact that he is top dog for male vtuber and yet can only pull that kind of numbers no wonder they pull the plug
to the future content creators/vtuber/flesh streamer
if you want to alive pick niche and immediately open partnership with top up store if you want to be alive
Kurohiko for example he is the only streamer who play mobile assfaggot that is not ML, he is 3 views yet he still alive, the answer he in partnership with Top Up store.

>> No.50804009

did maha5 really want to phase out males?
aint andi their main money maker tho
and why zen when iirc theres male in their gen 3 with even lower number

>> No.50804048

The writings kinda on the wall back when NijiID failed to debut wave7

>> No.50804061

but if they wanna weed out the males off the company, they'll also need to do that to the JP one.

>> No.50804120
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>your favorite monke chuuba got PHK'd like average local wagie

>> No.50804163

I dont see how thats relevant when maha5 got bigger numbers and spearheaded by male

>> No.50804184

desu, zen is great at collab
the first time siska & koba collab happened because zen doing all the paperwork
he successfully collabing with every corpo chuba (even lily from myholo)
even if he's not that good numberwise they could move his position to be pseudo m-chan or something right?
if the reason they cut him to be cost efficient, then why re-deploy nanarika? why launch 4member new gen? they could always tried to debut 2-3 just like their predecessor gen

i don't know guys, tldr, we lost another bro-chuba
bro-chuba market is dead as fuck
don't ever dare to try it
just be a fleshtuber instead if you go that bro-route

>> No.50804220

well even if we assume that what you said is true, that sounds like skill issue from management side then
then why abolish the whole department instead of just changing into better management

>> No.50804257

>bro-chuba market is dead as fuck
starsID gonna debut with all BFEchuubas LFG!!!

>> No.50804416

and that exact moment i'll be joining FPI to destroy indo vtuber once for all!!!


>> No.50804482

Never underestimate the power of fujos awantachi

>> No.50804554


Wibu rohis vs fujo Nuruls, who will win? Place your bets now!

>> No.50804604

>jawir vs jawir
lets fucking go

>> No.50804821

they'll fuck each other mid battle and you'll be jelly

>> No.50804862

Calm down with the rrats

>> No.50804964

One can only wish bros. Personally I think the IDBrovtuber market is lacking atm.

>> No.50805184

the thing is he is good support character but his agency dont have main character.
Kobo as an example every Kino arc have her as the MC and good support character

>> No.50805354
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Hi guys.
Piye penak jamanku to?

>> No.50805362

can you blame him tho
1-month notice before dismissal means that its a "proper" termination (as in, not due to severe violation or law breaking or shit like that)
the news came out of nowhere meaning its a one-sided decision from management (instead of him resigning)
he's active and uploads practically daily and collabs with everyone (so it cant be due to lack of effort)
his subs plenty and theres someone else with significantly lower numbers still safe

So that leaves only personal problem for the reason

>> No.50805447

Wow Stars really ngekos gratisan here. Personally I'd rather Zen become Haneru/Tamaki lokal than joining another corpo.

>> No.50805650


>> No.50805742

Burger here. Saw Ollie quote tweet about Zen all sadly. I sometimes saw him pop into a bunch of other vtubers stream chat. Was watching his stream just now when suddenly it ended and now the vid is private. What the fuck happened? Anyone got a QRD?

>> No.50805764

>Zen actually hates this decision
>For everyone who rarely watched Zen. He always said i wouldn't stop doing this.
>Zen planning to do it until he passed away but probably this is what Vtuber means for it
>For speculation Boss Edi (Maha5 ID CEO more or less) stopped the "project Zen"
>You can read my stream title and it explain everything
>He thanked his fans because he can stay till the end because of them
>With this decision he can't do anything
>So that's my answer
>If we equalize it with fate well we can't do anything if we fated to die
>This stream is not pre recorded i just rarely show nor convey my emotion
>Deep inside Zen feels extremely sad, stress and helplessness
>He hopes people don't think too much about his graduation and don't do stupid things (boycott and stuff)
>Why did it suddenly happen ? Well Zen only knows it on 2/6/2023
>He only knows it before he does streaming
>He is getting a lot of 5 stars in Honkai stars rail and pondering if it's because he graduated he got this many unit
>He tries to be professional, separate his personal and his job
>Why suddenly? Zen doesn't know but something that sure is i graduated at 30 June
>Do you have a problem with Maha 5 ? Zen confirmed there is no problem with them
>23 June will Zen will do Anniversary and Birthday stream 15 June His last singing stream
>30 June his last PP news with graduation stream
>If there is collab stream he won't put out PoV because he can't let go his fans his viewers so he want to get used to without viewers

>> No.50805784

how does this connect to indo?

>> No.50805796

you're literally on 4chan, maha5 internchama

>> No.50805868

Some of you might not know but this guy is the Bos Edy from Maha5

>> No.50805879

Maha5 really trying to snatch niji's title of black company

>> No.50805951

hey, in kurosanji, they won't let the liver say this stuff and say it's coz challenge letter or shit like that

>> No.50805961

>kick saja andi
is over andi is next

>> No.50806012

and yet they expect no rrats or speculation lmao. Speculations are created because the company lack proper PR. Y'all are not Valve, gdi

>> No.50806082

the kikebookers are from id

>> No.50806091

Damn... Man, that sucks. I hope everything ends up alright for Zen.

>> No.50806105

>only knows it on 2/6/2023
LMAO, he got his butt Shopee'd

>> No.50806118

These sound like a huge cope lol
>"N.... no anon, it's not like I'm scared of male interacting with my oshi, I....... I swear!"
Not parasocial my ass

>> No.50806158

>Immediately got privatized
Is he pulling a Zaion?

>> No.50806193

more like Maha5 pulling a Nijisanji

>> No.50806285

I ain't staff, tf are you on?

Yep, I think Zen himself knew what was going to eventually happen. With the No membership option, No updates on his liver model. My guy truly has THE potential, sad that it had to end like this. Zen if you're reading this.. NEVER STOP.

>> No.50806293

they are already a black company to me when they change the va of one of their character.

>> No.50806375

is there anyone left in holoid that haven't collabed with the man zen tho

>> No.50806397

>Monki too Idealist & Radical with his idea & behavior
>Big boss doesn't like it & already tired with monki
>Sayonara Monki

Congrats, you're already lost the main engine of your company

>> No.50806456

Zen can create kino HoloID moments without even being in the collab

>> No.50806479

Kaela and Zeta? Also has Anya or Reine collabed with him? Don't really watch them

>> No.50806568

A worthy sacrifice imo

>> No.50806656
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Gluk-Gluk Wattah... Thank you...
He scored the first non-medal goal for /warkop/ in /vt/ League...

>> No.50806663

iirc moona, anya, reine, zeta, and ela never collab with him outside totsu,

>> No.50806846
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>> No.50806945

Do they not have a contract between talent and the company? It's so fucked up that the management can just decide they're going to end someone's career like that

>> No.50807052

reine did that one game show with him in muse for what it's worth
>kaela, zeta, anya
next target let's gooo
though i think he already appears a couple times in their chat and got noticed, if that even counts

>> No.50807093

well, they do need to give the employee 2 week notice at minimum
that's why he's graduating on 30th, not tomorrow

>> No.50807126

which chuubas watching vct in taman anggrek?

>> No.50807311

HoloID kinda had their own playground, ironically the branch with the most freedom even compared to EN

>> No.50807728
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>> No.50807783

Stars never really cared that much about ccv since it's YAGOO's passion project
And considering ID's malechuuba culture, it's definitely something both StarsJP and StarsEN needed to keep them from being too stale

TL;DR, time for IDs to become another bridge for Holo

>> No.50807937


>> No.50808434

its a cult in the making anon, all male competition will be eliminated first, then all the female chuba left will worthsip him

>> No.50808607

>you can stream however you want
>be it long stream like Kaela or treerrat who barely stream
>get Japanese monthly salary
>while living in Indonesia
fuck man if you're not in Hololive it's better to be an indie no bullshit agency cut

>> No.50808966

If they want to create a new stars branch it would make more sense for it to be in KR or TH due to the recent rise of AP and Plave.

>> No.50808996

Katya love talk

>> No.50809190

Both Haneru and Tamaki are part of a group though. Heck, Tamaki is the owner of her group.

>> No.50809732

Horrible horrible decision from MAHA5 to lay Zen off just when AKA gonna leap them into 2nd place in IDcorpo race, not to mention with how diligent and potential Zen is, the worst case scenario will be AKA scooping his reincarnation and widens their number gap from the rest of IDcorpos

>> No.50809979

Dina gorilla, title implies it may has something to do with Zen? idk let's see

>> No.50811256

But can our chuubas be stable as indies?

>> No.50812430
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Where's the rrat, anon? I need more rrat!

>> No.50813260

if you famous enough, yes. look at miti
if you still hesitate, just join aka virtual

>> No.50813352

Are you still /here/ Cae & Cupang? What are you waiting for? Poach him, maybe turn him into like local A-chan/Slugma and turn AKA into the new no1 in ID

>> No.50815574

>this guy went full rrat-ing live on stream on why Zen is graduating
>right now he going full numberfag in terms of Zen as a VTuber project doesn't convince Pak Eddi

>> No.50816596

really? i watch the stream too tho.
he is on zen side while trying not to blame the company. he just trying to explain the most reasonable reason why zen contract got terminated. because at the end of the day, maha just doing what other company do, business.

>> No.50816634

any qrds?

>> No.50818517

im joining the stream midway, so heres what i got.
>he said there is 3 possible reason zen graduated
>one of them is about kpi (Key Performance Indicator)
>zen is the most active and hard working maha5 talents
>but his channel growth is not on a bright side
>having 200k subs while having low ccv and vod views is bad
>in short terms bad income
>maha cant manage him since he is too hardworking, that means they cant cut his pay too much
>but since zen is too iconic, they terminate the contracts instead
note that this is just a theory, a rrat and what i can hear so far. but if this is the possible outcome, that means maha5 is on LIVE SUPPORT. i mean, this is not the first time they doing something to one of their talents.

>> No.50819301

>maha5 is on LIVE SUPPORT
Corpo on live support yet still bleeds money to debut an entire gen of talents ...

>> No.50819697

The weird thing about this rrat, is if that's bad for edy then what that says about the rest of MAHA5?
>Alia is a borderline 2view now
>Lumi MIA
>Nia being Nia
>Gen3 flops
If true, this will sound outrageous for outsiders since Zen looks like a MAHA5 spearhead alongside Andi, not a liability

>> No.50820215
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Why is she like this ?

>> No.50820579

Is Zen Indonesian version of Connor?

>> No.50820707

>casually braps on stream

>> No.50823500


>> No.50826161
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>He is getting a lot of 5 stars in Honkai stars rail and pondering if it's because he graduated he got this many unit
I beleb

>> No.50828003

Not Zen follower here, I just wonder, is his stagnation was because he only pondering to local audience more?

>> No.50829570

>this is not the first time they doing something to one of their talents.
Wait what? Wdym by that?

>> No.50832035

I'm surprised, I thought Maha5 was supposed to be at least a normal company. What with their fascination to become black company all of a sudden?

>> No.50832199

I wonder if these stereotypes matches each fanbase we've met /here/?

>> No.50833632

Deidey menggelinjang manja

>> No.50834189

VA change, nana aruna from nanarika project.

>> No.50836083


>> No.50838374
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No. We're already poisoned by board mentality (not exclusively /vt/ board) so we will be different. Most of us are quite bitter with the world.
I hate depressed nousagi, but there's one thing that is right about his words
>"When you got involved with Vtuber drama, it will change your view on Vtubing forever"
I wish I was as naive as 2 years ago.

captcha: GOTH2


>> No.50839458

when first time i know about vtuber dramas, i thought it's just one side from antis (hates vtuber in general) who always spread blind hate about vtuber.

but when i go more into the community, i realize that most of vtuber dramas are from the fans / inside of community itself.

>> No.50840822

Like if some fans who don't like other vtubers, they're will be always try to find a way to hate them & spread it until that information reach / gain response from antis & normies, then become a drama.

And vice verse other vtuber fans who their oshi's got hurted by other vtuber fans, want to take revenge with do same exact thing... and something already happened got repeated again.

It always like that, become evil circle.

>> No.50841533

>200k (subs) bisa beli apa ?
>Membership ?
>3D model ?
>model update ? after 3 year ? so i can properly smile ?

unfortunately for zen, he can only buy a graduation stream zen with that subs. Her genmate, Nia on the other hand survive whatever happen in the past week in Maha5 Office. Probably will get still terminated next year unless she somehow turns into a 500+ ccv vtuber. Lumi is gone way too long, i would expect VA change or endless hiatus. So what happen exactly? possible rrats

1. Decision from Rentracks HQ, cutting production cost
2. Zen f*cks something up (probably risu ass)

Also can you all feel the tremble of every agency vtuber out there ? u are into ur persona so much, u work so hard, and u probably have a glimpse of hope that your hard work will pay off. Then u suddenly realize that you had no control whatso ever to your L2D model, Unless its AKA, or agency that has put the "VA can buy the L2D model" option in the contract.

Can you hear the various vtubers crying in Zen stream last night ? not only because they lost Zen but also that what happen to Zen can also happen to them ?

>> No.50843030

>Also can you all feel the tremble of every agency vtuber out there?
i mean you should treat is a corpo-work afterall
even its entertainment, the possibility of "PHK" is always there, be it un-prolonged contract, termination, or whatever corpo term to end you
you should always be prepare

>> No.50843325

>1. Decision from Rentracks HQ, cutting production cost
This doesnt make much sense considering gen 3 and even mahaJP
>2. Zen f*cks something up (probably risu ass)
This usually results in immediate termination within 24 hours or so, not a 1-month notice

But yeah, if uploading daily for months and collabing with anyone and everyone frequently somehow still doesn't guarantee you a job security, then i dont even know how those agency livers that barely even stream weekly even survive
this will either make then work crazy hard to survive (or so the company would hope) or just restarted their rm or pl or alt to prepare for the inevitable (most likely this)

>> No.50843394

anon, matsuri were willing to pay yagoo so she can becoma a vtuber. this is a menhera world, you dont find many logic or future life preparation behind the scene

only grind grind grind

>> No.50843546

3 year contract -> not getting the result they want -> kick old gen -> start new gen

((( behold the idol world reality )))

but yes, kicking zen doesnt makes much sense since he was a bridge that connects to hololive, nijisanji etc. so im choosing no.2

>> No.50843653

Yeah the reason of the termination is kinda suspect, But i think at least the way they handle it is still professional enough, unlike NijiEn when the management itself start shit flinging by listing all the reasons why they fire zaion in bullet poin. They could just say zaion broke their rules several times and refuse to fix her behavior.

>> No.50843938

>probably risu ass
Nah, Risu will be like common Indonesian girls. They want that foreigner's dick for
1. "Memperbaiki keturunan"
2. Kewarganegaraan negara maju
I bet when Oga graduate she too will graduate and move to Japan and working in Cover management and pumping out blasteran children.

>> No.50844079

this is just assumption
but maybe all of those collabs eat more expense than normal livestream
we don't know how or what paperwork they have to do in order to collab with another corpo
maybe it cost money, or maybe it cost your staff sanity
either way management deem it as boncos and cut your work immediately

>> No.50844149

matsuri could grind my dick and i will pay her much more than yagoo

>> No.50844280

If it's a concert collab it might cost money.
But gaming collab don't cost anything at all.
They know how to behave because most of them are frickin adults
Unless we're dealing with menhera here. But even Indonesian menhera (Zoey) is surprisingly quite tame (Unless I don't know something yab worthy with her)

>> No.50844360

She's not going to be satisfied with just one dick anon

>> No.50844512

>other corpo did a yab
>holo holo holo!
Holy rent free. I guess it's true that success breeds jealousy

>> No.50844623


>> No.50844906

Have you considered something about office politics? i.e. the person behind Zen is disliked by one of the higher ups, hence the 1-month notice and not immediate termination, since he did nothing wrong

>> No.50845078

> it was andi's plan all along to take all the girls from Zen harem's cave

>> No.50845964

If collab cost them something, then just stop doing it baka
They're the management, they can just veto the collab
Let him cook as solo for a while and see how that works

Or heck, just use the kurosanji method if they don't want to tarnish their image.
Give the livers like, 3-month notice, gradually reduce their upload frequency, and then 1-month before the day finally announce it to the fan.
Bonus point if you make the liver says its due to personal problem or burn out or some harmless stuff

>> No.50846242

>The Kurosanji method
Maha5 doesn't have as much power as Kurosanji to do that

>> No.50846473

Maha5 is one of the big vtuber company/unit that im 100% sure they are barely making money out of their talents, and Rentracks now doesnt have clear goal on what to do with it.

look, does Zen and Nia and Lumi even have a membership? yes they have mediashare opened this year but do they have gachikois? + they stuck at subs growth no matter how much shorts / videos they publish. Just look at alia meme videos (5 minute long), how many have more than 10k views? when the last time those video goes viral?

>> No.50846874

are you saying their management is that weak they can't even silently stop their liver from streaming?

>> No.50846911

kevin 50k+ subs has opened membership
zen & niat 190k+ subs doesn't have membership
what is the requirement to open one membership? i don't get how this work

>> No.50847034

its something bizzare that zen cant/dont want to explain. how can they even grow further if management doesnt allow membership. Gen 1 of Maha5 is anak tiri

>> No.50847218

1000 subs + (4000 public watch hours in the last 12 months or 10 million short views in the last 90 days).
Zoey managed to get her monetization and opened membership in less than a month.

>> No.50847479

you know what it's actually make sense why the management pull the plug.
Zen is top dog as male vtuber in ID and yet with all his connection with other corpo or indie he still stuck in 3 views territory.
everyone say that his talent as supporting character is good but his agency don't have main character that can utilize Zen talent

>> No.50847698

this seems low on paper and seems achievable
then why gen2 doesn't get their membership already?
Nia cicak di dinding got viral last year and it should check all those requirement

>> No.50847749

what the fuck happened to andi and alia that kicks them out of mc seat

>> No.50847821

If that's the case then they can just tell him to change his content? No reason for them to destroy someone's career like that. Stop licking maha5's ass. Imagine if this happened to your corpo vtuber oshi, no way you'd just accept it right?

>> No.50848408

*sniffs on alia's ass*

>> No.50848623

gile lu tai kambing di sosor juga

>> No.50848825

But it is really worth it to kill your reputation over it? Yume barely survived Suika yab thanks to Sena as their MC, if you say MAHA5 has no MC, wouldn't a yab of this magnitude kill them?

>> No.50848961

So that monkey dude is actually terminated

>> No.50849434

Most of the guys here (not only on this thread but also the whole board or even the whole fandom) also wants to have their kawaii Japanese wife. It's not that different after all.

>> No.50850309

Good time to be AKA talents: Good wages + all donations masuk kantong + free 3D studio if u can go to Japan + other supports such as CF booth + not much stream restrictions + still holds ur own IP. And they can deliver that sweet 2 million subs to the company portofolio, which no one expect they can achieve it one year

>> No.50850489

Good time to be AKA talents:

- Good wages
- all donations masuk kantong
- free 3D studio if u can go to Japan
- other supports such as CF booth
- not much stream restrictions
- still holds ur own vtuber IP

and they can deliver that sweet 2 million subs to the company portofolio, which literally no one expect they can achieve it on one year.

>> No.50850531

double post oopsie

>> No.50850674

so thats it? no big yab no protest? everything back to normal, so why this place try to make this shit some kind of second trumpet or some shit like that.

>> No.50851067

good to see that. But will be better if Maha5 can inclining with Zen too. Sadly looks like we can't. I hope Zen can get real identity move to AKA.

>> No.50851114

*new identity

>> No.50851156

also, Gema solo concert

>> No.50851341

Gema and her bad luck with YT algo

>> No.50851360

lmao here comes the AKA shill

>> No.50851465

been updating vtuber.asia, pls check it out. next month will be the Q2 infographics reports. if u guys have anything worth sharing in the infographics, feel free to write it down (but i cant put /warkop on the infographics credits)

>> No.50852038

Not that AKA shiller but what is wrong with shilling them? Isn't this thread is supposed to be a place to shill and discuss ID vtubers? How can we discuss them if no one is shilling them?

>> No.50852208

>flag counter
haven't seen this since a long time ago.

>> No.50852379

>no big yab
This is big tho? Tf you on
>no protest
Not yet
But i do agree the second trumpet thing is just an Exaggeration. Just like the Ragnarok pituber

>> No.50852733

kurosanji fans are jealous that another JP corpo managed to succeed in ID

>> No.50853312

For now, but how long that'd last anyway? AKA rn are busy bakar duit but eventually like all other startups, they'll run out of it and have to be cost effective to survived

>> No.50853458

What do you expect from indogs? They all can only bark but won't bite

>> No.50853845

enough with this corpo shill
let me shill my lost wife

>> No.50853965

>enough with this corpo shill
>posting gura
fuck off

>> No.50854009

I'm okay with talent shilling but the problem is that anon exclusively only shill AKA the corpo. If it were holo/niji shill then highly likely they'll be called corpo bootlickers or m-chan or something

>> No.50854056

lol implying your protest got heard

>> No.50854095

The question is, where do they get the money?

>> No.50854145

gura is indie tho
because no corpo rules could hold her accountable

>> No.50854223

Oh indeed, I'm not arguing that.
When I become HolostarID and went to Japan for my gen concert I might met someone there I can use my Dangdut charm on, maybe management, maybe fellow tuber, or just some Japanese girl

Or I can convnice Kiara to go straight

Or at least Mori

>> No.50854320

>he still stuck in 3 views territory
Is our market really that weak? Did he pander to overseas market or nah?

>> No.50854352

Yo EOP, do you heard that from False?

>> No.50854389

im an old man with an old widget preference

>> No.50854442

the only overseas market he got is Malaysia

probably the whole MY community know him

>> No.50854504

He's gen 2 anon, so the membership business plan should be decided beforehand. Unless his channel wasn't meant to be monetized hard and his role in MAHA5 was meant to do what Riksa do in Niji ID

>> No.50854590

thank you for your hard work, VR-chama

>> No.50854604

>Indogs and their tempe mentality at showcase
How we'll ever incline if we don't fight to fix our industry you fool?

>> No.50854609

arab capital venture money, they interested in AKA 3D studio. AKA got a bunch of money to the point they dont know where to spend it. Someone got an idea of recruiting ID Vtubers. and that is where Selia/Mai steps in. thing is, at first Mai also collabed with Epel

>> No.50854633

Gtfo yuropedo

>> No.50854742

Picture this: anon using a Rhoma Irama-like L2D as his StarsID avatar while charming the HoloEN talents left and right. Bonus point if you have wild open chest hair in your avatar

>> No.50854743

with our wallet of course you dumbass

>> No.50854824

i'd rather have austin powers as avatar

>> No.50854840

Oh, shit, bump limit soon. Bake a new bread?

>> No.50854955

up to you, anon.
i made the last thread and it didn't survive.

>> No.50855885

ngl this whole debacle kinda sours my opinion on Maha5.
Before this I thought they're a supportive agency who values freedom with how much the talents can do anything they want, and from their twitter the management also seems like decent people.

Never expected them to pull a niji just like that.

>> No.50855900

Yes please

>> No.50855999

i knew they are burning money, but i thought atleast the VA could buy their L2D model etc.

>> No.50856170

>buy their L2D model
it's gonna cost them a lot.
probably several thousand dollars.

>> No.50856245

What? Since when was this a thing?

>> No.50856445

I guess something happened with the management. IPO incoming?

>> No.50856476

It's weird since literal who agencies can release their models and let them go indie, what's up with maha5 now and why they can't do that?

>> No.50856495

nta, i don't even watch her but i saw some clips of risu and iofi doing collabs with holostarjp.
particullary with that oga and aruran.

>> No.50856517

Anon rentracks are already in TSE way before anykolor followed them

>> No.50856602

Oh sorry I didn't know that kek. Then might just be some internal conflict

>> No.50856611

But Rentracks, the company that owns MAHA5 is already public.

>> No.50856654

Zen VA's would definitely buy if its on 2-3k range

he can do subathon after going indies with it

>> No.50856729

I dunno about the shipping part.
But Oga and Risu is close enough to make Orisong and cover together .

>> No.50856784

they still want to retain the rights to sell the merch
and maybe possibility of reviving the body with someone else like nanarika or smt

>> No.50856831

they have the same birthday date, that's why they see each other as siblings, but I guess that doesn't stop shipfag to ship them
