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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50793225 No.50793225 [Reply] [Original]

>white men save the day
>no dumb nigger lesbian going "MMM HMMM" and making snarky, retarded gorilla level remarks throughout the film
>shows how people should interact. When Hangman makes fun of phoenix for being a girl, she fires a witty joke back at him instead of forming a twitter mob and getting hangman cancelled and fired from the navy
>black people regulated to comic relief side roles
>doesn't try to cram minorities and lesbians in every role
>about things people care about, like duty, friendship, learning to be better, overcoming weaknesses

This film was nonstop fun, action, and was heartfelt. There wasn't a single weak scene or pointless LBGTQAI+ nigger faggot lesbian. Hollywood is officially back, baby.

>> No.50793258
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anon this is /vt/ not /tv/

>> No.50793286

Did you post in the wrong board? This is a Vtuber board.

>> No.50793285

wrong board dumbass

>> No.50793412

based confusedposter

>> No.50793459

Kill yourself.

>> No.50793566


>> No.50793572

based OP
unbased tranny replies

>> No.50793736
File: 323 KB, 1720x2048, FxsCbg5akAE3zOl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50793761


>> No.50793976

Go back
/vt/ supports trans rights

>> No.50794006

anonchama, I also watched and liked the movie, but OP is a retard that posted in the wrong board

>> No.50794071

Wrong. We hate troons here.

>> No.50795227

I don't, loser

>> No.50795303

You're trying way too hard to fit in

>> No.50795577

>Your streams are still yabe
>You can be my oshi anytime

>> No.50795641

Great movie, but you're still an idiot posting on the wrong board.

>> No.50795650


>> No.50795717

Right board, king

>> No.50795734

Stfu faggot go 41% yourself

>> No.50796168

And here comes /pol/.
Still seething you lost to both the little mermaid and spiderman?

>> No.50796198

yeah because those movies were woke

>> No.50796659

I thought multiverse spiderman movie was pretty good
Black Ariel was clearly a mistake

>> No.50796834

the little mermaid was supposedly made to reach the global audience but mainly rejected by non-white countries. How could this be?

>> No.50796900


>> No.50796924

Sorry about your dyslexia and obsession with trannies or whatever

>> No.50796928

Spider-Man was at least good. Can’t say the same for Black Ariel, though (which was a massive flop)
>captcha: TNDD4

>> No.50796955

hang yourself faggot

>> No.50796980

i remember nothing important from this movie other than the hypersonic plane

>> No.50797013

Neither were good. Spider-Man was actually worse because it attempted to hide its wokeness in background shots and easter eggs. Expect there to be a trans Spider-Man and a gay Spider-Man in the next movie, both of them will be minorities. Also there'll be a disabled Spider-Man too.

>> No.50797044

Weird way to ask for a watchalong but alright

>> No.50797238

wait... vt is Virtual trannies? wtf

>> No.50797298

100% true, but not /vt/ related, at all.

>> No.50797302

I enjoyed it even with how pozzed it was. A good movie is a good movie.

>> No.50797332

The purpose of the culture war is to divide Americans over arbitrary and insignificant disagreements, in order to gradually reduce the global influence of the US economically and militarily.

>> No.50797401

Holy based, I'm gonna take part in the culture war from today on.
