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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50762860 No.50762860 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (Crazy Raccoon, KNR, DTN, 芸人旅団, GETI, etc.) is also on topic.
Previous thread: >>50697979

Upcoming/ongoing events:
Lisa birthday 2023 goods:

Met 3rd anniversary goods:

3D collabs:

Pacific Racing Team collab

VSPO! 3D announcement.

VSPO! is:


Miscellaneous recent streams:
Lisa's 30 person totsumachi
Minecraft server hide and seek (Met POV)
VSPO morals check with Sumire

Songs, anime, etc.:
Point two seconds story
New Logo Animation PV
Original Song "for Victory!" Animation MV (Short ver.)
for Victory! (Full ver.)

Main channel competitions:
Previous: New Year OW2 Winter Campaign
Extra: Autumn Sudden Test (Ren's channel)

VSPO! Gekiro:
Premium: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Previous: Fortune ranking

>> No.50762909

>>50762860 (me)
Anons, creating a thread takes 10 seconds and 5 clicks, stop stealing my Mahjong time...

>> No.50762937
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based mahjong anon

>> No.50762968

reid your fps reps is failing you stop playing mahjong

>> No.50762995

That clutch was peak toitoi

>> No.50763009

why is toi so fuckin loud

>> No.50763048

she's always loud, anon

>> No.50763051

I haven't kept up with the kawase news. Is he not busy with apex at the moment? He has been showing up in these fulpas quite a lot recently.

>> No.50763080
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protector of thread

>> No.50763109

I almost created a new thread, but I fucked up once before so I was checking if everything is okay and updating op. I also don't use the app for this shit.
Glad that the thread was finaly created because I was fighting anxiety that prevented me from creating the thread and I wanted to post a bit at the same time...

>> No.50763123

> short coopy
>filename not nazupi
It's Asumi the imposter, isn't it?

>> No.50763128

yeah i know but shes particularly very loud in this stream

>> No.50763147
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>> No.50763202

He is benched

>> No.50763210
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imposter pi

>> No.50763255

Ema getting the Rizztel treatment. She can't get married anymore.

>> No.50763279
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Ema would give better paizuri than Beni

>> No.50763285

I know that this thread is usually not posting too much about ongoing streams. But it baffles me how little vspo discussion about usual streams is happening (the most common being hinano anti or noah anti shitting up the thread). And how fast the thread becomes when neoporte and especially astel is streaming with them. I wonder if all of this posters are new or just people who switched from vspo, or maybe they just don't watch the streams usually.
I sometimes try to create a vspo discussion but it rearely goes anywhere. The funniest shit was me getting a bigger discussion out of this thread while posting about fucking dota of all things. I had a feeling that all the old posters left the thread for some secret discord maybe(?), but they never really posted much about regular streams even back in the days.

>> No.50763286

She did drink a couple cans of sake in her zatsu prior to this.

>> No.50763303
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ema sex

>> No.50763339

pi is boarding an international flight

>> No.50763422

This is toi's round.

>> No.50763465

...Et tu, Ema?

>> No.50763491

Anon for better or worse it isn't that much of a mystery why the thread becomes so much more active whenever a Holopro talent is involved. VSPO might be bigger than Holostars but not on /vt/ - Hololive and friends.

>> No.50763509

No one cares unless unless there is shipshit going on. This is all oreapo's fault you cant escape it

>> No.50763573

just found out that japan favorite sumisu would likely not play in vct tokyo because visa issue...

>> No.50763588

Rizztel discussion should be in his own thread, hes got his own.

>> No.50763593

i've tried talking about shumi ongoing streams multiple times, same for the furupa, no one answers and the oldfags seem to enjoy silence so i don't bother anymore, when a astel furupa happens, people start to answer eithr to laugh at the schizo or just because people playing happen to pop off, it ain't that hard to understand why anon.

>> No.50763677

I think many "old" (old meaning pre vsai this year) posters just stay quiet and don't post among this trash.

>> No.50763718

But I always check stars thread when this happens. They literally don't give a fuck about this collab. Their thread is more like vspo thread during regular streams. And they go apeshit in this thread for some reason. But I guess it makes sense if you think about member distribution (4 this thread related and astel who is also fps related)

>> No.50763731

pi streams with ariken, i don't like that guy so even if i watch it i am not going to post about, i don't like sumire so i don't live post about her either, and i watch hinano in silence because the shitposters here are just retarded

>> No.50763765

like other anon said, for better or worse vt is filled with holofags especially EOP. and most of VSPO viewers basically 90% japs anyways. though 5chan vspo thread is full of population and discussion as much as it is filled with shitposts and memeposting too

>> No.50763772

The same thing happens in 5ch and you cant blame EOPs there

>> No.50763786

glad to know I'm not the only one who dislike that fat fuck

>> No.50763793


>> No.50763817 [DELETED] 


>> No.50763849

/stars/ mostly populated with women and only a few men poster like me who'll likely post about astel collab etc

>> No.50763862

What is the schizo even rambling about?

>> No.50763868

I never streampost because I'm watching the stream and lazy to switch keyboards from the jp one i use to chat

>> No.50763908

Because this thread says it's the FPS thread so people use it as a general for FPS streams. I don't think the average /stars/ sister cares about commentating Valorant gameplay just because one of the players happens to be a Holostar.

>> No.50763956

i did try going there, but it's unironically filled with fujo and gay dudes thristing for the dudes and they seethe when astel and roberu don't do stars content and go outside of the ''box''

>> No.50763961

Everyone hates fat people, it's a universal thing

>> No.50763973

How is pre vsaikyou this year is considered old? I'm kinda from 3rd vsaikou (started getting into vspo a bit later and joined the thread even later) and I don't really consider myself an oldfag

>> No.50763992

i dont like that seaweed, maggie, protagonist, rizz or whatever his fandom calls him. Dude keeps trying to push himself into places he doesn't belong, probably to stay relevant because homostars is dying and hes washed up. He has his own thread anyways.

>> No.50763991

i don't hate hinano though

>> No.50763994


>> No.50764035

In addition to what other anons already said VSPO has also gotten a lot of attention in the shit parts of the board recently due to the 3D numbers so we're probably getting a bunch of tourists who heard about VSPO for the first time last month

>> No.50764050

Nothing more wholesome than finding each other through your friends, and developing mutual admiration which turns into a committed loving relationship.

>> No.50764075

>let's go toi, i'll die for you
what a chad

>> No.50764078

schizoanon at least pretend to blend in better

>> No.50764119

if anything it's easy to spot

>> No.50764129

finally someone said it. hinano antis shit up this thread so bad. only solution is getting rid of hinano. hinano suicide=no more antis

>> No.50764143

I think he meant that this year's vsai is when the current batch of EOP holo tourists came here in force

>> No.50764149

i love hinano though?

>> No.50764152


There you go, just filter that schizo.

>> No.50764159

leave my hinano alone

>> No.50764164

This meta discussion is so much better then stream comments, thanks for improving the thread

>> No.50764172

>blend in better
since when was this place a fan or refuge for homostars?

>> No.50764201

Astel said himself that he start doing jubutsu move and being confident inviting girls to collab after that collab with hinano and blue neoporte guy. If you want to blame someone blame Hinano, everything is her fault the true destroyer of the thread

>> No.50764212

Yes, based "oldfags" savind dead hours with meta discussions and meaningless ramble.

>> No.50764226

>pi streams with ariken, i don't like that guy so even if i watch it i am not going to post about
based. same but with qpi instead of pi. ruined rust too

>> No.50764244

I will give this (You) just once so, Astel has always been in fps circle since post Vsai3? Like i said pretend to blend in better

>> No.50764259

cope lmao. there is nothing to talk about with her streams even if antis didn't exist lmao. you watch her streams and find only three things she ever does. rinse and repeat

>> No.50764300


>> No.50764311

I grew to like ariken a lot actually. He is very lighthearted and nazupi likes him a lot (likes to bully him, for being fat as well) and he takes the banter very easily. I also don't like that he is fat but I now believe that vspo's (nazuna's) mission is to cure the Japanese fps players from being fat fucks (mother seem to look better, aja said he is on a diet now and maybe ariken is the last boss of fat people).

>> No.50764333

This thread would be alright if Hinano died.

>> No.50764360

i mean, yeah? but what is there to cope about it, i just watch her normally
i don't have issues with the dude being fat desu

>> No.50764415

how is this gonna stop me from shitposting on 5ch and /here/

>> No.50764467

Well, she said it best herself today, her antis are kinda like her fans because they watch her every stream. You seem to know a lot about hinano and her stream content for someone who hates her so much, tsundere anon.

>> No.50764474

i don't really care that he's fat. just find he's kinda tedious but at the same time overbearing so limits conversation. qpi is basically always in full gyaru persona to deal with him or shuts up which sucks. (this may have changed i stopped watching when he's involved)

>> No.50764536

>hiding so they don't lose the OP

>> No.50764591

I genuinely wanted to know what the fuck happens and where are this people coming from. Considering this board sometimes it's hard to understand what the fuck is goong on. This short discussion helped me to understand a bit, hoped it didn't derail thread too much.
It also created a bit discussion about vspos so I'm kinda happy

>> No.50764613

I been watching vspo back in the pugb days, before astel even made an appearance and he was never a part of any of the groups. Nobody cared about him after vsai and nobody was a fan of his maggie his arc later. I cant believe hes still playing that shit out to this day. So i have no idea how the homostar fans claim this place was his second home all this time.

>> No.50764623

I came here during Vsai4 and wouldn't consider myself an oldfag. Got hooked because of Sumi's tower defense. Did watch a little OreApo, but never stuck with it. Now I mainly listen to Met/Ashumi/Uruha/Hanabusa Zatsus.

>> No.50764633

based rare eslchad

>> No.50764650

that bitch using teenage pop star fans logic lmao

>> No.50764707

no hes not. Who did he collab with before vsai3 and in between vsai 3 and 4. Literally nobody.

>> No.50764755


>> No.50764828

The man who saved Shirayuki Raid

>> No.50764855

is holofags better?

>> No.50764890

Noah & Reid, Kagayaki cup.

>> No.50764898

I actually dislike qpi in bukatsu too, not because I hate her but because she really turns very silent when she is with them which is very uncharacteristic. Same was with rust, it was like she wasn't even a part of the group sometimes, I don't know why she still sticks around tho. I like her dynamics with other people a lot more (duke, kamito, yukishiro, runa, other vspos). My favorite bukatsu variation is ramu, nazu, aja, ariken, yu, funa. They seem realy close to each other and it feels like they can fuck around a lot.

>> No.50764930

>check the numbers thread
>astel anti discussion like itt
Naruhodone, so much for oldfags

>> No.50764944

oh one stream and it only happened because Bora pulled out? Did Reid and Noah play with him again after that?

>> No.50764960

He was in CR Apex for 1st and 2nd seasons too, joined ShibuHal custom with Bora and Reid after winning Kagayaki cup. Grinding rank with them after

>> No.50764962


>> No.50764972

>before vsai3
Reid and Noah for Kagayaki, k4sen and Hanjyou for CR Cup 6
>between vsai 3 and 4
More than once with Sumire on Apex, and even was one of the guests in her birthday totsumachi

>> No.50764984

I couldn't watch her during rust at all, it was such a huge disconnect from her usual self.

>> No.50765011

Ok schizo/holofag/numberfag whatever the fuck you are, heres your (You)

>> No.50765029

>astel anti discussion like itt
Umm we love Astel here though??

>> No.50765071

Uruca streams just aren't the same without Yufuna and Rinshan.

>> No.50765072

no we oldfags seethe when the thread gets more than 2 replies per hour

>> No.50765107


>> No.50765186

Guys Astel thread is here >>50719704
This place should've never been FPS general.

>> No.50765241

Guess what it was.

>> No.50765248

I liked the comfy slow threads we had before this vsai.

>> No.50765250

>Astel was in the tennis club
>Yui was in the tennis club
Match made in heaven

>> No.50765254

We moving at the speed of light now

>> No.50765259

Using the wall to lift up toi. That's pretty clever

>> No.50765264

you have to know this will only make people shitpost harder...
unironically seems that way

>> No.50765293

Have you ever played Valorant

>> No.50765329

she's actually seems pretty shy or at least quite sensitive. in big groups she's quite often quiet unless she's close with everyone. i think she was/is genuinely quite lonely too if you remember what she was saying a couple months back so i can see why she'd stick with people. seems like she's made friends with mimi and is going out a bit more so there's that. duke/gorilla etc ojisan bullying babu is the best format for qpi

>> No.50765341

I only play tf2

>> No.50765380

Pearl B site will always be the shittest map in Valorant

>> No.50765430

bro...i checked qpi's rm because of people in this thread mentioning, and until that point i woul've agreed with you, but you can't honestly think she is shy or quiet if you know her past

>> No.50765447

They just need to fix up long a bit, Pearl is better than any of the new maps other than Ascent

>> No.50765487

unsho unsho unsho boku winguman!

>> No.50765515

>vtuber model has multiple piercings
>real life person has multiple piercings
I don't understand japanese otakus

>> No.50765540

it ain't the piercings anon, it's the menhera shit, piercings are hot

>> No.50765618


>> No.50765715
File: 258 KB, 1109x1479, FxOLKYUaEAUAYHc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawase is pretty cute huh?

>> No.50765742


>> No.50765758

Isn't it Source engine with these kinds of weird movement techs?

>> No.50765857

asutoi dream team

>> No.50765861

yes, everyone's seen the forbidden knowledge, i almost but a disclaimer about rm fags disagreeing at the start of my post but i thought that would tempt fate too much. lol can't win. anyway, whatever she may have been like you clearly don't watch her now

>> No.50765893

>Toitoi carrying

>> No.50765912

Yeah, that's why I didn't expect valo with these techs.

>> No.50765917

and she is drunk too

>> No.50766039

sorry anon, it just sounds like you are ignoring reality in favor of a headcanon

>> No.50766091


>> No.50766226

I'm slowly losing faith in japanese valorant

>> No.50766256


>> No.50766267

Wish I could make her laugh as hard as Aruse does...
She was basically speechless during the bit at 2:07:22 because she was too busy making ugly snorts.

>> No.50766286

Learned a new term, thanks jap larper anon!

>> No.50766319

I only found out about this kino secondhand from Met or somebody.

>> No.50766376

Nooooo wingman kun...

>> No.50766544

>seems like she's made friends with mimi
Sorry, but Beni has taken her. She showed off her naked body multiple times. Mimi was embarassed but Beni has won.

>> No.50766561

wdym anon it's the best place to rank up

>> No.50766621

Qpi is suffering from being the most intelligent in vspo. She's probably unironically autistic as well.

>> No.50766957

damn that was close

>> No.50767162

Aruse would be goated if he mastered when to shut up and hand the channel to someone else for a moment.

>> No.50767301

then what does that mean for say, kamito, who is both retarded and autistic. and why does that mean he gets more pussy than every poster in this thread combined

>> No.50767360

>why does that mean he gets more pussy than every poster in this thread combined
you're right anon 1 > 0

>> No.50767408

I thought it was netiquette here not to shit up the thread with mundane shit and just watch and enjoy the stream. Unless some hype shit is happening with Kamito I am not going to fill in the captcha.

>> No.50767429

you're kinda underselling it on his end, and I never said the poster number was high lmao

>> No.50767506

Right, I misunderstood what you meant.
But I heard that it's theoretically possible to make Apex on another engine and simulate such things, so I guess Valo did the same. Dunno if they'll feel the same though.

>> No.50767638

NTA but they will never get the same movement even if they try
thing is most of 'tech' movement from Apex are result from bug same for CSGO

>> No.50768007

looked it up. apparently a bug from a recent patch. masanori still getting shafted currently

>> No.50768044

They should make that an actual change, this season is retarded

>> No.50768093

nazu pi is cute

>> No.50768228

>kawase: astel and toi are really compatible today

>> No.50768258


>> No.50768276

Its the sake

>> No.50768284

damn you kawase I'm gonna fuck you

>> No.50768301

astel is a big guy today

>> No.50768316

toi is unironically strong. the moment she stops fucking around her aim shines

>> No.50768323

I'm aware of that, doesn't mean you can't replicate it.
But that's why I said I don't know if they'll feel the same way or feel off to someone used to Source movement.

>> No.50768328

tuna, kamito and kohakupex later

>> No.50768336

Chuna, Kohaku and Kamito apex 20 JST tonight

>> No.50768378

his IGL and aim are strong today

>> No.50768414

Even though she's retarded Toichan really is good at games

>> No.50768445

Does Kohaku exist without Dtto?

>> No.50768446

He's getting more comfortable actually telling people what to do instead of the usual jap autism of relaying basic info and saying oshiiiii at the end of every round

>> No.50768510

It's good that Toi and Yui can keep up with his bantz and don't take it personally when he comes too strong.

>> No.50768574

i can't tell if kawase is good of bad with that OP

>> No.50768609

>shift peek awp from basic angle at mid range in ~diamond lobby
>they miss
JP servers... let me in.....

>> No.50768616

Would and would marry her after. Need me a wife that can carry

>> No.50768697

Why should I talk about ongoing streams here when I've the fucking vtuber chat for that? Chat posting/live posting or whatever the fuck you want to call it is gay.

>> No.50768739

I always wondered who Kamito was going to play Apex with before getting dragged to Master by Amatsuki, so it was Tsuna and Kohaku. Too bad I have no time to watch that, but I'll catch the void later.

>> No.50768796

your wife is washed up

>> No.50768818
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>> No.50768910

>I thought it was netiquette here not to shit up the thread with mundane shit and just watch and enjoy the stream
Yeah. It's called chatposting and it's lame. I'd only do it for streams everyone is obviously interested in, like 3D and anniversaries and stuff. If the thread is about to die and all you have are trite posts just fanart bump or clip bump.


>> No.50768994

Girlfriend behavior...

>> No.50769039

anon: chatposting is lame
also anon: WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT [favorite chuuba]

>> No.50769123

[sad news]
Runa can't sleep

>> No.50769288

kawase choke

>> No.50769293

>Astel reported the enemy MVP for smurfing

>> No.50769333

fuck smurfs

>> No.50769349


>> No.50769491

Smurfs ruin games why doesn't riot do anything about this. They could just match smurfs with other smurfs.

>> No.50769519

smurf is a fucking cancer only 1 level below apex cheater in predators, i got traumatized from a smurf reyna in silver lobby first time doing competitive in valo

>> No.50769673

Yeah, blue people are subhumans

>> No.50769832

Wow what a hilarious joke anon

>> No.50769873

amazing timing

>> No.50769875
File: 18 KB, 485x435, grouchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah fuck you tpp anon

>> No.50769954


>> No.50770061

>talking about first date spot
Astel: theater is a bad because you just sit there and watch the movie without talking.
Ema: the theme park might be awkward when you have to queue for a long time.

>> No.50770093

toi is fucking strong

>> No.50770128
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she sobered up

>> No.50770376
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>> No.50770712


>> No.50770715

They've lost it

>> No.50770755


>> No.50770822


>> No.50771045

they got too comfortable now

>> No.50771098

Last game of an all nighter and they're like 8 rounds up

>> No.50771228

I wish to get called きもい by a 美人

>> No.50771288

Ema is getting the group curse experience.

>> No.50771336

she seems out of place in this group

>> No.50771457

kino round

>> No.50771495

toitoi is pretty cute ngl

>> No.50771642

she was into it when theyre taking about first date spot

>> No.50771653

Not really

>> No.50771724

my only problem with toi is when she tries so hard she gets loud, when she chills more she is very comfy

>> No.50771901


she is cursed

>> No.50771935

i liked the furupa, but i am not looking forward to the oboretai clip this shit will produce

>> No.50771979

i thought toi was the one that went ''hoho'' fuck

>> No.50772043

>EN clip

>> No.50772129

it's precisely because i am not a EOP that i don't want more dumb ''curse fans'' on chat

>> No.50772151

One thing that has happened to this thread is the invasion of guys that are so bad at to talking to women, they think if the girl laughs once then fucking is inevitable. They will then turn around and laugh at some shitpost a dude wrote

>> No.50772269

>>50772151 (me)
Anons in this thread were ngmi from the start, but they've escalated to the point where I'm convinced over half are going to unwittingly die touchless virgins

>> No.50772281

Holy shit she has the hots for astel confirmed

>> No.50772303

kamito woke up at a healthy time. today is a good day

>> No.50772320

Ok but Lob and Runa are definitely fucking

>> No.50772325

sorry i anon, i can't follow you to the wizzard path, it was closed for me when i was 16

>> No.50772345
File: 677 KB, 1692x3000, Fw9hsSraYAco3HO - shiro_marimo_ (small).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's tent
tent > toi > yui > niu > utsuro >> don't care about teto or aria

>> No.50772370

>toitoi, ema, yui, kawase laughs at astel
they're gonna fuck him won't they?

>> No.50772418

>I'm convinced over half are going to unwittingly die touchless virgins
Yeah, me

>> No.50772460

>EOP burger hours

>> No.50772473

god that design is so good

>> No.50772496

Its the weekend where have you been for the last 48?

>> No.50772494

it's funny how a moment from a stream will send the schizo into a seething frenzy

>> No.50772523

i don't have anything against teto per say but her smoke voice filters the fuck outta me.

>> No.50772543

I think she just nervous since it's her first time playing with astel, but since she's friend with yui I don't think it's going to be strange to see them playing together again and becoming more familiar after this.

>> No.50772604

I just watched a kino furupa valo stream

>> No.50772606

>ぶいすぽっ! - Astel Leda general

>> No.50772668
File: 259 KB, 500x500, now_seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the furupa valo stream sure was good

>> No.50772708

to be honest, it's not any different than
>ぶいすぽっ! - oreapo general

>> No.50772713

I already miss my astel based leda...

>> No.50772722

I think it is

>> No.50772736
File: 817 KB, 1536x2048, Fxyw6dcacAA96rY - towa_12220611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really did break up. The riot id change is proof enough. Runa wanted more of his time, but LOB was busy spending it with Yuu and other younger girls.

>> No.50772775

Good thing that I only care about Nazu, Mimi, Beni and Ramu.

>> No.50772953

It's hinano's fault, she changed him.

>> No.50773067
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I love this nose

>> No.50773148
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28 please!

>> No.50773167
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>> No.50773170

at least update it into his newest outfit, this one shinji level of ugly fucker

>> No.50773264
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>> No.50773275
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Cute! Thanks!

>> No.50773304

why are girls so gay?s

>> No.50773311
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>> No.50773333

why are girls so cute?s

>> No.50773482

he got quads somehow. just end me now

>> No.50773483

why are girls so dumb?s

>> No.50773529
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>> No.50773566

The second answers the first, thanks for your time

>> No.50773664
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Name a single gay (not bi) vspo

>> No.50773712


>> No.50773747

isn't met straight?

>> No.50773906

anon, read the post again

>> No.50774015

is no one else streaming, really? only hinano solo valo?

>> No.50774063

owner of this thread

>> No.50774288

Honestly I don't watch vspo that much, the only reason I'm in this thread was because it was one of the only place where I could talk about my wife Eru, but no one really care about her so I just come here from time to time to browse the place before leaving

>> No.50774505

seems so, unfortunately.

>> No.50774542

chamber dumbass

>> No.50774581

I liked her before she started genshin, I'm sorry anon.

>> No.50774957

I can understand, I don't really like the game myself. Actually I don't even like apex that much, but she's just too entertaining and I love her reactions

>> No.50775866
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>mfw newfags have a cringe meta discussion itt
t: veteran of the towars

>> No.50775999

pull back a limb

>> No.50776026

Is there an 一旦ね compilation out there?

>> No.50776303

nobody cares about her supple tits

>> No.50776403

muh thread culture

>> No.50776649

Why do people insist on posting here when astel has his own threads, which are already on life support? I dont mind the collabs but the thread quality has dropped like a rock ever since astelfags got it into their heads that they were welcome here.

>> No.50776820


>> No.50776907

This is an untrue statement. He seems to be quiet and submissive if he is worse at a game than the girl he is playing with, which is boring.

>> No.50777025

Astel collabing with vspo and neoporte frequently kinda makes it unavoidable. I personally dont have a problem with Astel as a streamer, but the cult of rizztel and shipfags are subhumans

>> No.50777140

Has Rizztel done the Rizz on Ema yet?

>> No.50777202

The Rizz is the best part about Rizztel.

>> No.50777263
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British Lisa Solo Apex

>> No.50777300


>> No.50778445

hinano messan duo valo

>> No.50779017

Kamito... invite Mafuyu to play with you...

>> No.50779803

Why no Meto POV...

>> No.50780122

you fucks that use ``rizz`` ironically are just as cancerous, doesn`t really stop people that like him from talking normally either

>> No.50780544

meto live

>> No.50781255

are we allowed to talk about the new v4mirai here or is that a no

>> No.50781312


>> No.50781663

astel spamming seems to be okay, so I say yes

>> No.50783077

as long as they play FPS it is ok.

>> No.50783270

i haven't seen the forbidden knowledge

>> No.50783549

Oh, Kamito is back to Asc1 on the back of some consistent team MVPs

>> No.50784286

met.. your stream..

>> No.50785133
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konkon news

>> No.50785739

Her clothes can barely hold em knockers

>> No.50787656

i dunno what that is anon, but so long as they are in the fps scene, i think everything is fair game, if they are not, probably no

>> No.50787741

they are v4mirai


they are essentially vspo first en group

>> No.50787926

anon, i think you can talk about them but you probably will be ignored by that fact alone

>> No.50788162

>they are essentially vspo first en group

>> No.50788358

a fact backed up by every vspo talent completely ignoring the announcement

>> No.50788536

sorry anon but i am very against EN vtubers

>> No.50789354

Same, EN VTubers have ruined everything good bout VTubing.

>> No.50789556

If they are EN make their own thread. EN threads have a better chance of surviving and growing.

>> No.50789925


toitoi apex

>> No.50790656

EN is what birthed this board. I feel horrible and miss /jp/. I wish EOPs would fuck off.

>> No.50790729

Please no.

>> No.50790970

Doesn't Rizztel attract and bring all the EN? And you all love him.

>> No.50791149

>speaks english
>yet hates it


>> No.50791245

english is my third language, japanese is the 4th yes i hate EOPfags

>> No.50791249

I'm convinced that no one likes Astel and it's just shitposters trying to have fun in this thread for no real reason.

>> No.50791301

Surprisingly nazupi during minceraft stream was talking about liking anime where "girls kissing other girls or boys kissing other boys". Don't know if she herself is into that.

>> No.50791313

if anything i only gave the dude a chance because of the schizo, now i am a regular viewer, though i do hate the curse thing

>> No.50791387

If you got it only now you either very new or very slow. We even have a clear indicator to distinguish shitposter but people still bite.

>> No.50791392

kek, he's not even streaming and there's schizo already

>> No.50791540

please understand, he is too threatened by the blue guy he has to let other people know

>> No.50791661

I don't like or hate astel
It's just so funny how mindbroken people get here over the mention of the name

>> No.50792108

She’s always been open about her love of girls love. And some few streams ago, I definitely heard a girl enter her house and greet the dog

>> No.50792405

The girl? Me.

>> No.50792594

Which SEA country do I blame for these posts?

>> No.50792835

did i hit a nerve?

>> No.50792905

I was fine with the first wave of EV VTubers, but everything after was just shitters. Can't even look at the catalog without the garbage the schizos post.

Once the EN clips go up, we're going to get another wave of EOPs...

>> No.50793017

I notice the whining is only during burger hours. In late EU hours where they usually do their furupa streams it's fine.

>> No.50793113

>advertisement to all shitposters
>I am annoyed by this thing and can't help but cry when it is mentioned
>gee I sure hope people will stop talking about it

>> No.50793195

Jesus those are some ugly models

>> No.50793227

v4mirai has nothing to do with vspo other than being under brave group. similarly to how vspo doesnt give a fuck about any of the other vtuber groups under brave group

>> No.50793232

wow thread quality is literally at the bottom of the barrel right now

>> No.50793243

Even when ToiToi loses, she is cute.

>> No.50793287

shes retarded and wont ditch the shotgun for literally anything else but i still love her

>> No.50793288

>advertisement to all shitposters
>I am annoyed by this thing and keep crying about it
>I'm totally not a well known schizo from the numbers thread
>gee I sure hope people will stop talking about it and totally not respond to my very obvious bait
fucking retard

>> No.50793447

that was a 1v1v1 Lisa...

>> No.50793491

She just needs a little 酒 and she will start popping off, like this mornings furupa baro. She is so precious.

>> No.50793561

finally someone who agrees that hinano should kill herself

>> No.50793611

https://twitter.com/neko_tatsuna/status/1665588724577763328 of course ura epe, why am i fucking surprised at all it's the cheeky korean we're talking about

>> No.50793656

A certain subcontinent scams in English. Being the lingua franca of the world, it attracts plenty of undesirables.

>> No.50793802


early dementia symptoms uruha at it again

>> No.50793896

doesn't the change the fact that Hinano is fat

>> No.50793966

Nekokawai in hinano's game is just a guy with a voice changer, right?

>> No.50794009

>falseflagging as the hinano anti now
at least throw in some bong slang

>> No.50794104

because everyone is busy watching the stream

>> No.50794301

I can hear Hal cumming already.

>> No.50794339

Emregency apex vsai announcement,

>> No.50794399


>> No.50794482

my churro's gonna stream even more now that she gets money..right??
she went from hardstuck diamond to having the best movement during vsai4 and best choke kinda curious what reps she did this time

>> No.50794645

what is happening with messan? her twitch streams keeps fucking up

>> No.50794696

Lisa is super unlucky with these randoms and how the fuck is she getting Golds and Silvers in her games lmao

>> No.50794756

her internet is shitting itself

>> No.50795127

When will other VSPO members follow Karubi down the fightan path

>> No.50795194

Toitoi anon I have good news

>> No.50795257

ren said she downloaded sf6 yesterday but wasnt sure if she wanted to stream it or not

>> No.50795332

She's collabing with Nana and Axel

>> No.50795378

Orange tempiss died?

>> No.50795403
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Hinano Link's Awakening

>> No.50795445

I dreamt about becoming Uruca (female) and dating myself (male).
We bought lottery tickets and scored big. I laid my (Uruca) head on my (me) shoulders while we were waiting for the money to arrive. It was kind of embarrassing to be Uruca and act so girly, but it felt safe and comforting to be next to myself.

>> No.50795503

Yeah, and she is his angel

>> No.50795505

Did Ema get Yui into Dragon Quest or was that a thing she was into before they became friends?

>> No.50795523

https://www.twitch.tv/petit2434 this racoon just wont stop playing overwatch wtf

>> No.50795836

despite all our differences at least this thread is united in our hatred of orange tempiss

>> No.50795922

Alright my filters are working now.

>> No.50795980
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niu apex

>> No.50796248

Chances of kamito playing etriam? I mean he played that mystery dungeon game it's not that much different right haha

>> No.50796252
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>only took Tuna 8 hours to go from Diamond 4 to masters.
This game is garbage.

>> No.50796406

why do i find this cat's screaming so hot

>> No.50796425

Tuna Apex

On a side note, Kohaku's social climbing. I feel like I see her(?) on lots of streams nowadays

>> No.50796437
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>> No.50796640

Zero chance, my man. Once BP launches he's gonna turn into a mmo streamer. We might as well enjoy these last few days of him playing fps.

>> No.50796771

Cute girls

>> No.50796789

Five champs in the first nine games. Guess she did the rest solo? She was struggling when she streamed a couple of days ago.

>> No.50797030

Kohaku is very cute and "she" deserves all the best

>> No.50797073

Rizztel got them into the game

>> No.50797167

She was talking about shinsekai yori
it's part of the plot - something like they keep the kids gay when they're young so they don't go psycho and kill everyone? I can't quite remember

>> No.50797180

Well that sucks. Would've been fun seeing him get bodied by narmer.

>> No.50797275

[sad news]
runa is melting

>> No.50797677

Cause she screams like that in bed.
First hand experience.

>> No.50797803

>Orange Shitter

>> No.50798043
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>> No.50798070

real APEX is back, not that manbu shit.

>> No.50798168

really 16th place you mean

>> No.50798193

>same time as the 3d stream

>> No.50798202

Uruha is a national treasure
