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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5074613 No.5074613 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.5074637

poorfag here, that's outside my budget.

>> No.5074649
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They got deleted.

>> No.5074657

why would I learn kanji when wasei-eigo will replace japanese in like 15 years anyway lmao

>> No.5074658

I learned Hiragana and I am learning Katakana now. Also when I watch them I can pick up some random words and sentiments.

>> No.5074674

I’m working on it, anon.

>> No.5074689

but my favorite chuubas stream in english

>> No.5074697

Trying, but even the most basic of Kanji makes me wanna kms

>> No.5074699
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how the fuck do I start?

>> No.5074715

It's a dying language

>> No.5074716

I can already understand Mori

>> No.5074747

Learn the kana

>> No.5074770

This board is 90% EOPs that wouldn't even register as ironic weebs. They'll watch English Vtubers for a year before moving on to the next fad

>> No.5074778
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I haven't studied Japanese for a single second but I can understand her anyways thanks to the sheer amount of anime and Jdramas (and sometimes NHK) I've watched

>> No.5074800

Youtube translator probably more reliable in next few years

I can watch their archived when that time comes

>> No.5074815
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The problem is, by the time I learn enough to understand them, vchuubing will be dead

>> No.5074860
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this is actually one of the reasons I haven't started, it's fucking scary.

>> No.5074875

Takes less than a year to be able to understand Holos since their vocabulary is pretty simple and they mostly all speak a standard Tokyo dialect.

>> No.5074901

And make translators unemployed? No!

>> No.5074912

yeah, but uh. where do i start, i'm very fucking stupid and lazy.

>> No.5074930

Does Kanji even matter for understanding japanese?

>> No.5074932

If I wanted to talk about moon rune chubbas I woulda stayed on /JP/, less drama bullshit and 2hu schizos are funnier than ours

>> No.5075040

theres plenty of free resources

>> No.5075222

I can already understand 20-40% (sometimes way more) of JP streams on average with my shitty N5-N4 beginner level japanese, that's good enough for me

Don't feel much incentive to push into N2, N1 level japanese, it'll just be diminishing returns
Maybe N3 someday if I feel like it but studying vocab/kanji is way more boring than learning the initial kana/grammar/common vocab/common kanji

>> No.5075735

Lost all motivation after losing my prime inspiration in learning Japanese, Kiryu Coco.

>> No.5075866

Unless you wanna read children's books for the rest of your life it's kinda not optional

>> No.5075906

I dont mean reading, I thought it was specifically a writing system so it would be irrelevant for understanding vtubers since they mostly speak.

>> No.5075928

I couldn't even remember any of the hiragana after like a month of this. https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html
I'm simply too retarded.

>> No.5076063


>> No.5076148

I use this and among resources.

>> No.5076167


>> No.5076170

if ur a lazy fag, forget about it

>> No.5077258
File: 419 KB, 810x612, ESuUuYqUMAAsX0W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tidak belajar Behasa indo instead.

Or don't, but I'm certainly going to try!

>> No.5077440

By the time I learn japanese it will be too late. The time to start learning Japanese to understand chuubas was in 2015

>> No.5077560

It’s not about money anon it’s about being a lazy faggot.
Same reason you’re poor

>> No.5077882
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My favorite vchuuba went on a 20 minute autistic rant about control arm linkages. I didn't need to understand japanese to understand the rant, because I had the same rant myself not two weeks ago.

>> No.5077929

Tell me a paid resource that'll guarantee I'll learn it

>> No.5077959

Then do it faggot

>> No.5078035


>> No.5078101

I already have been, Migo.

>> No.5078127

Let me put it this way: kanji is so essential to reading that the fact you even asked this already shows that you have legitimately no understanding of how the language works (not meaning to sound condescending; it's just THAT fundamentally essential)

>> No.5078416

If you bothered to read even hover over those 7 wacky numbers at the top right of my post you'd see that someones already said this and I already clarified that I didn't mean reading. I obviously didn't mean reading, the dude I was replying to was saying "why would I learn Kanji", In a thread about learning Japanese to understand vtubers, reading typically isn't involved in livestreams which is why I posited the question in the first place.

>> No.5078432

I'm going to learn it. I will. Not for chuubas, but for VN's and literature.

>> No.5078568

How can you call yourself a fan if you don't read their tweets and roommate's fanboxed rantings? You'll need kanji knowledge for that.

>> No.5078760

Deepl has worked for me so far.

>> No.5081356
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N2 is enough, works well. Anything complicated the chuubas say gets parrotted from chat anyways so you can yomichan over it.

>> No.5081550

I'm N3 currently, trying to improve with immersion. Unfortunately I can't actually go to Japan because of travel restrictions, so instead I've been listening to Japanese radio shows and watching NHK when my favourite JP chuubas aren't live. It is difficult and time consuming, but it's worth it to actually understand my oshi.

>> No.5081782


>> No.5081859

I don't watch Japanese vtubers because I'm not Japanese and I don't understand Japanese.

>> No.5082006

but my chuuba is korean

>> No.5082089

My oshi just failed a kanji test for elementary school students, I don't feel as bad about my own abilities now.

>> No.5083168

A month is far, far too much time to spend grinding away at that kana page. You should only do that for about a week before moving on and learning vocab and grammar: it's when you actually use your kana knowledge to read and write stuff that it'll really start to stick

>> No.5083300
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So Nihongonese is basically just rote memorisation? If I have an exceptional memory I basically halve the time it takes to become proficient?

>> No.5083936

The examples of which are?

>> No.5084045


>> No.5084111

by the time i figgure out the japaneses, most vchubbas will have already retired

>> No.5084259


>> No.5084298


I am looking for a whore.

>> No.5084334

I'm glad I started learning Japanese 10 years ago and didn't give up. OP is right, the best time to start is now

>> No.5084366

I was learning kanji until I got to the fact that they use different kanji to count different things and realized it was fucking retarded, lost motivation

>> No.5085075

N1 is fucking impossible, even people who studied for years at university fail this shit. They throw words at you that never get used in daily life.

>> No.5085299

I am over thirty and it's impossible to learn a new skill now.

>> No.5085433

isu berii haado

>> No.5085496

I fucking hate faggots like you. There always one 30-50 old retard in class who thinks its impossible to learn new things, but i know he is just lazy scared fag

>> No.5085529

understanding speech? a bit
understanding written stuff? very

>> No.5085617

N1 is easy if you study for N1 - that's why they sell studybooks specifically for N1.

>> No.5085657

Learning Japanese is easy, I just casually buy and read light novels on Kindle, got to N1 within a year.

You learn super fast because kindle has a dictionary function that you can easily look up words when you are reading.

>> No.5088481

*got to N1 within a year, after 3 years of studying.
Seriously, try taking the practice test, you sound like you're on drugs when you say something so absurd.

>> No.5088669

I stopped watching Hololive after the Coco incident.

>> No.5088782

you don't need money to learn a language. just communicate with people.

>> No.5088879

not even japanese people understand Miko.

>> No.5088956

I've learned hiraganas, I'm currently learning katakanas and some basic kanjis. Wish me luck

>> No.5089170

I barely know te-form when I started

seriously, you should try my method.

>> No.5089178

there's no luck, just put in the time
don't forget basic grammar

>> No.5089180

I don't care about any of the Japanese vtubers though

>> No.5089608
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I'm doing it right now and so should you. All the copes are wrong. No it's not a dying language. Your population can dip and your people will still exist. Some people just want high birthrates for the retarded unlimited economic growth meme. No vtubing won't be dead by the time you learn it. Gen Z is gen simp and this shit will never go away in your lifetime. No its not hard. You just have to put in time every day. It's tedious not hard. If you coped or wanted to cope you do double reps today.

>> No.5089687

And you should definitely learn how to write eventually.

>> No.5089754

>No vtubing won't be dead by the time you learn it.
Correct, that's the most awful cope really, even if one of the chuubas you like retire while you learn it you could still archive dive or find a new one. Shit happens fags

>> No.5089792


Seriously, fuck Kanji, I don't think I can overcome this, I don't want to learn 10 000 lines in different configuration to be able to read basic text

>> No.5089857

If only there was some free language-learning course that half of vtubers use to learn English


>> No.5089867


>> No.5089891

I have 800 unstudied cards in anki...

>> No.5089944

It's not as hard as it seems, anon, with time you'll get used to it, just take it one at a time. Also, kanji are a necessary evil due to homophones.

>> No.5089949

This shit right here. Why do they need 3 alphabets, one of them being literally hieroglyphs? I've read that Kanji is used to differentiate between words in a sentence.

if only there was some other way to seperate words...

>> No.5089980

EN 2 is on the way too so who needs JP anymore.

>> No.5089987

You only need to know 100-300 kanji to understand most of written japanes にっが

>> No.5090008

I guess I will try, I was kind slaying it on Duolingo for the last 2 weeks and yesterday got my first 2 Kanjis.
Big if true

>> No.5090031

Stop using duolingo, newfriend

>> No.5090040

But Vtubers use Duolingo, what else should I use

>> No.5090048

I wish this were true! Really I do!!!!

>> No.5090052

literally a fucking cult

>> No.5090109

Literally anything else, if you like the app format you can use wanikani + bunpro

>> No.5090116

Just as with anime, games, manga, light novels, vtubers etc. Eventually the slitty eyed little yellow bastards will invent something new, and there will be a lag period of a few years before the west bastardises it - you need jp to capitalise on that period.

>> No.5090119

What is wrong with Duolingo?

>> No.5090128

Hear this anon, at most take their resources, don't read the threads lest you become one of them...

>> No.5090146

That's why you just go there for the links, like any sane anon who wanders into /ic/

>> No.5090161

ive been studying for the past two years and have spent like $20 on studying materials (a murakami book and an akutagawa book)

>> No.5090174

It doesn't teach you valuable things well, simple as

>> No.5090208

It tricks you into thinking you're actually learning the language with it, when you aren't. You need to learn the language without it, and then maybe it has some value as an additional tool.

>> No.5090211

duolingo is fine don't listen to the retarded djt cult
use it every day you can, build high streaks, learn the kana
and then once you've done it consistently for a couple week move onto a different book, coming back every now and then to refresh
it's a tool that uses game psychology to release the feel good chemicals and get you to build up the habit of studying without feeling like you're forcing yourself

>> No.5090351

"peko peko peko" is all the chaiwanese i need to know

>> No.5090389

Well time to learn moon runes

>> No.5090469

that's fucking retarded anon, the only reason i can talk to you in english right now is because i started watching english youtube videos without understanding anything when i was 12

>> No.5090615

>it's a tool that uses game psychology to release the feel good chemicals and get you to build up the habit of studying without feeling like you're forcing yourself
Learning anything well requires deliberate effort at some point. Worse, not doing things deliberately can cause you to build really bad habits.
It's fine as long as you understand you might need to eventually relearn/review stuff that duolingo says you "know."

>> No.5090681

t. djt faggot who thinks he's going to state department style shove 2500 hours of japanese study into his head in 6 months and burns out after 2 weeks

>> No.5090770

Well that's because you started at an age when your brain was still developing and you've had what, 10-20 years of practice? Japanese isn't as easy as English.

>> No.5090967

Don't use Duoling, but if you do, be sure to have a bunch of others resources to use along it

>> No.5090985

>more critical period theory
cope, adults are just as good if not better at learning than kids
kids just do literally nothing but suck in information instead of studying for 2 hours a day after work

>> No.5091149

I unironically understand japanese because of watching anime for 20 years. I just can't speak, read or write it.

>> No.5092941

I wish I could focus for 2 hours...
I've been slacking off and only doing anki for the past 2 months
The best sentence I can do is "X ga Y da"

>> No.5094122

Roommate's still about and you'd better do your reps for the mildom streams because she won't pander to EOPs there

>> No.5094198


>> No.5094266

I refuse

>> No.5097472
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Are there any vtubers that give proper japanese lessons to their viewers? Don't care about their gender or sub count if they take the lessons seriously I would like to know about them.
