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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50713173 No.50713173 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50713267

It’s literally the same thing as holo concerts. It’s just a screen after all

>> No.50713310

Imagine going to something like this I would be fucking embarrassed especially for some fag that moans in a mic

>> No.50713424
File: 83 KB, 838x512, holo fes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s literally the same thing as holo concerts. It’s just a screen after all

>> No.50713475

Not only you are wrong but HoloGOD lives rent free in your mind

>> No.50713590


>> No.50713882
File: 213 KB, 442x472, 1685708347475546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this guy not haram?

>> No.50713887

where's your con appearances, holokek?

>> No.50714301

holo this holo that holo rent free in your head

>> No.50714379

the only thing holo is your standards, bootlicker

>> No.50714417

>holoboard holothread holocity hololife
>wtf why did you mention hololive rent free xd

>> No.50714678

Damn that looks fuckin' awesome lol

>> No.50714971

The con was apparently a huge shitfest. Not Niji's fault besides agreeing for him to attend the con in the first place

>> No.50715032
File: 166 KB, 1389x1080, Nijiniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50715054
File: 28 KB, 609x340, vox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50715210

wtf terrorist!

>> No.50715895

>dating with Vox
What the fuck, they can’t just do that to Finana. Think about her grandstanding!!!

>> No.50715991

Twitch event is much better.

>> No.50716119

post twitch vtuber concert then

>> No.50716172

>Is better! MUCH BETTER!

>> No.50716240

Yes, it is obvious by now that Vshojo's concerts are better than any Hololive ones, without even posting a picture.

>> No.50716299


>> No.50716343

iron mouse cant dance

>> No.50716446

Not in an ad-friendly way, at least.

>> No.50716637

Gura(HoloEN) danced at a concert in Japan.
Are you schizo enough to believe that it is based on her real motion capture?
Or do you believe that Hololive invited Gura all the way to Japan to protect the delusions of holofags?

>> No.50716875
File: 104 KB, 747x765, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is not cripple

>> No.50717002

It's an upgrade from their usual no chairs.

>> No.50717032

So this thread wasn't created by a Holofag trying to shit on Niji?
I thought this was a Holoboard and this a Holothread and this is a Holopost.
You have 0 self-awareness.

>> No.50717338

I dont doubt that the con had its problems, since it just seemed to be held in what looks like a shopping mall. But looking up footage of the sheer amount of women at that con that were all wooing for Vox, I doubt they cared since they got what they came for.
If anything it does a good job painting a picture of who the target audience for NijiEN is nowadays.

>> No.50717420
File: 209 KB, 1080x915, 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50717940


>> No.50718087

>Dating with Vox Akuma
I really hope this is just a bad ESL translation or something otherwise what the fuck.

>> No.50718266

SEAmonkey gibberish and victim mentality. Also not related to the post you replied to.

>> No.50718409

literally who, you cropped the name and I assure you it isn't any CEO

>> No.50723369

Chairs be struggling out here in Nijihood
