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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50650343 No.50650343 [Reply] [Original]

Ummmm akshually you’re missing out if you don’t want the homos to cuck you

>> No.50650421

Of course

>> No.50650462

have sex, incels

>> No.50650481

>Golden moment
lmao the state of beggars, only seem to enjoy streams when their favorite faggot leeches from the girls

>> No.50650491

i want mori, kronii, magni, vesper and bettel do to a TTRPG session

>> No.50650547

But are you ever going to stop leeching off your parents?

>> No.50650632

>second tweet
... is he stupid? because "magni had a conversation with Sana" is already interacting

>> No.50650763

Theres no way you paid for all that HRT and bottom surgery yourself without leeching off your parents, sis, stop projecting.

>> No.50650819


>> No.50651054

>golden moment
> a fag acting like an unironical simp
I'm really happy that i have different value than this cuck, gosh seems like a puke moment to watch, even the single knowlendge it happened disguss me on a fundamental level. Homobeggar really need to get purged from the world.

>> No.50651142

Why did the homo ruin Sana's reputation by making her a whore?

>> No.50651148

Go back to twitter, sister.

>> No.50651227

Then have sex with them if you want them to stop being incels

>> No.50651240

How is a chuuba saying "I had a really good conversation with a senpai once" a golden moment as a viewer?

>> No.50651312

This random twitter post by a nobody does not deserve a thread.

>> No.50651389

I'm pretty sure this guy would let his hypothetical girlfriend screw around on him because he "just wants her to be happy..."

>> No.50651457

You keep using that word incorrectly. To be cucked, once must actually be in a relationship with said girl. You are not. You never will be. You are confusing entertainment for relationships again. Do you feel cucked when you see a female actor getting kissed in a movie or tv show? Do you feel cucked if your waifu in an anime talks to a boy? No? Same fucking difference.

>> No.50651479

that's a woman

>> No.50651508

she's completely right and you are all seething, lmao

>> No.50651570

y u a whore?

>> No.50651625

This board is going to shit

>> No.50651685

That's a woman jackass, you know the thing you'll never touch

>> No.50651737

Learn to speak English faggot

>> No.50651773

I'm so glad this bottom tier failed eceleb got the opportunity to talk with a Hololive girl. God what an inspiring moment. Starsisters sure are eating good.

>> No.50651785


>> No.50651796


>> No.50651862

Reminder that Fagni complained about his model and jumped back to his RM right after his numbers started going down the toilet (so after 2 months). That and him collabing with literally the worst kind of Twitch trash he could find.

>> No.50651922

>Golden moments
That's why I hate homobeggars they really think everything the Stars do is peak content and if your oshi doesn't care about them they are "missing out", stfu you guys don't even watch the Stars by themselves is like a mom praising everything that their retarded child does even if it is the most basic action

>> No.50651936

>literally who twitter screencap thread

>> No.50652004

I second that. they're so desperate seem united and to leech off of the girls its embarrassing

>> No.50652063

when you're a tempiss watcher, all you see is menchildren screaming like retards. so i guess this would be a golden moment

>> No.50652124

the goldest of golden moments. truly worth destroying hololive culture for

>> No.50652213

is you look the tweet up, the replies are full of beggars claiming "there are girls who are missing out so much because of fear of their communitys backlash"

they are so fucking pathetic. they dont realise fauna, irys, mumei and gura are disgusted by them. they live in illusion

>> No.50652217

>like a mom praising everything that their retarded child does
yes that's literally how homos are perceived in the fanbase. These are grown ass dudes and yet their fans are constantly trying to saviorfag their asses while begging the autistic women in the company to shill their asses at the expense of their career. All their achievements need to be sugar coated and can never be compared to Hololive or anyone else (except in the rare cases when they win something).
The special ed class of Vtubing.

>> No.50652232

Of all the people Sana is the one giving advice kek

>> No.50652234

I only enjoy teetee between girls, not homos

>> No.50652241

That's a lot of writing to say you're a faggot.

>> No.50652272


>> No.50652381

>I have no argument, therefor ad hominem.

>> No.50652468
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>> No.50652491
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>> No.50652601

I'm not the one projecting, tranny.

>> No.50652762

I'm never watching holostars and it's just something beggars and Yagoo are gonna have to fucking deal with. If I want to watch a dude be good at a game or generally entertaining, I go to Twitch. Male vtubers are not it.

>> No.50652779

Well they are getting desesperate.number are down (solo, collab and mixed collab) 6 are 3view, 1 is borderline and 1 is stilla little away from the hell, but it still dropping a few are definitly at risk of 2view territory next year. New EN girl gen is comming, and there are chance they will be royaly ignored (because holoEN don't have that much leaway nowoday and the new girls will need to first and foremost secure their personal success, and they are number toxin) and those girl debuting will remove any of what is left for tempiss and what they only ever had, novelity. Even the homobeggar fortress of reddit is now more hostile toward tempiss than supporting them. So yes desesperate.

>> No.50652790

>no u
concession accepted.

>> No.50652811

>Sana was a homobeggar and she left Hololive because not all of the other girls agreed to collab with the homos

>> No.50652818

>Sana playing her Pokemon games and doing streams
>Meets and has a conversation with Magni
>Is cordial but inside cringing so hard that she rips up the golden ticket and fucks off
At last I truly see.

>> No.50652822

the way the second one is worded doesn't make sense to me, the other two are insults but that one just reads like pity

>> No.50653579

>another seethe thread about twitter randos

>> No.50654071

Sana literally left before the homos came and she’s tainted too? Way to ruin her legacy faggot

>> No.50654119

You first, landwhale.

>> No.50654200

To women, telling men they aren't getting laid enough is an insult.

>> No.50654272

Did you not watch her graduation? She read their goodbye messages to her on stream and mentioned being able to talk to them. She even gave Regis the nickname "Tartar sauce"

>> No.50654330

>talks to one person ONCE
>oh my god this totally relevant person who graduated not too long ago oh my god she was so deep and thought me so much
yeah okay buddy

>> No.50654600

eh, it makes sense. magni likes to make art, and he looks up to sana's work. there have been more life-changing conversations between people who are less well-acquainted so it's not far-fetched unless you've never experienced or seen that

>> No.50654659

>magni likes to make art
look up ricardo lopez magni you should copy his masterpiece

>> No.50654681

people \here\ watch streams?

>> No.50654736

yeah i have, with ur mom
0/10 shouldve stayed a virgin

>> No.50654757

how is it hard to believe that having a good chat with someone you look up to would not be encouraging in some way

>> No.50654799

Dial 8.

>> No.50654898

Nice, another schizo thread where 30 year old men get offended by retards on twitter wanting anime boys to be able to interact with anime woman.

>> No.50654945

Nice, another schizo post where trannies get offended over the fact people don't watch faggots they themselves don't even watch in the first place.

>> No.50655376

>projection again

>> No.50655513

>How is a chuuba saying "I had a really good conversation with a senpai once" a golden moment as a viewer?
and not just any "senpai" but specifically the one that checked out early because she couldn't be bothered and allowed the easy-out lie about her back hort to promulgate among trooner and leddit when in fact she despised her few fans and hated vtubing.

>> No.50655687

Magni is a mediocre entertainer.

>> No.50655717

this, her fans seems to be the most obsessed ones celebrating the one who abandoned them and told them to not follow her anymore

>> No.50655803

>golden moments
Anyone can sell a story if they have admiring listeners believing every word. Doesn’t even matter what it is, really. The fact that it’s involving Sana makes me wonder if it ever even happened.

>> No.50655826

The bantz would have been immense if she was still around to collab with Magni. Losing her didn't feel so bad at the time because she was inactive but with no replacements EN could really use an occasional Sana right about now.

>> No.50655830

>things that never happened

>> No.50656090

Be glad Sana didn't collab with them
She would have despoiled them

>> No.50656295

>As someone who thinks of themself of too high a standard, and "better than everyone else"
>It was really humbling to talk and be encouraged by someone who actually is incredibly artistic and skilled as her
Maybe if you ever make or do anything artistic in your life you will know what its like to talk to people that share your desire to have passion for what you do

>> No.50656554

the op mentioned sana specifically, but magni named calli as well as just holopro talents in general. he was just inspired by them to be creative and this isn't the first time he or a hq member has mentioned talking to or interacting with sana. i don't agree with op in terms of golden moments though. those can be found in their own branches

>> No.50656686

I don't want to watch my oshi do co-ed with males. I don't care if he's gay, I don't care if he's the most profound philosopher of the modern era or the they're the comedy duo of the next century.

I watch Hololive for cute girls doing cute things. Not cute girls and cute boys doing things. I will never want that ever and the difference in numbers shows nobody fucking else does either. Holy fucking shit how hard is this to process?

>> No.50656753

Because it epically owns all the incels chud! That's what matters!

>> No.50656777

Is /vt/ the only group that psychotically irrationally hates men more than third wave feminists?

>> No.50656839

yes, that's how the egg starts to crack

>> No.50656844

Have you tried having sex? Maybe touching some grass?

>> No.50656852

so true sis #cut4hex #owntheunichud

>> No.50656935

And having to tard wrangle them H24 so they don't ruin everything at every possible wrong decision they can make? no thank you i already gave enought of that. Retard are retard and at some point letting them fail is mercy.

>> No.50656957

Honestly, what the fuck would Sana even say that was so valuable? Magni is so fucking cringe.

>> No.50656965

This but unironically, male virgins over the age of 25 are fundamentally broken and need to be rounded up into death camps

>> No.50656979

>both hate men more than anything
>both worship the ground women with the correct opinion walk on
>both act more important than they actually are
>both self-righteous
Wait a second...

>> No.50656991

You can't be cuckolded by someone you're not having sex with

>> No.50657013

SEAbro, the pagpag toxins have gotten to your brain

>> No.50657023
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so true, sister! us kindred are much better than those unichudcels!

>> No.50657083


>> No.50657100

you guys are about the same, hope that helps

>> No.50657112

Because that's your only argument. They aren't popular, there's always a huge shitshow whenever they're involved and the ones who don't engage in it are way better off for not doing so (see Kiara) but LE SEX BRO if you just have LE SEX suddenly you'll like these obnoxious leeches! Just fuck a girl bro!

There is no amount of pussy that will make homostars enjoyable to watch. Give me a thousand women to fuck and I'll come out of it with the same opinion. Fucking coomer retard.

>> No.50657151

Be the change, then. Go try to round up your quarry. See how fast that turns south.

>> No.50657158


>> No.50657186
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nah, those virgins are utterly pathetic compared to us.

>> No.50657216

>A weak man has to look up to a woman
Yeah, thanks for the update teakek

>> No.50657232

Honestly cant understand this lol

>> No.50657266

holostarsJP has had some shit numbers. there is no way they're getting rid of holostarsEN unless some actual big shit happens

>> No.50657302

/vt/ is the only board where Twitter troons are trying to gaslight straight dudes into watching gay anime boy doing fujoshit pandering.
You genuinely don't belong here sisters.

>> No.50657313

different platform, same internet

>> No.50657314

Sister, don't act like you weren't threatening to cook Reimu's dog: >>50657023

>> No.50657323

>(see Kiara)
The runt of MYTH?

>> No.50657333

>conversation with Sana, then she graduates

That’s the power of homos

>> No.50657350

>Magni talking to Sana cucked me!
Who the fuck thinks like this? What does cuck even mean when used this way?

>> No.50657371


>> No.50657466

Bullying lonely men is a moral imperative. Watching incels squirm and accuse you of being a woman or troon because you've experienced normal human interactions with the opposite sex is a treat.

>> No.50657516

So weak that thousands of unicorns live in absolute terror at the thought of him speaking to their oshi because she'd instantly be in bed with him lmaooo

>> No.50657553
File: 70 KB, 750x1334, cut4vox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, sister. We should purge those incels from this sphere so we can have it all to ourselves.

>> No.50657565

should've thrown in a y'all for added effect, you almost did the perfect troon impression. work on your bait sis

>> No.50657597

Nice discord raid sisters #cut4hex!!!

>> No.50657672

Note how all it can do is repeat troon over and over because the actual point is irrefutable

>> No.50657757

>thinks i'll engage with the mentally ill
yikes sis

>> No.50657785 [SPOILER] 

Bot post

>> No.50657811

The point is implicit. Troons are mentally ill and anything they say is wrong by transitive property. You are a troon, your existence is a mistake, and everything you believe in is wrong because your brain chemistry is fucked. Sorry but that's the truth and you can choose to cut off your dick like a psycho or you can act like your gender like humans have done for their entire existence until now

>> No.50657842
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Say the line virgin!

>> No.50657879
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Sisters you should spend more time watching your homocucks instead of seething at them incels.
But then again you spend more time posting pride flags on Twitter than on a Vtuber live tab.

>> No.50657906

Your oshi will never love you

>> No.50657977

If i was king of humanity for a single day i'd execute all redditors and homobeggars

>> No.50657989

>normie posting
>projects xer virginity after nobody going near their gaping wound
fucking embarrassing. the damage mental illness can do kek

>> No.50658048
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can't even die slowly in peace these days
I have no strong opinions against the holo/homo interactions but this seeing this tweet and the Sana mention rubbed me the wrong way

>> No.50658180

>Collabing isn't having sex incel, touch grass
>If they collab she'd instantly fuck him because of how much of a manly stud he is!
The funniest part of mocking you people is that you literally don't have any arguments, you just constantly say whatever you think sounds smartest without even understanding the words you use.

>> No.50658202

>first collab outdoes the second with more people
christ almighty what a fucking FLOP

>> No.50658237

projecting chuddie? Miload loves my chink outrages and twitter spams like you wouldn't believe

>> No.50658381

Magni is going to graduate just like Sana.
He sees her thriving outside of Hololive and wants that for himself.

>> No.50658561

nta but your point of fans being scared of holostar or the girls being scared of their fans has always be nothing but your headcanon so he could be right because this type of smugness over some delusional idea its characteristic of transfolk

>> No.50658671

the most valuable conversation I had with anyone was when my father told me not to be homosexual and that I should try harder and find a better job

>> No.50658853

It's not irrational to hate men, though.

>> No.50658855

If your brain weren't so fried from chronic masturbation maybe you would've comprehended that the was mocking the idea that one conversation immediately leads to sex as an absurd thing for incels to fear
You're too far gone so you should probably just go ahead and kill yourself now. It's gonna happen one of these days anyway. Once reality sets in.

>> No.50658925

Don't fuck-up like I did and probably ways to improve his art.

>> No.50659077

You can keep telling yourself that but you're only projecting, works better on twitter I'm sure.

>> No.50659200

This entire board is social rejects retreating into the delusion that a streamer with an anime girl avatar loves or even gives a shit about them sweaty :)

>> No.50659348

>told them to not follow her anymore
People make fun of kronies, teafags, takos and cumbuds but really the most poorly treated of all that everyone forgets is whatever the fuck sana's fanbase was called. Breaddogs?

>> No.50659453
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>actual unironic twitter troons itt
I blame NijiEN and especially the cumxiem cucks for bringing this trash on this board. This is a site for dudes who are into weeb shit. Always has been. You don't belong and you're not convince anyone that watching Fagni Fuckwad is what normal people do. Fuck off.

>> No.50659629

Looks like i can just disregard your arguments from now on.

>> No.50659698

How are you being cucked when you're not in a relationship with them

>> No.50659709

You do have female friends, right?

>> No.50659713

its hilarious knowing this same retard had to transition to try to get laid and still fails because nobody wants to touch them kek

>> No.50659718

Okay but wait why the fuck should I give a shit about what was said behind the scenes of a person I don't watch, how am I robbing anyone

>> No.50659752

A golden moment that happened a year ago that no one knew of because no one watches them including the homobeggars.

>> No.50659771

how am I robbing myself*

>> No.50659873

Lol i guess we know why it a golden conversation, he seem to be more into rm stuff than star

>> No.50659890

trips of luck checked
/vt/ is comprised of incels who hate other men more than anybody ever could because other men symbolize the competition they cannot compete with and have fled from by simping for women playing anime characters.
plus men, being better at everything than women, are of course better at hating other men than women ever could be.

>> No.50660166

You saying it like homobeggar love them in the first place, they don't even watch them or support them other than lips service.

>> No.50660243
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Golden moment? Link it then. Let's see it.

>> No.50660294


>> No.50660915
File: 93 KB, 1268x672, 1685632114287621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister, no matter how much you cope, you and the star are loser in everyone eyes. Accepted your reality instead of screeching in the internets. Vt is just a miniscule representation of the fact that nobody like star, including women that watch hololive.

>> No.50661031

>t.heshe that hates women

>> No.50661143

Sister this, sister that
Remember when it was impossible to believe that there were women on this board at all?

>> No.50661350

Please nuke the board and maybe this pain will cease.

>> No.50661394

men in a dress are still men. sisters is used ironically to mock them, newfag.

>> No.50661677

Checked. All other opinions are worthless

>> No.50661830

Truly a newfag board. Maybe even worse than /pol/

>> No.50661975

Holy shit. Lmfao.

>> No.50662062

>my conversation with Sana was one of the most valuable conversations I've had with anyone
What, on how to pretend you have an injury to rake in pity bucks while you don't want to stream?

>> No.50662105

/vt/ should have tripcodes like /pol/ so it'd be easier to filter out annoying people.

>> No.50662184

Poster IDs* I'm mixing up words again

>> No.50662208

Retarded incels obsessed with cuck fetishes don't get an opinion. Vtubers are not your friend, no EN does GFE anyway, you're all fucking delusional

>> No.50662306

>says weeb
>posts a HoloEN girl instead of an actual Hololive girl
You're an ironic weeb twitter faggot

>> No.50662365

Slit your throat dumb nigger, gura is my girlfriend and she will forever be my girlfriend

>> No.50662409

Worse, it's full of woman-brained men, the one thing worse than women.

>> No.50662691

And for Sana, it was a tuesday

>> No.50662818

>don't watch or like male vtubers therefore you hate all men
Wew sister

>> No.50663476

>english homos are lower than jp homos
Just fucking put them out of their misery
