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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50641195 No.50641195 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically what the fuck is happening with her.
This entire year so far there's only been 10 streams, and even less if you don't count collabs.
Is this some sort of protest or is she Sana broke-back sick or what?
And are fags still doing that thing where if you ask why Gura's ghosting for months you're an anti?

>> No.50641215

garlic bread

>> No.50641280

Did you bother checking Aqua,Shion,Ayame,Haachama,Flair, or anyone who also don't stream often?

Just accept that she is Lazy and move on ffs

>> No.50641334

What riled you nijiniggers up this time?

>> No.50641342

Aqua, Shion, Flare*, and even fucking Ayame, give updates or at least tweet. Gura said
>Movie watchalongs all May!
and then ghosted the entire month.
And Haachama literally had her manager tweet out about her break. None of those are equivalent

>> No.50641385

I can't imagine chumbuds actually enjoy being ghosted like this but if I'm wrong then I'm wrong

>> No.50641428

Cover, by their own admittance, is moving towards selling their IPs (aka the talents) merch and to third parties for advertising as their focus for income generation. That essentially means the "talents" are free to stream as little as they want.

The problem is morons keep buying her membership even though it offers nothing and tossing tons of money her way every stream she DOES do. She knows she's not going to get fired as long as her merch flies off the shelf, which it does.

If she has a real health issue, that sucks for her, but if she legitimately can't manage even a single stream a week, then she needs to be fired.

>> No.50641450

Spineless ATMs will pay her fistfuls of cash anyway so why would she do anything

>> No.50641529

You would do the same if you were making tons of money without needing to do anything

You can stream once or twice a month and people will still support you. Why not enjoy life

>> No.50641559
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ah yes, JPs who /vt/ NEVER calls lazy whores

>> No.50641578
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>> No.50641598

Anons give them shit too dumbfuck
And everyone gave Sana shit too when she fucked off
Why do you act like Gura should be exempt?

>> No.50641621

Just popping in as a starsfag to say that gura probably gathers as much if not more money in a month than the whole starsjp branch does. Keep doing you queen and thanks for financing the new studio

>> No.50641774

Yeah, recommend them gura alternative then

>> No.50641787

She's still trying to figure out her 'new normal'

>> No.50641803

Not a chumbud so I can't provide a link, but didn't Gura say / imply that she is sick and she doesn't know what her "new normal" will be?

>> No.50641870

Chumbuds see her liking fanart on Twitter as a win for the day at this point, they're beyond broken

>> No.50641942

i thought she was back, chumbuds? what happened?

>> No.50642006

at least she should stream zelda once a week

>> No.50642008

This except last panel is chumbud coming back soijaking and giving 700 akasupas when she says garlic bread

>> No.50642014

myth is over. before EN3 arrives ame and gura will graduate. new members, same amount of streams as before

>> No.50642047

Unironically Haachama has more streams than her this year. I'm not joking

>> No.50642059

Yet she finds the time and energy to travel to Japan multiple times. She's just lazy and dishonest.

>> No.50642110

Nothing, she just realized she doesn't have to stream to make bank. 3 weeks of ghosting equal like 4 cumsharts cancelling theirs membership, it's nothing. Her CCV is still massive.
Cover already accepted her mascot role and just wheel her out for random 3Dlives to boost numbers.

Ayame is literally in the exact same role. It works as long as the ATMs pay, which they do.

>> No.50642135

Those aren't nearly as bad because there's 30 other members of HoloJP. As long as you aren't awake in the 2-5 in the morning range JP time, somebody WILL be streaming. There's nine other members of HoloEN and like 2/3s of them are fighting for the same fucking timeslot, so no Gura is much more noticeable and a much bigger deal than a few JPs not streaming.

>> No.50642162

Haachama, ayame and aqua have all streamed more than gura this year.

>> No.50642282


>> No.50642403

I can only imagine 4 scenarios.
1. She unironically had a child and can't stream very often because of this.
2. She hates her fans and doesn't want to stream for them anymore
3. She's protesting against management because she doesn't get to play the games she wants.
4. She's simply burned out.
1 makes the most sense due to the lack of communication. Kids are time sinks and exhausting, especially babies. Couple having to take care of a baby 24/7 with her already frail constitution and you get present Gura.

>> No.50642564

pretty sure that was in a youtube chat message, no?

>> No.50642639

The average shitposter must be a bot or barely human, how the fuck do multiple people reply to that and not point out the stupid inclusion of Flare

>> No.50642792

Maaaan who cares? The sooner vanish into a irrelevance the better.

>> No.50642897

A combination of 3 and 4 make the most sense actually. She's complained multiple times that management won't let her pursue her own projects, and they're horrible about securing streaming rights for the games she likes. I think she's realized that she's been boxed into the role of a mascot and lost most of her motivation after being shut down by management so many times. Her lack of streaming is a passive-aggressive response to her whole situation but the money is too good to walk away from.

>> No.50642900

because it's not worth derailing or breaking up the list when the point of that post was "these JPs don't get made of fun" and that's patently not true. Flare is definitely mocked and ridiculed on here. Just for different reasons than laziness.

>> No.50643027

>Flare is definitely mocked and ridiculed on here
By one guy samefagging

>> No.50643135

>b-but big noombers!

>> No.50643142

Shit like this is why I understand why Coco left how she did. I wonder if years from now we will look back and think how Cover Corp had a golden goose that they slowly strangled to death with over-management.

>> No.50643210
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Eh. I'm used to it.

>> No.50643344

I'm not really invested in any hololive vtubers outside of Miko, but I get the impression it must be mental health related. She had a meteoric rise which probably fucked with her and the more you let anxiety win, the harder it is to overcome. Completely spitballing, but I wonder if streaming has become this giant monster and all the noise about her not streaming probably makes it far worse to the point where days turn into weeks and weeks into months.

>> No.50643405

She should graduate then, if streaming has become such a herculean task for her

>> No.50643462

>Flare is definitely mocked and ridiculed on here
by that one Flare schizo

>> No.50643487

It seems like she really likes the idol aspect of hololive and performing and whatnot and I'm sure quitting would feel terrible and like giving up. I don't know, I'm just projecting a theory like everyone else. I do get the vibe she'll probably be done sooner rather than later though.

>> No.50643783

>It seems like she really likes the idol aspect of hololive
she doesn't, it's all an excuse to avoid streaming

>> No.50643833

Last year right after she stated she was having some problems with management she posted a single time on Twitter as Senzawa. It was a very obvious threat that she prepared to leave Hololive at any time. Cover must have made her some big concessions because she never did it again. I really don't think she likes being there anymore but she doesn't want to walk away from the money either. She shouldn't take it out on her viewers though with all of the blatant dishonesty and ghosting.

>> No.50643838

None of us have any way of knowing that, anonymous.

>> No.50644044

The good thing about being Europoor is that whether Gura streams or not is irrelevant.

>> No.50644049

Sana, Gura, and Ina were definitely fighting with management in 2022 which is when holoEN started having these 2 to 3 month radio silent breaks. Whether it was a protest or multiple suspensions I don't believe they were having random health issues. Kiara telling Myth they needed to stop blaming management during their anniversary was an indication that the situation only got worse after Sana's graduation.

>> No.50644151

I can relate, I don’t really give a fuck about vtubers anymore either. It’s gotten stale and full of shit flinging, the nonstop seething homobeggars have ruined a once comfy hobby and turned Hololive in to Nijisanji. Since I would never watch that, why would I watch this?

>> No.50644213

Fighting with management in what way, and why?

>> No.50644329

>even less if you don't count collabs.
Seems pretty obvious the collabs are somewhat mandatory, just like the merch selling streams she does, and fulfill some kind of quota because EN management sees them as a possible boost for the other girls who are streaming.

>> No.50644406 [DELETED] 
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Gura openly had issues with management not letting her play the games she wanted to play and axing multiple projects and events she put forward. There's probably a whole lot more issues that we don't know about but something definitely happened.

>> No.50644413

And their Karaoke app sucks, in quality and quantity, yet the talents are forced to use it anyway.

>> No.50645093

EN3 was cancelled for tempus (expert tip from fulgur on council underperforming, plus sana graduating, plus yagoo seeing vox numbers and rage debuting tempus gens until he gets his own) and gura finally snapped. Mind you, there were several grievances she publicly mentioned like the daki or perms or management taking creative liberties with the direction her channel was going instead of just letting her play stuff, almost like a parent forcing their kids to play sports/piano so they can live vicariously through them. But EN3 being cancelled was the final straw and she is protesting that.
While people like mori were all "OH YEAH dudes, mr hands, ten hut omaha chicken parm male vtubers!!" people like gura were likely dreading this moment. It's not just the fact that there's EN males which gura can ignore, it's the issue that kronii or other tempus collabers might be in a snot collab and randomly ask gura 'hey gooba did you see that monopoly stream when vesper did so and so' at which point gura would shriek hysterically.
Notice how last summer, everything seemed really odd. The entire off collab stuff from gura's bday to the poptarts to the shenanigans, all of that was after being told EN3 wasn't happening and that tempus would likely be at that convention and they were told to mingle and welcome them before their debuts. Other issues like ame making her own studio and kiara being a control freak about her own concert and bae showing up eating gushers on the couch made them all go 'well fuck you too management' and had EN morale at an all time low.

>> No.50645177

Didn't you hear? She got sun burn, she'll be in and out all season

>> No.50645193

Hopeless chumbud here.
She's either graduating, got married, or had a kid. There's really no other explanation. Gura's rich now, and so she no longer has to pretend to like streaming or her fans. She's always been way too secretive and ungrateful and so unlike the other girls who don't stream like Shion, Aqua, or Ayame, Gura doesn't ever give updates or tweet at her fans. She doesn't even make members posts anymore. Personally, I think she's graduating. She's never been able to stick to anything in her entire life and three years is already beyond her normal effort.

She also constantly lies now.
First, some background. Gura took off December and January after a terrible November because she said she was sick after getting diagnosed with some illness. She flat out said she refuses to talk about it or go into any detail about it, including how it affects her, how it will affect her streams, or if she will ever be okay again. At the end of January she said her doctor gave her permission to go to Japan, where she spent every day recording, singing, and dancing. She said she would start streaming again when she got back and she did for a week in which she streamed three times, but then she stopped again.

Then, a month ago, she said she wasn't streaming as much because she was way too busy and stressed with projects and also dealing with more illness. While that in and of itself is a contradiction, she's also completely stopped using twitter or giving updates, which would require virtually no effort on her part.
However, she said that May was going to be "Movie May" and made a list of movies she wanted to watch in member watch alongs. The following weekend, she did a watch along of Star wars on May 4th, but then never did any of the others and never explained what happened. In fact, she hasn't even talked to us since then. Her last three streams have all been collabs in which she's completely ignored chat and she is now purposefully avoiding her fans.

Finally, go look at her last stream. Outlast trials came out only a few days before the collab and yet she was able to carry everyone, know all the team strats and enemies, and know all the techniques to avoid the traps. She was guiding everyone like a pro. The people she's suspected of being friends with had been playing it all week before that collab and it's incredibly obvious that she's been spending all her time with them off-stream.

>> No.50645280
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>> No.50645290

I hope she never streams again so that these schizoid brains can get some rest.
The part about her graduating is probably true, though.

>> No.50645348

Why would she stream lol? She's got as much money as she wants, her fanbase will never stop being loyal and will be ecstatic when she "returns" no matter what, and her employer is never going to fire or discipline her because she's their face. Would you go to work if you were that content and had that much leverage?

>> No.50645399

Couldn't she just give birth on stream?

>> No.50645468

Does this fanbase deserve a girl like Gura?

>> No.50645472

underwater birth hip cam stream (w/ shark hoodie)

>> No.50645483

Redpilled chumbud

>> No.50645496

>She's either graduating, got married, or had a kid. There's really no other explanation.
Yeah, pretty much.

If it were like JP vtubers she'd at least talk about why she's been gone so much to try to turn it into content. But it's just total radio silence and gaslighting fans. Then she has a janny in her chat banning anyone who asks her what's going on. Cover is very clearly aware of the situation and trying to protect her IP for merch sales rather than being honest towards the fans.

The thing is chumbuds are too casual of a fanbase to mass leave her. They'd rather watch nothing at all than watch another vtuber besides Gura, because for a lot of them she's the ONLY vtuber they're aware of. So she'll continue milking their membership money to feed her baby while providing 0 content.

>> No.50645561

She's obviousy done with vtubing and wants to graduate but Cover told her "not yet", because they're waiting for the right moment to drop the bombshell. Maybe after EN3.

>> No.50645570

This, she's basically a character instead of a streamer now
Like the person behind her could probably literally die and they'd still rake it in

>> No.50645608

You deserve it for giving money to a streamer

>> No.50645705

If anything they should debut EN3 after her graduation to make fans happy

>> No.50645746

Does Gura deserve this fanbase?

>> No.50645794

I actually wouldn't be surprised if Cover is just working her to death on the side. Add that to whatever he mental illness is(because it takes a mental illness to do something like vtubing) and you got problems.

>> No.50645797

After she came back from Japan, streamed three times, and stopped again, she completely disappeared and went radio silent for two weeks. When she came back from that, she tweeted that the reason she was gone was because of her ISP, and that she was spending a lot of time outside and had even gotten sun burned. She then didn't stream for yet another week and said it was because her sunburn hurt. The thing is, one of her close online friends who lives in Europe didn't log in to any of his accounts during the same two weeks, from March 26 to April 12. He then logged in the day she came back. He hadn't been offline that long in almost a year and the start of this was Gura's first weekend back from Japan.

>> No.50645800

That part bugs me, the majority of her fanbase is only willing to watch and support her.

>> No.50645882

>working her to death

>> No.50645889

Flare shouldn't be there

>> No.50645992

I'm not a flare schizo but she kinda does deserve it sometimes. Imagine having a pure sex Choco elf design and getting upset that the fan art you get for it depicts you as a fucking elf

>> No.50646001

Gura is gonna be the next EN member to leave, I can't see any other way around it. At least the other lazy members somewhat communicate with their fans via Twitter or some shit, Gura literally does not even do that at the bare minimum. Why else has she very obviously been burned out by hardly streaming, she clearly has lost interest and is just milking it while the gettin is good.

>> No.50646008

This friend is still the only mod on her previous channel and was the only one to have a founder's badge on her Gawr Gura twitch channel, btw. If you still don't know who it is, then look up her old Man of Medan playthrough.

>> No.50646077

Why would she leave?

>> No.50646084

Doing what exactly? What kind of work would Cover possibly be forcing her to do to the point that she cannot even stream more than once per month? Sounds like a retarded business decision if they regulate her to behind the scenes shit, as she is literally the biggest vtuber out there in terms of subs and still get decent numbers

>> No.50646096

>Cover is just working her to death
And this is why Gura fans deserve all the ghosting. They've deluded themselves into blaming literally everyone except Gura. They'll never hold her accountable.
>It's Tempiss's fault, she's protesting males by refusing to stream!
>It's Cover's fault for overworking her, even though she's released nothing in almost 2 years!
>It's Mori's fault for getting her drunk at that party!
>It's Kiara's fault for making fun of her fans!
>It's Nijisanji's fault for existing!

>> No.50646121

Gura was the only online creator I have ever supported monetarily, and she will also be the last.

>> No.50646130

Does the outlast trials have an account level system like phasmo? Was her account a significantly higher level than the other three girls?

>> No.50646158

Anon wants drama and he's hoping Gura will be considerate enough to consider his feelings before big money

>> No.50646179

Because she probably never anticipated to get as big as she did, plus she likely has been burned out completely due to dealing with the shit EN management

>> No.50646195

That sounds pretty schizo to me. You, not Flare.

>> No.50646220

It doesn't matter, her ATMs drown her in money and she doesn't even have to do anything.

>> No.50646227

Sure Flare schizo

>> No.50646266

If it was only about money to these people then Coco or Rushia would not have left

>> No.50646267

>one of her close online friends who lives in Europe didn't log in to any of his accounts during the same two weeks, from March 26 to April 12. He then logged in the day she came back. He hadn't been offline that long in almost a year and the start of this was Gura's first weekend back from Japan.
Oooooooohhhhh nnnnyyyyyoooooooo, this is a decent rrat naon.

>> No.50646291

It's likely 1. There was a rrat a while back that was confirmed by her voice being in the bg of some guys stream that she was taking months off to fly overseas and visit her boyfriend.
There's a good chance she was aiming for a kid and had one. Now the kid is a timesink and cries in the BG half the time so she can't stream frequently.

>> No.50646301

Make your bait a bit higher quality please

>> No.50646306

No. She was using her official account to stream with the others and they were all just starting the game. She streamed the beta test last year, but this was her first time touching it on her Cover account. If it wasn't obvious, she got good at it on her personal account that she uses to play with her friends.

>> No.50646312

She's not able to put out the content she wants to put out. She'd being doing the same shit as Nyanners if given the choice. Both of them are shitgoblins and had similar content years ago.

>> No.50646420

I unironically to this day feel bad for munibug. Everyone dog piled on her for senzs server being closed claiming it was muni being a bitch cuz sen was more popular.

>> No.50646453

Did Gura just expect to be able to do whatever she wanted by joining a corpo? She can't be that retarded to have thought that she would've been able to be more free with what type of content she could do in a corpo, but I guess that is what she thought considering she brought up wanting to do react content and was shut down hard

>> No.50646474

Does anyone else think that Gura will not only quit, but then months later, end up joining VShojo with Kson?

I said it here first

>> No.50646478

It's not even a rrat every time he went offline it coincided with gura being gone. It was like that last year too

>> No.50646528

Is this the Hunter x Hunter hiatus chart?

>> No.50646534

Where is the lie? Literally the top 2 biggest earners on Youtube left, once people have enough money they start to have other problems and that is why those 2 left their comfy positions

>> No.50646557

Coco left to get Super 3D, Rushia was fired thanks to karma.

>> No.50646584


>> No.50646593

That's a juicy rrat, I'll believe it.
She probably wanted to graduate, but management denied it because she's their flagship they flaunt to investors.

>> No.50646611

Gura doesn't like streaming, there's no reason for her to leave Hololive over Vshoujo, she will starve to death there

>> No.50646614

Keep in mind that when she retired from senzawa hololive wasn't known for being restrictive at least not to most EOPs.
All people knew about it was that funny dog and funny pee fetish girl and funny fox were all in there. They saw the same clips everyone else did and though
>That's the dream

>> No.50646652

You will see, when she’s away for awhile, she will gain interest again, and join VShojo

>> No.50646740

She just needs to communicate, but she can't even handle that.

>> No.50646746

>Where is the lie?
She was fired you retard

>> No.50646764

My guess is something a lot bigger than game perms. They can't directly complain about their default outfit since it's used on a lot of merch. It was strange how Ina saying that she doesn't like revealing outfits was followed by a 3 month health break. That it happened in a year with several radio silent breaks while Ina had noticeable signs of depression. Gura wanting to help Ina get a redesign would explain why she is fighting with management.

>> No.50646804
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>> No.50646830

You have no idea. There has never been any concrete proof, but the evidence has been growing throughout the years. There was also the time right before the first myth off-collab, where she seemed like she was streaming using a new setup. She wouldn't look at her minecraft specs because she said she didn't know if it would show "something bad", even though she had done so the week before. Then, during her WWE stream that week, she wanted to show the chat poll on screen but youtube's chat poll wouldn't work like that. So she was 15 minutes late to the stream and posted a strawpoll in chat. The strawpoll said it was created by an anonymous user from Sweden, which is where he's from. Chumbuds said that it's because she uses a VPN, and she sometimes does, but it's a hell of a coincidence.
Also, shortly after someone in chat mentioned it, she removed the pinned chat with the link and said the website wasn't working. "Sweden" and this guy's username are banned words in her chat.

>> No.50646847

Why would she? She has it made. Cover won't fire her because she's still the biggest vtuber in the world in terms of sub count and the only one in en who can't consistently hit 5view territory anymore. Each time she returns she gets flooded with support and donations, she doesn't even have to okay her merch, she just has to show up for an hour every few weeks and call it good.

>> No.50646848

She'll join VShojo for a year or two to re-establish her own brand then jump ship to a real talent agency like Nyanners and Vei did. I won't lie though, I'd watch a collab with Kson and Senzawa.

>> No.50646881

I hope the pregnancy rrat is true just because I'm going to be fascinated by the effect it has on all the other girls across the branches. I unironically expect some to seethe and have meltdowns, maybe reconsider their life choices, etc.

>> No.50646898

You really think she's ghosting her fans as a protest against management? That makes no sense.

>> No.50646907

That's pretty much it, Hololive was so different in 2020 before the boom that most new fans just have no idea what it was like. Hell even the CN branch was still briefly around when EN debuted, just so much has changed and Gura probably just did not like how restrictive it became following the Taiwan drama especially not being able to play those rhythm games anymore

>> No.50646983

>I unironically expect some to seethe and have meltdowns

>> No.50647004

Not him but yes I do. Have you ever dealt with people in the service industry that are unhappy with their jobs? Most of the time they give the bare minimum.

>> No.50647005

If it ever comes out that she's pregnant, it would be the end of Hololive.

>> No.50647024

Especially since someone like Kiara openly talks about her disagreements with management, yet is still the most frequent EN streamer lol

>> No.50647040

Whatever conflicts Gura may have with management doesn't explain her ghosting of her fans. Management being retards isn't their fault.

>> No.50647107

Not Gura ended-up hating her fans and ghosted them just like she's doing right now. Plus, she probably has an ongoing beef with management and KSON probably encouraged her to quit.

>> No.50647118

And I may be getting my threads crossed here but if I remember correctly, there was a clip of one of his friends playing dead by daylight and during the stream he called guras friend and in the background guras voice was heard for just a split second. The video was posted /here/ but he caught wind of it and muted the clip audio.

>> No.50647127

She has no reason to leave. She's getting passive income from memberships and merch on top of a salary. She does a proof of life stream once every two weeks and collects her check.

>> No.50647135

Before she closed the server, she literally commented one last time and said, "I hate it here."
I wasn't at all familiar with any drama around munibug. Everyone thought Gura just hated her old fans and she probably feels the same way about her current ones.

>> No.50647160

I don't even know if it was that different or if It was just a case where we didn't know what was going on behind the scenes. A lot of this board doesn't speak Japanese, I know I don't but I will say that the fact the management has now taken away two of the games that she's enjoyed streaming must hurt.

>> No.50647174

I can't blame her for hating her fans but the way she handles it is pretty gross.

>> No.50647177

Have you NEVER dealt with a woman ever in your life? Taking out their troubles on uninvolved people is their MO.

>> No.50647242
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any day now, chumbuds will leave Gura, right? WAHAHAHA keep making these kinds of threads, maybe you'll convince the 300 chumbuds on this whole board to finally change oshis KEK

>> No.50647354

When the server first started deleting channels everybody went into the general channel and started harassing muni, calling her a bitch and accusing her of being jealous of senzawa. Admittedly I thought this was the case, because after months of inactivity from senzawa muni tried to kinda fill the void since she was a similar Loli-esque sounding vtuber. Nobody wanted the side character though, everyone wanted sen. People even started harassing her on Twitter and she ended up taking long breaks due to mental health reasons.
Looking back at it, she really just took the brunt of it and didn't even tattle that her best friend at the time got into a massive corporation that she herself had almost indefinitely also applied for.

God, everyone was so mean and for what?

>> No.50647505

Her family is rich, she isn't in it for the money.

>> No.50647513

>Have you NEVER dealt with a woman ever in your life?
I've dealt with plenty. Just never one that does that. Hang out with better women? Dunno what to tell you anon.

>> No.50647554

Because that's how women work. I had a co-worker who was adamant she never wanted to marry... Then people in her social circle started to marry and she started complaining about not being married. Gura is well known and younger than a bunch of them.

Some of them also need a kick up the ass before the no eggs stuff stops being a joke. Vtubers are really no different to career women in the long term.
>But your oshi would graduate
As it stands my oshi is probably fucked after Hololive and I would like to know she's got some security that comes from having a family.

>> No.50647569

>She was guiding everyone like a pro. The people she's suspected of being friends with had been playing it all week before that collab and it's incredibly obvious that she's been spending all her time with them off-stream.
I read all of that and then realized it was the cuck who keeps spamming ggg, the doxxsite, and /b/ with his cucking fanfics KEK, should've realized sooner

>> No.50647579

Chumbuds are in full denial. She 100% was in Sweden and trying to hide it

>> No.50647592

Azki, Risu, Iofi, Suisei and fucking A-chan has more streams this year than Gura

>> No.50647644

I know what clip you're talking about. It was from his friend's stream on December 25th, 2022. I have the entire stream downloaded, it's over 11 Gb. The voice in the background was from a woman, but in my opinion, it doesn't sound anything like Gura. It sounds quite a bit older. It sounded like someone went into his room to tell him something. He muted his mic and when he came back he said that he got a phonecall from his mom. It was Christmas, so it would make sense that his relatives were over and he does have a sister. Additionally, with how paranoid Gura is, if she were there, I don't think there's any way in hell she would ever approach him while he was online, talking to his computer. I could be wrong. Maybe she sounds significantly different off-stream, but I really don't think it was her.

>> No.50647659

I just don't get why nobody outside of this board complains about her.

>> No.50647687

Alright I'll give you credit I never got the opportunity to hear it myself because it was muted by the time I saw it

>> No.50647721

If unicorns didn't exist she could stream while having a boyfriend.

>> No.50647749

Luckily we do, you stupid cuck.

>> No.50647752
File: 150 KB, 377x412, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread turned into doxxing general and still up, HELLO? And of course, some newfags are eating all the rrats up while the doxxers keep replying to themselves

>> No.50647789

Because vtuber fans in general tend to try to downplay stuff and shower their oshi in constant positivity. It's part of the reason why everything is so harsh /here/. While /here/ sucks it's also in part due to the fear of being unable to speak out publicly

>> No.50647816

The boyfriend rrat is just cope from the cuckbuds. In their mind Gura must be fucking someone else if she's not fucking them. There can be no other explanation.

>> No.50647824

Whataboutism is a true cancer of discourse.

>> No.50647844

That sounds awful, and if true, would probably be one of the reasons for her "I hate it here comment".
You sound like one of her old fans. Could I get your honest opinion? Do you believe that her mod, the one who's name starts with B, is more than just her friend? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I'm just trying to find closure because I really do think things are over at this point.

>> No.50647854

because it's the same 10 people

>> No.50647856

I don't read a denial in your post anon. You attack the messenger well enough, but not the content of his post.

>> No.50647873

Claiming 'Whataboutism' is usually a deflection of hypocrisy.

>> No.50647897

Ina is also a possibility.

>> No.50647957

Those have to be some of the most flimsiest excuses I've ever seen. It's obvious she was in Sweden with the guy. Especially if she went as far as banning "Sweden" and his username.

>> No.50647965


>> No.50647995

I met two women that were like this. A year later they both had serious partners. Almost ten years now and one of them has two kids.

>> No.50648015

>boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend
Damn, are all shit stirrers obsessed with being cucked THIS much?

>> No.50648030

This. What fucking more do chumcucks need to happen before they realize it?

>> No.50648035

Women are highly impressionable. Nothing new there.

>> No.50648053

because the ''content'' of his post have no proof. Try visiting the doxxsite and Gura's fanfic /b/ thread and you will read the same things over and over without providing any proofs. Why should I reply to a fanfic made up from his head? And if I do, I would just get hit by the ''I have proofs, but I can't show it now'' like what he does every time when asked about proofs on the doxxsite. If you have, show it? Where's the proof that Gura's ''''friends'''' are playing Outlast???

>> No.50648072

But Gura streamed less this year than pretty much ALL the other examples you white knights can come up with from Hololive, meaning your desperate attempts at whataboutisms don't even work the way you wish they did.

>> No.50648117

Honestly I couldn't tell you. When I watched her back in the day the guy she always hung out with was named Jay. He also lived in Europe, she'd play games like DBD, Farming Simulator, and other games with him all the time. He used to do this one yell all the time that she really gushed about it was like YAMAROOOOO or something like that.
I never got to know her mods personally but I did talk to muni a few times in the server.

So, I can't say whether or not she is dating her swedish friend but I can say that it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.50648208

Gura used to clean houses, anon. She's even told a story about when she had to clean some old guy's toilet. Her family are well off middle class, but they aren't rich.

>> No.50648275

>mental health
She's rich.

>> No.50648297

not even a chumkek but he's right in general, she's probably pregnant tho

>> No.50648301

i thought she might have some advanced illness, but the evidence doesn’t support that, and the protest thing is def not it, so that leaves us with the pregnancy/childbirth. it makes the most sense for killing her streaming, and not be able to say anything about it, but why abandon all social media communication?

>> No.50648381
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How does she compare to the queen of no streams, who has 7 streams in 2023 to date equaling 28 hours so far.

>> No.50648440

They don't have much leverage since Cover owns the hololive characters, the Live2D models, and their channels. The system is built on the brand name so not streaming is one of the few options they have. Gura is huge enough that she can afford to do this to get management to agree to some type of deal.

>> No.50648467

If you didn't notice, the post here didn't claim to know the truth. All that was posted are the things that happened as they happened. Personally, I don't know why they happened, and the rrat would explain them, but I'm still hesitant to just say they're together, anon. I'm not the pajeet. I don't make things up or jump to conclusions. Her secrecy is weird and the coincidences are suspicious, but that is all. Unlike you, I'm not going to just sweep everything under the rug and pretend it didn't happen.

>> No.50648523

You don't know the rules? Never ask them for proofs. You'll be ignored every single time... Considering how many replies that main comment got, gotta say it's the same people replying to each other to push their narratives

>> No.50648549

Okay, thanks. That's about what I know as well. I wish I could have watched her old streams. They seem like fun.

>> No.50648675

Because these sick fucks can't see Gura in any other light except sexual. They want her to be pregnant because it would fit in with their fantasies, so they they only draw conclusions that lead to that.

>> No.50648708

The Queen of cuck and someone still married her.

>> No.50648719

who tf are you even talking about?

>> No.50648779

You are confusing anons. I never said she was pregnant, I listed that as one of three possibilities, but the only thing I said that I think I know for sure is that she's graduating. And I say that because I can't imagine Gura would do all this to her fans otherwise.

>> No.50648854

Not streaming is one thing but that's not what my post was about. It was about ghosting her fans. No communication. She doesn't need to stream to communicate with her fans.

>> No.50648877

The fact that you narrowed it down to only 3 possibilities and chose 'pregnant' as 1 of them shows you're just as bad.

>> No.50648890

>Her secrecy is weird and the coincidences are suspicious
you really is just saying this to Gura now??? FYI, she's the most secretive HoloEN by far ever since debut. Just so you know

>Finally, go look at her last stream. Outlast trials came out only a few days before the collab and yet she was able to carry everyone, know all the team strats and enemies, and know all the techniques to avoid the traps. She was guiding everyone like a pro. The people she's suspected of being friends with had been playing it all week before that collab and it's incredibly obvious that she's been spending all her time with them off-stream
>All that was posted are the things that happened as they happened
Huh? Are we in the same page? That statement totally happened just like you said, right? Keep making cuck fanfics

>> No.50648903

She will never graduate. You don't understand how much money she makes.

>> No.50648925

Nta but read the thread and keep up

>> No.50648951

That's the other thing. If she really was going to quit and come back somewhere else, she would probably be doing everything she could to keep her fans. But recently she's been doing everything she can to drive them all away instead.

>> No.50649012

Yeah they actually were. Honestly Jay was a fun guy to have on stream and people back then didn't actually mind males on streams
Them playing DBD was a highlight of the community and sen doing occasional karaoke streams was also a lot of fun. They weren't plentiful but they were just kinda fun. I was there when she did the cup song live on the twitch karaoke thing even. Times were simpler back then.

Her community was kinda cancer though NGL. A lot of people were just edgy constantly like they'd been browsing /b/ for the past year and wanted to show it off. It was cancer but in a completely different way

>> No.50649038

>drive them all away
It didn't work, barely anyone unmembered

>> No.50649126

Young zoomer women with fame and fortune suddenly hoisted upon them are known for making logical decisions.

>> No.50649183

Would it not explain what is happening? Again, I don't think she is because I don't think she would have gone to Japan if she were. The only thing I know for sure is that she's not telling yhe truth, or at the very least, she's stretching it beyond believability. She's sick, but she takes up more projects that don't ever come out? She's too busy to even give us updates or say hi, but she has tons of hours in the brand new outlast game? It doesn't add up.

>> No.50649324

Coco is JP Mori and would have killed them if she stayed long enough.
Them fucking over Gura to the point she leaves is a perfect example killing the golden goose though.

>> No.50649373

I'll always remember not-Gura fans for harassing not-kronii for dropping the same cover song. (Not Kronii dropped it two days before her).

Even if it's a small minority there's enough of her fans that are loud, dumb and obnoxious little shits that I can't really blame her for ghosting them.

>> No.50649419

Gura isn't streaming because she's got a baby on the way

>> No.50649499

>not-Gura fans for harassing not-kronii for dropping the same cover song. (Not Kronii dropped it two days before her).
lol what how the fuck does this even happen

>> No.50649501

None of that greentext is wrong. While that person's in-game staus is hidden, his friends' aren't. During multiple days that week, two of his friends would go online at the exact time he would and they were playing outlast trials. Then, the moment he logged off, his two friends would switch to another game like Rust. You can queue with four players, and it's obvious who the last member of their group was. There's no reason to think she stopped playing with them, just because she joined Hololive. Additionally, even if she is playing with them, it doesn't mean they're dating. So the only cuck fanfic here belongs to you and you alone.

>> No.50649566 [DELETED] 

All CGDCT EN girls have boyfriends/husbands that's why they're unicorn friendly.

>> No.50649606

How would you even know that? Why are you pretending to know how many members she has? A few of her largest supporters have left. Other anons showed that they are no longer part of their faggy discord. Even Mason left.

>> No.50649678

Faleflag from the troons.

>> No.50649745

you fucking moron thats how she normally acts, she was like this when she's at japan, after debut, first year, second year, pre-hololive, etc. thats who she is.
coin a better narrative to convince me you are her fan, as for this one? your nijinig is showing

>> No.50649751

>Coco is JP Mori
I can see where you'd get that but I can't fully agree. As Kson, sure. But Coco fell into a niche in Hololive that I think worked. Her brashness and crudeness contrasted off the relative 'purity' of the rest of JP holos, but it stopped working after she surrounded herself with western thots that are just as disgusting as she is.

>> No.50649774

Had a baby, now regrets becoming big. Ghosts fans so they leave so she can live peacefully.

>> No.50649783

Are you sure? It's not like "not-kronii"'s channel was ever that big or well known. It wouldn't make sense for her fans to go attack some smaller channel like that.

>> No.50649801

Anon, I had to clean toilets too as a minimum wagie and I grew-up rich, that doesn't tell me anything.

>> No.50649907

Nah, Ina still refusing to say she's Korean-Canadian still puts her first.

>> No.50649944

No I wouldn't because in any other job I would be fired by now.

>> No.50650030

Is she that scared of Ayame?

>> No.50650061

You can be rich and crazy at the sametime.

>> No.50650116

>I actually wouldn't be surprised if Cover is just working her to death on the side
I would be, considering she has LITERALLY nothing to show for it.

>> No.50650128

They thought not-Kronii was leeching off of her, but they couldn't read dates and not-Kronii never even heard of her by that point.

>> No.50650155

Man fucking Ayamefags have been feasting this year with Gura. I keep seeing all this revisionism like "AT LEAST AYAME GIVES UPDATES" and "AT LEAST AYAME USED TO STREAM" like fuck off. Your lazy whore was who she was from Day 1.

>> No.50650158

>thats how she normally acts, she was like this when she's at japan, after debut, first year, second year, pre-hololive, etc. thats who she is.
That's not true at all. Are you fucking kidding me? Are we even talking about the same person? Gura used to talk about herself all the time, anon. But now she doesn't even bother telling us why she isn't streaming or for how long she'll be gone anymore. Gura used to give us notice if she was going to be gone for even just three days. Who the fuck are you trying to trick with this post? Did you even watch Gura back then?
Also, nijinig? Are you joking? How would I know everything I wrote about what has happened over the last year if I wasn't a massive fan of hers. You're trying to invent different avenues to attack me because you know you can't attack my words and I don't appreciate it.

>> No.50650210

>Trying to have a "Who's lazier" competition
Lmao just stream

>> No.50650223

If the fans were as cancerous as anon states, then they probably never fact checked the dates and only noticed not-kronii's cover after the fact and attacked.

>> No.50650250

I'm no fan of Ayame, but if you go to her twitter, you can clearly see there's a huge difference in the amount of activity and how often she talks to her fans compared to Gura. And it's the same with Shion and Aqua as well.

>> No.50650330

Yeah, but why would they attack a cover with only a few hundred views on it? Why her and not others who sing it? It doesn't make a lot of sense.

>> No.50650373


>> No.50650383
File: 25 KB, 512x248, IMG_2190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i warned you all this was coming.

>> No.50650392

Both, their covers went viral (multi million views) of course it didn't make sense, but nobody accused her fanbase of being smart.

>> No.50650422

But it would make sense for her own groomer trooner fans to attack her while pretending to be an outside threat in order to isolate her.

>> No.50650423

there are many chuubas, you know you can simply move on right?
Or you you going to be retardedly stubborn and claim no one will ever entertain you like she does like other chumbuds?

>> No.50650434

Flare streams quite often for long periods of time and I'm pretty sure something really bad happened to haachama and so do most of her fans.

>> No.50650454

Most likely pregnant, like Gura

>> No.50650528

She should stream because she is an employee of a company and as such has certain job responsibilities.

>> No.50650545

>believe what I read /here/

>> No.50650587

In the worst case scenario, even if Gura graduates, I dont think it will affect Hololive that much.... Maybe in 2021 or early 2022 but now I feel like even the EN branch doesnt get the benefits of having Gura anymore

>> No.50650625

Because, they're idiots why are you trying to rationalize it? It's still in not Kronii's comment section, she didn't delete it.

>> No.50650646

She clearly doesn't, since she never streams and there are no consequences.

>> No.50650661

Gura's there for merch sales. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.50650672

In Japan, companies are required to give 3 months of paid time-off for maternity leave. However, Haachama has already been gone for over 100 days and it doesn't seem like she's voming back soon. Haachama's break is the longest conescutive break in Hololive histor, so something pretty terrible must have happened if Cover is willing to let her be away this long without so much as even a single tweet from her. I don't think it was pregnancy.

>> No.50650675

teacuck deflection thread

>> No.50650721

I mean, I'm gonna keep it real with you, this sounds like the most likely thing to me.

>She can't be "busy" because she has nothing to show for it.
>I doubt Holo is genuinely that fucking autistic that they are rejecting all of her supposed "based and creative" ideas. Again, if she was working on shit SOME of it would get approved.
>I don't think she's sick because what illness could she possibly have that restricts her from... sitting down, playing a game, and talking?

>> No.50650749

You can hate him but in all honesty he’s not wrong. It’s clear as hell that she plays with other people in her off time rather than streaming.

>> No.50650774

the contract kept her on a tight leash, plain and simple. but she NEVER fonded of streaming of sharing her life story with us
she joins hololive because she's a lonely NEET who wants to make new friends, you know this still holds true nowadays when she prefers collabs to solo streams. also she wants to be an idol, not a streamer.

>> No.50650777

Coco never collabed with anyone, mostly because she was prevented from doing so by management. She also never collabed with males. So I don't really know why you would say that she would have destroyed hololive if she had stayed, unless you were some angry chink.

>> No.50650789

>Every vtuber with an mysterious absence is pregnant.

>> No.50650800

It will somewhat. Now all pressure will go to the overall second one and EN one. Marine(?) and Mori.

>> No.50650873
File: 99 KB, 205x235, 1680269360176919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catalog's been doing a good job babysitting our schizo. Ganbatte!

>> No.50650878

>Coco never collabed with anyone
I guess I imagined dozens of meme review streams.

>> No.50650890

>She doesn't need to stream to communicate with her fans.
Management has complete control over the hololive accounts so if their angry with Gura that would explain the new normal in terms of radio silence. After Laplus missed the holox 3D anniversary she immediately went on a 3 month radio silent "health" break.

>> No.50650913

Gura's fans remind me of Destiny kek

>> No.50650914

This might be the single most copium post made in this entire thread.

>> No.50650938

Views are pretty much down accross all of EN. I don't think there's a way to show it's because of Gura's increased absences, but I'm sure it didn't help at all either. I, for one, completely stopped caring at all about EN since Gura isn't around anymore. I pretty much only watch JP now.

>> No.50651013

>After Laplus missed the holox 3D anniversary she immediately went on a 3 month radio silent "health" break.
Anon this was mainly due to the massive amount of antis she accumulated during this time. So, yeah, it was a health break. A MENTAL health break, so that Lap wouldn't pull a fucking Rushia.

>> No.50651035

This isn't Nijisanji. Laplus stopped streaming because she was too busy having sex with Valorant males.

>> No.50651072

Ayame streamed quite a bit during her first year in Hololive, and her worst times are over since the last months of 2022.
She streamed in the last 2 weeks, too

>> No.50651097

>this was mainly due to the massive amount of antis she accumulated during this time
QRD on why Laplus is hated so much in Japan? I don't follow her at all.

>> No.50651141

Or, hear me out, she has fuck you money and can afford not working and doing nothing. Why do people assume that someone always has to be busy with something?

>> No.50651165

They also tried to find her voice again recently in one of the outlast trials streams and it turned out to once again be another girl. I think I'm starting to notice a pattern here.

>> No.50651168

She's Mori, but Japanese.

>> No.50651191

That's fair, but that was after everything that happened. And even in those streams, nothing bad ever occured nor did anything outside what was normal for hololive, except for maybe her asking Mori if she was a crackhead or implying that Ina has large anus.
God I miss her.

>> No.50651274

Mori actually streams, though. La+ is more analogous to Gura.

>> No.50651285

In what way? Just a leech?

>> No.50651342
File: 64 KB, 719x553, 1666276548152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina took a long break right after Ayame said that she wanted to "collab" with Ina on Holotalk.

>> No.50651386

Literally way more holos are under more """pressure""" than gura is. Even then their isn't much of it unless you regularly stream or do music things. Which gura does neither.

>> No.50651426

Gura doesn't need to stream, just give her all your money.

>> No.50651538

Yeah, noticed Lap's streams always get way more dislike than any other JP Holo. What's with that?
not buying this tho

>> No.50651563

It's too long to talk about here, but basically it's because she lied and was caught using her position in Hololive to play with male e-celebs and meet them IRL instead of stream or do her job. Her missing and ruining HoloX's 3D anniversary stream because she was too busy getting drunk and playing valorant the day before made a lot of people hate her. She even played valorant with male ecelebs the day of the anniversary. Valorant matches are public and that's how people found out. This was all after she promised her fans that she understood gachikois and would never stream with males and that sh didn't have a boyfriend. There's a lot more to it, but that's the short of it.

>> No.50651609


>> No.50651812

So I'm guessing the rrat about the following hiatus is that it was a stealth suspension?

>> No.50652196

That's not true. I think you must be thinking of someone else or you're just lying. Those people don't stream outlast, anon. They only stream DBD. You can go to twitch tracker and check for yourself. His last stream was March 30th.

>> No.50652520

Perhaps, but she definitely was receiving a ton of hate and she closed down her roommate accounts during that time as well. No matter how justified her antis were, I could definitely see her breaking down because of it. I'm sure Cover was upset with her, but Hololive doesn't usually do stealth suspensions. Instead, most of the breaks that happen after something like this happens is usually to protect the talent themselves and wait it out until the massive amount of hate dies down over time. This is even a strategy employed by "real" idol agencies to deal with scandals when they happen. Laplus' break was a bit longer than usual, and so I think it was probably due to both suggestion/pressure from Cover and a mental breakdown on her part.

>> No.50652617

>mental breakdown
Poor rich girl.

>> No.50652826

Gura literally never gave EN any benefits

>> No.50652916

She was definitely a collab buff in 2021.

>> No.50653258

>Ina has a large anus
Reminds me of the JP poster that wants to know every fold of her anus.

>> No.50653327

the #2 EN = 3K ccv clout chasing wigger whose only "talent" gets mogged by AI nowdays

yeah i know, not fair i use Mori, go ahead and tell me all the reasons that Orcschizo is the real #2 and make me laugh

>> No.50653355

Clover really needs to rail her in or put someone in charge of her twitter to post memes or something. Ghosting is the worst thing.

>> No.50653960

She is preparing to graduate into a manager.

>> No.50654150

Gura as a manager would be fucking horrible lmao. She would constantly be ghosting her clients

>> No.50654218

She can't even manage herself

>> No.50654357

She's already graduated to mascot.

>> No.50658485

oh nyo

>> No.50660251

That greentext can be simply refuted by the fact that she played the Beta Test that came out last year (and lo and behold, she streamed it) and the fact that the game is very, very basic. The core mechanics are pretty easy to get and the puzzles are very repetitive.

I am not a chumbud and I can see some plausability on the greentext but I think that this is just a more reasonable explanation.

>> No.50660560

It’s so fucking obvious there’s a planned discord raid because you fuckers try to make it seem like there’s an organic conversation going on, but you say things like “oh and I also heard that” and posting more rrats immediately after and samefagging. At least post it all in one go instead of trying to construct some bogus reply chain. And try to differentiate your writing styles a bit more
And if you want to blend in more and not get reported for doxxshit don’t outright state the name you dumb cocksuckers.

>> No.50660586

she is stealth graduated.

>> No.50661029

>Personally, I think she's graduating.
it's not something that's in the future. you are looking at the already-fully-graduated gawr gura. the remaining façade of activity is solely to trick the most desperate and clueless fans into continuing to pay her. seriously, what would it look like for her to be any more graduated than she already is? one stream in 10 years is technically not zero, right? but at some point you just have to say that it rounds down to zero and you call her a former vtuber.

and it already rounds to zero. it has for all of 2023. she is fully graduated and hard retired. there is nothing "semi" or "soft" about it. she deliberately decided not to tell you because this way she might be able to steal a little more money from you for a while longer.

>> No.50661101
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>> No.50661631

>1. She unironically had a child and can't stream very often because of this.
Nannies are cheap
>2. She hates her fans and doesn't want to stream for them anymore
This most likely
>3. She's protesting against management because she doesn't get to play the games she wants.
She can still play off-stream, this is a incredibly stupid unrealistic reson
>4. She's simply burned out.
Burn out from playing games couple hours a week? When other vtubers stream 8 hours a day?

Gura hates her fans, she despises you, she fucking hates you, that's why doesn't even Tweet despite Tweeting is the easiest things to do. Must be sad to have such an uncaring bitch for oshi and still showering her with money and views.

>> No.50663955


>> No.50664248

Stop moving the goalposts, she was doing collabs even before the taiwan yab.

>> No.50665730

>3. She's protesting against management because she doesn't get to play the games she wants.
What games does she even want?

>> No.50665993

She was burnt out and couldn't keep up with vtubing and her artist job at the same time.

Artist work outside of hololive and she was actually sick. That would be delving into roommate stuff, but if you know, you know. aafter that she went to Japan with her parents and it bled into around the time the prep for HoloFes 4 started.

No idea.

>> No.50666153

>free money

Ina picked back up recently now that she doesn't have any rm shit to work on. So no.

>> No.50666638

Rhythm, Outlast Trials etc

>> No.50666836

Don't look at Shion's channel btw

>> No.50666851

Anon...All of Aqua, Shion, Ayame and Flare have over TWICE the hours streamed in 2023 than Gura. Flare is a super weird one to name too since she's streamed over 400 hours this year and in the top half of HoloJP

>> No.50667309


>> No.50667491

so was robin williams

>> No.50668990

Honestly, I actually see Cover paying Gura NOT to graduate, or maybe just giving her a huge amount of leeway to stream as little as she wants.
A graduated Gura makes no money since they have to shelf the IP. But if they keep Gura around, no matter how little time she streams, they can keep farming the merch/membership money as much as they want, and she wins money almost doing nothing, just for being the voice of a mascot character, doing some voice lines and songs here and there and appearing in concerts.
Basically, this is the "new normal" for Gura. A stream once every month or two to placate the chumbuds and then she can leave to do whatever she wants.

>> No.50669272

Gura would never hire a fucking nanny. She'd want to nurture and dote on her children, and she never hired a maid to keep her pigsty clean. She seems like one of those girls who'd find a tremendous sense of purpose and fulfillment in raising a child.

>> No.50669522

1 obviously, do you know how tiring it is to care for a kid, she'll be brain dead/sleeping the other half of the time.
the question is who raped her.

>> No.50669575

she peaked early. i mean she achieved all that she wanted to? who's the biggest name other then Gura in this sphere

>> No.50669634

she made bank now she wants to quit but hololive desperately wants her to stay

>> No.50669792
File: 94 KB, 621x938, FxguQP7aMAADr5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shion 70.7 hours streamed, 21 streams
>Gura 32.5 hours streamed, 11 streams
I mean, it's not great but all looking at Shions channel is going to do is remind you that even with her low output she's done twice the hours of Gura and almost twice as many streams in 2023.

>> No.50669865

Sounds like you've had plenty of time fantasize about Gura with children. Get a grip, bro.

>> No.50669928

Since when do collabs not count as streams?

>> No.50670035

They do if they're on her channel. The Outlast stream is on there.

>> No.50670542

Nah its just the primordial drive in all men to asses the ability of any women to be a mother.

>> No.50670744

Baby theory is retarded. My personal theory is that she got extremely spooked after the doxx and overall extremely obsessive fans and has been looking for an out of this career ever since

>> No.50673512

If it were Rushia's decision, she'd still be there. She's just floundering on Twitch now

>> No.50673821
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>> No.50675381

Your oshi must be retarded to not be able to hide her boyfriend and streaming at the same time

>> No.50675603

>no rich person has ever been a headcase

>> No.50675847

Remember when she said that she was working on a bunch of projects? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

>> No.50676019
File: 205 KB, 590x606, 1676527667138192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"projects" in a very loose sense of the word.

>> No.50676059

>What's up, dead beats, it's ya boy.
>Gura? Oh she's up to shenanigans.

>> No.50676190

>Painting the room
>setting up the kid
>installed the baby car
>baby proofed all the tables and outlets.

>> No.50676226

That doesn't usually take anyone months.

>> No.50676253

Gura literally admitted to having fun at that party

>> No.50676880

yeah because she would throw mori under the bus
hiding in her room all night is totally having fun

>> No.50676928


>> No.50677595

As someone who doesn't care much about Gura, it's really fun to read all these rrats. It's like a mix of fanfics and some sort of reality TV show, made spicy by the possibility that it may actually be real.

In the last three days, I've heard this exact phrase about Suisei, Coco and La+.

>> No.50677997

Lowkey expecting her not to renew contract in summer.

>> No.50678251

>Nannies are cheap

>> No.50678317

>fumigate the house
>clean mold off the walls
>do the mountains of dishes

>> No.50678360

They're not even rrats at this point because the given reason she's been AWOL is MORE absurd than any speculation.

>> No.50678370
File: 82 KB, 720x720, all me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm fun.

>> No.50678591

>Rich people don't have problems

>> No.50679233

>Gura took off December and January after a terrible November because she said she was sick after getting diagnosed with some illness. She flat out said she refuses to talk about it or go into any detail about it, including how it affects her, how it will affect her streams, or if she will ever be okay again. At the end of January she said her doctor gave her permission to go to Japan, where she spent every day recording, singing, and dancing.
>something that allows her to do all these things but not stream
She's going blind, calling it here.

>> No.50679662

It does feel that way sometimes. She could pull a Pikamee but the difference is P actually streams and Gura without Hololive filtering her behavior would probably devolve into just another slut tuber and not be the same.

This would work well if she plans to never set foot in vtubing again. But the longer she milks it the more she'll tarnish her own personal brand and cash out her hype and always carry the stink of being the lazy vtuber.

>> No.50679934

>It's Mori's fault

Like /vt/ards need a reason to blame Mori for anything.

>> No.50679992

You forgot another classic,
>It's Ame's fault for not yuribaiting with Gura anymore!

>> No.50680065

I always found her pretty repetitive.
Her being this contrasting figure was funny the first couple times but then became boring, didn‘t really like her chemistry with the other holos much either.
Also holy shit that voice makes her unwatchable, Mori‘s is at least tolerable.

>> No.50680670

>that amount of hours watched when you're the most subscribed vtuber in the world

>> No.50681297

I like the pregnancy rrat myself. Mostly because if it's true it would buck-break chumbuds with such sadistic cruelty it might loop around and clear the air a bit, teach people to stop giving condom money (childbirth money I guess) to these whores.

>> No.50681369

>working her to death
on WHAT exactly?
Name 3 things she's done past year thats been noteworthy?

>> No.50682092

Are chumbuds trying to willingly forget that Gura said this was the "new normal"? I can understand if you get mad about her breaking the "movie may" promise, but at this point I can't honestly keep feeling bad about you.
>but she promised
>she is ignoring us
>she only does collabs and doesn't talk with us
>she is not even posting anything to the members
Look, we have been doing this dance for almost 2 years already. Gura doesn't care about you guys, and she has showed it over and over again. Just get over it.

>> No.50682638

There's a difference between new normal being "streaming only occasionally" and "stating you're going to do at least a few streams within a time frame and then not doing them."

The first is a fair warning, the latter part is just plain being a flake however. Which is just lame. I suppose we should appreciate that at least one that one day, Gura was optimistic enough about streaming to want to actually-do something at least for this month even if it fell through. She almost-cared, for a bit! Almost.

>> No.50682889

Groundbreaking if true. Source?
