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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50524868 No.50524868 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50525221 [DELETED] 

Last week: >>50441195

>> No.50525611

Last thread: >>50441195

>> No.50525627

Currently live
Astel Valorant

>> No.50525718
File: 65 KB, 876x671, 9C828AEB-A5CB-4DD0-A167-9DF3A6D0BE9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roberu!!

>> No.50525847
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Bossu love and sex!

>> No.50525881
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I love bossu!

>> No.50526073
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fuma love!

>> No.50526327
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Majin love!

>> No.50526330

How has Fuma's Splatoon tournament been going?

>> No.50526335

how do we save him?

>> No.50526393

Let's kiss!

>> No.50526471

Kutabarouse reached 200K

>> No.50526821


>> No.50526866
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>> No.50526958
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Miyabi love!

>> No.50527436

If you mean the latest one he streamed a few days ago his team ended up in the top 8 placements: https://twitter.com/yatogamifuma/status/1662810317204901889

>> No.50527613


>> No.50527650

>5am singing
i know he just woke up 6 hours ago but dude

>> No.50527797


>> No.50527848

astel REALLY liked that duet holy fuck.

>> No.50527874

>spent 1.5 hours to record his sound source with male part

>> No.50528017

now do mabataki

>> No.50528103

Yes please

>> No.50528141

do mabataki
while playing valo
in a corner

>> No.50528323

Astel Utawaku
Axel Apex

>> No.50528678

Cute shotaroberus at the end of last thread...so young, so pure, prime target for some unhappy young housewife right next door where his family lives.
I'm reminded of robechan's latest lecture on oneshota, it was really good, i want every star to make lecture stream on their passion when it comes to porn

>> No.50530037

I want to give a warm glass of to milk Shotaberu

>> No.50530840

You weirdos are gross

>> No.50531067

I want to see Miyabi rapping

>> No.50531410

The closest to rap god Miyabi we can ever see.

>> No.50531459

I read that as "raping" first, kek

>> No.50531620
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I love NA streamer Astel Leda.

>> No.50532845

Magni Fight Crab with Bettel
Flayon Mystic Messenger

>> No.50533584
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>i want every star to make lecture stream on their passion when it comes to porn
Shien should do the Prison School ass rant

>> No.50534059


Astel linked this in chat...

>> No.50534978
File: 328 KB, 1905x1079, 16531445011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knight love!

>> No.50535060

Too handsome, makes me uncomfortable

>> No.50535150

astel is having a good time this utawaku, i fucking love ken hirai

>> No.50535491

Looks like Aruran and Oga are also premiering a Street Fighter 6 video like Korone and Lui did a few hours ago

>> No.50535528

Altare TotK

>> No.50535709

What is he even doing

>> No.50535814

he went to make tea but the song had already started kek

>> No.50535890

based, ass is the best but especially his ass

>> No.50535949

I love this man like you wouldn't believe

>> No.50536017

Uyu's vlog is so nice

>> No.50536298

Is that anon that wanted the boys to play Outlast Yrials still here? Sorry anon, looks like the ban really is company wide.

>> No.50536449

he pulled the renai circulation, it's 8 am in japan and the dude is filled with energy, winning the valo custom last game with vspo apparently made him very damn happy

>> No.50536804


>> No.50537112

Towa mention!

>> No.50537291

Didn’t Gen 1 (minus Chammers) play Outlast Trials a few days ago? Why’d they ban it?

>> No.50537358

Magni's original song premiering tomorrow.

>> No.50537606

Something about nudity, all I know is that a couple of girls already said it was banned.

>> No.50537978

Sounds like bullshit, it’s not even as explicit as the penis game bae and axel played on stream

>> No.50539724

Japan is extremely lax when it comes to goofy comedy cartoon penis but really doesn’t like realistic penis in any form

>> No.50540100

Why do you think dicks are censored in hentai?

>> No.50541975

I'll censor your dick

>> No.50542886


This channel just dropped four Astel LoL clips in the past week. Nice editing, too. Their upload history doesn't show promise of consistency but I do hope they clip more.

>> No.50544949

Knight love and SEX and SEX and SEEXXXXX

>> No.50546826
File: 1.60 MB, 2407x2051, 61BE9FFB-551E-4E6F-834B-02985BBA2130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the bartender nui of good dreams. He wishes you a good morning, always.

>> No.50547969

but robenui it's 4am

>> No.50548155

>>50547969 (me)
it's actually 5am. I can read clocks.

>> No.50549738

AGF 2023 booth confirmed

>> No.50549777

Thank you Robe nui. Tell Temma nui and Oga nui and all of the other nuis I love them too.

>> No.50551844

Aruran TotK
Axel Pineapple on Pizza (started an hour ago)

>> No.50551935

Oh thank fuck. I was scared that holostars wouldn't go this year thanks to the IPO, hopefully there'll be new merch since there's been almost nothing for OG9 this year and AGF stuffs are always nice.

>> No.50552973

Will this cover be released to the public at a later date or does Temma keep some covers exclusively for members?

>> No.50553148
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>> No.50553207

Members only, the songs are his monthly membership content. The shorts and twitter preview are available for public though.

>> No.50553276

The news really are a breath of fresh air. The official twitter has been really quiet lately and doesn't even retweet as many streams as they used to (there was nothing about the Rust arc from them and you wouldn't even know the official channel made playlists of the POVs if some of the boys wouldn't have said so). Hopefully this calms down some of the "the branch is disbanding during the anniversary" rrats.

>> No.50553370

He announced last month he's releasing monthly covers for his membership, the full version is member-only and the short version on twitter and YT is public for everyone, probably so people who like the teasers might decide to join his menshi

>> No.50553490

Enable membership gifting if you really want to hear it but doesn't feel like paying for membership yet. Kishimen are pretty generous when it comes to gifting.

>> No.50553968
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The special cocktail for Roberu's event.

>> No.50554520

I'm biased as a Kishimen but I honestly think it's pretty worth since you get both to hear current cover/past covers and have an illust wallpaper monthly for just 500 yen, usually it'd be definitely more pricey. But yeah Kishimen do like to give out gifts a lot

>> No.50554987

Yeah, 500 yen and unlimited membership content is really good imo.
Speaking of which, he mentioned yesterday that he's taking song suggestion from July onwards on the comment section. I've seen jp ones requesting on his Overdose vid, so if anyone want to request, now would be a good timing.

>> No.50555615

I want holostars to have an SF6 arc

>> No.50557560
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>> No.50558431

so cute...i love his little bed

>> No.50559318

why the fuck are retards spamming asuhina in the comment section
astel didnt even interact with her that much

>> No.50559456

Temma Marika

>> No.50559788

look at the time, its bots

>> No.50560936

Theoretically which holostar member would most get committed to a mental hospital?

>> No.50561121

i'm not going to psychoanalyze my oshis, that's weird.
like i'm down to going UOOOH anyday everyday but this? hell no. ask something else

>> No.50561236
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Fuma in Makio's team for today's Shibuhal custom.

>> No.50561262


>> No.50561775

Temma after he rapes all the aunties

>> No.50562274

Does it really count as rape if they are into it?

>> No.50562359
File: 151 KB, 870x769, 3931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with a little noncon roleplay at the end of the day

>> No.50562597
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Captcha bruh

>> No.50562648
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Astel seems to have given the English fan translation of his murdermys his blessing. Shiyon (the translator) mentioned in the server that they've confirmed with him that you can stream his game with their translation, but you have to notify Shiyon and Astel first.

If anyone still hasn't read/played it you can DM Shiyon on twitter for the files.


>> No.50562700

>astel puts in effort to help yui with the song karaoke

>> No.50562720

I've been converted to a AltTen/Team Hero shipper overnight. I am waiting with baited breath for fanfics and art.

>> No.50562878

I get he's trying to use memes to get the stars bigger, but that one was one big failure to read the room

>> No.50563049

Lately i've been thinking about oga and roberu having sex while mea is asleep in the same room

>> No.50563086

Oh nice. Who woulda thunk that having a JSL TRPG fan in the Holostars fanbase would end up being very convenient in the long run

>> No.50563148

Astel should put up the bday live waiting room and announce the guests already
shits in 5 days for fucks sake

>> No.50563177

His clickbaiting has always been awful but it feels especially shameless lately.

>> No.50563178

Unironically: astel or uyu
Ironically: aruran

>> No.50563213

Anon some of the girls put up their waiting rooms literally the day before their celebrations. Also if he puts it up too early, it will just end up getting buried in your subscriptions tab by other streams

>> No.50563247

He’s a shipfag through and through, what else were you expecting?

>> No.50563261
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>> No.50563360

Not exactly ship ship, but longtime KanaKishi enjoyer here so I'm glad they're getting along together.

>> No.50563359

The thing that sucks the most about having a ship that's less than a week old means that there is little to no material to indulge myself in. I'm considering actually paying for Team Hero art if I get the time just to make it happen.

>> No.50563433

Shadowgear and Oganic Flower. I just think they’re cute

>> No.50563760

I'm a Shadowgearfag who's also a Kajuugumifag at heart.

>> No.50563914

Aruran and Oga Street Fighter 6/Capcom Visit Video Premiere

>> No.50564056

OgaRobe or Babudon, or all three at the same time,

>> No.50564177

Altare & Aruran

>> No.50564210

Makes no difference desu

>> No.50564352

oh I like this

>> No.50564557

Seeing Marisa and Manon in action is great, I hope Majin does end up maining Marisa.
I think Majin mentioned that at the very least he, Arunii, and Miyabi will play the game. Shadowgear might be interested, but you'll have to ask tuners/bukas. No idea about EN, but Flayon is highly likely. I hope we get a Stars SF6 tourney someday.

>> No.50564781

Izuru Valorant

>> No.50564932


>> No.50564989

Izuru says fans might be able to guess his next cover, a few people have apparently made tweets hoping for one in particular? And same system as before, the more views Devil Ja Nai Mon and Fight Song get, the easier it'll be for him to release more

>> No.50565078

He is probably going to a chat stream that ends with a music and thumbnail preview or something like that in a few days.

>> No.50565265

Rikka Apex

>> No.50565587

I think he mentioned it won't have as long of an intro and is a song that gets right into it, I really can't guess what it will be.

>> No.50566258

Did he go into specifics on what type of song it is? Like is it rock or electro or pop or whatever?

>> No.50566436

me x bossu

>> No.50566491

based and same

>> No.50566869

I don't remember posting these.

>> No.50567606

why are there so many bossu yumes

>> No.50567773

yumeo being with hoshikawa means roberu's appearance isn't going to be an ikebo host group thing.

>> No.50567829

UUUOOOH Entenka is a based ship

>> No.50568006

Yeah, mostly likely it's gonna be RoberuNightMea. I do hope it's a singing performance though like the rest so far.

>> No.50568023
File: 6 KB, 218x140, E9d8e2153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is erotic.

>> No.50568269

I thought it was pretty obvious that Tamaki was going to feature RoberuNightMea together since she’s their biggest shipper

>> No.50568318

the same reason there are many aunties itt alone

>> No.50568374

... what is that reason

>> No.50568391

To be fair, Yumeoi now has two back-to-back appearances, so a complete Ikebo Host Club thing in addition to RoberuNightMea might still be in the table.

>> No.50568505

Women like autistic anime men

>> No.50568516

It's gonna be with kanda and they are going to sing im@s

>> No.50568666

In no particular order:
>MaFia with robechan
>Oganic Flower
Yeah Oga is my oshi

>> No.50568717

robechan on the telly!

>> No.50568722

RoberuNightMea's turn is up.

>> No.50568729

My dreams are dashed

>> No.50568783

Feels like there's not so many Knight yumes among the aunties, though. But I could be wrong.

>> No.50568845

Roberu is here

>> No.50568860

tamaki is filming roberu and mea's sex tape

>> No.50568894

Nothing like that as far as I know.

>> No.50569047
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>> No.50569071
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He gonna get raped

>> No.50569091

Kinda hot desu

>> No.50569120

They're singing the Roberu staple kek.

>> No.50569134

why are they zooming on the bed...
also I can't believe that he doesn't sing for us, only for these whores...

>> No.50569193

You are wrong, when I post "Temma will fuck all the aunties" I mean me too

>> No.50569287

Roberu looks so dark compared to those two

>> No.50569344

Told you so

>> No.50569354

it's still pretty funny that roberu's model is mocapped better when he's on someone else's setup like Ono Yuuki or now Tamaki's

>> No.50569379

he's the Kansai NTR Man after all

>> No.50569403

it's tamaki's special day, forgive robechan

>> No.50569427

His model is pretty new compared to Tamaki’s and Mea’s and new tech tends to function differently. You can also see the difference when Shien was in that MZM collab with Fuji Aoi where her model’s hair kept flying all over the place

>> No.50569440

Chat going "Roberu is an idol after all" whenever he sings somehow always gets me.

>> No.50569466

i can't... why doesn't he love us... just sing for us please...

>> No.50569482
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>> No.50569514

Yeah, I know knight yumes exist, but it feels like there's a LOT of buka yumes
>captcha: S000N

>> No.50569598

rape bukas

>> No.50569607

Bossu does some slight bfe in membership so him having yumes makes a lot of sense

>> No.50569715

He is 関西チャラ男 that hit on your wife in the beach

>> No.50569754

shove an onahole up the buka nui

>> No.50569770

He barely streams, makes sense his fans would be for his design

>> No.50569860

he is evening robert, he's supposed to be dark

>> No.50569867

I see. I’m not up to date with Izuru’s taste in music so the only song that comes to mind with a very short intro is Wanuka’s Tipsy which he sung on stream once

>> No.50570021

Miyabi TotK

>> No.50570064

Miyabi TotK

>> No.50570207

for me it's just how he acts and his shitposter humour and his voice and sillyness amongst a lot of other things, as well as the bfe crumbs another anon mentioned and him being generally domestic with cooking etc, also a lot of similar general attitudes to me that make me feel we could get along well and then the imagination element runs with that part. Entertaining and stupid and genuinely caring and I can see a lot of hard work and care for his friends and co-workers and fans, so I appreciate him a lot: not sure why I ended up actually fully yume for him, but brains are weird and I like him so no complaints kek. I also think his sleep schedule and random brainrots he gets sometimes are cute and him being a big otaku is very appealing to me. Also gap moe

no pretending his design isn't hot af though but I wasn't actually that into him physically before I got a crush on him, don't ask me how or why that works

>> No.50570281

now kiss

>> No.50570396

Don’t bother giving replying to a thread shitter

>> No.50570467


>> No.50570502

wow, sluts in my stars thread? impossible

>> No.50570706

any regulars here that wanna kiss

>> No.50570897

I cant remember which karaoke Astel had which was dedicated to a fan who past away. I remember the fan was someone who did a lot of fan art of him

>> No.50571024


>> No.50571032

This one?

>> No.50571069
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Aunties are just laid back yumes that are ok with sharing. That's why there are so many gang rape memes.

>> No.50571072

Considering how many people have admitted in the previous thread that they’ve had sex at least once, there are a lot of sluts in /stars/

>> No.50571249

some drawanon should draw that one kishimen fan mascot holding up the cosplay and telling (you) to wear it

>> No.50571408

Astel joined Izuru

>> No.50571693

i can kiss you anon. chu. robechan was cute today too

>> No.50571903

Oga as the first guest on FBK's no-appointment surprise totsu.

>> No.50572149
File: 45 KB, 234x149, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies, Miyabi joined Izuru

>> No.50572216

Fuck, I missed him. At least got in time for cute Izumi.

>> No.50572276

install this userscript

>> No.50572400

thanks for linking!

>> No.50572685

hanasake my beloved

>> No.50572721

I wonder if any stars would insist on only having sex with virgins

>> No.50572981

Rio as quest!

>> No.50572991

Enter Rio

>> No.50572997

He's currently building Gundam Rose

>> No.50573665


>> No.50574208

Same as >>50568666, Oga is also my oshi.

>> No.50574363

Arusan is here

>> No.50574386

He's calling in to FBK's totsu too

>> No.50574750

Oh is it out already?

>> No.50574824

I'm with you.... I'm hoping they get to do some sort of collab again to really set the creatives off

>> No.50574869

By the way is it just me or is Twitter’s TL function broken?

>> No.50575070

It is. I've also noticed that these past few months, it stopped translating NSFW posts.

>> No.50575175

Yeah. It hasn't been working for me on certain tweets since months ago, now it won't translate anything.

>> No.50576850
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>> No.50578238

they should just rush these enemies, these fuckers cant defend themselves

>> No.50579268
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Temmas cover playlist

>> No.50579521

> missing so many songs on other's channel
> somehow Overdose is there but Love Is isn't
Knight, I love you but please tidy this up... My personal playlist of all his songs has almost double the song numbers kek.

>> No.50579689

>missing so many songs on other's channel
This is on purpose, others also do it. This is probably so that fans who stream songs with the playlist give views to them first

>> No.50579877

Oh, that sort of makes sense. He somehow has Oosaka Dreaming Night, Blessing, and Happy Halloween there though. I guess it's only for older songs.

>> No.50580099

Makes sense with the og9 who have dozens of songs, but it looks pretty when Uproar does it with their one or two songs

>> No.50582986

Its all Ame

>> No.50583001
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Oga's is kind of amusing

>> No.50583284

He forgot his cover with Astel

>> No.50583315

and fbk and orisong with treerat

>> No.50583350

And his own orisong on his channel

>> No.50583535

Oga: "Maybe Ogasan could have a solo live someday in the future"
Also Oga: >>50583001

>> No.50583593

Miyabi, Fuma, Altare cover confirmed.

>> No.50584329

I don't think he'd add that to the playlist even if he updated it.
Dude refuses to sing it. Excuses go from "I've got no instrumental" to "it's a christmas song, now is not christmas"
It's not even on his description while pentas and harapan are. It'd like he's trying to memoryhole it or something

>> No.50584411

My rrat is that his original song is about his dead dad and that’s why he doesn’t want to sing it

>> No.50584824

Wasn't it that he wrote lyrics about staying home at christmas and playing video games, being happy on his own? That he then gave to an actual lyricist rrquesting them to turn his words into sounding cool and chuuni. When he performed it at the second anniversary the lyrics on the screen were his initial lyrics

>> No.50584939

You better be bae. I don't want to kiss a man

>> No.50585067

Maybe that he didn't have any interest in having a song, and management pressed him to hurry up and have one for the first act. That'd explain why he doesn't care about it and why it's Christmas themed

>> No.50585162


It seems like a very lonely song

>> No.50585353

Itsu made mo~
Itsu made mo~

>> No.50585974
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Yeah. That's what I've started to think too

The lyricist was really good... I also thought it was more meaningful after the 1st act. Kinda felt like yelling at him to give me back my tears kek
Here's hoping he one day records a ballad seriously

>> No.50587114

Maybe it's one of the songs in his favorite vocaloid songs playlist like Ato no Matsuri.

>> No.50587414

AsuIzu Valo... home...

>> No.50588470
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Another Tempus English comprehension tier list, this time by a Taiwanese viewer

>> No.50589155

These are always interesting to read, there are always a few points that I never consider like sentence length.

>> No.50589347

I'm surprised in both lists the guys with accents are apparently easier to understand, I thought it'd be the opposite. Are American accents harder to understand?

>> No.50589353

Question for people with english as first language, do you find flayon easy to understand? Because my esl brain can't register it as english sometimes and I'm nearly fluent

>> No.50589644

I don't have a problem understanding him but his way of talking tires me out sometimes.

>> No.50589730

He has a tendency to mumble which makes him a little hard to understand sometimes

>> No.50589811

Honestly I can understand why esl people might find him difficult to understand. Aside from his rapid speaking speed, he has a tendency to do what I’d like to call a verbal keysmash where his words sound like autistic gibberish and shit and that’s not exactly good for learning

>> No.50589848

These are cute but I don't really understand the point, is it so esl viewers can find a starting point or something?

>> No.50590127

I can understand what he's saying fine, but it is true he both speaks and flips topics quickly, so I have to pay some active attention to the conversation
He is aware he's a bit difficult to understand and has been mentioning since Rust that he wants to learn to speak slower though

>> No.50590377

Yes, I think its a starting point of what to expect before finding someone you like enough to be inspired to work through the language barriers.

>> No.50592028

Bettel Resident Evil 4 Remake

>> No.50592613

You know how anons here sometimes ask about which jp stars are the easiest to understand? This is the same for esls but with the en stars instead

>> No.50592732
File: 1.27 MB, 900x900, FxjXaXjaIAEGQl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys watch my baby I'm going to the store.

>> No.50592929

I think your baby is going to watch me

>> No.50593022

You’re gonna come back with the milk, right? Why does he have a gun

>> No.50593171

Why would you leave him alone with a gun? What if he shoots himself? I’m calling child protective services, anon

>> No.50593526

kek ok

>> No.50593570

That child is better with a gun that most of us will ever be. Just make sure you feed him and don't make him mad under any circumstances.

>> No.50595799
File: 165 KB, 878x855, FmaOgIRacAIuyHM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as he doesn't wake up my baby, I'm cool with it.

>> No.50595835 [DELETED] 

steamy noodles kek (i tried to copy that artists style but it looks like shit)

>> No.50595936
File: 244 KB, 1143x627, 072c4n9uwniq0xym9pow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steamy noodles uoh (i tried to copy the style from that artist who made the design but it looks like shit)

>> No.50596038

uoh how can I not wear the Temma cosplay
cute work

>> No.50596043

W-what are they gonna do with the Kishinui...

>> No.50596169

Hug it, and put it on the side to watch.

>> No.50596181 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.50596788

>Aunties are noodle bowls that get steamy when horny

>> No.50597890

Flayon Amanda The Adventurer

>> No.50598712

All the soup they sent him is their own dehydrated blood

>> No.50598924
File: 708 KB, 1559x1080, 49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50599096

I thank my workaholic Italian for helping me giving some mascot horror games a chance. I’m sure Flay flay is going to have cute reactions

>> No.50599278

Axel Silent Work Stream

>> No.50599444

Fuck me, I confused this with cbdct

>> No.50599572

Cute Boys Do Cute Things Quickly

>> No.50599749

But anon, he doesn't react to horror

>> No.50601218

I can’t wait to watch roberu react to the game

>> No.50603127

based, your workaholic italian deserves to shine here too

>> No.50603368

It's ok Familiaran anon, it's good to see some positive posts for him.

>> No.50603663

Aruran is a leech

>> No.50604333

He’s leeching my dick

>> No.50604506

Meh, I don’t mind if he lives rent free in my head

>> No.50604535

Shinri Puppet Combo games

>> No.50606012

Duh if he wasn't, don't call yourself familiaran

>> No.50609187
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>> No.50611090

Magni Copium Original Song MV Premiere

>> No.50611384

Any magmites in here wanna kiss before the song premieres

>> No.50611818

Magni Zatsudan

>> No.50612687
File: 286 KB, 461x459, FEA3C222-7030-4449-AAA5-FCD29226B934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’m getting the Magni Coaster!

>> No.50613789

Roberu Zatsudan

>> No.50614440

MV: 11/10
Song: 6/10
Lyrics: 5/10

>> No.50614516

cum balls dick cum temma

>> No.50614746

Temma Terraria

>> No.50615341

What are your honest opinions on magni’s orisong, anons? I thought it was alright

>> No.50615482

I didn’t really like the lyrics. Something felt off. The MV and beat were really good though!

>> No.50615569

Song itself is a resounding "eh"
Thought his singing was alright though

>> No.50615791

Not my type of songs, but it fits him a lot. I kinda like the prototype version better, though.

>> No.50615970

[Good News] Roberu is wearing underwear with oranges.

>> No.50616353

[Good News(?)] Roberu is a papa

>> No.50616548

He got Mea pregnant last night, didn’t he?

>> No.50616628

I don’t hate it but I won’t be looping it either

>> No.50617717

Just tuned in, I didn't realize Terraria hadn't been JP localized. It's a good way to do English reps I suppose.

>> No.50618436

I still find it funny that Magni somehow released an alcohol-related orisong before Roberu, the guy whose character’s occupation is a bartender

>> No.50618686

There's an English mod but he explained he didn't install it on purpose so that he can learn.

>> No.50618815

There's also nothing Italian about WIM. It's not that deep.

>> No.50619364

That's fucking cute. I'm happy his chat culture includes asking the color of his pantsu and them throwing him supas in according color. Gives the feeling of regulars shoving money under the waistband of his underwear

>> No.50620346

Aruran SF6

>> No.50620401
File: 2.36 MB, 1864x1641, 1682814613746907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Temma is purposefully playing games in English to do his reps.

>> No.50621183

Since Astel is a huge Disney fan, what do you guys think his opinion is on the live action remakes Disney’s been putting out?

>> No.50621423

>live action remakes
What are they like? He'd probably enjoy them if the music is still there

>> No.50621476


>> No.50621625

Oh nice for Son

>> No.50622441

I remember he used to sing a song from the Aladdin live action.

>> No.50622593

Even though I don't like the remakes, I can see him liking them. I think of him as more like a kid when it comes to the things he likes and he focuses more on the positive, which I think is kind of cute. He likes the critically panned fantastic beasts movies. He said he cried at the new mario movie. I think they'd have to be truly awful for him to actually dislike them.

>> No.50622916

There’s still some music in some of the remakes like the recent Little Mermaid with Halle Bailey but they can be pretty hit-or-miss so to say

>> No.50622924

I can see his tastes aligning with normies, so he'll probably like them or think they're decent at worst. I can even see him liking some of the new songs on The Little Mermaid, even if LMM is overhyped trash.

>> No.50623014

Go tell him congrats, streaming now! https://www.youtube.com/live/0f5SGKM6Ddg?feature=share

>> No.50623025

Roberu Amanda the Adventurer

>> No.50623115

Fuck, imagine is seaweed went through a hamilton phase

>> No.50624195

Rip out the heart and soul of the original, then replace it with whatever the popular political stance is at the moment, and you get the general formula that Disney is using for their recent productions. Seaweed probably won't think too much about it since he's Japanese, but in general the live action remakes aren't very good.

>> No.50624226

Fuma is gonna have a little announcement stream regarding his birthday stream on 20 JST. I wonder what it could be, since it's still almost one and a half month to go...

>> No.50624303

>He'd probably enjoy them if the music is still there

>> No.50624537

Cover just sent a note post saying there's gonna be delays on 3D streams because of technical issues and getting used to the new studio, might be that

>> No.50624638

I see. Hopefully Miyabi’s and Izuru’s anniversary streams aren’t affected as well

>> No.50624852

This game is interesting

>> No.50625108

Shit, I hope Holostars 4th anniversary can be held

>> No.50625546

It probably depends on whether they are live or prerecorded

>> No.50625645

Shien Pineapple on Pizza

>> No.50626478
File: 923 KB, 1261x1684, fuma .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50626497
File: 152 KB, 850x1202, fuma pull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50626518
File: 415 KB, 1442x2048, fuma_holostars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50626541
File: 308 KB, 2048x1536, fuma see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50626589

Is it just the new studio that has issues? It looks like it's for both the old and the new according to the note

>> No.50626685

Asuizu Devil Ja Nai Mon broke 100K

>> No.50626961

he said on the last utawaku that he wanted to see the new little mermaid

>> No.50627089

I only watched that one collab with him and vesper (and fell off of EN entirely) it was very difficult trying to understand the guy. Like others said he mumbles and talks quickly. A bit strange since he does voice acting stuff? I assume. I guess talking during a stream is a learned skill, maybe he’ll get better in time.

>> No.50627171

I once had someone say they could understand my accent (kind of standard Australian) a lot better than American accents, and they found it easier to study English here, that could be why Axel is easier to understand (and his vocab is a bit limited)

>> No.50627231

Fuma’s announcement stream

>> No.50627357

First language but I have hearing problems. He and Shinri are the ones that give me the most difficulty for different reasons.

>> No.50627511

His birthday stream won't be in 3D because of the studio problem.

>> No.50627558

Why shinri though?

>> No.50627672

Izuru confirmed his was postponed as well.

>> No.50627790

Nta, but I have problem listening to Shinri because I always fall asleep within minutes of listening to him. I like him, though.

>> No.50627893

I have to crank him up to be able to hear him. I tend to have a hard time with deeper voices like his, it just sounds like one long albeit pleasant mumble to me when he speaks. I like watching clips though, subs help a lot.

>> No.50628064

Same, I actually fell asleep during his debut. I have a similar problem with Oga, but I've trained myself not to fall asleep as often by watching his gaming stream more.

>> No.50628079

Damn. The problem must be serious if they know for sure the studio will still be unavailable two months from now on

>> No.50628203

> similar problem with Oga
Same again. Not to mention Oga streams mostly at night time my time zone. I guess we just get really comfortable with their voices.

>> No.50628321

Man...this is gonna affect live performances isn't it. As in, they're recording 3D streams in advance from now on to prevent them being moved just because equipment fails

>> No.50628397

Guys, I'm kinda worried now. Will the 4th anniversary stream be okay?

>> No.50628433

sure would be nice if the official twitter account tweeted something about it

>> No.50628519

Astel's birthday live in 4 days is supposed to be live for the first song, I hope that works out ok
