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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.63 MB, 1280x1036, RDT_20210613_1537591818547170700081122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5060103 No.5060103 [Reply] [Original]


Thank you coco, with her gone China is back on the menu.

>> No.5060145

Hong Kongos hate mainland monkeys though.

>> No.5060209

Jesus Chriso at least wait until she's actually gone

>> No.5060222

Hong Kong are NAKAMA
Winnie the Pooh big gay!

>> No.5060225

imagine impregnating that asian pussy

>> No.5060228

Really putting all the ching chongs in the same basket aren’t you? There are many that are tawainese and those who never stepped foot into bugland before that likes things and loves hamburgers and black tea

>> No.5060270

With this you might as well complain that the Taiwanese fans is also supporting them

>> No.5060301

I know Zhangs desperately want to lump all Chinese people together under the umbrella of the CCP, but most Chinese people outside of West Taiwan hates you.

>> No.5060317

why is kiara the most attractive one?

>> No.5060329

>kiara cosplayer is the hottest one
what did HK mean by this

>> No.5060396


>> No.5060423

If the rest stop puffing their cheeks, we might would know who really is the hottest one.

>> No.5060443

This is next level trolling

>> No.5060451

>7 people

>> No.5060463


>> No.5060469

Who does Aqua one look retarded?

>> No.5060482

The runes can be read as either
>Congratulations on graduating Coco.
>Thank you for graduating Coco.

>> No.5060489

So, hows that free hong kong thing going on? I remember that being a big deal during that blitzchung situation but I barely hear anyone talk about it now.

>> No.5060495

Dedication to the cosplay.

>> No.5060500


>> No.5060511

>Who does
good job retardo

>> No.5060558

I’m sorry for having big hat greasy fingers. I couldn’t help it, I just really loved masturdating when I was young.

>> No.5060611

fat "people" should have their internet rights reworked and forced into labor camps until they loose all their bluber

>> No.5060633


>> No.5060667

China won.

>> No.5060704

he thinks he still has rights. ain't that cute

>> No.5060729

I have the right to be a fat fuck regardless of whose in charge

>> No.5060871

China packed their courts with Zhangs, what do you think happened?

>> No.5060881

Dr. Pavel, I'm YAGOO.

>> No.5060888


>> No.5060903
File: 94 KB, 691x691, 1622512255328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flavour of the month social cause, got overtaken by "stop being mean to chinese for literally causing covid"

>> No.5061030

What runes? The only ones I see are just her name

>> No.5061084

>literally causing covid
Citation needed, and not from USGOV, lol.
Spoiler: you won't find any, because this shit was made at Ft. Detrick.

>> No.5061400
File: 35 KB, 780x439, 02C013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ugly ass marine
Fuck you hong kong

>> No.5061492


>> No.5061541

Code plz before your ban.

>> No.5061604

Hong Kong zhangs would kill every mainland zhang in cold blood if they could. If only the USA would arm them or something

>> No.5061633

Half of the cosplayers in this image will end up in prison within the year.

>> No.5061660

yeah in MY prison. (consensually)

>> No.5061713

So we're literally linking from Reddit now?

Oh, how far 4chan has fallen....

>> No.5061715

i really love penises now

>> No.5062007
File: 24 KB, 660x371, coronavirus Volunteers disinfect a railway station in Hunan province, China _110764872_059704703-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp. Time to lockdown Hong Kong again. Uh. There's a new outbreak. Numbers are up. Hong Kong's closed.

>> No.5062062

damn this is unironically kino

>> No.5062068

Funny. Since most Chinese Americans hate China and do blame them for Covid-19. My aunt talked with her neighbor who is from Hong Kong and she couldn't say enough bad things about China. She said her brother was still in HK and it was a real shit show thanks to China's police state.

>> No.5062102
File: 843 KB, 2048x1374, joker 2019 hong kong riots 1571029571847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It's like living in the CCP's China is some kinda amazing horror post-apocalypse film.

>> No.5062111
File: 139 KB, 220x124, 1564892577719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dem cosplay Kiara thighs

>> No.5062204

The CIA money dried up and so did the fake and gay color revolution as a result.

>> No.5062254
File: 313 KB, 1200x1500, china 17_unborncities_no35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad China tries to hide their creepy mostly abandoned cities exist.
They would make a great place to film some sci-fi horror films

>> No.5062265

reverse image search
[Sex Syndrome]ガチ洗脳ちゃん 歴代No.1長舌タレント級美貌の極上SS級プロコスプレイヤー 日向⊿かとし似 新太陽系最強ののかもも ノノ#02 ベロライブ Verotuber寶まりん[H]/02

>> No.5062273


>> No.5062459

How do bugs reproduce when they look like that?

>> No.5062476

They all pile on Kiara and she's permanently pregnant

>> No.5062494

Not EVERY mainlander but it's definitely a "Holy shit you fucking retard, hand me the controller before you fuck my save file up even more" situation.
t. hk ABC

>> No.5062569

The prominent hong kongers are either dead, imprisoned, or fled. HK is the same as the mainland now.

>> No.5065666

Korone actually put some effort into that cosplay while the rest seem pretty fucking lazy
I want to fuck Kiara and also maybe Aqua

>> No.5065756

I really wish every bug and everyone else for that matter would just fuck off with their insect politics.

>> No.5065782

calli looks like gigguk in drag and kiara looks inbreed kek

>> No.5065816


>> No.5066460

the only right answer here. Hong Konger are all hypochondriac (thanks to Zhang SARS in 2003) no one wants to catch the wuhan flu,
government purposely did a shitty job of dealing with the outbreak and then enacted a new law to give them any means to arrest anyone to killed of any momentum

>> No.5067329

It's over. No matter how hard they tries they can't win. China is a gargantuan now, the only one who can defeats them is the US. But things seems to go downhill there.

HK trying to fight against the mainland for their independence is like Luxemburg tried to fight the Nazis.

>> No.5070276

>no Coco cosplay

>> No.5070345

got fucked over. What do you really expect when you're at odds with 1 billion people?

>> No.5070372


>> No.5070752

Not a single go back in this thread. Atrocious.

>> No.5071939

How can so many hideous girls be in one picture?

>> No.5072135

Not anymore (or at least not in public)

>> No.5072323

If that is the case why are every news organization shitcatching for Zhangs after our own spokesman for public health was caught with financial ties to the lab that caused it?

>> No.5072330

these are all made in china costume you punk, try to iron it and see what happen
t. bought larpshit from alibaba

>> No.5072507

Wait Joker got a Chinese release? I would have thought that all the WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY shit would have been a big no-no for them. Does the fact that it's set in America get around that?

>> No.5072576

If it shits on America in any way then its fine as long as it doesn't say anything bad about China.

>> No.5072632

Samefagging here. Forgot to mention that Chinese version have their dialogue changed in some instances to support the CCP. Avengers movie got changed so the avengers praise the Chinese government for being the real heroes or some shit.

>> No.5072721

How was that recieved over there? I can only imagine the level of eyerolling that would happen over here if an American company did the same thing with a dub/sub of a Chinese film.

>> No.5072758

No clue but they'd probably laugh at the Americans for doing a dogeza for them.

>> No.5073666

Is this a trans meet-up, I thought china was against that?

>> No.5076706

Pretty much dead since zhangland introduced a law there that basically arrests anyone who talks shit or opposes whatever their gov thinks of and treats any opposing thought as a threat to their nation's security

Even protests are basically illegal now unless it's for supporting their commie overlords, plus they're using covid as an excuse

>> No.5076807

these are two different things, you dribbling retard.

>> No.5076838

chang. chang seriously. just because YOU are braindead from all the bat soup doesn't mean the rest of the world is stupid enough to think that the disease that started in china came from elsewhere just because pooh tried to NO U once the outside world fixed his mess.

>> No.5076873

>the american "spokesman for public health" (a role that does not exist) has financial ties to the lab (so bats come from labs now?) that caused it
forget meds. you need your leads.

>> No.5076955

Korone one looks fairly good, rest are creepy as hell.

And no migo one, so absolute shit taste.

>> No.5077047

Anon, are you actually retarded ?

>> No.5077445

Reddit momentum died. Everybody kept memeing about how everybody was going to be executed or sent into re-education camps, but that never happened so the hype died down. Most of the "pro-democracy" Hong Kongers are now on the anti-vax train, and the government here is too cucked to do anything but try and come up with ways to get people vaccinated.

>> No.5077520
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1612748572502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people have no idea what you're talking about and these kinds of conversations are embarrassing where you people actually pretend like you do. For one thing, Hong Kong has completely different movie releases than China and there isn't some secret Chinese version cut of the Joker.

>> No.5078149

Can’t believe they got the actual Kiara.

>> No.5078279

bruh the Kiara cosplayer is fine as fuck hot damn

why it has to be kiara though?

>> No.5080040


>> No.5082086

they managed to capture the aquatism

>> No.5082196

Spot-on with the korone tho. Especially the nose

>> No.5082246

Do Hong Kongers like hololive? TMost Asian countries don't. aiwan hates hololive, Korea hates hololive, China obviously hates hololive, and hololive is Japan's #2.

>> No.5082314

Holooive got quite popular in korea actually,no idea why

>> No.5082769

Rate best to worst
[Power gap]
[Power gap]
Shit myself senchou

>> No.5082894

>Taiwan hates hololive

Nigga have you seen the amount of superchats with Taiwanese money?

>> No.5083274

all chinese faggots using vpns as demonstrated retard

>> No.5083283

Are you retarded? Hong Kong hates the mainland

>> No.5083330

You are not smart

>> No.5083375

Hololive is the most popular vtubing agency in every country in the world except Nijisanji by a large margin.

>> No.5083644

Gotta be to pull off the orange skirt/belt.

>> No.5083741

Damn, I can't tell if they are men or women. Is
this why asian traps are so popular?

>> No.5084479


>> No.5085404

>Chink supporters like Gura and Ina aren't represented

>> No.5085551

Yeah, no. That shit got freed when the insects tried to steal it.

>> No.5085556

Cause it has to be accurate, both character and real life version

>> No.5093212

Covid 19 and lack and lack of support from wooking class. Students are expendable.

>> No.5093284

kiara loves china and thinks nothing happened at tiananmen square, but they should've killed those students. she wants to personally kill any chinese separatist.

>> No.5093402


as an asian-american, I love going to cons and crossdressing and passing pretty easily. Great times, fuck COVID

>> No.5093457


That's why you buy a portable hand steamer to get the wrinkles out. Also saves you the effort of having to pull out an ironing board

>> No.5093464

Plenty of people did get sent to prison though, including the billionaire owner of the main independent newspaper.
Obviously they never stood a chance anyway, since China aren't known for sticking to obligations they've entered in to.

>> No.5093528

Why would anyone support it now? They know no outside help is coming, and the CCP have already stacked the deck against them with the new laws and courts, so you'd just get fucked over with no benefit. And escalating would just get a lot of people killed.

>> No.5095760

>That bush
