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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50590452 No.50590452 [Reply] [Original]

Yo avoid confusion, I will define the words below.
Beggar: Someone who begs/pressures female chuubas to collab with male chuubas. Liking male collabs doesn't make you a beggar, so long as you don't beg or pressure female vtubers to do them.
Unicorn: Someone who generally dislikes it when female vtubers collab with males. They will often drop female vtubers who do so. They differ from people who simply don't like male collabs in that, while the latter will just not watch male collabs, the former thinks the very existence of male collabs is bad.

>> No.50590647

As a viewer unicorns, as a chuuba homobeggers

>> No.50590799

Beggars try to start shit
Unicorns try to stop shit

Now I hate unicorns but they literally only become a problem once beggars get what they "begged" for. Beggars always instigate these yabs

>> No.50590815

Beggars are worse by far
Unicorns might be mentally ill but at least they're invested in something they love while beggars only want to push that sounds good to them in their head into the streams they don't even watch

>> No.50590871


>> No.50590891

Unicorns fund what you enjoy. Beggars sap and give nothing in return. Even if you hate them both, at least Unicorns spend money.

>> No.50591034

Beggars. No contest.

>> No.50591131

Beggars. For the most part, unicorns don't attack their oshi no matter what. Not even Rushia, and Fandeads were desperate for her to come back.
Beggars think they're being righteous by killing the mood and attacking the vtuber for not doing what he wants her to do. The righteous delusion they live in makes them completely unreasonable.

>> No.50591154

I guess I'm a unicorn then. I've dropped all girls that have streamed alongside a male. If they don't give me what I want then I'll move on to the countless others that will. I will not apologize for my tastes.

>> No.50591215

>Option A begs and pressures the vtuber
>Option B leaves
Wow asking the tough questions

>> No.50591233
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ban unicorns (en), denounce unicorns (en), make fun of unicorns (en), dropkick unicorns into dumpsters (en)

>> No.50591338

thanks sister very cool post sister

>> No.50591649

>I like Hololive
>I want Hololive to remain as it this
>somewhat this makes me a dangerous anti schizo

>> No.50591708

On the balance of it, probably beggars. They pressure talents for content that they *maybe* watch. They're pretty awful at reading the room, kinda like "my dog just died" superchatters. They make talents uncomfortable on stream. This is not to excuse unicorns, I think they're betas and unironically need to improve themselves, but at least they support the thing they're obsessed with.

An audience of 100% collab beggars: Holopro collapses from lack of funding.
An audience of 100% unicorns/yumes: Holopro continues to exist.

>> No.50591742

What shit did you tried to stop?

>> No.50591755

Beggars are fucking retarded pieces of shit who don’t watch streams don’t buy merch and don’t give a flying fuck about hololive

Easy choice

>> No.50591757
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>For the most part, unicorns don't attack their oshi
Yeah, you drop them as your oshi, and THEN you attack them. That way, you're not attacking your oshi, you're attacking that FUCKING WHORE who LITERALLY cucked you by interacting with a male.

>> No.50591850

Beggars and it's not even close.

>> No.50591905

least false equivalence drawn by a sister

>> No.50592141
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>> No.50592355

Unicorns are a problem no matter if beggars exist or not.

>> No.50592370

>unicorns are the biggest paypigs
>beggars try to remove unicorns
both are scum, but at least unicorns view and pay chuubas, and could stay viewing and paying for years

>> No.50592406

>citation needed
Most unicorns are in dirt poor 3rd world shitholes and have hardly any of their monopoly money to sepnd in the first place

>> No.50592474

>unicorns don't attack their oshi no matter what
Baffling post.
Who the fuck is doing all the attacking then?

>> No.50592545

beggars, because in most cases they don't even care about the vtuber they're shaming for not giving their homos attentions
i'm not a unicorn btw, i dislike and don't watch males or male collabs, but i don't act like girls are "ruined" if they collab with them

>> No.50592655

Unicorns constantly shit up every single thread on this board
The only reason homobeggars even cross my mind is because of unicorns constantly screeching about them

>> No.50592850

Evidence of all the attack Kronii got from unicorns?

>> No.50592873

You act like unicrons don't pile on random chuubas they never watched just to shit on them for breaking their "code".
They all know they have no actual power and anyone not toeing their line scares them because their oshi might be next.

>> No.50592880

Beggars don't buy merch. It's why homobeggar supporters like Mori need to beg people to buy their stuff. Same goes for homo products not selling at cons. Unicorns will starve themselves to buy their oshi 's merch.

>> No.50592918

if were honest, beggers only exist because unicorns exist, so by default unicorns are worst because theyre the driving factor for beggar's bullshit.
however unicorns do tend to actually be invested in their oshis both in time and money as a group compared to beggars, who only exist as contrarians.

unicorn pros:
>are more likely to fund their oshi
unicorn cons:
>causes beggars to exist
>will often become anti if disillusioned
>loud and demanding

beggar pros:
>expanded possibilities to have fun mix gender collabs
beggar cons:
>boring or bad mix gender collabs
>actively hostile to anyone saying no to their demands even if its for reasons unrelated to unicorn stuff
>only exist to fight unicorns
>probably dont watch the collabs when they actually do happen
>loud and demanding

honestly though both groups are faggots, unicorns should keep watch their oshi still even if they collab with males especially if the male is gay or is already in a relationship (they dont have to watch the collab itself tho), beggars should stop being obnoxious to everyone and both shouldnt demand that their way of doing things is how it should be done.

>> No.50592945

All the youtube and twitter messages?
Every Kronii bait thread(they are all bait threads) on this board?
Take your pick.

>> No.50592980

Some do.
Most do not.

>> No.50593043

Kronii isn't even attacked by unicorns dumb dramanigger watcher. She's attacked by ex fans who feel betrayed because of the unarchived member stream. Watch it. Actual unicorns don't forgive male collabs, most of Kronies fans were willing to forgive her after her unarchived members, in fact they felt closer than ever to her. It was everything she did after that fucked it up.

Here, since you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about. https://gofile.io/d/mwV447

>> No.50593190

You're asking for citations while also spewing made up statistics. The fuck?

>> No.50593205

>no screenshots
>no links
No evidence. Got it. As I thought. And who gives a shit what is said /here/?

>> No.50594501

Unicorns actually watch streams and buy merch.

>> No.50595454

>Watch streams
According to >>50593043 they don't
>Buy merch
Those are gachikois not unicorns

>> No.50595792

homobeggers because they flat out pretend to care about the talents, but the truth is they are just using them in their war against unicorns, they do not care about the talent at all.

>> No.50595871

>unicorns should keep watch their oshi
I disagree, if they don't want to watch a talent anymore then they can stop watching them, the reason doesn't matter.

>> No.50595974

>You act like unicrons don't pile on random chuubas they never watched just to shit on them for breaking their "code".
if they happens, it's only to their own oshi or it's a dramafag doing it.

>> No.50596098

>the ex-fans excuse
Yes, having her general go from ~30 ips to 70+ whenever some homo event is announced or ongoing sure is just organic "fans" complaining.

>> No.50596149

You started it.

>> No.50596305

You do know that dramafags (aka people that are on every board wanting everything to end up like TOR and are prone to doomposting) like to falseflags and cause shit for the lulz.

>> No.50596355

you laugh now, sisters
but the unicorn jihad will be bloody

>> No.50596439

I’ll rate them the most appropriate way you can rate them: the shitty teen highschool drama movie bully method. Beggers would get water poured onto their chair to make it look like they pissed themselves. Unicorns would actively get their head shoved in the toilet.

>> No.50596909

>beggers only exist because unicorns exist
That's a flawed premise. It would imply that unicorns are the only part of the fanbase against coed collabs, which is not the case.

>> No.50596926

Beggars, unicorns aren't much better though.

>> No.50597126

I remember the /jp/ times when unicorns were the most respect group of all. Wtf happened to this place? it's literally unicorns that stop hololive into turning into a hellish nijisanji copy full of degeneracy and whores

>> No.50597299

it's both, equally worse and equally cancer. Just be a unitychad instead

>> No.50597394

Nice no true scotsman you got there

>> No.50597448

No it isnt
Beggars are objectively worse for the average viewers experience because they have something to prove

>> No.50597595

I am stating what is common for this site. people falseflag as others all the time, why should unicorns be the exception?

>> No.50597615 [DELETED] 

nah, both are just as bad. You can't see one thread with one side trying to start and stop shit. I just want to enjoy all my chuubas in peace regardless of gender or company

>> No.50597674

>regardless of gender or company
holy mother of redditors

>> No.50597677

Hands down beggars. They dont watch streams and invade fanbases to list demands

>> No.50597924 [DELETED] 

>anyone i dont like is reddit
yeah see? you're one of those folk doesn't matter if you're a unicorn or a homobeggar. I just said my piecr now you're calling me a redditroon.

>> No.50597949

Beggars only exist to begin with due to unicorns terrorizing the talents and enforcing control on what they are allowed to do, then punishing any who dare dissent with verbal abuse and slander campaigns
So, if all unicorns were beheaded there would be no begging since talents would be free to do what they want

>> No.50598057

I am pretty sure if all the unicorns disappeared overnight, the beggars would pretend they still exist.

>> No.50598211

When I realized I was a unicorn I realized it's inevitably over. There's no friendless femcel chuuba who will never collab with males who is also entertaining to watch.

>> No.50598333 [DELETED] 

how do they exist then? you're gonna tell me that unicorns had nothing to do with it and yet they're here now lol

>> No.50598419

She has to not only be single, but friendless too?
This is a good example of why unicorns are worse, they place all these unreasonable demands and expectations on the personal lives of fucking internet streamers and they become psychotically angry when their insane demands aren't followed

>> No.50598556

for the same reason that Twitter keeps making up problems that don't exist or keep moving the goalpost, western unicorns are all but powerless and are just being used by the beggers to push things onto the talents to fuel their own fragile egos.

>> No.50598658
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Yes, sister. The unichudcels need to educate themselves, those parasocial fucks.

>> No.50598659

Unicorns need to be bullied out of vtubing the same way they were bullied out of high school and society

>> No.50598711
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I agree, sister! Only we should be able to keep our cute boys to ourselves while we purge those parasocial fucks from our hobby.

>> No.50598732

i just think gachis and unicorns are the same.
>B-But they're not the same
Yeah no shut the fuck up, i dont really care.. you're both equally deranged

>> No.50598802
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>posting female unicorns as an example of why unicorns aren't subhuman
They get the rope regardless of sex anon

>> No.50598806
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>> No.50598852

Beggars provide no value.
Unicorns can provide lots of short term value to the chuuba, but can become a problem for them in the long term

>> No.50598859

I don't know that last time I've seen a genuine beggar thread that wasn't an obvious shit post. Whereas unicorns shit up the board with multiple seethe threads every day. Maybe if I spent my time on Reddit or Twitter, I'd have the opposite thought but here, the unicorns are by far the most annoying.

>> No.50599309

You seem to post this every time you are called out. This is not what you are supposed to do as it only makes you look extremely upset

>> No.50599805

Ah, trying number 8

>> No.50599958

number 9: posting that very pic

>> No.50600016

Look at the views for mixed gender collabs, they're huge, but that's it, beggers don't watch anything else, and they only superchat to beg.

>> No.50600036

Most of what tourists call "unicorns" are just CGDCTfags who are annoyed that people are trying to fuck with a proven formula.

>> No.50600180

beggars = guaranteed troon
unicorn = guaranteed stupid simp
Stupid simp that pays their oshi > troon

>> No.50600519 [DELETED] 

im not the same anon btw, don't know why you would think that. I just post it everytime you try to deflect an argument from the first party. The fact that you had time to reply on it makes me think that I must've struck a nerve on you. Two nerves in fact. Thanks by the way.

>> No.50600537

Unicorns wouldn't do a shit without beggars. Maybe being loud for some time, the chuuba ignores them and she just gets a decrease on her income and losing some loyal fans, but at some point they stop caring about that, so who cares

>> No.50600632 [DELETED] 

>see point 4

>> No.50600735

posting this pic eveytime is itself deflecting criticism.

>> No.50601378

Nah its because society hates weak, failure males and there's no male more of a weak failure than the kind of loser who shares a communal internet gf with 30,000 other men. Like every time I read a long crybaby emotional diatribe from some unifaggot about how he just wanted some comfort after such a hard day and his oshi betrayed him by playing a multiplayer game with some dude in a.l different state I wish I could reach through the screen and bitchslap him into reality and explain that being a whiny emotional bitch like this is why he had to turn to anime e-whores in the first place.
Its just natural hardwired instinct from the caveman days to despise pathetic males

>> No.50601400 [DELETED] 

it's not really deflecting if you deflected first hence the image, it's also not deflecting if i am not the same anon. Simple as. Take it with a grain of salt good sir.
Ah yes, please see point 8 and follow the instructions. Thank you.

>> No.50601645

it literally is deflecting criticism no matte what, thus the image itself can be discarded.

>> No.50602951

slippery slope.png

>> No.50603319

transgender hands wrote this

>> No.50603692

By OPs definition
>Beggar wants something to change for everyone, even if a portion of the audience doesn't want to
>Unicorn has the freedom to leave and watch someone else if he isn't enjoying himself
I get beggar but how is a unicorn even a bad thing?

>> No.50603745

Rent free

>> No.50604197


>> No.50605138

unfathomably based

>> No.50605263

The worst people are the niggerfaggots who make whole threads about it

>> No.50605496

I hope you get shot in the ghetto you live in

>> No.50605549

trans women aren't women

>> No.50607879

literally mutts. they've got like a 20% troon rate, so these retards infest every culture injecting their wokeness. glass the US and this problem disappears

>> No.50607949

VShojotards falseflagging as both

>> No.50608372

beggars when watching hololive
unicorns when watching anything else
some unicucks moved to small corpos and try to push unicorn shit on them start tons of drama

>> No.50609785
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This is what homobeggars actually believe.
They are seething troons that hate idols.

>> No.50610162

I don't fucking care, I'm never watching homos. They're fucking boring and lame as fuck, normal male streamers are better and the homos only get on people's radar when they collab with the girls and beggars and unicorns always go at each other. If you take all that shit away they're still a bunch of boring queers that aren't good at anything and they can't entertain for shit.

>> No.50610515
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unicorns will literally murder their oshi if she breathes the same air as a male
beggars will literally murder their oshi if she doesnt breath the same air as a male

>> No.50610653
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revenge isekai MC vs NTR cucked MC

>> No.50611774

Unicorns are bad for business and are bad for any talent to pander to as they are all ticking timebombs and can’t see how much time you have before they explode.

>> No.50611968

Both are bad when taken to the extreme. Of course, there is no middle ground when it comes to discussing things especially in a catalog thread

>> No.50612243

Beggars of course, there's no such thing as EN unicorn

>> No.50613259

No, both are cucks. Unicorns love to think their oshi gets fucked by other men whenever a man is involved, meanwhile beggars actually want their oshi to get fucked by other men.

>> No.50613522

He left out the massive shit smearing and attention seeking crying they do for months when 1 one uno male is mentioned

>> No.50613697 [DELETED] 

both parties are mentally ill, so get rid of them

>> No.50618742

>beggars=not profit
you tell me

>> No.50618874

The unicorns, because they display the behavioral pattern of possessiveness generally associated with domestic abusers and stalkers. Generally awful, controlling people that you would hope stay far away from all and any female family members you have. Mediocre men that try to control others to soothe their Faberge egos.

>> No.50621215

what's the term for someone who accepts it on the condition the male is being dommed and looks really gay/is a normal person and doesn't give off creep vibes like the niji and holo male vtubers?

>> No.50621289

I'm not worried about false equivalency here: they're equally bad because they both think they're doing the right thing

>> No.50623345

Do it to all of them.
No exceptions.
Not for nationality, ethnicity nor gender.

>> No.50623372

Beggars exist because of unicorns. Newton's Third Law.

>> No.50623481 [DELETED] 

I read the post and they have a point. EOPs don't understand idol culture and faggots like you use it as a shield to excuse your mental illness.

>> No.50623508


Concession accepted.

>> No.50623512

They're both problems but one ultimately supports the streamer and the other doesn't.

If beggers actually did anything besides watch clips with adblock on, the actual culture would have "shifted" in their favor.

Most normies who make up the majority of the views and aren't crazy on either side just don't give a shit. I'm technically in that majority as I SC often and have multiple memberships but I don't go loudly demanding shit from my favorite streamers because they're just entertainers at the end of the day.

>> No.50623548

Better a neutral than a net negaytive.

>> No.50623604 [DELETED] 

Unicorns are as wishy-washy as homobeggars. Both are emotional leeches that demand what they want and if they don't get it they cry about it and switch to the next one.
Only real people that support the talents are gachis and hardcore fans of the chuuba with no strings attached.

>> No.50623656

They're like that fuel Stark had in Iron Man 1: the very thing that sustains and kills them simultaneously.

>> No.50623693
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There are far more harmful unicorns than there are beggars

>> No.50623698

True to some extent. Biggest SC for any girl tend to be the most frequent ones but most aren't "unicorns". The majority of the clash flow comes from merch and ads so those super fans can't really be the most important ones by default. Ads viewed by millions and merch bought by thousands > red superchats from the same 10 guys every week

>> No.50623723

I hope more girls round the world realize this. Seeing them be restrained like this stirs a really bad memory.

>> No.50623793
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Isnt that definition of a unicorn a bit skewed? Just yesterday there was a thread where people argued for harrassing the girls until they stop doing male collabs. After all they are just "putting their money where their mouth is".
Homobeggars caused it according to them and they are just fixing it. As creepy as homobegging is (and think about it, how creepy is it to have an obsession with having an entertainer do something to own the chuds), I can't rightly say one is worse than the other. No male collabs was the stable state before, so beggars seem like the aggressor, but had the stable state been homocollabs, the shoe would've been on the other foot. Im firmly in the camp of letting creators do what they want to do and consume entertainment that entertains me.
For that reason I dont watch any nijis or the homos, I dont watch kronii or mori and I havent watched them before male collabs were a thing either. I watch tenma and I hve to say; her collab with albino was peak entertainment. I dont draw the line at male collabs, I draw the line at boring content.

>> No.50623822

>didn't read the post to see that they're shitting on trannies
>call them troons

>> No.50624135
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Obviously beggars, i mean they are literally the reason why unicorns started to be a thing in EN tho...

>> No.50625739


>> No.50625828

I see tons of homobeggars but I've never seen a single "unicorn" as you define it. Even the Fandead didn't act like you're accusing the "unicorns" of behaving so I have no fucking idea who you're referring to. These unicorns as you know them are nothing more than a strawman made up in your head to demonize people who simply dislike co-ed collabs.

>> No.50626066

Beggars, definitely. And I reach that conclusion through my own probably flawed system of logic.
Unicorns may or may not break containment and bitch about it. Even when they just complain /here/ I find them annoying too. But either way, only some of them bitch about male collabs, while some don’t. Homobeggars by definition talk about it and won’t shut up.
I always assume as a matter of course that vtubers do what they want on collabs, and if they don’t collab with males it’s because they don’t want to. This isn’t Japan, the worst that’ll happen if you collab with males is that you’ll lose some ccv. The “pressure” and “fear” that supposedly exists suppressing male collabs in EN is so minor, and homobeggars are practically being malicious with the way they’re trying to pretend like this is the great social ill of our time.

>> No.50626192
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Unicorns, as awful as they can get, at least are docile a majority of time as long as there isn't anything to stir them up. Which is just one thing. If you can't handle pandering to that audience then don't fucking do it. If you set them off, good luck with dealing with the backlash. They can put some of the worst schizo antis to shame, they usually ARE the schizo antis actually.
Beggars are just plain annoying. Most of the time they barely even qualify as a dedicated viewer. They usually just want to break some delusional take on what they think is the chuuba being force to "conformed" to unicorns standards. Which is stupid, they know what they got themselves into when they pander to unicorns.
However, the existence of both is because the other one exist. It's kind of like the chicken and the egg thing.

>> No.50626728

The shit streamer who attracts them both
>T. Kronii

>> No.50626821
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no JP is a special case you see, we will have to wait till the lands of EN are cleansed first cuc- brother

>> No.50626857

Beggars, and no not like you described them. I fucking hate the subtle beggars. The fuckers who just have to bring up the homos in the “haven’t collabed yet” girls chat/comments any chance they get without actually begging for a collab. Trying to get a reaction . I’ve dropped your other chuubas silently stop trying to ruin the rest of em

>> No.50626997

Wrong. Urs 3rd world fags are less likely to give a damn because ultimately finding quality, poorfag bitches to marry young is easier, and so is dodging alimony if shit goes south (Or you go and have more kids so the previous batch only costs 60 $/month each).

>> No.50628030

Kronii is just so irritating, man. I’ve long gotten over any seethe over “deserving” or “not deserving”. I feel a mix of empathy and irritation at anons who bitch about that because it doesn’t matter. Some people get lucky, the ones who do so by getting into Hololive just do so more publicly.
I just hate stupid people, and her absolute ignorance of how she got herself into her situation just irritates me. I always apply benefit of the doubt to vtubers I don’t watch by default because of course I do. And the more of the drama I uncovered (because I’m not a unicorn and didn’t give a shit about that part), the more I couldn’t believe it.
>wait, Kronii…you…are you fucking serious?
My reaction upon realizing just how she managed to get a near exclusive gachi audience without having any idea they were gachi was like the reverse of her finding out they were seriously gachikoi. Just complete astonishment followed by blistering contempt.

>> No.50628534

I don't really give a fuck who any vtuber interacts with, if I don't like who they collab with I simply just don't watch the stream. But both beggars and unicorns are fucking cancer

>> No.50628935

Homobeggars' "support" only goes as far as likes and retweets on Twitter.
Even if they're mentally ill, unicorns (both male and fujos) at least watch streams and give money.
