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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50548778 No.50548778 [Reply] [Original]

>enjoying a VTuber's streams greatly
>she gives an opinion I disagree with
>I have to close the stream and stop watching her for a few weeks
What's wrong with me?

>> No.50548807

probably lots of stuff

>> No.50548820

It's easy for you because Gura streams twice a month

>> No.50548893

It would actually be worse for me if I was talking about Gura because the amount of time I would have to avoid her would be proportional to how often she streams. But I just used the image because it is an accurate representation of my mental state.

>> No.50548906


>> No.50548936

Don't mind him, he has gurabrain

>> No.50548943

You're brainwashed. Expose yourself to more varied opinions on a regular basis

>> No.50548964

You're sane. Vtubers shouldn't have opinions.

>> No.50548980

kek i'm the same way anon don't worry about it. It's the negative side of the parasocial aspect of vtubing

>> No.50548988


>> No.50549025

The thing is, i'm fine when it comes to other streamers or content creators saying some shit i disagree with. It just bothers me way more when it's a chuuba i care about

>> No.50549084

Idealization then

>> No.50549137

Same here. I'm on a break from someone who said The Batman was a "so bad it's good" movie. I couldn't give a shit if some idiot shat on The Batman, because I already know they're wrong about everything, but hearing it from that VTuber was devastating.

>> No.50549232

For me it depends on how much thought they put into opinions generally. If they’re mostly a thoughtful, intelligent person, then I can agree to disagree like an adult. But if they’re not known for well-thought opinions I have to close the stream at the dumbassery I just heard.
Every single one of my favorite vtubers has a college degree. If you knew me irl you wouldn’t be surprised…

>> No.50549390
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Painfully relatable, anon
I don't know why I'm like this either
I've ruined so many things in my life because of it

>> No.50549443


>> No.50549538


>> No.50549550

If you can't hear an opinion without retreating into your safety bubble hugbox you should never leave the echo chamber that is reddit.

>> No.50549575


>> No.50549632

my oshi is literally me frfr but woman so I never disagree with her
actually scary how much I agree with her

>> No.50549729

I wish reddit was that easy to have an echo-chamber on, but it's constantly under attack by people like you and there's a bunch of subs where the mods are just completely hands off, so yeah, congratulations on simultaneously making reddit a massive boogeyman but also being the ones responsible for making it unusable garbage.

>> No.50549791

Bad opinions shouldn't be tolerated.

>> No.50549918

Everyone has bad opinions, anon. You do, I do, we all do. Except nobody has any idea which opinions are bad because of course you’re not going to have bad opinions on purpose.
I care a lot more about vtubers who don’t go full retard when people say they’re wrong. That shit’s annoying.

>> No.50551904

That's the real reason people find VTubers dangerous. Men are starting to realize they can agree with women and not consider them enemies. The war is coming to an end, but people want to keep it going.

>> No.50555552

she might not actually be your oshi, anon.

>> No.50555667

for me i actually realized that my oshi had genuine contempt for me categorically and it wasn't a funny ha ha joke even if she enjoyed the attention i gave her

glad to be free

>> No.50556788

I think you should stop expecting women to have good opinions, you really brought this on yourself

>> No.50556813

>Enjoying a vtubers streams silently
>She's a gentle sweetheart
>Gets really unnecessarily pissy and has a personality change over chat backseating instead of just ignoring them and letting her mods take care of it
>my image of them is ruined forever

Many such cases.

>> No.50557052
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You should watch IRyS, she literally asks chat for help because she needs all the help she can get

>> No.50557152


>> No.50557184

>vtuber says she hates AI art because it objectifies women
>hide her channel, never think about her again
Get a real job, bitch.

>> No.50557262

That has got to be the worst possible reason to complain about AI art. There are tons of valid complaints about AI art but that is not one of them because it could just as easily be applied to real art.

>> No.50557281

Turns out, plenty of women hide their basedness because actual schizos shit on them for being panderers or whatever if they do it without an avatar! Just because a bunch of twittards say it doesn’t mean it isn’t true. They might be insane, but plenty of people don’t use twitter.

>> No.50557336


>> No.50557369

I don't actually care if they want or invite the help or not.

They're supposed to be professionals(*) playing a character. Control your emotions. Unless being a bitch is your character, (which means I'm not going to watch you to begin with) when you act like a bitch to the people giving you money for any reason it makes people not want to support you. Let your mods be the bad guys. Give them orders off camera. Don't ruin your image out of frustration. Its fucking stupid.

>> No.50557450

An opinion in isolation is fine, but if I sense a trend of a vtuber going down a certain pipeline, or cozying up to fleshtubers I hate I will drop them no questions asked.

>> No.50557499

I like the vtuber I watch that does this because it shows that despite her soft voice she is not a pushover and she doesn't let her chat bully her like some vtubers do. But then my image of her was always that she had a bit of an edge to her so it didn't really "ruin" her for me, she always exuded an aura of subtle confidence that I find appealing. So we probably aren't talking about the same vtuber but your post made me think of her.

Not to say you're wrong to feel the way you do, mind you. I guess I'm just posting to say that what doesn't appeal to you might appeal to others, and explaining why.

>> No.50557612
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I think it's cause the opinion she gave knocked you out of your catatonic and consumerist state. You're not used to that so you're baffled. I could be absolutely wrong though so don't quote me.

I mean, I think of a whole argumentative essay with several argument and counterarguments, complete with several citations in MLA format when I consider arguing with a vtuber. However, I realize that that decision is probably not going to do me any good. So what I do is just think to myself: I know their opinion is wrong, but I don't really want to put an excess amount of effort into proving why they're wrong.

>> No.50557883

I think that's going off the assumption that she's saying controversial, when it could also be the case that she's giving a stupid but common opinion that I didn't expect her to have because she had managed to avoid broaching the subject until just then.

>> No.50559235
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>You love or like someone enough to watch 6 hour streams of them badly playing videogames
>You are shocked that they had an emotional affect on you
It's a very common thing to feel like that no matter what some low empathy autists might say.
It comes with the whole parasocial thing.
Just remember that one opinion doesn't change everything else you like about them.

>> No.50559402

You actually, unironically need to touch grass. You can't build up the emotional calluses needed to listen to other people by watching vtubers.

>> No.50559449

Fucking pineapple on pizza man

>> No.50559811
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Oh no doubt OP could be misinterpreting her opinion. That's why I had the other statement at the beginning of my post, cause sometimes a break in the virtual illusion can make you sad. You indulge in that virtual illusion cause it's feels really REALLY good to indulge in that illusion not unlike indulging in a drug. But hey, maybe that's just me reaching too much.

>> No.50559930

It never ruins my perception of a streamer because backseating is for fucking losers and every person who starts that shit should be ostracized
If I was streaming and it was a problem I would stop reading chat as a short term solution
Also a mean woman can be hot

>> No.50559997

nothing, you're a moron who can't protect his values though

>> No.50560001

This desu. Imagine having a large platform and spewing mind rot to impressionable young people.

>> No.50560481
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Wait for IRyS stream to start. Hear her say HIRyS its IRyS and immediately close stream upon hearing this.

>> No.50560623

There are certain opinions that would change everything else I liked about them, because such an opinion would be so unusual for them to say that it would make me reevaluate if they'd been lying about their previous opinions. So I'm not really worried about that happening because if they're the kind of person to say that I feel like I would have seen it coming a long time ago. And indeed, the vtubers I can think of that have said those things have had a consistent pattern of behavior that it was not surprising.
I guess what I'm trying to say is it can be shocking when a vtuber has an opinion you disagree with that you weren't expecting, but unless you have completely misread their personality, it is usually something harmless and not something that should completely ruin them for you.

>> No.50560665

Stupid women are the best. Irys' "Alimony/allimany" conversation was amazing. I love seeing women struggle with basic tasks. Don't think, just make cute noises and suck my balls.

>> No.50560765

I think Irys is just playing dumb. When she played GTA, she hummed the n-word. So she knows what the n-word is.

>> No.50560818

Nah it's fine, anon. Most of these girls have the IQs of kumquats, and nobody's watching them for their nuanced takes on anything. Especially if you're into hololive, you're watching to take your mind off your troubles. Its entertainment.

Unless you're talking about something like whether they like pineapple on pizza or not, in which case get a grip, anon....its a bit.

>> No.50560824

I understand, anon, but tb-desu this is a shitty way to live. Being really judgemental and getting upset over silly things is just a gay way to live. I realized a long time ago that I'm the gayest cuck who ever lived and the only way forward was to stop getting upset over retarded bullshit, and my life has been a lot better ever since.

It's not easy, but if you take the dick out of your ass then you can eventually do it too. The key is to accept that everyone makes embarrassing mistakes, and we like to pretend that ours don't count and try to forget about them, but we blame others for theirs. Instead just accept that everyone on earth is a fucking retard and no one knows what they're doing, and it all gets easier.

>> No.50561041
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>what's wrong with me
Probably a lot, but to be fair there are so many vtubers out there, that dropping someone who you don't like because of whatever schizo reason you have, isn't a big deal
You shouldn't be dependent on any one of them, since there are plenty of vfish on the internet, so don't settle for anyone but the best

>> No.50561071

What about kumquat on pizza? Could that work?

>> No.50561123

You're maladjusted to differing opinions. If you treat your real(lol) friends like this you're probably that one kind of shitty friend. If you have no friends then we may have figured out one reason.

>> No.50561644

All is forgiven if she has a cute accent and pronounces the word thumbs like "tumbs."

>> No.50563066

I have occasionally been tempted into adding in-text citations in Chicago style to arguments over the internet. But even I’m not that autistic, fortunately. I just delete the whole comment and ask myself what the fuck I’m even doing.

>> No.50565396

I'm going to give you a real answer. You said that you don't necessarily feel this way about everyone you watch; that you can handle contradictory opinions from other entertainers.

So here's the problem, it's a 2-parter:
1. You've caught some form of romantic feelings for your vtuber. Not saying you are in deep love with them but on some level your feelings are romantic
2. You are immature enough that hearing contradictory opinions from someone you feel romantically attracted towards feels devastating. Lots of guys fall into this trap when they're young, even with their real gfs, because they think that contradictory opinions signals some kind of incompatibility.
