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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.50531486

My wife is a real gamer

>> No.50531498


>> No.50531525

Shondo squishy cunny

>> No.50531530
File: 236 KB, 498x443, FcD6MRpXgAEPWXH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow gaming inclining

>> No.50531543

This image was taken seconds before she peed all over her chair, having held it in for over an hour because she wanted just one more game

>> No.50531589

congrats fartrune

>> No.50531628

>gamba everything against wife
>lose everything
There’s a lesson here

>> No.50531630

based nothing redeemer

>> No.50531633

I kneel...

>> No.50531658

Fartrune you did it..

>> No.50531669

When you win so much gambling your brain explodes

>> No.50531676

why don't I get like 800 usd on the spot for beating a boss in a game

>> No.50531725

Are you severely mentally ill and cute?

>> No.50531728


>> No.50531734

Because you're not a cute and funny streamer that loves her fans

>> No.50531770

I just want an excuse to give her money

>> No.50531772

Sure, if you manage to survive a childhood as bad as Shondo's

>> No.50531780

the tragedy of existence

>> No.50531801

>tfw you missed your best chance at life by simply not being born a cute girl

>> No.50531807

you are not a cute anime girl on the internet.
you are a man, likely overweight, posting on an anonymous image board specifically dedicated to talking about virtual anime women
start your reps

>> No.50531816

my kiss was juicier I'm her favorite daddy

>> No.50531835

ray. youre pretty ok. chu (non derogatory)

>> No.50531843

sorry bub, but that kiss was mine

>> No.50531888
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>> No.50531899

Don't let any of this distract you from the fact that she is UK shoe size 2

>> No.50531942

The daddy might be for you but the kisses are for everyone

>> No.50531945
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>> No.50532007

im not a troon but if i could choose to have been born as a woman, i would. women live life on easy mode

>> No.50532041

Don't let her shoe size distract you from the fact her waist can fit in a grown mans 2 hands

>> No.50532070

I like shondo and nina acknowledging being a cute girl is easy mode and streaming isn't really difficult. But doing the extra things for fans despite how lazy they could be makes it all the better.

>> No.50532072

>women live life on easy mode
Shondo's entire life has been terrible, you're just blind sighted by how much she makes in the moment

>> No.50532075

I forgot where you go next after this

>> No.50532102


>> No.50532163


>> No.50532170

okay being a woman is terrible if specifically you have woman bashing child molester druggie for a dad and roll incredibly bad brain genes

>> No.50532177

yeah in her case the brief respite she gets from streaming doesnt really make up for how awful everything else has been

and in this case she treats us like husbands and isnt greedy so I feel like I need to support my wife so she can live without fear of everything collapsing around her

>> No.50532203

girls are living life on tutorial mode

>> No.50532235


>> No.50532249

I technically made 100USD just watching her stream

>> No.50532316

go back to r*ddit, faggot

>> No.50532343

My ears are bleeding

>> No.50532407
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It's impressive how literally every Disney live action adaptation has been a disaster that people hated and yet they still try to make them

>> No.50532414

you're welcome

>> No.50532472

i kneel

>> No.50532531

she's basically a child that has to support a family and has had no chance to foster skills, she has excuses enough
average woman though wants the child treatment but are well capable of actually supporting themselves
but whatever, I'm glad it exists for her and I can ignore californian chicks paying 10 people to manage their channel for them and run reruns earning millions doing nothing but showing up

>> No.50532549

I fell asleep and this is what I wake up to...

>> No.50533029

It's already been 6 hours?

>> No.50533084

Doesnt milky usually get 2k viewers? Not even 500 raid?

>> No.50533106

please please please don't post things late night tonight and delete them I really need to fucking sleep

>> No.50533184

No, good days are low 1000s, lately she gets around 800 maybe or maybe not because she cucked chat

>> No.50533185

wtf shadowmama is 36?

>> No.50533218

Just leave the pc on with tweetdeck open, it's not hard

>> No.50533239

doesnt that mean she had shondo when she was 15?
I thought people said she was 40

>> No.50533284

Unless I misheard it she was 6 in 1987 when Mega Man came out, so she's 42 now.

>> No.50533294

You are shit at math

>> No.50533296

fuck I need a laptop I can stick in another room that won't disturb my sleep

>> No.50533319

im retarded I dont know what I was doing in my head with numbers

>> No.50533337

>I like women, there's nothing nonderogatory about that

>> No.50533479

brb gonna make Shondo my real daughter

>> No.50533523

The fuck, I'm literally older than shadowmama?
Genuine ojisan moment

>> No.50533546


>> No.50533554

Haha old

>> No.50533570

I'm not that old, but she makes me feel it

>> No.50533583

man i thought i was oldge
youre more than twice shadows age

>> No.50533607

how old is 27, I'm starting to really feel the years clawing at my back

>> No.50533615

Milky is a shotacon probably gonna masturbate to Sho voice

>> No.50533620

My laptop is loud as fuck and I have to leave it right on my ears, step it up man

>> No.50533634

i'm new here
who's lily?

>> No.50533636

I wish shondo would tease me for being old more, and not in the doing a grandpa voice way

>> No.50533644


>> No.50533653 [DELETED] 

>i like women
>raids a biological man
what did she mean by this?

>> No.50533707

she like froges

>> No.50533711

same, but i only feel old when i interact with someone younger than me and i get confused

>> No.50533744

Probably one of the first EN lolis, Shondo's been following her for awhile now

>> No.50533807

I'll be turning 27 this year bro... my cope this past year has been lifting

>> No.50533935

can't be helped information density has peaked and it means culture shifts drastically in much smaller increments
also technology progressed so fast it really gives the impression that more time passed
I'm on some of that cope and also convinced myself to pick up art again and turn down fewer opportunities to go out and do shit. The longer I put shit off the more I'm gonna use my age as an excuse to put myself down.

>> No.50533971

Can husband's love each other, or is that also cheating?

>> No.50533984


>> No.50533986

kinda gay bro

>> No.50533988

i love you anon

>> No.50534007

Same here inb4 le funni ecks-dee oldge zoomer humor

>> No.50534011

we're just reflecting shondo's love for us, brother
now which of us is wearing the shondo cosplay

>> No.50534017

she sounds like a dude

>> No.50534053

oldge xD

>> No.50534063

Gay (derogatory)

>> No.50534072

agreed. maybe just a naturally deep voice?

>> No.50534084
File: 2 KB, 338x48, file (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me while pic related fucks me

>> No.50534117

obviously both. otherwise one of us is gay.

>> No.50534156

I know its objectively wrong but I want shadow to hold me to her chest and rub my head

>> No.50534157

stop talking to yourself and believing farms niggers shops

>> No.50534176

>objectively wrong

>> No.50534181

I just turned 28. Life isn't terrible, but it could be better.

>> No.50534216

I posted this. Also I want her to do one of her ear nommies ASMR sessions but with my head instead of the mic

>> No.50534273

I'm older man who should be the one comforting her

>> No.50534290

Pretty sure I would handsfree cum instantly if shondo's tongue was twirling around in my ear in between sensual whispering, for me it would be better than sex

>> No.50534292

You can both comfort each other, plus you can just threaten to (not) beat her if she doesn't

>> No.50534422

wtf I love my husbandbros(female slut virgin vtuber)?

>> No.50534693

Genuine question for the oldfags pls no bully
Who is the evryn (nightshade) who wrote the script for this brilliant Double Suicide ASMR thing for Shondo? Are they still active?

>> No.50534929

>double checking my kofi order details
>it has my phone number as well as my address
Shondo could unironically find any account of mine that needed a phone number to register and I find that scarier than her knowing where I live.

>> No.50534974

Even though I addressed it to a username she still has my email (real name) and phone number so I'm expecting a call any day now

>> No.50535104

Speaking of which, which one is better
Having her sign the postcard with your twitch name, the one she knows you as, or real name which is disconnected from her but is more personal?

>> No.50535160

Definitely a personal choice
Do you care more about her knowing it's you or having something very personal you can cherish? I imagine she doesn't mind either way herself

>> No.50535164

I hope she finds all my accounts, though I am pretty irrelevant so I doubt she will ever stalk me.
she also has my real name and I assume yours too

>> No.50535170

I did my real first name, and my username in quotes next to it, then my last name. I don't know what she'll do but I wanted her to know who i am and where I live

>> No.50535206

>second tweet
Damn, she really had fun today

>> No.50535229

i didnt think about this fucking shoot me

>> No.50535266

You can still update it

>> No.50535329

My username, that how she knows me, she know that's who I am, not some normal name. I don't like my real name anyway.

>> No.50535470

Update it but very soon
She said if you need to make changes to do it before the orders close so she prints the right address

>> No.50535537

update it right now

>> No.50535553

I kinda hope she goes with my first name. I used my full name for the shipping info but bought it under my username so hopefully she knows.

>> No.50535561

I'm so glad, I was really dreading the thought of her not beating the boss and it ruining her mood for the night and maybe even motivation for the game.

>> No.50535632

Finally got around to saving all her Patreon posts. Is there an archive of her old non-asmr videos? Like the QA videos and reading comments? I know her ASMR and voice acting stuff was saved, but haven't been able to find those

>> No.50535663

I don't feel comfortable spreading shit around she's taken offline

>> No.50535722

Man really sucks I am not getting the postcard. Really tried my best but I couldn't afford the full set.

>> No.50535727

Explain the worm meme to me

>> No.50535846

Do you like worms?

>> No.50535855

do you like worms?

>> No.50535865

Do you like worms?

>> No.50535938

I like worms

>> No.50536106


>> No.50536160

I need a bro to remind me to get her merch in 5 hours

>> No.50536167

She's going to be signing well over 300 postcards
That's crazy

>> No.50536177

Do it now

>> No.50536189

set an alarm on your phone

>> No.50536252

shes signing mine first with a very long, multiple page message

>> No.50536288

t. me

>> No.50536301
File: 733 KB, 2760x3605, 1661579345660883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid $450 for 3 kisses

>> No.50536310

She drew herself as a tapeworm once, that's the whole joke.
Realistically forest tree/critters will be signing most of them.

>> No.50536320
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>> No.50536331


>> No.50536335

Gotta be a little bit of a numberfag for just a second, but I think she's still slowly but steadily inclining. She got to 1,351 viewers before any raids today. That's insane.

>> No.50536347

how did you come up with this number?
Postcards are only for full sets and unless i'm unaware of something we don't know how many purchases were full sets.

>> No.50536375

She mentioned it today

>> No.50536383

She said today she was close to 300 full sets
It's definitely going to be tipped over that. She sells insane amounts of merch.

>> No.50536396

We know her handwritting, she wouldnt do that

>> No.50536437
File: 219 KB, 590x617, 1664913848619969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon everyone knows how her handwriting looks to the point a note from her in /lig/ was identified based off that alone. Why would she incentivize people with a hand signed postcard just to get someone else to sign it, do you know anything about her at all?

>> No.50536513
File: 174 KB, 378x305, 1663880350231107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source: came to him in a dream for both
Lurk more before you speak

>> No.50536566

Huh, must have missed it. Can you tell me approximately when in the stream she mentioned it?

>> No.50536635

Part of me wants to buy the merch but I've only been here for like 2 months. I hardly know this person

>> No.50536697

Worm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2K9IWq52SQ
For the merch, I don't have a clip but she did say she'll enlist critter help if she can't manage on time. 300 orders = she's going to need their assistance.

>> No.50536725

I regret not buying the 2022 birthday merch. That was the month I started watching.

>> No.50536729

money laundering

>> No.50536736

The do you like worms thing is from the ender lillies stream retard, and the critters aren't going to be signing. Dumbass.

>> No.50536773

The worm is a reference to one of the weapons in Ender Lilies not this ancient meme. She throws it at people and asks if they like worms. That's the whole joke.

As for the merch, listening comprehension reps please. She said her mama is helping her pack like last time, and the oldest critter is helping her email out tracking numbers once it's shipped. Nobody's fucking signing except her you idiot.

>> No.50536830

Please lurk more and for the love of god actually listen to the things she says before you spread lies about her

>> No.50537032

Why are you posting a m*le niji in this thread? Kill yourself.

>> No.50537253

You are very retarded.

>> No.50537265

based take anon

>> No.50537294

This is some high quality bait

>> No.50538028

Wow that's a lot of Kofi bot spam

>> No.50538059

Would this be cringe to send to Shondo?

In the labyrinthine depths of my heart's terrain,
Whispers of love's melody gently reign.
Your eyes, twin portals to an ethereal realm,
Entrap my soul in a tender, sacred helm.

Through veils of uncertainty, love's current flows,
With each stolen glance, its passion only grows.
In words unspoken, emotions softly stir,
As we navigate this labyrinthine blur.

Your touch, a sonata on my quivering skin,
In the hushed embrace, our desires begin.
Like Dublin's streets, winding and intricate,
Our love weaves through the maze, passionate and intricate.

Though time's pendulum swings, its rhythm's refrain,
Our love, unyielding, persists through every strain.

>> No.50538222

>would this be cringe
>would she appreciate it
also yes

>> No.50538300

I agree with this >>50538222

>> No.50538442

I, as well, concur with this >>50538222

>> No.50538501

Pretty much what >>50538222 said

>> No.50538565

>rhymed intricate with intricate
surely you can do a little better than that

>> No.50538778

this shogga spittin

>> No.50538834
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>> No.50539481

Merch sales increasing exponentially till deadline.

>> No.50539543

And shes also a cunt

>> No.50539553

I wonder if shes going to need to skip some streams to get it done

>> No.50539592


>> No.50539754

Please understand, she told her annoying groomers trying to control her to fuck off and they didn't take it well.

>> No.50539885

I hope not, but if she does, she would probably be quite stressed about it in which case I would prefer her to prioritize the merch.

>> No.50539888

Oh nyo!

>> No.50539928

Will shondo be able to see your username on Kofi when printing things out or will she only know who you are through your shipping address name?

>> No.50540029

she will see the username on kofi, but will use the name on the address, even if you do
>name "username" lastname

>> No.50540723

it is technically already June 1st in her time I have no idea why you are waiting until such a dangerous point

>> No.50540741

Worms are cute.

>> No.50540762

maybe the form should have just asked plainly how you want to be addressed, seems rather complicated and someone's definitely gonna lose their package because they put sprinkledorf98 as their name

>> No.50540895

Can you do that on Kofi?

>> No.50540985

I don't know much about shipping, how would you lose your package if it wasn't in your name?
I can only think if someone else like a landlord got a hold of it and wanted to be an asshole and say "this is addressed to negrofugger not (you)"

>> No.50541005

no clue
alternatively I guess you could instruct people to put something in the field to indicate if they'd prefer to be called by their username

>> No.50541025

Thanks for letting me know you can update shipping addresses I was kicking myself for not putting my username as part of it so she'd know who I was and look at my house maybe.

I still want her to sign with my real name though

Also, do you think this could potentially be the last time she does personal signings and such? It seems like she's in way over her head with the number of them compared to last time. I was nice to see her kiss the posters but I wonder if she'll even go further than just signing them this time with how many there are. I came too late bros

>> No.50541029

>Shonshon is going to learn my real name
>Don’t know if she’ll think my first name or middle name sounds cooler

>> No.50541104

I mean it's just signing, I don't think each card has handwritten messages on them

>> No.50541121

If she googles my name she'll find my linkedin...where I work, went to school, everything. This seems extremely irresponsible of me.

>> No.50541140

I wonder who is going to get sleepless nights knowing that shondo now has their phone number and can and might call them at any point in time.

>> No.50541159

I get a ton of mail sent to my address for a different name and the post always tells me they can do fuckall about it so I imagine it's fine? I imagine having your name on it just means you have some recourse if someone stole it.

>> No.50541199

It will have your name, but not some longer personalized message.

>> No.50541201

i fail to see the issue here

>> No.50541209

Doesn't calling out of country cost money and doesn't work with a lot of cell carriers by default?

>> No.50541215

there's way too many for her to be doing personalized messages, that shit's for subathon top donors

>> No.50541263

She's 100% going through everyone's Facebook and checking their relationship statuses.

>> No.50541267
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What's the issue?

>> No.50541276
File: 59 KB, 541x661, pls udnsts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giga retard here
What will she know? what you put in the green circle, the red circle or both?
And the problem is?

>> No.50541299

Jokes on her, I only made one because Zuck forced me to to continue using my Oculus. I'm still taken by her and her only though.

>> No.50541349

I'm single but there may be cringe stuff I wouldn't want her to see on my facebook

>> No.50541363

call it a hunch I think most shondophrenics are single

>> No.50541395

she see both
she use green

>> No.50541422


>> No.50541434

Oh God she’s going to find out I dropped out of college and live with my parents :/

>> No.50541464

if one day she has a complete paranoid breakdown and starts mailing pipebombs to everyone in minecraft

>> No.50541467

>he has a facebook

>> No.50541495

Worth it

>> No.50541507

It's a sign of a healthy family life

>> No.50541548

I deleted it but it never actually got deleted because facebook is scummy

>> No.50541586

fuck fuck fuck, i dont use it anymore but she will see the cringe from 10 years ago

>> No.50541645

Alright thank you. All good.

>> No.50541667

it would be an honor to die in Shondo’s terror arc

>> No.50541689

Leave it up and let her get a good laugh, it's only fair since how much we look at her old stuff. Her old forum posts on her MAL are adorable.

>> No.50541694

I do, with 3 whole friends 2 of them being my parents and a loli in pfp.

>> No.50541702

dont have so it makes sense

>> No.50541771

I don't even watch Shondo streams anymore, I just send her money and read her talk about her private life and why am I even doing this, I'm too old to be this creepy

>> No.50542017
File: 414 KB, 768x1094, 1661154411109837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting my name into google doesn't return relevant result for at least 10 pages. I'm only the top result (multiple other names in the same link) if you append a very specific term that she wouldn't know to add.
This makes me glad, but also concerned that if she searches my name she could confuse me for someone more searchable.

>> No.50542106
File: 1.21 MB, 1093x883, 1672816341157767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that comes up when you look up my name is news stories about family members dying and my empty facebook page, I was hoping she'd have something more interesting to read through when she stalks me

>> No.50542199

mine pulls up some dude with my name and lives nearish to me
shes probably going to think its me, i hope hes not a faggot

>> No.50542204

>>50542017 (You)
The term isn't necessary *very* specific, but the page is >10 years old so the point stands.

>> No.50542217

WTF I just did this and it has the house I grew up in, my grandparents names, my parents names, my parents phone number, my age. I have like 0 online presence how did this happen

>> No.50542312

Only mods can

>> No.50542367

i use an external po box
i will never know how it feels for shadow to look up my shitty apartment complex

>> No.50542436
File: 285 KB, 485x493, 1676658419911788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How schizo would it be to make my facebook extremely obvious it's me and litter it with my personal info for her to find?

>> No.50542556

Mine returns my and my father's linkedin page (we have the same name) and pictures of my father, uncle and older sister.

>> No.50542595

I want shondo to stalk me, figure out what time I'm on break at work and send me cryptic/weird text messages from a fake number

>> No.50542627

And as she said the other month, Mods aren't husbands.
So no faggotry, bros. Unless it's for Sho.

>> No.50542887

When you put in my name there's an obituary for a Wehrmacht soldier. I'm in bros!

>> No.50543409

You are correct

>> No.50543498

>my name pulls up a double murderer who was executed by the state
alright I’m thinking based

>> No.50543567

>concerned that if she searches my name she could confuse me for someone more searchable
someone else stole my somewhat specific username and has a twitter full of maga shit that I'm concerned she and others would think is my main. it doesnt have anything to do with me.

>> No.50543623

Just conceptualized that I was graduating high school when Shondo was 10. Fuck I'm getting old bros

>> No.50543641

Googling my full name only shows some dude from another country.
Kinda sad.

>> No.50543847

When I graduated college and started working she was 10. On the day she was born I was probably having summer sleepovers with friends in middle school

>> No.50543857

its not that hard to make a linked in bros..
Mine is pretty barebones but it still comes up as the first result

>> No.50544250

>She was just about to turn 11 when I became a NEET
I'm probably younger than you, but god fucking damn it.

>> No.50544347

Now imagine if we had all fucked her back then

>> No.50544368
File: 228 KB, 540x438, 1669276879179883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50544467

All she will get is a famous chef from me

>> No.50544923

Hi Gordon!

>> No.50545110

what if my username is my name

>> No.50545132

Then you win

>> No.50545194

I dont want to imagine that. Child abuse is not okay. Shondo is not okay with it either. She's already small and cute enough as a consenting adult.

>> No.50545317


>> No.50545355

is her accent leaking more lately?

>> No.50545572
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>> No.50546392

catching I'm in awe of this "dippy egg" bit, only from shondo

>> No.50546477
File: 537 KB, 2048x1542, 1677955124753846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be fun to play co-op boomer games with shondo and coach her through the scuff we grew up with until she could beat it

>> No.50546640

i want her to sit on my lap while i teach her about old kusoge

>> No.50546657

It took her 5min to tell a 30s story
It was great

>> No.50546738

>trapping Shondo on your lap as she slowly gets immersed in the boomer game after getting frustrated for a while
>starting to figure out the mechanics finally
>she needs to pee
>lock your arms around her and tell her to beat the game first
>she starts bouncing on your lap

>> No.50546755

I hope she makes a good night tweet this time so I don't stay up thinking we're getting something

>> No.50546776

the fact she's calling it dippy eggs and talking how the egg peed I can't handle what a child she is

>> No.50547261

its such a sexual emergency fr

>> No.50547665

>watching some other vtuber for the first time in a while
>zero enjoyment
She did it, she cured me from vtubers besides herself

>> No.50547740
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, 1678583990542464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheater cheater lemon eater

>> No.50547833

I'm not into shitting on other girls publicly so i'll refrain from saying, but I'm probably done watching them even as bg noise

>> No.50548246

do you think I could fit shondo's entire foot in my mouth

>> No.50548266

I thought it was just me. She sounds a little less "performative" lately too. Just chill.

>> No.50548297


>> No.50548737

Last time she said good night she went on her alt afterwards.

>> No.50549049

I think the soundpost one she actually went to sleep/was inactive

>> No.50549526

NTA, but ever since her recent 2 week break I've only watched others occasionally out of boredom, while previously I actually kinda wanted to do it (even though I preferred her over them for many months already).
Right now blue dog.
That's not to talk shittalk anyone else, but just to confirm that my obsession over her has turner into a complete psychosis.

>> No.50549617

>>50549526 (Me)
Hahahaha this timing will help me!

>> No.50549636

Yeah that's the thing, the accent slips in when she's a bit more lazy with her speech, and she's been changing between extremes of depression and mania like crazy lately, even mid stream.

>> No.50549648

Anon... what did you do...

>> No.50549661
File: 940 KB, 775x1013, 1680609803244857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what you did

>> No.50549822

>>50549526 (me)
I didn't even send a single fucking chat!

>> No.50549871

I wasn't going to mention it, but
I noticed before R*n unfollowed her

>> No.50549931

Main or alt? If the latter, then it could've been her doing it.

>> No.50549958

gosh darn it I was just gearing up to go to bed, too. It’s nice to get to see another side of her, and I hope that she doesn’t feel like a public spectacle.

>> No.50549968


>> No.50549973
File: 213 KB, 418x413, 1667904347954819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already knew he was a multi oshi having whore, but I don't know what would cause him to just straight up drop her
Unless I'm blind he unfollowed all of her accounts

>> No.50549975

ren's talked before about getting close with some egirl online and it being a negative experience for him which is why he keeps chuubas at arm's length
wonder if the recent arc has scared him off or something

>> No.50550012

Isn't he literally grooming Neppie though?
He's interacting with her exactly how he interacted with Shondo up until a few weeks ago and he already seems to be preparing to hop to Kiki or someone

>> No.50550021

also wouldn't really be surprised if she still had the "10 wives" incident on the mind after stream ended

>> No.50550065

So let me get this straight
Ina/Gura/Ame (5views) to Fauna (high 4view) to Shondo (3view at the time, just became a 4view) to Neppie (high 2 view) to Kiki (low 2view)


>> No.50550090

you say grooming but he makes it sound like he's only ever been professional with these girls (if you trust him)
just seems like someone that has temporary fixations and dips before he gets too attached

>> No.50550096

I like the guys art, but he always seemed a bit autistic, especially considering that he seems to be gearing towards /uoh/ chuubas. Guess he really just wants to find someone groomable.

>> No.50550107

That's new to me, but I have noticed he hasn't been paying for his own sub for a while now. I wonder what went wrong

>> No.50550141
File: 26 KB, 186x135, 1683054051670021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50550180

How long before he starts gunning for predebut vtweeters?

>> No.50550212

A couple months judging by how the cycle is speeding up faster and faster

>> No.50550214

>>50550065 i wouldn't single kiki out, he has drawn multiple /uoh/ 2 views in the past week (or two?)

>> No.50550272

shondo tried to groom him and he got out

>> No.50550289

Are people... trying to fuck her up further lately?
Are you telling me her biggest fanartist just dropped her overnight?

>> No.50550313

you can never leave

>> No.50550315

Oh that's explain why he is distancing himself when it comes to art, looks like he loves the bunny more now

>> No.50550385
File: 313 KB, 647x457, 1669687327559762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds crazy but I have a feeling that he took the suspension as a chance to drop her, between him hardly drawing her anymore, not adding oshi marks to his new account, and hardly showing up to streams

>> No.50550426

he hasn't drawn her in a bit and he's been coming to streams if not super diligently
I really think he saw how the neppie thing was straining shondo and figured he'd try and distance before his whore ways make her worse

>> No.50550449

is she talking about herself or the breakdown that nep had 30 min ago
please be the latter

>> No.50550550

This is absolutely nothing new.
This guy has been an oshihopping whore since HoloEN debuted.
Likely she got too big for him and he's making up excuses to move onto someone smaller to groom

>> No.50550560

That actually seems likely.

>> No.50550597

Gura's curse strikes down another one.

>> No.50550611

When are people going to realize that leaving or even distancing yourself makes her 100x more upset than cheating
Cheating makes her sad and jealous but outright leaving breaks her heart

>> No.50550649

>Gura's curse
He got infected by the RE8 mold?

>> No.50550653

Not impossible, but seems like a mean-spirited and out of character comment to make so I doubt it

>> No.50550679

she asks us to leave rather than make her #2 though
she's got to accept it

>> No.50550842

I can't read whatever language she typed that whole thread in, but I don't think shondo would subtweet her like that

>> No.50551019

She wouldn't. It can't be that.

>> No.50551252

That's absolutely a cope given he is interacting with every single thing Neppie tweets on her alt like his life depends on it

>> No.50551361

I am curious how he'd go from getting a unique drawing from her instead of payment to this in like 2-3 months
Maybe the route of artfag isn't really the best thing

>> No.50551404

both nep and shon having breakdowns at the same time
fucking women

>> No.50551438

is this /shon/ or /ren/?

>> No.50551623

that hurt

>> No.50551631
File: 336 KB, 643x632, 1656892144610374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in schizo part of the /shon/ cycle, we'll be back to talking about raping her a few hours before next stream

>> No.50551637

Aaaaaah it's not me. Thank you thank you

>> No.50551640

what the fuck she just called us all disgusting and deleted the account

>> No.50551647


>> No.50551652

I would say their periods synced but.... y'know

>> No.50551677

Thank you you retarded niggers

>> No.50551688

Ren, what the fuck did you say to her you faggot?

>> No.50551692

what the fuck just happened

>> No.50551725

I need Shondo to electrify me

>> No.50551727

What in the flying fuck just happened?

>> No.50551728

There she goes

>> No.50551732

Wait she wasn't, right??

>> No.50551730
File: 10 KB, 515x196, avavav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50551738

What the FUCK did you guys do

>> No.50551741
File: 18 KB, 112x112, 1654539616661352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now I'm just confused at what happened

>> No.50551750

is she talking about what we post here?

>> No.50551761

What did he say to her?

>> No.50551770

Could this be about getting off to her hymen tweets?

>> No.50551772

Oh boy here we go

>> No.50551773

Idk, I wish she at least elaborated

>> No.50551795

I'm not really sure? I don't think anything here is that bad outside of coomer posts i guess

>> No.50551810

No she said we were making stuff up about her and spreading it around but I really dont know what shes referring to?

>> No.50551813

Not everything revolves around this place anon

>> No.50551815

I hope you're not implying what I think you're implying
Lily was enough of a surprise for this week already

>> No.50551831

Be honest with me here, how long have you been watching Shondo for?

>> No.50551864
File: 144 KB, 361x457, 1673653956053250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we're schizo retards, but I don't think we've "lied" about her anywhere, at least not counting random antis. I unironically have no clue what she means.

>> No.50551870

Should've been obvious, buddy.

>> No.50551878

I don't even know what to do at this point. I want to know what she's talking about but there's nowhere I feel comfortable bringing it up to her, especially now.

>> No.50551891

>Ren drops her a couple hours ago, unfollows her account
>she makes a vague menhera tweet
>suddenly tweets we all disgust her, we're making up disgusting lies about her and she's done
>nukes the account

So did he tell her he's dropping her because of anons here or something?

>> No.50551900

I don't know, I have no idea what the fuck just happened

>> No.50551920

She did say she was losing it again, I'm sure she'll sleep it off. There's nothing to really speculate on.

>> No.50551921

Uuuuuuh wtf

>> No.50551946

Huuuh, I am completely clueless for once

>> No.50551967

have you guys considered someone might've said something in maros?

>> No.50551978

Same I missed, the last one I saw was about vtweeter

>> No.50552000

he thought she posted a picture of her vag or something didnt he

>> No.50552001
File: 1012 KB, 747x795, 1660732684009230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This feels weird. Like I feel I should be schizoing out about something but I'm so confused about what that was even meant to imply that I don't know what to schizo about?

>> No.50552020

Thats a good point but what could someone say for her to nuke her account

>> No.50552038

There was that one retard posting like ren is her bf and shit, but that was obviously just some troll too new and too retarded to even get his rrats straight. There's no way that this could be it.

>> No.50552076

Renpc Kiirokuma you fuck you are the most /here/ person in existence
What the fuck did you do?

>> No.50552098

Someone saying something in maros isn't spreading lies around. Also she is acting like it was something widespread.

>> No.50552113

if we're certain it's about /here/ it could be any of the bait posts, we know which ones are canned and ignorant but maybe she thinks people actually believe it
could also be mr supposed oldfag from a couple threads ago saying how fake she is etc

>> No.50552117

Fuck, wtf were her last tweets? I looked away for 15 minutes and didn't see them before she deleted, fuck.

>> No.50552129

Well guess I'm going to bed for now, see you bros tomorrow for Rugrats. Hopefully she feels better(?) tomorrow.

>> No.50552141
File: 30 KB, 466x748, Well thats weird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50552154

This isn't about the talk about her and the lapse in her story about Florida right?

>> No.50552170

She rightfully does not give a shit about what this shithole full of shit posters and antis say, which is why I am so confused

>> No.50552178

Is there even any point in censoring if the account is already gone?

>> No.50552196

That was so tame though (I'm not the supposed oldfag)

>> No.50552202

This is really harsh language for her. Lies, disgust, no trust, what the fuck happened?
What did Renpc tell her? Is it shit about the stuff here?

>> No.50552205

Is there anywhere else that discusses her?

>> No.50552212

She could still bring it back, maybe. Better not risk it

>> No.50552215

In case it comes back I guess

>> No.50552223

mods seem to be trigger happy nowadays, better to be safer than sorry

>> No.50552235

you're right, that's not spreading lies and "in places" feels like she wants to say /here/

>> No.50552248

I mean there's discord, but that place is moderated most of the time

>> No.50552276

Thanks. Her mods and Ren and whoever need to stop relaying info from here. Idk wtf she's talking about specifically though.

>> No.50552292


>> No.50552376

yeah that's the part that's hard to figure but if she's in a bad enough headspace maybe even the usual rumors will set her off
the part about not trusting us though hmm, if it's anyone she can dismiss as an anti without knowledge then that part doesn't make sense
maybe she doesn't even mean lies and just the fact that this shit gets talked about openly
I expected the fact that people keep bringing it up a mistake just in terms of not attracting antis to the account but I figured yeah if she saw she'd probably feel pretty violated

>> No.50552380

That, and it wasn't even some big discussion or anything. Just some people talking about it. If this is about that, then it's a massive overreaction.

>> No.50552383

what the FUCK did you retards do?

>> No.50552395

What people were saying about that was true though. Anyone who's kept up with her long enough already knew that stuff, not that it should matter so much now. Surely that's not what she's so upset about though?

>> No.50552433

I hope this and the D stuff shows you guys she most likely talks a fair bit with individuals behind the scenes

>> No.50552441

In case you're here shondo, and this has something do with something you saw from here, I don't think any of us really have any clue what we did wrong. And anybody who was saying lies about you is probably an anti we dont want here and who we have no control over. I'm really sorry, I don't know what we can do to make things right.

>> No.50552451

This and discord are the only places I know + TVA and KF, but I have confirmed them clueless casuals and the latter currently dead.

>> No.50552494

I already felt bad about dumping my insomniac brain worms I hope to god she didn't see it

>> No.50552509

Uuuuuuh Did we do anything? I'm so confused

>> No.50552562

Aside obvious antis and shiitposters, we only really hardcore hornypost, could it be that?

>> No.50552576
File: 115 KB, 996x1587, IMG_0203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry anons, this is all my fault. I should have never sent her my fanart.

>> No.50552579

Were trying to figure it out

>> No.50552605

Saying you want to strangle Shondo and fuck her isn't lying though. Also I say we hold off on making a new thread until an hour or so before stream.

>> No.50552613

Now I'm following zero people :(

>> No.50552619

Nobody knows, everyone is lost here

>> No.50552620

Ren is known to be really, really weird about anything lewd, despite drawing an intense amount of porn of her.
Wouldn't be surprised if he genuinely dropped her because we talk about raping her nonstop. I wouldn't be surprised if he told her this.

>> No.50552631

The fan discord? That's not even public though. Maybe some people are saying shit on twitter. I really can't imagine "places" being anything but short for this place.
Catalog bait threads maybe? Not like I keep up on those.

>> No.50552664

She mentioned lying, I don't think being horny really fits this, is it lying as in "you guys promised you wouldn't talk about this account?" and she saw the hymen shit getting discussed
I really fucking have no idea

>> No.50552693

I don't look at the catalog much but I hardly see any threads about her, and also I doubt it's anything in DMs since she's just told people to stop containment breaching before. I'm hoping she's just having a schizo moment and imagined something really bad happening or something and it isn't anything actually bad.

>> No.50552695

not the fan discord that place isnt very active

>> No.50552748

I'd 100% understand if she got upset with fags here for live discussing private shit, but it wouldn't really count as lying no

>> No.50552759

I don't think he would when his previous (actual) porn is still public on his pixiv.

>> No.50552788

It could actually be the hymen shit, that really bothered her to even let it out in that space. Maybe she feels betrayed and embarrassed because we let that information out into the open, and she egosearched /shon/ (despite continuously saying she doesnt) and saw tons of posts talking about it. It would fit with the trust and disgust part.

>> No.50552807

She definitely knows a lot and had been pretending not to. I feel like she's known about the facedoxx and everything as well.

>> No.50552825

Idk, I still believe that she's smart enough to not go /here/, especially not to scroll down far enough to reach the posts talking about it.

>> No.50552850


>> No.50552856

She would have to jump back a few days to see it, freaking out now would be weird

>> No.50552872

Yeah this doesn't make sense with the lying shit. She's probably bothered by people digging into her past but it can't really be helped though since she's been online for such a long time and used to overshare a ton.

>> No.50552881

I don't think he hates other people for being horny, he's just a bit weird himself and doing porn apparently made him miserable so he's sworn it off

>> No.50552892

i don't keep up very actively with catalog either, but it has been a little while since I saw the last bait thread.

>> No.50552903

She might not go here directly (technically telling the truth) and check the archives to periodically check up on us

>> No.50552969

With how often we schizo out about dumb shit? It'd be way more apparent. If she really still came here, even by proxy, I doubt she'd insist as hard as she does that she doesn't and simply wouldn't bring it up.

>> No.50552978

Okay but what if
>all the hornyposting and shit about her body here as usual
>posts about her hymen could easily be misunderstood as her masturbating or something
>rapeposting has been a little more intense lately
>Ren makes up the excuse he'll drop her for this (he's dropped her anyway)
>she kicked Ren out of that account because he replies to chuubas all the time
>she messages him and asks him why he unfollowed her (this is most definitely something she would do)
>he tells her it's because everyone's too sexual uguu
>she asks for elaboration
>tells her everyone on 4chan wants to rape her and he knows she masturbates on her private account
>she freaks out quite reasonably
The Ren shit and this whole thing seem too close together considering the recent stuff that could be misunderstood as lewd, the fact Ren outright posts here, the fact she kicked him out of the vent account for interacting with vtubers to keep it clean, and him being a turbo autist.
The only thing that really seems to disgust Shondo is pornography and lies and the posts here definitely imply she does a lot more than she really does, which is absolutely nothing

>> No.50553009

Ren must be one hell of a unicorn if a hymen talk was enough to get him to drop her entirely
But he does have a tendency to become an anti rather easily

>> No.50553050

So much for an increased drug dosage huh

>> No.50553055

>the posts here definitely imply she does a lot more than she really does
Show me a single one.

>> No.50553057

>>she messages him and asks him why he unfollowed her (this is most definitely something she would do)
I don't think she's ever mentioned DMing a fan over them dropping her, she just gets sad over it, and I doubt that'd change even for one of her favorite artists. I'm sure him dropping her and that autist earlier fed into her brain worms but I don't think it's entirely connected.

>> No.50553062

honestly, rrats like this don't help

>> No.50553083
File: 448 KB, 586x483, 1665477977254402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of unicorn would drop a girl he's been drawing porn of for a year for telling people she does in fact have a hymen

>> No.50553115 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 506x49, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50553128

It's definitely weird but I guess he liked her for being uwu pure and asexual and the slightest mention of her doing anything lewd made him drop her.

>> No.50553127

You don't know what that word means. I unicorn would be ecstatic about his oshi talking about her intact hymen.

>> No.50553152
File: 734 KB, 800x800, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frld28b.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to bed now (for real this time), we should just let this rest and hold off on new threads until stream tomorrow. Goodnight, and I hope wifey feels better.

>> No.50553165

Literally the entire last few threads talking nonstop about her hymen and tight cunny and how much we want to rape her (inbetween posts of her IRL face)
Where is this from? What?

>> No.50553186

The problem would be of he only heard it second hand, and heard us talk about it bleeding so he immediately disowns her for bleeding from there

>> No.50553191

i like to think she wouldn't mind extreme horny shit we post even if it was for her private account as long we never brought it up to her or anywhere else but I don't know anymore

>> No.50553210

None of that implies that she does more than she lets on.

>> No.50553212

Wtf did she mean about making up lies though. I can't wrap my head around it.

>> No.50553219

I'm not name dropping, but you can figure who it is feeling vindicated

>> No.50553228

You know that people can still search for stuff just by the text right?
It's just someone's alt they used for her alt schizoposting, I'm sure you can guess who.

>> No.50553250
File: 1.72 MB, 2891x4096, 1676358555950879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about that, something about that doesn't seem right to me

>> No.50553262

You know you can just search for that exact string right? Cropping out the account name does nothing.

>> No.50553270

This is truly the schizophrenic sister daughter wife experience.
>making up lies and telling them places?
>I can’t trust any of you
Maybe she knows who one of the antis and feels betrayed
>some of you are disgusting
Could be referring to the antis or people being creepy in the mallows

>> No.50553291

account doesn't exist to even find by it but fair enough she might still bring it back

>> No.50553312

She says she doesn't want to make us into schizos on purpose, but sometimes it's hard to tell

>> No.50553347
File: 2.14 MB, 3495x3036, 1669129494765699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the artist's depiction of a girl he would drop for acknowledging having a female body

>> No.50553378

>Maybe she knows who one of the antis and feels betrayed
if she did check here then hoo boy, hope you all alter your typing pattern enough

>> No.50553411

I think it was about that retarded thing fleece said

>> No.50553419
File: 629 KB, 2082x3034, 1679978774230597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art I draw when I drop a girl for saying "yeah I have a hymen"

>> No.50553418

You're talking about a groomer, it isn't allowed unless it's by his hands.

>> No.50553464

She's clearly talking about us
My brainworms told me

>> No.50553488


>> No.50553507

What did he say?

>> No.50553525

you guys are really going wild off of one theory, I really do not think ren would dump her over stupid shit like that

>> No.50553568

someone might've dm'd him with dumb fake shit, she said it was about spreading lies

>> No.50553580

just asserting how he was right about everyone else being creeps that poor chaste wifey was forced to tolerate

>> No.50553583

This post objectively isn't true though, it's disproven even by fucking tweets kek.
She doesn't care about random schizoing on 4chan unless someone tells her they're being affected by it.
Is there literally any other theory about why he'd suddenly unfollow her immediately before she calls everyone disgusting (we are a thread dedicated to discussing raping her)

>> No.50553590

One guy posting shit almost a day ago sets her off now? I don't believe that.

>> No.50553594

This is what I mean. He was probably mad that anons pushed her into describing her hymen. He wanted her to send a detailed description in his dms instead.

>> No.50553613

>some of you are disgusting
I’m sorry about my foot fetish Shondo I wish I wasn’t this way.

>> No.50553642

Again, what about the part of calling us liars? Doesn't fit at all unless he completely misunderstood our posts

>> No.50553691

>2/3 of his pixiv is Shondo
>she followed him for years and was a huge fan of his work

>> No.50553702

He sounds like someone that would do it himself just to prove a point

>> No.50553708

that's actually a decent theory, although DMs still doesn't sound like "in places"
>Is there literally any other theory
I mean, the theory that ren has nothing to do with it and just has his own reasons for gradually leaving her. It's not THAT sudden, he's been devoting far more time to neppie recently.

>> No.50553710

I don't know, she's mentally ill and gets irrationally paranoid about stuff sometimes. I don't think it would make sense, otherwise she wouldnt be mentally ill

>> No.50553714

Going off on this isn't gonna end well. I believe it's just best to stop and wait it out for a b it. She's not online anywhere else as well.

>> No.50553746

Maybe there's some anti going around telling lies about her to her friends? I have no idea anymore desu. I can't really find anything from the threads that matches what she's talking about.

>> No.50553774

Yeah it is best to stop, but we're all gonna go fucking insane without letting out schizo juices out after this
Best of luck to all of you o7

>> No.50553784

I feel like my wife just divorced me for something I didnt do

>> No.50553797

Ren outright unfollowing both of her accounts though? He follows Fauna and Ame still and has hardly been watching them. She went from his #1 oshimarked chuuba who half his pixiv is devoted to to being unfollowed. That's pretty extreme even if he has been working overtime attempting to groom Neppie lately.

>> No.50553805

Well some of her regulars are in rens dms, maybe they'll ask him, so all we can do is wait.

>> No.50553806
File: 341 KB, 619x403, 72epa9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50553814

it'd surely have to be something related at all to the account or she wouldn't delete it saying we couldn't be trusted

>> No.50553857

True. It could even be that there wasn't even anything that actually happened. Maybe what set her off was just in her head. Thinking rational doesn't work when you are trying to understand someone inherently irrational. Instantly deleting her account still is a weirdly extreme reaction to whatever it was.

>> No.50553860

AAAA same, I'm sure it wasn't because of me but I'm incredibly upset.

>> No.50553891

Her new dosage is supposed to stop these kinds of things.

>> No.50553934

She's gonna make another account and I'm not going to be able to find it when I have time to look

>> No.50553938

I hope she will feel better enough to stream tomorrow

>> No.50553957

Wasn’t that only her antipsychotics? Maybe it’s something else she needs upped as well.

>> No.50553987

I hope so too, she hardly cancels streams and if she does I’d be real worried.

>> No.50554020

well my guess is he just doesn't like the direction things were going with the cheater stuff, fauna and ame don't have the issue of shelving them meaning you get a mark on your back, so best to just do a clean break maybe?

>> No.50554021

God damn it no one called out 4chan.
As far as I see the situation REN looked for a chance to drop her and told her something when he did that.

No matter what he told her he used it to cover himself so she would attack him but blame others.

Now he can just move on to next Vtuber without having all of /shon/ schizos critiquing him.

And as far as Shondo goes she was mentaly unstable since the situation with D***** and now that REN left to she has to let out her anger somehow.

All of this started happening since she started talking a lot on her other acc, so that might be reason for nuking.

I would guess that she will soon make a statement how she is sorry for schizo outbursts and that she will try to keep distance from now on. None of this is her fault, just unfortunate events one after the other.

>> No.50554079

I’m a newfag so you can entirely ignore this, but is it possible she thought the hymen thing was a genuine question, and to find out people got off to that upset her? She really does seem innocent, and appeared genuinely upset when her mom made a joke about us being fetish friends.

>> No.50554097

Fuck off back to r*ddit

>> No.50554142

No fucking shit anonchama. She thought it was a genuine question.
If she knew people were getting off to it or talking about it anywhere else it would horrify and disgust her.

>> No.50554168

I don't know, I think she'd have left it at answering the maro if the fetish part bothered her; felt like the comments gave the fact away already.

>> No.50554201

stop fucking rrat posting you are basing this on literally nothing and now some retarded newfags will read this and take it for facts

>> No.50554210

I was always against posting /here/ whatever she posted on that account, but some fag always had to talk about it. Now it's too late to cry about it

>> No.50554215

I still don’t think it has to do with here, seems too abrupt. Not like we’ve acted more retarded then we usually do.

>> No.50554222

Doesn't really fit with the lying part.

>> No.50554232

It could be this stuff >>50471347

>> No.50554231

also she just responded with an "ok retard stop containment breaking" to the guy who tried to bring up people posting about raping her

>> No.50554238

>the direction things were going with the cheater stuff
That's retarded. She was possessive of her fans back when he started watching her too.

>> No.50554250

Her first maro already exposed everyone as people that see sexual things where they aren't even present, she would've known a question about her vagina is also sexual.

>> No.50554283

She said she doesn't come here so reacting to something outdated wouldn't be that strange, but I don't think much of importance is said here. Mostly just hornyposting.
There are a few things here and there like schizos were trying to convince everyone she had sex
and joke replies
But she I couldn't see her taking that stuff seriously anyway. I think it's unrelated to /here/

>> No.50554325

Well no use speculating. Either REN or she will make some kind of statement, doubt they will just pretend it never happen

>> No.50554344

Would fit with the disgust, but not lying really.

>> No.50554350

??? tf are you talking about

>> No.50554354

Stop acting like you know what happened. This place is most likely not the cause of whatever is going on. Nothing unusual was going on in these threads.

>> No.50554365

She couldn't give 2 shits about posts here.
The only time she cared about it is when her whining cheaters use this place as a way to trauma dump or leave her because of it.

>> No.50554376

Shonshon he's not worth getting upset over. He's been a groomer since forever and his art is mediocre as fuck.
I get it though, you were a fan of his but a long time, it's understandable.

>> No.50554412

I'm not going to pull a discord newfag and say shit was a joke before but people leaving used to be something she would solemnly reference at a much later point but move on, not a crisis for each new person that leaves. She's the one also saying that she's doing an unhealthy amount of stalking and feeling paranoid about cheaters.

>> No.50554413

lying about our intentions, about the purpose of the question, about being pure

>> No.50554423

Wasn't the impression I was trying to give, apologies. I'll just bail out for today and wait to see how things are with her tomorrow. Good night.

>> No.50554478
File: 128 KB, 1176x1176, Fuax_ETWwAQ9zaK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I misunderstood your post then, sorry. Good night anon!

>> No.50554482

man why does she always have to leave me worried sick about her before bed

>> No.50554485

She clearly knew we didn’t have pure intentions considering she was embarrassed enough to delete it

>> No.50554487
File: 647 KB, 1770x2508, 1665416030292618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second part
Recent stuff for sure. His older art was great, he's not just been stagnating but actively declining. Compare picrel to >>50553419
his anatomy, coloring and style all took a massive decline. His art's soulless now.

>> No.50554494

I'm not gonna be able to sleep for hours anyway god damn I didn't even do anything but I still feel guilty by association

>> No.50554507

Someone said that "anonymous" people talk about raping her, to which that was her comment.

>> No.50554513

It’s all a grooming technique to make you slowly grow even more attached to her
t. Max level schizo psychic

>> No.50554544

she was embarrassed when she thought it WASNT sexual. when it became sexual it was disgusting and traumatic and she felt used

>> No.50554559

To be fair, Shondoll is still one of the best pieces of art she’s had, which reminds me how I wanted to comm some art of her as a doll

>> No.50554593

oh you mean back during maros not just now

>> No.50554624
File: 56 KB, 908x284, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are all of you making up lies about me and telling them to people?
>you all disgust me, what the fuck are you people saying about me in places?
She might simply mean the most obvious thing after all.

>> No.50554625

bummer the account got nuked. I won’t be able to find her new one bc I don’t know her well enough- the last one was literally spoon-fed. It was fun while it lasted. I hope she’s okay for the stream tomorrow. She’s under a lot of stress!

>> No.50554632

Wonder what she'll do with the forest art he did for the zatsu screen

>> No.50554642

qrd? he drew my oshi so he should be prepared to be agressively groomed

>> No.50554661

If he genuinely dropped her because he heard about something like this through /here/ I will actually anti this man
If he told her something like that the lies thing would make sense. If an autist is misinterpreting the coomer shit here that she posted, realized people saw different to her, and deleted and was distressed by, I see why she could think we're spreading lies about her. But if Ren dropped her for good over some shit like this that's disgusting

>> No.50554664

It's not a terrible theory, but that just doesn't quite fit with making up lies and telling them to people. It would be a weird way to phrase it.

>> No.50554673

i thought it could be that too, but surely she could tell this was an ironic joke like the mod dick pics thing?

>> No.50554683

would really suck if she let that dumb post set her off of all things

>> No.50554696

I really don't think he's that retarded

>> No.50554700

Too obvious of a joke.

>> No.50554783

can you guys be nicer about her going forward

>> No.50554813


>> No.50554814

In what way? If you mean stop posting about wanting to rape her, no.

>> No.50554819

He's a bit weird and self destructive but all that art is good. picrel is just a piece with more time invested.
He also mentioned developing some techniques to be more efficient. I think it's a bit early to start turning on him just yet.

>> No.50554834


>> No.50554836

I will type about how I want to rape her in a much nicer fashion just for you anon

>> No.50554874

We try, but a relationship between a schizo and a legion of autists isn't easy

>> No.50554920

I dont know enough about twitter, can the deletion be temporary? Is there a chance the same account is restored with the same name tomorrow?

>> No.50554974

I have been awake for about 40 hours, but I'll do my reps RIGHT NOW. I'll be the pillar to which I'll tie her.

>> No.50554984

It's possible for 30 days AFAIK

>> No.50555011

Her @ will remain hers for a bit and she can come back to it

>> No.50555038

If she makes a new account don’t post it here you stupid niggers

>> No.50555043

Sleep for Rugratskino dumbass

>> No.50555052

I want to hear more from her but I also desperately need to sleep so maybe it's best she also sleeps on it

>> No.50555110

Her schizo meltdowns have been getting worse and worse, her mental is in a constant skydive

>> No.50555111

Also be sure to either wipe your alts comment history or make a new one so people can't stalk through that

>> No.50555116

the spoonfeeding didn't matter half as much as vaguely referencing everything ever posted to it as it's posted
and even then if there were any bad actors I bet anything they came because of the stupid twitter glitch

>> No.50555180

Can't do. I have been spoonfed in the past, which means I must return the favor to my fellow shoggers.

>> No.50555204

The worst part is that disconnecting from the online world doesn’t help her. Unironically I think the only solution will be her getting her own room and streaming until she’s too tired, sleeping, and repeating the process.

>> No.50555225

worried for her, hope she doesn't self sabotage in some way

>> No.50555283

damn I can’t send her my poem now :/

>> No.50555288

It was also DIRECTLY linked in other threads (not /shon/), though I don't know how the people from those threads behaved.

>> No.50555355

not disconnecting but she needs a bit of the outside world too like she mentioned; even she's catching on to the fact that indulging her womanchild-ism and abandoning the shreds of self esteem and will for independence she used to have is setting her up to crash

>> No.50555409

I don't know of any instances except the aforementioned twitter glitch where dramafags thought it was actually her main or a public side account

>> No.50555410

I know everyone’s schizoing now but I’m rewatching the shadowmama interview and I forgot how cute she is. Mama love!

>> No.50555458

I hope she learns from the barbie movie outing and starts doing some minimal trips outside to build up herself to leave her house more often

>> No.50555468

I feel like shes going to cancel the stream if shes this upset. Also it again feels really bad to be super supportive of her during her streams, have a good time, and then none of that matters just a few hours later.

>> No.50555478

you can't poof a twitter, it's on a 30 day cooldown, logging in at any point in the next 30 days will restore it with everything intact

>> No.50555486

Besides /shon/ it was also directly linked in /uoh/, /lig/ and /swarm/

>> No.50555492

I feel like I did something wrong without realizing and she divorced me
I only hornyvent here
I want to die

>> No.50555507

It sucks but it “can’t” be helped, at least unless she finds some form of sleeping meds that actually work on her that isn’t just doing weed

>> No.50555535

Is she even going to make a new alt though? This is the second one she's deleted and this time it's more serious since she said she can't trust us. Maybe she'll get over it later but I'm worried she really is done being so intimate with us.

>> No.50555555

It wasn't AFAIK directly linked in /shon/, but otherwise yes.

>> No.50555579

No matter how positive your messages are, recency and negativity is always louder

>> No.50555603
File: 171 KB, 1128x1296, 1685521952031623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy numbers

>> No.50555627

It would help if she explained why she can't trust us and give us a chance to respond. If she starts getting less intimate with us its going to drive even more people to leave because that is one of her biggest draws.

>> No.50555652


>> No.50555674

If that turns out to be true, I'll actually eviscerate the person responsible.

>> No.50555675

She literally said the other day that she's glad people have a place to vent. Which is why I don't think this place has anything to do with her meltdown, and if it does then she has an even worse woman brain than I thought and I already consider it terrible

>> No.50555717

she is a woman

>> No.50555718

for better or worse she'll never be done, this is her source of intimacy and she struggles with still feeling the same connection with 1k+ viewers
girl will never stop trying to find ways to still capture being a 2view, the masses won't satisfy her and she'll never feel as comfortable sharing her full self with them

>> No.50555723

Based numbers in times of stress

>> No.50555779

Let them bring us strength.

>> No.50555794

Gee thanks for your input retard

>> No.50555806

well it's certainly not because of hornyposting, but perhaps if she recognizes someone anti posting here it's another story
who really knows

>> No.50555822

Long time viewers leave her every day. Her favorite artists who said she was their oshi, gachikoi who said they'd never cheat, no matter how supportive people are she's always going to know everyone eventually leaves.
How is she supposed to open up to us and trust us when she knows eventually everyone will abandon her?

>> No.50555876

this was definitely a woman moment if ive ever seen one

>> No.50555906

How can you say that when you have no clue what actually happened?

>> No.50555951

these aren't the first instances of any of that though, a ton of gachis have left, she's mentioned so plenty of times and about how sad it is for her
it still won't stop her wanting to be intimate with the people still around
she might need to cool down first though, since right now everything seems to feel like a crisis to her

>> No.50556010

Perhaps because she's such a massive drama queen who does this sort of shit on the regular. She'll be back whenever she wants more attention for her little woe blog.

>> No.50556012

I expected her acc will get deleted at some point. At least I gathered everything that I will need to find easily.

I kinda got iritated that she made finding acc that easy last time. Found her a bit before she "reposted at wrong acc" but didn't do anything couse i wanted to see what she will post thinking no one is there.

Kinda got ruined for me last time so I hope that she will try making account again.

>> No.50556018

and new people come and over time will become her favourites, thats just life

>> No.50556041

You can deal with something horrible over and over and one day snap.
She needs genuinely reliable people to confide in.

>> No.50556057

because she had a sudden outburst and then immediately nuked everything without a chance for anyone to give a rebuttal, when there's a good chance its based on a misunderstanding. woman moment.

>> No.50556106

Yea, me

>> No.50556110

what a lovely new day, i wonder if anything happened while i was aslee-- oh.

>> No.50556116

is this worse than normal? I knew a mentally unwell w*man with similarly shit background and diagnoses pretty well- this seems like pretty much par for the course

>> No.50556121

well she's got the barbie girls at least
I don't think she'll necessarily get the same sort of attention from them but she can certainly confide in them

>> No.50556166

I doubt she feels comfortable telling a group of much more stable girls, including stacies, about her random schizo brainworms
She doesn't seem like the type to vent on individuals

>> No.50556228

I doubt she feels comfortable saying the stuff she does to her friends, if Nina’s reaction to the apology tweet was anything to go by.

>> No.50556236

uhhh she's been doing pretty well for the past like 8 months I'd say, she's certainly been way on the schizo end if you go further back than that but I think this may still be worse than that period
she's pretty damn well medicated and good at not letting her fits spill into the internet

>> No.50556238

quill me

>> No.50556258

This. Nina didn't seems like she knew what was up when Shondo posted about "doing better".

>> No.50556298

she should, but I agree she probably doesn't feel like she can
and I think a part of her does want to hear dudes play along with wanting to ravage her

>> No.50556366

Just checked out Ren and he is still following shadowchama. Did he refollow or was that a rrat

>> No.50556389

I didn't confirm and I would totally believe if the thread would waste a few hundred posts not doing so either

>> No.50556408

where does the Ren being a groomer thing even stem from? or is it just because he's /here/ and an artfag so he gets extra attention and that makes anons seethe

>> No.50556413

He knew he was a dead man if he was found out to be the cause of this

>> No.50556451

why the fuck were people saying renpc unfollowed her main, no he didnt

>> No.50556468

Didn't you know all artists are groomers?
