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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50508984 No.50508984 [Reply] [Original]

Damn, getting fired from Nijisanji is the best thing you can do for your vtubing career.

>> No.50509757

>get into nijisanji
>Get fired from nijisanji
>Dramatically incline without the need to give nijisanji their cut
new meta unlocked

>> No.50509837


>> No.50509880

It makes you stand out from the other 200 livers for a minute

>> No.50509912

>with Decapo
It's Orion buff.

>> No.50510053

1. Check list of fired NijiEN vtuber
2. Find the other one that is not Sayu
3. Profit

>> No.50510073

I think nijien debuffs you so much now anything will be better

>> No.50510401

Unironically better than numbers than some of the lowest runts in nijisanji

>> No.50510457

Now post Zaion doing her first Youtube stream after getting fired to about 500 people

>> No.50510505

Am I supposed to be impressed with that?

>> No.50510629

Obviously she won't have Hololive number, so if that is your standard well.. you don't.
But compared to the their number as chink slave, it is better.

>> No.50510631

Someone needs to tell Pomu to become a ghost again

>> No.50510692

got more yesterday when playing GoI
Sayu also almost hit 1k

>> No.50510698

Pomu is the biggest Nijisanji fan the west has ever seen and would sooner quit vtubing entirely than abandon NijiEN

>> No.50510776
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>> No.50510874

Had you beggars watched a single Pomu stream you would know she has said as much herself

>> No.50510881

No it's not

>> No.50510900

and you believe that?

>> No.50511029

Yes? She's been gushing about Mito and how happy she is to join her favorite agency since day 1.

>> No.50511073

sure anon, and Scarle totally got sick just to pass on the valorant collab only to recover and stream the instant it's over

>> No.50511220

This is probably as honest & heartfelt as the familyposting on Twitter

>> No.50511324

Femoid spotted. Post tits so I can imagine sucking them dry.

>> No.50511394
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just like how she's been gushing about how much of a family nijisanji is right?

>> No.50511429

I am sorry HoloEN isn't like a family and treat eachother purely like coworkers. Nijisanji is different.

>> No.50511479

Anon doesn't know what friends are. Unsurprising. Nijifans are getting married and being social butterflies while Holo fans are lonely neets.

>> No.50511539
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nijisanji buff

>> No.50511542
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>over 6k now

>> No.50511579
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>> No.50511630
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>> No.50511632

Should have stayed instead of jumping ship. Could have been playing Outlast right now.

>> No.50511661

to what, the six people who care?

>> No.50511689
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But it is.

>> No.50511713

That's a woman

>> No.50511747

Integrity > greed
Honhima could have jumped too but she didn't because she isn't le grind noombaz person

>> No.50511758

This has a hairy pussy. I literally saw it.

>> No.50511787

woman(male(female(male(female(also female)))))
Ok, you convinced me.

>> No.50511790

>Debuting to just get fired
>From Niggersanji the debut is debt + you corpo.

>> No.50511792

Yugo had 8-15k almost every stream especially during karaokes.

>> No.50511801

there's a clip from months before holoen debuted where she talked about how she'd rather be in nijisanji than hololive and spread it to english speakers because there are so many great streamers people barely know about

cant quite say that that tactic worked but im glad shes doing well lol

>> No.50511844

You don't have to spend on a debut, you know? Multiple Livers did paint graphic design is my passion debuts.

>> No.50511860

so they are all thai but speak eigo on stream? Good. (or maybe bcoz Yugo is here)

but Jesus! I checked their channel and they debut 2months ago but their /#/ are fucking big.

didn't expect thai has a huge fanbase on vtuber

>> No.50511866

better hype numbers compared to the one that "clapped back" KEK
so these are the friends xe wanted to invite to do content on niji then? iirc it was denied and xe went menhera then got fired for it

>> No.50511892

Is she chinese? I swear that sound like chinese.

>> No.50511895

And yet she eagerly applied to Hololive. And likrs Holo talents just as much. Now it's just a sunkencost fallacy.

>> No.50511906
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>> No.50511949

Where is the VoD for that hmmm?

>> No.50511983

There is a reason they say to never meet your heroes.

>> No.50512007
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>> No.50512039

Didn't they have to pay for their models too?
And those cost a ton.

>> No.50512043
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>> No.50512070


>> No.50512071


>> No.50512112


>> No.50512122

No lol? Debut is on them but the model and group song are provided by Anycolor.

>> No.50512168


>> No.50512208

Nijicope LMAO

Enjoy your sweatshop vtubers sisters

>> No.50512206

> Now post Zaion doing her first Youtube stream after getting fired to about 500 people

My recollection is that her "Let's chat a bit" stream from May 7 actually got about 3500 CCV.

>Find the other one that is not Sayu
Ironically one of the reasons listed for firing Zaion was for complaining how shit the netcode is on this exact game.

>> No.50512215


>> No.50512340

Literally who?.

>> No.50512352


>> No.50512361

>Ironically one of the reasons listed for firing Zaion was for complaining how shit the netcode is on this exact game.
Sadly that's not exclusive to Nijisanji. Corpo vtubers have to pretend the game is good or they may lose perms.

>> No.50512392

sayu's CCV was well into the 4views

>> No.50512458

>Pomu is the biggest Nijisanji fan
man you nijikeks are so gullible

>> No.50512513

my wife

>> No.50512537

my husband

>> No.50512545

Mito is her kamioshi. Who is her oshi in Hololive again? Nobody because she doesn't know anybody on the JP side and only knows Kiara in EN.

>> No.50512549

>Alluding to PL/IRL
>Jannies normally delete
>It's not related to anyone in Hololive
>Jannies leave alone

>> No.50512697

Male (female) vtuber.

>> No.50512707

yeah god forbid a corpo vtuber shit on one of Ubisoft's shitty board games

>> No.50512734

hololive board
hololive thread
seethe about it

>> No.50512782
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>hololive would obviously be doing the same
like clockwork

>> No.50512841

deal with it
also watch this
mumei and fauna have (_________)

>> No.50512871

It's no different to Sayu, Mikecat, Kson, Henya, etc. They're not operating two separate identities where talking about the "unofficial" one is a rules offense.

>> No.50512906


>> No.50512916

not an argument

>> No.50512921


>> No.50512936

Anon she was the quintessential 4chan style contrarian.
She watched clips of Mito, Lulu and Gibara along with the usual Holoclips, and only thought to push niji because Hololive was already popular enough and she wanted to support the "underdog", which was hilariously insulting to Nijisanji because they were still the biggest VTubing group in Japan at the time.

She was just an idealist clipfag who had zero idea about the inner workings of Nijisanji and what kind of fanbase they had in Japan, and thought Nijisanji was "basically like Hololive, but with boys as well".
Fortunately for her, she was EN and no JP nijifan ever cared for the opinions of EOPs, so she didn't have to tank any flame.

Shilling Niji right as their auditions were happening also served as a good hint to her existing fanbase on where to find her after she left.
All this is easily proven by just how shallow her knowledge of Nijisanji was early on.
At least she's gotten better now, since she knows she's stuck there forever, so might as well network with all her senpai.

>> No.50512947

What's the point of this? It is not comparable. A light joking jab vs actually saying the netcode is garbage.

>> No.50513050

Well anon why won't she leave if she was jyst an idealist with rose tinted glasses? Or any of these "oppressed" Livers leave? Hmm they don't weird huh?
>they will get smeared
No they won't. Amicable graduation is literally one discussion with management away. Yet they don't do it. These poor suffering Livers don't do it.

>> No.50513083

>Corpo vtubers have to pretend the game is good or they may lose perms.
I fear you're right in general, though I don't think Zaion went far enough that she would normally be punished for it (or much farther than some Hololive members when they had similar problems with the game).

Instead I think it just got added to the list after the fact to pad it and make it look like they had more reason to fire her. Instead, when she revealed the details it made Anycolor look worse than if they had left it off the list entirely.

>> No.50513231

look I am the first to shit on management and Xsoleil manager is clearly proven overreacting garbage but this isn't an Anycolor thing it's just a corporate life thing.

>> No.50513299

It is indeed a corporate vtuber thing. The whole point of allowing "large following" or "company usage" people to stream/play your game etc is for potential buyers. You shitting on it is the LITERAL opposite and why would a company want to work with you/your talents again?

>> No.50513317

Nijisisters don't care and still use it as a reason why it was justified and that she was an evil cunt
Im glad she was fired if only so she could get out of that shit hole early, and my EN vtuber oshi is Rosemi ffs

>> No.50513450

>my EN vtuber oshi is Rosemi ffs
yeah no shit you rosebuds are fucking avatarcunts that post in small corpo threads. No loyalty.

>> No.50513690

Mito isn't her kamioshi, shitposter. It's always been Pikamee, stated both in her present life and PL.

>> No.50513725

Mito is her Nijisanji kamioshi. She doesn't have one in Hololive. Case closed.

>> No.50513739

> leaving while she is one of the top EN VTubers in her company with a stable income
> while she has no other options that are higher
the world is harsh boy, you'll get it once you start working

>> No.50513745

Loyalty to what? To her being taken advantage of by a black company? To her making 2% from merch sales?
I still like her, but with all the shit that happened in NijiEN this year, I bailed. Wasn’t worth sticking around for a corpo that wouldn’t even allow cute girls doing cute things without some homo appearing on stream.

>> No.50513782

That's not how kamioshi works, retard. And if you watched Pomu you would know this. Now stop being a faggot and spreading misinformation about her.

>> No.50513811

>Get fired from Nijisanji
>Life's better, carreer's better
Many such cases

>> No.50513838

that's what everyone said when Pikamee graduated.

>> No.50514020

Literally at the end of the Demonologist collab she said she was only staying at NijiEN because of her friends and fans. Any love she had for the company is probably dead at this point.

>> No.50514086

"everyone" being shitposters who don't watch Pomu. She was never "le biggest niji fan evar". She likes niji, sure, but not was never a die-hard fan.

>> No.50514096

That's not true at all in fact I'd say u-san is the only case where that's true. But u-san also had like 1m+ followers on TikTok before joining nijisanji
Sayu is already back down to 3view status and even on the jp side of things graduated talents find themselves in a position of getting about half their original audience.

Don't get me wrong. I'd be perfectly happy if corporations weren't the best way to make a living as a vtuber but unless you're really lucky or have a devout following even before you join a corporation, corporations are still the way to go.

>> No.50514122

Same with Elira. Nijisanji was just their number 2 option,

>> No.50514133

It's only Japanese vtuber agencies who seem to even bother getting permission to be "allowed" to stream games. Everyone else seems to be of the opinion that it's better to seek forgiveness than permission.

>> No.50514167

I always despised rosebuds and now I feel justified. The only ok one was cooking bud and the big soda bud the rest of ya are fucking schizos and catalogfags.

>> No.50514216

Exactly. Not a single Niji talent is doing better than they were when they were in UNLESS they joined another corpo like Bora or that other JP. Everybody else is a low 3view at best. 4 view if you count Lulu but her numbers are nothing compared to her Lulu days.

>> No.50514421

Lulu's numbers are fine, she even said herself she's focused on split streams/uploads which in itself means her viewership is perfectly fine. 99% of you were only clipwatchers.

>> No.50514471

Well gee, I’m sorry anon. Turns out I don’t like watching a branch that can’t even deliver cute girls doing cute things without a flaming homo being shoved in. Turns out I don’t like watching a branch where talents like Kyo/Enna created one of the most toxic work environments ever made. I also don’t appreciate knowing that my oshi is barely making money at a corporation that pretty much offered her a shitty revenue deal.
I’ll gladly support Rosemi if she goes Indie or if she appears in another corporation, but I just refuse to support Nijisanji.

>> No.50514839

based anon desu.

>> No.50514889

oh I am sure Wosemi-sama will jump ship the moment a better opportunity arrives. Didn't she do it before lol? And rosebuds are just like her. Instead of supporting other Livers that are at least allegedly her friends and proping them up like other fanbases do rosebuds only selfishly focus on Wosemi. Nijisanji is a living organism that Wosemi is part of not a single Liver. If you don't support Nijisanji you don't support Wosemi.

>> No.50514933

rosemi doesn't need ficklebuds anyways

>> No.50515018

even in y*go threads roseschizo is prowling for (You)s

>> No.50515074

>Sayu is already back down to 3view status
For the first 15 minutes of a surprise handcam stream about the shit she bought at a con.
The same stream that went up to 1500 viewers after an hour it started.
Try again, Nijinigger.

>> No.50515145

Pomu said early on that Nijisanji isn’t about supporting everyone, there’s not enough time or energy to do so. It’s about supporting those that interest you.
I was doing that, but I refuse to support Nijisanji with how ineptly it’s run. Nevermind that Rosemi is basically taken advantage of, who knows how bad things are behind the scenes.

>> No.50515154

>constantly seething about getting fucked over by her shitty manager and higher ups
This is Nijisanji's biggest fan? Actually, I believe it. Makes sense.

>> No.50515227

Prove it (by letting me literally see it).

>> No.50515491

NijiEN is literally about supporting as many Livers as possible. I don't give a shit what Pomu said 1.5 years ago. She probably said that because she was scared of losing her viewers anyway.

>> No.50515710

Of course you omit that she got 1500 because of a raid by Pippa

>> No.50516042
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She was at 700 before she got raided by Pippa. She then got 1700 which slowly decreased as time went on. She ended stream with just over 1k.
Comparatively, these were her debut month numbers as zaion.

>> No.50516120

imagine being this retarded and dropping a golden opportunity to be a 3view shitter again... though I am not the one to talk my oshi did the same

>> No.50516263

Also, sisters seems to forget that Sayu is a twitch streamer. Most of her friends and fanbase is there.
When NijiEN members use twitch they barely hit 4 view territory.

>> No.50516292
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Imagine having a manager breathe down your neck because you said UNO wasn't user friendly enough

>> No.50516362

corpo life be like that

>> No.50516507

Basically. Even hololive has to deal with that. Japanese corps suck to work for and if life was perfect we'd have better and more popular American corps but unfortunately until that day comes everyone lives in fear of having perms stripped for shitting on a company

>> No.50516526

Only high numbers because of the Thai group.

>> No.50516805

It was also during Buttfuck o'clock.

>> No.50516871

Buttfuck o'clock is when she's always streamed. Before Niji, during Niji, and after Niji.

>> No.50517165

Her redebut stream had less than 10k people watching. Don't get me wrong, I wish her the best of luck in her new old life but she was overly hyped up by dramafags who don't watch streams, when it was revealed she had nothing else they could use as ammo they started to leave. She'll likely settle around 3 views getting occasional big numbers from raids and stuff but the chances of her getting better numbers than when she was with niji are pretty slim. U-san is an anomaly

>> No.50517236

Anon, all of xsoleil are 3view shitters now. Hex sometimes goes above because he's a pandering manwhore but that's it. Nijien is no golden ticket. The overabundance of streamers is not working out in such a small market.

>> No.50517383

It also doesn't help that in NijiEN, your chances of moving up are basically non-existent since you're probably pushed by management into playing the same shit like APEX, Chilla's Art shovelware, Valorant, ect. At most you'll just be an accessory to your senpais.

>> No.50517446

well it works. Just suck it up to a popular senpai and leech from them. Leech from JPs if you know japanese. Worked for Kyo. Worked for Piochan. Woeking for Ver now. That's just business.

>> No.50517502

Careful if you point out that early on they quizzed pomu's knowledge of nijijp and the only one she knew was Mito they'll scream and call you a 'thread reader' even though that particular stream was more than a year and a half ago, before l*xiem was ever a thing.

>> No.50517613

I dont even know it works nowadays. Pio I dont know if he even got 1k viewers playing RFA, Ver barely even broke 700 viewers playing Portal 2 with Enna.

>> No.50517620

she still knew more than you fags who don't watch a single Niji stream

>> No.50517654

well considering Ver was like a 300-400 shitter without raids it is kinda working

>> No.50517656

Sure but the difference is that they're getting constant money to be 3view shitters. Kotoka got enough Money to move out and buy a new fridge within her first couple of months. You have to realize that they basically earn passive income.
You record a voice pack and sell it for 10.38 on the store, you get 60% of that back. You sell 500 of those things and you get 3100 back for saying two minutes worth of shit. Even if you want to talk about merch and we assume that the 2% is totally real, the talents themselves don't make the merch or have any say in it.
Merch goes up and sells and that money goes right into their pockets.

They also don't have to pay for new outfits and get invited to conventions and shit like that which they receive a cut of as well. Basically you don't have to be a 4view to be successful, even as an indie being a 3view is more successful than like 98% of all people but as a corpo, you literally generate passive income

>> No.50517694

you get 50% on VPs before taxes retard. At least get your numbers right. Most VPs are like 3-5 bucks as well.

>> No.50517826


>> No.50517943

All publicity is good publicity

>> No.50518018

Lol just like how Pomu became "the biggest minecraft fan" despite never once playing it before Nijisanji, because minecraft was the only game that brought her numbers

>> No.50518302

she's said she's only staying because of her existing fans and mostly her friends at nijisanji
you just need her to get fired somehow but then she'll probably be too depressed to continue streaming and become an OL again

>> No.50518333

This seems like a really long winded way to say she's no worse off than before. Also AFAIK Kotoka was not a poor girl before niji, her father had a very important job she didn't disclose and a fridge is not a big deal for an adult who budgets.

>> No.50518375

She literally never said that though

>> No.50518410

That's an exaggeration as well. She does know things about other Nijis (check her PL, and no I don't mean that one clip), but not on the level of "le biggest niji fan evar". Like, she knows who Sanbaka is, she knows Uiha has collabed with idols, she knows Gwelu is married and has a child, she knows Belmond likes Metal Gear and Minecraft, she's been seen in chats of JP livers like Hayama, etc., but she doesn't know every single song that Nijis have sang at their many concerts, or what a liver said at 20:01 on Minecraft Stream #1085. She's just a normal-ass fan.

>> No.50518458

Unless you've watched every minute of Pomu's, streams how are you so confident she didn't say it? It was a while back when she was talking about the frustrations at nijisanji and management.

>> No.50518473

Iirc Pomu said it was better than streamlabs and streamlabs is 50% so that'd put it above 50%. But honestly the vps being cheaper than 10 means even more people are likely to buy them. Especially if they like the scenario. Like you put out something for $5 and tell everyone they only have a month to buy it and those low prices attract a sense of fomo and impulse buying. You sell 500 vps in a month at $5 and even with a 50% cut you're looking at 1250 before tax. That's pretty good money. Pretty damn hard to beat passive income

>> No.50518500

To be fair though, being a "normal-ass" fan of Nijisanjii in 2020 already put you far above most vtuber watchers at the time, especially for a westerner.

>> No.50518525

>Unless you've watched every minute of Pomu's, streams how are you so confident she didn't say it?
I have watched literally every minute of Pomu and she never said that

>> No.50518526

>Being is a company vtuber is a lot. And I really only stay because of you guys and because of my friends in Nijisanji.
Granted, the response was about criticism, but its still fair to say that she's emotionally done with being a corporate vtuber, especially Nijisanji EN.

>> No.50518579

Kotoka was literally living in the slums, like everyone in Japan flat out said that the area she lived in was sketchy as fuck. The fridge was such a big deal to her that she started uncontrollably sobbing because she had never had people who cared enough about her to send her thousands to buy something as simple as a fridge.

>> No.50518643

It’ll really come down to how much non-stream income they got and whether those who buy merch/voice packs can be converted to superchats/Patreon/streamlabs. For their direct channel earnings, total channel earnings could halve and the vtubers take home would be the same. So the impact of the loss of non-stream income would depend on how much channel revenue is lost. The latter will depend on the vtuber, but that’s time to commit and the other opportunities would require more networking. A lot of our-of-pocket, management, follow-up that doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people

>> No.50518647

Most Japanese people don't have a fridge because they can just walk downstairs to get whatever they need from the conbini. It says nothing about their wealth.

>> No.50518753

>Getting fired from Nijisanji
>Viewership and income both go up
>Getting fired from Hololive
>Viewership and income both crash
Clearly Nijisanji is the better company for personal career progress

>> No.50518839

In the meantime:
>get into hololive
>Get fired/graduated from hololive
>become literal who
B-but anons were saying that holo gives popularity boost even after graduation. How come that even a mere gook from pathetic NijiKR became more popular after graduating than 2 biggest Holo earners after they left Holo?

>> No.50518901

She's mentioned before that she didn't really live anywhere close to a conbini. And again she was living in such a dump that JP members who visited her talked about how terrifying her place was and I'm not just talking about the inside. She gained enough money in less than a year to move out of the slums and buy something for herself that she considered pretty nice. You can keep trying to move goalposts but ultimately she's doing better than she was before thanks to being in nijisanji and she's far from the only one.

>> No.50518979

In the meantime:
>get into hololive--
>don't get into hololive actually
>get turned down in favor of someone like Gura who has numbers but no will to work

>> No.50519074

She can sell her merch now, though, which might triple / quadruple her income if she can find good connections to suppliers / manufacturers.
Didn't that employee of IdolCorp already offered to help w/ setting up merch chains while giving the chuuba 70%+ cut?

>> No.50519167

>Yugo had 8-15k almost every stream
roru rumao

>> No.50519193

For the most part it's pretty rare that you're able to produce merch on the same levels of a corporation and eventually without dedicated paypigs people find it less incentivizing to donate for nothing. Even people like kson who make a shit ton in superchats still found it more opportune to sign up with a corporation to produce merch for her. Some people are lucky like bao and girl_dm and etc but most vtubers even in the 3 view range will make more in a corporation than they will by themselves.
But yeah even outside of that it's like you said, there's a lot of out of pocket costs that you have as an indie vs an actual corpo tuber. Stuff like new outfits, new merch, shit selen even talks about how when she got to go to Japan for NijiFes, management gave them spending money to go shopping, she also didn't have to pay for travel of course

>> No.50519381

Anon, they might not be as rich as other corpo, but you can be totally sure that they aren't starving, whatever BS Enna might say.
There was that 3views on Twitch posted how he got $4k (or 5, I don't quite recall) / month just from streaming last year. YT generally pays better than Twitch (according to Ludwig and several other flesh streamers), and they have other sources of income beyond streaming, too. Being 3views is way more than profitable enough. You don't need to be millionaire to be considered "doing better than before" (which is working for a low paying job or simply unemployed for most EN corpo chuubas)

>> No.50519454

That's true, though.
(That anon only conveniently forgot to mention that she has only streamed thrice so far since and include her redebut). One of those 3 was a collab with a Thai male vtuber group

>> No.50519574

Mainly because of how incompetent NijiEN staff are. They constantly drop the ball on so many things, from getting game permissions to stick, to approving song covers before "oops we lost perms!", to denying project ideas and opportunities offered to the livers.

>> No.50519581

>thrice so far since redebut
>redebuted on sunday
also anon was talking about the streams AS Yugo, not now. Outside of karaoke streams Yugo struggled to keep more than 1.2-1.5k views. He was the lowest performing male out of luxnoc

>> No.50519614

Selling your own merch is a lot harder than people would think, not only is quality control difficult to get a hold of but as I've said before and I'll say it again one of the biggest reasons that kson joined vsj was I even though she had a lot of money she struggled to get merch produced. The problem with merch is that you never know how much you're going to sell, so you produce 500 of something even as simple as a sticker and you're on the line for all 500 of those, you only sell 100 even though you're getting 100% of that money, you now have 400 of product but nobody really wants, and that's like bottom line merch.
You start to look at things like t-shirts and it's $20 per T-shirt you want even a hundred t-shirts and Youre looking at $2,000 just for one size.
It also doesn't help that you're not invited to conventions, unless you're a pretty big name, so you have to pay for convention tickets and then you have to pay for a seller's booth which also costs money.
Of course you could design your own website to sell your merch but that also requires you to either pay somebody to help design it or to have some knowledge on how to design it and/or use a site that will cost you a monthly fee.

Or you could join the corporation that just does all that for you because selling merch as an indie sucks.

>> No.50519701

>I really only stay because of you guys, and because of my friends in Nijisanji
What could this mean?

>> No.50519776


>> No.50520781

>Pomu said early on that Nijisanji isn’t about supporting everyone
This has been a thing since JP were the only waves around. It's literally the whole reason of them shotgunning out livers and letting "anyone be a vtuber" you support who you want. The whole
>Watch everyone
Came from HoloEN because you LITERALLY HAD TO watch everyone to get any sort of entertainment in a day.

>> No.50520851

You still have to. Half the time the Holo talents are on break.
But granted judging by how Kiara lately can't even get 3k on her tears of the kingdom shit, I'd assume that even though there are fewer streamers and streams in general for hololive, not everyone gets the same amount of support

>> No.50520934

Just because you put a fake quote in green text doesn't mean anons won't check the actual link lol. You played yourself.

>> No.50520974

Hololive is at least lucrative enough that it's worth all the bullshit that comes with the job.

>> No.50521014
File: 163 KB, 1390x1244, FxYXXFPaAAEXCo7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at how cute my wife is

>> No.50521071

>Came from HoloEN because you LITERALLY HAD TO watch everyone to get any sort of entertainment in a day.
But that isn't true, anon. There are tons of HoloJP stream and "Support everyone" is a thing over there, too.
Box-pushing / hako-oshi is a concept much older than Hololive, dating back to the 90s-idol era.
But then
Too bad, no amount of support can help Kiara to incline as long as her voice, infamous reps and most importantly, streaming time remain. Unfortunately, it's hard when people don't see you as a solid part of the box

>> No.50521084

Is it? They make like no money. No streamlabs. SC numbers that are beaten by a lot of Nijis. Sponsorships once every 3 months. Same with merch drops. All they got is ccv which is an empty metric.

>> No.50521226

Good attempt, Holofag. Too dumb to be a convincing Niji fan, though. You might want to pull that back a bit for better falseflagging later

>> No.50521269

Rent free...

>> No.50521273

I never thought people that people would try to lie so blatantly when the link goes directly to the quote. Are you trying to trick people who don't click links or something? Ifi it's a fake quote tell me what the she says in the link.

>> No.50521277

Hmm so catalogfags are supporting and watching notYugo now? That's nice for notyugo lol suddenly you have a bunch of fans that used to be your haters last year

>> No.50521396

If Hololive like 80 billion yen behind Anycolor on profits that means they are making less money

>> No.50521416

The other person who replied is definitely a false flagger but on the same hand they are correct .
To suggest that anybody in Niji doesn't make money is kind of ridiculous when they get offered constant sponsorships, constant convention invites, have access to stream labs, have access to passive sources of income such as merchandise that they don't have to worry about producing or selling and voice packs which take a few minutes to record but end up being worth more in the end percentage-wise than even merchandise is at Hololive.

To put things in perspective, nobody in EN has a job outside of streaming. Even people who are 3views make more money than the average person /here/ I'd wager. There's really just no great alternative to being in a corporation at this moment, even if you don't get a huge boost and viewers from it the perks that come with being in a corporation are just too good to pass up, unless you are already fairly well off but most vtubers aren't.

>> No.50521417

So who might your oshi be, falseflagger?

>> No.50521481

Ike and Pomu, faggot. Now kys.
