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File: 171 KB, 819x228, with females.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50461988 No.50461988 [Reply] [Original]

Female-only offcollabs are so rare in NijiEN they have to be specially titled "with females".

>> No.50462855

And then Luca, that faggot Kyo or Uki fucking ruin it.

>> No.50463095

That's so funny kek. They might as well include (No Trannies!) just to be extra safe.
Kinda based, Nijinigs.

>> No.50464492

>a-a-absolutely no male this time i swear! kek.

>> No.50464600

and then the "bros" join in anyway and make sure to call chat cucks and laugh about it with the girls

>> No.50464689

>and make sure to call chat cucks and laugh about it with the girls
if they dont /vt/ will

>> No.50464839

>Don't know jackshit about Millie
>interpret the title as a anti-male narrative
It's just the bs "fe-fe-females?" joke, Millie risk losing gachikoi fans more than Enna on a daily basis

>> No.50464967

Does anyone other than Kyo and maybe Luca do this?

>> No.50465006

Ironically in this stream Millie does everything she can to bring males in. She almost calls Vox to ask about his dick but is stopped by Nina. She calls out Kyo in the chat to ask about his penis but he quickly leaves. This is NijiEN.

>> No.50465195

How many boys only are there?

>> No.50465936

wtf is wrong with her?

>> No.50466184

The foremost example of this is actually Uki joining Pomu and Finana's offcollab.

>> No.50466851

And that's still makes it only 50% chance that none of males suddenly appear.

>> No.50466950
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it's sad how they have to stress when it's a girls only collab

>> No.50467217

I think Uki did it another time during a GIRLS ONLY Valorant collab. He was only for one game and he was a silent slug as always so I guess its technically "not wrong", but expecting any girls only collabs to actually be girls only collabs in NijiEN is just asking for disappointment. Not even most indies or small corpo chuubas are this shit towards their audience.

>> No.50467457

Uki IRL is a tranny and the girls couldn't tell him to fuck off during Valorant without hurting his feelings

>> No.50467590

Can confirm this happened, Nina was the hero of the day
Im incredibly glad Moona didn't get Millie in, she seems destructive and spiteful and was responsible for that God awful GC stream and enna

>> No.50467692

That sounds so ridiculous and over the top that it's probably bound to be true given the state of NijiEN.

>> No.50467945

Yeah even with this there were still males in the chat kek

>> No.50468224


>> No.50468964

Does anyone have the meme where Maria and Rosemi collab and Luca suddenly appearing out of nowhere

>> No.50469196

To be fair that was fish inviting him, more like the main reason for her going to NY was to hang out with him. Then crybullying Pomu into taking the heat after she already paid for her trip cause she maxed out her CCs on gacha

>> No.50469662
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>> No.50469715

Kek this one never fails to make me laugh. Thanks anon

>> No.50469727

The state of nijien..

>> No.50469850

mysta said he will fuck my oshi, you dont see any clips because luxiemsisters

>> No.50470260

The more I hear about Nina's feats, the more I begin to respect her. Is she one of the few Nijis actually worth watching? I remember /vt/ shitting on her when she first debuted, but was it justified?

>> No.50470345

She's pretty good. I like her. She's not a holier than thou toxic bitch. She's pretty laidback and cool

The worst that you can say about her is that her PL went a little too hard trying to fit in with some annoying SJW bitches.

>> No.50470576

She had issues early to mid 2022 since she was chasing numbers due to collabing with Luxiem, but it makes sense when you realize the real reason why was because she was basically isolated from her wave who basically pretended to be too busy.
Considering how hard Ethyria tried to push NijiUK, her story fits. Now she's back to being the gaming autist she used to be, so she's one of the only ENs worth watching as a result. Plus IIRC she protected Rosemi from being unironically sexually harassed from Enna/Millie during a "girls only offcollab"

>> No.50470757

Its like trigger warning for homos.

>> No.50470863

Didn't you literally just have this thread, where people told you about all the recent female only collabs that were unmarked? And why use an example from 4 months ago?

>> No.50470938

I'm sure it was by their managers command again. "Do it or we'll suspend you."

>> No.50471162


>> No.50471521


>> No.50471683

Bros? our answer?

>> No.50471778

This debunks everything...
Whom are you trying to fool here?

>> No.50471915

they didn't bring it up when obsydia just played outlast trials.
but it was nice to see a niji stream with no boys.

>> No.50471962

Why did you make a thread about a stream that happened 4 months ago?

>> No.50472042

She had quite the baggage from some really dumb shit she said on her RM before joining niji and got flak from all the Luxiem leeching during her early days, but she eventually redeemed herself, specially when it turned out that the reason she collabed so much with Luxiem was because the rest of Ethyra ghosted her because she didn't want to take part on the cliquefaggotry

>> No.50472054

Her pl was the kind that would give you red flags. That said, Nina didn’t act like that at all after her debut, which is a good sign.
I’m pretty sure Nina isn’t any less left-leaning politically or faking it from her past life. She just knows what making good content is about and not to just be a provocative, annoying piece of shit over bullshit principles.

>> No.50472091

At this point if you watch niji girls you are a cuck. No ifs or buts, the only exception is scarle and maybe some of the niji JP girls maybe.

>> No.50472770

She hit "the Wall" and can't stop thinking about men, until someone knocks her up(or worse put a ring on her) she will never stop being a borderline sexual harasser

>> No.50472974

>streamed 4 months ago

>> No.50473114

Nina and scarle are too fucking good for niji EN
I'm sorry for nina that she had to endure being ignored and essentially bullied by the whore clique.

>> No.50473487

Eh, fuck 'em. No one in their right mind would want to hang with Enna unless they're too blinded by yellow fever anyway

>> No.50476180

The main reason she went there was a mihoyo event she was invited to.

>> No.50476436

Well I didn't wanna talk about the REAL real reason she went cause I'm trying to catch less vacations these days

>> No.50476674

I think the bigger point is that leaving out Nina is one of the traits that contributes to Enna being such a bitch. These things aren’t disconnected. Being the kind of person who would include your other genmates in stuff would also make you less likely to be such a shitty person to be around.

>> No.50476710

She said on stream that she went to a Honkai event.

>> No.50476781

I don't understand how Enna became the biggest NijiEN female.

>> No.50476847

She's fine when she streams solo, it's like being in a group (as small as 2 people including herself) makes her retardation flare like crazy.

>> No.50476984

women think she sings good
that is literally it
I dont know why but I've talked to some before and they all give that same reason. Whether they want to copy her singing or something I dont know.

>> No.50477007

She's Andrew Tate/Jordan Peterson/Elon Musk for girls, they go "omg she's nihilistic and bitchy and "cool" just like me" + singing + yellow fever.

>> No.50477017

No one does, it's legit a mystery.

>> No.50477130

>Jordan Peterson
That guy's pretty well-educated and I've never heard him say anything offensive though, Enna's just a brat

>> No.50477208

Is she that fat

>> No.50477209

Brats are cute tho. Enna is just a bitch.

>> No.50477281

Enna is super cute

>> No.50477330

Her model is cute but as a person she's awful and her voice is offensively gross.

>> No.50477385

I don't think you watch Enna

>> No.50477430

Because of her covers she is always getting an influx of people.

>> No.50477511

not for nijicucks

>> No.50477577

He just has oversimplified takes and makes smoothbrained imbeciles think he’s a genius. “Get your shit together and find a purpose in life” is not that mindblowing a revelation. He just delivers it in a way that retarded young men eat up because most people who say it can’t hide the fact that they think young male NEETs are worthless.
Same with Enna. “A lot of vtuber viewers are schizos and think their oshi actually cares about them” is not that mindblowing a take. She just delivers it in a way retarded young femcels eat up because most people who say that still think femcels are worthless.

>> No.50477657

>she protected Rosemi from being unironically sexually harassed from Enna/Millie during a "girls only offcollab"
Anyone have a clip or timestamp of this?

>> No.50477740

I don't watch her because she's awful and I know she's awful because I have watched her enough.
She's very boring and uninteresting, her humor is cringe, kind of an annoying narcissist and I wouldn't say she's a sociopath but she seems heartless, and in collabs she's just an annoying pain in the ass that makes the experience less joyful to everyone.
And her voice is very annoying and gross, it's just painful, like watching an ugly fat girl trying to be slutty and sexy and it just makes you want to puke instead.

>> No.50477851

Ok sure, we'll leave it at that.

>> No.50477872

she was pretty funny, but that was before kyogate

>> No.50477929

She wasn't funny even when she debuted.

>> No.50478033

Absolutely small dick energy OP

>> No.50478226

The irony is, if Enna tried to be more like herself (which usually sucks and makes people leave), she’d be way more bearable to watch. Her persona and the reason so many femanons watch her is just as insufferable and fake as the fake-as-shit persona so many GFE vtubers use. It’s just in the opposite direction.
Of course, GFE is way more popular than “bad bitch” experience, so you can at least see why so many do the former. Enna’s insecurities cripple her appeal say more than they have to.

>> No.50478321

It's about the Ryan Gosling "omg literally me but successful!!!!" appeal

>> No.50479218

Millie is unironically the worst nijiwhore

>> No.50485759

So what's the over under on one of them showing up anyway?

>> No.50486168
File: 187 KB, 846x305, EnnaElira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cries about no "female only" collabs
>proceeds to not watch them

>> No.50486411

>no Selen, Rosemi nor Pomu
>not even Nina
No, thanks. I'd rather watch Sayu

>> No.50486735

>>>>>>>>>Uki actually joined

>> No.50486765

>open stream
>Uki is there
sister, I've never seen a post age so badly

>> No.50486877

>female collab
>Uki shows up
Like pottery

>> No.50486893
File: 299 KB, 624x571, 1671861186276049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the fact that they're split between multiple POVs, beyond the fact that it's a shitty game like Valorant, its more of a reflection of how many male viewers that the branch has lost over the span of a year, that they don't trust the talents at all.
And rightfully so because fucking Uki is there for no reason, providing nothing of value with commentary like "SHIT, FUCK". Some "Girls night", huh.

>> No.50487198

I remember /vt/ told me that millie was the purest nijiEN

>> No.50487210

I almost feel bad for the sisters and hit they just can't stop losing

>> No.50487288

whoa, how much of an old fag are you?

>> No.50487297

Is he even playing the game with them, or just sitting in the voice chat being a distraction?

>> No.50487499

He's playing the game with them but he shouldn't be there for a "girls only" collab. Her adds nothing of value since he mostly says one word a minute and you can easily recognize him when he talks with a stereotypical gay lisp.

>> No.50487718

Can't even hold a single simple rule for a stream, this is your nijisanji girls

>> No.50488111

He's playing. It's always fucking Uki too, he's crashed multiple Valorant streams before by asking in their youtube chat "HEY CAN I JOIN"

>> No.50488369

I don’t care about Uki joining because of him. He likes Valorant and isn’t nearly as bad as a lot of the males in that company.
I get irritated about this because you know the girls couldn’t get away with crashing a males only stream. The entire corpo is structured around catering to the nijisisters and not pissing them off, but apparently doing that for the male fans is pandering to parasocial fucks?
Be consistent. Either shit on anyone who barges in when they’re not supposed to or tell the female fans they’re parasocial fucks too.

>> No.50488571

They killed all genuine goodwill for new viewers that could give them a chance

>> No.50489767

Do they have any choice on this or is it just that they don't care about the dude joining?

>> No.50489878

Too late, I already gave up on Nijisanji EN a while back. There are no second chances with these kinds of things. You have one chance to not sabotage yourself as an entertainer.

>> No.50490372

At this point, who cares? It’s clearly policy, implicit or explicit, that male fans of the girls are second class fans and that it’s okay to do this kind of spiteful shit over and over again. Hell it’s been clear for almost a year now. At some point you’re just being a glutton for punishment if you stick around.

>> No.50493003


>> No.50494444

Yeah, nijifans got cucked again

>> No.50494697
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>> No.50495548
File: 459 KB, 535x716, 1666249290611067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi surrounded by unhinged perverts makes for gold content.

>> No.50498861

As a frequent-flying tourist, the board's average tier list seems to be approximately:
Pomu tier: Pomu
Would be Pomu tier except for the Apex menhera: Selen
Dindu nuffin tier: Elira, Rosemi, Nina, Scarle
Niche interest tier: Petra, Aia, Millie
And then everyone else.

>> No.50498904

Didn't nina leech of luxiem for months? Is she trying to redeem herself or what?

>> No.50499723

Huh. Mind blown.

>> No.50499771

>female only collab

>> No.50499997

Only schizos unironically talk about "leeching" on a regular basis. Doesn't even matter that it's true, it's just expected.

>> No.50500431

How is he not a literal retard? Years back when he first got popular for refusing to go along with the pronouns nonsense he seemd cool, but at this point he's just a hateful braindamaged bigot.

>> No.50500605

>with females
>invites aster
No refunds.

>> No.50500648

Is there to get his pp energy recharged.
Is there to shit on aloupeeps some more.
Is supposedly a homo but you know what they say about guys who are 'just friends'.

>> No.50500698

Nina is the one they thought would be the big problem and then she turned out to be pretty normal, it's the rest of them who can't stop sperging out. Except reimu, since she's just there.

>> No.50500948

>Nina is the one they thought would be the big problem and then she turned out to be pretty normal
Same thing with Kiara. Somehow these naturally hardcore political types manage to get it through their heads to not bring in politics/drama better than those who you'd think were more ambivalent.

>> No.50501127
File: 241 KB, 862x862, IMG_7040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I could rescue Rosemi from this fucking company.

>> No.50501212

I swear from all the shit I hear, Flip women are the absolute biggest whores on this planet it's insane. How do their men even cope with this? Was Islam losing there actually a bad thing?

>> No.50501369

It's not just on the women, they were raised to be sluts; from the time they're 13 they're getting fucked by every neighbor, cousin, teacher, uncle, upperclassmen etc. Any flip girl you meet has taken miles and miles of brown pencil dick

>> No.50501753

She‘d never abandon Luca

>> No.50502030
File: 379 KB, 1280x415, 1654641774496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't worry, he's totally not bi!

>> No.50502367

Yeah well as it turns out even when it's specially titled it still isn't true

>> No.50504529

why aren't niji girls allowed to do CGDCT if they want?
JP never had this problem, they've always had girl groups with zero male interactions (Toko, Chima etc.)

>> No.50504544

She can leave anytime she wants, hell with the examples and Yugo and zaion set she'll probably be better off

>> No.50504768

Elira‘s clique hates CGDCT and they basically run the show

>> No.50505446
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>> No.50505556

kek, based

>> No.50505600

Ewww lesbos

>> No.50505672

she's the biggest whore in nijien but she's mature enough to know how to act on stream

>> No.50505790

Why are you incels getting assblasted about it being misinformation? You were never going to watch them, it wasn't catered to you, so you weren't given false information. The ones who actually watch them don't mind if a planned collab has some changes due to unforeseeable circumstances. You don't get to pretend you're doing some morally correct thing; you just want another reason to shit on niji.

>> No.50506176

At first I wanted to say "Shut up, Enna.", but then I realized this autism sounds more like Elira. Please fuck off either way.

>> No.50506255

Kill yourself
Elira actually appreciates her fans and would never write something like that

>> No.50506281

Give us a timestamp then

>> No.50506331
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>> No.50506358

> Elira actually appreciates her fans
Yes, of course she does.

>> No.50507070

Become a phase conect gen 3 member
t. not dizzy

>> No.50508503

>You were never going to watch them, it wasn't catered to you
I mean you're not wrong. My question is if it's catered to anyone in general. Who exactly is even the target audience?

>> No.50508974

people who aren't mentally ill shitposters on /vt/

>> No.50509134

>aia joins boys-only collab

>> No.50510448

She's one of the better niji girls thats for sure. Stop wasting your time on the other lowly runts

>> No.50510561

Too fucking late now dont you think?
All the viewers left a long time ago because they kept cucking cucked, you want them to COME BACK?

>> No.50510784

Oh wow it's another
>teehee girls only!

>> No.50510980

Fortuneteller, tell me what you see

>> No.50511454

What, 99.99999% of the general population? Why aren't they getting billions of views then?

>> No.50511504

It's kind of obvious isn't it? For niji did you really not see this coming? It's just the norm.
>omg girls night! No boys allowed!
>They then get either one or several males on stream to hang out
but every time without fail

>> No.50512911

Does it even matter?

>> No.50513635

I would appreciate people too if they gave me money for sitting in front of a camera and playing JRPGs all day. Doesn't mean she shows her fans any goodwill or respects their wishes at all

>> No.50513845

She already follows Dizzy and Ember on Twitter, maybe they can offer her freedom.

>> No.50515412

I wonder what her relationship with them is like, considering their history

>> No.50515576
File: 341 KB, 1170x1119, 1683953419447265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how very convinent

>> No.50515799

>Doctor hort

>> No.50516121
File: 178 KB, 1080x907, 1685507973455181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese sisters are built differently

>> No.50517903

wasn't this late at night though?

>> No.50518072

Why does Elira still think it was a Valorant game with the girls? She considers Uki one of them?

>> No.50518682

Oh this is such bullshit kek. What, did management tell her to drop out of the collab because Uki wanted in instead?

>> No.50519082

Nina is a turbo whore and super political in real life, but is apparently the only girl in NijiEN who is intelligent enough to keep her stream persona and real life separate. The rest of the branch could learn some fucking professionalism from her

>> No.50519333

Literally nothing is going to happen or change if you don't complain or send in super chats about how guys are invading streams and false advertisement. For example, there isn't a single negative response to this tweet >>50518072 and there is only one single comment about it under Elira's vod.
Complaints from last year are what stopped the majority of impromptu collabs. You can actually stop this if you put in effort and make your voice heard where they can see it. Spamming here in the catalog isn't going to change anything.

>> No.50519710

hmm today i'm gonna watch a "FEMALES" "OFF COLLAB" stream surely nothing can go wrong

>> No.50523754


>> No.50525556

Why would I want to change it, the whole point is to enjoy watching the shitshow.

>> No.50525616

Can Hololive faggots leave already.

>> No.50526415

You're on the Holoboard. Welcome

>> No.50528491

ember is literally her ex genmate and dizzy is her ex manager

>> No.50528597

the nijisanji business model. stay relevant by generating drama

>> No.50529859

That’s exactly why they should offer her freedom, can’t be any fucking worse than being part in Nijisanji EN. Hell in terms of viewership, Dizzy and Ember aren’t that far behind Rosemi at this point.
