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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50471574 No.50471574 [Reply] [Original]

Did you cry at her graduation?

>> No.50471658

I didn't watch it dayo

>> No.50471679

of fucking course i did retard

>> No.50471711

No, a little bummed. I think any grown man who cries over a vtuber needs to seek help or start lifting

>> No.50471746

No. I only cry when they cry.

>> No.50471750

I don't cry in general, but I was pretty down.

>> No.50471766

No, I knew she was just going to transition to being a full-time Twitch reactor.

>> No.50471855

I didnt, overdosed on copium instead expecting her to return in a new form and thankfully this time the copium served it's purpose of keeping me positive until it happened.

>> No.50471859

No, because I knew she'd be back soon. Graduations only matter if it's an indie graduating, otherwise you're simping for a corporation instead of an entertainer.

>> No.50472053

I coomed

>> No.50473168


>> No.50474057

What's the full story?
Was the Harry potter incident a cover to transition to Vshojo or pika got convinced by Kson to not quit?

>> No.50474208

i think if you thought she was actually going away forever, you might be retarded or a tourist or hadnt watched her except for a few clips

>> No.50474328

Imagine being a snob

>> No.50474398

Who is this?

>> No.50474573
File: 248 KB, 1200x1100, henya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The announcement made me quite angry. Knowing that the Hogwarts bullshit stopped her streaming longer as her.
I'll never forgive her for quitting just to be a vshojo whore with such an unnecessary boob window. Joining the same company as the one who promoted her harassment, I can't deal with that.
At least I can watch Jelly Hoshiumi for kettle noises now though.

>> No.50474615

pika wanted to go corpo because she wanted to do things like 3D that gyari couldnt provide, talks to kson and convinced to go to vshojo, agrees to wrap shit up amicably with gyari after the cafe, retarded wizard game thing happens, announce graduation and final streams
hogwarts had no effect on her leaving, but obviously kson had to give pika a quick TLDR on shit like that based on that 'not really acknowledging the incident but kinda' comment henya made on stream like "my first language is japanese and i dont really know western culture super well so please be patient with me.

>> No.50474637

She was poached by kson but the Hogwarts bullshit certainly had a part to play in it. But she agreed to join before Hogwarts happened. Apparently she doesn't even look at twitter at someone at vshojo looks at everything to send to her.

>> No.50474690

No, everyone with brain know she will join vkek

>> No.50474731

Thanks for the update

>> No.50474770

No, because I didn't care, and actively made fun of catalogfags who tricked themselves into thinking they did. Now I laugh at them even harder after they turned on her for "changing" despite being literally the exact same as always.

>> No.50474771

She graduated??

>> No.50474798

no, she sold out to vshitshow

>> No.50474852

No because she intentionally tried to make it as non emotional as possible. I tuned in because Pika brought me into the fold for vtubers but I stopped watching her when she moved to twitch and segregated her english streams there. I remember her saying she wasn't just going to stream there all the time but I saw it coming from a mile away.

>> No.50474948

why is it always phasefags

>> No.50475036

No, I laughed at the ones that did.

>> No.50475158

Only dramaniggers would do that and even then it wasn't sincerely since they only cared using her as "matyr" to attack trannies.

>> No.50475216
File: 251 KB, 1264x810, newkettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but she's back. She was just switching teams.

>> No.50475374

Hogwarts was a convenient excuse to cheat Gyari out of work because of "emotional distress".

>> No.50475417

Trannies deserve the rope.
And learn to spell, faggot.

>> No.50475498

Good, he deserved it for being denied Pikamee 3d for years.

>> No.50475614

>excuse to cheat Gyari out of work
GYARI doesnt care

>> No.50475718

no. i could see the writing on the wall. i knew she'd do what she went on to do.

>> No.50475740

It's not like that he couldn't provide but more like he's being stubborn retard and insist to do everything by himself.

>> No.50475974

Pikamee? My silly hafu daughter
Henya? My funny sweaty neet daughter

>> No.50476058

i would watch nupika but fuck i cannot stand twitch
how do i stop twitch ads with ublock origin, theyre the only ads that get through

>> No.50476065

She had most likely been planning to leave since December or January, perhaps earlier. She wanted to do bigger vtuber stuff (mainly 3D, release music, merch, shit like that) that she was unable to do at VOMS because her character was owned by someone else who wanted to have a lot of control over those things. It was a hard decision and made her really depressed which is why her streaming was so sporadic around that time.

The Harry Potter intendent, however, made her even more depressed, to the point where she went radio silent for a whole month. It wasn't what she graduated over, but if you do a bit of connecting the dots of things she has described as well as how her friends were talking about her, it probably made her come pretty close to quitting vtubing altogether.

>> No.50476218

No. I feel stupid for even watching it.

>> No.50476370

Didn't watch it because I didn't care.

>> No.50476622

Did you even see how the stream ended? There was no tearful farewell or anything like that. She just said bye bye a lot while laughing and didn't even sound down. Watching her stuff get erased after the stream ended was more sad than the actual graduation. It was obvious she'd be coming back

>> No.50477278

I have ublock origin and purple ads blocker (and opera ad blocker) and I don't get ads, very rarely I'll just get a couple seconds of one that gets cut short

>> No.50477512
File: 27 KB, 333x253, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sit in her chat afk for a while, She has a ton of oil barons who like to drop a shitton of gift subs. So it's very likely you'll get hit.
>pic related. Oil barons.

>> No.50477659

it's absolutely bullshit she got her content nuked just to join vshojo and exclusively stream on twitch

>> No.50477676

i cried more when i found out she was joining vshitshow

>> No.50480124

Now I coom at her

>> No.50480380

No because I knew she was gonna come back in vshojo

>> No.50480490

Cry more cause you were never a real fan cause if you were that wouldn’t matter to you

>> No.50480586

This shit should be illegal desu
Imagine if a sports player said”I’m retiring from —-“ and then joining up with a different team not even 2 weeks later

>> No.50480676

Sports players don't have to sign retarded contracts and NDAs that require them to retire their old name and identity before joining a new team. If they did, we would be seeing the same shit constantly.

>> No.50480940

Thing is saying
I’m leaving Live2D company
I’m graduating from vtubing
Affect their fans in a very obvious way

>> No.50481014

Henya>>>Pika anyway, so it all worked out.

>> No.50481156

>Thing is saying
I’m leaving Live2D company
I’m graduating from vtubing
Affect their fans in a very obvious way
Pika literally, LITERALLY, never, NOT ONCE said she was graduating from vtubing. She even made fun of graduations during her graduation stream, saying that all it really meant is that she was quitting her job, talked about how much streaming meant to her, and ended the last stream with "See you soon"

If you want to complain about something, try to at least complain about something that actually happened and not your fever dreams.

>> No.50481234

no i was at work

>> No.50481313

That does happen in sports. Sean Payton is a coach, but he retired, took a few years off, and now is signed with the Broncos. Right now everyone is expecting Tom Brady to come out of retirement and sign with the Raiders.

>> No.50481327

>crying at any graduations when most of them will reincarnate in 3 months tops
rumao even
so far out of 8 chuubas i watched regularly that graduated only 1 still mia ; ;

>> No.50481373

>tom brady
that nigga gonna be in a wheelchair in the endzone at this rate

>> No.50481575

I liked her but rarely ever watched her outside of collabs she was in.

I remember watching her play the GTA remasters & Ironmouse's SOTD chatshow thats about it.

Henya is great though, I've watched most of her streams so far. I missed out by not watching Pika more

>> No.50481588

You nonce
Literally announces that she’s graduating instead of leaving VOMS
She made no effort to say that she still planned on streaming

>> No.50481983


Probably due to her contract, she can't make it too obvious that she's going to re-emerge under a new IP soon.S

>> No.50482365

Graduation is the retirement of the CHARACTER you retard, it has literally never implied that the girl in the background will never stream again. Also, she said "See you soon!" at the end of her graduation stream. Anyone who actually thought she was never going to stream again should be removed from the genepool for the betterment of the human race.

>> No.50482537

can't cry if i wasn't at it.

>> No.50482803

I cried at her debut because of ugly she was, jesus christ gyari doesn't know how to draw.

>> No.50482813


>> No.50482894

No because she didn't seem sad and I was suspicious that she might be back.

>> No.50484109

Brett Favre did it. Twice. So did Tom Brady.

>> No.50485117

Only time I've ever gotten emotional over vtuber shit was watching Kiara watch the 'first year' fan video during her day after birthday celebration. Seeing her react to herself from the start and confronting her issues head on, hearing her give an involuntary wimper and mute her mic for a second while she watched a clip of herself talking about her fears for her career, the acceptance she finally felt she had, and her gratefulness for her fans to like her for who she was got me.

>> No.50487696

I'm going to pull a comparison to Terry Funk because pro wrestling and vtubing are similar and that guy's "retired" from wrestling on at least 8 separate occasions. The first one being in 1983, and the last one being in 2017

>> No.50488197

No I had work so I left the frame open to give a view and a like as a signal of tacit support.

>> No.50490155

never said i was a huge fan
only started watching her a few months ago, thought she would be a cool vtchuba to keep up with.
but then she graduated and joined that shitass company. all the interest i had on her was throw out of the window. if she is doing good or bad i coudlnt care less

>> No.50490658

The only graduation I cried during was Coco's. I hope I never accidentally help anyone that was involved with causing that bullshit, because that would be bullshit.

>> No.50490808

>started watching her a few months ago
when? she stopped streaming regularly between november and her graduation

>> No.50490821
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i didn't go. if it werent for the conversial circumstances and polcucks spamming the board, you wouldn't have either. you DO remember how she had been going menhera over the last months prior to the incident?
this is the same girl that switched to a mediocre model, got angry at the meh replies then took some DM and had a breakdown?
finally, she's an icon for EN not JP

>> No.50491115


>> No.50492731

>making shit up on a basket weaving forum for kicks
sad life desu

>> No.50493099

You tribalfags are the worst, get out of your hug box

>> No.50496562

>Joining the same company as the one who promoted her harassment
How? Because Froot said her infamous everyone mistakes? that's all?

>> No.50498632

nah, it was pretty obvious that she was going to another corpo, but i wasnt expecting her to be stupid enough to let kson groom her.

>> No.50498759

How did you get it so wrong? She ended up overwhelmingly doing game streaming.

>> No.50498831

I feel bad for company tribalfags that can't just enjoy vtubers.
