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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50444085 No.50444085 [Reply] [Original]


How pumped are you, /vt/? What are your hopes and dreams?

>> No.50444117

Those jews already had a 2nd gen.

>> No.50444118

Ehh didn't they already debut already last week.

>> No.50444178

the event tomorrow is just their announcement trailer, and their actual debuts will happen at the end of June.

>> No.50444201

What sort of CCV can we expect for the debuts? 50k? 60k? Rin really made idol pop off in recent months.

>> No.50444215

Buy the ad, please.

>> No.50444312

buy an ad

>> No.50444317

idk i just want entertaining chuubas :)

>> No.50444335

Fifth post is best post

>> No.50444434
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Inevitable 3views should just give up now instead of wasting everyone's time, particular their own's.

>> No.50444962

Better than PRISM's new trio that's already on their way to two view status. I swear the frog is wasted on sony.

>> No.50445515

Dont care about blacked company

>> No.50445597


>> No.50445653

Isnt it funny how the kike shills are so desperately trying to hide the 3 graduations of their failing company
This is the 3rd gen, not 2nd

>> No.50447690

Hopes and dreams? Victory for Palestine I suppose.

>> No.50448296
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>> No.50448330

This is the ad

>> No.50448464

It was impressive how little impression they made.
I'm sure they'll be saved by the male vtubers they're going to debut.

>> No.50448802

Will they stream unlike half of the current idolEN

>> No.50449188

>3view is bad
Only for big corpos who are supposed to be at the top of the industry.

>> No.50450675

has she though? rin herself is popular, but i haven't it seen it carry over to any of the other girls. like i'm an avid watcher of wanmaru, and she's been pretty consistent before and after rin did her shorts popularity gathering.
which sucks since i feel like wanmaru is the best hire but she's mogged by yuko and rin. do people not like dog girls? is her cute accent actually a debuff? she isn't as meme material as yuko or as energetic as rin, but wanmaru is ridiculously comfy

>> No.50451671

Rin and Yuko's success was an accident and their managements sucks when it comes to other girls.
it will be a same success as HE.

>> No.50453356

$50 on one of the girls doing a short mentioning Gura within the first month.

>> No.50453418

Sure, streaming for a donothon on their first month

>> No.50455145



>> No.50455238

It the same day next week

>> No.50455276

Bro they announced it on Mat 1st it's so annoying having to wait this long.

>> No.50455372

Enjoy watching your soulless chuubas

>> No.50455378

You waited this long what is one more week

>> No.50455418

Enjoy watching your streamers who don't streams and hate their fans Holofag

>> No.50455544

Why are you projecting?

>> No.50455569

idol has more soul than any other corpo retard

>> No.50455630

not gonna lie it's kinda funny lmao

>> No.50455674

And a member didn't take weeks off after their pet died

>> No.50455687

5 hours, 33 replies. lmao IdolEN is dead.

>> No.50455739

Have you ever considered where Idol Corp gets it's funding from? Do you really think a no-name startup like Idol can afford to spend the money Aviel is just throwing away? It's is obvious that Aviel sells the souls of his Chuubas to MOLOCH.

>I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
-Revelation 2:9

You are supporting a SATANIC organization.

>> No.50455850


>> No.50456012 [DELETED] 

But enough about idol. The only time those whores stream is for donothons or leeching in collabs. And loving their fans? Yuko the nigger fucker that cancels streams to go get fucked by her nigger boyfriend? Yeah i am sure she loves her fans, maybe if you are a nigger. Are you a nigger anon? You think you got a chance to fuck her just because you are a nigger?

>> No.50456052

retard take

>> No.50456108

You denying it won't change the TRUTH

>> No.50456114

How much of a Hololive boot licker that you hate any corps that not Hololive

>> No.50456122

unlike cuck connect, you cant find one evidence for your nigger fanfic

>> No.50456143

Please open a window in your room the stagnant air is not good for your brain and mental faculties.

>> No.50456197

Maybe you shills need to coordinate better and stick to 1 target to deflect. And good job not even denying it but lashing out at others

>> No.50456303

Bro can you hook me up? I wouldn't mind making some shekels while shitposting.

>> No.50456445

Pochi is cute, that is true. But you're comparing her to Rin, the walking rape material and Yuko, the cunny. Pochi also did take a long ass break, like a month or so, maybe that's when she lost monumentum?

Anyway, Dog was the best of them, but I dropped her in the end too, but only after some bullshit stream with donos and sandwiches.

>> No.50456646

you sound called out

>> No.50456675

but enough about holoEN

>> No.50457221

Am I crazy or this is 5 cunny designs? idol is just too based

>> No.50457273

Damn this is retarded no one cares about muh trailer, just debut

>> No.50457327

>On a weekday

>> No.50457535

Shit they do nonHolos? Or is this an edit?

>> No.50457614

Because it would've been on one if it wasn't delayed

>> No.50457673

something Jews >implying something

>> No.50457677


>> No.50457837

>based Moloch is the reason why we get more vtubers
Sounds like a cool guy to me.

>> No.50459869


it was pushed back
now it's coming out on the 07

>> No.50460555

Phase and Kawaii pro should both merge with Idol

>> No.50460583

Wow just a week

>> No.50460937

the jew can sense the impending EN3 announcement

>> No.50461302


>> No.50461365

previous ones flopped, so I don't think.

>> No.50461978 [DELETED] 

Stop shill bumping and shitting up the board you fucking Jews.

>> No.50462781

One of them is Beatani.
t. inner circle.

>> No.50463335


>> No.50463931

Rin is growing faster than all of HoloEN

>> No.50463988

>faster than negative

>> No.50464185

mhm more lolis... IDOL knows what people want

>> No.50464710

Small corpos merging and becoming one of the big corpos sounds cool

>> No.50466399

I dreamed about it last night when I also met her in Japan.
I later met Haachama and Haachama later introduced me to Hoshikawa, at which point I had a threesome with Haachama and Hoshikawa.

>> No.50468296

Lolis are the future of vtubing.

>> No.50470517

When money is on the line, I can trust israel to actually try and do whats right.

>> No.50471536
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>You are supporting a SATANIC organization.

>> No.50475992


>> No.50476208

I'm hoping for one particular reincarnation otherwise I don't really care about idolEN
Why is the corpo called idol anyway when all their chuubas have those chibi loli models and none of them behave like idols?

>> No.50477563

I don't read books, nor care about souls
they stream and that's what matter

>> No.50477643

Keep in mind the deadline was just to reveal them + trailer not their debut

>> No.50477737

What did Phase invader get? Around there.

>> No.50477878

Who are you hoping to see reincarnated? I'm hoping for Blair Labri.

>> No.50478229

>What are your hopes and dreams?
Victory for Palestine
