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50450487 No.50450487 [Reply] [Original]

She's objectively a better and kinder person than you will ever be.

>> No.50450555
File: 173 KB, 1156x1248, 224DB9DD-1310-4DD4-BDC9-DC09D9B1F996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I improved myself and realized that her condescending attitude was dragging me down. My new oshi loves and respects me, however.

>> No.50450562

Ogey. And?

>> No.50450589

>>improve yourself
>>gura you bitch!!!
>>insert any time shes sick of her fans .. yeah im sure she's lovely , the nicest and kindest surely...

>> No.50450605

No chance of that.

>> No.50450639

lmao you must be joking

>> No.50450643

>literally called her co-worker a bitch

>> No.50450704

>better than me

>> No.50450710

Kinder to homos perhaps

>> No.50450735

I am yet to hurt thousand of peoples feelings due to ego

>> No.50450759

>"she called her friend a bitch once over a game so that cancels out all good will from all the times she did something nice for her!"
frailest chuds around, no wonder you guys are friendless losers

>> No.50450763

Latin whores are some of the most vile snakes out there, you must be fucking joking.

>> No.50450806

Kanata will have sex with her fans again.
Upaotomos are so lucky...

>> No.50450812

you are yet to do anything to thousands of people because of your insignificance, don't get it wrong

>> No.50450891

I missed the memo where it said I had to be kind to anyone.

>> No.50450912
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Id like to remind everyone that its been almost 2 years since Ame did her charity stream and raised $250,000 for animal shelters, $15,000 from her own pocket. The only reason she did this was to try out a fund raising website because the other ENs were interested in also doing charity streams. To date no other EN has done a charity stream.

>> No.50450924

that explains a lot about you yeah

>> No.50450947

yeah it does, good people can't do bad things. Even if she did it once, she's not a good person.

>> No.50450989
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As long as my oshi loves her, she'll have my support.

>> No.50450998

She's mean to her fans on the regular.

>> No.50451010

And? Your point has yet to scathe.

>> No.50451042

Kek , retard if shes like that ON stream shes way worse when shes not streaming

>> No.50451045

this is one of the most retarded things I've ever read on this site and that's saying something. please tell me you're being ironic.

>> No.50451046

The only people who fall for le charity meme are gullible retards and evil people who want to make themselves look better.

>> No.50451067


>> No.50451094

>le charity meme
this says a lot about your character

>> No.50451131

The charity scam where essentially nobody knows where the money ended up yeah, shes not a good person

>> No.50451147

are you fucking serious

>> No.50451148

How are you gonna say "le" anything and call someone else a retard in the same sentence? Don't you have any sort of self awareness?

>> No.50451205

I am, give me a proper answer instead of acting like a retarded twitterfag

>> No.50451218

>what is post irony

>> No.50451220

you don't even know the platform it was donated through and yet you try to say something like the uninformed retard that you are, out of spite for someone you know nothing about for god knows what reason. you are the actual evil person here.

>> No.50451247

I do think she's kinda of a bitch to her fans, but I'll still take her contrarian spite over the people who think of their fans as pathetic loser ATM's (Ina and Gura)

>> No.50451252

Kek this cope

>> No.50451261

>I'm not a murderer, I only killed one person

>> No.50451272

Who are you quoting you literal retard? Just stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.50451314

the notion that good people don't do bad things is so fucking retarded that by that definition there's literally no good people in the world or even in fiction. are you a literal toddler?

>> No.50451365

i accept your concession, you evil scumbag

>> No.50451393

The whole concept of evil and good is retarded , people arent black and white , well i mean some are but thats another story

>> No.50451403

Good is the absence of evil. How can you call a person who commits evil acts good?

>> No.50451410

Kinder? Maybe
>Lets her aunt and brother basically drain her bank account every month
Lol no

>> No.50451422
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>> No.50451430

Only if you define "bad things" as something completely retarded.

>> No.50451432

Kill yourself, retards

>> No.50451452

you mean like

>> No.50451454

Yeah sure keep telling that to yourself retard , you dont belong here , go back from whatever trashpile you came from

>> No.50451461

>no arguments

>> No.50451483

you don't belong anywhere, that's why you've convinced yourself you belong here with these social rejects. but the truth is, you don't belong here either.

>> No.50451514 [SPOILER] 
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>no arguments

>> No.50451525

She makes more money than i do, i'll give her that.

>> No.50451528

I personally meant the parts where she's mean to her fanbase, but that moment was rather mean spirited as well.

>> No.50451548

not after I improved myself

>> No.50451562

>Only if you define "bad things" as something completely retarded.

>> No.50451568

A kind and understanding person wouldn't do any of those things
she showed over and over again that she's a spiteful person and has a short temper.

>> No.50451587

Nah im right at home here , you're trying to fit a square block into a round hole , i mean it you retard literally dont belong here , nobody is gonna let you force your retarded shit down their throat , have some fucking self awareness

>> No.50451625

This anon gets it

>> No.50451628

except she's shown kindness and understanding on a much greater scale than moments of losing her temper briefly in a small way over something trivial.

>> No.50451652

Gura deserved it. She was a bitch.

>> No.50451658

I'm sure that's why they don't hang out anymore.

>> No.50451659

No shit, anon. It's not surprising because the bari s so low. The sorts of people who'd respond to a random catalog shit post on /vt/ are pretty universally unlikeable sociopaths whose only joy on life is slagging other people in the hopes they feel a picosecond of joy and thrill from it. Myself included.

>> No.50451673

you don't know me

>> No.50451679

>im right at home here
This argument has gotten incredibly pathetic.

>> No.50451684

they were hanging out irl barely a month ago

>> No.50451694

Why did you came back Ameschizo??? Again with the "charity scam"??


Your response?? Ofc like always is gonna deflect to other thing or escape like a little bitch to make another thread as always

>> No.50451709

which again brings us to my original post, it's impossible for a kind person to be rude
being kind sometimes doesn't make you a kind person

>> No.50451710
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>> No.50451741

>it's impossible for a kind person to be rude
you have an incredibly retarded perception of people. no wonder you're a social reject.

>> No.50451843

you still have no arguments
what makes a person good or kind then? is being nice to people and doing acts of charity enough? if that was the case all politicians and rich people would be considered nice, but they're not

>> No.50451862

absolutism is a logical fallacy and doesn't deserve an argument, you retard

>> No.50451865

He's just pretending to be retarded because being annoying on 4chan is the only way he knows how to socialize with people anymore.

>> No.50451892

Im not breaking containment you faggot , only a dilated troon would post on twitter, dont visit a site where cencorship is almost nonexistant if you cant handle people speaking their mind if you're so fragile

>> No.50451933

you have brainrot

>> No.50451938

Who’s the more cucked fanbase? The Teamates or kronies?

>> No.50451958


>> No.50451975

Well since you have no argument i guess i declare him the winner

>> No.50451989

you didn't answer my question

>> No.50452000

I'm white and she isn't.
Kindness is weakness and weakness must be stamped out.

>> No.50452013

anger issues and too bull headed to build good working relationships with people. ame unironically needs to improve herself.

>> No.50452049

you are the definition of weakness.

>> No.50452080

why does being mean or losing your temper occasionally make you bad and unkind? answer this without resorting to absolutes.

>> No.50452085

Gura was 100% deserved to be called a bitch there and it's a testament to Ame's restraint that she hasn't done it more frequently.
Gura's thought process on doing things is "Will it be funny" and never "Will people be hurt by my actions"

>> No.50452154

Why should he ? you're not answering him either and he asked first

>> No.50452176

because if he literally can't answer without using a logical fallacy then there is no discussion to be held and i don't want to commit

>> No.50452221

Kronies know to expect a collab with Vesper every month
Teamates forever live in anxiety of the next looming homocollab when Ame thinks teamates are getting too comfortable
It's quite neck and neck

>> No.50452257

You are resorting to absolutes yourself. I didn't say not being kind makes you a bad person

>> No.50452284

>yeah it does, good people can't do bad things. Even if she did it once, she's not a good person.

>> No.50452292

Self awareness nigga you're the one not giving him an answer because you have none , and yet you demand him to answer without delivering yours

>> No.50452337

not being a good person doesn't make you a bad person, you're resorting to absolutes

>> No.50452342

you're the fucking /pol/ brainrot retard aren't you? go back to screaming about troons and fuck off

>> No.50452384

so what is she then? neither a good person nor a bad person? if she does mostly good things but did a bad thing once she's not good?

>> No.50452421

>Gura deserved it. She was a bitch.
What I find interesting is that Gura has never said a bad word or implied anything of the sort with Ame. Doesn't talk much about her anymore, but when she does, it's like she is smiling when doing so.
As Fauna said, you don't want to meet your heroes. We only see the side they show us. When in reality they are normal people; good and bad. Ame may show more of herself than others, but I'll trust Gura's judgment in character.

>> No.50452489

>Doesn't talk much about her anymore
Gura doesn't talk much about anything any more.

>> No.50452526

>rages at the chat
>rages at games for children
>lol thanks for the feedback
>picks the shitties charity because she was too lazy to do proper research
>instead of easing their ways into male collabs, goes down the "YASSS QWEEN SLAY" route and basically tells people to go fuck themselves
She had almost 2 years to learn what they're fans are like and how to handle them and she burned out and started treating everyone with resentment. She sure loves collective punishment for all of her fans even if maybe a dozen of them are actually shitty. No! EVERYONE must suffer!

>> No.50452550

>She sure loves collective punishment for all of her fans even if maybe a dozen of them are actually shitty
when has she done this

>> No.50452587

she's a woman anon that automatically disqualifies her from being a "good person" shes's somewhere inbetween as any "normal being" but her attitude is like hot garbage one anon put it quite well , Ame should really improve herself, treating anyone like this is unacceptable but that doesnt make her incredibly evil

>> No.50452605

That foundation had horrible practices. She donated money to a bunch of scam artists that put the animals down while they were saying that they are taking care of them. Do your own research on it.

>> No.50452613

That's right, those that shit the catalog with the same meme, don't even watch Gura's streams.
Gura recently streamed and it's still full of Gura doko. It's amazing how much Gura lives rent free. If they spend 2% of the effort on their own black company they might get some changes.

>> No.50452622

this is why i didn't want to argue with this garbage

>> No.50452632

Good thing that women dont actively seek those traits so I'm fine.

>> No.50452653

Ending the stream at least twice because of a handful of fags. Thousands of people got robbed off some good time because of a couple of spergs, and Ame being neurotic enough to let it get to her.

>> No.50452677

when did she do that?

>> No.50452676

Oh my fucking lord you niggers are retarded. Losing your temper does not make you a bad person. Jesus is painted as perfect, literally god in human form and he still lost his shit and beat up a bunch of gambling Jews. Every single human ever has done shitty things on occasion, judging someone based entirely on their faults and disregarding all of their good deeds would make it so that there would be no good people.

>> No.50452680

>can only manage to work on weekends
I got her beat there

>> No.50452781

>Thursday and Wednesday is now apart of the weekend

>> No.50452837

only because you're a wagie who will get fired if you don't show up to work everyday. if you could work less you would.

>> No.50452890

So according to that logic every genocider that existed in history isnt a bad person , they just lost their temper , kicked you in your balls - lost temper, stole your car- lost temper , killed your pet - lost temper stabbedyou 6 times - lost temper thats retarded you're literally absolving people of the responsibilty of their actions because they are socially inept and throw tantrums like little children , these are adult grown women, self control is a thing

>> No.50452962
File: 483 KB, 1457x2027, 1683480700623981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's her split when one guy in chat pissed her off so much she turned the stream off for two hours

>> No.50452967

obviously, they must have done one good thing in their life so by your logic they can't be that bad right?

>> No.50453021

How much do yall think she'd raise these days lol? She lost like 80% of her viewership

>> No.50453028

>Comparing murder to calling someone a bitch in a Vidya
Ironic that you say their adults and should have self control but you're a grown ass man who can't stop seething over anime girl

>> No.50453129

No you retarded mother fucker. Every action is weighted. Getting angry and kicking someone in the balls is not equal to murdering hundreds of thousands of people. Anyone with who isn't mentally handicapped understands the difference between hurling an insult and murdering someone. At this point I don't even understand what point you're trying to make, other than to make yourself look as stupid and autistic as possible. The fact that you can post all that shit while calling someone else socially inept is just the craziest shit.

>> No.50453136

>Ends stream
>Comes back
So a nothingburger? Ames done this since like her first fps stream.

>> No.50453148

>Jesus is painted as perfect, literally god in human form and he still lost his shit and beat up a bunch of gambling Jews
Is there a clip of this somewhere? Worldstar hiphop or something?

>> No.50453170

I used to love Gurame but she just had to ruin it..

>> No.50453258
File: 41 KB, 500x376, 1679515750883395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its in the Bible. There's a few paintings of it.

>> No.50453265

Not every normal person is a genocider. To take something small and blow it out of proportion is such a twitch trait. Like JK Rowling is supposedly genociding the trans community.

>> No.50453344

>Stream goes offline for over two hours
>This is normal behavior

>> No.50453432

If every action is weighted why do you faggots try to paint her as a saint then when she did something good like 1 time opossite of her regularly being a shitty person? That one "good" thing doesnt erase her doing something fucked by a potency of 10 you shitheads are biased as fuck , literally Teakek defense force

>> No.50453460

>Gura couldn't be assed to show up to stream
No, you're just a chumbaby who wanted to take care of your retarded oshi

>> No.50453472

because she does good things for people all the time, you retard

>> No.50453493
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>itt tards are equating Ame calling Gura a bitch to a genocide
Top kek, chumbies do be like that

>> No.50453514

You're right, it was worse.

>> No.50453627
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121 / 9 / 38 / 2

>> No.50453657

>I'll go, for now
Seems pretty understandable. She said she'd be back and came back

>> No.50453693

Different Christian organizations view Jesus differently, like said, some view him as perfect, while others see him born as man, with the imperfections that come along with it. Even Jesus at one point lost faith in God. Praying and asking "Why have you forsaken me?"

>> No.50453707

Give him a minute to set up his bots

>> No.50453728

So you're admitting she got one guyed so hard she took it out on the rest of her fans who were hoping she would finish the DLC before they had to go to bed. Got it.

>> No.50453740

>121 / 9 / 38 / 2
lol discord raiding troons embarrassing themselves as usual

>> No.50453780

Watch , hell find a way to deny reality again

>> No.50453781
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Reminder, she donated thousands to charity & did more to give better charity rewards. Her kindness is unlimited.

>> No.50453814

>like 1 time
Threadreaders are so fucking pathetic. Every "shitty" thing she does gets dozens of bait threads in the catalog, but threads never get made whenever another EN talks about how kind and helpful she is. Who else can say they stopped a potential rape?

>> No.50453825

You're saying she will finish the DLC faster if she didn't turn off the stream to solve the puzzle on her own?

>> No.50453830

I think he's referencing Jesus turning the exchange tables at the temple during Passover

>> No.50453908

>collective punishment
It's not punishment you absolute fucking retard.
It's her not being composed enough to give a proper stream.
Yes she could have better emotional management. Pot calling the kettle black in that department though.

>> No.50453967

>slurs and hate speech everywhere
>shit-flinging over the pettiest if issues
>porn addicts with the most degenerate of fetishes
Even browsing just a minute on this website will confirm that.

>> No.50453972

It's not even that, she just wanted to solve the puzzle on her own.

>> No.50454042

even then she's gotten better at managing her emotions. don't remember the last time she got seriously pissed off at chat.

>> No.50454047

A lot of people , including me but that doesnt make me kind or not an asshole , the rankest motherfucker can do something "good" once in a while

>> No.50454107

Sorry, but Ame is a kind person, unlike you.

>> No.50454178

except ame does good things all the time, which is what sets her apart from you. you're just scum.

>> No.50454234

I could tell you about how she has helped her genmates and put in lots of effort to make interesting streams beyond just "i play game", or broke the mold to donate her money for good causes, or genuinely welcomed people into Hololive who would otherwise be alienated by the schizos. I'm not as good a person as Ame in that sense. Instead I'll tell the chumbuds that Gura has done none of those things because she doesn't really care about anything but herself, and would rather avoid her annoying psychotic fans instead of streaming regularly (which is completely justified).

>> No.50454235

Where is the voice pack, teamate?

>> No.50454326

up your ass, try reaching in there

>> No.50454329
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See, at this point you can't even deny that she's a does kind and selfless things, you're just trying to cope that she might possible be mean. But other ENs speak on her kindness all the time. Ina has called her a literal angel. Losing your temper a few times will never out weigh going out of your way to help others countless times.

>> No.50454360

Watch streams

>> No.50454376

We got an aquarium date stream instead.
Just like we got 3D SSSS, better than she promised.

>> No.50454451

It's amazing how Ame anti's try to paint her as bad person when the worst transgression she has made against them is refuse to ignore and shun fellow co-workers and try to include them.

Literal crabs with absolutely zero empathy who see anything they don't like as a personal malicious attack against them.

>> No.50454465
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It's funny that the schizo tried to convince Ame as evil or something, while right now Ame is busy preparing her studio for Kiara.
And when it comes to her own birthday event, she won't even ask for help from the people she helped.
THAT is selfish, something that the schizo really can't comprehend.

>> No.50454522

This. I would take the testimonies of the EN/ID girls over the sperging out of literal random POS whos from this garbage dump of a board.

>> No.50454546

evil people can't comprehend good

>> No.50454644

good people can't comprehend evil, so what's your point?

>> No.50454683

Kiara was literally hated by most people before Hololive AND during the early days of HoloEN. You could say hi to her and she would exclaim her undying love for you. Look at how gushy she's about KFP even though they're the worst fanbase everywhere. Point is, taking Kiara's feelings as proof is retarded.

>> No.50454703
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Reminder also she adopted Wellington because he's an anti-social cat & she visited him every day & read a book to him.
And purposely talked to old people despite being anti-social because she knows old people yearn for attention.

>> No.50454708

that's not how it works schlomo

>> No.50454771

Are you seriously comparing them? How wide is your bleeding pussy?

>> No.50454814

Ame and Calli have shut down their streams abruptly. I don't see it as a bad thing to prevent lashing back.
Remember Gura's first stream after debut? The back seating was ridiculous, obviously from people that never played the game. Then spamming that she isn't a gamer, forcing Gura to defend herself that she's a rhythm gamer. "Is that the truth that you want?" You can sense her frustration and just wanting to quit. Chat can really make it rough on the streamers, that Kiara keeps pointing out. It's amazing how much Gura grew with such a rocky start. Gura does hate whiners though, and tends to do the opposite of their demands.

>> No.50454818
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Ok, now cope about all of Council + IRyS

>> No.50454831
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lol keep reaching discord schizo

>> No.50454862

I'm not lookin to be good or kind

>> No.50454887

it certainly shows

>> No.50454896

>early days of HoloEN
Nigger that concert was less than a year ago, almost 2 years after Myth debuted.

>> No.50454937
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>It's just the egg being mad that Ame helps Kiara.
When will Ame get her own anti?

>> No.50454941

What does that prove? That she helped them control the cameras in one stream? They also thanked the vr chat team lmao.

>> No.50454954

please forgive him, everyone knows he's a threadreader.

>> No.50454995

Fix your reading comprehension

>> No.50455007


>> No.50455006

Yeah sure im scum of you wanna call me that, i'm aware. But you're admitting that doing "good things" doesnt make you kind or a good person here if you're accepting that even scum that visits here does "good or kind things"

So spare me that holier than though bullshit , you're literally astroturfing Ame as a saint when shes also some random asshole/actor that might treat her coworkers well because they need to get along or cover will rip them a new one but still has a history of treating her fans like shit because she can get away with it unlike doing it to her coworkers

>> No.50455009

It proves she helped them you retard.
Which is what she does, help people.

>> No.50455074

>We got an aquarium date stream instead.
Oh you mean the one with Mumei? that is some real cope there teacuck, just take the L and move on.

>> No.50455117

here you go threadreader

>> No.50455137

Cover asked her to take care of her grandma till the last day?

>> No.50455151

>Gura and Kiara both fall in love with Ame
>Constantly mentioned by all of EN as providing support for them
>Credited specifically in various large projects

Obviously she's the meanest streamer alive.

>> No.50455189

Her grandma is her coworker ? Thats wiiild

>> No.50455208

cover made her buy a car for her aunt?

>> No.50455231
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>proves he's a threadreader
>y-you didn't win, i won!
lol lmao

>> No.50455243

She treated Ame like shit, so no, not as kind as her coworkers.

>> No.50455299
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>> No.50455315

Your reading comprehension motherfucker i said coworker not family , even assholes care about family including me

>> No.50455343

The family that abandoned her?

>> No.50455383

Kiara has a boyfriend.

>> No.50455395

Teamates, aren't you guys too mean? Why won't you guys let the schizo schizoing in peace in his own thread?

>> No.50455403

>Cares about family
>Cares about her friends
>Cares about co-workers
>Doesn't care about internet randoms who are hating on her co-workers
So what is the conclusion you can draw from this anon?

>> No.50455437
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>> No.50455491

being nice to those people doesnt count because.
being nice to animals doesnt count either. checkmate.

>> No.50455558

Objectively true.

>> No.50455672

she's nice to random people outside, too. see:

>> No.50455712

i can't believe my cute friend ame wants to kill all the billionaires.. BASED

>> No.50455758

Anon, I believe that was sarcasm.

>> No.50455781

>>Cares about family
Thats literally human nature

>>Cares about co-workers
like i said company mandated

>>Doesn't care about internet randoms who are hating on her co-workers
Yeah because biting he hand that feeds her until she lost the majority of viewers worked out so well for her right ?

Conclusion is shes not the saint people paint her as and you motherfuckers are delusional if you deny her flaws

>> No.50455871

compared to you, she's definitely a saint

>> No.50455895

How about no?

>> No.50455905

perfect example of >>50454451

>> No.50455911

>deny her flaws
Everyone has flaws but the whole point of this thread was to point out she's better than (you) which has yet to be disproven

>> No.50455946

So is your gameplan to pretend to be retarded until the people you're arguing against concede out of pity?

>> No.50455955

>Thats literally human nature
complete moron has never heard of family killing each other
>like i said company mandated
absolute retard didn't know about some holo's hardly meeting each other and some even being resentful (rushia)
>Yeah because biting he hand that feeds her
incompetent bufoon thinks that fans pay her salary

conclusion is your a dumb dipshit

>> No.50456014

So you just came out and said it.
She a bad person because she doesn't do what you want her to.

Sticking to your principles even though you have to, allegedly according to you, sacrifice is now bad?
Her refusing to ignore her fellow coworkers in order to milk her viewers with dishonesty makes her mean?

The world does not revolve around you, you making judgments about other people based on that just shows what a terrible judge of character you are.

>> No.50456083

About to reach 200 post before 50 ips kek

>> No.50456116

This is how threads outside of /vt/ normally work.

>> No.50456125

Based and true. The fact that schizophrenics seethe about this proves her right

>> No.50456129

>Oh sure, she helpful and nice and considerate to all the people around her but what about ME and MY needs? If she was truly a nice person she would be nice to the only one who actually matters, that being myself.

>> No.50456146

Why didn't she collab with her holostars jp senpais before tempus. that's mean. She collabed plenty with holojps

>> No.50456185

she isn't proactive about collabs with jps and only collabs with them if they invite her. holostars never invited her.

>> No.50456196

4chan is so boring now that it’s astroturfed by the same no lifer chuds who live at their mothers house while talking about how women contribute nothing to society KEK
4chan should have a daily post limit, so people have to put more thought into their replies instead of just spamming with low effort trolling off post cooldown

>> No.50456205

nihongo muzukashī

>> No.50456243


>> No.50456335

>4chan should have a daily post limit so that people don't gang up and bully me in my own shit threads
roru rumao

>> No.50456429


>> No.50456520

How could a post limit stop people from “ganging up”? A post limit only stops you from flooding threads you chimp out about.

Ame was right and I hope the zoomers throw you into a gulag for not improving yourself

>> No.50456574

One day soon, m00t will return and implement a gatekeeper AI that will judge your post quality and intent, allowing only for original, funny, useful or otherwise interesting and worthwhile posts and shitposts to exist. The time is coming. It's going to be beautiful.

>> No.50456702

I haven't heard her say she only collabs with jps when invited
Didn't matter for holojp

>> No.50456731

chris will never come back, you are stuck here with the australians and the seamonkeys forever

>> No.50456772

No im just bored and enjoy seeing people flain being confronted with reality

Im aware, Nobody was even arguing about that the whole thread,nice moving of goalposts of this discussion

>incompetent bufoon thinks that fans pay her salary
Actually they do several talents confirmed that they get paid minimum wage and that SC,Merch and memberships are their main income, all of which dont happen without fans, and sponsorships only being a fraction of what they earn

No i said she's not a saint there's a big difference if you're not aware, shes not evil and not a saint but inbetween but somehow thats not enough for teakeks

I am irrelevant in this equation you retard i was talking about her fans as an collective entity

>> No.50456792

Al Capone did charity and he was dropping niggas like it was going out of style. Charity is not a measuring unit for what good of a person you are.

>> No.50456830
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>POV: Ame grows 1 nm every time you seethe about something she said a year ago

>> No.50456841

She didn't say that, but she's always the one who's invited. The only JP collab she did that she was the one who initiated was the Roboco VR Chat IIRC.

>> No.50456965

If only this applied to her subscribers -_-
Forever 1.7...

>> No.50457040
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>> No.50457194

I don't think ame or her jp collab partners have said who invited who for every collab

>> No.50457250

Hello sir, I have done the needful. Where can I redeem google play gift card, sir?

>> No.50457265

no, she's definitely said she was invited

>> No.50457314

Talk to the op he's the gift card plug

>> No.50457332

For every collab?

>> No.50457351

I 100% agree with that statement.
But cunny gets more views. Sooooo
They don't stop chumming and they don't stop chumming and they don't stop chumming andthey don't stop chumming and they don't stop chumming and they don't stop chumming and

>> No.50457386

yeah, except the VR chat one

>> No.50457469

>better and kinder person than your average /vt/ poster
Not a high bar to leap over, to be fair. You are right though, people who seethe over Ame are doing so to cope with their own failings.

>> No.50457834

women can't stop themselves, kek

>> No.50457910

What's the point of this thread?

>> No.50458003


>> No.50458062

I doubt it

>> No.50458337
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Anyone who doesn't think Ame would be one of those priceless kind of friends hasn't been paying attention to her over the last few years. Being an outcast poorfag who actually suffered in her life has given her a level of empathy for the kind of loser (us) who watches vtubers to cope that is hard to find in the other EN girls.

That's why she has spent every new years since she started streaming celebrating with her fans, every christmas too more or less and regularly turns off the money tap because she doesn't want to milk her fans for supas without reading them, she not only values her fans, she thinks and cares about their own circumstances too and her own place as a positive influence in their lives. If you think all that never happened or is rendered moot simply because she refused to completely ignore her own companies new hires like some of the other girls then yeah you are a bad person, or at least a deliberately disingenuous one.

She didn't make the homos feel welcome because she hates her fans or wanted to punish them, she did it because the company she worked for decided to go down the route of hiring them and expecting Ame to be anything other than unity once cover made that decision was delusional. I actually want the schizos that can't forgive her for that to imagine a scenario where the 4 new homos debut as a the first male EN stars branch and EVERY single EN holo does what Gura did and just pretends they don't exist. No acknowledgement, no interaction, just a wall of silence.
Does that seem like a realistic scenario to any of you? The only reason girls like Gura and Fauna could get away with being entirely homo free was that people like Ame jumped on that grenade for them, and just like she promised she has kept it professional, never done a one on one and now that they have their own kouhais/senpais seems to be backing off the whole thing entirely.

She doesn't want to change holo, she doesn't hate (you), come home.

>> No.50458501


>> No.50459047

>Being an outcast poorfag who actually suffered in her life has given her a level of empathy for the kind of loser (us
are you kidding ? You're talking about the one en who openly hates and shits on her fans

>> No.50459164

>She didn't make the homos feel welcome because she hates her fans or wanted to punish them
Why didn't she treat her fans as kindly?

>> No.50459200

because being kind to those people specifically would make her unkind to others

>> No.50459319
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i love her so much. whenever i start thinking about how I hate all other people I think about her and how I would give my life for her. just thinking about her makes me smile. she is certainly better than me in all aspects but i guess that is not really saying very much. i hope she lives a wonderful and happy life

>> No.50459387

>she is le hatin to her fayns
Such a boring angle at this point.

>> No.50459403

That's a lot of cope. Ame was a big part in rallying homobeggars with shit like wildcard slots for the worms collab. Holostars are a different branch. They're not expected to accommodate them just like holojp aren't for stars jp
As an ex-teamate having to once see a homo pop up on screen and see my oshi sing a love song with him was enough to drop her forever

>> No.50459493

I never said ''fucking bitch''

>> No.50459532

>hired as an idol
>thousands idolize her
>"actually you need to improve yourself, you're just not good enough and there's something wrong with you"

>> No.50459590

Why wasn't this savior for Council? She still hasn't had a collab with Fauna after years of her being in Hololive yet she jumped at organizing a weekly collab with the homos. And if she's so selfless why has she completely ignored Tempus 2? Seems in her history in Hololive she's only been this invested in Tempus 1 for some reason.

>she didn't do it to punish the fans

>> No.50459598

>238 post
>64 IPs

Mental illness, one thing is making one thread and other is spending more than 3 hours posting on it like an actual retard

>> No.50459688

It's really weird. Do these people even enjoy vtubers?

>> No.50459804


>> No.50459835

>Why didn't she hate people I hate if she's so nice

>> No.50459837

People treat this board like a gossip collumn in a tabloid for women. An /eceleb/ board can't come soon enough.

>> No.50459892

>242 posts
>64 ips
do teacucks really?

>> No.50459975

>65 posts
>25 ips
do deadbraps really?

>> No.50460102

As I pressed enter I thought
>surely I didn't need to specify I was talking about a one on one collab, it can be implied by the content of my post, right?
I don't know why I even give the benefit of the doubt to this place lmao, you have to be 100% explicit and literal otherwise people just miss the complete point. Or you get an ESL and nothing even matters.

>> No.50460295

When did she do a one-on-one collab with homos?

>> No.50460317

I honestly don't care about her saying "Improve yourself" but I just got tired of her being a bitch to viewers almost everytime I watch her stream.

>> No.50460671

>le truth is le lame
>please stop talking about it

>> No.50460755

>it is le true!
>please believe me

>> No.50460777


>> No.50460874

>if she's so selfless why has she completely ignored Tempus 2
Like I said
>now that they have their own kouhais/senpais seems to be backing off
For better or worse when it was 4 people in a fresh branch she felt the need to be kind and roll out the welcome for them and make a nervewracking prospect a little bit easier for them, she livetweeted them, shilled them and asked her fans to be understanding of their existence even if they were not interested.

Now that they have their own ecosystem and the new guys had their own senpais to do the whole welcome parade she simply didn't feel the need to do it all over again, probably out of respect for her fans she understands don't enjoy having the homos shilled to them all that much. More circumstantial evidence that she was doing the first round of shilling to be a good person and not out of spite.

>that video
Yeah that WAS spiteful and I am not going to defend it, but the way I see it, tensions were running high schizos were shitting up her vod comments and supas and she had a moment of weakness and did the chuuba equivalent of sending a condom money supa back to the audience. It was a low point though I will freely admit, not unforgiveable though at least not for me.

>> No.50461025

I wish Ame made me her walking bank. Instead she turns off superchats at every opportunity and purposefully makes her mech more affordable so I can't spend excessive money on her. That really makes me boil.

>> No.50461152


>> No.50461168

>Ame, the one who turns of her supas all the time, is actually just in it for the money
An even more believable rrat

>> No.50461223

Incredibly based
I want her to scold me again like she did as debut ame...

>> No.50461296

She still has no problem collabing or interacting with Tempus 1, liking and retweeting art, giving them gifts on their birthdays etc. Your theory would make sense if she stopped or slowed down her interactions with all of the Stars. But it's just Tempus 2 that she ignores. I have my own theory but that's probably projecting so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.50461329

Ame is the Shaquille O'Neal of hololive.

>> No.50461362

I'm literally fuming right now. Truly this must mean she hates her fans. It's just like when Kiara raises her voice and scolds someone, I guess it means she hates despises her fandom too. oh em gee. what. a. fuckennn. bitch!

>> No.50461416

She turned off her SCs for like a couple of months, she has had SCs open for a long while now, this whole narrative that she turns off her supas is retarded lol.

>> No.50461445

Do you think the other members of Hololive are bad people for not acknowledging the Stars?

>> No.50461447
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Ame has no problems with Tempus 2.

>> No.50461484


>> No.50461488
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>this whole narrative that she turns off her supas is retarded lol.
Tell me you don't watch streams without telling me you don't watch streams.

>> No.50461515

Yes because management told her to do it.
Why are you trying to pretend that she's throwing away a valuable audience with her behavior and at the same time arguing that she's only doing it for the money.
Which is it?

>> No.50461525

>imagine a scenario where the 4 new homos debut as a the first male EN stars branch and EVERY single EN holo does what Gura did and just pretends they don't exist. No acknowledgement, no interaction, just a wall of silence.
I can only get so erect

>> No.50461528

>Your theory would make sense if she stopped or slowed down her interactions with all of the Stars
But she has done right? She has had ONE collab in half a year and that was filling in for post surgery Kronii in a pre-planned Mori game night she couldn't make it to. Other than that it's night and day how little she has been interacting with any of them- yeah she drew some dumb little pictures for their birthdays in lieu of calling in (and breaking her no one on one rule) and occasionally likes homo art but on the totem pole of interaction that has got to be right at the bottom.

>> No.50461596

Ame is just a recluse introverted retard. Please understand

>> No.50461634

gura was a bitch. simple as

>> No.50461670

They aren't bad people but it's not a good thing.

>> No.50461737

Yes but you are an asshole and we are trying to show you here that Ame is not like you.

>> No.50461846

So because she hasn't organized big group collabs lately she's ignoring them?
You think she does those every month?

>> No.50461872

I don't take offense to this kind of comment because I want people to be better and kinder. It's not a competition to be more kind.

Although maybe it should be if it would help people act that way...

>> No.50461908

>it's just bants
yeah that's why it's all one-sided, right?

>> No.50461946

>little pictures for their birthdays
For Tempus 1 birthdays. Tempus 2 are not worth using for her.

>> No.50461995
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>people have been posting this for 3 years now

>> No.50462035

I never said she was ignoring them in any of my posts though, I said she was backing off from the shilling and welcoming senpai role she felt the need to play when it was just 4 new hires to a brand new branch. She is letting the original 4 play that role for the new guys now, as they should.
Applies to this post too

>> No.50462057

Mission failed sucessfully

>> No.50462062
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Kek I remember this. Still makes me laugh to this day.

>> No.50462079

I never argued anything, that was my first post in the topic. I just pointed out that it has been months since she's had SC open for the vast majority of streams, the only one she doesn't are things that are not allowed to have supas on.

>> No.50462096

Do you know what bants are you fucking retard?
It's pretty clear that she saw him giving advice, thought it was wrong, double checked and then made an edit.

What part of that is bants?

>> No.50462118

>Uhhh no she doesn't shit on her fans because it was 3 years ago!!
proof it's an established trend. you know I don't actually hate Ame but this constant gaslighting just makes people pushback against it. It's the same shit kfp and deadbeats do.

>> No.50462165

>felt bad about leaving a cross reply and edited the post
you're not proving anything

>> No.50462182

Why didn't she do that role for Council or ID? Do you believe she will have that role with EN3? You keep saying she only interacted with them because of her acting like a senpai but why only with them specifically?

>> No.50462195
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i just noticed that it's already been 3 years since it was posted and instantly put words in my mouth. twitter is probably more your speed

>> No.50462216

>Why didn't she do that role for Council or ID
she did. ID and council members have said that ame helps them a lot. you don't watch streams though so you wouldn't know.

>> No.50462267

none of it's bants, mongo. that's just cope teamates push about her toxic behaviour. the fact that she immediately went on the attack instead of considering the guy's post is the problem, it's cunty behaviour

>> No.50462269

She did do that role for Council. Do you think she has interacted more with tempus than council? You need to stop sniffing glue.

>> No.50462298

It still doesn't excuse the fact that you're making a mountain out of molehill. And the thing is you know that you're doing this. Deep down you know none of this really means anything substancial.

>> No.50462333

She did more for Council than she ever did for the homos though. She did their anniversary world along with her team, was the camera operator ect. All the event streams like the first smol council halloween she had a hand in too. They have all gone on record saying how much she has helped them.

>> No.50462369

lashing out when you're in a bad mood and then reconsidering your actions when you're more composed is just human behavior

>> No.50462387

She has had more collabs with Tempus than council or I'd
She's helped doing some camerawork, nothing that crazy. Certainly nothing like organizing a whole multi week tournament just for them.

>> No.50462396

Why are you posting shit about "bants" being one sided and then posting an example where the was no banter from either side?
Bants is when chat tells her to stop backseating during the outfit reveal.

None of what you posted has anything to do with bants.

>> No.50462441

okay, now you're actually just posting blatant lies at this point. fucking retard.

>> No.50462476

>She has had more collabs with Tempus than council
Actual retard.
I'm guessing that any group collabs that have more than just Ame don't count for council collabs but do for tempus collabs is that right?

>> No.50462555

>is just human behavior
Please understand, Anon. People who legitimately get upset at these things and aren't just shitposting are probably on the spectrum and don't understand human behavior in the first place.

>> No.50462629

Teakeks only know how to be yesmen simps. Bantering is too hard. Please undastand

>> No.50462668

>Even though all her tempus collabs have also has council and/or ID in them and she has had collabs without tempus and with ID and council I'm going to say she has had more tempus collabs
What brand of mental illness is this?

>> No.50462725

her voice is cute, her gremlin noises are cute and she can be funny. perfect background noise material

>> No.50462868

catalognigger brainrot

>> No.50463422

ok so we've gone from "she doesn't shit on her fans" to "it's just jokes" to "it actually doesn't matter, why are you making a big deal of this?"
she must be in a bad mood all the time then, huh? also taking your own issues out on unrelated people is the definition of toxic behaviour.
I'll try and explain it as simply as possible since you seem to have genuine learning difficulties; "it's just bants" is the excuse teammates bring out to excuse her shitty behaviour and was the excuse given in the post I replied to with "it's just bants" (a reformulation of their argument) the picture I then posted was an example of something that clearly wasn't "bants" to prove that argument (that "it's just bants") doesn't hold up. I can't make it any simpler than this for you.

>> No.50463473

>all the time then
in literally two years you've put together like 3 times when she got mad at someone

>> No.50463521

>She bants sometimes means every interaction is bants
Are you an idiot?
Maybe you are autistic and can't tell the difference between bantering and a fight.
I don't want to judge.

>> No.50463541

So, to be clear, the following Hololive members who have never collabed with the stars are all assholes:

>> No.50463618

no, you're an asshole.

>> No.50463628

And the first example was still banter.

>> No.50463637

>ok so we've gone from "she doesn't shit on her fans" to "it's just jokes" to "it actually doesn't matter, why are you making a big deal of this?"
Nah. Because the last point directly plays into the first and second points. And again, you know this but are acting silly for the sake of argument.

>> No.50463674

Coward. Come out and say it. You fucking hate Pekora and Korone and Miko for not acknowledging their Cover family. You especially hate Subaru for not collabing with Maimoto anymore, nijisister.

>> No.50463691

I don't even know why I liked her at the beginning, half the time I was just pissed because shit she would do like disappearing, ghosting us just to come back days later and say shit like "I ate bread" "I wanted to potato" "I went on a trip", being spiteful, "the ame way", snapping at chat for random shit.
I'm glad I improved myself and found an oshi that tells us when she is leaving or at the very least post random shit on twatter while she is on break, even when she is angry she is never a spiteful bitch

>> No.50463784

nice larp

>> No.50463795

I've posted the most obvious ones but something tells me if I list more you'll just say "tldr" because you're not really open to discussion, just running defence.
Pretty obvious you're just trying to derail at this point but I'll explain it one more time and this will be my final reply to you; "it's just bants" is teammates excuse for her toxic behaviour. I don't think she's bantering.

>> No.50463914

that's because you're autistic and can't tell banter from actual toxic behavior

>> No.50463965

I can tell the difference between what Pekora does and Ame's "improve yourself".

>> No.50463998

it's funny you bring up pekora because she's actually probably one of the most toxic members. look at how she treats miko and aqua.

>> No.50464099

"I can call Ame a bad person because I am a bad person which makes me an expert at identifying bad people"

>> No.50464126

No I don't.
I'm not a schizo like you.
I do think less of them if they pretend holostars don't exist but not by much.
It's hard to blame them when we all know schizos like you exist and taking the path of least resistance, while not admirable, is very understandable.

>> No.50464207

idk if you're ESL or just bad at logic but the last point (it actually doesn't matter that she shits on her fans) and the first point (she doesn't shit on her fans) are mutually exclusive, they do not play into each other at all.

>> No.50464218

NTA but the holos are not bad people for never collabing with the stars, but the fans who relentlessly shit on Ame for feeling the need to do so herself are. Pretty simple and of course the reverse is true like with the Kanata situation.

>> No.50464229

35pag spotted
What about the ones who actually don't want to interact with men on stream, like Kanata or Noel?

>> No.50464403
File: 553 KB, 782x790, 1678725920624456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe that anyone would actually feel offense from the things that have been shared in this thread. I've been on this site since 2008 and I've rarely seen a board where so many people feel outraged and personally attacked over the most trivial of things. Things said by internet streamers of all people kek.
I'm instantly reminded of Ina's Guilty Gear comments a while back and Fauna's recent words. Water off a duck's back for most adults. In fact, I remember in 2020 when Ina said something along the lines of "I'm not your personal psychiatrist" and absolutely nobody gave a shit. Fast forward to 2023 and if she said that now I could only imagine how many threads in the catalog there would be.

>> No.50464442

I mean I think there is something wrong with misandry but once again, I don't judge people too hard over small things.

>> No.50464471

thats not saying much

>> No.50464549

I mean there's definitely truth to what Noel's roommate said about men thinking that they own a woman if he gives some money, lmao. You can see the kind of men who think that in this thread right now.

>> No.50464706

>She's objectively a better and kinder person than you will ever be.
Yeah after reading the posts in this thread. I think OPs point has been proven entirely correct.

>> No.50465047
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>> No.50465144

Some men yes. I think painting a whole group of people based on an experience with some of them is wrong but once again, I can understand it.

>> No.50466118

Good for her. Kindness makes the world go round.
