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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50329569 No.50329569 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50329698

Majin was very careful not to reveal any spoilers about Hatena, no wonder he wanted omaesans to watch this last episode. I was expecting him to job, but he turned out to have a big role.
He's happy about Hatena's acrylic stand selling out. I don't know if he was talking about a potential Hatena figure or an Oga figure, but if they get one he wants a rugged design similar to Guts.

>> No.50329807
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Knight love!

>> No.50329975

Last thread: >>50230903

>> No.50330058

>live now
Oga Zatsudan
Hakka Unarchived Karaoke Rebroadcast

>> No.50330114
File: 3.75 MB, 1912x1080, 954533884566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bossu love and sex!

>> No.50330445
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Majin love!

>> No.50330485

Suisei apparently showed one of Izuru's covers in her radio, seems to be this one

>> No.50330790
File: 292 KB, 2048x1152, Fr-nPSYaMAIvBAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyabi love!

>> No.50331695
File: 149 KB, 1025x924, BEDAB530-A8D7-4945-A47E-CA6D6B1C902C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roberu!!

>> No.50332171

majin was fucking cute today again fucking fuck i love this dumbass i love his laugh and stupid carefree attitude though sometimes it drives me nuts. not today though.
also i think now that it's a good thing he wasn't part of rust because he said he dislikes teamwork in online games. so he'd most likely would've been alone in the game. this is just my opinion but those who were by themselves a lot were most boring povs to follow so it probably wouldn't have been very kino had he been part of the server. he talked about the week very positively and praised tenchan a lot. TemMa crumbs.

>> No.50332862
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I love Aruran!

>> No.50333255
File: 106 KB, 208x302, FvRisIRaIAA81e_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganchan love!

>> No.50334259
File: 110 KB, 1032x726, FF664CA6-3F81-4C87-9DB9-740AF9C8F455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuma love!

>> No.50335346

>Stupid carefree attitude though sometimes it drives me nuts
I didn't noticed this about majin until a while ago and now it drives me nuts too...

>> No.50335425

Wish he was as open as before. He doesn't even joking about Fanza anymore

>> No.50336818

honestly that trait is a blessing whenever my schizo thoughts start taking over since he's the type of person who looks at tough times like "well it'll work out somehow" and doesn't dwell on negativity in general. i don't know if it comes with his age or laidback personality or both.
give it time. there's no way this guy can keep himself from slipping up forever.

>> No.50337712

Hey /stars/, I'm doing my reps and I was wondering if you could help me out. Which one of your boys speaks sort of neutral Japanese that I could listen to without picking up any weird speaking habits? I'm hoping it's Oga or Gamma, they seem cool

>> No.50337999

Oga is actually a good one for that imo. Definitely not ganchan kek

>> No.50338159
File: 510 KB, 1920x1080, FxOpOj4aUAAtPoS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aruran's schedule
Oga's good, the usual first recommendation is Miyabi.

>> No.50338237

Oga is a good pick for that I think, he tends to speak clearly and not too fast as well. Temma speaks very normal-neutral japanese but can go very fast at times.

>> No.50339254

Oga it is, thanks.

>> No.50341648
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She needs porn

>> No.50343048
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Oga needs more porn.

>> No.50344583

Cute Rikka Rust clip

>> No.50345459

With me is the opposite his laid back attitude fuels my schizo thoughts.

>> No.50345998

Hanakishi Radio #31

>> No.50347502

Already some loose plans for season two at the end of the year.

>> No.50347812
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, 75E01344-B73C-4EC4-84D8-9EA1E20322F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bartender nui is out in the sun.

>> No.50349686
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Gamma love

>> No.50349855
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And sex

>> No.50351634

Gamma Drawing

>> No.50352780
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>> No.50353175

Hakka The Ghost Train

>> No.50355322

Changing to Super Mario World

>> No.50355521

>Chilla’s garbage abandoned for good old retro game
And the world became a better place

>> No.50356664

This just reminded me that it is the season for new horror kusoge.

>> No.50358867

A compilation clip of Miyabi snipes during the raid on his base

>> No.50361819
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>> No.50362114

What did he mean by this

>> No.50363102

He's going to bite your throat out and eat it.

>> No.50363532
File: 175 KB, 512x483, TemmaAttack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Knight's Academy, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Orc Horde, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in medieval warfare and I'm the top swordsman in the entire kingdom. You are nothing to me but just another training dummy. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with throwing that blue shell at me? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of paladins and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, baka. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, sniper. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can beat you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my Switch console. Not only am I extensively trained in swordsmanship, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Knight's infantry and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the planet, you little kuso. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" maneuver was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have fucking jobbed. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn baka. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, omae."

>> No.50363867

kek if temma was /here/ i would want him to see this desu

>> No.50363961

I want him to read it on stream for eigo practice

>> No.50365162

I would change the last word to zako or something, but otherwise this is perfect kek.

>> No.50365467


>> No.50366813

Axel Papers Please

>> No.50367409

Clip compilation of the last day of Stars Rust (has ENG CC)

>> No.50368993

Uoh I want Temma to get this angry at me

>> No.50372283

Someone needs to train a deepfake temma AI to say this. The real reason why we need more eigo streams

>> No.50372920

>touches aruran’s tits
>first message to shinri was a request to touch his tits
>tried to sniff shien’s shoes
Why is this raccoon so perverted

>> No.50373559

Aruse and Astel already talked about having a 3D collab when he gets his, that was quick

>> No.50373979

Neoporte gen 1’s 3Ds are probably already in the works. If anything they probably would’ve been released faster if the other three owners of Neoporte (Soraru, Mafumafu, and Ojiji) actually helped out and gave funds

>> No.50374096

cute, he's chilling and getting his vitamin D

>> No.50374539

do you think he has got his grabby hands on majin too

>> No.50374579
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>> No.50375402

Give this Rikka cover a watch

>> No.50375672

Oga finally privated the stream he did after Kaoru's termination

>> No.50376205

if temma gets good enough at english we 100% have to deepfake him for shitposts, i have so many ideas....

>> No.50376250


>> No.50376454

Knight is asking for Rust clip recommendations for his watchalong later today.

>> No.50376483

Tensai idea, I kneel

>> No.50377436

What happened to Fuma

>> No.50377468

He went to see the doctor I think

>> No.50378456

Need to stay up 4
30 more minutes... anniversary predictions?
>Announcement or some kind of fan event that is not a concert
>Tempus HQ 3D announcement

>> No.50378555

A concert, merch, and either an original song with OG9 + Uproar or two songs with each group getting their own. That's the bare minimum btw

>> No.50378882

Surely they would mention the Secret Project...

>> No.50379016

Temma Rust Clips Watchalong

>> No.50379513

do you have links to it i wanna see the threads

>> No.50379672

The weisshweirzwhateverthefuck holostars edition release announcement would be nice to finally have too. The press release event majin and boss were co-hosts at was like in july last year. Surely the cardgame wasn't canned??? I refuse to doompost, just wish the "letters from management" thing that cover paraded around a while back would also apply to holostars branch.

>> No.50379790

Oh, that clip reminded me, both Temma and Altare are allergic to cats. The similarities deepen...

>> No.50379876
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Literally clones. Illegal gene splicing happened.

>> No.50380096

is shipping them incest (it won't stop me)

>> No.50380194

They seem to be in a ship (boat) together in the very picrel anon posted
That is permission enough in my book! Ship away!

>> No.50380272

>it was meant to be
i wish i was a drawanon so badly rn

>> No.50380343

>surely the cardgame wasn't canned
It probably isn't because that'd be awful publicity if the company behind the game did that

>> No.50380714


>> No.50380895

which girl now the seaweed is fucking

>> No.50381004


>> No.50381052

I really want to see an outlast trials holostar collab

>> No.50381067


>> No.50381167

He is doing weekly lessons and got himself a book to practice with. It's not regular Eigo streams but it's a good start and we will probably get more Eigo streams along the way.

>> No.50381252

that's reassuring to hear. maybe they're giving more info on it on anniversary

>> No.50381538

Tempus is having one later this week, maybe that'll encourage the others to set one up.

>> No.50381553


>> No.50381557

>I want to belieb

>> No.50381650

Might be because it was one of the first results when sorting his streams by popular. It's been 3 years since Kaoru's termination, anyone who wanted to know what he had to say already watched that stream, and it gives a bad impression to newcomers

>> No.50381663
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Uyu birthday merch preview

>> No.50381703

Hoping for the others to get inspired by Temma

>> No.50381778

Temma also mentioned that he wants to organize more stuff and he's planning to do a murder mystery as well aside from his English lesson.

>> No.50381824

The IPO making Temma take Holostars seriously is one of the best thing to have happened in the branch history

>> No.50382175
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It's truly the silver lining to everything. Suddenly we get all this fresh kino that he has been holding back on. Aunties were right after all, I shouldn't have doubted them. I usually don't numberfag but he deserves more fans and subscribers after all of this.

>> No.50382189

>I guess IPO is our friend after all...

>> No.50382332

>learns eigo
>becomes the starsunity collab guy, gets closer to tempus
>makes music regularly
>more creative streams and events
>massive boost in growth
>suntempo officially becomes the most powerful gen

>> No.50382490

The only things more miraculous were the late 2020 growth periods, the 2021 3D debuts, and 1st Act. This is a new arc desu

>> No.50382530
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For what it's worth I'd say Temma did get a fair buff viewer-wise during the rust week, going 4 views for almost half of it, but I doubt it's gonna last unless he also actually starts doing outside collabs

>> No.50382551

If Temma's main content becomes organizing Holostars collabs, then his growth will depend on the participants'

>> No.50382682

Holostars needs to grow its fanbase first before that happen, especially the nips

>> No.50383019

Our tensai boy is almost a 4view, look at him go... *sniff*

>> No.50383502

This is a strange take to me, he has always been a planner for holostar collabs and the english streams are something he has talked about even before IPO, the major change ipo caused is him doing more membership content.

>> No.50383520

> tfw each suntempo basically networks to different crowd and audiences

>> No.50383683

Yeah, somehow people seems to ignore the fact that he's always been their huge collab organizer. It's probably because of the MariKa stretch, but even then he still held some collabs regularly.
On that note, I wish we can have another Ito collab, the last one was legendary.

>> No.50383708
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>Purposeful marketing min-maxing
>It was all part of the plan
Say it ain't so

>> No.50383839

They had to sacrifice Suntempo unity for Suntempo success, what a price to pay but I guess it worked.

>> No.50384042

Because anons itt think no outside collabs = lazy and doesn’t take holostars seriously, nevermind the fact that roberu is still one of the laziest holostars despite having the biggest numbers

>> No.50384131

>MariKa stretch
Thats a fair point, it doesnt help that compared to his other fixations it has lasted the longest outside of Ark and the thumbnails take up a large part of his current live page.

>> No.50384147

it makes me unironically happy to see someone using a meme I drew kek

>> No.50384152

Majin Resident Evil 0

>> No.50384305

who are the laziest holostars members?

>> No.50384429 [DELETED] 

Anyone who checked out Temma's roommate has seen how much he's actually capable of doing if he wants to, and it looks like he's finally putting that to use as Temma

>> No.50384713 [DELETED] 

Aunties have been saying that /here/ for a long time (recently they don't RMfag as hard as they used to) and yeah, I can understand why they were so frustrated. I'm glad he is putting in the elbow grease as a Holostar.

>> No.50384765

Thank you drawanon, keep drawing and I will keep saving them since I like your artstyle

>> No.50384799

The ones who make management plan plan their birthdays and anniversaries instead of doing it themselves

>> No.50384828

Nta but almost all his collabs involve miyabi / aruran + an extra guy sometimes so I considered him a yurustars collaber and not a holostars collaber. The bulk of english streams were also in 2021. It's 2023. Aunties are just a cult so they were willing to wait 2 years for crumbs

>> No.50384860

I just wished he used fanart as thumbnails more. He has good fanart and it encourages people to make more when you use it.

>> No.50384871

I'm dumb since I didn't know any of them did that ngl

>> No.50384893

you got any other holostars drawings you’d like to share?

>> No.50384943

while this is true he definitely is doing something right to garner that kind of a cult, and if he puts in even just a little bit more effort then that cult will carry him very far as we can clearly see

>> No.50384953

I'll give you hint, anon. There's one resident ESL shitposter who hates Roberu. Hide and ignore.

>> No.50385082
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None right now I haven't posted elsewhere publicly already, but I might draw more if I get time later. I'm the same drawanon that drew this picture of Shien in his koala boxers a few threads ago though

>> No.50385146


>> No.50385186

can i have some altare×temma for brainrot reasons

>> No.50385196

Thank you for drawing this work of sex

>> No.50385224

based, I'll try when I get time

>> No.50385260

You're welcome anon! this is what happens when you give a yumejo a pen

>> No.50385285

To be fair, I feel like lately he's been improving his thumbnail game compared to before. He'll still use a template for games with multiple streams, but he uses fanart for standalone streame more now.
What I wish him to change is his layout, although that'll probably never happen.
I just got somewhat envious everytime I see how pretty Rikka's is.

>> No.50385340

Temma's background hurts my eyes, but worth it for knight

>> No.50385373

thank you anon i owe you my life

>> No.50385493

I wish he had a black and white Gothic layout, something that looks kind of like what he uses for Mansion of Thoughts.

>> No.50385548

I hope he gets good enough at eigo so one day he can do mansion of thoughts and werewolf games with tempus, maybe even trpgs too FUCK

>> No.50385546

Yoshis can draw…

>> No.50385643


>> No.50386830

Ikebo Host Club

>> No.50387749
File: 301 KB, 1920x1080, FxTVj-kacAIIRyR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Izuru cover tomorrow

>> No.50387817

Okay, I need to ask. Sometimes I wonder why we're considered more of a cult compared to others. Would other fanbase not sit through their oshi's brainrot games? I'd think everyone would do the same thing Kishimen do to support their oshi, no?
Genuine question.
t. Auntie

>> No.50388012

astel being based watching yui
they've been playing a lot offstream

>> No.50388115

Damn, it hasn’t even been a week since he dropped the AsuIzu cover

>> No.50388133

Not even a week after the last cover? Holy shit I'm chumming

>> No.50388312
File: 124 KB, 303x281, 1619101295417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai temma tensai

>> No.50388333

Wtf astel on yui

>> No.50388393

wtf the asuyui rrats are real

>> No.50388439

Auntie, have you forgotten about the Temma Tensai chant? The walls of Temma Tensai in his 3D debut pre-chat (or was the reveal of his 3D debut, eh, one of them). That whole maro stream about praising him...

>> No.50388493
File: 987 KB, 3000x1688, 1684886592753098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50388502

Astel... late night furupa baro doko...

>> No.50388507

A clip of the legendary maro stream

>> No.50388612

Besides the Temma tensai chat, I think is more based on how loyal Kishimen are and the joke that they would do literally anything if the knight asked to.

>> No.50389110

>they would do literally anything if the knight asked to
Best example of this would be from the Yurustars Fall Guys stream where Temma told kishimen to drag the Hanagumi and Familiaran down by grabbing them and fall, sacrificing themselves so that he can win. The kishimen immediately did it.

>> No.50389207

Well... Uh. I mean. Wouldn't people also chant for your oshi if they have one?
It's true though, Temma tensai.
Thanks, now I remember him asking his listeners to start planking on stream, kek.

>> No.50389446

Has anyone ever thought of setting up a torrent for nuked Holostars content? Ragtag is biting the dust soon and many privated/deleted streams will be gone with it as well.

>> No.50389793

That and everything he does is praised to high heavens by all the aunties. He's immune to criticism like a true cult leader. I see them praise him even when he screws up which sometimes leads to him scolding them for not telling him if his audio is bugged or there's actually something wrong with the stream

>> No.50389797

what's the estimated size of all the nuked holostars content?

>> No.50389900

Damn it, she's singing Disney song. Guess there goes the archive. What did they sing together?

>> No.50389969


>> No.50389970

I genuinely have no clue but I believe you can check that in the excel document included with the announcement.

>> No.50389989

Oh so that's what they meant when they were talking about singing together during that Furupa stream with Hal, Tsuna and Hinano
At first I thought they meant a cover Collab but this makes more sense since they were talking about utawakus

>> No.50389994

Rip ragtag, you will be missed

>> No.50390102

Good luck to anyone archiving and seeding Uyu

>> No.50390512

I just find out Astel was dueting in Yui utawaku when I was doing genshit, hope the archive stay but looked like she sang some disney

So Yui is the girl he fucking today huh

>> No.50391295

I feel like Uyu should make a cover of this song

>> No.50391402

>>50390512 (me)
Ok listened the archive and goddamn, all this time Astel has only duet'd with girls with soft voice or energetic ones but when he got paired with a powerhouse vocal like Yui it turned out to be really good since both go all out without worrying the other's voice will drown out. Hope they release an official duet cover soon

>> No.50391468

temma tensai chanting aside, he feels like a natural born leader which in turn makes his fanbase seem like a cult.

>> No.50391650

That would work well for Uyu, the mv would be perfect.

>> No.50392148
File: 387 KB, 950x843, 1665125451937634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the english audience cares about cunny more than jp. that's it. Ame, Mumei, and gura basically all act the same, but gura has that small and cute model.

>> No.50392220
File: 219 KB, 782x925, CCE2E29F-69FA-4595-913D-82D0C82D84E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong thread, friend

>> No.50392256
File: 320 KB, 527x390, 1652952448969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello lost adventurer! are you interested in joining a cult?

>> No.50393327
File: 284 KB, 452x800, FxTTdcnaIAUEFoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite moments from the Miyabi final defense hours.

>> No.50393919

Astel and Yui discussed how hard it was to sing 点描の唄 alone, so Astel sent her a file with him singing the male part (she didn't ask him to do it lol) Yui practiced with it for her utawaku

>> No.50394173

so to start it went like this
>they play valorant together
>start talking about how astel singing is good
>yui had a karaoke and saying what should she sing
>she wants to sing 点描の唄 but doing it solo is hard
>karaoke time is approaching and astel suddenly send her his singing recording of that song for the male part
>she didnt ask for it but grateful and started practicing for it for 1 hour
what im not really sure is if shes talking about thay valo furupa collabs days ago she did with astel, hal, hinano and tsuna or they were playing offstream together. though its probably the latter since in that collab i dont recall any of them talking about karaoke or singing

>> No.50394297

watched, saved that duet in case it goes down, cried. dayum.

>> No.50394508

Interesting, that's why she suddenly delayed the stream 30 minutes before it started. Props to both of them.

>> No.50394574

Uyu apex

>> No.50394686

>>50394574 (me)
Forgot to add that it'll be a short unarchived stream since he's busy

>> No.50394779
File: 195 KB, 650x274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's that white fat fuck?

>> No.50394871


>> No.50394998

This makes uyu the only uproar with a fanbase mascot, right?

>> No.50395247

Rather than uproar, I don't think there's another talent in holostars that has a mascot for their fans

>> No.50395275


>> No.50395294

I like this
He has shifty, untrusting eyes

>> No.50395350

Ok you're right, there's mafia, but gen1 and gen2 don't have any right?

>> No.50396236

maybe menko counts...the main character for temma's visual novels viewer is supposed to self insert as

>> No.50396395
File: 254 KB, 900x630, Fs7OsCfX0AEUNXS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc the only official ones are MaFia's. That fantom was one of the fan designs from the Uyu birthday project ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hItz05KxT0Y ). I've seen some other fan ones like the green chat board for Regulars and pic related for Kishimen.

>> No.50396718

>i dont recall any of them talking about karaoke or singing
They do right before talking about the HoloPorte customs, forgot the exact timestamp but it should be around 4:23:00 on Hal's POV

Tho they probably still did play off-stream together since not only Astel invited her for the Furupa, but he's also the one who mentioned that she had been having trouble finding teammates

>> No.50396742

>noodlehead with hood as kishimen
kek that's fucking good

>> No.50397030

>>50396718 (me)
Checked again and I was one minute off, it's at 4:24:00, they talk about Astel and Yui's utawakus, and then they mention a collab

>> No.50397039

These cute little things are gang rapists, don't forget it.

>> No.50397716

Funny how things have changed, and now Kanata is the only one getting hate because she's the one being vocal about not wanting to Collab with Males.

>> No.50397901

i get that you have your fingers in many pies, but please learn to check the thread before you post, buddy

>> No.50398037

I wonder if Astel's planning to release the Idol cover on his birthday and probably even sing it live

>> No.50398095

Wasn't he still thinking on how he should sing it?

>> No.50398270

kek, mafia just phasing out of existence

>> No.50398861

I'm bored, What happened this time?

>> No.50399140

It's just a New IP threadshitter with the most obvious bait known to man, ignore and move on

>> No.50399233

Literally nothing new has happened either lol
It’s straight up month old bait

>> No.50400377
File: 1.47 MB, 2235x2444, EDF8329B-7E6C-424A-B0BB-26BDFE0CDE86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dango is kinda gross

>> No.50400652

Ah yeah now I remember they were indeed talking about it a bit but Yui never mention she wanted to sing 点描の唄 in her utawaku so probably they actually playing offstream and Yui mentioned that song when they were playing

>> No.50400921

>That shadow
He'll take it if you don't want it. Also, savory dango > sweet

>> No.50400930

Temma death loop

>> No.50401010

kek i'm glad this exists

>> No.50401362

is that the same dango that matuli got him to eat in his menshi as asmr? man it looks slimy

>> No.50401509

Anal beads

>> No.50403406
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>> No.50403913

Fuma is the only Uproar who shows in a playlist group covers he's in on other channels. A lot of OG9 are like that too, I don't get it

>> No.50403963


>> No.50404032

Ayo izuchama where that hand going

>> No.50404314
File: 116 KB, 1170x690, 20230529_162513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you know.

>> No.50405304

>Kanata's old clip in which she talks about not wanting to Collab with Males starts making the rounds on Reddit
>Kanata discussion on Reddit turns exclusively into "idol bad"
>Kanata ego search's in Reddit and comes upon it
>Brings it up on steam en starts getting angry at people who keep insisting that she's wrong and her dream of being an idol is bad

>> No.50405401

Send clips anon I love drama (As long as the stars are not affected)

>> No.50405680

Bettel A Week In Review

>> No.50407369

If there are voice packs with the anniversary merch I hope they do previews like the camp set and holography, it would at least be another reason to use the official channel and I think the preview is a good idea.

>> No.50407671

where the clip at

>> No.50408639

Have you considered fucking off

>> No.50410006

There was a yt preview for the other seasonal voice packs?

>> No.50410134
File: 305 KB, 1280x1270, 20230529221350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a summary of fuma's zatsu last night
>back was hurting and his eyes felt sore during the splatoon tourney practice stream, thought nothing of it. the next day during his final rust stream, his eye soreness got so bad to the point where he felt like his head was going to explode which is why he ended the stream abruptly
>went to massage therapist where they told him his back was one of the more concerning cases theyve seen. his shoulders were in the wrong place, his back was nearly at scoliosis-level, and his neck muscles were dead from all the hunching he was doing looking down at his switch
>did massage therapy, almost shit himself on the table (he had reoccurring stomachaches throughout the whole day because he kept eating like shit, eating cakes and coffee the entire time). needs to pay a lot of money for more therapy sessions & to get a chair that will help with his shrimp posture
>went to see the ophthalmologist the morning after and absolutely hated it. has some sort of fear of them and in general had a terrible terrible time
>doctor told him to wear his glasses more because his eyes were considerably a lot more damaged than the last time he went to visit when he first got his glasses (he still refuses to wear them)

tl;dr fuma is a dying, hunched, nearly blinded old man.

>> No.50410356

Fuma…what the fuck…

>> No.50410434

I remembered Shien once mentioned he saw someone with a super hunched posture which turned out to be Fuma, I really wondered how bad it is. It surprisingly doesn't really show in his 3D.
Hope he get a better chair soon.

>> No.50410496

I had a full retard moment and forgot that the camp voice pack is the summer pack, sorry.

>> No.50410576

I can fix him...

>> No.50410636

Sounds like it's almost time to put this old raccoon into a retirement home...

>> No.50410646

I can make him worse

>> No.50410869


>> No.50410951
File: 40 KB, 529x404, 1585450483607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuma please take care of yourself
(You) too anons

>> No.50410983

Why is the raccoon dying, he’s not even that old yet

>> No.50411039

Has Fuma overtaken Miyabi and Roberu as the most unhealthy Holostars?

>> No.50411220
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>> No.50411440

Miyabi Morning Flower
Altare Pupperazzi

>> No.50411562

This goblin will really turn into one if he keeps doing those things.

>> No.50412185

Looks like Magni is releasing an orisong this week.

>> No.50412413

thinking of the fuma yumejoshis out there at this moment, and asking them why

>> No.50412863

That is the resident Fuma anon/yumejoshi who wrote that greenpost... And speaking of Fuma anon, why are you in love with an elderly man? Do you want to take care of his crippled body when he's in a wheelchair? To take care of his aching brittle bones? To clean his ass when his bowels eventually give up if they haven't already? What is your endgame

>> No.50412926

Anon Vesper has yumes and you're asking why people love the twink raccoon?

>> No.50413029

Is there like a Stars physical health tier list?

>> No.50413181

I’ll listen to this while creating magni tofu clones

>> No.50413403

at least spear boy can survive in the woods on his own, raccoon can't survive in an actual house

>> No.50413409

> Aruran
> Temma
> Oga
> probably Uyu
> Astel
> Izuru
> Roberu
> Miyabi
> Fuma...
The rest are probably various degree of normal. Not too sure about en side.

>> No.50413469

Vesper is pretty healthy though. In fact, every single Holostars ojisan older than Fuma is leagues healthier than him

>> No.50413991

Miyabi announced anniv stream on the 8th June, also utattemita with 2 other members (one seems to be Fuma, maybe the other one Altare?).

>> No.50415237

>Vesper has yumes and you’re asking why people love the twink raccoon
No, no, no I think the real question should be why does Bettel have yumes despite his absurd diet and questionable health. At least Vesper I can kind of understand

>> No.50415618

An oganicflower game collab is happening soon.

>> No.50416016

>why does Bettel have yumes despite his absurd diet and questionable health
“I can fix him”

>> No.50416240

My point wasn't his health my point was that he treats his yumes like shit, women don't feel that grossed out by unhealthy men.

>> No.50416361

Don't know all of EN but
Overweight but not unhealthy

>Flayon I assume

>> No.50416384

Do yumes actually take how healthy/fit they are into consideration? Serious question.

>> No.50416585
File: 65 KB, 680x383, FlwWaPiX0AASetC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does Bettel have yumes
Cute model, funny streams, charming personality, boyfailure tumblr sexyman.

>> No.50416637

one of the things I'm attracted to in my oshi is his cooking and general taking care of himself, so I guess? I do find his weird sleep schedule cute though

>> No.50416692

Hakka says his thick wrists are because of his muscles but I don't know if I should believe him, I think he might be a bit ripped but still overweight, he eats a lot but men can eat a lot before starting to gain weight.

>> No.50416735
File: 158 KB, 525x482, 1666264990507338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am incredibly turned on by my oshi's healthy lifestyle and dedication to taxes.

>> No.50416951

Depends. Some women like anime boys who look "greasy" (mind you, most of them are still relatively good looking twigs) and jokingly like to call them stinky and whatnot but I don't think they'd go so far as to obsess over those who are unironically disgusting and covered in shit or something like that.

>> No.50416971

I would like to feed Robechan healthy foods

>> No.50417002
File: 35 KB, 564x564, 158dd96c708fadb0140162c3da8efdd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, as long as they're not morbidly obese or toxic menheras I don't care.

>> No.50417022

They are playing a lot off stream anon.
They play a day before Yui made her grind to plat with a bunch of notes for improvement.
This is why 5ch rrats is that Astel is her personal Valo coach.

>> No.50417354
File: 484 KB, 2000x2000, 533B4B23-58DB-43FC-B192-E35D00C64F76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i love him then all of that stuff doesn’t matter, however i do find how unclean and unhealthy he is as endearing and there’s a really strong urge to take care of him and make sure he is healthy and well. it could just be internal motherly instincts when it comes to things like this.

>> No.50417374
File: 757 KB, 2508x3541, FcISkwBaAAIE0LG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi is Miyabi, take a fucking guess

>> No.50417438

I mean, that puni puni is a plus for me

>> No.50417852

kek same

>> No.50417967


>> No.50418060

Every boy will have yume potential.

>> No.50418191

but especially my oshi

>> No.50418323
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With the power of the AYAKASHI, I copied Altare ability

>> No.50418418

This looks kinda fuckin cool

>> No.50418976

he's coping with publicly shitting himself by making himself look cool

>> No.50419121

Where does Fuma get all the art he posts? He never credits

>> No.50419272

Majin as posted his first short!

>> No.50419490

I tried making one with what I know. Feedback welcomed.

>> No.50419530
File: 107 KB, 1200x675, FwxzvpNaIAAlJYz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His art tag, he's just pon about crediting. The Altare one also has edits for the other HQ members.

>> No.50419573
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>>50419490 (me)
Sorry am dumb.

>> No.50419718

Isn't Flayon actually pretty fit too?

>> No.50419757

He's actually pretty /fit/ and generally very conscious about both physical and mental health. Enjoys running, uses exercise as ADHD management, has retard strength, also used to fight a lot and has asked both his manager and Altare to fight him seriously.
E.g. his ring fit streams are just advanced zatsu, and last time he did a fighting game push up batsu he did about 90 then said he'd probably switch the exercise next time since it's too easy
I think the only unhealthy thing he does is go to bed at like 5-7 am his time, but did mention once time that he'd prefer not to, he just can't do much about it.

>> No.50419819

Why doesn't he just retweet lmao, silly raccoon

>> No.50420174

Fuma... I didn't know uyu was fit, that's pretty cool

>> No.50420271

I like how fuma is just his own category

>> No.50420376

he brought this onto himself

>> No.50420783
File: 314 KB, 1184x982, health tier updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated with feedback from /mans/.
Actually I don't have hard confirmation as well, but I remember during his DBD with Temma, they talked about working out and Temma was surprised at how much stamina Uyu said he had. Also all those long hours stream.

>> No.50420886

Real lack of twinks in stars, not looking good

>> No.50420997

twinkle twinkle little star

>> No.50421159

Uyu and Flayon are a massive surprise to me.

>> No.50421397

>so many fit fulltime gamers

>> No.50421413
File: 266 KB, 1300x1470, FN8XXYDaMAAJq1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes it's about quality, not quantity.

>> No.50421722

At the very least we have proof for Aruran, Oga, Temma, and Flayon. Altare sounds like he's halfway between tier 1 and 2. We don't have enough Fantoms here to validate Uyu's tier, actually.

>> No.50421747

I want to eat pomekoro

>> No.50422339

Altare was incredibly fit at debut, he could do 100 pushups super fast with no sweat. Now he struggles with 50 but can still pull it off and does talk about doing his gym reps. In between tier 1 and 2 sounds about right.

>> No.50422347

Shut up mans If Hakka was unhealthy he would be death by now.

>> No.50422522

anyone that can do 50 pushups must be fit. I can do 30-35 and I'd say I'm pretty fit.

>> No.50422624

What does this mean?

>> No.50423274

Coping I guess

>> No.50424244
File: 140 KB, 1098x618, A5BEDEDB-44A6-4A31-A77E-2558821922CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is my son playing

>> No.50424837

Didn’t koyori play this the other day?

>> No.50424931

FOTM, koyo and i think peko played it too

>> No.50425161

Speaking of pekora
If pekora is roberu’s sister
Doesn’t this make koyo his niece?

>> No.50425180

I rather have him play Poppy Playtime than this piece of shit

>> No.50425877

Magni Drawing Costume Assets

>> No.50426216

>Poppy Playtime
Didn’t that game have a bunch of controversies or something?

>> No.50426763

Yeah but the company did say they will not do the NFT stuff anymore so I thought maybe there was more of a chance to play that… not Ban Ban. Either way, both games are eh to me.

>> No.50427659

>Astel became Yui's Valo buddy instead of heisha


>> No.50430665

My oshi happens to be someone who takes care of himself but I generally agree with >>50417002

>> No.50432410
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 【#ひろがるホロライブDAY1】イヅル&オウガと巡る!ホロスターズのEXPOさんぽ 20-0 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Holostars itabag

>> No.50432470

Gamma is working hard on getting back to /fit/, he fell off due to being so busy the past few months but he's back to working out regularly now things have calmed. He's been talking about it in his mengen picture diary. He's not looking to get built but to just stay lean, and he's improving his diet again too after a few months of conbini, Uber and ramen dependence.

>> No.50433217
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>> No.50433807

Seems like stars can now collab with neoporte 3rd gen

>> No.50433887


>> No.50434594

Aruran Tears of the Kingdom

>> No.50434639

Astel actually trying to rule Neoporte over for himself jesus

>> No.50434642


>> No.50434833
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>> No.50434867
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>> No.50434906
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>> No.50434951
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>> No.50434985
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>> No.50435060
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>> No.50435106
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>> No.50435143
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>> No.50435186
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>> No.50435222
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>> No.50435330

Please, Fuma anon
Fix him

>> No.50435530

Gamma is /fit/ and Uyu is normal. Uyu doesn't train often but he mentioned exercsing after gaining weight a few months ago. Low chances that he's a twink

>> No.50435882

Is it possible to fix a raccoon?

>> No.50435951

he's unironically too stubborn, tsukibitos and the rest of uproar have been telling him off for his shit eating habits (nicely) since debut and nothing has improved.

>> No.50436061

I can agree that fixing eating habit can be difficult, but at least he should wear his glasses. Like there's almost no down side to it if you pick the right glasses, especially at home.

>> No.50436121

>makes a cover about wearing glasses
>stubbornly refuses to wear his actual glasses

vesper level autism and the former used to be my EN oshi

>> No.50436169
File: 49 KB, 156x171, 1656234956241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone get Astel to shame him.

>> No.50436197

Didn't he have a stream picking out a new pair of glasses too?

>> No.50436228

Astel also has a monstrous appetite so I doubt he's the best person for that, though his cooking looks delicious
Bossu you're our only hope...

>> No.50436280

> spoiler
That said, headaches and eyesore induced from not wearing glasses can be hell. I even know someone whose retinal nerve was damaged from that.
Wear your glasses, anons.

>> No.50436378

Astel eats well though. I mean, WHEN he eats kek

>> No.50436420

I don't understand people who can tolerate things being blurry and unclear, it's such a constant strain on your eyes because your brain WANTS things to be clear and WILL strain your eyes to attempt to make it clearer

>> No.50436500

Seaweed either eats shits tons of good food or just starves himself for like 10 hours

>> No.50436845

This reminds me Astel actually seems to be nearsighted but doesn't wear glasses (he once said he was thinking of finally getting them and that he can't see the comments in 3D streams). Why are they like this?

>> No.50436855
File: 326 KB, 1142x1144, healt tier fin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay here's a final one since there are some more feedbacks. I added another tier.

>> No.50436916

seaweed needs some glasses himself.

>> No.50437166

Could it be... is Fuma learning from his oshi?

>> No.50437338

Who else in holostars wears glasses irl?

>> No.50437394

Don't most of the O9 wear glasses?

>> No.50437476

Well, the ones I know for sure are
Magni, Oga, Miyabi, Temma (had lasik but wear bluelight PC glasses).

>> No.50437568

Rikka Amanda the Adventurer
Roberu Garten of Banban

>> No.50437591

Roberu wears glasses!

>> No.50437622

>rikka is playing amanda the adventurer today
>aruran is playing amanda the adventurer today
they are?

>> No.50437759

I like to spot the moments he pushes his glasses up on his nose during 3D streams...noticeably majin doesn't do that so i think he wears contacts or something during 3D

>> No.50437855

This game is completely in English, Robechan is using Google lens and his own skills to play it

>> No.50438040

Gamma will be playing ranked APEX tomorrow with Ran and Kazari. Nice to see him still trying hard to meet new people, and he really shines in collabs too.

>> No.50438137

nice! i'm taking the eigo crumbs

>> No.50438298

Either they are stubborn, or they dont regularly do activities that require their eyes to be proper.
The former is someone like Bettel who might get into a car accident if he continues to ignore wearing glasses, the latter is probably Astel and Fuma who I am almost sure dont drive.

>> No.50438882

that's it? Why the fuck did he play this kuso game?

>> No.50438909

Good point. Which makes me wonder, how many of the Stars know how to drive/ride? I know that Roberu is a paper driver, but how about the others? I think driving is slowly becoming a forgotten hobby/skill in Japan, especially in the more urban areas. It's something I cannot relate to, since I get real antsy whenever I don't get to ride my motorcycle for an extended period of time.

>> No.50438939

You answered your own question, it's precisely because it's a kusoge.

>> No.50438971

Gamma's a paper driver too. There really is no reason to drive in Japan if you're living in a city - cars are a huge expense, and way more inconvenient than just taking public transport. Even long-distance rides are a pain in the ass and wallet with all the tolls.

>> No.50439008

> no license
Miyabi, Izuru
> paper driver
> can drive
Aruran, Rikka
Not sure about MaFia, maybe other anons can help. Pretty sure they're on the last category, though.

>> No.50439018

oga has a driving license at least, because he used to live in the middle of nowhere where nearest store was far away too

>> No.50439059

doesn't moyabi have motorbike license? i remember him talking about getting one last year

>> No.50439121

Shien mentioned having to renew his license once iirc.

>> No.50439132

I think he tried but in the end didn't get it. Yurustars (maybe Yurustaritai?) asked him about it and he said not to bring it up anymore iirc.

>> No.50439148

