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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50379536 No.50379536 [Reply] [Original]

Why is her viewership dead?

>> No.50379593

Spoiled ass holofags theres unironically like less than 10 english vtubers that can pull as many viewers as this boring broad does outside of hololive english.

>> No.50379645

Because the vtubing fandom is full of idiot losers who can't stand when someone tells them to stop idiot losers.

>> No.50379658

I used to think the board was overexaggerating the nijinigger problem, but these threads really pop up more whenever there is niji drama...

>> No.50379989

Ame's "dead viewership" is better than every single girl in NijiEN

>> No.50380050
File: 355 KB, 497x410, 1683079253592352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it's not just her, the whole of EN's viewership is dying. I remember when Ina pulled 9k-11k regardless of what game she was playing and regardless of the overlap. And it's not as if those days were even all that long ago. Take the average viewership from last year and half it, and that's more or less what they're getting now (yes they are obviously exceptions to this, but on a per stream basis this is how it currently looks).

t. non tribal EN viewer who's simply telling it how it is

>> No.50380191

The vtubing fad died out here after covid
People would rather touch grass or return to seasonal anime slop for the weebs

>> No.50380237

Ina has never been a consistent 10k streamer without buffs like block game and Elden Ring. She usually hovers around 7k-8k on neutral streams and has had debuffs tank stream numbers as low as sub 5k. Also
>using Zelda part 11 as an example

>> No.50380247

Apart from sending half her fanbase off to "improve themselves" she also hasn't been really doing much. She used to always have something cooking but now it's painfully obvious she's forcing herself to even stream 3 days a week. Surprisingly people don't respond enthusiastically when they know you're only hanging out begrudgingly

>> No.50380267
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>meanwhile koyori 20k

>> No.50380324
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I don't get it? looks fine to me.

>> No.50380456

>Ame and Bae over IRyS and Fauna

>> No.50380510

So she's basically the average en and ina is above the rest

>> No.50380573

Yes, all the male collabers (Ina/Bae/Ame) did better than the pro unicorn girls (Kiara/Fauna/Irys). Weird times huh?

>> No.50380635

all coincidence, it depends on the content

>> No.50380657

Contradictory to what the schizos think I don't think that has any significant part in their viewership. Kiara will always get low numbers and Ina will get high and it's because of a multitude of reasons

>> No.50380697

Kiara and Ame same content. Ina is playing the old prequel which should be an even bigger debuff. Bae playing shovelware.

>> No.50380806

>using the most recent stream as an example of the current times
Yeah, that's how these things work.

>> No.50380899

She was the one who created the Gosling meme but in the end told her goslings to fuck off.

>> No.50380918
File: 87 KB, 646x266, fauna kronii outlast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K how bout the stream before that.

>> No.50380968

You mean CGDCT

>> No.50380977

If I remember right both Kronii and Fauna were having sex with each other both were close to 7k CCV for both sides

>> No.50381022

>6k on Zelda botw, (BOTW not ToTK) part 11
Wow Takos have to be the most boring people imaginable

>> No.50381095

>Collab with Gura
Easy numbers

>> No.50381158

Her viewers have improved themselves into not watching her anymore

>> No.50381261

Because she's always been a mediocre streamer who gets upset at video games. She used to have big numbers when there were only a handful of en vtubers out there but now that there's a ton of competition she doesn't bring anything unique to the table so people just moved on.

>> No.50381264 [DELETED] 

>Improve yourself while she slurps on homocock.

>> No.50381291

Nijiniggers and small corpo fag thought that shitting on HoloEN would make their viewers fuck off to watch them but in actuality they fuck off from vtuber for good

>> No.50381486

Doing creative streams was her signature, but constantly chasing that dragon burnt her out so now she has nothing to set her apart and she stupidly filtered a lot of her dedicated fanbase for no good reason

>> No.50381502

I've seen so many of them openly admit they just use Ina as background noise to study or fall asleep to, that I just assume this is what every takoshart does now.
To be fair though I wouldn't be surprised if BOTW is less of a debuff than TOTK because of all the "oh nyo i have to play through it myself first, muh hecking spoilers" retards

>> No.50381543

I never understud the whole "la creatividad" thing. It was mostly pretty uninteresting gimmicks like using a different model.

>> No.50381664

When you have someone like Ame with no talent for singing, dancing, being funny, idol-like or good at games your only hope is to create "creative" content

>> No.50381674

Not for mori though.

>> No.50381821

these threads are funny because you can see which retards are just here to take potshots without even actually looking at viewership stats

>> No.50381866

This is why you don't have a girlfriend, or any friends really.

>> No.50382840

>Not for mori
As it should be.

>> No.50382870

I'm right here anon

>> No.50384000

I don't watch her anymore but she's still the one who makes me cum buckets. I like her boobs so much.

>> No.50384140 [DELETED] 

unikeks and their daily seethe threads baka

>> No.50386378

She drove off her 'normal' fans during the later half of 2021. Only the goslings stuck around and she pushed them away a year later.

>> No.50386669

Almost 6k for BotW, a years old Zelda game that everyone else already played to hell and back AND A FUCKING PART #11 too at that, it's very good for anybody who isn't a big JP name, not stellar but very damn good.

Any old Teammate will tell you the same sad story, while the "improve yourself" bit didn't help she has been a massive contrarian since day one, scaring and pushing away viewers time after time again, doing always the opposite of what the chat asked her to no matter how good or fun a recommendation would be.

Yes, we get raided by different discords almost daily, it's like /pol/ or /v/ but on a small scale and with a bit more drama.

>males out of nowhere

You could at least TRY to get a (you), sister.

>> No.50386818

> drove off her 'normal' fans

>> No.50386889

A combination of tummy hort, dropped projects and being a bitchy cunt all the time

>> No.50387010
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And yet she's still mogging Kiara, just compare numbers on the same game, literally 2x

>> No.50387253

She is abrasive and VTuber fans are soft man children

>> No.50387308
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Mogging Kiara is not as much of a gotcha as you think it is
Everyone mogs Kiara

>> No.50387390

>collab with homos
>your audience hates it
>fight with your audience
>they leave
It's a lesson Ame, Kronii and Mori had to learn
But because they're basic western bitches they think they're in the right and the fans that left are just haters that deserve to be antagonized

>> No.50387540

You're a bitch

>> No.50387654

Rent free

>> No.50387671

>Mogging Kiara is not as much of a gotcha as you think
why? Kiara's at a point where she's mogging luxiem on a regular basis now.

>they leave
looking at numbers more poeple watched Ina/Ame/Bae today than Fauna/IRyS/Kiara. Kronii also got better views in the collab than Fauna. so....?

>> No.50387737

Jesus just graduate Kiara

>> No.50387801

I won't even give you a (you) for that shitty bait
try a little harder next time

>> No.50387906
File: 347 KB, 1453x680, 20230529102428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except it's not just her, the whole of EN's viewership is dying.
The whole of HoloEN*
FTFY. Perhaps not streaming, telling your viewers to improve themselves and that they aren't your friends aren't the best ideas to keep your fans around
See picrel having no issue whatsoever attracting viewers.

>> No.50387930

Explain to me why Kronii has better numbers than Fauna playing the same game without pissing your panties
Kronii has the shoeter VOD too

>> No.50387963

Why the fuck are you dragging CGDCT Ina into your homo-friendly circle, faggot?
(No, one business collab on a cover doesn't make her homo-friendly)

>> No.50387969

Do you really think theyre trying anymore. And the hype of EN died a long time ago and they are very restrictive on what they can do meanwhile marine can be almost naked on stream

>> No.50387999


>> No.50388045

Lower viewership retention. People dipping in and out more often lead to higher views since you can get up to +5 views by yourself just by looking at a stream for more than 30seconds 5 times.
That's why views alone aren't too meaningful, it's watch hours or viewership retention rate that matter. Too bad those aren't available publicly

>> No.50388166

So basically Kronii wins in the statistic that has proof and we don't know who wins in the statistic that doesn't. cool.

>> No.50388200

i'm getting flashbacks to the sad christmas tree they made in year 1 and all the traditions they wanted to make together. Good times but now i must improv and mek friends.

>> No.50388276
File: 161 KB, 640x480, 3gdxe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I killed the other teamates.
I will be the last one.

>> No.50388417

If I don't like the vtuber, it's because she did something that I didn't like and is now being justifiably punished.
If I like the vtuber, it's just the ebb and flow of streaming and she'll be back doing big numbers again when she streams what I like.

>> No.50388547

We know she has lower CCV. We know she has less chatters in her stream than Fauna. We have data for that pulled from YT API and recorded
Unless you are saying that her viewers are somehow a lot more quiet than Fauna's and YT also culled her harder, it doesn't make much sense

>> No.50388658

I like how the current topic is Fauna vs Kronii in Ame's own hate thread

>> No.50388707

>We know she has lower CCV.
Not really tho
Fauna is very consistent with her 6k core audience while Kronii can pull anywhere from 4 to 8k on regular gaming streams and upwards of 10k on rare buff streams like karaoke
Kronii's viewership is a lot more volatile than Fauna's but her average should be around the same if not higher

>> No.50388715

Doesn't play a buff game for a very long time. And when she plays it, she positions it to when she gets overlapped to hell.

>> No.50389019

>be exemplary GFE idol
>dictionary defines 'gosling' using you as an example
>see photographs of your fans and become disgusted
>betray them the same way everyone else in their lives has
I can't begin to imagine what happened.

>> No.50389086

People improved themselves

>> No.50389123


It's not really hard to guess. She doesn't do anything particularly interesting or exciting and spends too much time squabbling with her fans. This is a problem EN has in general but Ame is one of the worst examples of it.

Another problem is that Gura was the tentpole of Myth, and she's basically turned into a mini-Ayame who mostly doesn't stream anymore. While everyone is responsible for their own numbers to some extent, they're supposed to work together as a unit and help each other out. Gura being effectively retired has damaged the other four.

>> No.50389247

I dropped Homolive years ago and out of fucking tank. What is that drama that happened around her?

>> No.50389265

Because she wants people to slurp homocock like she does she's no different than the troons and lgbt supporters who were harassing Pikamee over the wizard game. She's a cancer I guarantee you she's the reason tempiss exist. Then she have the cojones to tell me to improve myself. Bitch you improve yourself your job is to entertain men who are giving you money you stupid whore.

>> No.50389360

Why is Fauna using a porn image as her thumbnail
Do saplings really tolerate this

>> No.50389668

Sadly, vtuber fans are, well, retarded. So they made mountains out of mole hills enough times to spew their toxic spray on everything relating to Ame which killed all of her momentum and made all fans that still exist want to leave because the only people still there suck. It's unfortunate and Ame didn't deserve this inescapable situation she's in since she (occasionally) tries very hard.

>> No.50389804

Henya has "new thing" buff + the saviorfags that think they're owning the trannies by watching her. Pika was on a 2k-3k default before her graduation.

This happened with Kson too. Her first months as an indie she was a 10k-20k streamer but now she's at 2k-3k range.

>> No.50389816

>This guy wrote this message
Improve yourself teammate how did you allowed this to happen to you.

>> No.50389858

>Male collaber
A business-only cover doesn't turn Ina from part of CGDCT quartet into a male collaber

>> No.50389876

Huh... I never thought about it but her first sperg out driving away her fans was after her first meet up, you might be onto something

>> No.50389954

You can't unsuck a cock

>> No.50389979

This is a pretty retarded thread but posting your frames of each of your streams days in advance, burying them in peoples subfeed might have something to do with it.

>> No.50390055

If that's the case, not even IRyS and Kiara would've been part of CGDCT group seeing they also collabed with the catboy before and talked to StarsJP on Twitter.
Business-only interactions don't matter - the same thing applied to actual idols too - unless one is a schizo or a collabbeggar

>> No.50390158

I wasn't that original anon but yeah, Irys and Kiara are neither on the CGDCT category. Right now is only Gura and Fauna. Which basically means CGDCT is dead for HoloEN since out of the two, one is MIA and the other is a cunt.

>> No.50390198

>find source of this porn image
>it's just her in a bikini
why do you lie?

>> No.50390389

kek half of those peaks are raids, and twitch ccv = roughly half of youtube for the same viewers because of all the culling for adblocks, 2nd tabers, low activity chatters etc, making her 7.5k avg twitch ccv = 3.8k avg youtube ccv, which is pretty much what she was getting before with no buffs, except twitch pays shit for adsrev. Amazing.

>> No.50390487

>and twitch ccv = roughly half of youtube for the same viewers
explain this cope to me

>> No.50390603

People who don't watch Ame don't believe that she's had consistent numbers for years. Tourists thinks her LA CREATIVIDAD streams are the norm for CCV, but looking back from 2020, she's always hovered between 3rd and 4th for Myth numbers for regular streams.

I'm hoping the numberfagging doesn't get to her and that she's enjoying her new regular schedule since I and a lot of teamates have been enjoying her consistency.

>> No.50390683

How is fauna a cunt. She's not obligated to sell you in the idea of friendship or gfe for that matter, the only one being a cunt is you who can't separate fiction from reality. Do you walk to strangers shaking their hands forcibly and asking them to be your friend no? Shut the fuck up clown

>> No.50390766 [DELETED] 
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Daily reminder that these are the people who are telling you to improve yourself.

>> No.50390984
File: 52 KB, 858x425, holorev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm hoping the numberfagging doesn't get to her
lol numberfagging getting to someone who wanted to permanently turn off superchats. Also I don't get why people numberfag holomem stream views/sc, when it's been stated that it isn't even where majority of their earnings come from (by top sc earner kson herself).
Holomems aren't just anime streamers like the rest of the vtubing industry, the idol side of things guarantees 6 figures even for the ID girls. Additionally with the EN concert it's almost a sure thing that all the EN girls are making more this fiscal year than last year.

>> No.50390987

She's not obligated to but she did it for 2 years because it was easy money and instead of having the decency of keeping the illusion up she used the first opportunity she had to shit on her fans. That's prime cunt behavior in my book. I'm glad to see her viewership tanking since, I always knee she was a fake bitch with her uwu mommy voice.

>> No.50391105

She literally post a screen shot of her views on Twitter a while ago lmao, if you think she doesn't care about numbers you're retarded. She's also started playing more FOTM games, doing pandering streams, using lewd thumbnails, etc. She's also mentioned several times not doing streams just because they wouldn't do good numbers.

Honestly I would say she's the biggest numberfag in HoloEN.

>> No.50391165

Calm down simpling, your mask is slipping.

>> No.50391300

>Honestly I would say she's the biggest numberfag in HoloEN.
That has to be Mori
She built her entire character around being unabashed white trash and "keeping it real" like any raphoe should
Then when her numbers dropped she flipped on what she said in the past, changed her whole personality and starting whoring out her model for coomer views
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.50391306
File: 896 KB, 1200x899, manjigumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone understands. For some reason numberfaggots /here/ think Holo's main source of income has anything to do with streaming.

>> No.50391449

Okay, what the fuck are you talking about. You are incredibly wrong about basically everything.

>> No.50391500
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>a # thread when they already have a general

>> No.50391597

>She literally post a screen shot of her views on Twitter a while ago lmao
yes she posted one where her views had 69 on it and one where her subscriber count ended in 774 (aka nanashi)
>She's also started playing more FOTM games
looking at timeline it's mainly fps games and not even the FOTM ones. The only mainstream games she stuck with are Elden and TOTK due to the open world.
>doing pandering streams
lol lmao
>using lewd thumbnails
everyone does, she isn't even the biggest culprit of doing so
>She's also mentioned several times not doing streams just because they wouldn't do good numbers
lol, she doesn't do specific streams/games because she's worried people won't like it

but hey it's not like a threadreader like you wouldn't know any of this anyway.

>> No.50391715

Oh hey the Troon Discord Defense Force is here.

>> No.50391753

concession accepted

>> No.50391768

>no counterargument
I accept you concession, better luck next time.

>> No.50391864

This, cover only requires you to stream regularly on your first year. After that you're set and can pretty much coast for the rest of your career.

>> No.50391913

>same script
You guys need to be more organized this was embarrassing

>> No.50391950
File: 230 KB, 2112x1188, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's karma for her acting like a Karen on the train in Japan.

>> No.50391999
File: 17 KB, 188x450, 1576538789681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to understand anon, justice must be served.

>> No.50392173

>still no counterargument, embarrassing herself further.
>b-but it's you guys that are embarrasing
Also people calling are your concession a concession because that's what it is.

>> No.50392750

>lol numberfagging getting to someone who wanted to permanently turn off superchats
People / Holo members don't GAF about SCs (and more about viewerships / CCV / watch hours), so I don't see how turning off SC means she doesn't care about numberfagging. It's not a matter of income (they all have enough to live well for years if not for life), it's a matter of prestige. For example, see how Pekora had 2 numberfagging sites bookmarked in her browser before even though she obviously had and has way more money than most Holo members.
But if we are to talk about income, well, judging by recent data before Hololive fixed their site, Ame isn't doing super well - relatively, compared to other EN members - either...

>> No.50392905

lol you people are so desperate its hilarious
especially when the fact that gura not streaming should help the other ENs

>> No.50393038

Correct. They were scissoring each other all stream. It was hot. Fauna still got a higher peak though by a few hundred and way outside FST

>> No.50393149

>Pekora is a numberfag, therefore all holos are numberfags!
>judging by recent data before Hololive fixed their site
links of gtfo

>> No.50393261

Rent free holo fag

>> No.50393320
File: 27 KB, 582x587, 1683725766100989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Nijiniggers wish their rent was free

>> No.50393363

It's another episode of /#/ pulling random numbers out of their asses and pretending it's a fact

>> No.50396497

everyone busy improving

>> No.50396991

Coping clockfags

>> No.50397348

>Ame's own hate thread
Except it's just a thread asking why her viewership is low. Why do you feel hatred from everything?

>> No.50398082

Honestly 2023 has been a bad year for ame antis

>> No.50399856

>Still believing Gura's whining

Bae literally just played Penis game.

>> No.50401347

>Disappeared for 3 months because "I forgot my phone lol"
>Got a short-term buff to viewership on return which quickly settled at a lower level because people had moved on
Bad example

>> No.50401667

How many month long breaks has Ina had? was it that 3 month break and then the 2 month break?

>> No.50401897

If anything, there is a clear difference between Marine and Gura. One is experienced in working in professional environment, the other isn't.
Marine said it herself - most of the restrictions were there to protect their channels, so it's not like Cover was trying to prevent them from streaming. As long as you are prepared and willing to negotiate with the management, Holo members can actually push their borders quite far. She said she wished Holo members could've tried harder, too.
For all we know, Gura probably just went "Uh... okay" when her manager told her "Gura, it might be hard to do this..."

>> No.50402385

learn how to english, bitch.

>> No.50404285

Tried to watch Koyori play Megaman X, my favorite game and could not stand how boring she is. I've watched other girls play it, like IRyS, Kronii and Airi from phase connect, everyone was more entertaining than Koyori.
HoloX is by far the most shilled gen, yet they're mediocre streamers and singers, Laplus being an exception. Meanwhile EN was left dead in the water by management and had to forge their own success, no 3D, took ages for new costumes and the last straw was debuting the males instead of getting more girls, even when Kiara and Ame have complained about the lack of members for their projects and stream collabs.

>> No.50405235

Kek at this faggot seething

>> No.50405524

Why are you a seething femanon ?

>> No.50406083

>HoloX is by far the most shilled gen, yet they're mediocre streamers and singers, Laplus being an exception.
>Laplus being an exception.

This isn't the bizarre /vt/ thread anon.

>> No.50406663

Meant exception to being a mediocre streamer/singer.

>> No.50406893

Trash streamer from a trash gen, Holomyth is the biggest failure in vtubing history.

>> No.50407293

The EN vtuber market has been reclining since 2021 though it really peaked during the first several months. I remember when Gura was getting 50k CCV during game collabs and Ina was getting 18k CCV when drawing. HoloEN is still the big fish with NijiEN being a distant second but the end of the lockdowns did change the market.

>> No.50407325
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There is no compelling reason to watch her over other vTubers who have actual things to offer outside of being in a popular agency. Other vTubers can sing better, better at games, can draw or make music, are cuter or sexier and pander, etc etc The only reason to watch her and most of HololiveEN is out of some weird sense of brand loyalty when said brand has basically spat in their face time and time again.

>> No.50407638

>Don't you guys have female friends?
>We're not friends and we shouldn't be.
>Better yourselves.
>Watching vtubers makes you a loser
I'll never understand how you can have everything going for you then intentionally shoot yourself in the foot with such an out of touch comment that instantly makes your fans feel like absolute trash then turn on you. Is this just a western woman thing?

>> No.50407645

I don't think so, HoloEN might be reclining, but not everyone else is, there's so much to choose from these days for EN vtubers, so EN viewership is spread out much more thinly. When Myth debuted they were the only big name in town, but now there's NijiEN, Vshojo, Phase Connect, etc. not to mention all the big indies.

>> No.50408119

Sorry Ame, I was busy touching grass. Can't catch your stream.

>> No.50408387

>business built on a good relationship with consumers
>shit on consumers
>they leave

>> No.50408427

Quick teamates i need some Goslings please.
The basic ones i need most but advanced ones are welcome too.

>> No.50408999
File: 460 KB, 400x600, No... they showed my numbers [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7fbd1e.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50410794

>Still awkward
>still can't carry a conversation
>still can't do collabs well

It's been like what 3 years now and she still hasn't developed any kind of conversation skills.

>> No.50411003

Hope you don't look at her numbers in a month or two.

>> No.50411064

She stopped streaming regularly, stopped doing big projects, stopped doing collabs, and basically does everything she can to spite her audience.

>> No.50411494

No corporation cares about you or consumers. Literally none.

>> No.50411498

>She is abrasive
This. Why should I have to put up with toxic people when I'm trying to unwind? "It's just bants" yeah, sure, that's why it's all one way traffic.

>> No.50411507

Have you forgotten that she also took a long break? She’s not a good example to use here

>> No.50411543

Her being abrasive was cute before she started pushing Homocollabs and actually insulting her audience.

>> No.50411748

>no gura gimmick for you anymore
she basically has nothing to offer without myth, even today I don't understand on what criteria she was chosen, she was extremely boring and lacked any talent since she was on twitch and on top of all that she hasn't improved at all after all this time

>> No.50411783

Sounds like you are a soft man baby who can't stand people like Ame pointing out how trash you are.

>> No.50412031

>she hasn't improved at all after all this time
this, most others start out overly formal and awkward for the first month or two but eventually relax and start to develop their shtick. but ame is just as awkward and hard to listen to as ever. It's like she never got past that initial into phase and still does not know how to stream and talk to her audience and other talents and know how to carry a conversation well

>> No.50412471

Obviously, moron.
That other idiot should've phrased it as such:
>service industry provides a certain service
>develops a dedicated customer pool
>inexplicably changes the product one day for no reason
>consumers leave because the service sold is no longer the same product

>> No.50412647

>she basically has nothing to offer without myth
She built a 3D studio in the US for EN members, and organized a team for VR Chat collabs.
She probably is looking to eventually transition into management team

>> No.50412791

I'm not that anon, but in general people don't like being pointed for how terrible they are.
It is way easier to be offended and just move on to the next entertainer than being scolded everytime. I'm not even saying Amelia is wrong, but that eventually will kill her viewership if she does that all the time

>> No.50413733

>kronii got more views in the collab
No shit, kronii fans don’t have any problem with fauna so they all tuned in, fauna fans don’t like kronii so a lot of them skipped it

>> No.50414790

There are more vtubers now than ever, more choices means viewership spreads out more.
Her viewership is low because people are literally watching someone they like more.

>> No.50417739

She doesn't fit Hololive.

>> No.50417850

YOU dont fit in Hololive.

>> No.50418606

>posting Selen of all people when she's just nijichink discount Ame

>> No.50418831

That's cute. You're cute.

>> No.50419521

Marine does. Pekora does. Most HoloJP would never do something if they knew their fans would hate it and they certainly wouldn't go out of their way to attack them.

>> No.50419610

>"Improve yourself" is considered an attack by the most pathetic pieces of shits in the world

>> No.50420028

What are you even doing here if you're not a pathetic piece of shit?

>> No.50420383


>> No.50420755

Watch own English language bloody bitch ,bastards

>> No.50421075

I raped ur mom and tears her into 523 pieces

>> No.50421295

EN took their succes for granted and started shitting on their veiwers.
Also t*mpiss.

>> No.50421855

best reply in the entire thread

>> No.50422374

Improve yourself implies someone is inferior, lacking insufficient or defective.
She said that to her fans, many people who work hard and support her financially.
And the merit she used to judge them is simply not liking the new content direction. A direction that is not a normal part of why people go to her company, it's in fact something many want to avoid when they choose the Hololive brand as their vtubers.
Fans were fully in the right and Ame's only course of action to justify herself was degrading the quality of her fabsxas human beings.
Insults like those only reflect the character of the person behind them.
Kind of like what you did now. You are wrong and you have nothing of value to say so your only option is to throw insults and attempt to degrade those you disagree with.
Maybe it's Ame and people like her who cannot see different people eye to eye and have to think of them as inferior to justify their behavior towards them who have room to grow.

>> No.50422650

that's a nice wall to prop up your failure of a manhood

>> No.50424900 [DELETED] 

Amelia "I brag about my high body count" Watson needs to improve herself.

>> No.50426010 [DELETED] 

>high body count
lmao i guess 2 seems insurmountable to you

>> No.50426134

Was wondering when you'd pop up again.

>> No.50426396

You type like a woman
Are they in the room with us right now schizo?

>> No.50426416

She's said she likes the production side of things but enjoys streaming too much to stop. How much that actually translates to actually streaming is questionable.

>> No.50426620

She was pretty tenacious in the beginning and she was in prime position for an idol journey. She loves singing but sucks at it so there was a lot of room to grow and her creativity and down to earth nature drew a lot of people in. If she actually followed through on her jp and singing reps she would have been something special but she sabotaged herself at every step

>> No.50426970


That kind of stuff chases off the whales, but not the general audience IMO. It's still bad because the whales are the ones blowing tons of cash on superchats and merch and advertising their oshi on the internet, though.

>> No.50429217

She's the evil bitch cockblocking that innocent man. I want to punch her in face

>> No.50429605

no, I need her to get Gura streams

>> No.50429826

Still better than kiwawa

>> No.50429939

That's why you don't trust catalog niggers. These threads are made by seething nijis

>> No.50430157

she'll shoot you

>> No.50430779


>> No.50431544

Do you really believe that?
