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50352676 No.50352676 [Reply] [Original]

There's nothing wrong with liking NTR.

>> No.50352734

Based nijicuckGOD

>> No.50352752

>look up mito's roommate
>i'm hornier now

>> No.50352790


>> No.50353319
File: 109 KB, 850x1202, Marine Houshou 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTR is a sin, all NTR enjoyers should burn in hell!

>> No.50353585


>> No.50353626

No idea how this clip is related to ntr, although coincidentally Aia was cheated on by her Ex.

>> No.50353766

NTR is pretty popular in Japan and Korea

>> No.50353889

What DO people like about NTR anyways? I can understand like one facet of it or another on its own but not really the whole package.

>> No.50354064

NTR is a personality test. If you're offended by it, you're a cuck.

>> No.50354097
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It has the hottest artwork.

>> No.50354239

Only cucks like NTR
>but I self insert as the cucker
Because you'd never have the chance to do it in real life, cuck.

>> No.50354298

I like Mito but you have a severe case of yellow fever if you're horny for her rm

>> No.50354324

Can't really argue with that
Dunno about offended, it just doesn't click for me. The dudes never have to try terribly hard to convince their target, and that just makes them seem kinda bland and weak to me.

>> No.50354438

https://youtu.be/M4_EO_Y4JuA 0:58

>> No.50354486

>clockwork denial
Just as pedophiles deny lolis, cucks deny NTR.

>> No.50354531

>no argument
Okay cuck.

>> No.50354594

It’s objectively evil.

>> No.50354746

>not liking cuck fetish = cuck
What's the logic?
I think you should really stop watching porn

>> No.50354819

There is nothing wrong with liking ntr if THE MAN IS THE ONE KEKING HIS GF/WIFE that's why I have 2 oshis, the main and the affair

>> No.50354940
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Yeah I enjoy Netori how could you tell?

>> No.50355171

>Pretends nothing is wrong
A true cuck reaction.

>> No.50355321

>If you're not offended by it, you're a cuck.

>> No.50355396

>The dudes never have to try terribly hard to convince their target
This happens in every porn though.

>> No.50355691

Maybe flesh stuff, but not necessarily in 2D? I mean sure if it's an established couple or something vanilla it's "easy" because it's "normal." I don't really expect NTR to be as easy as the girl just flopping over like a fish with no willpower the first time a random guy pushes her a bit. What's the draw, just the taboo of cuckoldry?

>> No.50356859

if we're talking about netorare in particular, then women giving in to pleasure/temptation while there's something at stake and the feeling of discomfort/hopelessness it gives the reader are two points
you can't really expect this to be executed very well in short doujinshi when the goal is to get to the sex in a few pages, but it's good enough for a quick fap for people who have the fetish

>> No.50357776

Ntr can be good at times, like I read this one doujin about a knight who gets ntrd so he goes to the demon queen and says
>I wanna be a bad guy now that I got cucked
So she fucks him and he becomes a monster and kills the dude who cucked him and then the girl gets raped by demons.
Or something like that. Was a pretty good read.

>> No.50358539

This. For some reason, eromangas with cheating or NTR tag have great artworks

>> No.50358830

It's like hatesex, anon. The heightened emotions make it feel better.

>> No.50359063

>The dudes never have to try terribly hard to convince their target
That's moreso a space issue. Most manga/doujins are ~20 pages, so there isn't room for 100 pages of convincing the girl unless you're autistic like Jin.

>> No.50359120

You get cucked in love plus?

>> No.50359513

>Cuck calling others cucks

>> No.50359526

Most people that like NTR fall into 3 camps
Women who are whores
Men who hate themselves and fetishize their own self hatred
and closet homosexuals.

There are all no exceptions. Claims of not self inserting is cope, because you will notice those people who claim they don't self insert, only ever play games from the either the POV of women or the men getting cucked. They universally refuse to play games where you play a male cucking someone else.

>> No.50360645
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>all the best artists do NTR
>half of those artists previously did vanilla works only
>to this day vanilla artists keep switching over to NTR and other degenerative genres
What is wrong with nips? Does the fantasy of a happy normal life with the person they love no longer satisfy them? We wouldn't get whores like Marine and Noel f that were the case.

>> No.50361578

Goblin fetish?

>> No.50361679

They're chasing money, basically doing this shit in an attempt to stand out. Generally doesn't work though. Only a few are true actual losers like that one that did a harem manga then did cuck porn of it. That actually like the trash.

>> No.50362052

Vanilla is boring. Simple as that.

>> No.50362205

Vanilla is unattainable and unrealistic causing psychological pain to the authors, while the girl/guy they want to fuck is ignoring them and fucking other people. Simple as that.

>> No.50362251

You know how chuubas do their donationthon or subathon and they have the number one paypig with a big reward like YOUR CHOICE OF AN ASMR. So I have that with my whore chuuba I love, SHOULD I request an NTR asmr? Where she is cucking her husband but with the listener?

>> No.50362458

No. Ask for one where you're the third wheel on her date with Shrek.

>> No.50362596

>not self-inserting as the guy cucking the husband
This is why NTRhaters will always be cucks

>> No.50362705
File: 193 KB, 1167x1120, totally a virgin for realsies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50362753

Thar's netori. It also uses "NTR" as the acronym, but is not what is generally meant by NTR.

>> No.50363137

This is why the ntr simplification sucks, netorare, netori, netorase, etc, all under the same umbrella. Either way, I usually self insert as the guy that does the cucking. Also, male:netorare is better than female:netorare, but sadly not as popular.

>> No.50363425

99% of them are badly written, it's like liking that character in horror movie that was warned multiple times not to touch/get near/open the haunted thingie, but did it anyway.

>> No.50363617

>Most people
>There are all no exceptions
Decide if you mean some, most or all. (hint: it's not all).
Some people do enjoy being the cucker, and there are both doujins and games for that audience. I won't go into too much detail, but I personally like it mostly for the female degradation element (in which women are easily manipulated and/or extremely horny and debase themselves for sexual pleasure) and less so for the cucking another male element.

tl;dr don't generalise about fetishes, you'll be wrong most of the time

>> No.50363751

This person is a prime example of the cope as I mentioned in the post.

Either some subhuman who hates himself or the pathetic closet homo. Either way. Disgusting gutter trash of a person.

They Claim to like some aspect of it, that exists in other fetishes yet mysteriously they're determined to defend this fetish specifically and are never seen around the other non cuck fetishes that has what they want.

Cucks are very dishonest people in all ways, to themselves and to others.

>> No.50363763

Ok cuck

>> No.50363811

They've realized that all porn is NTR since you are watching other people have sex.

>> No.50364222
File: 452 KB, 1920x1080, 1672500298645943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society betrayed you and molested you unconscious to game over so Globalist New World Order could build a porn store on your grave. You were raised specifically to be spayed and neutered by being boiled in cringe for the long haul until cast for depopulated raw. You have no one to blame but your cell phone subscribing ass. When you are told you will never be a human rest assured, vanilla hits hard but it didn't terminal retard those only twenty years older than you.

>> No.50364269

>This person is a prime example of the cope as I mentioned in the post.
You can address me in 2nd person you know
>Either some subhuman who hates himself or the pathetic closet homo.
Wrong on both counts, nice try tho
>They Claim to like some aspect of it, that exists in other fetishes yet mysteriously they're determined to defend this fetish specifically and are never seen around the other non cuck fetishes that has what they want.
As I said, I won't go into too much detail because I'd end up writing a wall of text, but suffice to say part of NTR comprises a part of the stuff I'm into. Just because you're not into specific versions of fetishes and your peanut brain can't comprehend or visualise them, doesn't mean they don't exist. I suggest you spend 5 more years exploring your fetish range before coming back for another discussion, as you're yet too green.
Nice reddit spacing btw

>> No.50364342

There is no reason to treat subhumans that cope about their disgusting fetish with anything other than scorn, disregard and utter contempt.

>> No.50364434

Agreed. Vanillafags are the worst.

>> No.50364541

The cope of the NTR cucks in this thread is truly endless. You can tell by their asshurt replies to anything shitting on them. They can only project their insecurities onto others. Utter trash.

>> No.50364670
File: 53 KB, 490x333, FP6eU_WXsAwL2Se.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50364730

I never thought about that but now that you mentioned it, the only reason I jack off to ntr (netori in particular) is more of the degradation of the woman instead of wanting to cuck someone or getting cucked. When it comes to ntr, I usually only jack off to netori because it typically doesn't have the baggage that comes with netorare and netorase.
The cope of "I just self-insert as the chad" doesn't really work with netorare and netorase because the doujin makes it explicit that the main character (you) is getting cucked by a man with a bigger dick than him (you). It's honestly kind of crazy how some of these authors spend so much time writing about the feelings of the main character (you) as his partner gets dicked by some gyaru-oh.

>> No.50364810

Projection is the common tactic of subhumans who like NTR. Literally if you just go to the archives, its always the first tactic they go to every single time. It's nearly impossible to find a thread about where one of them doesn't start screaming about how only insecure people don't like their fetish.

They're actually worse than even furries or scatfags about their fetish. You never see them do this shit, it's actually amazing that they constantly manage to be the worst of all of the subhuman fetishists.

>> No.50364877

Get a room

>> No.50364913

>The cope of "I just self-insert as the chad" doesn't really work with netorare and netorase because the doujin makes it explicit that the main character (you) is getting cucked by a man with a bigger dick than him (you). It's honestly kind of crazy how some of these authors spend so much time writing about the feelings of the main character (you) as his partner gets dicked by some gyaru-oh.
Thats because all of the people who claim to self insert as chad are lying and coping.

Netori is basically considered acceptable for the most people even by people that hate ntr. Most people don't care as long as its not from the pov of being cucked or the woman.

>> No.50364942

You can't expect cucks to understand the perspective of a normal person. When cucks see NTR, they only see NTR.

>> No.50365092
File: 2.60 MB, 2784x2216, Ravenscrag McGill University western world mecca for psychology and psychiatry, MKULTRA hq and former 4chan server hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a lobotomist thing to say. Do yourself a favor and don't bother conforming to 4chan's old at all, it's organic all natural as Microsoft being the brainchild of Bill Gates.

>> No.50365241

>avoid direct replies like cowards, instead fighting a strawman in their echo chamber
I was going to effortpost a long explanation, but I see it would fall on deaf ears. Your small-mindedness equates you to the alphabet groups that screech whenever someone has a different viewpoint than them. However, you are entitled to you opinion, even if it's wrong.
Good night, and may you have wet dreams appropriate to your fetishes.
Yeah, female degradation is one of my staple fetishes, it just so happens NTR variants have a lot of it, though it seems some people just can't understand this.

>> No.50365275


>> No.50365543

Hating NTR is just a meme. Redditors fall for the meme, but they don't understand why.

>> No.50365628
File: 248 KB, 512x512, 1623496626192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to threads to laugh at cope posts like these. Peak comedy.

>> No.50365640

Uhm, AKSHULLY, I just really don't like ntr because I'm an alpha male and not a KEK. I only read it so I can insert as the chad tyvm

>> No.50365667

Using avatars is against the rules, Scott.

>> No.50366152

Au contraire mon ami. Your brain is wrong

>> No.50368006

Cuckoldry is the best part of our humane existence. Witnessing the person you love get ravished by another is such a unique experience. You will feel enraged but you also will have a pique of interest on what happens next. Such a unique paradox of feeling happening all at once while you hear her moan from another man's touch. I recommend anyone to try it at least once in their life, you won't regret it.

>> No.50368677

Just self insert as the Chad, how difficult could that be?
I’ll be the first to admit that not every doujin works like that, and you’ll obviously have to skip but doujins that introduce the homewrecker first are usually ok
Although that is technically Netori so I guess there still is a case for calling Netorare disgusting

>> No.50368844

It's a betrayal of your partner that you put your love, trust, and bonded with (Physical and spiritual). It's a very serious sin and will land you into damnation. Even accepting it makes you a working of iniquity.

>> No.50369268
File: 321 KB, 480x480, Two Fapulous Zoomer Apples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((LGBT))) is the best part of our humane existence. Witnessing the person you love fuck me in the middle of a flight in bad fuckin weather my tape measure we'll see just how much pleasure I can hide if my head's pulled wew de woo OWO. You will feel enraged but you also will have a kosher of foreskin with what happens next. Such a unique paradox of niguor happening all at once while you hear her moan from another man's penis hellification. I recommend anyone to try spinning and puking pizza at least once in their life, you won't regret (((it))).

>> No.50369949

I want sin on Marine's big ass

>> No.50370529

Cope post.

>> No.50370702
File: 210 KB, 1080x1075, 1661086513000673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to see MYSELF in the porn, at all times
It's the same logic, you both fail. You are not the one fucking that anime girl, you are not the one being cucked by that anime girl. You are a coomer masturbating to a book. Is it so hard for all of you to understand?

>> No.50370740


>> No.50370946


>> No.50371975

> You are not the one fucking that anime girl
Because you know that anime isn’t real…right?
>You are a coomer masturbating to a book
Uhh, yes?
Was that not obvious enough that you had to repeat that for yourself?
Or are you one of those nofap closet faggots?

>> No.50372020

>Fapping to self reading ntr.
Being cucked by self for ntr, next level cuck right here.

>> No.50372237

/vt/ bros I'm a kronies and I unironically enjoy jerking off while imagine my gf being dominated by a bbc. How do I save myself ???

>> No.50372630

the coomer mindset in that pic is the honest way to live though. its just those who actually have sex regularly can actually not need to be horny all the time, but desiring sex shouldnt be a bad thing. the polcels make it out to be bad only serves to show how simps/incels/cucks are all faces of the same coin

>> No.50373338

>Or are you one of those nofap closet faggots?
No, I'm saying self-inserting is retarded and it's why you have these conflicts where you need the protagonist of any story to be someone you want to be. You're an outside observer, a voyeur.

>> No.50373533
File: 719 KB, 738x1251, Noose Isaeki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50374120
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An attractive girl going out to fuck a pack of hobos, ugly bastards or dogs has similar stakes as a girl cheating on her man with some loser whose only upside is being sexually superior. It debases the woman as someone who would give up any kind of social standing/moral values for dick. This humiliation aspect is honestly kinda hot and works without the ntr, it just so happens that a lot of ntr has scenes with the girl being pissed on or shared and generally treated like trash. Yes, my dick is misogynistic. Why isnt yours?

>> No.50374600

To be fair, with vanilla there need to be "good" stories or people will shit on it, while NTR can get away with with shitty stories and people usually won't shit on the stories aspect that much compared to vanilla
And with NTR the authors can focus more on drawing better instead of thinking up "good" stories I guess?

>> No.50375095

I like seeing a woman so utterly depraved that she casts aside all her morals. It's feral. Also for some reason it always has the best art

>> No.50375275

Dumb, go fap to drawn child porn like a decent person.

>> No.50375331

Thought misogyny was the real reason, weird thing the biggest cuck defenders are feminists.

>> No.50375349

Respectable men fap to guro and public use.
Cucks fap to NTR.

>> No.50375458

Explaining a porn fetish will always be cringe. It's like talking chinese to an alien. To the uninitiated this will never make sense. It's ok if you like cuckold, don't bother trying to justify it.

>> No.50377645

>woman degradation fetish
But there are mind break tags, why still go with NTR?

>> No.50378468

NTR is easier to formulate and easier to get attention, basically the isekai of doujins
Vanilla need a more proper setup or it will end up either boring, generic or cringe
Because of the nature of NTR, even if it's generic or cringe, it will never be "boring"
