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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 55 KB, 1286x695, 1685293460370077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50335083 No.50335083 [Reply] [Original]


>Who is in it? You did see those videos from them telling you to watch Buffpup today.
https://www.twitch.tv/buffpup (still live as ofthis post)
All of them are in Mythic though I think

>> No.50335133

Mythic needs more subgroups who do stuff together to be more efficiently manageable

>> No.50335188

>"Ban" prominently in logo design
>Streams on twitch
I can see where this is going

>> No.50335356

kys viral marketer

>> No.50335388
File: 448 KB, 1000x603, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey maybe they like yakuza

>> No.50335438

>open first link
>see a male
>close the tab
yeah hard pass

>> No.50335505

he's the best kind of male tho
absolutely submissive and breedable and gets pegged by the other 3 girls all the time

>> No.50335514

buy an ad

>> No.50335572

I like when they do a good foreshadowing of their future.
Bravo nolan

>> No.50335636

Oh, I like the buff girl but /lig/ told me she's a furry so I've been avoiding her

>> No.50335649
File: 1.22 MB, 1018x887, bad default artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vshojo thread is seething because their artwork is way better than the bullshit that puppeteer shits out

>> No.50335701

she went on ironmouse's interview thing and said she got railed by seven people at a furry con

>> No.50335755

>30 euro acrylic standee not including shipping
that's like a 6000% markup minimum

>> No.50335781

It's a friend group who the fuck cares

>> No.50335785

doesnt matter that shes a furry she never does anything furry related on stream anyways

>> No.50335797

ai generated? these look like shit

>> No.50335798

I recognize this filename from getting posted there all the time why are you starting shit in other threads anon

>> No.50335846

I've seen other people shill standees for around that price, it's not that bad. If you want dog shit prices as well as shipping go look at phase connect's store....you have to wait nine months for your order to arrive too.

>> No.50335882

>Looked at the thread and found no seething

Why does Anonymous lie?

>> No.50335926
File: 248 KB, 1200x1100, henya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puppeteer is trash, bro

>> No.50335939

>If you want dog shit prices as well as shipping go look at phase connect's store
i just went there and their acrylic standees were $15, which i would still call expensive

i got some acrylic standees from japan for about $8 each, including one from a 2view indie who definitely doesn't have the economies of scale on her side

>> No.50335971
File: 459 KB, 1148x1221, 1670279161802215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like 2 people actually care about this and going by the archive results for this image it's obvious you're one of them.

>> No.50335976

there's two vsj threads for some fucking reason

>> No.50335977

As she should
That so? They told me she is very furry and they creep me out but if she lets it out of her content I may give her a chance again

>> No.50335990

That looks fine though.

>> No.50336035

Do groups of individuals have a chance over the top down ceo-run corpos we usually see?

>> No.50336116

No, but it's still better than going solo, tho the lack of someone leading everything usually results in backstabbing and things get ugly

>> No.50336147

been watching her for almost 2 years and i can say the most she does is furry baiting, no actual furry stuff. she does have a full werewolf model and thats probably the closest thing to furry youll ever see on stream.

>> No.50336154

Vtubing might as well not exist outside of Japan and Japanese people are too autistic to operate outside of a strict corporate structure so no.

If by "a chance" you mean "doing well in the EN scene where literally the biggest player is HoloEN and their 3-5k ccv chuubas", then sure I guess.

>> No.50336187

No trust me /vsj+/ fucking hates Puppeteer's art, they treat it like the plague
Because it's one of if not the best art piece out of the other VShojo girls' art

>> No.50336278

But >>50335649 these look fine too.

>> No.50336280

so is techy joining this thing or what

>> No.50336377

if they were, they would have been in the lineup, they said they're not bringing others in

>> No.50336426

well thanks

>> No.50336437

Yes? Because they're not operating in the same space. A group like Vchiban (or Vyugen before it) exists primarily to have a brand associated with a small group so they can organize efforts together which makes things like con appearances and merch orders significantly easier. They're not operating in the same agency space as Mythic or Holo or whatever and they don't have any overhead.

>> No.50336446

Each letter of the name represents a member, so I doubt anyone else is entering.

>> No.50336495

I think it's a play on the word ichiban, meaning number one.

>> No.50336517

VTCHIBAN let's go!!!!!

>> No.50336559

They said it's not in the plans right now but realistically if anyone has a chance to go under that same umbrella in the future it'd be people who are very close to them. So Snuffy and Techy would probably be top of that list, but there's no plans right now according to Candii

>> No.50336571

huh? the only one that matches is candi.

>> No.50336578

you think?

>> No.50336601

I dunno if snuffy would even get in, she always has vshojo orbiting top of her list. And I have no idea who Techy even is, I only found them when they did the model debut a few days ago.

>> No.50336722

the people she was orbiting in vshojo left

>> No.50336763


>> No.50336801

>the EN scene where literally the biggest player is HoloEN and their 3-5k ccv chuubas
Holy out of touch

>> No.50336849

Gura streaming for two hours every three weeks does not count.

>> No.50336862

one of the members is a tranny too

>> No.50336904

so there's your explanation, techy is the merch handler for them

>> No.50337130

That's not what I mean.
Calling HoloEN the biggest player in the EN scene outs you as a Holofag who never leaves their bubble.

Literally just yesterday, a meet and greet for Zen and Mouse at Momocon (not a vtuber convention) had a line wrapping around the damn venue.
There are a bunch of indies that match or exceed HoloEN CCVs.
idol EN has been blowing up lately.
OffKai is about to start for its second year, and there isn't a single Holo talent present. In a convention entirely about vtubers. VShojo, Niji, Phase, idol and a litany of indies are all guesting.

Everyone knows Hololive but they're like the Nintendo of vtubers. So insular and sequestered that they might as well be their own scene outside of the larger industry.

>> No.50337193

The colors dumbass

>> No.50337221
File: 184 KB, 1161x749, fuckinbuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck does the V stand for?

>> No.50337247

>Literally just yesterday, a meet and greet for Zen and Mouse at Momocon (not a vtuber convention) had a line wrapping around the damn venue.
Oh? How many viewers did it get? I assume it was streamed on Twitch. 10k? 20k?

>> No.50337305

Read nigga. It was a meet and greet.

>> No.50337363

Right, well you should know that con-goers go to those just for the hell of it despite literally not knowing who it is they're meeting and greeting, so having a line doesn't really say anything at all.

>> No.50337523

>wow fauna with 7k? well my indie had 8k viewers once!
I need you to understand that Japanese vtubers basically has 50-150k streams daily and EN vtubers are completely irrelevant

>> No.50337607

It was a $50 entry fee.

We're not talking about Japan.

>> No.50337619


>> No.50337661


>> No.50337703

why do you care so much

>> No.50337762

Because someone asked if indie groups of people could make it big in the business, and I told them no, they can't because they basically don't exist in Japan and EN vtubing is a slowly dying joke.

>> No.50337808

>and EN vtubing is a slowly dying joke
Me when I stumble out of the Holo threads for the first time in six months

>> No.50337886


>> No.50337892


>> No.50337920

Nobody is growing in EN. IdolEN is full of 3views and they achieved that with pumping Youtube full of ads with their bottomless chest of shekels. You can go look up your favorite Twitch indie on twitchtracker and see that they've stagnated from 2021 at best.

>> No.50337959

>Japanese vtubers basically has 50-150k streams daily
Anon, we HAVE a number thread
You think you can spew that kind of bs without people checking?

>> No.50337960

but why do you care that it's dying?

>> No.50337990

>it isn't 2020 anymore and the exponential growth from that time isn't happening anymore, therefore vtubing is dying in the West
How's 5th grade going for ya

>> No.50338442

im glad no anon cares abt this, i think most sane people would rather /vt/ not be interested in vchiban

>> No.50338538

The only one I recognise is Buffpup, and from like the two minutes I clicked on her channel that one time, she came across as the type that cries about Veibae saying retard. Competition is always good. I'm never watching these people.

>> No.50338730

>All of them are in Mythic though I think
Weird how it has some of the biggest names in streaming and then you have these literal whos.

>> No.50338767

Buff Pup is extremely cringe, wont' be checking out this group .
hard pass

>> No.50338846

because Mythic is not a sponsorship company nor is it a management company.. it is simply a middleman for a handful of sponsors that use Twitch streamers. that way the sponsors don't have to deal with them direcly. Literally stupid companies like HelloFresh. Being on Mythic is not a big deal at all honestly it's a shit sponsorship company. There are better ones out there. Just cuz they have Asmongold ppl think it's good hahahah. Asmongold literally is retarded.

>> No.50338932

What did she mean by this

>> No.50338985

>every single one marked as mature audiences
Yeah ima pass
Good for you though

>> No.50339040

I remember when candii had her older models. The current model she uses was a drastic change.

>> No.50339064

yea they are all butt plugg furry weirdos
not the part of vtubing I am interested in at all

>> No.50339163

wait.. wtf is rosedoodle doing in this group with all these cringe girls

>> No.50339212

How the fuck do you know (and presumably like) Rosedoodle without knowing she is literally "family" with the other three

>> No.50339479
File: 337 KB, 968x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I hate her so much

>> No.50340525
File: 204 KB, 1213x1124, rosepong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake fan

>> No.50340585

can her stream reach it?

>> No.50340868

This is gonna crash and burn harder than AuroraLiveEN

>> No.50341062

It can't really crash and burn since it's not a company to begin with. Also no idea what AuroraLive is but this group is 2 4views and 2 3views so even if it was a company it'd be one of the bigger ones from the outset.

>> No.50341179

Funny of you to forget that Hololive also had a prescence at Momocon with two panels, with lines (at least for the girls) being just as long waiting for the panel to open if not longer

Source: was at Momocon

>> No.50341615

Didn't hear about it.
Doesn't change the fact that calling HoloEN the biggest player in the EN scene is shortsighted.

>> No.50341755

Maybe not the biggest in numbers but definitely the most influencial. The forefathers of the EN scene and the golden standard of what indie vtubers look up to


>> No.50341990

OK, but we're not talking about legacy.

>> No.50342054
File: 2.38 MB, 1556x1180, 1670128761952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN is easily the biggest player in the EN scene. Most subs, most viewers, most well-known, most merch sales, best concerts...the only thing you can argue is that a few other EN vtubers have viewer numbers (live or not) that sometimes compete with those of the low-tier HoloENs.

>> No.50342247
File: 788 KB, 824x817, 1679261465787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OffKai is about to start for its second year, and there isn't a single Holo talent present. In a convention entirely about vtubers. VShojo, Niji, Phase, idol and a litany of indies are all guesting.

>> No.50343992

That is entirely down to hololive either not being interested or ignoring them. Offkai literally invite anyone. Cover probably thought the concert they're doing is enough for them. Kawaii have a concert the day before and only Nene is at Offkai.

>> No.50345966

Good one

>> No.50346291

Wait, wasn't that the expo that went full beggar on Ame's twitter? lel

>> No.50347770

Last year offkai was literally begging Ame to attend lol. Kiara has said they won’t go to cons that don’t pay, many cons won’t even pay for travel expenses.

>> No.50350503

Please trannyschizos, at least pick a decent target. They all go as their biological gender

>> No.50351684

>Asmongold literally is retarded.
False. He is smart enough to plan how to kill his own mother.

>> No.50351846

Isn’t he fucking the invisigender furry? Pass.

>> No.50351962

Threw it all away for faggots

>> No.50352000

You clearly haven’t seen her original model.

>> No.50352271

The best kind of male vtuber is one that retires quickly.
Kill yourself for defending their existence.

>> No.50352910

...he's just a faggy sounding male, where do you people get this shit? you want someone to be a tranny that bad?
