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50273183 No.50273183 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good Christian vtubers who produce explicit Christian content of our Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings?

>> No.50273288


>> No.50273294

Yes sister Abigail.
Nuns can't take confession btw, Lumi is being a heretic there.

>> No.50273299


>> No.50273414

She asked when the last church reform was and chat replied with 1517 instead of 1965. We lumigumi are all heretics.

>> No.50273508

proof lumi is not a fake one?

>> No.50274078

What spicy questions did Lumi answer in this?

>> No.50274906
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Lumi is a nice, conservative churchgoing Christian. She even went to a jesuit school. So she’s a real Christian.

>> No.50274971

post the stream

>> No.50275046

Sounds like a papist to me

>> No.50275180

Sure and my private tutor was the pope.

>> No.50275201
File: 155 KB, 843x699, Marine Houshou 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athena Bambina, Sister Abigail, Kaori Lupine, and Marine Houshou are the main ones

>> No.50275981

buy an ad or just kill yourself already

>> No.50276022

Is Marine actually Christian? I have seen that posted many times.

>> No.50276076

Enjoy going to hell, trash.

>> No.50276142

Thanks, anon.

>> No.50276539

she definitely had a lot of bible instruction, how much it stuck, is left to doubt

>> No.50276644

There's Minna Vanilla, but she's so Christian she lives on a farm with her husband and children

>> No.50276707

did veibae change her name to lumi after leaving vshojo?

>> No.50276743

Lust is a deadly sin, you know

>> No.50276918

Just saw that, yes. I think you call tell she is Christian raised because she is way more open than her fellow Holos.

>> No.50277400

Whoremi will pay for her desecration.

>> No.50279313
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God, I hope not. I hope lumi follows her Soviet heritage and is a devout orthodox Christian.

>> No.50280502

>Premarital sex
I'm not a Christian but that's becuase I was raised Christian and understand the faith and knew I didn't match with it. No Marine isn't Christian, neither is Risu and I hear some talk of Lisa but I havne't watched her to confirm. You can't do that shit and be Christian simply because it's not allowed, the idea of forgiveness doesn't extend to doing the same thing and just asking for forgivness so you can do it again, hence "and sin no more" that people always leave out when they talk about not casting stones.

I remember hearing some shit about Sora possibly being Christian and I'm not sure of it, but she seems non-lewd enough to pass. Likewise you can see some Christian influence from her mom with Suisei being a prude.

>> No.50280703

I don't think you have to be a puritan to be Christian. Especially in this hobby related to anime and otaku stuff.

>> No.50280994

No rules about liking anime or manga, but masturbation, sex and porn were always a big no.

>> No.50281007

Not acknowledging Vatican II is the most sensible thing Lumi's chat has ever done

>> No.50281009

Marine is confirmed bisexual so she can't be a true Christian
God hates gays

>> No.50281421

>jesuit school
you might want to do your research on the jesuits
pretty hard to call them christian
they're the same as all the garbage coming from these "progressive" "christians" but with the roman catholic label
the current pope is a jesuit, that should be all you need to know

>> No.50281469

Athena Bambina does Bible Study sessions https://www.youtube.com/@AthenaBambina

>> No.50281741

Not saying otherwise. But acting like some of these things are the worse ever and not actually being evil is a bit out of the spot.

>> No.50284293

god hates faggots, there is no verse in the bible against girl-on-girl love

>> No.50284828
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>open link
>first thing I see

>> No.50284984

Yes, they're called Saints.

>> No.50285299

Kobo, apparently she's made various comments about being Christian.
I don't watch her and don't care to verify it since it's all in Indonesian but this was the clip making the rounds recently about her not wanting to date other girls because she's not a boy and it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Bobby.

>> No.50285502
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x1024, Pippa Nun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any good Christian vtubers
You might want to check on Pippa them. She was raised Christian, before undergoing her edgy atheist phase, before going back to Christianity with renewed Faith in the Lord.

>> No.50285567

>Lev. 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
And New Testament
>Rom 1:26-27 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

>> No.50285911

>I didn't match with it.
You didn't want to submit to God. Christianity isn't a mattress firmness or coffee creamer that you're supposed to pick what suits your disposition. You obey in spite of how you feel about something. It's a lifelong walk and some of us stumble a lot along the way.

>> No.50286279

>Thou shalt not lie with MANkind, as with WOMANkind
as I said, he hates faggots
>their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature
>the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another
one explicitly mentions same sex relationships, the other doesn't
>inb4 >likewise
the relationships are both unnatural, but not necessarily for the same reason

>> No.50286288
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>God hates gays
Pekora hates gays too, but she's still cool with Marine.

>> No.50286547

Either way, lesbos are fornicating so it's still sinful.

>> No.50287402

Agreed you don't pick, as a Christian you follow your God hence it's the kingdom of heaven, not a democracy or anarchy where you do whatever with no higher authority figure. Hence I'm not a Christian.

>> No.50289006
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Seeing 4channers, especially weebs, pretend to care about religion will never not be funny.

>> No.50289809

Well, then you're without excuse when your final day comes. I hope you will someday repent and follow Christ again.

>> No.50290287

You are on a board dedicated to worshipping false idols and lust, with a healtyh dose of wrath and envy whenever one of the idols speaks to a male on stream

>> No.50291381

> Premarital sex
Any evidence that Marine has actually engaged in premarital sex?

>> No.50292866

I could post it but I don't want to doxx myself + you'd be jealous of my massive dick

>> No.50293471
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A lot of flavor were part of choir

>> No.50293570

Pekora is very much hate the sin love the sinner

>> No.50293734

Muslims believe in Adam and Eve, too.

>> No.50294031

Alta Maria is a nice Twitch 2view Nun VTuber that does Confessional Roast Redeems, Singing, and ASMR streams. I can't say for sure how Christian she is but that's the closest thing I can think of.

>> No.50295132

Is being christian considered "pickme" behavior these days?

>> No.50295193

for all we know there could be some christian holos but just aren't allowed to talk about it on stream.

>> No.50297304

Lumi is great but there's no way she'd ever claim to be religious beyond a strict upbringing.

>> No.50297542

Ver from NijiEN is Christian, Ayamy is a Catholic from a family of Catholics
Unironically yes but only if you're doing it while extremely online and political

>> No.50297696

hey smug/xalamon buy an ad instead of making shill threads

>> No.50297967

Yes since there are cucks on this board who are desperate to claim any vtuber as christian.

>> No.50298102


>> No.50298136

Jesus liked to hang around with outcasts and marginalized people
Bible was hijacked by Jews

>> No.50298408

Any evidence that she hasn't? The only way for it to not be true would be for her to be married or divorced because there are no 39 year old virgin women in japan.

>> No.50301232

Good for Pippa. I hope she finds Jesus.

>> No.50301295

>there are no 39 year old virgin women in japan
If there are 39 year old virgin women anywhere in the world, it's Japan.

>> No.50301340

Holy mother of pickme

>> No.50301650

She didn't even have a strict upbringing. Her mom encouraged her to date around, and her father warned her not to get married.

>> No.50302196

Yeah, that's probably why even Marine doesn't talk about this kinda stuff anymore.
Damn, anon. You really destroyed him with facts and logic.
>39 year old
Oh, wait, never mind.

>> No.50302902
File: 432 KB, 452x587, 1685174186002373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why lie? Lumi has a very archaic/traditionalist outlook on life due to her Christian Fundamentalist upbringing especially when it comes to being a sad girl and how to deal with that.

>> No.50303195

39 was a typo, I meant to write 30. Why arr you so despetate to claim some porn obsessed mongoloid as your christian anime waifu when she stands for everything you despise?

>> No.50303247

You're talking about the standards for honest, pious Christians. That's a small minority.

>> No.50303430

>Why arr you so despetate to claim
That's the thing: I'm not.
Why are (you) so desperate to prove otherwise? Would be the better question.

>> No.50303527

God hates sin, not sinners

>> No.50303529

Prove otherwise? She is Japanese meaning she is not a christian by default. You are the one taking additional steps to claim she is not as one should assume.

>> No.50305123

The cast the stones story is probably a later addition to the text, fyi.

>> No.50305836

Everyone stumbles the whole way through, that's kind of the point. Otherwise you end up arguing for some pelagianism.

>> No.50305868

Isn't there a Lutheran vtuber?

>> No.50305878

This woke retelling of Jesus is hilarious. He always told those caught in sin to repent and not repeat those sins. John the Baptist's job was a to be a forerunner before Jesus' ministry and the main point was repentance of their sins and baptism as public acknowledgement.

>> No.50305918 [DELETED] 

A lot of tradcaths and online fundamentalist seem to have replaced the fedora atheist type.

>> No.50306174

Stumbling in Christian life is sinning and repenting and striving to be more Christ-like. You have a perfect example that never changes which is unique amongst religions, even Abrahamic ones.

>> No.50306392

Striving to be doesn't mean you actually get there. And you said SOME stumble when its clear that is not the case, again otherwise you would end up arguing for pelagianism.

>> No.50307008

we're running into the classic translation/interpretation issues when it comes to the finer details of the Bible
That being said God probably does hate the act of sin itself.


>> No.50307021

I had to look up pelagianism but I'd definitely consider myself opposed to most Calvinist doctrines on both eschatology and soteriology. I believe in original sin and that by nature humans in an unregenerate state will sin but I wholly reject the Calvinist concept of predestined salvation.

I'm gonna go back to talking about chuubas if you don't mind.

>> No.50308671

How true is this?

>> No.50310096

Extremely true.

>> No.50310328

He did so to reach out and teach them and try to get them to change their ways and repent, not because he thought what they were doing was cool.

>> No.50310394

Not that Marine is, but have you ever heard of asexuals mate?

>> No.50310688

Anon declared that Marine wasn't Christian because of "porn" and "premarital sex". The former is a given, but if you're going to declare she's not a Christian because she's had premarital sex, the burden of proof is on you.

>39 year old
She isn't 39 years old or even close. I'll give you a hint how old she really is.

>> No.50311390

How can you actually believe that a 30.year old woman is a virgin?

>> No.50311389

Reminder in Japan Christians got prosecuted so bad a lot of them run away to small islands to practice Christianity.
The Shogunate way to find out who is Christian is to put a pic of Mary on the ground and order people to step on the pic. If they unwilling to step on it they're got punished, sometimes to death.

>> No.50311897

Meanwhile Muslim Vtubers were like "Yeah chill streams lol"
Separating Christianity into small groups is a HUGE MISTAKE

>> No.50312041

Muslims are also separated but their online fundamentalist LARPers only speak arabic so you rarely see them while the american basement-dwelling "catholic" net crusader only speaks english and mainly posts on 4chan.

>> No.50313012

The split is only Sufi Muslims and Syiah Muslims
The rest, no matter what your affiliation with smaller group of Muslims, but Muslims are forbidden from barring people to go to a certain mosque. Mosque must accept all Muslims for daily prayer and Friday prayer (that also includes Friday sermon).
Meanwhile Christians are crippling themselves by only going to church of their denomination. This is why Atheists are able to bulldoze religious values in US. You guys need to unite.

>> No.50313063

Also your idea that non Arabic Muslims don't speak Arabic, but we still learn to do that along with our own language. I think you only know Muslims from Arabic speaking countries.

>> No.50313119

>your idea that non Arabic Muslims don't speak Arabic
When the fuck did I claim that? I said you don't see the fundamentalists much because THEY only speak arabic and therefore don't really leave their arabic-only spaces.

>> No.50313265

Just because you're a Christian doesnt mean you have to make insane leaps of faith your whole identity

>> No.50313938

>listening to someone who trusts Lumi

>> No.50313980
File: 61 KB, 640x856, 1685265370368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have this thread every so often. I'm glad to share a board with fellow Christians. I hope you all are well and staying safe.

There are three Vtubers on twitch and one on youtube that are explicitly Christian. There are probably way more. Also, others that I merely suspect are Christian, but don't advertise themselves as such.

For Hololive, no member that I know of is a confirmed practicing Christian. Emphasis on "confirmed" and "practicing".
Plenty of them have Christian backgrounds, even in JP, but I don't think any of them have ever admitted to truly believing in Christ or going to church.
Regardless, the primary suspects for potential Christians in Holo are Risu and Mumei. Maybe Kobo, but probably not.

For Nijisanji, I don't know too much about them. Scarle once said prayers in spanish when she was scared, so theres that.

Fauna and Selen are likely atheistic.

>> No.50314131

Kobo is confirmed to be quite a Christian after her Mortuary Assistance stream

>> No.50314200

I did not know that. Thank you, I'll check out her VODs!

>> No.50314373
File: 84 KB, 850x1120, 1659137305573575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki is a Christian and she prays for (You) every night

>> No.50314389

Is Sister Cleaire not Christian?

>> No.50314410

Based Kobo

>> No.50314542

>She is Japanese meaning she is not a christian by default.
Japans upper classes are quite Christian. Marine went to a Catholic school, as did Sora.

>> No.50314604

>Soviet heritage and is a devout orthodox Christian.

>Soviet Union
Comrade the Soviet Union was an Atheist state. Faith is for Capitalists

>> No.50315077

it's because they LARP as westerners, they're not actually religious

>> No.50315098
File: 104 KB, 336x485, Christchan4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50315100

Actually..... I mean, ackchually, Christianity is poor people religion in Japan for a long time.
Back when it was introduced to Japan, it promised equality to poorer people and noblemen hate it. It means less loyalty to them. Who do you think started the purge after Sengoku Jidai ended and Oda and Hideyoshi, the biggest Christianity supporters are dead?
Christianity only returns after Japan start reopening their foreign trade. Even when Japan started their industry and modernizing everything Christianity still failed to catch on.

>> No.50315412

And my mission is to eradicate that culture, with backing from the God Trinity themselves! Amen!

>> No.50316263

Lumi is such a good Roman Catholic, trying to save our lost souls and teaching.m is the way of the Lord.

>> No.50316690

If those are your standard, then almost nobody is a Christian and Christianity is a dying faith.
The only things that matter are loving others (especially sinners, which is everyone btw), no exception, and seeking the "absolute good" (IE God), no "moral relativism" bullshit.
Someone like Marine, who seem to love others and looks to be a good person, is much more of a Christian then some old cunt with shriveled ovaries who hates gays, minorities and teenagers.

>> No.50316752

Olivia Monroe is considered Christian due to being friends with Abi and the other Christian v-tubers plus that she doesn't curse, has rules against cursing and all sexual topics.

Though at the same time she hangs out with Southside a lot, who are anything but, so who knows.

>> No.50316759

Are you claiming that Marine is from an upper class family now?

>> No.50316890

Christians: "Jesus died for your sins, so y'all going to heaven"
Also Christians: "Repent sinners!"

So, uh, which one is right?

>> No.50316904


>> No.50317001

There is absolutely no excuse for a Christian to talk about porn the way Marine does.
You are conflating light personal use with something that goes way past that.

>> No.50317176

My brother you're about 100 years out of date. The upper classes in Japan aren't the hereditary aristocracy anymore, they're the successful businessmen, and those are more westernized and more Christian.

>> No.50317183

Just because Jesus died doesn't mean everyone gets to go to heaven, but the thing is that at least now it's fully the responsibilty of the person to choose and live a virtuos life (because Jesus exist to give you an example).

>> No.50318285

>Upper class Japanese

>> No.50320573

he's right though

>> No.50322482

Just because many Japanese people getting married in Western style dress (that tend to be related to Christianity) doesn't mean they're Christians anon.
This is the same people who think Christmas is to eat friend chicken and a chance to get laid.

>> No.50322779

Kobo said she doesn't fast during Ramadan because of her poor health. I think Kobo said this because he is Muslim

>> No.50322977

They can listen to your worries but they can't absolve sins.

>> No.50323162

>but masturbation, sex and porn were always a big no.

Solomon and David fucked hundreds of women and god was fine with that.

>> No.50324198

>and god was fine with that.
Multiple times in Scripture this was pointed out to not be fine with God.
