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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50303148 No.50303148 [Reply] [Original]

>phase invaders
>supposed to be Vshojo lite where you join with your own IP
>OG characters do not steal
Fishman you zhang did you just give up? This is literally just a new generation.

>> No.50303296

I don't really mind but it is kinda confusing, it is so fucking similar to gen 3 I wonder if it's actually supposed to be it for real.

>> No.50303493

>Fishman reaches out and says "Hey join my company since your old ones are shit."
>They all agree.
>Weeks go by. "Okay here are your contracts. Sign over your character IP rights to me."
>They all refuse.
>Come to an agreement where they debut new characters but everyone knows who they were in the past.

>> No.50303971
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>yubi will end up being the only invader to lose her character to fish
RIP fake cat.

>> No.50304011

It's no accident that this happened after the Yuri YAB. Turns out, Fishman did indeed contract bait Lumi and Yuri into selling their IP, now no one is gonna fall for it again.

>> No.50304141

>models were ready months ago, much before Yuri got kicked out
Oh no bros what narrative can we still push

>> No.50304305

Maybe their former companies wouldn't let them keep old characters?
Afaik the Lumi Yuri thing was a unique situation and I don't imagine most corps would allow members to keep or buy rights to their assets.

Still dumb to call them invaders when they're obviously not but that's fishnig for you.

>> No.50304469

Just because Yuri was dumb enough to sign over her character rights doesn't mean it took Yuri getting fired for everyone to magically realize it is a stupid idea.
It's also possible Sakana bought them from Cyberlive, as much as Lumi likes to act like she didn't know she was joining Phase for one whole week between leaving CL and joining Phase.

>Still dumb to call them invaders when they're obviously not
Dizzy rebranding her Urara account. Ember rebranded her Kallin account. Fucking everyone knew who Jelly was long before the name reveal. They're invaders.

>> No.50304599

So you've chosen to ignore it completely while still pushing your rrat, I see

>> No.50304641

>let's invite failures from a failure company
The concept of invaders is retarded. I'm just waiting jntil PC blows up like other small corpos

>> No.50304690

>the only EN debuts that didn't make me cringe uncontrollably
How did they do it?

>> No.50304804

They're old talents with new names and models but it's still the same old people, if the concept is too new and revolutionary don't hurt your head too much trying to understand it.

>> No.50304873
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Dizzy actually did a good job selling the parasite character even with sounding like she was going to have a panic attack at any moment
and her intro lore video was kino

>> No.50305136

The Yuri debacle exposed that Phase Invaders is not like VShojo where you own your IP. It is a fraud and Yuri got taken away of the IP she LEGALLY owned. But then again that's what you expect from the Chinese.

>> No.50305235

>Maybe their former companies wouldn't let them keep old characters?
dizzy and jelly both owned their characters
Ember was in the middle of a rebrand which she dropped for some reason

>> No.50305323

They all seemed surprisingly competent and didn't come off as a bunch of sperging tryhards. It was refreshing. Also the game choices proved that they're autism kino. Ok Phase Connect, you win. I will watch these girls.

>> No.50305377

Everyone has a unique contract and Yuri knew what she was signing up for.
I agree it's pretty bullshit to retire her character when she was fired and I did think Invaders would get to keep "their" character as well but Yuri is no helpless victim. She must have known how this would happen and agreed to it, this isn't something they can just hide from her in a contract.

>> No.50305462

New gens/waves of chuubas in other corpos also typically were known from PLs and instantly recognized as having reincarnated. So what's the difference between a gen and invaders if invaders is functionally doing almost-exactly what a new gen would? Is the only difference now being they can mention who they were?

>> No.50305501

this one was fucking cringe.
I get it, you are a sad girl with anxiety and no friends. You can repeat it only so many times before it start sounding fake and pitybaiting.

>> No.50306080

If I remember correctly she never actually owned Kallin and was just borrowing it and thus why she decided to rebrand so she could actually own a character of her own. She's had the name Ember Amane for like half a year now, it's nice that she can finally get back to streaming.

>> No.50306953

In other words, it was a Deal with the Devil. It's fine to lose your IP when the company made the model for you. But when you own the IP in the first place it's black company tier. Now everyone knows what they will sign up for. Little wonder why Sleepy and Kirsche do not want to join?

>> No.50307416

So why did fishman take Yuri's character? in what world did he need the rights to her own old model? seems like he wants to retroactively own everything about the people he hires

>> No.50307474

phase invaders of privacy LMAO

>> No.50307501
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He's CHINESE, what did you expect?

>> No.50307513

Yes but the whole point is that these are personal irl friends of either Fishman or some already in member
Invaders is the "Yes, we only hire girls that i personally had sex with in this format, problem?"

>> No.50307553


>> No.50307601

Henri I don't get the arc you are going through anymore

>> No.50307615

>Yes, we only hire girls that i personally had sex with in this format
incredibly based

>> No.50307671

I knew phasefaggots were into NTR but CEO NTR is another level of cucked

>> No.50307717

Moon Jelly fucked Lumi and Ember is Slugma's +1

>> No.50307767

tbf he only had sex with 1 one of them (Dizzy), wouldn't surprise me if they are actually a couple as Slugma(Dizzy) orbited Fishman since before he launched Phase and attended their booth at every single con they were in in person, everyone who visited Phase Connect stands at cons seen her body and face already and god what a fucking slut she is with no bra and boobs almost bursting out of the dress
Ember is close friend to Dizzy so she got the job
Jelly got groomed hard by Lumi so she hired her

>> No.50307931

this just gets better and better

>> No.50307952

>all 3 of them did face reveals on twitter or stream under their vtuber accounts

>> No.50308044

Or they could've just been close personal friends

>> No.50308069

if this is true then that wraps it up for phase connect lmao what a sad state of affairs
the ABSOLUTE state

>> No.50308107

You are right, Dizzy only did it at cons
Jelly did face reveal as unarchive karaoke and Ember posted it on Twitter under one of these #VtubersIRL

>> No.50308166

If showing up at cons as a staff member is doing a face reveal then sure I guess

>> No.50308192
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which part of that is missinformation?

>> No.50308246

>it doesn't count!
If you do a face reveal after becomming a vtuber you lost any right to vtubing, simple as.
These 3 girls are all fucking trash

>> No.50308304

You can't just say
>>it doesn't count
to make something count

>> No.50308360

She quit Tsunderia and vtubing before that con anon
her original plan was to never come back

>> No.50308442

Only yabs or if Pippa leaves will it kill them. She's earning them a shit ton of money.

>> No.50308470

You can talk about it without getting benyned on /vt/

>> No.50308493

Sorry anon, they are /here/ and lots of their fans are too, so they're going to be loyal

>> No.50308545

Phase Connect has officially replaced VShojo as the worst company around. Meanwhile with Henya as well as getting rid of the worst elements (Nyanners and Vei) VShojo is in its redemption arc.

>> No.50308557

Normal response

>> No.50308607
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>> No.50308631

Coffee for zale

>> No.50308696

>redemption arc
nice try froot, did you commit the donation yet?

>> No.50308701

>this whole image
pffffttttt, not even the most retarded Phasedrone would believe Hololive would even look at them with nothing short of indifference or outright cautioness because they could pull something retarded or malicious towards their talents

>> No.50308772
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It happened before. Pippa literally doxxed Kiara.

>> No.50308862

Nobody cares about Froot, or Zen for that matter. Melody in EN and Kson in JP are carrying the brand. The real reason VShojo was hated so much /here/ in the first place is because of this site's Arch-Enemy: Nyanners. And she's gone.

>> No.50308866

Kson, nyanners, sarui, Michael, wolfychu, pewdiepie, pokimane, lumi(finish), lostpause,Merriweather, leafy bros........

>> No.50308903

>list of shit vtubers to prove the point

>> No.50308955

>Nobody cares about Froot

>> No.50309015

Gen 3 is separate and is full of premade models fishman already had made last year.

>> No.50309051

The apricot is barely talked about but whenever Pink Cat does something it floods the site. Not just /vt/, even /a/ and /b/.

>> No.50309080

VShojo will always be shit as long as they exist. Getting rid of most of the bad actors in it doesn't excuse the fact that Froot is still there and kson deliberately poached henya and will try and poach others. That's why I don't want a Pippa collab. Pippa is acting way to erratic lately.

>> No.50309110
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That's not doxxing anon, you would have to know about it in the first place like posting a poc

>> No.50309218

I remember people being confused about it since Rie said something but yeah it's quite different to the first invaders

>> No.50309296

The Asuka Cosplay Wrestling was Kiara's PL's most traumatic experience (literal sexual assault) so that was in horrible taste.

Who talks about Froot anyway? When it comes to VShojo it's always the pink cat (good riddance). And Pippa lost her previous kino la creatividad when she was a 3view, she's just a react streamer now while Phase is a mess. She'd fit right in.

>> No.50309367

You're right about it being bad taste, and pippa wouldn't be good in vshojo

>> No.50309426

>literally doxxed
How did we move on from "doxxing is when you post personal information online to help a mob harass someone" to "doxxing is when you make a reference to an old video that basically everyone knows"

>> No.50309433

Pippa it's a fucking grifter, idk how anybody likes her.

>> No.50309447

The biggest alphabitch bully (Veibae) is gone as well (good riddance), and Pippa would enjoy the protection of Kson. Hey, Nazuna was a worse menhera.

>> No.50309503

Ask the jannies. I've been banned for saying the word "roommate" before

>> No.50309515

Pippa needs the support structure provided by Phase
Is that just the woman version of Uncle Tom?

>> No.50309658

Because it's not just doxxing, it's bringing up a traumatic event that should have been buried to the public.

>support structure
Kson alone is a billion times more of an effective support structure than the Chinese company. This was the person who saved countless people in Hololive in her PL (Ask Haachama), and even saved fucking Nazuna from suicide. Meanwhile Chinese are just using you. There's a reason Henri and Rylanor made the meme "VTuber Jesus"

>> No.50309659

thot, liar gossiper etc etc, a piece of trash that evens supported other grifters like depressed nousagi, people only defend her for being ´´le epic based chuuba´´, even tho she's now only a reaction content basic bitch

>> No.50309785

Boyfriend connect...

>> No.50309854

ok what can you tell me about Panko?, at this point she seems to be the only decent one.

>> No.50310031

Sorta. Really wish we knew more details about this because we don't know if she got something in return for giving that right away or if she had some sort of option to reclaim it but chose not to.
At the very least she must have known this would happen before signing it up. I do think Sakana should have given her the character anyway just for the sake of PR but perhaps there's a good reason he didn't do that.

>> No.50310076

Sorry that you can't fuck your oshi, anon. Maybe go to offkai it'll be full of 2views and you can probably fuck them in the hotel room. If you're lucky you might even rail a 3view.

>> No.50310211

I don't care.

>> No.50310437

>Because it's not just doxxing, it's bringing up a traumatic event that should have been buried to the public.
Ah I see, "doxxing" now means "literally everything bad"

>> No.50310553
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It makes a certain schizo on twitter have conniptions and I think that's really funny.

>> No.50310670

She cut him off

>> No.50310699

the intention is what counts, she didn't think too much about that during her stream with him didn't she?

>> No.50310729

Again but in English

>> No.50310739

Lmao, I've seen that video some time ago, but didn't know it was her

>> No.50310787

keep enjoying your boring reaction content i guess.

>> No.50310797

I do not care about nyanners that much and I've always long hated vshojo.
You are retarded if you think people on here only disliked vshojo because of her. There are plenty of yabs from that company that doesn't include her at all.

>> No.50310803

canadian chinese

>> No.50310837

Hope you get better at English soon

>> No.50310873

She wasn't the only reason but she was the biggest reason. Remove Nyan and Vei from the equation and VShojo yabs are just on the same level as Nijisanji. Heck, by now Niji did worse.

>> No.50310881

>Vshoujo losing two of their most popular talents is somehow a good thing for them
Lol come on. I hate them but from a business standpoint that was objectively awful.
Until they got Henya the only popular chuuba they had left was Ironmouse. The rest of irrelevant.

>> No.50310905

Kson exists

>> No.50310955

atleast my oshi doesn't need to be a fleshstreamer sidekick to keep a public.

>> No.50310958

She really only has her cult

>> No.50311038

Based on what actually matters for vshojo (profits from merch and such) losing nyanners was one of the worst things that could have ever happened to them. She was one of the best sellers for merch for that company, only ironmouse was better in that regard. I know there's plenty of reasons to dislike her but the reality is that most viewers do not give a shit about her controversies (or for most chuuba controversies for that matter).
And regardless the whole thing doesn't change how vshojo lost 3 chuubas all at once because they kept offering shit contracts to their chuubas. Regardless of who are the ones who left, it wasn't a good look for them that their contract offers ended up being so bad it caused 3 of them to leave.

>> No.50311066

She's literally the second least popular VShojo (out off the ones who actively stream)

>> No.50311068

Kson is not popular

>> No.50311109

>(out off the ones who actively stream)
Which speaking of, there isn't that many of. All the more reason why losing talents so rapidly isn't good for them.

>> No.50311112 [DELETED] 

it seems being a badmouthed bitch wasn't so special when you are surrounded by many others hahaha, atleast she's not a slave tho hahahaha.

>> No.50311159

There's one who basically doesn't stream at all (not in the Gura sense, I mean literally 10 hours a year sense) so I wasn't counting her. The others do. If you mean that there aren't that many members in general, then I would agree.

>> No.50311162

With Pink Cat and Alphabitch out she'll soon regain her status as VTuber Jesus.


>> No.50311209

I think she's happier as a cult leader and her circle of friends

>> No.50311224

zhang? , not supporting the one who basically told her old coworkers they are slaves doesn't mean i care about China retard, i won't ever like her because to some degree she tried to subvert Idol culture, fuck that.

>> No.50311296

no, pink cat and veibae going independent isn't gonna somehow propel kson to stardom
idk how you even think these things are related

>> No.50311458

Kson is not destroying Idol Culture, Hololive destroyed it themselves. Marine did a whore dance on stage, Amelia and Kronii told their gachis to go fuck themselves, and the rest like Gura are lazy dullards. Finally, everyone thirsting for homobeggars. If anything Kiara's the only one left.

>> No.50311471
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Local anonymous posters argue which anime girl simulacra is worthy of attention.

>> No.50311585

Irys and Mumei aren't homo supporters just like Kiara. with Irys i feel meh, and the rest of en can simply fuck off at this point .

>> No.50311618

i meant i feel meh about Fauna not Irys, damn i'm tired but i don't want to sleep also.

>> No.50311643

happy for slug

>> No.50312183

He's crawling back to Kson while ranting anti-China rhetoric again because he believes they stole his lovers Pippa and Flakes from him.

>> No.50313196

>pussy quality scales with views
I like this new world

>> No.50313362

nta, lmao imagine not enjoying being a low view regular, that dude has a /#/ brain rot, is it curable tho?

>> No.50313783 [DELETED] 
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what's going on in australia?

>> No.50313842

What site is this?

>> No.50313935

Our best medical scientists are working on it 24/7 when not watching vtubers. Results are expected in 2 to 4 business years.

>> No.50313942

Kson was already a star BEFORE she joined VShojo. During her indie days she was even known as VTuber Jesus.
Joining VShojo may have damaged her reputation but with the biggest cancers leaving, there is none stopping her from reclaiming that title.

>> No.50315895

More menheras?

>> No.50316274

Actually its kind of smart, bringing in previously failed but talented chuubas and telling everybody who they used to be to get their old fans back.

>> No.50316444

It's a bit dangerous but it can work.
I think it plays to Phase's benefit that the invaders are just a small part of their members so they're unlikely to cause fatal damage even in a worst case scenario.

>> No.50316782

No one will join Invaders anymore when it was exposed as a Chink scam. Now I understand why Sleepy and Kirsche distanced themselves.

>> No.50317459


>> No.50318807

That, but also the fact that they are established and nepo hires by design, rather than 1views who went through auditions

>> No.50318915

Yuri was the only one dumb enough to sell her character, or she just didn't care about it.

>> No.50319080

all perfect examples of people I'd rather never seen vtubing again

>> No.50319118

He once talked about it in an AMA stream with slugma, it's easier to find investors if your company actually owns the IP you're making money with. He also suggested talents may have the option of buying it when they leave, but presumably that only applies to leaving on good terms, not getting terminated like Yuri did

>> No.50319153

Judging by the termination notice it really sounds like she willingly parted with it.
Sure someone's just going to reply to this with ">trusting corporate bullshit" but

>> No.50319313

Motherfucker the last time I saw someone say this while posting this cap it took me a goddamn hour to find out what the fuck it was talking about. Which I only bothered to even do BECAUSE the poster (probably you) made such a big deal over it.
There's even a wrestler CALLED Asuka, you realize?

>> No.50319437

I looked their PLs up yesterday and 2/3 apparently retired over 6 months ago. That probably plays a factor. Lumi & Yuri were still streaming as Lumi & Yuri what, the previous week?
Also the 3rd was >>50306080, so a pre-existing name change apparently.

>> No.50319613

>an old video that basically everyone knows
even in this shithole not everyone knows
and that post up there was on fucking twitter

>> No.50321015

What do you think a twit's first response to reading that would then be?

>> No.50321019

I don't think either of them ever expressed any desire to join

>> No.50321693

So every vtuber who does out in public has done a face reveal now?
Not to mention Slugma has quit vtubing at that point amd is simply attending to her job.

>> No.50321961

No you're right. She disliked it from her cl days. Lumi also said her contract is very different from Yuri so I think she owns her IP

>> No.50322190

>traumatic event
It's a video she signed up to make. She got her 30k yen and was embarrassed afterwards. Hardly a trauma that should be buried forever

>> No.50322678

no way

>> No.50322960

SHE GOT ALMOST RAPED LIVE. It almost made her quit the Idol industry for good, but Hololive saved her.

>> No.50322968

I don't know who they were in the past.

>> No.50323673

Are you really trying to pretend she didn't know what she was signing up for? No amount of regret for whoring herself out makes it anything but her fault

>> No.50323704

So THIS is what they don't want you to know

>> No.50324368

do they hate yuri that much

>> No.50324612

That's how the porn industry work in Japan. Women will do the porn shoot, but not sign any contract. For the express reason that they can later say they never agreed to make it and were pressured into it. All to 'save face' if it's ever discovered later in their life. One of the reasons why lots of JAV is never licensed and distributed in other markets, because of how illegal it is in many countries to pull that shit.

>> No.50324881

Lmao even.
She got dry humped. It's a comedy spot you're taking too personally cuz of the humpee.
Cornette's right; simps are the only marks you can get good old-fashioned heat from nowadays.

>> No.50325205

After the Yuri shitfest absolutely nobody is going to give up their IP to phase connect anymore

>> No.50325534

Add to the fact that her stalker was in the crowd of like 10 people.

>> No.50325820

Lurk a little more, is everywhere

>> No.50326078
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I still have the pages open from when I asked a thread yesterday:
I'd say they made it fairly obvious with the design/gimmick/name choices. Makes me wonder if they literally can't mention their old names for legal reasons though.

>> No.50326133

10/10 worker, she's a natural. I unironically want to see how she'd fare in more serious matches.

>> No.50329522

Yuri most likely traded her copyright for something in exchange, like a bigger cut or all new models/3D paid for by the fish.

>> No.50330201

No, you doxxed Kiara, because I'm pretty sure there's no way anyone would know the Asuka cosplayer is Kiaras RM from that post.

>> No.50330421

Google "asuka wrestling cosplay".
Anyone confused after reading Pippa's tweet would be immediately thrown off the scent.
It's solely faggots who can't shut the fuck up about it that cotton people onto its actual meaning.

>> No.50331249

kfp still seething about pippa huh

>> No.50331543

It's entirely justified to seethe at this of all things

>> No.50332126

More than most other things, probably. Still a nothingburger in the grand scheme.
Like if the complaint was that it's just shitty to acknowledge it happened at all, sure that's a valid gripe. But framing it as OMG DOXX is ludicrous on so many levels and makes the whole thing look like a farce.

>> No.50334313

Do you not realize how stupid you are? So many people, including me, only ever found out about the video because of your constant seething.
You have done so much more to dox Kiara than that vague reference ever did. Nobody who doesn't already know understands that tweet, but everybody understands your 3000 "this tweet was about a chicken where X, Y and Z happened".

You are the one who is doxing her while claiming to be outraged about it.

>> No.50335008


>> No.50335430

>Everyone has a unique contract and Yuri knew what she was signing up for.
Full fucking cope.
I dont give a shit if other talents have a better contract, fact is Yuri got scammed, she trusted the chink man based on word of Pippa and she got fucked.
Also Yuri was 1000% in the right, the more i hear about vtuber company contract revenue split the more pissed off i am, i have no idea how the talents can agree to be taken advantage of so much, her being not happy with the contract was her full right, and him demanding money for what she does out of stream was out of line.
And i legit heard people say "at lest its better than Niijisanji" like its some fucking accomplishment.

And i dont even watch Yuri, i can only imagine how much of a slap in the face was it for her fans.

>> No.50335808

Source on all of this? First I'm hearing of it.

>> No.50335992

How can you negotiate a business contract, sign it, and be angry or surprised when the company does exactly what it says it will in the contract?
It's not like she was coerced into it. It just makes zero fucking sense to me.

>> No.50336029

>haha kfpshats pissing their diaper whenever they see pippa
Meanwhile you do the same when you see her balding goblin head and rotting teeth

>> No.50336163

You mean the Russian brony?

>> No.50336211

Pippa is russian? That explains a lot

>> No.50336339

Source on what?
We know she was terminated over money. And unless she was stealing office supplies from the office they dont have then it was over the revenue split and the groomer under table donations.
Who knows what the details were, but who fucking cares.

Everybody thought invaders are like guest talents in a talent agency, they keep their ips and thats the main way to attract people in the future.
But when things came down PC took her ip from her, and all this retarded talk of PC being a family and better than other corpos went out the window.

No shit, thats why i said they are getting taken advantage of.
Most of them are late teens/early 20ties when they sign up, no work experience and desperate to make it as a vtubber, they are ready to sign anything.
Also Pippa probably sold her some bullshit story how trustworthy the chink man is, spoiler, he wasnt.
Someone signing up a predatory contract dosnt make the contract any better, or PC anything more than another black company the talents cope 24/7 with since "at lest i got something".

>> No.50336411

Some kiwifag spread "Pippa dox" of some balding brony stick person, but reverse image search revealed some Tumblr blog from Russia. Made /pcg/ unusable for a couple weeks.

Of course, Pippa's teeth are fucked by her own admission.

>> No.50336433

Sakana is a bugman? I thought he was Japanese.

>> No.50336481

>We know she was terminated over money
>Everybody thought invaders are like guest talents in a talent agency
>Someone signing up a predatory contract dosnt make the contract any better, or PC anything more than another black company the talents cope 24/7 with since "at lest i got something".
You don't even watch streams

>> No.50336483

never trust zhangs

>> No.50336511

Based on what? You cant name me a single japanese living in Canada

>> No.50336687

>watch it turns out that the two Japanese talents that join Vshojo got their own models turn out to not actually be allowed to keep them.

>> No.50337395

No shit headcannon, nobody could ever expect the talents sign over their ips. Since whats the point then?
And its not my idea ether, its what i heard from every PC fan before the termination. Easy to say after that "obviously they dont get to keep their ips, lol" ...
>You don't even watch streams
I sure do, and i have seen many talents complain about many companies, hell unless you are a fucking tourist you for sure saw the niji drama recently when some contract details leaked.
And why the fuck would vtubbing be any different from any other job to begin with? Normal job you get paid a salary or you charge a set amount per contract with the goal of making money, only on vtubbing a talent has to provide his own shit and then can be fucked over at the end by earning nothing, and then dosnt even get the credit for the job and your coworkers have to pretend you are dead. Memory holed from existence, Stalin would be proud.
What a cancerous industry, rotten to the core.

>> No.50337522

So you're just assuming that Phase Connect is the same as Nijisanji when Nijisanji notably treats.their livers like shit

>> No.50337848

We already know they treated Yuri like shit. There is no reason to assume they stop there
Note how I'm not even mentioning their JP vtubers that have been left in the dirt getting nothing since day 1

>> No.50337948
File: 117 KB, 780x804, 1681500408919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please recognize when certain things you believe in were entirely made up in your head.

>> No.50337953

>at lest its not nijisanji
As i said, just pathetic excuses, PC does sound better, but still bad.
What i especially hate about all those companies is that in any normal industry the company takes the financial risk at the option of taking most of the profit down the line, but in vtubbing its the talents that take all the risks while companies always come out ahead by taking the flat cut on everything and often investing barely anything. If all fails just claim bankruptcy and leave talents triple fucked to sort shit out (CyberLive of a countless other small companies)
Anycolor just fucks everybody at every stage, so im especially baffled how those companies have so many people willing to work for them.

>> No.50338005

>Note how I'm not even mentioning their JP vtubers that have been left in the dirt getting nothing since day 1
delete this post !!
we dont talk about the JP vtubbers, that makes PC look bad, better pretend they dont exist

>> No.50338191
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Unless they give a clear reason and proof of the contract breaking I have 0 reason to believe the company over the vtuber.Phase, nijisanji hololive literally whoever the fuck. It just makes you look like a actual black company like Wactor

>> No.50338215

>investing barely anything
I doubt Niji's model of making the talents pay for literally everything is the norm.
Also the things corporations provide are typically behind the scenes such as management, production and marketing. Not to mention the clout afforded by having an establish brand attached to your name.
Baffling post

>> No.50338274

Shouldn't Fishman refusing to give an answer even though people will think like you be seen as a good thing?

>> No.50338295

Hey, dramanigger, did you know Nano bans people for asking about the situation and told dramaniggers like you to suck a dick? Blow your brains out, faggot.

>> No.50338358

>We already know they treated Yuri like shit
Where's the evidence for this?

>> No.50338394

Congratulations you are a black company then. Nothing changed, that is already what people think of phase in the industry
>death threats
Classic phase fan attack pattern when confronted with anything

>> No.50338405

>signed : Phase connect
>the person making the decision is Fishman
>the person writing this letter is Fishman
>the person Yuri has a disagrement with is ... Fishman

Fishman investigated himself, found he did nothing wrong, fired Yuri and now gets to defame her. Does this fucker work for the FBI?
Imagine shit like this in any other company? They would be sued to the dirt for defamation, not to mention you get one side to say anything.
This letter alone is a proof Phase connect is 100% in the wrong, its such a disrespectful and defaming piece of corporate trash that even fucking Meta or Amazon wouldnt dare to shit this out when they fire someone.

>> No.50338449
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If Phase Connect is so bad, why doesn't Yuri go and spill the fucking beans on being exploited?
Checkmate dramanigger

>> No.50338475

So you're just going to believe your headcanon over a corporate letter and all the remaining talents that have commented on the situation.

>> No.50338508

You are talking to a commieschizo. Last people argued with him, he was constantly moving goalposts and dodging arguments.

>> No.50338514

Yeah, probably wants it all over and signed her sould away to that yellow jew too.
how does that make this >>50337948 and better?

Oh and before you start, i knew this cancer is somewhat a norm for the industry, which makes me hate it that much more.
Also you are replying to multiple people, but i guess in a bootlickers mind anybody who questions the status quo is a terrorist hater.

>> No.50338532

Didnt you just say that she doesn't want to associate with them anymore and is banning you faggots on sight?

>> No.50338547

Last time*

>> No.50338557

This is the catalog. We have to put on a good show.

>> No.50338576

I'm a different anon, and my argument is still valid

>> No.50338664
File: 129 KB, 587x660, henri catalogpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henri you promised me you wouldn't antipost in the catalog anymore.
And /vt/ how could you fall for the machinations of a known seashizo. For shame.

>> No.50338714

>I hope you can realize things aren't black and white in this world and you can love everyone

>> No.50338759
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>> No.50338904

>So you're just going to believe your headcanon over a corporate letter and all the remaining talents that have commented on the situation.
Yes, maybe not my head cannon, i have something most of those girls dont, actual fucking work experience.
I worked in corporations, i know how abusive bosses can be, i know how legal protections for employees look, and i ran my own tiny company with few employees so i know how to be a boss too.
And i would hate that faggot fishman, most abusive bosses are those who do shit for your own good and force you into contracts on promise to "trust them", and if he fucking shit out that letter after firing me? Fucker gonna be dragged through courts for next few years.

Also PC bootlickers wanna pretend everybody who shits on their black company is one and the same person, which is just such a cope lmao.
62 ips you retard, there are more than 2 posters in here

>> No.50339022

You are not a commie schizo. You are THE commie schizo. I recognize you from /pcg/.
>Fucker gonna be dragged through courts for next few years.
This has not happened because?

>> No.50339054

>everyone that disagrees with me is 1 person
>also I'm not a schizo you are

>> No.50339101

Everybody thought or you thought? Stop forcing a narrative. No detail has been revealed regarding the contract or the termination. Anything you say is purely from your head. Did fish reject you as an invader? That why you are seething this much?

>> No.50339106

Yeah, that's the commieschizo >>50338904
>i ran my own tiny company with few employees so i know how to be a boss too.
He was peddling same bullshit last time

>> No.50339172

>a sentence about confirmed contract violations and an unsuccessful attempt to remedy the situation
I'm sure if this was you then your defamation lawsuit would go very well for you.

>> No.50339179

Zero evidence lol. Read the termination notice. Yuri was clearly not treated like shit.

>> No.50339235

Lol you have never worked a single day in your life.

>> No.50339262

>This has not happened because?
Vtubbing is a joke of a job filled with children willing to be fucked up the ass and few enormous corporations who set the rules.
And im anything but a commie, which makes me such variation of work for exposure, this time work for a chance to make it especially pissed off.
Since this is a work, fucking almost full time in some cases.

>> No.50339278

Phaseniggers cant wrap it through their tiny kiwifarms doxfag head that they are universally hated in every corner of the vtubing sphere

>> No.50339350

>hey john you are fired
>can't tell you lol you just are you broke our contract, also we told everyone you are a sex offender good luck getting a job
This is what you sound like

>> No.50339408

Unironically you did.
I was there when the original was posted, and now I'm discovering all this.
It's the most, "if you know you know, if you don't you won't ever" post that there is. Without actual spoon-feeding, it's impossible to know what it's about.

>> No.50339452

Your psychotic obsession with turning this board against Phase Connect can't possibly be marketable

>> No.50339460
File: 123 KB, 800x371, soyyy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you are criticizing my favorite corporation you are a commie
>my favorite company is better than your favorite company
what a time to be alive

>> No.50339568

b-but she agree to it, we cant prove she did, but just trust us, did any company ever lie?

>> No.50339571

Here is what this commie schizo >>50338904
>Workers right and all that crap, i both worked in a large corpo as a high position manager and ran my own business, and im with Yuri on this one. I never fired nobody publicly, i cant wrap my head around this idea, cut contract, put out a bullshit PR spin on how we split on the best terms, thats the norm.
Kek what a larper.

>> No.50339745

How is that commie talk?

>> No.50339773

It's impressive how this is literally the exact opposite of what happened

>> No.50339860

>Who knows what the details were, but who fucking cares.
I appreciate the self-awareness.

>> No.50339885

This whole discussion chain on pcg is your larp.

>> No.50339904

Scroll up and down. Guy was in the thread for multiple days posting the same shit with his argument ultimately boiling down to "corporations bad" since he has nothing to go off of.

>> No.50340171

So... larp? Or commie?
And corporate good? You can like capitalism and not like corporate structure, especially Japanese one that is infamous for employee abuse. Just look at all the drama around anime animators working to death.
Again, what makes it communist. Or you like throwing around random buzzwords?

>> No.50340235

Hakushika Iori

>> No.50340314

Yes, larp. You makes up stories and preach false beliefs for attention.

>> No.50340370

Because she's at risk of getting sued with every retard asking her about it.

>> No.50340464

Or maybe she did something bad and has no excuses.

>> No.50340496

Then its grifting at most, and not ever that since you gain nothing by being anonymous, its just trolling i guess.
Where does the commie/marxists part come in? Seems to me its you who are just throwing around random labels you dont believe in, literally what you accuse others of.

>> No.50340576

This is a Phase Connect board. You're not welcome here.

>> No.50340579

maybe, and maybe aliens came from the moon and said if she wont get terminated they will blow up the earth
but guess what sounds more believable? that another black company does black company shit

>> No.50340718

You are an attention whore, who larps as a commie. Obviously, shitting on corpos doesn't make you a commie, but it's easier to attach this name tag to you for recognition purposes.

>> No.50340802

>Its for the greater good to say what i dont believe in
Your one to talk, lmao, talk about commie talk.

>> No.50340891

Welcome to 4chan. If you make yourself known, people attach names to you.

>> No.50340931

It's just a loving moniker. What's important is that he has literally nothing to argue off of.

>> No.50341570

And yet every single one of them is still with the company.

>> No.50341761

Get a fucking grip phaseniggers,assuming you arent newfags we all know you found this in some dox thread in 2020, and we all know pippa didn't find this random nico nico vid in a 2018 /jp/ thread. Pippa publicly talked about not only past life, but a past sexual assault video of a vtuber, if my oshi did that i'd drop her in a second.

>> No.50342027


>> No.50342272

Anon, you're not John. You're some rando customer.
If you walk into a store, notice that they got a new cashier and demand that the owner explain to you in detail why John isn't working there anymore, what do you think is gonna happen?

>> No.50342315

Which vtuber was sexually assaulted in their past life?

>> No.50342335

so you’re saying we have to make lumi yab so hard that she gets terminated then we never have to see that ugly yellow veibae model again

>> No.50343038

probably most of them honestly, so many of them are dumb

>> No.50343231

Nope, Lumi isn't an idiot and pays for all her assets via lemon theft.
Only Yuri was poor and dumb enough to sign over herself for an ewhore remodel she ended up hating when it didn't bring big numbers.
Gliese 6667C will shine on into the future while the Lepr wasn't a Real Cat™ after all.

>> No.50345023

Maybe Yuri had the option to buy it, but just didn't want it. It's pretty plausible actually. She hated her old models because they were tainted by her experience with CL, and the new one she got in Phase was very poorly received by her fans. She might have just wanted a fresh start altogether.

>> No.50345248

Phase Invaders? More like Sex Invaders. Did you see those debuts? JESAS

>> No.50345487

Kirsche absolutely did want to join at one point. She talked about trying to get into Phase constantly in her early collabs with Pippa. Asking her for advice, how to get on Fishman's good side, etc.
Then she recently explicitly said she has no interest in joining any corpos anymore, due to "the events of the last month".
Idk about Sleepy tho.

>> No.50345534

Oh she was obviously referring to Kiara. Nobody's arguing that she wasn't. It was an edgy shock-humor reference to make and thinking she's a shitheel for making it is its own separate discussion.
That wasn't the accusation. The accusation was that she "doxxed" Kiara by maknig said VERY vague reference. Which is utterly retarded. Especially since I (and apparently several others, who also haven't been spending every day here since 2020) only even know the details BECAUSE you keep screeching DOX and calling attention to it being a reference to something specific.

>> No.50346478

English reps, onegai

>> No.50346678

Newfag here, link?

>> No.50346779


>> No.50346829


>> No.50346963
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>> No.50347491

Funny it's not even the right person, I think wings of redemption was behind/supporting/organizer for that one

>> No.50347716

Do you mean Ethan Ralph? He had a whole arc on Pippa after she made fun of him getting his ass kicked (the first time) in Portugal. I don't recall Wings ever being involved with any of this, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

>> No.50347969

I think you're right

>> No.50348068

Okay, they're both fat retards so it's not that hard to mix them up. At least Wings has won a fight.

>> No.50349579

Kirsche's entire gimmick is giving hot takes about current events and then possibly remembering to play a game after a few hours. She'd never be allowed to court actual controversy like that at any corp and must have been aware of that; even Phase where things have tightened up since the days of Gunt baiting and CWC deep dives.
She got more than enough benefit simply being an aggressive orbiter and can now double dip by hitching herself to the Nano situation until that stops generating views.

>> No.50354267

Thanks for reminding me I still need to clip the explanation about why Kirsche doesn't want to join phase any more.

>> No.50355039

>implying /pcg/ isn't always unusable

>> No.50356444

the absolute state of /vt/

>> No.50356517

>pewdiepie, pokimane
I hope someone falls for this bait

>> No.50357069

You don't even know why Tsunderia failed. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.50357125

Its not doxing. Its in incredibly poor taste but is isn't doxing.

>> No.50358823

I miss marzia

>> No.50359066
File: 76 KB, 611x515, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you replying with kiara handle and doxing her henri?

>> No.50361274
File: 80 KB, 960x540, IMG_5649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henri you are a bitch.

>mfw Henri posts or tweets anything

>> No.50366332


>> No.50367448

They took terminated and took Yuri's IP after her contract was already up.
April 13th we got her and Lumi's debut teaser, April 15th they debuted. Yuri was active until around April 16/17th of this year before her disappearance leading up to termination.
I don't think management would let talents debut without a signed contract. And we know the contract was only a year long because Lumi and Yuri discussed that they were planning to sign contracts again during their anniversary stream on April 15th.
These dates matter a lot and aren't discussed enough, I hope you can see what I'm seeing.

>> No.50368356

Except the point is to cross-promote for Phase Connect by bringing your own audience into the company

>> No.50368449

trying to turn this into a yab is so boring when literally every corpo chuba has done worse to their own genmates... this is the weakest of yabs

>> No.50368855

I don't think the jps consider phase a full time thing. sakana is fine with it since michiru was free to abandon her youtube channel for a while and nasa is gone most of the time

>> No.50368858

But the rrats are hungry

>> No.50370689

No, Yuri hates herself often.

>> No.50371691

more like yuri hates streaming

Why put in work when simps will send you cash just to get in your DMs?

>> No.50372648

this genuinely does not happen

>> No.50372797
File: 39 KB, 480x403, brother what is the source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you absolute buffoon.
I know you're not a newfag because of how low down on the catalog this thread was, so how do you not know that this happens ALL THE DAMN TIME?
not to mention ESPECIALLY with vtubers?

>> No.50375745


>> No.50376645

That's a very fancy and corporate way to simply say the word "scam"

>> No.50376931

The "cross-" means it goes both ways, nigger, a scam would be if they got nothing in exchange which they obviously did since they signed on.

>> No.50377410
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You can find him pretty easy by looking up phase connect on linkden and stuff.

>> No.50377676

You forgot to mention the part where the corporate letter states that after seven days of packing her shit up her farewell vid will only be left up for barely a day if that. Meaning they turbo graduated her with vengeance. Most people didn’t even get to see the farewell vid because they pulled the trigger so quickly. It’s literally scheduled for the same day she gets yeeted. But they put it the night before to make it seem like a longer period of time.

Not really helping your case that something extreme wasn’t going on. Way I see it, either she did something more than just financially to fuck up that was severe enough for fish man to take the loss and bury this as fast as possible even knowing it would stir drama, or this was a public execution meant to send a message to the other talents.

>> No.50377884

Now that I think about it, it's kinda simple: this batch of invaders has new models and names because none of them were currently active vtubers - unlike Lumi and Yuri, who went indie for a little while after escaping Cyberlive and then were integrated into PC.
>why not make them part of gen 3 then?
Probably because gen 3 is already fully lined up, And also probably because, due to how these three were already in close contact with the company (Dizzy was literally already working for them, for example), none of them went through the corp's auditions. I could say they were scouted, but that wouldn't be correct either.
>why the new models and identities then?
Who knows, maybe the girls themselves wanted them given how they weren't vtubing?
>but Yuri-
Do you really think someone can just shit out a full rigging like these in two weeks?
The way her case was brought up in the termination notice, and its aftermath as well all lead to believing that Yuri's departure happened in friendly enough terms, and perhaps even that she was the one who wanted to give up on being Yuri. Unless you really want to force your headcanon while being blind to anything that goes against it.

Case fucking closed. Looking forward to Invaders 3 later in the year, this time with people who are actively vtubing.

>> No.50378086

>invaders 3
Expect that we will never be seeing Kirsche, Sleepy or Shondo anymore, because it had been made clear that if you join Invaders, you forsake your IP to the Chinaman. It will all be a bunch of desperate 2views.

>> No.50379331

Azur lane collab when?

>> No.50380092

Cross-promoting is bullshit if you don't have insurance (owning your previous IP) because the chinaman can execute you anytime

>> No.50380128

Hololive owns this board retard

>> No.50380821

>told her old coworkers they are slaves
She's speaking from experience so it may be a case of confirmation bias. She was banishment roomed, and even prohibited from even collabing with HoloEN, the branch SHE created (most likely by Omegatranny)

>> No.50382433

The Yuri fallout made it sure that Kirsche will never ever join, not in a million years. Even Pippa is no longer giving the hot tangents that brought her to popularity in the first place.

>> No.50382437

RIP Phase3

>> No.50382522

Fishman made Invaders into Phase3. He dropped the "join with your IP" act.

>> No.50384319

The stinks of seething estrogens on this thread is so strong
You will never be a vtuber, sister

>> No.50385982

And that bigger cut got cut when she got kicked out. If you own a model, don't sell it. Always have insurance.

>> No.50387459

"Nano" posted links to donation sites that are still under the name of "Yuri" but aren't the ones from when she was in PC or CL, lends credit to the theory these were her under the table donation accounts and she was fired over bypassing fishmans cut. Especially since the other girls have gotten away with way bigger yabs and money is like the one thing he gives a rats ass about.

>> No.50388383

>let's invite failures from a failure company
>The concept of invaders is retarded
even holoJP has done it, it works.

>> No.50388606

Didn't Kson say Nazuna owns her model?

>> No.50389802

What did you expect? Zhangs

>> No.50392323

>And yet every single one of them is still with the company.
So is everybody in Niji despite a PR disaster after PR disaster and some of the disgraceful and predatory contract details we heard so far.

What you expect? Its third world poorfags, children and desperate neets, they arent leaving.

>> No.50392669

>Kirsche's entire gimmick is giving hot takes about current events and then possibly remembering to play a game after a few hours.
We have a term for that. Truth.
Kirsche dosnt play pretend an idol like a loot of bugmen, she actually acts like a real person and not like text to voice AI.
If Kirsche was shocked by what PC did to Yuri, they it must have been bad, that chick is hardcore, not easy to shake her.

>She got more than enough benefit simply being an aggressive orbiter and can now double dip by hitching herself to the Nano situation until that stops generating views.
Being in the vtubbing sphere is all about networking, both on and off stream, hell you have girls like boa, numi and yuzu literally going to cons together, and it works, they are really big for indies.
Every person who says orbiter unironically is fucking brain dead.

>> No.50392803

If this is correct then its 100x more scummy by PC.
Announcing it as a termination yet not signing her contract is pure spite and just wanting to destroy her reputation.

>> No.50393713

There's no point of her using it after she leaves vshitshow, nobody cares about Nazuna. It was always going to fail as long as she is forced to use Twitch.

>> No.50395626

>So is everybody in Niji
Oh, really? Cool, you must be following a different Niji than me. The one I know had its latest graduation just yesterday.
Can you link me to this Niji of yours that has never had any graduations?

>> No.50399659


>> No.50399760

Stop samefagging. You have no idea how contracts work. If the infraction took place during the contracted term even after the contract period has expired, the contractor is still liable. Please get educated first before embarrassing yourself further. If PC wanted to ruin her reputation, they could have just come out and announced the reason for her termination. We have seen enough clues in the other PC girls that Yuri fucked up big time.

>> No.50404814


>> No.50405135 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't trust anything kson says at this point in time.

>> No.50408900

don't you have some fish dick to slobber on? get to work, fag.

>> No.50411513

Phase Connect did good not doing a Nijisanji and ruining her reputation even at the cost of their own.
But I think they should have given her the Yuri character back too.
So I can only consider Phase Connect good but not great.
At least let her keep the models she already owned.

>> No.50414543


>> No.50417906

The blue loli is good.

>> No.50422782
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you fucking wish, phasenigger

>> No.50422785

Glad you like her

>> No.50425200

No they didnt tell steve(you), which is from another building, a massive dramafaggot and has no relation to both parties.

>> No.50425399

It wasnt by a kiwifag it was by the pigman she made fun for having his man purse stolen in portugal, but they did archived that it

>> No.50428407
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>> No.50431059

>Fishman you zhang did you just give up?
seems so

>> No.50433905

Fuck off phasenigger

>> No.50434284

cute cotton candy mascot

>> No.50434781

It doesnt matter Pippa will save the company

>> No.50435039

>save the company
>went from kino la creatividad to a twitch tier react streamer
You either die a hero or live long enough tosee yourself become a villain

>> No.50436620

Take your meds Henri, rectally.

>> No.50439533

>I don't really mind but it is kinda confusing,
same and true

>> No.50439605

How in the actual fuck is this thread still alive? It's 2 days old, let it go already

>> No.50441533

Fishman dropped the act and admitted that he owns Invaders IPs. Explains why Phase Friends like Kirsche won't join.

>> No.50441648

>"Okay here are your contracts. Sign over your character IP rights to me."
Seriously, gives proofs about this being how it went down. Lumi saying she owns her IP completely tells me you're dreamposting.

>> No.50441734

kirsche wants to continue being an edgelord, why would she join?

>> No.50442167

What happened to Yuri.

>> No.50442227

it's ok when it's my corpo

>> No.50442728

dosnt count, yuri for sure deserved it
now post some actual evidence

>> No.50443016

Panko doesn't have a boyfriend, she went on a short break last week and spent her days posting on twitter and watching netflix.

>> No.50443285

He didn't drop the act. He has been clear since fucking day one that he NEEDS to own the IP. Anyone complaining about it now is a fucking newfag, never watched streams, asshurt femnon/artist.

>> No.50443714

>writing a post with a fish jammed up your ass

>> No.50443971

The problem is that he advertised Invaders as VShojo lite and we all fell for it. This is black company tier. THAT'S the ultimate explanation why the people /pcg/ wanted to join, won't. In the end Invaders is just Gen 3 (or 2.5). Now everyone knows the truth.
